Reported Speech

August 14, 2017 | Author: Anita Radmacher | Category: N/A
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::,;: o:,t;,:i I n trod {"i{-i .-rl''7' : * tro d u ct ar : i ; ei' : . : agre e + is - iili demand offer promise reluse threaten cl a i m

"'icr{-t: R * nl i 1,;i .i L:.;,.... r

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"Yes,I'll be happyto helpyou." "Tellthe truth!" "Wouldyou like me to open the door?" "l'll definitelybe here early." "No,I won'tlendyou anymoney." "Handoveryour moneyor l'll shoot y o u ." "l saw him stealthe car "

He agreed to help me. t He demanded to be told the truth. t He offered to open the door. He promised to be there eaily. t He refused to lend me any money. t He threatenedto shoot me if I didn't hand over my money. t He claimed to have seen him stealthe car.

order permit remind urge warn

"Youshouldsee a doctor." * "Youcan borrowmy car." t "Please,turn the light off." * "Please,p/easeslop shoutingso loudly." "Leavethe room!" + "Go ahead,drivethe car." * "Youmustnotarrivelatetonight." t "Lift the receiverand wait for the r diallingtone." "Wouldyou like to come out to r dinnerwith me?" "Closethedoorimmediately." t "Youmay leavenow." "Don't forget to water the plants." + "Tnt tn ha nt rnrf t tal " + "Don'tgo nearthe edge of the cliff." t


"l'd like you to studyharder."

ad vi se +si: r *il- ir ' all o w as k beg command encourage forbid instruct invitesb

accusesb of + -ing form "Youstolemy handbag!" "l'm sorry I was rude to you." apologisefor "Yes,I broke the window." admit (to) boast about

"l'm more intelligentthanyou."

';omplainto sb about

"Youalwaysleavethe door open."

deny insist on suggest

"No,I didn'tbreakthe window." "Youmusttakeall the medicine." "Let'sgo out for a walk."

agre e+ th at - c laus e boast clai m complain deny exclaim explain

"l'm the bestplayerof all." "l knowwho stoleyourcar." "Youneverhelpme." "l nevertouchedthe vase!" "//s a success/" "lt's a difficult theoryto follow."


"Yourapplicationis under review."

promise suggest

"l won'tforgetagain." "Youought to help her out."

explainto sb -l-how

"That'show I crashedthe car."



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He advisedme to see a doctor. He allowed me to borrow hiscar. He asked me to turn the light off. He begged me to stop shoutingso loudly. He commandedus to leavethe room. He encouraged me to drive the car. He forbade me to arrive latethatnight. He instructed me to lift the receiver and wait for the dialling tone. He invited me to go out to dinnerwith him.

He orderedrne to close the doorimmediately. He permiftedlallowed me to leave then. He reminded me to water the plants. He urged me to try to be punctual. He warned me not to go near the edge of the cliff. c He wanted me to study harcier.

r She accused me of stealingher handbag. r He apologised for being rude to me. r He admitted (to) breaking/havingbroken the window. r He boastedabout beingmoreintelligent han me. He complained to me about my always Ieaving the door open. * He denied breakinglhavingbroken the window r He insisted on melmy taking all the medicine r He suggested going out for a walk. t r : r t : +

He agreed that it wasa greatidea. He boasted that he wasthe bestplayerof ail. He claimed that he knewwho had stolenmy car. She complainedthat he neverhelpedher. He denied that he had evertouchedthe yase. He exclaimedthat it wasa success. He explained that it was a difficult theoryto follow. t He informed me that my application was under review. He promisedthat he wouldn'tforgetagain. He suggestedthat I help her out. t He explainedto me how he had crashed the car.


l n tro duc t or y v er b

D i re c t S p e e c h

R eported S peech

wonder where/what He asked himself, "How can she do that?" -, why/how + clause He asked himself, "Where have they gone?" + (whenthe subjectof the He asked himself, "Why is Tom so rude?" ,) introductoryverb is not He asked himself, "What wilt thev do?,, 4 the same as the subject in the reportedquestion)

He wondered how she could do that. He wondered where they had gone. He wondered why Tom was so rude. He wondered what thev would do.

wonder * whether + to-infor clause wonder where/what/ how + to-inf (whenthe subject of the infinitiveis the same as the subjectof the verb)

He wondered whether to take the job. He wonderedwhetherhe shouldtakethejob. He wondered where he had left his g/asses. He wondered what to do next. He wondered how to break the news.

'j !j'J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

He asked himself,"Shallltake the job?,' He asked himself,"Wheredid t leave my glasses?" He asked himself, "What shalltdo nert?', He asked himself, "How can I break the news?"



Firstwrite an apprt)llriate introrluctory verb, thert reytortthefollowingsentence-s. "Youtook my bag,didn'tyou?" "l'll bring my homeworktomorrow." "Get out of the room nowl" "The train leavesat 6 o'clock." "Don'tforget to make a dentalappointment.,' "Please,pleasehelp me!" "You must give us a call when you get back!" "l won't help you." "Wouldyou iike to go out with us?', "lf you do that again,l'll punishyou.', "l didn't breakthe vase!" "Willtherain everstoo?" "Firstturn this knob,then flickthe switch."

14 "Yes,you'reright."

"Whatabout going for a walk?" "Youshould go on a diet." "Youmustn'ttouchthe camera." "Don'tcrossthe road withoutlookino both ways." 19 "Wouldyou like me to water your plants?', 20 "Yes,it was me who broke the teapot." 21 "lt is a difficultsituation,you see." 22 "l met the Queenonce,you know." 23 "You always leavethe bathroomin a mess!" 24 "You may use the fax machinewhenevervou want." 25 "Youmust stay until5 o'clockeveryday!,' 26 "Giveme the money!" 27 "l crossedthe Atlanticsingle-handed." 28 "Youmay call me by my firstname." 29 "Please,empty all the ashtraysbefore you leavethe room." 30 "Ceasefire!" 31 "Go on, tell us what'son your mind." 32 "l'd likeyou to cook dinnertonight." 33 "l'm sorry I spoiltthe surpriseparty." 34 "Sure,l'd be glad to lend a hand." 35 "l'll neverlet you down again." 15 16 17 18


...accuoe... the accusedme of takinaher bar,

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