This is on of my assignment for the research management subject....
Question 1 Schematically depict the operational definition of the concept of stress and develop 10 questions that would measure stress.
1) They will will demoraliz demoralizee if too too much pressur pressuree they have have to handle. handle. 2) Some group group will will only only work work under under a stres stresss situation. situation. 3) They have have a tendency tendency to burn burn out if if they had a worklo workload. ad. 4) They a bit felt felt boring boring if if they work is is under load.
Therefore we can take for granted the stress is a reason that can affect employee performance in term motivating and demoralizing de moralizing the employee at work and also stress can affect the feeling that the employee experience boring and burnout. Question on measuring stress
1) Have you you been easy to to control control my temper at all times? times? 2) Did you you felt useless useless or worthl worthless ess as a person? person? 3) Do you you have feel feeling ingss of fear fear or even even panic panic?? 4) Do you you felt felt run run down down and and worn worn out? out? 5) Do you you felt felt angry angry with with yourse yourself? lf? 6) Have Have you you been been able able to slee sleep p well? well? 7) Do you felt felt quite angry angry inside inside ... "got at", let down, down, or frustra frustrated... ted...'? '? 8) Do you you felt felt positi positive ve about about your yoursel self? f? 9) Do you you found found it easy easy to to unwind unwind and and relax? relax? 10) Do you been uptight, especially in your neck, back, or limbs? limbs?
Question 2 Schematically depict the operational definition of the concept for enriched job and develop 12 items to measure it.
1) The job job has has enlar enlarged ged in in responsi responsibilit bilities. ies. 2) The employee employee will will be working working around the the clock since since the work work load is increas increasee 3) The increase increase in responsibi responsibilitie lities, s, causing causing the employee employee to feel more more stress 4) The increase increase in responsibi responsibilitie lities, s, make them feel feel that they their their job are are significant significant 5) The enrichment enrichment of job, increase increase the the task identity identity for the employ employee. ee.
Question on measuring the job enrichment
1) Do you you given given special special authority authority in your your job? job? 2) Are you you always always being being the the leader leader for your work work group? group? 3) Do you you feel in increas increasee of responsibi responsibilitie lities? s? 4) Do you you think think your your task task is sign signifi ificant cant?? 5) Do you you feel feel the job job autonom autonomy y has incr increas ease? e? 6) Do you always always do the job job differenc differencee from what what you you should done? 7) Had trou trouble ble with with job envi environm ronment ent?? 8) Had sign signifi ificant cant succe success ss in in the job? job? 9) Does Does your your company company enlar enlarge ge in worklo workload? ad? 10) Do you feel your task is different different from the other? 11) Increase in responsibilities 12) decrease in responsibilities responsibilities
Question 3 Develop and ordinal scale for consumer preference for the different brand of beer. Brand of beer
Question 4 Measure 3 variable on an interval scale.
Strongly disagree (1)
disagree (2)
neither agree nor disagree (3)
agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
My job offer me a chance to test my abilities
1 2 3 4 5
Mastering the job is meant a lot to me
1 2 3 4 5
Doing the job is very rewarding
1 2 3 4 5
Considering the job and time, it is worth it
1 2 3 4 5
Question 5
Mention one variable for each of the four scales in the context of a market survey, and explain how or why it would fit into the scale.
1. Nominal Scale
-Divide the 2 major categories of the consumer consu mer.. E.g.: based on their gender. (Male & female)
From the 2 groups that we had created, we will know the most majority groups that bought our product.
Variables (gender)
2. Ordinal Scale
Are used to rank the preferences or usage of various products.
If we are fast food Company, we must do this to see our product compare to other product. KFC
Variables (other fast food company)
3. Interval Scale
responses to various items that measure a variable can be tapped on a five pointes
variables (consumers feelings about our product) Ex: price, how to get the food, advertising and the popularity popu larity..
We will know the consumers opinion about our product and we can improve our product.
4. Ratio Scale
to define the numbers of consumers
variables (age)
The stage of age the use of our product.
Question 6 Attempt to delineate the dimensions and elements of the concepts “intangible assets” of an organization .
Concept: “Intangible assets” of an organization Dimension and elements: 1) Huma Human n Capi Capittal a) Skills b) Training c) Knowledg edge 2) Info Inform rmat atio ion n Capi Capita tall a) Systems b) Databas base c) Networks 3) Organ Organiz izat atio ional nal Capi Capita tall
a) Culture b) b) Lead Leader ersh shiip c) Alignme nment d) Teamw amwork
1. Use of the Interval scale Strongly disagree 1
Neither one
Strongly agree
1. My training is given based on the knowledge that I have in this work. (1)
2. Teamwork is the main culture in this organization, what is your opinion? (1)
3. Is this organization fulfilling the requirement for MS ISO? (1)
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