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Research Proposal | 1


Accordi According ng to the educat education ional al psycho psychology logy,, learni learning ng is a cognit cognitive ive proces processs of  acquiring new skills, values, preferences or understanding. It depends upon learner’s experience that leads him to long-term changes in his behavioural potential. As the learne learners’ rs’ experien experience ce varies varies,, the develop developmen mentt of cognit cognitive ive abilit abilities ies and the learni learning ng achievements among the learners also differ. These variations not only provide diversity in a classroom where the teacher has to be aware of different learners’ specific needs, but also create problems for the learners. Especially in a foreign language classroom having multi-ling multi-lingual ual and multi-cult multi-cultural ural learners, learners, the learners learners develop develop certain certain psychologica psychologicall  barriers against learning a particular language in response to various cultural, social and racial differences. The researcher has noticed this phenomenon in the classrooms of  Government College Shakargarh, where the learners from rural background feel much difficulty in learning English language as compared to urban learners. Shakargarh, the headquarters of Shakargarh Tehsil, is a city in the north-east of  Pakistan in Narowal District of Punjab province. It is situated at the west bank of the Ravi Ravi Rive River. r. Acco Accord rdin ing g to the the 1998 1998 cens census us,, its its only only 12.1 12.11% 1% popul populat atio ion n is urba urban n1. Moreover, the Tehsil has only one Government College for boys, yet it is known for the highest literacy rate of all Pakistan tehsils i.e., 52.65%2. However, the researcher noticed that in spite of studying English as a subject up to the graduation level, these learners feel hesitant and shy in using English for communication. Even if their language structure is good and they are competent in written expression of English, they cannot speak and comprehend the language. They usually stammer, mumble and even commit syntactic  blunders while speaking, and feel totally blank when listening to English speech. They seem to be in awe of the English language that seems to be the result of the psychological  pressures they feel while learning and using it.

Research Proposal | 2 The researcher wants to identify the psychological factors that are erecting these  barriers in the way of effective English language learning among the rural learners of  Shakargarh. 1.2 STATEMENT



The learners of the government college Shakargarh, who come from the rural areas and suburbs, cannot learn and produce the English language effectively. They hesi hesitat tatee and stam stamme merr, and and face face prob proble lem m in expre express ssin ing g them themse selv lves es as well well as in understanding others.

1.3 RESEARCH   QUESTION Why do the rural learners feel difficulty in communicating in English? Is there any psychological factor involved which might cause these problems?

1.4 DELIMITATION The researcher has delimited his research to the psychological problems faced by the rural learners of Shakargarh while speaking English.

1.5 OBJECTIVES The researcher wants to: 1. Find Find out the psyc psycho holo logi gica call probl problem emss face faced d by the the lear learne ners rs of Engl Englis ish h language who come from the rural area of Shakargarh 2. To point point out out the causes of these these psycho psychologic logical al problems problems 3. To reco recomm mmend end cert certai ain n benef benefic icia iall or reme remedi dial al peda pedagog gogic ic stra strate tegi gies es for  for  language teachers dealing with such students

Research Proposal | 3


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Almost 67.5 %3 population of Pakistan lives in villages and rural areas where they

do not have ample opportunities to learn English. Due to this, many students encounter   problems when they move to an urban setting for the purpose of getting higher education or jobs, and thus they turn to avail some language courses to improve their English. However, it is not an easy task for them to overcome their deep rooted inhibitions and insecurities which cause further psychological problems for them. This research will help the language teachers to understand the difficulties faced by such learners. In this way, the teachers will be able to take certain effective measures to eradicate the setbacks in language learning by helping their students from rural background in overcoming their   psychological problems.

Research Proposal | 4

END NOTES 1. http:/ http://ww /www.s w.stat tatpak. pk/ 2. http:/ http://en /en.wi .wikip kipedi edia.o rg/wiki wiki/Sh /Shaka akarga rgarh rh 3. http:/ http://ww /www.s w.stat tatpak. pk/

Research Proposal | 5


Second language learning is not a simple fete. It can be very stressful at times. The psychological impacts of positive or negative attitudes from the surrounding society can be critical. That is why it requires constant and conscious effort on the part of the learner to overcome various psychological hindrances. One important aspect among these negative feelings is the fear of being wrong and ridiculed. As according to Dr. Riaz Hassan, “Perhaps nothing inhibited non-native speakers from using English or generated resentment for the language more than the fear of being corrected or ridiculed every time they open their mouth.” This This fear fear is actu actual ally ly a resu result lt of the the “psy “psych chol olog ogic ical al disl disloc ocat atio ions ns gene genera rate ted d by imperialism”. He further says that “The “The anxi anxiet ety y gener generat ated ed by this this neur neuros osis is is the the prim primee inhibitor, first, of attempts to learn English language, and second, of attempts to use it in a natural meaningful way as a vehicle of thought. The ‘how’ of an utterance is forever  interfering with its ‘what’.” The researcher thinks that learning disequilibrium in the second language learners is create created d due to variou variouss sociosocio-cul cultur tural al influe influence nces. s. As a result result,, they they face face differ different ent   psych psycholo ologic gical al proble problems ms in both both writt written en and spoken spoken languag language. e. These These proble problems ms may include hesitation, escapism, lack of confidence, stammering, mumbling, tongue slips, spelling mistakes, syntactic errors etc.

Research Proposal | 6

Research Proposal | 7

END NOTES 1. Dr. Riaz Hassan. Hassan. 2004. Remaking English in Pakistan. Pakistan. (National University University of 

Modern Languages Press, Islamabad) pp.05 2. Ibid., pp.06

Research Proposal | 8



The researcher is foreseeing to adopt a combination of qualitative and quantitative model of research which can provide with the basic findings as well as its ap plications. 1.1 RESEARCH DESIGN

Qualitative and a quantitative research paradigm are selected for the purpose of  this research. 1.2 POPULATION

The The popul populat atio ion n of this this rese resear arch ch will will be the the teac teache hers rs and and stud student entss of the the Government Degree College, Shakargarh; Railway Road. 1.3 SAMPLE

The The samp sample le of this this rese resear arch ch will will be 10 teac teacher herss and and 30 stud studen ents ts of under  under  graduation level. 1.4 RESEARCH TOOLS

The researcher will use the following research tools: A. Su Surv rvey ey Too Tools ls::

a. The resear researche cherr will use Semi-st Semi-struc ructur tured ed Intervi Interview ew for 15 teacher teacherss as it will be convenient and fruitful to know of their point of views in detail.   b. b. The The rese resear arch cher er will will use use Clos Closed ed-e -end nded ed Ques Questi tion onna nair iree for for the the students to get statistical data for analysis.

Research Proposal | 9 1.5 DATA



Data will be collected through various survey and field-

study tools as mentioned above. 

The analysis will be presented in the form of tabular charts

and percentage graphs.

Research Proposal | 10




For the presentation of data and data analysis, tabular charts will be used. Key


Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Agree % % % % %

Agree % % % % %

Uncertain % % % % %



% % % % %

Disagree % % % % %

Research Proposal | 11


By the end of this research the researcher hopes to bring to find out various  psychological problems which learners of English who come from the area of Shakargarh face when they come to urban areas for improving their English as well as getting higher  education or jobs; and also to make some suggestions for the language teachers dealing with such students which will improve the teaching/learning environment in the language classroom and at the same time help these students to overcome their complexes and insecurities.

Research Proposal | 12

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