Frame Motor x4 Elec El ectr tron onic ic Spee Speed d Cont Contro roll (ESC) (ESC) x4 x4 Flig Fl ight ht Co Cont ntro roll Boa Board rd Radi Ra dio o tran tranm mit itter ter and and rec recei ei!e !er r #ropel #ro peller ler x4 (2 cloc$ cloc$%i %ie e and 2 co&nte co&nter'c r'cloc loc$% $%ie ie)) Batt Ba tter er * Ch Cha arg rger er ,ner ,n erti tial al Mea Mea& &re reme ment nt -ni -nitt (,M-) (,M-) /rd& /r d&in ino o mi micr croc ocon ontr troll oller er
Every quadcopter or other multirotor aircraft needs a frame to house all the other components. Things to consider here are weight, size, and materials. The recommended DJI Flame heel F!"# or one of the many clones. These are great quadcopter frames. They$re strong, light, and have a sensi%le con&guration including a %uilt'in power distri%ution %oard ()D*+ that allows for a clean and easy %uild. uadrotor can %e made of many materials %ut few of the common materials used are as followsCar0on Fi0er /ar%on &%er is the lightest material availa%le for quadrotor in the mar0et It has les vi%rations, high strength and lesser weight as compared to any other alternative availa%le in the mar0et. The only disadvantage of this material is its less availa%ility and high cost. This ma0es it di1cult to use in every situation. /l&mini&m 2luminium is a good alternative of car%on &%er in terms of cost, nut the disadvantages li0e high vi%rations, and low strength ma0e it unsuita%le to %e used in every area especially where cost is no issue. ood &ch a #l%ood or MF (Medi&m'denit
0re0oard) ood is the cheapest alternative of %oth the a%ove. It a%sor%s some of the vi%rations and possess little strength too. Thus, wood is commonly used for the quadrotors for the testing3 prototyping phase. The low cost of wood and easy availa%ility ma0es it suita%le for the purpose. Fi0er platic Fi%er plastics is the most commonly used material for the commercial quadrotors. The %iggest advantage of &%er plastic is the a%ility to %e mold into any shape and size which ma0es it suita%le for aesthetic loo0s. Fi%er plastics have considera%le tendency of a%sor%ing vi%rations as well.
The motors have an o%vious purpose- to spin the propellers. There are tons of motors on the mar0et suita%le for quadcopters, and usually you don$t want to get the a%solute cheapest motors availa%le, %ut you also don$t want to %rea0 the %an0 when some reasona%ly priced motors will su1ce. 4otors are rated %y 0ilovolts, and the higher the 05 rating, the faster the motor spins at a constant voltage. hen purchasing motors, most we%sites will indicate how many amps the E6/ you pair it with should %e and the size of propeller you should use. 7enerally a 8###05 motor is a good size to start with.
Electronic Speed Controls
The electronic speed control, or E6/, is what tells the motors how fast to spin at any given time. 9ou need four E6/s for a quadcopter, one connected to each motor. The E6/s are then connected directly to the %attery through either a wiring harness or power distri%ution %oard. 4any E6/s come with a %uilt in %attery eliminator circuit (*E/+, which allows you to power things li0e your :ight control %oard and radio receiver without connecting them directly to the %attery. *ecause the motors on a quadcopter must all spin at precise speeds to achieve accurate :ight, the E6/ is very important. These days if you are %uilding a quadcopter or other multirotor, it is pretty much standard to use E6/s that have the 6imon; &rmware on them. This &rmware changes the refresh rate of the E6/ so the motors get many more instructions per second from the E6/, thus have greater control over the quadcopter$s %ehavior. 4any companies sell E6/s that have the 6imon; &rmware already installed. The
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