\obkstrc Nfnjëgkfc8 244;:; Voffköe jo Inlcrntcrkc8 T6 Aof`n jo Oetrobn8 6>/40/0
Aof`n jo \onikznfköe8
\OV_GOE Vo ronikzö uen fniklrnfköe joi gntorkni vciugëtrkfc joi inlcrntcrkc pnrn joakekr in josvknfköe y in porjkjn jo in fnpnfkjnj jo jnr gojkjns oxnftns pcr pnrto jo ics kestrugoetcs, ostc jolkjc n quo, ni pnsnr oi tkogpc y ins toeskceos açskfns y vnrknfkceos jo togpornturn, sus prostnfkceos frktkfns jksgkeuyoe brnjunigoeto. Ostc Os tc so fc fcecf ecfo o fc fcgc gc jos josvk vknfk nfköe, öe, gc gctktkvc vc pcr pcr oi fu funi ni ic icss ros rosui uitn tnjc jcss oe in inss gojkfkceos gojkfk ceos yn ec sone aknli aknlios. os. Oi fniklr fniklrnr nr ics kestr kestrugoetc ugoetcss ec skbekakfn quo ostns auefkceos lkoe, skec quo fcecforogcs in jkaoroefkn oetro ic quo oi kestrugoetc kejkfn y ’ic quo jolorçn kejkfnr‗. Tnrn oiic so roqukoro posnr in fnetkjnj jo nbun josnikekznjn (fcetoekjn oe ics arnsfcs îglnr) trnesaorkjn (pcr pkpotns y lurotns), n uen togpornturn jnjn, y fnifuinr oi vciugoe cltoekjc n pnrtkr jo in gnsn posnjn. Tnrn cltoeor oi vciugoe fniklrnjc n pnrtkr jo in gnsn jo nbun os kgpcrtneto toeor oe fuoetn8 in joeskjnj joi nbun vnrknlio fce in togpornturn. Ics kestrugoetcs jo gojkfköe joi inlcrntcrkc nøe pcsooe uen oxnftktuj fceaknlio skoejc su orrcr rointkvc ec suporkcr ni 4.>;%, jogcstrnejc nsç quo su vnrknfköe n trnvës joi tkogpc y oi usc nue ec `n `of`c quo ics kestrugoetcs jo gojkfköe vciugëtrkfn sone josof`njcs pcr uen vnrknfköe fceskjornlio, pcr ic funi nue puojoe sor usnjcs pnrn in gojkfköe jo içqukjcs. Vo trnlnhc oe in Fkujnj jo Buntognin oi huovos >1 jo nbcstc joi 0, n uen togpornturn nglkoeto jo
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