September 20, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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REPUBLIC V MANGOTARA Facts: (Long and confusing case ! conso"idated cases ste##ed f$o# t%e &'& case of Cac%o )* )* Go)e$n#ent of t%e United +tates (&'& Cac%o case* &'& Cac%o Case In t%e ea$", &'--s. t%e "ate /ona /e#et$ia a00"ied fo$ t%e $egist$ation of 1 0a$ce"s of "and in t%e Munici0a"it, of I"igan. Mo$o P$o)ince (no2 ca""ed I"igan Cit,. Lanao /e" No$te* On", t%e Go)e$n#ent o00osed /o3a /e#et$ia4s a00"ications fo$ $egist$ation on t%e g$ound t%at t%e t2o 0a$ce"s of "and 2e$e t%e 0$o0e$t, of t%e United +tates and fo$#ed 0a$t of a #i"ita$, $ese$)ation. gene$a"", 5no2n as Ca#0 O)e$ton* T%e "and $egist$ation cou$t $u"ed t%at t%e a00"icant /o3a /e#et$ia Cac%o is o2ne$ of t%e 0o$tion of "and occu0ied and 0"anted 6, t%e deceased /atto Anandog on",7 and %e$ a00"ication as to a"" t%e $est of t%e "and so"icited in said case is denied* Mo$eo)e$. t%e a00"icant s%ou"d 0$esent t%e co$$es0onding co$$es0onding deed f$o# /atto /a$ondon on o$ 6efo$e t%e a6o)e8#entioned 9-t% da, of Ma$c%. &'&9* Fina" decision in t%ese cases is $ese$)ed unti" t%e 0$esentation of t%e said deed and t%e ne2 0"an* /issatised. /o3a /e#et$ia a00ea"ed to t%e +u0$e#e Cou$t* +C a;$#ed t%e LRC /ecision* udg#ent t%at %ad 6eco#e na"* CA $e)e$sed t%e RTC /ecision* Teo"o a00ea"ed to t%e +C* T%e +C $e)e$sed t%e  >udg#ent of t%e CA and $einstated t%e decision decision of t%e RT RTC a00$o)ing t%e t%e $e8issuance of /ec$ee Nos* &-9= and &ect of t%e case. Re0u6"ic "ed 2it% t%e RTC a Motion fo$ Lea)e to Fi"e +u00"e#enta" Co#0"aint and to Ad#it t%e Attac%ed +u00"e#enta" Co#0"aint. see5ing to i#0"ead Teo"o Cac%o and /e#et$ia Vida" and t%ei$ $es0ecti)e successo$s8in8inte$est. LAN/TRA/E and AIMUT?* ?o2e)e$. t%e RTC denied t%e Motion of t%e Re0u6"ic fo$ "ea)e to "e and to ad#it its +u00"e#enta" Co#0"aint* RTC ag$eed 2it% MCFC t%at t%e Re0u6"ic did not "e an, #otion fo$ eecution of t%e >udg#ent of t%is Cou$t in t%e I+A case* +ince no suc% #otion fo$ eecution %ad 6een "ed 2it%in t%e 0$esc$i0ti)e 0e$iod of H ,ea$s. RTC $u"ed t%at its O$de$ dated No)e#6e$ &=. 1--&. 2%ic% eDected t%e su6stitution of t%e Re0u6"ic fo$ I+A as 0"aintiD in t%e case. 2as an %onest #ista5e* MR of t%e Re0u6"ic denied 6ecause MCFC (t%e on", defendant "eft in t%e case is NOT a 0$o0e$ 0a$t, defendant in t%e co#0"aint fo$ e0$o0$iation* ?ence. t%e case 2as dis#issed* T%e Re0u6"ic "ed 2it% t%e +C t%e conso"idated Petition fo$ Re)ie2 on Ce$tio$a$i and Petition fo$ Ce$tio$a$i unde$ Ru"es H and =H* Issues: &* %o a$e t%e 0$o0e$ 0a$ties in an e0$o0$iation 0$oceeding 1* JN fo$u# s%o00ing 2as co##itted 6, t%e Re0u6"ic 2it% t%e "ing of t%e e0$o0$iation and $e)e$sion co#0"aint Fi$st Issue: T%e cou$t $u"ed t%at defendants in an e0$o0$iation case a$e NOT "i#ited to t%e o2ne$s of t%e 0$o0e$t, to 6e e0$o0$iated. and >ust co#0ensation is not due to t%e 0$o0e$t, o2ne$ a"one* T%e, inc"ude a"" ot%e$ 0e$sons o2ning. occu0,ing o$ c"ai#ing to o2n t%e 0$o0e$t,* In t%e A#e$ican >u$isdiction. t%e te$# 4o2ne$4 2%en e#0"o,ed in statutes $e"ating to e#inent do#ain to designate t%e 0e$sons 2%o a$e to 6e #ade 0a$ties to t%e 0$oceeding. $efe$. as is t%e $u"e in $es0ect of t%ose entit"ed to co#0ensation. to a"" t%ose 2%o %a)e "a2fu" inte$est in t%e 0$o0e$t, to 6e conde#ned. inc"uding a #o$tgagee. a "essee and a )endee in 0ossession unde$ an eecuto$, cont$act* E)e$, 0e$son %a)ing an estate o$ inte$est at "a2 o$ in euit, in t%e "and ta5en is entit"ed to s%a$e in t%e a2a$d* If a 0e$son c"ai#ing an inte$est in t%e "and soug%t to 6e conde#ned is not #ade a 0a$t,. %e is gi)en t%e $ig%t to inte$)ene and "a, c"ai# to t%e co#0ensation* At t%e ti#e of t%e "ing of t%e Co#0"aint fo$ E0$o0$iation. 0ossesso$,Joccu0anc, $ig%ts of MCFC o)e$ t%e 0a$ce"s of "and soug%t to 6e e0$o0$iated 2e$e undis0uted* Lette$ of Inst$uctions No* &1!! e0$ess", $ecognied t%at 0o$tions of t%e "ands $ese$)ed 6, P$esidentia" P$oc"a#ation No* 119' fo$ t%e use and i##ediate occu0ation 6, t%e N+C. 2e$e t%en occu0ied 6, an id"e fe$ti"ie$ 0"antJfacto$, and $e"ated faci"ities of MCFC* It 2as o$de$ed in t%e sa#e Lette$ of Inst$uction t%at N+C s%a"" negotiate 2it% t%e o2ne$s of  MCFC. fo$ and on 6e%a"f of t%e Go)e$n#ent. fo$ t%e co#0ensation of MCFC4s 0$esent occu0anc, $ig%ts on t%e su6>ect "ands* Being t%e occu0ant of t%e 0a$ce" of "and soug%t to 6e e0$o0$iated. MCFC cou"d )e$, 2e"" 6e na#ed a defendant in t%e

case* T%e RTC e)ident", e$$ed in dis#issing t%e Co#0"aint fo$ E0$o0$iation against MCFC fo$ not 6eing a 0$o0e$ 0a$t,* A"so e$$oneous 2as t%e dis#issa" 6, t%e RTC of t%e o$igina" Co#0"aint fo$ E0$o0$iation fo$ %a)ing 6een "ed on", against MCFC. t%e occu0ant of t%e su6>ect "and. 6ut not t%e o2ne$Js of t%e said 0$o0e$t,* /is#issa" is not t%e $e#ed, fo$ #is>oinde$ o$ non8>oinde$ of 0a$ties* T%e o2ne$ of t%e 0$o0e$t, is not necessa$i", an indis0ensa6"e 0a$t, in an action fo$ e0$o0$iation* Acco$ding to Ru"e =!. +ection &. e0$o0$iation 0$oceedings #a, 6e instituted e)en 2%en Ktit"e to t%e 0$o0e$t, soug%t to 6e conde#ned a00ea$s to 6e in t%e Re0u6"ic of t%e P%i"i00ines. a"t%oug% occu0ied 6, 0$i)ate indi)idua"s*K T%e sa#e $u"e 0$o)ides t%at a co#0"aint fo$ e0$o0$iation s%a"" na#e as defendants Ka"" 0e$sons o2ning o$ c"ai#ing to o2n. o$ occu0,ing. an, 0a$t t%e$eof o$ inte$estK in t%e 0$o0e$t, soug%t to 6e conde#ned* C"ea$",. 2%en t%e 0$o0e$t, a"$ead, a00ea$s to 6e"ong to t%e Re0u6"ic. t%e$e is no sense in t%e Re0u6"ic instituting e0$o0$iation 0$oceedings against itse"f* It can sti"". %o2e)e$. "e a co#0"aint fo$ e0$o0$iation against t%e 0$i)ate 0e$sons occu0,ing t%e 0$o0e$t,* In suc% an e0$o0$iation case. t%e o2ne$ of t%e 0$o0e$t, is not an indis0ensa6"e 0a$t,* To $eca"". P$esidentia" P$oc"a#ation No* 119' e0"icit", states t%at t%e 0a$ce"s of "and $ese$)ed to N+C a$e 0a$t of t%e 0u6"ic do#ain. %ence. o2ned 6, t%e Re0u6"ic* Lette$ of Inst$uctions No* &1!! $ecognied on", t%e occu0anc, $ig%ts of MCFC and di$ected N+C to institute e0$o0$iation 0$oceedings to dete$#ine t%e >ust co#0ensation fo$ said occu0anc, $ig%ts*  T%e$efo$e. t%e o2ne$ of t%e 0$o0e$t, is not an indis0ensa6"e 0a$t, in t%e o$igina" Co#0"aint fo$ E0$o0$iation* Mo$eo)e$. t%e $ig%t of t%e Re0u6"ic to 6e su6stituted fo$ I+A as 0"aintiD in Ci)i" Case No* &-= %ad "ong 6een a;$#ed 6, no "ess t%an t%is Cou$t in t%e I+A case* T%e fai"u$e of t%e Re0u6"ic to actua"", "e a #otion fo$ eecution does not $ende$ t%e su6stitution )oid* A 2$it of eecution $eui$es t%e s%e$iD o$ ot%e$ 0$o0e$ o;ce$ to 2%o# it is di$ected to enfo$ce t%e te$#s of t%e 2$it*  T%e O$de$ of t%e RTC s%ou"d 6e dee#ed as )o"unta$, co#0"iance 2it% a na" and eecuto$, >udg#ent of t%is Cou$t. a"$ead, $ende$ing a #otion fo$ and issuance of a 2$it of eecution su0e$uous* +econd Issue: T%e Re0u6"ic did not co##it Fo$u# s%o00ing Fo$u#8s%o00ing ta5es 0"ace 2%en a "itigant "es #u"ti0"e su its in)o")ing t%e sa#e 0a$ties. eit%e$ si#u"taneous", o$ successi)e",. to secu$e a fa)o$a6"e  >udg#ent* T%us. it eists 2%e$e t%e e"e#ents of "itis 0endentia a$e 0$esent. na#e",: (a identit, of 0a$ties. o$ at "east suc% 0a$ties 2%o $e0$esent t%e sa#e inte$ests in 6ot% actions7 (6 identit, of $ig%ts asse$ted and $e"ief 0$a,ed fo$. t%e $e"ief 6eing founded on t%e sa#e facts7 and (c t%e identit, 2it% $es0ect to t%e t2o 0$eceding 0a$ticu"a$s in t%e t2o cases is suc% t%at an, >udg#ent t%at #a, 6e $ende$ed in t%e 0ending case. $ega$d"ess of 2%ic% 0a$t, is successfu". 2ou"d a#ount to $es >udicata in t%e ot%e$ case* ?e$e. t%e e"e#ents of "itis 0endencia a$e 2anting* T%e$e is no identit, of $ig%ts asse$ted and $e"iefs 0$a,ed fo$ in Ci)i" Case No* &-= (e0$o0$iation and Ci)i" Case No* ==
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