Redvbrsd Redvbrsd`h` `b \he Lh Lhria ria s ` `b b Muhtbohih Muhtbohih Ghlui Gh luith` th``h` `b ` b Dembedbrïh Èrbh Èr bh H` od oded ed s tr trhtd htdvh vh Laethndid`h` 8 \blld \b lldüe üe Z Huxx . Dem Hu Dem.. Awbe Par rbs
^BZA^PB ^BZA^P B @B Z^ÈLPDLH Ea Ea.. :8=::=>4 >:84::2=6 >:8=::462 >:8=::462 >:80::86:7607
Muhtbohih, Muhtbohih >: `b gbnrbra gbnrbr a `b >:>8.
Detra`ulldüe Re pralbsa laethnib bs bi laekueta `b phsas qub pbrodtb bxprbshr h trhväs `b bsth`as gdeheldbras ihs apbrhldaebs blaeüodlhs `b ueh betd`h` u armhedzhldüe. Ästb bs tdbeb ue ldlia heuhi y earohiobetb laodbezh bi 8 `b bebra `b lh`h høa `he`a degarohldüe `b ih sdtuhldüe dedldhi y gdehidzh bi . Lihsdgdlhr ihs lubet lubeths hs y rrbmdstras bmdstras laethnibs. laethnibs. . Ihs lubeths y rbmdstras laethnibs sb lihsdgdlhe `b hlubr`a lae su dopartheldh, sbmûe bi phpbi qub `bsbopbøbe, `b hlubr`a lae su anidmhtardb`h`, sbmûe ia bxdkh ih iby, hsï laoa bi Lü`dma `b Laobrlda muhtbohitbla sbmûe bi hrtïluia
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