Report Text About Whales
Short Description
Whales everywhere~...
Report Text About Whales
Generic Structure of Report Text “Whales”
Generic Structure General Classification Description
Whales Whales are sea – living mammals. The largest animal alive is the whale. Fully grown, these great creatures reach a length of over 30 meters and weight as much as twenty four large elephants, are more than 1.500 men. The heart of a whale is more than a meter in diameter. The whale is not a fish, even though it spends its entirely life in the sea. Whales are mammals, just like us. A mother whale gives birth to a live baby whale, not an egg. She feeds her baby with her own milk. Fish are cold-blooded whereas whales are warm-blooded. and they have lungs and breathe the air, like us. For all its size, a whale feeds manly on tiny shrimps. It is harmless to people. Unfortunately, for the whale, people are not harmless to them. So many whales
have been hunted and killed that very few of these magnificent animals are now
Hewan terbesar hidup adalah ikan paus. Dewasa, makhluk-makhluk besar mencapai panjang lebih dari 30 meter dan berat badan sebanyak dua puluh empat gajah besar, lebih dari 1.500 pria. Jantung ikan paus lebih dari satu meter dengan diameter. Paus bukanlah ikan, meskipun menghabiskan seluruhnya hidupnya di laut. Paus adalah mamalia, seperti kita. Seekor ikan paus ibu melahirkan bayi ikan paus hidup, bukan telur. Dia memberi makan bayinya dengan susu sendiri. Ikan adalah hewan berdarah dingin sedangkan paus berdarah panas. dan mereka memiliki paru-paru dan bernapas udara, seperti kita. Untuk semua ukurannya, ikan paus feed jantan pada udang kecil. Hal ini tidak berbahaya bagi manusia. Sayangnya, untuk ikan paus, orang tidak berbahaya bagi mereka. Begitu banyak ikan paus telah diburu dan dibunuh bahwa sangat sedikit dari hewan-hewan yang megah sekarang
Language of Report
+ Introducing group or general aspect +Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc +Using simple present tense +Technical generic terms relevant to the topic – evaporation, Conquistadors, skin, climate +Linking verbs – is, has, is made of, contains +Timeless present tense for science - holds, +Past tense for history – explored, resulted in, +Generalized terms – explorers, water, plants, +Long noun groups – a clear and obvious structure, the far reaching effects on indigenous culture -
Purpose of a Report
Purpose A report is essentially a description that classifies and describes things in general and specific terms.
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