July 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Industrial Training is one of the requirements students of Diploma Course electrical engineering. The main objective Industrial Training is to give students vast exposure to a real industrial environment. Students will be able to apply the sills that they have gained throughout their  academic years. In addition! they can enhance their nowledge and abilities at the companies that they are attached to.

The internship is also a shared social obligation for both "iT# and the practical companies involved "iT# practical students will assist the companies in handling any related  jobs and it also enables enables "iT# to identify industries recent needs! hence improving any weaness discovered. Therefore! the "niversity will be able to strengthen its curriculum and produce graduates who are maret ready.

The industrial training was done at The New S!"#$ T#%e$ T#%e$ P!e$$(M" P!e$$(M"&"'$#") &"'$#") Be!h"! situated at $ot %&'(!)awasan %&'(!)awasan *erindustrian +jil!,'- +jil!/ulu Terenggan Terengganu u also nown as 0ST* is one of the non1government agencies. 0ST* is divided into several sections such as /eadqua /ead quarter rter!! State! State! 2uilding 2uilding!! 3oad! 3oad! +rchite +rchitectur cture! e! 4ducati 4ducation! on! 4ntrepr 4ntreprene eneur ur Developm Development ent!! #ech #e chan anic ical al!! 4lec 4lectr tric ical al and and etc. etc.Th The e main main scop scope e fo forr th this is comp compan any y is a pr prod oduc ucti tion on of  newspaper!and I was placed in Technical Services Department which is responsible to maintain a machine is good in condition and functionality.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT W#h he *%+&e#*, *- %' #,.$!#"& !"#,#,/ " NSTP A0#&1 I w*.& e * h",2 -*! "&& he $.++*! ", he&+ h" h" e,*.!"/e %e #, *#,/ %' #,e!,$h#+ he!e3 B#/ "++!e#"#*, I w#$h * h#$ *%+",' -*! "e+#,/ %e * "!!' *. %' #, #,.$ .$!# !#"& "& ! !"#, "#,#,/ #,/ he!e he!e33 A& A&&& he e4+e! e4+e!#e, #e,e e /"#,e /"#,e  #$ 5e!' 5e!' 5"&." 5"&."6&e 6&e$ $ -*! %e #, h"&&e,/#,/ "'$ *%#,/3 F#!$ *- "&&1 I w*.& e * h",2 * M!3H#7#! B#, H.$"#,1"$ %' $.+e!5#$*! ", *he! eh,##",$ *, he#! /.#",e ", he&+ .!#,/ he !"#,#,/3

 Th",2$ * he F".&' *- E&e!#"& E,/#,ee!#,/ E,/#,ee!#,/ U#TMT ", 5#$##,/ &e.!e!1 A$$*#" A$$* #"e e M! R"0" M*h N**! H"7# H"7# whe!e whe!e he 5#$# #$ we&& +&",,e3 +&",,e3 I h" " 5e!' /** #%e $h"!#,/ %' e4+e!#e,e he!e w#h '*.3 I "&$* w", * h",2 "&& he $"9  ", w*!2e!$ h" /#5e %e $.h " /!e" **+e!"#*,3 N* -*!/e#,/ %' -!#e, *#,/ he #,e!,$ #,e!,$h#+ h#+ */ehe! */ehe! w#h %e -*! "&& he h"! h" we h" h" /*,e /*,e h!*./ h!*./h h #, ,#$h#,/ he 8 wee2$ *- +!"#"& !"#,#,/ #, NSTP A0#&3 Th",2$ " &*3




Background History

 History of NSTP The 0ews Straits Straits Times *ress5#ala *ress5#alaysia ysia66 2erhad 2erhad is a private private media media company company which is responsible for printing newspaper in #alaysia. The name for this company for  early in industry is Daily Times and then reverted to Straits Times.+t year '(7&!   0ST* became a public company and assumed its new name! The 0ew Straits Times *ress 5#alaysia6 2erhad! on 8an &'.9irst regional newspaper printing plant was set up in *rai! *enang to serve the northern region. The pressline commissioned was :oss "rbanite1 ;ffset. The negatives were sent in flong box via a chartered Cessna aircraft from )uala $umpur $um pur.. Thi This s pri printi nting ng pla plant nt com commen menced ced pro produc ductio tion n in 8un 8une. e. The fir first st fla flatt bed las laseri erite te facsimile facsi mile transmission transmission system in South 4ast +sia was instal installed led at 2alai 2erita! 2angsar to allow pages made up at 2alai 2erita to be transmitted via microwave lin to the regional plants.  + second regional printing plant was set up in Senai! 8ohor in 8une to serve the southern region.In September! the microwave facsimile transmission of page films from 2alai 2erita! )uala $umpur to regional printing plants was introduced. 0ST* acquired 7< shares in Shin #in Daily 0ews 5#6 Sdn 2hd = the third largest Chinese language newspaper in #alaysia in 8une '(-%. In 8uly > +ugust '((! 0ST* acquired the "niman ?@, Aeb1;ffset *res *r esse ses! s! ma manu nufa fact ctur ured ed by #+ #+01 013o 3ola land nd of :e :erm rmany any fo forr gr grea eate terr fl flex exib ibili ility ty in co colou lour  r  placements in the newspaper and they were able to run at high speed to print B! copies of newspaper in an hour.


In '(((!the )2+ press upgrade programme for Senai 3egional *rinting *lant 53**6 was completed in #ay. The press line! the )2+ Commander press! was the first of its ind to be used by a newspaper publisher in the region. Dubbed the 3olls 3oyce of *resses! it utilised :erman technology. The )2+ Commander *ress could print a maximum of -! copies per hour and bac1to1bac full colour printing. In year ,! ;n +pr ,,! official opening of 2alai 2erita Senai in 8ohor. 2alai 2erita Senai is the first of 0ST* :roupEs four printing plants pl ants to be equipped with the new machineries = the )oenig > 2auer +lbert 5)2+6 Commander printing press and Idab Aamac mailroom system. Idab Aamac mailroom system is a sophisticated material handling system! which can automatically insert the preprinted products into the newspaper during printing. In 9ebruary! the regional printing plant in +jil! Terengganu Terengganu was commissioned to replace the printing plant in Dungun. In +pril! 0ST* completed the disposal of its '? million shares in Commerce +sset1/olding +sset1/olding 2erhad 5C+/26 for 3#(' million to the 4mployees *rovident 9und. The disposal enabled 0ST* to focus on its newspaper publishing business. ;n Dec '-! Computer1to1plate 5CT*6 system was installed and was officially completed on #ay ,7! ,(. Three CT*s were installed as a direct replacement for the three )09 5Computer =To1 9ilm6 lines in 22S+ for the pre1press plate maing process. The CT* shortens the pre1press process flow by eliminating the film process pr ocess flow 5no more films involved in the process6. This will eliminate the usage of films and also the chemicals involved to process the films.


NSTP Ajil Background  

0ST* +jil began operations at Dungun!but been replaced by printing plant at

 +jil which is officially officially operate in 9ebruary ,'.The ,'.The 0ST* +jil has a printing machine "nim "n iman an ?@ ?@,s ,s manuf manufactur actured ed by #+013oland of :erman :ermany y for greater flexibility in colou colour  r  placements in the newspaper and they were able to run at high speed to print B! copies of newspaper in an hour.

Then a new printing machine is constructed to replace old "niman ?@,s printing machine which is name )2+ Commander *ress could print a maximum of -! copies per hour and bac1to1bac full colour printing.)2+ is also made in :erman that has a greater  specif spe cifica icatio tions ns tha than n "ni "niman man ?@, ?@,s s prin printin ting g mac machin hine.T e.The he pre pre1pr 1press ess sy syste stem m als also o usi using ng Comput Com puter1 er1to1 to1pla plate te 5CT 5CT*6 *6 sys system tem.T .Two wo CT* CT*s s wer were e ins instal talled led as a dir direct ect rep replac laceme ement nt for  the)09 5Computer =To19ilm6 =To19ilm6 lines in 22S+ for the pre1press plate maing process. The CT* shortens the pre1press process flow by eliminating the film process flow 5no more films involved in the process6. This will eliminate the usage of films and also the chemicals involved to process the films.The main area involve in printing newspaper is *re1*ress!*ress and #ailroom.

Figure 1.Printing Plant NSTP Ajil



0ST* +jil staff is about below ' $2#&&e w*!2-*!e! including incl uding Technical Technical  +ssistant!electric  +ssistan t!electrician!mecha ian!mechanical!ad nical!admin min and cleaner cleaner.$a .$and nd area of of ,.% acres acres of the the district! including worshops and separate staff quarters where the land office

9igure &.F 0ST* $ogo DescriptionF '. :enerall :enerally y! the logo logo reflects reflects the the various various field fields s of wor.. wor.. ,. The logo logo indica indicates tes compan company y field field of wor wor in society society.. &. The pen pen sh shape aped d show that the wor wor of spread spread informa informatio tion n by using using media media and the wuality in wor. ?. The logo logo show the the wor of of printing printing newspa newspaper per in a high high quality quality

ColoursF '. Gellow Gellow symbol adulthoo adulthood d to portray 0ST* as one of the the oldest organisatio organisation n created and also reflects the image of maturity in achieving its objective. ,. 2lac symbolises symbolises strength strength @ unity unity as a quality among the branches branches of the organisation organisation in the implementation of projects.


  Vision of NSTP  

To 2e The 2est 0ews #edia Company in #alaysia


ission of NSTP

To provide the best content and product that is relevant! compelling and attractive to readers and

business partners.

To be be profitable and to maximiHe shareholders returns.

To attract and retain the best employees with rewarding careers in a conducive woring environment. To continue to be a caring and responsible corporate citiHen



#anage Implementation of Special *rojects Department supervision > monitoring of

projects. *roviding technical services related to the maintenance! repair and supplement existing

equipment in buildings. Departments +dvising Clients on the planning of building projects related to it.

F&N$T%!N *rovide technical advice for machine and building *roviding technical services for the restoration and renovation of machines and building Carry out the wor of the Committee and certain special tass as directed by the *lant

#anager and Technical Services #anager  *rovide machine functionality in good condition for production staff to do the printing job

• •


CHAPTER 2 Learn Syste' !f (iring i

System of wiring shall be surface wiring! concealed wiring and surface conduit wiring or concealed conduit wiring.


The wiring systems shall comply with #S I4C &B?1%1%,.


The wiring throughout shall be on the Jlooping1in systemE and no JteeE or other types of joints are allowed.


0o reductions of the strands forming the conductors are allowed at all terminals.


Standard colors coded cable shall be used for three phase circuit to identify the phase conductors! neutral conductor and protective conductor respectively.

Figure ).*+ Loo,ing in Syste'

Figure -.*++ Tee Syste'



4lectricity is playing an important role in everyday life! whether at home or at wor. 0evertheless the electricity is also always give a danger and when to use it if the electrical installation systems and equipment installed not follow the specifications which was set! the installation of a careless or because an imperfect maintenance.

(%%N/ S&FA$# T0P#


0orm 0ormal al 53es 53esid iden enti tial al66


"*K "*KC @ *KC conduit uit


Conduit Conduit :.I. 5Ao 5Aorsh rshop! op! /ome /ome *owe *owerr Subst Substatio ation6 n6

#B#DD#D T0P# !F (%%N/ %N $##NT2




Cond Condui uitt @ "*K "*KC C emb embed edde ded d


D#S$%PT%!N F! #V#0 T0P#S !F (%%N/


Airing Airing type of of surface surface 5surface 5surface66 and *KC *KC surface surface casing casing common commonly ly used in in residenti residential al homes 5village6.


Surface Surface wiring wiring in conduit conduit :.I. :.I. commonly commonly availa available ble power power home! home! worshop! worshop! worsh worshops ops and factories.


4mbed 4mbedde ded d wirin wiring g in :.I. condu conduit it common commonly ly used for govern governmen mentt buildi building ngs s su such ch as schools! offices! government quarters and rise buildings such as hotels! hospitals and apartments.


)T0P#S !F $AB#L (iri (iring ng ca ca3l 3le e %n %nst stal alla lati tion on22 • •


*KC cable *KC @ *KC cable

&nde &nderg rgro roun und d $a3 $a3le les s a ain ins2 s2 *KC @ SA+ @ *KC cable *KC @ SA+ @ L$*4 cable *I$CDST+T cable

• • •


!6er !6er7e 7ead ad ca3l ca3le e a ain ins2 s2 • • • •

 +2C cable cable  +na1T cable *KC /.D +luminium @ Copper cable  +luminium 2are 2are cable


Surface (iring i

Surface wiring shall be carried out with *KC insulated *KC sheathed cables of  &@% K grade to #S '&B and B@' K grade to #S ,7?.


The insulation shall be suitable for continuous operation at a maximum cable temperature of 7 C and comply with #S '&-.


The cables shall be run on the surface of the walls! floor slabs and in the ceiling spaces.


The cables shall be secured by lead alloy saddles. 0ot more than ' cables shall be cleated together using the same saddles

9igure 'F Surface Airing


$oncealed (iring i

Cables used in concealed wiring shall be similar to that described in surface wiring.


The cables shall be concealed behind the plaster of walls and ceiling slab or run in the ceiling spaces.


Ahere cables are run in ceiling spaces they shall be protected by galvaniHed steel conduits.


 + spare concealed conduit shall be provided from the distribution distribution board to the ceiling space for future extension.

Figure 8.*+ $oncealed (iring


$onduit (iring Surface or $oncealed2 i

The cables cables used used in condui conduitt wi wiring ring s shall hall!! unless unless o otherw therwise ise spec specified ified!! be *KC insulate insulated d cable of ?%@7% K grade to #S '&B.


The conduct conductors ors shall shall be of of strande stranded! d! plain plain anneale annealed d copper copper to #S B( and and #S ,-. ,-.

iii iii

Th The e in insu sula lati tion on sh shal alll be su suit itab able le for for co cont ntin inuo uous us op oper erat atio ion n at a maxi maximu mum m ca cabl ble e temperature of 7 C and comply with #S '&-.


The co condu nduits its and and con condu duit it fi fitti tting ngs s shall shall be be of galv galvan anise ised d stee steel. l.


The con condui duitt sha shallll gene general rally ly be ru run n on the the unders underside ide of of the floo floorr slab slab or suspe suspend nded ed from the floor slabs by mild steel bracets or suspenders.


The trun trunin ing g shall shall be susp suspen ended ded from from the the floor floor slabs slabs or moun mounted ted aga agains instt the wall wall by mild steel bracets.


Cond Conduit uit for for lighti lighting ng po point int shall shall be termina terminated ted in in a juncti junction on box box comple complete te with with die1cas die1castt co cone ne1sh 1shape aped d metal metal cover cover so that that down down drop drop to lumina luminarie ries s sh shall all be ca carri rried ed ou outt through flexible steel conduit up to the luminaries.

viii viii

9lexib 9lexible le condui conduitt shal shalll be used for for termina terminatio tion n to equipm equipment ent!! which which are subjec subjecte ted d to movement or vibration.


The number number of cab cables les draw drawn n into the conduit conduit or or laid laid in ttrun runing ing shall shall be such such that that tthe he ratio of the sum of the overall cross1sectional areas of the cables 5including insulation and any sheath6 to the internal cross1sectional area of the conduit or truning in which they are installed shall not exceed ?
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