The coronavirus pandemic has _________________ _________________ epidemic of disinformaon. Social media is awash wih i, emanang from he _____________ _________________ ____ and from hose in he cener of power.
A number of medical organizaons and governmens are ______________ _________________ ___ wars agains misinformaon and disinformaon.
Ye a few counries are using disinformaon claims o suppress _______________ _________________ __ and he spread of accurae informaon.
They are making use of he pandemic o ramp up censorship and _________________, _________________, which is having a chilling eec on journaliss and he spread of informaon.
I is he duy of he journaliss o ________________ _________________ _ and share publicly. During he pandemic, if hose facs do no suppor he ocal line, democracy do no handle ha.
Journaliss around he world have come under atack for reporng on he pandemic. I began when Chinese journaliss dared o _______________ _________________ __ he ocial narrave.
For example, Chen Qiushi showed images of _________________ _________________ in Wuhan.
Reporers wihou borders has documened coronavirus ________________ _________________ _ in abou half of all UN member saes.
_________________ ________ _________ of he press has worried he UN human righs commi commissioner. ssioner. The covid 19 is being insrumenalized o limi human righs o express opinion and make decisions.
KEY 1. Spawned 2. Po Poli lic cal al frin fringe gess 3. Wa Wagi ging ng a ssec econ onda dary ry 4. Legi Legim ma ae e repo repor rng ng 5. Secr Secrec ecy y le legi gisl sla aon on 6. Un Unco cove verr fac facs s 7. Devi Devia ae e fr fro om 8. Overs Oversr re ech ched ed hosp hospi ial alss 9. Co Cove vera rage ge res resr ric ico ons ns 10. Deliberae Deliberae reporng reporng
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