Reported speech transformations.pdf

December 7, 2018 | Author: Invitado518952 | Category: Claire Bennet, Leisure
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Use of English – Key Word Transformation

1. 'What do you t hink of the college?' she asked me. ASKED

She ......................................................................of the college. 2. 'I'll call you later tonight,' Keith promised. WOULD

Keith promised that ............................................................ night. 3. 'I didn't break the window,' said the boy. DENIED

The boy ........................................................................ the window. 4. 'Why don't you come this evening?' SUGGESTED

She ............................................................................ that evening. 5. 'You look really tired,' he told her. SAID

He ………………………………......... really tired. 6. 'You must do your homework tonight.' the teacher said. TOLD

The teacher ……………………………………………………………….... my homework that night. 7. 'What's your name?' he asked. KNOW

He ................................................. what my name was. 8. 'I might be late for dinner.' he told me. INFORMED

He ……………………………………………………………..... might be late for dinner. 9. ‘You’ve broken my radio, Frank!’ said Jane. (Test 1) ACCUSED

Jane ……………………………………………………………..…….. her radio. 10. ‘Do you remember what you have to do?’ the teacher asked her class. (Test 2) WHAT

The teacher asked her class if …………………………………………….. to do. 11. ‘Where have I left my sunglasses, David?’ asked Susan. (Test 3) WHERE

Susan asked David ……………………………………………………….. sunglasses. 12. ‘Why don’t you wait by the phone box, Brenda?’ said Leslie. (Test 4) BRENDA

Leslie suggested ………………………………………………….. by the phone box.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

13. Can you tell me the time? (Test 2) WHAT

Do ………………………………………………………. Is? 14. ‘Shall we go to the cinema?’ said Maisie. (Test 3) SUGGESTED

Maisie ……………………………………………………………. the cinema. 15. ‘Did you leave a tip for the waiter, Dad?’ I asked. (Test 1.2) HE

I asked my father ………………………………………… a tip for the waiter. 16. ‘I won’t tell anyone what you did,’ George said. (144) PROMISED

George ………………………………………………… what I had done. 17. ‘I’ll buy the theatre tickets,’ Peter said. (145) INSISTED

Peter …………………………………………………….. the theatre tickets. 18. ‘I’m sorry I forget your birthday,’ said Carlos to me. (225) APOLOGISED

Carlos ________________ my birthday. 19. ‘Stop running, Lucy!’ said her father. (249) TOLD

Lucy’s ___________________ running. 20. ‘I didn’t hit your car deliberately!’ Emily said to the man. (253) DENIED

Emily __________________________ car deliberately. 21. The weatherman forecast that there would be sunshine all day. (265) SHINE

The weatherman said: ‘The _______________________ all day.’ 22. ‘I haven’t heard from Helen for a long time,’ Paul said to me. (266) TOLD

Paul ______________________________ heard from Helen for a long time. 23. ‘Did you book a room with a balcony?’ I asked my mother. (268) IF

I asked my mother __________________________ a room with a bal cony. 24. Jack wanted to know what time they would leave the next day to catch the train. (269) WE

Jack asked: ‘What time ___________________________ to catch the train?’

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

Reported speech

25. The little boy said he could dress himself without any help. (270) I

The little boy said: ‘_ ______________________________ without any help.’ 26.

‘Are we meeting David in the morning or the afternoon?’ Karen asked. (271) WHETHER

Karen wondered __________________________________ in the morning or the afternoon. 27. The tourist guide said to us: ‘Take a map if you go walking in the hills.’ (280) ADVISED

The tourist guide ________________________________ a map if we went walking in t he hills. 28. ‘Will I be paid soon?’ asked Lynda. (299) IF

Lynda wondered ___________________ paid soon. 29. ‘Can you help me?’ the old lady asked. (319) COULD

The old lady asked ________________________ help her. 30. Mary said, I do not want to get married yet.’ (327) RATHER

Mary protested that she ____________________________ married yet. 31. ‘Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?’ asked Tony. (370) BEEN

Tony asked Jane ____________________________ on holiday recently. 32. ‘Why don’t you come over for dinner at the weekend?’ he asked her. (377) SUGGESTED

He ____________________________________ for dinner at the weekend. 33. ‘Do you know the way to the Italian restaurant?’ Julie asked Maria. (395) WHERE

Julie asked Maria ______________________________ the Italian restaurant was. 34. ‘Did you go to the tennis tournament on Saturday?’ David asked me. (399) BEEN

David wanted to know _ _______________ the tennis tournament on Saturday. 35. ‘Don’t do that again, or you’ll be in trouble!’ said the teacher. (404) WARNED

The students ____________________________ do that again. 36. ‘Why don’t we go to the cinema?’ (412) GOING

Daniel _______________________________________ to the cinema.

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

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37. ‘Does English bore you?’ the teacher asked Fredrick. (437) IF

The teacher asked Fredrick __________________________ him. 38. ‘Have you seen my gloves anywhere, Eric ?’ asked Mrs Noble. (441) SEEN

Mrs Noble asked Eric ________________ __________________ her gloves anywhere. 39. ‘Will you lend me the car, Dad?’ asked Jules. (504) BORROW

Jules asked his father ____________________________________ the car. 40. ‘I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Peter. (505) APOLOGISED

Peter ______________________________ late. 41. ‘I’m not going to tell you the answer!’ he told me. (507) REFUSED

He ________________________________ the answer. 42. ‘It’s the best chocolate in the world,’ said the sponsor. (509) CLAIMED

The sponsor _________________________________________ the best chocolate in the world. 43. ‘Don’t open your present until y ou get home,’ Jorge told Peter. (510) NOT

Jorge told Peter ___________________________________ until he got home. 44. ‘Kazuo, would you please make the living room tidy?’ asked Sue. (552) UP

Sue asked Kazuo ______________________________ the living room. 45. ‘It was Andy who took the pen!’ said Helen. (576) ACCUSED

Helen __________________________________ the pen. 46. Jaime said to me, ‘I don’t think you should go out. It’s very cold.’ (593) ADVISED

Jaime ______________________________ out because it was so cold. 47. ‘Would you like to come for dinner at our house?’ asked Ruth. (601) INVITED

Ruth ________________ come for dinner at their house. 48. ‘I’ll be home by midnight, ‘said Isadora. (618) GET

Isadora promised she ___________________________ midnight.

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

49. ‘Do you want to come over and watch a movie?’ she asked. (654) IF

She asked me ______________________________ to come over and watch a movie. 50. ‘Where do you buy most of your clothes?’ she asked. (655) KNOW

She wanted to __________________________________ most of my clothes. 51. ‘Can I borrow your leather jacket?’ he asked. (656) IF

He asked me _____________________________________ my leather jacket. 52. ‘I have to get a new laptop tomorrow,’ she said. (657) THAT

She said _________________________ a new laptop the next day. 53. ‘I won’t be here next week,’ she explained. (658) THERE

She explained that she ________________________________ the following w eek. 54. ‘We’re going to paint the living room yellow,’ she announced. (659) THAT

She announced _____________________________ to paint the living room yellow. 55. ‘I haven’t ever been on a plane before,’ she said. (660) NEVER

She explained that __________________________ on a plane before. 56. ‘Who did you see at the party?’ he asked. (661) KNOW

He wanted to _____________________________ at the party. 57. ‘Were you living in London when you met Celia?’ she asked. (662) IF

She asked him _____________________________ in London when he met Celia. 58. ‘You should get more sleep,’ the doctor told me. (663) ADVISED

The doctor ____________________________________ more sleep. 59. ‘Eating more fruit is good for you too,’ she said. (664) RECOMMENDED

She ___________________________ more fruit. 60. ‘Why don’t you come for a coffee?’ Nigel said to me. (665) INVITED

Nigel _____________________________ for a coffee.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

61. ‘I wasn’t anywhere near the bank that day,’ he said. (666) DENIED

He ___________________________ anywhere near the bank that day. 62. ‘I won’t be able to finish the assignment,’ she said. (667) EXPLAINED

She __________________________________ be able to finish the assignment. 63. ‘I am not going to let you in,’ she told him. (668) REFUSED

She _____________________ in. 64. ‘You won the match. Well done!’ the coach said to them. (669) CONGRATULATED

The coach __________________________ the match. 65. ‘If you don’t turn that down, I’ll call the police,’ said the man downstairs. (670) THREATENED

The man downstairs ________________ the police if we didn’t turn the music down. 66. ‘Don’t walk around alone after dark. It’s dangerous,’ the teacher told us. (671) WARNED

The teacher _______________________________ around alone after dark.. 67. ‘Where do you work, Sue?’ asked Pete. (736) KNOW

Pete wanted ______________________________ now. 68. ‘Alright, I stole the money. I admit it,’ she said. (755) THAT

She admitted ___________________________ the money. 69. ‘Would you like to stay for dinner?’ she asked. (758) INVITED

She _________________________ for dinner. 70. ‘What’s the time?’ he asked. (760) TELL

He asked me ___________________________ the time. 71. I’ll send you a postcard from Greece.’ He said. (762) PROMISED

He ________________________ a postcard from Greece. 72. ‘I won’t speak to Tom,’ she said. (764) REFUSED

She ________________________________ to Tom.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

73. ‘I have never seen the woman before,’ he said. (765) DENIED

He _____________________________ the woman before. 74. ‘Yes, I think we should invite Sue to the party too,’ she said. (766) AGREED

She ___________________________ invite Sue to the part y. 75. ‘We’ll look after your cat while you’re away if you like,’ he said. (768) OFFERED

He _____________________________ our cat while we were away. 76. ‘OK. I’ve been going out with another girl,’ he said. (770) ADMITTED

He ________________________ out with another girl. 77. ‘I’m sure you stole that money,’ he said. (778) ACCUSED

He _________________________ the money. 78. ‘Do you want to have a drink, Peter?’ asked Jane. (874) LIKE

Jane asked Peter ____________________________ have a drink. 79. ‘Who borrowed my book, Mary?’ asked Andrew. (879) HAD

Andrew ________________________________ his book. 80. ‘I’ll come with you tomorrow,’ said Jaime. (887) PROMISED

Jaime __________________________________ the next day. 81. ‘Don’t touch the wet paint Eddie,’ said Kate. (914) WARNED

Kate ____________________________ the wet paint. 82. ‘I wouldn’t stay out in the sun too long, if I were you,’ he said. (961) ADVISED

She ___________________________ out in the sun too long. 83. ‘You must see the traditional dancers – they’re excellent,’ he said. (963) MISS

He told me I should ________________ the excellent traditional dancers. 84. ‘I wouldn’t buy Dave a book if I were you,Pete,’ said Laura. (1015) ADVISED

Laura ______________________________ Dave a book.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

85. ‘Take that chewing gum out, Claire!’ the teacher said. (1016) TOLD

The teacher ___________________ the chewing gum out of her mouth. 86. ‘Can you speak Spanish, John?’ asked Marie. (1017) ASKED

Marie ______________________________ speak Spanish. 87. ‘I’ll pick you up from work if you like, Tracy,’ said Jason. (1018) OFFERED

Jason ____________________________ from work. 88. ‘See you after class, Angie!’ said Mike. (1019) SAID

Mike ______________________________ Angie after class. 89. ‘It wasn’t a good idea to go to bed so late,’ said Justin, yawning. (1036) EARLIER

‘I wish I ____________________________,’ said Justin, yawning. 90. ‘I’d love to be the same height as my sister,’ said Jodie enviously. (1037) TALL

Jodie wishes _________________________ her sister. 91. ‘Where did you buy your coat?’, my friend asked me. (1081) WHERE

My friend asked me _________________________ coat. 92. ‘Do you think we’ll win?’ Jack asked me. (1091) IF

Jack asked me ________________________ win. 93. ‘Don’t put your feet up on the chair, please, Jack.’ (1138) TOLD

His father ________________________ his feet up on the chair. 94. ‘Did you buy a bandage, Ray?’ asked Graham. (1232) HE

Graham asked ___________________ a bandage. 95. ‘I wouldn’t go to that restaurant if I were you, Matt,’ I said. (1234) ADVISED

I _____________________________ to that restaurant. 96. ‘Cany you swim, Sarah?’ asked her teacher. (1236) HER

Sarah’s teacher asked ________________________ to swim.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

97. ‘I’ll drive you to the station, Dawn,’ he said. (1237) OFFERED

He _______________________ a lift to the station. 98. ‘There’ll be very few people at the party,’ she told Roger. (1238) NOT

She told Roger there ________________________ people at the party. 99. ‘Let’s eat out tomorrow,’ said Chris. (1239) SUGGESTED

Chris ____________________________ day. 100. ‘I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Adrian. (1241) APOLOGIZED

Adrian ________________________________ late. 101. ‘Don’t stay out for too long,’ his father told him. (1280) WARNED

His father _________________________ out for too long. 102. ‘You’ve broken my watch!’ said her father. (1286) ACCUSED

Her father ____________________________ watch. 103. ‘How tall are you?’ Peter asked me. (1289) WHAT

Peter asked ______________________________.

Reported speech

Use of English – Key Word Transformation

Reported speech



asked me what I thought


he would call later that


denied breaking


suggested coming


said she looked


told me to do


wanted to know


informed me (that) he


accused Frank of breaking/having broken

10. they remembered what (they had) 11. where she had left her 12. (that) Brenda waited/(should) wait or to Brenda she should wait // (that) she wait(ed) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

you know | what time it // what the time suggested | (that) we go / went // going to  – promised not to tell anyone insisted on buying apologised for forgetting father told her to stop denied hitting the man’s sun will shine told me he had not if she had booked will we leave tomorrow I can dress myself  Whether they were meeting David Advised us to take If she would be If I could Would rather not get If she had been Suggested coming over If she knew where If I had been to were warned not to suggested going if English bored if he had seen if he could borrow apologised for being refused to tell me claimed (that) it was not to open his present to tidy up accused Andy of having taken advised not to go invited us to would get home by if I wanted

50. know where I bought 51. if he could borrow 52. that she had to get 53. wouldn’t be there 54. that they were going 55. she had never been 56. know who we have seen 57. if he had been living 58. advised me to get 59. recommended me I (should) eat 60. invited me 61. denied being 62. explained she wouldn’t 63. refused to let him 64. congratulated them on winning 65. threatened to call 66. warned us not to walk 67. to know where Sue worked 68. that she had stolen 69. invited me to stay 70. to tell him 71. promised to send us/them 72. refused to speak 73. denied (ever) having seen 74. agreed we should 75. offered to look after 76. admitted to going 77. accused me of stealing 78. if he would like to 79. asked Mary who had borrowed 80. promised to come with me 81. warned Eddie not to touch 82. was advised not to stay 83. not miss seeing 84. advised Pete not to buy 85. told Claire to take 86. asked John if he could 87. offered to pick Tracy up 88. said He would see 89. had gone to bed earlier 90. where I had bought my 91. if I thought we would 92. told him not to put 93. Ray if he had bought 94. advised Matt not to go 95. her if she was able 96. offered to give Dawn 97. would not be (very) many 98. suggested eating out the next 99. apologized for being 100.warned him not to stay 101.accused her of breaking what my height was

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