Research Methodology Chapter 1.ppt

December 17, 2018 | Author: Wan Na Prommanop | Category: Evaluation, Scientific Method, Drink, Learning, Science
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Business Research Methods 9e Zikmund Babin Carr Griffin

 !he Role Role o" #usiness Research Chapter 1

The Role of Business Research

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1. $nderstand ho research contributes to business success 2. %no ho to de&ne business research 3. $nderstand the di'erence beteen basic and applied business research (. $nderstand ho research activities can be used to address business decisions ). %no hen business research should and should not be conducted *. Appreciate the ay technology and internationali+ation are changing business research

-/ its a oe Run  -/ has in"oration in any databases.  #usiness research integrated it so they could learn ore about ho "ans use their edia.  4aining intelligence had bottoline iplications "or their on revenue and their advertisers5

#usiness Research 7e&ned  #usiness research is the application o" the scienti&c ethod in searching "or the truth about business phenoena.  !he process includes8 •

idea and theory development  •  problem defnition • searching or and collecting inormation • analyzing data • communicating the fndings and their implications

#usiness Research 7e&ned  !his de&nition suggests that business research in"oration is8 • • • •

not intuitive or haphazardly gathered accurate and objective relevant to all aspects o the business limited by one’s defnition o business

 ot"orpro&t organi+ations and governental agencies can use research in uch the sae as as anagers in "orpro&t organi+ations.

Applied and #asic #usiness Research  Applied business research •

conducted to address a specifc business decision or a specifc frm or organization. Example: 9 hould Mc7onald:s add ;talian pasta dinners to its enu< 9 =hich health insurance plan should a business provide "or its eployees<

Applied and #asic #usiness Research  #asic business research ?also called pure research@ •

conducted without a specifc decision in mind that usually does not address the needs o a specifc organization. 9 Attepts to epand the liits o" Bnoledge in general. 9 ot aied at solving a pragatic proble.

Example: 9 7o consuers eperience cognitive dissonance in loinvolveent situations< 9 7oes eployee tenure ith a copany inuence productivity<

 !he cienti&c Method  cienti&c Method •

The way researchers go about using nowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world. The analysis and interpretation o empirical evidence !acts rom observation or experimentation" to confrm or disprove prior conceptions

A uary o" the cienti&c Method


Managerial Falue o" #usiness Research  !here are only a "e business orientations8 • •

#roduct$oriented #roduction$oriented


Managerial Falue o" #usiness Research 

 !he decisionaBing process associated ith the developent and ipleentation o" a business strategy involves "our interrelated stages8 &. 'dentiying problems and opportunities (. )iagnosing and assessing problems or opportunities *. +electing and implementing a course o action ,. Evaluating the course o action

-valuating the Course o" Actions  -valuation Research •

The ormal- objective measurement and appraisal o the extent a given activity- project- or program has achieved its objectives.

 /er"orance Monitoring Research •

esearch that regularly- sometimes routinely- provides eedbac or evaluation and control o business activity.

=hen is #usiness Research eeded<  !he deterination o" the need "or research centers on8 &. (. *. ,.

Time constraints The availability o data The nature o the decision to be made /enefts versus costs !the value o the research inormation in relation to costs" 9

=ill the payo' or rate o" return be orth the investent<


=ill the in"oration iprove the Guality o" the anagerial decision enough to arrant the ependiture<


;s the ependiture the best use o" the available "unds<

arley7avidson 4oes Abroad  Consuers in di'erent countries have di'erent pre"erences.  -ven i" consuers ant it, governent regulations can aBe it prohibitive ?e.g., ;ndia@.  arley is pursuing the $.. oen:s arBet "or biBes.

#usiness Class uccess<  #usinessclass travelers ant co"ort, good "ood, and convenient boarding, but the price is he"ty.   !o startups o'ered HdiscountI business classonly airlines but "ailed.  Could ore e'ective research have deterined that these ere not "easible business ventures<

#usiness Research in the 21st Century  Counication !echnologies •  0lways

1connected23time- place- and distance are irrelevant.

)ecreases in inormation ac4uisitionstorage- access- and transmission costs.

#usiness Research in the 21st Century  4lobal #usiness Research • • •

/usiness research is increasingly global. %ust understand the nature o  particular marets. 5ross$validation 9 Feri"y that the epirical &ndings "ro one culture also eist and behave siilarly in another culture.

HJacGuesI 7aniels  Research &ndings8 •

 Japanese use J7 as a dinner beverage • Australian:s drinB distilled spirits at hoe • •

#ritish liBe to drinB at bars and restaurants Chinese pre"er HBnocBo'sI to save oney and enKoy it ith green tea

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