G.R. No. L-18841 L-18841 January 27, 27, 1969 1969 REPUBLIC OF TE PILIPPINE! vs. PILIPPINE LONG "I!T#NCE TELEPONE CO$P#N%
FACTS: The Bureau of Telecommunications set up its own Government Telephone System by utilizing its own appropriation an e!uipment an by renting trun" lines of the #$%T tenable government o&ces to call private parties. Their subscription agreement prohibits the public use of the service furnishe the telephone subscriber for his private use. The Bureau Bureau has e'tene e'tene its services to the general public since ()*+, using the same trun" lines owne by, an rente from, the #$%T, an prescribing its -the Bureaus/ own scheule of rates. 0n 1 April ()2+, the efenant #hilippine $ong %istance Telephone Company, complaine to the Bureau of Telecommunications that sai bureau was violating the conitions uner which their #rivate Branch 3'change -#B4/ is inter5connecte with the #$%Ts facilities, referring to the rente trun" lines, for the Bureau ha use the trun" lines not only for the use of government o&ces but even to serve private persons or the general public, in competition with the business of the #$%T. Soon after, it isconnecte the trun" lines being rente by the Bureau. 6epublic commence suit against the efenant, in the Court of First 7nstance of 8anila, praying in its complaint for 9ugment commaning the #$%T to e'ecute e'ecute a contract with plainti, through the Bureau, for the use of the facilities of efenants telephone system throughout the #hilippines uner such terms an conitions as the court might consier reasonable, an for a writ of preliminary in9unction against the efenant company to restrain the severance of the e'isting telephone connections an;or restore those severe. 7SS
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