REPORT on Venture Capital

February 21, 2017 | Author: SANDEEP ARORA | Category: N/A
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“Study of Venture Capital  in India and its Aspects”  Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of  MBA Degree of  Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 

Under the supervision of:

Mr Vivek Bhatia Faculty International Business, ITM Gurgaon Submitted by:

sandeep arora 07-MBA-127 Session 2007-2009

Institute of Technology and Management Gurgaon Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

 Acknowledgement  “No Learning is proper and effective without Proper Guidance” Every study is incomplete without having a well plan and concrete exposure to the student. Management studies are not exception. Scope of the project at this level is very wide ranging. On the other hand it provide sound basis to adopt the theoretical knowledge and on the other hand it gives an opportunities for exposure to real time situation.

This study is an internal part of our MBA program and to do this project in a short  period was a heavy task.

Inten Intenti tion, on, dedica dedicati tion, on, conce concentr ntrat ation ion and hard hard work work are are very very much much essen essenti tial al to comple complete te any any task. task. But But still still it needs needs a lot of suppor support, t, guida guidance nce,, assist assistanc ance, e, cooperation of people to make it successful. I bear to imprint of my people who have given me, their precious ideas and times to enable me to complete the research and the project report. I want to thanks them for  their continuous support in my research and writing efforts.

I wish wish to record record my thanks thanks and indeb indebte tedne dness ss to Mr Vivek Vivek Bhatia Bhatia - Facul Faculty ty International Business, ITM Gurgaon, whose inspiration, dedication and helping

nature provided me the kind of guidance necessary to complete this project.

I am extr extrem emel ely y grat gratef eful ul to management of  Inst Instit itut utee of Te Tech chno nolo logy gy & Management, Gurgaon for granting me permission to be part of this college.

I would also like to acknowledge my parents and my batch mates for their guidance and blessings

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Table of Content  1.



Significance of Study of Study


Objective of Study


Research Methodology •

Literature Review

Conceptual Framework 

Operational Definition


Analysis & Interpretation









10. 11.

Bibliographies Annexure




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A number  of  technocrats are seeking to set up shop on their  own and capitalize on opportunities. In the highly dynamic economic climate that surrounds us today, few ‘traditional’  business models may survive. Countries across the globe are realizing that it is not the conglomerates and the gigantic corporations that fuel economic growth any more. The essence of  any economy today is the small and medium enterprises. For  example, in the US, 50% of  the exports are created  by companies with less than 20 employees and only 7% are created by created by companies with 500 or more or more employees. This growing trend can  be attributed to rapid advances in technology in the









entertainment and services have become have  become the cynosure of  bourses  bourses worldwide. In these sectors, it is innovation and technical capability that are big are big business-drivers.  business-drivers. This is a  paradigm shift from the earlier  physical production  physical  production and ‘economies of scale’ of  scale’ model. However, starting an enterprise is never easy. never easy. There are a number of  number  of  parameters  parameters that contribute to its success or  downfall. Experience, integrity,  prudence and a clear  understanding of  the market are among the sought after  qualities of  a  promoter. However, there are other  factors, which lie  beyond the control of  the entrepreneur. Prominent among these is the timely infusion of  funds. This is where the venture capitalist comes in, with money, business money, business sense and a lot more.

What is Venture Capital??? The venture capital investment helps for the for  the growth of  innovative entrepreneurships in India. Venture capital has developed as a result of  the need to  provide nonconventional, risky finance to new ventures  based on innovative entrepreneurship. Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Venture capital is an investment in the form of  equity, quasi-equity and sometimes debt - straight or  conditional, made in new or  untried concepts,  promoted  by a technically or   professionally qualified entrepreneur. Venture capital means risk  capital. It refers to capital investment, both investment,  both equity and debt, which carries substantial risk  and uncertainties. The risk  envisaged may  be very high may  be so high as to result in total loss or very or very less so as to result in high gains

The concept of Venture of Venture Capital Venture capital means many things to many people. many  people. It is in fact nearly impossible to come across one single definition of the of the concept. Jane Koloski Morris , editor  of  the well known industry  publication, Venture

Economics, defines venture capital as 'providing seed, start-up and first stage financing' and also 'funding the expansion of  companies that have already demonstrated their business potential but do not yet have access to the public securities market or to credit oriented institutional funding sources .

The European Venture Capital Association describes it as risk  finance for  entrepreneurial growth oriented companies. It is investment for  the medium or  long term return seeking to maximize medium or  long term for  both for  both  parties. It is a  partnership with the entrepreneur in entrepreneur  in which the investor can investor can add value to the company  because of his of his knowledge, experience and contact base. contact base. Meaning of venture of venture capital: capital:

Venture capital is money  provided  by  professionals who invest alongside management in young, rapidly growing companies that have the potential the  potential to develop into significant economic contributors. Venture capital is an important source of  equity for start-up for start-up companies. Professionally managed venture capital firms generally are  private  partnerships or  closely-held corporations funded  by  private and  public  pension funds, endowment funds, foundations, corporations, wealthy individuals, foreign investors, and the venture capitalists themselves. Venture capitalists generally: •

Finance new and rapidly growing companies Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Purchase equity securities

Assist in the development of new of new products  products or services or services

Add value to the company through active participation active participation

Take higher risks higher risks with the expectation of higher  of higher rewards rewards

Have a long-term orientation

When considering an investment, venture capitalists carefully screen the technical and  business merits of  the  proposed company. Venture capitalists only invest in a small  percentage of  the  businesses they review and have a long-term  perspective. They also actively work  with the company's management, especially with contacts and strategy formulation. Venture capitalists mitigate the risk of  risk  of  investing by investing  by developing a  portfolio of young of  young companies in a single venture fund. Many times they co-invest with other   professional venture capital firms. In addition, many venture  partnerships manage multiple funds simultaneously. For  decades, venture capitalists have nurtured the growth of  America's high technology and entrepreneurial communities resulting in significant  job creation, economic growth and international competitiveness. Companies such as Digital Equipment Corporation, Apple, Federal Express, Compaq, Sun Microsystems, Intel, Microsoft and Genetech are famous examples of companies of  companies that received venture capital early in their development. their development. (Source: National  (Source:  National Venture Venture Capital  Association  Association 1999 Year book) Year  book)

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Private Equity Investing Venture capital investing has grown from a small investment pool investment  pool in the 1960s and early 1970s to a mainstream asset class that is a viable and significant  part of  the institutional and corporate investment portfolio. investment  portfolio. Recently, some investors have been have  been referring to venture investing and buyout and buyout investing as "private equity investing." This term can be can  be confusing because confusing  because some in the investment industry use the term "private equity" to refer  only to  buyout fund investing. In any case, an institutional investor  will allocate 2% to 3% of  their  institutional  portfolio for  investment in alternative assets such as private as private equity or venture or venture capital as part as part of their  of their overall overall asset allocation. Currently, over  50% of  investments in venture capital/private equity comes from institutional  public and  private  pension funds, with the  balance coming from endowments, foundations, insurance companies, banks, companies,  banks, individuals and other entities other  entities who seek to seek to diversify their  portfolio  portfolio with this investment class.

What is a Venture Capitalist? The typical person-on-the-street typical  person-on-the-street depiction of a of  a venture capitalist is that of  a wealthy financier who financier  who wants to fund start-up companies. The perception The  perception is that a  person who develops a brand new change-the-world invention needs capital; thus, if they if they can’t get capital from a  bank  or  from their  own  pockets, they enlist the help of  a venture capitalist. In truth, venture capital and  private equity firms are  pools of  capital, typically organized as a limited   partnership partnership that invests in companies that represent the opportunity for a for  a high rate of return of  return within five to seven years. The venture capitalist may look at look  at several hundred investment opportunities before opportunities  before investing in only a few selected companies with favorable investment opportunities. Far  from  being simply  passive financiers, venture capitalists foster  growth in companies through their  involvement in the management, strategic marketing and  planning of  their  investee companies. They are entrepreneurs first and financiers second. Even individuals may  be venture capitalists. In the early days of  venture capital investment, in the 1950s and 1960s, individual investors were the archetypal venture Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

investor. While this type of  individual investment did not totally disappear, the modern venture firm emerged as the dominant venture investment vehicle. However, in the last few years, individuals have again become again  become a  potent and increasingly larger   part of the of the early stage start-up venture life cycle. These "angel investors" will mentor  a company and  provide needed capital and expertise to help develop companies. Angel investors may either  be  be wealthy people wealthy  people with management expertise or  retired  business men and women who seek  the opportunity for  first-hand  business development.

Factor to be considered by venture capitalist in   sel selec ecti tion on of inve invest stme ment  nt   proposal  There are  basically four  key elements in financing of  ventures which are studied in depth







of the key people key people on the board the board bring  bring 1. Management : The strength, expertise & unity of the significant credibility to the company. The members are to  be mature, experienced  possessing working knowledge of  business of  business and capable of  taking  potentially high risks. of  return of about of  about 30 - 40% is 2. Pote Po tent ntia iall for fo r Capi Ca pita tall Gain Ga in:: An above average rate of return required by required  by venture capitalists. The rate of return of  return also depends upon the stage of the of  the  business cycle where funds are  being deployed. Earlier  the stage, higher  is the risk  and hence the return. 3. Realistic Financial Requirement and Projections: Projections : The venture capitalist requires

a realistic view about the  present health of  the organization as well as future  projections regarding scope, nature and performance and performance of the of the company in terms of scale of scale of  operations, operating  profit and further  costs related to  product development through Research & Development. 4. Owner's Financial Stake: Stake: The financial resources owned & committed  by the

entrepreneur/ owner  in the  business including the funds invested  by family, friends and relatives play relatives play a very important role in increasing the viability of the of the business.  business. It is an important avenue where the venture capitalist keeps an open eye.

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  A Brie Brieff Hist Histor oryy The concept of venture of  venture capital is not new. Venture capitalists often relate the story of  Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus. In the fifteenth century, he sought to travel westwards instead of eastwards of  eastwards from Europe and so planned so  planned to reach India. His far-fetched idea did not find favor  with the King of  Portugal, who refused to finance him. Finally, Queen Isabella of Spain of  Spain decided to fund him and the voyages of Christopher  of  Christopher Columbus Columbus are now empanelled in history. The modern venture capital industry began industry  began taking shape in the post the  post –   – World World War  II years. It is often said that  people decide to  become entrepreneurs  because they see role models in

other   people

who have  become successful entrepreneurs. Much the

same thing can  be said about venture capitalists. The earliest members of  the organized venture capital industry had several role models, including these three: American Research and Development Corporation, formed in 1946, whose

 biggest success was Digital Equipment. The founder of  founder  of  ARD was General Georges Doroit, a French-born military man who is considered "the father of  venture capital." In the 1950s, he taught at the Harvard Business School. His lectures on the

importance of  risk  capital were considered quirky  by the rest of  the faculty, who concentrated on conventional corporate management. of  whose early hits was Minute Maid J.H. Whitney & Co also formed in 1946, one of whose  juice. Jock Whitney Jock Whitney is considered one of the of the industry’s founders. The Rockefeller Family, and in  particular, L S Rockefeller, one of  whose earliest

investments was in Eastern Airlines, which is now defunct but defunct but was one of the of the earliest commercial airlines. The Second World War   produced an abundance of  technological innovation,  primarily with military applications. They include, for example, for  example, some of the of  the earliest work  on micro circuitry. Indeed, J.H. Whitney’s investment in Minute Maid was

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intended to commercialize an orange  juice concentrate that had  been developed to  provide nourishment for troops for troops in the field. In the mid-1950s, the U.S. federal government wanted to speed the development of  advanced technologies. In 1957, the Federal Reserve System conducted a study that concluded that a shortage of  entrepreneurial financing was a chief  obstacle to the development of  what it called "entrepreneurial businesses." As a response this a number  of  Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) were established to "leverage" their  private  private capital by capital  by borrowing  borrowing from the federal government at belowat  belowmarket interest rates. Soon commercial banks commercial banks were allowed to form SBICs and within four years, four years, nearly 600 SBICs were in operation. At the same time a number of  number of venture venture capital firms were forming private forming private partnerships  partnerships outside the SBIC format. These partnerships These  partnerships added to the venture capitalist’s toolkit,  by offering a degree of flexibility of  flexibility that SBICs lack. Within a decade, private decade,  private venture capital partnerships capital partnerships passed  passed SBICs in total capital under management. under management. The 1960s saw a tremendous  bull IPO market that allowed venture capital firms to demonstrate their  ability to create companies and  produce huge investment returns. For  example, when Digital Equipment went  public in 1968 it  provided ARD with 101% annualized Return on Investment (ROI). The US$70,000 Digital invested to start the company in 1959 had a market value of  US$37mn. As a result, venture capital  became a hot market,  particularly for  wealthy individuals and families. However, it was still considered too risky for institutional for institutional investors. In the 1970s, though, venture capital suffered a double-whammy. First, a red-hot IPO market  brought over  1,000 venture-backed companies to market in 1968, the  public markets went into a seven-year slump. seven-year  slump. There were a lot of disappointed of  disappointed stock market stock  market investors and a lot of disappointed of  disappointed venture capital investors too. Then in 1974, after  Congress legislation against the abuse of   pension fund money, all high-risk  investment of  these funds was halted. As a result of  poor  of  poor  public  public market and the  pension fund legislation, venture capital fund raising hit rock  bottom  bottom in 1975. Well, things could only get  better  from there. Beginning in 1978, a series of  legislative and regulatory changes gradually improved the climate for  venture Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

investing. First Congress slashed the capital gains tax rate to 28% from 49.5%. Then the Labor Department Labor  Department issued a clarification that eliminated the pension the  pension funds act as an obstacle to venture investing. At around the same time, there was a number  of  high-profile IPOs  by venture-backed companies. These included Federal Express in 1978, and Apple Computer  and Genetech Inc in 1981. This rekindled interest in venture capital on the part the  part of  wealthy families and institutional investors. Indeed, in the 1980s, the venture capital industry began industry  began its greatest period greatest  period of  growth. In 1980, venture firms raised and invested less than US$600 million. That number  soared to nearly US$4bn  by 1987. The decade also marked the explosion in the  buy-out  business. The late 1980s marked the transition of  the primary the  primary source of  venture capital funds from wealthy individuals and families to endowment, pension endowment,  pension and other institutional other institutional funds. The surge in capital in the 1980s had  predictable results. Returns on venture capital investments plunged. investments  plunged. Many investors went into the funds anticipating returns of  30% or  higher. That was  probably an unrealistic expectation to  begin with. The consensus today is that private that  private equity investments generally should give the investor  an internal rate of return of  return something to the order of  order of 15% 15% to 25%, depending upon the degree of risk  of risk the the firm is taking. However, by However,  by 1990, the average long-term return on venture capital funds fell below fell  below 8%, leading to yet another  downturn in venture funding. Disappointed families and institutions withdrew from venture investing in droves in the 1989-91 periods. 1989-91  periods. The economic recovery and the IPO  boom of  1991-94 have gone a long way towards reversing the trend in  both  private equity investment  performance and  partnership commitments. In 1998, the venture capital industry in the United States continued its seventh straight year  of  growth. It raised US$25bn in committed capital for  investments  by venture firms, who invested over US$16bn over US$16bn into domestic growth companies US firms have traditionally been traditionally  been the biggest the  biggest participants  participants in venture deals, but deals,  but non-US venture investment is growing.

In India, venture funding more than doubled from $420

million in 2002 to almost $1 billion $1 billion in 2003. For the For the first half of  half of 2004, 2004, venture capital investment rose 32% from 2003.

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Venture Capital in INDIA Venture capital was introduced in India in mid eighties  by All India Financial Institutions with the inauguration of  Risk  Capital Foundation (RCF) sponsored  by IFCI with a view to encourage the technologists and the professional the  professional to promote to  promote new industries. Consequently the government of India of India promoted  promoted the venture capital during 1986-87 by 1986-87  by creating a venture capital fund in the context of  structural development and growth of  small-scale  business enterprises. Since then several venture capital firms/funds (VCFs) are incorporated  by Financial Institutions (FIs), Public Sector  Banks (PSBs), and Private Banks and Private Financial companies. The Indian Venture Capital Industry (IVCI) is just is just about a decade old industry as compared to that in Europe and US. In this short span it has nurtured close to one thousand ventures, mostly in SME segment and has supported  building technocrat/professionals all through. The VC industry, through its investment in high growth companies as well as companies adopting newer technologies newer  technologies backed  backed by  by first generation entrepreneurs, has made a substantial contribution to economy. In India, however, the potential the potential of venture of venture capital investments is yet to be to be fully realized. There are around thirty venture capital funds, which have garnered over  Rs. 5000 Crores. The venture capital investments in India at Rs. 1000.05 crore as in 1997, representing 0.1 percent 0.1 percent of GDP, of GDP, as compared to 5.5 per  5.5 per cent cent in countries such as Hong Kong.

  Inve Investm stmen entt Philo Philosop sophy hy Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Venture capitalists can be can be generalists, investing in various industry sectors, or various or various geographic locations, or  various stages of  a company’s life. Alternatively, they may  be specialists in one or two or  two industry sectors, or may or may seek to seek to invest in only a localized geographic area.  Not all venture capitalists invest in "start-ups." While venture firms will invest in companies that are in their initial their initial start-up modes, venture capitalists will also invest in companies at various stages of the of the business  business life cycle. A venture capitalist may invest  before there is a real  product or  company organized (so called "seed investing"), or  may provide may provide capital to start up a company in its first or second or second stages of development of development known as "early stage investing." Also, the venture capitalist may  provide needed financing to help a company grow beyond grow  beyond a critical mass to become to  become more successful ("expansion stage financing"). The venture capitalist may invest in a company throughout the company’s life cycle and therefore some funds focus on later stage later stage investing by investing by providing  providing financing to help the company grow to a critical mass to attract  public financing through a stock  offering. Alternatively, the venture capitalist may help the company attract a merger  or  acquisition with another  company  by  providing liquidity and exit for  the company’s founders. At the other  end of  the spectrum, some venture funds specialize in the acquisition, turnaround or  recapitalization of   public and  private companies that represent favorable investment opportunities. There are venture funds that will be will  be broadly  broadly diversified and will invest in companies in various industry sectors as diverse as semiconductors, software, retailing and restaurants and others that may be may be specialists in only one technology. While high technology investment makes up most of  the venture investing in the U.S., and the venture industry gets a lot of  attention for  its high technology investments, venture capitalists also invest in companies such as construction, industrial  products,  business services, etc. There are several firms that have specialized in retail company investment and others that have a focus in investing only in "socially responsible" start-up endeavors. Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

The basic The  basic principal  principal underlying venture capital –  capital  – invest invest in high-risk  projects  projects with the anticipation of  high returns. These funds are then invested in several fledging enterprises, which require funding,  but are unable to access it through the conventional sources such as  banks and financial institutions. Typically first generation entrepreneurs start such enterprises. Such enterprises generally do not have any major collateral major  collateral to offer  as security, hence banks hence  banks and financial institutions are averse to funding them. Venture capital funding may be may  be by  by way of investment of  investment in the equity of the of the new enterprise or a or a combination of debt of debt and equity, though equity is the most preferred most preferred route. Since most of  the ventures financed through this route are in new areas (worldwide venture capital follows "hot industries" like InfoTech, electronics and biotechnology), and biotechnology), the probability the probability of success of success is very low. All projects All projects financed do not give a high return. Some  projects fail and some give moderate returns. The investment, however, is a long-term risk  capital as such  projects normally take 3 to 7 years to generate substantial returns. Venture capitalists offer  "more than money" to the venture and seek to seek to add value to the investee unit by unit by active participation active participation in its management. They monitor and monitor and evaluate the project the project on a continuous basis. continuous basis. The venture capitalist is however  not worried about failure of  an investee company,  because the deal which succeeds, nets a very high return on his investments  –  high enough to make up for  the losses sustained in unsuccessful  projects. The returns generally come in the form of  selling the stocks when they get listed on the stock  exchange or  by  by a timely sale of his of his stake in the company to a strategic buyer. strategic buyer. The idea is to cash in on an increased appreciation of  the share value of  the company at the time of disinvestment of  disinvestment in the investee company. If  the venture fails (more often than not), the entire amount gets written off. Probably, that is one reason why venture capitalists assess several projects several projects and invest only in a handful after careful after careful scrutiny of  the management and marketability of the of the project.  project. To conclude, a venture financier is financier  is one who funds a start up company, in most cases  promoted by  promoted by a first generation technocrat promoter  technocrat promoter with with equity. A venture capitalist is not a lender, but lender, but an equity partner. equity partner. He cannot survive on minimalism. He is driven by driven by maximization: wealth maximization. Venture capitalists are sources of  expertise for 

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the companies they finance. Exit is  preferably through listing on stock  exchanges. This method has  been extremely successful in USA, and venture funds have  been credited with the success of  technology companies in Silicon Valley. The entire technology industry thrives on it

Leng Le ngth th of inve invest stme ment nt : Venture capitalists will help companies grow,  but they eventually seek  to exit the investment in three to seven years. An early stage investment make take seven to ten years to mature, while a later  stage investment many only take a few years, so the appetite for the for the investment life cycle must be must be congruent with the limited partnerships’ limited partnerships’ appetite for  liquidity. The venture investment is neither  a short term nor  a liquid investment, but investment, but an investment that must be must be made with careful diligence and expertise.

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 Stages of Venture Capital Funding  The Venture Capital funding varies across the different stages of  growth of  a firm. The various stages are:

: 1. Pre seed Stage: Here, a relatively small amount of  capital is  provided to an entrepreneur  to conceive and market a  potential idea having good future  prospects. The funded work also work also involves product involves product development to some extent.

2. Seed Stage: Financing is  provided to complete  product development and commence initial marketing formalities.

Ea rly y Stag St agee / First Fir st Stag St agee: Finance is  provided to companies to initiate 3. Earl commercial manufacturing and sales.

of Financing working capital is provided is provided for  4. Second Stage: In the Second Stage of Financing the expansion of the of the company in terms of growing of growing accounts receivable and inventory.

5. Third Stage: Funds  provided for  major  expansion of  a company having increasing sales volume. This stage is met when the firm crosses the break  the break even even point.  point.

6. Bridge / Mezzanine Financing or Later Stage Financing: Bridge / Mezzanine Financing or Later  or  Later Stage Stage Financing is financing a company just company just before  before its IPO (Initial Public Offer). Often, bridge Often,  bridge finance is structured so that it can be can  be repaid, from the proceeds the proceeds of a of a public offering.

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 Methods ethods of Ventu Venture re Financin Financing  g  Venture capital is typically available in three forms in India, they are:

Equity: All VCFs in India provide India  provide equity but equity  but generally their contribution their  contribution does not exceed 49 percent 49  percent of the of  the total equity capital. capital. Thus, the effective control and majority ownership of the of the firm remains with the entrepreneur. They buy They buy shares of an of an enterprise with an intention to ultimately sell them off to off to make capital gains.

Conditi Con ditiona onall Loan : It is repayable in the form of a of a royalty after the after the venture is able to generate sales.  No interest is  paid on such loans. In India, VCFs charge royalty ranging between ranging  between 2 to 15 percent; 15  percent; actual rate depends on other factors other  factors of the of  the venture such as gestation  period, cost-flow  patterns, riskiness and other  factors of  the enterprise.

Income Note: It is a hybrid security which combines the features of   both conventional loan and conditional loan. The entrepreneur has entrepreneur  has to pay to pay both  both interest and royalty on sales, but sales, but at substantially low rates.

Othe Ot herr Fina Financ ncin ing g Meth Method odss:

A few venture capitalists,  particularly in the

 private sector, have started introducing innovative financial securities like  participating debentures, introduced by introduced by TCFC is an example.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Venture Capital Fund Operation Venture capitalists are very selective in deciding what to invest in. A common figure is that they invest only in about one in four hundred four hundred ventures presented ventures presented to them. They are only interested in ventures with high growth potential. growth  potential. Only ventures with high growth  potential are capable of  providing of  providing the return that venture capitalists expect, and structure their  businesses their  businesses to expect. Because many  businesses cannot create the growth required having an exit event within the required timeframe, venture capital is not suitable for everyone. for everyone. Venture capitalists usually expect to be to  be able to assign personnel assign  personnel to key management  positions and also to obtain one or  more seats on the company's board of directors. This is to pu phrase that that has has somet sometime imess quite quite unfort unfortuna unate te putt people people in place place, a phrase implications as it was used in many accounting scandals to refer to a strategy of   placing incompetent or easily bypassed individuals in positions of due of due diligence diligence and formal legal responsibility, enabling others to rob stockholders blind. Only a tiny   portion of venture capitalists, however, have been found liable in the large scale frauds that rocked American (mostly) finance in 2000 and 2001. Vent Ventur uree capi capita tali list stss expe expect ct to be able able to sell sell thei theirr stoc stock, k, warr warran ants ts,, opti option ons, s, convertibles, or other forms of equity in three to ten years: this is referred to as harvesting. Venture capitalists know that not all their investments will pay-off. The

failure rate of investments can be high; anywhere from 20% to 90% of the enterprises funded fail to return the invested capital. Many venture capitalists try to mitigate this problem through diversification. They inves investt in compan companie iess in diffe differe rent nt indus industr trie iess and diffe differen rentt countr countrie iess so that that the systematic risk of their total portfolio is reduced. Others concentrate their investments in the industry that they are familiar with. In either case, they work on the assumption that for every ten investments investments they make, two will be failures, failures, two will be successful, and six will be marginally successful. They expect that the two successes will pay for  the time given to, and risk exposure of the other eight. In good times, the funds that do succeed may offer returns of 300 to 1000% to investors. Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Venture capital partners (also known as "venture capitalists" or "VCs") may be former  chief executives executives at firm firmss simi simila larr to those those which which the partn partners ershi hip p funds funds.. Investors in venture capital funds are typically large institutions with large amounts of  available capital, such as state and private   pension funds, funds, university endowments, endowments, insurance companies and pooled and pooled investment vehicles. Most venture capital funds have a fixed life of ten years—this model was pioneered  by some of the most successful funds in Silicon Valley through the 1980s to invest in technol technologic ogical al trends trends broadly broadly but only during their period period of ascendan ascendance, ce, to cut exposure to management and marketing risks of any individual firm or its product. In such a fund, the investors have a fixed commitment to the fund that is "called down" by the VCs over time as the fund makes its investments. In a typical venture capit capital al fund, fund, the the VCs VCs recei receive ve an annual annual "mana "managem gement ent fee" fee" equal equal to 2% of the committed capital to the fund and 20% of the net profits of the fund. Because a fund may run out of capital prior to the end of its life, larger VCs usually have several overlapping funds at the same time—this lets the larger firm keep specialists in all stage of the development of firms almost constantly engaged. Smaller firms tend to thrive or fail with their initial industry contacts—by the time the fund cashes out, an entirely new generation of technologies and people is ascending, whom they do not know well, and so it is prudent to re-assess and shift industries or personnel rather  than attempt to simply invest more in the industry or people it already knows

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

 Significance of Study Venture capitalists not only support high technology  projects they also fiancé any risky idea, they  provide funds (a) if  one needs additional capital to expand his existing business existing  business or  one has a new &  promising  project to exploit (b) if  one cannot obtain a conventional loan the requirement terms would create a  burden during the  period the firm is struggling to grown.

It is the ambition of many of many talented people talented people in India to set up their own their own venture if they if they could get adequate & reliable support. Financial investment provides investment provides loans & equity. But they do not provide not provide management support, which is often needed by needed by entrepreneurs. But the venture capital industries provide industries provide such support along with capital also. Venture capitalist acts a partner not  partner not a financier.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Objective of the Study When we are going to study something there is specific purpose specific  purpose for our  for  our study. study. It may  be for our  for  our course, course, as hobby, for  passing  passing our time, our  time, to find out genuine solution for any for  any  problem or to or  to draw out certain inferences out of the of  the available data. The objectives of  my study are: 

To find out the venture capital investment volume in India.

To study the problem the problem faced by faced by venture capitalist in India. 

To study the future prospects future prospects of venture of venture capital financing

Objective No. 1

To Find out the venture capital investment  volume in India Methods of Financing of Financing Instruments

Rs million

Per cent

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Equity Shares Redeemable Preference Shares  Non Convertible Debt Convertible Instruments Other I Other Instruments Total

6,318.12 2,154.46 873.01 580.02 75.85 10,000.46

63.18 21.54 8.73 5.8 0.75 100

Rs million 7,000.00


6,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00







0.00     y     s      t     e      i     r     u     a     q     h      E     S

    e      l      b     e     c     s     a     n     e     e     r     m    r     a     e     f     e     h     e      d     e     r      S     e     P      R

    e      l      b     t      i     n     t     r      b     o     e     e     v      D      N    n     o      C

    s     e     t      l      b     n      i      t     r     e     m     e     v     u     r     n     t     o     s      C     I     n

    s      t     r     n     e     e      h     m      t     u     r      O     t     s     n      I

Interpretation: Interpretation: This diagram shows the venture capital financing in equity share and secondly they invest in redeemable preference redeemable preference shares to get higher returns. higher returns.

Contributors of Funds of Funds Contributors

Foreign Institutional Investors All India Financial Institutions Multilateral Development Agencies Other B Other Banks Foreign Investors Private Sector

Rs. mn

13,426.47 6,252.90 2,133.64 1,541.00 570 412.53

Per cent

52.46% 24.43% 8.34% 6.02% 2.23% 1.61%

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Public Sector  Nationalized Banks  Non Resident Indians State Financial Institutions Other P Other Public Insurance Companies Mutual Funds Total

324.44 278.67 235.5 215 115.52 85 4.5 25,595.17

1.27% 1.09% 0.92% 0.84% 0.45% 0.33% 0.02% 100.00%

Interpretation: This table shows the highest contribution of fund of fund FII and secondly AIFI to develop the Industry.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Financing By Investment Stage Investment Stages

Rs million

Start-up Later s Later stage Other early Other early stage Seed stage Turnaround financing Total

3,813.00 3,338.99 1,825.77 963.2 59.5 10,000.46


297 154 124 107 9 691

Rs million 4,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00

3,813.00 3,338.99

1,825.77 963.2 59.5 Star Start-u t-up

Later ter stag stage

Oth Other early arly stage

Seed Seed stage

Turnar urnarou ound nd financing

Interpretation: Interpretation: This diagram shows the highest finance is received by received  by the venture in startup stage of any of any venture.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Financing By Industry


Rs million

Industrial products, Industrial  products, machinery Computer S Computer  Software Consumer R Consumer  Related Medical Food, food processing Other e Other electronics Tel & Data Communications Biotechnology Energy related Computer H Computer  Hardware Miscellaneous Total

2,599.32 1,832 1,412.74 623.8 500.06 436.54 385.09 376.46 249.56 203.36 1,380.85 10,000.46

Rs million

3,000.00 2,599.32 2,500.00 2,000.00

1,832 1,412.74


1,500.00 1,000.00


500.00 0.00

   l  ,   r   e   r   a   t   s   e   r   e   d    i   r   c    t    t   u   a   m  e   s   u   p   w   u   t   a    l   u   d   m   t    f   s   e    d   o   n   r   o   o   o   R   n   p    I    C   S    C

   l   a   c    i    d   e    M

500.06 436.54 385.09 376.46

  s   s    d   g   n   c   n   o   i    i   r   n   a   i   o   o   s    f   s   e   o    t    t  ,   e    t    h   t   r   a   a    d   c   c    D   i   o   o    O   c   e    &   n   o   r    l   u    F   p   e    l   e   m    T   m   o    C

  y   g   o    l   o   n    h   c   e    t   o    i    B

249.56 203.36    d   e    t   a    l   e   r   y   g   r   e   n    E

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

  r   e   e   r    t   u   a   p   w   m   d   r   o   a    C   H

  s   u   o   e   n   a    l    l   e   c   s    i    M

Interpretation: Interpretation: In this diagram highest finance received by received by industrial products industrial products and machinery and secondly finance received by received by computer software. computer software.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Financing By States Investment

Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Karnataka West Bengal Haryana Delhi Uttar P Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Kerala Goa Rajasthan Punjab Orissa Dadra & Nagar H  Nagar  Haveli Himachal Pradesh Pondicherry Bihar Overseas Total

Rs million

2,566 1531 1372 1102 1046 312 300 294 283 231 135 105 87 84 35 32 28 22 16 413 9994  Source IVCA  Source IVCA (2005-06)

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Rs million 3,000


2,500 2,000 1,500


1372 1102


1,000 3 12

500 0

  a   d  u   s   h    t  r  a   a   e    h   d    N   s    l   a    a   a    a    i   r   r    P   a  m    h  a   a    a    T   r   a    M   d   h   n   A

  a     t  a   r   a    j    G  u

3 00

  a   l    k  a   n  a   g    a   a    t   n   y   r  y   n  a    B  e   a   r  n    t    H   a   s    K    W  e


   l   h   i   e    D

Interpretation: Interpretation: In this diagram highest finance given  by the Maharashtra to the ventures to promote to promote the state economy growth.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

 Assessing ssessing Venture Venture Capital  Capital  Venture funds, both funds, both domestic and offshore, have been have been around in India for some for some years now. However  it is only in the  past 12 to 18 months, they have come into the limelight. The rejection ratio is very high, about 10 in 100 get beyond get  beyond pre  pre evaluation stage, and 1 gets funded. Venture capital funds are broadly are broadly of two of two kinds - generalists or specialists. or specialists. It is critical for the for  the company to access the right type of fund, of  fund, ie who can add value. This backing This  backing is invaluable as focused/specialized funds open doors, assist in future rounds and help in strategy. Hence, it is important to choose the right venture capitalist. The standard  parameters used  by venture capitalists are very similar  to any investment decision. The only difference being difference  being exit. If one If  one buys  buys a listed security, one can exit at a  price  but with an unlisted security, exit  becomes difficult. The key factors which they look for  look for in in

The Management Most  businesses are  people driven, with success or  failure depending on the  performance of  the team. It is important to distinguish the entrepreneur  from the  professional management team. The value of  the idea, the vision,  putting the team together, getting the funding in place in  place is amongst others, some key aspects of the of  the role of the of  the entrepreneur. Venture capitalists will insist on a  professional team coming in, including a CEO to execute the idea. One-man armies are  passe. Integrity and commitment are attributes sought for. The venture capitalist can provide can  provide the strategic vision, but vision,  but the team executes it. As a famous Silicon Valley saying goes "Success is execution, strategy is a dream".

The Idea The idea and its potential its potential for commercialization for commercialization are critical. Venture funds look for  look  for aa scalable model, at a country or a or  a regional level. Otherwise the entire game would be would  be reduced to a manpower  or  machine multiplication exercise. For  example, it is very easy for Hindustan for  Hindustan Lever to Lever  to double sales of Liril of  Liril - a soap without incremental capex, Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

while Gujarat Ambuja needs to spend at least Rs4bn  before it can increase sales by sales  by 1mn ton. Distinctive competitive advantages must exist in the form of  scale, technology,  brands, distribution, etc which will make it difficult for  competition to enter.

Valuation All investment decisions are sensitive to this. An old stock  market saying "Every stock  is a  buy at a  price and vice versa". Most deals fail  because of  valuation expectation mismatch. In India, while calculating returns, venture capital funds will take into account issues like rupee depreciation, political depreciation, political instability, which adds to the risk  premia,  premia, thus suppressing valuations. Linked to valuation is the stake, which the fund takes. In India, entrepreneurs are still uncomfortable with the venture capital "taking control" in a seed stage project. stage project.

Exit Without exit, gains cannot  be  booked. Exit may  be in the form of  a strategic sale or/and IPO. Taxation issues come up at the time. Any fund would discuss all exit options  before closing a deal. Sometimes, the fund insists on a  buy  back  clause to ensure an exit.

Portfolio Balancing Most venture funds try and achieve  portfolio  balancing as they invest in different stages of  the company life cycle. For  example, a venture capital has invested in a  portfolio of  companies  predominantly at seed stage; they will focus on expansion stage projects stage  projects for future for  future investments to balance to  balance the investment portfolio. investment  portfolio. This would enable them to have a  phased exit. In summary, venture capital funds go through a certain due diligence to finalize the deal. This includes evaluation of the of the management team, strategy, execution and commercialization plans. commercialization plans. This is supplemented by supplemented by legal and accounting due diligence, typically carried out  by an external agency. In India, the entire  process takes about 6 months. Entrepreneurs are advised to keep that in mind before mind before looking to raise funds. The actual cash inflow might get delayed because delayed because of regulatory of regulatory issues. It is interesting to note that in USA, at times angels write checks across the table. Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

Financing Options in General  The possibility The  possibility of raising of  raising a substantial part substantial  part of  project  project finances in India through both through  both equity and debt instruments are among the key advantages of investing of investing in India.

The Indian banking Indian  banking system has shown remarkable growth over the over the last two decades. The rapid growth and increasing complexity of  the financial markets, especially the capital market have  brought about measures for  further  development and improvement in the working of  these markets. Banks and development financial institutions led  by ICICI, IDBI and IFCI were  providers of  term loans for  funding  projects. The options were limited to conventional  businesses, i.e. manufacturing centric. Services sector was sector was ignored because ignored because of the of the "collateral" issue.

Equity was raised from the capital markets using the IPO route. The bull The  bull markets of  the 90s, fuelled by fuelled by Harshad Mehta and the FIIs, ensured that (ad) venture capital was easily available. Manufacturing companies exploited this to the full.

The services sector was sector  was ignored, like software, media, etc. Lack of  Lack  of understanding understanding of  these sectors was also responsible for the for the same. If we If we look  back to  back to 1991 or even or even 1992, the situation as regards financial outlay available to Indian software companies was  poor. Most software companies found it extremely difficult to source seed capital, working capital or even or even venture capital. Most software companies started off  undercapitalized, and had to rely on loans or overdraft or  overdraft facilities to provide to  provide working capital. This approach forced them to generate revenue in the short term, rather than rather  than investing in product in product development. The situation fortunately has changed.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

 Research Methodology defines,”Research as a systematized effort to gain now REDMEN & MORY defines, knowledge.” It is a careful investigation for search for  search of new of  new facts in any branch any  branch of knowledge. of  knowledge. The  purpose of research of  research methodology section is to describe the procedure the  procedure for conduction for  conduction the study. It includes research design, sample size, data collection and  procedure of  analysis of research of research instrument. Research Research always starts with a question or a problem. Its purpose is to find answers to questions through the application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied.


“Resear earch ch desig design n is the plan plan struct structure ure & strat strategy egy of    Acc. Acc. to Kerlinger Kerlinger,, “Res investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.  Acc. to Green and Tull, “A research design is the specification of methods

and procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is the overall operational  pattern  pattern or framework framework of the project that stipulates what information information is to be collected from which sources by what procedures. Its found that research design is  purely and simply the framework  for  a study that guides the collection and analysis of required of required data. Research design is broadly is broadly classified into • • •

Exploratory research design Descriptive research design Casual research design

This research is a Explorato major  purpose of  this research is Expl oratory ry research resea rch . The major  purpose description of state of state of affairs of affairs as it exists at present. at present.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon


Secondary data is the data which is already collected  by someone and complied for  different purposes different purposes which are used in research for this for this study. It includes:•





Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

  Lite Literat rature ure Re Revie view  w  According to Subash and Nair, (May 2005) According to theses  persons though the modern concept of  venture capital stated during 1946 and now  practiced  by almost all economies around the world, there seems to be to  be a slowdown of venture of  venture capital activities after 2000.There after  2000.There may be may  be a long list of reasons of  reasons for this for  this situation, where people where  people feel more risky to put to  put their  money in new and emerging ventures. Hardly 5% of  the total venture capital investment globally is given to really stage ventures. In all the years people years people around the world has seen the potentiality the potentiality of venture of  venture capital in promoting in promoting different economies of the of  the world  by improving the standard of  living of  the  people  by expanding  business activities, increasing employment and also generating more revenue to the government

According To Kumar, (June 2003) This study focus on the industry should concentrate more on early stage  business opportunities instead of  later stage. later  stage. It is the experience world over and over  and especially in the United States of  America that the early stage opportunities have generated exceptional returns for the for the industry. He also suggests that individual capitalists should follow a focused investment strategy. The specialization should  be in a  board technology segment.

According to Kumar and Kaura, (March 2006) The  present study reports four  factors which are used  by the venture capitalist to screen new venture  proposals. Using Kendall’s tau-c analysis, the study  brings out strong association between association between several variable pair. variable pair. Broadly, the analysis finds that: •

Successful venture teams put teams put in sustained efforts o identified target markets.

They are highly meticulous while attending to the details.

These teams are adept at dealing with risk  because  because of  their  impeccable  past experience.

Indian venture capitalists do not seem to  be much enamored of  technology venturing; at least some of  the successful funded  by them do not seem to show signs of  being  being hi- tech. Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

The study  brings out four  important variables which are highly unique to successful venture in India. They are: • • • •

Ability to evaluate and react to risk  Attention to details Market share Profits.

Evaluating risk  seems to  be an area where unsuccessful venture fail. Since successful teams focus on established markets and meticulously pursue meticulously  pursue these markets to gain market share, they achieve desired profits. desired profits.

According to Kumar, (May 2004) The Indian Venture Capital Industry has followed the classical model of  venture capital finance. The early stage financing which includes seeds, startup & early stage investment was always the major  part major  part of  the total investment. Whenever  venture capitalists invest in venture certain basic certain  basic preference  preference play  play a crucial role in investment decision. Two such considerations are location  preferences and ownership  preferences. Seed stage finance is provided is  provided to new companies for the for  the use in product in  product development & initial marketing company may  be in the  process of  setting up the  business or  may  be in the  business for  short  period  but have not reach the stage of  commercialization.

According to Kumar, (March, 2004) The industry should concentrate more an early stage business stage business opportunities instead of  later  stage. It is the experience world over  and especially in the United states of  America that the early stage opportunities have generated exceptional for  the industry. It is recommended that the venture capitalists should retain their  basic their  basic feature that taking retain their  basic their  basic feature that is taking high risk. The  present situation may compel venture capitalists to opt for  less risky opportunities  but it is against the sprit of venture of venture capitalism. The established fact is big is big gains are possible are possible in high risk  projects.  projects.

Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

According to Chary, (September 2005)

There has been has been a plethora of literature of literature on venture capital finance, which is helping the  practitioners’ viz., venture capital finance companies and fund manage for  better  for  better  understanding the role of venture of venture capital in economic development. There are number  of  studies on the venture capital and activities of  venture capitalists in developed countries.

According to Vijayalakshman & Dalvi, ((Jan., 2006) Whenever Indian Whenever Indian policy  policy makers have to encourage any industry. The usual practice usual practice is to grant that the industry tax  breaks for  a limited  period. This definitely acts as a  positive incentive for  that industry. However, what is required is a through understanding of the of the industry requirement framing and implementation of aggregative of aggregative strategy for its for  its development. VC funds are not even registered with SEBI in spite of  all the  benefit available. VC industry is one, which will today  prepare a  base for  a strong tomorrow. What is need for  the development of  VC industry is not only tax  breaks  but simpler  procedures simpler  procedures legislation for  simplified exit form investment, more transparency and legal backing legal backing to participate to participate in business in business amongst other things. other things.

According to Kumar, (July, 2005) One of the of the integral aspects of venture of venture funding is venture capitalist's involvement with the entrepreneurial team. The relationship through broad through  broad interaction was explored by explored  by Rosenstein (1988). A comparison was drawn  between small and large firms with regard to board to  board interaction. While it is important in large firms the relative power  relative  power of  of  small conventional firms, board firms, board interaction generally is undermined. Rosenstein et. a. (1993) studied the finer  aspects of  boards of  boards in the venture funded companies in the USA. From 98 candidates in the sample, the study attempted to bring to bring out the changes in the board the  board size, board size,  board composition and control and their relation their  relation to value added to the funded unit. The empirical analysis yielded results wherein the size of the of  the board  board increased after venture after venture funding, indicating more transparency in board in board operations. Through a case  based approach Lloyd et. al. (1995) explored the aspect of  deal structuring and  post investment staging of  venture capitalists through venture Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

capitalists' co-investing strategy. The study finds that even through venture capitalists fix tight milestones and time lines they themselves contribute to many of  the delays that are experienced by experienced  by a typical start up firm. This is because is  because of the of  the hierarchical coinvesting  partners and the lack  of  understanding within the venture capitalist coinvestors as to what role they individually play individually  play in the development of their  of  their  portfolio  portfolio company.

According to Robbie, (1997) Robbies, et. al. (1997) highlights the monitoring policies monitoring  policies of funded of  funded units by units  by venture capitalists and studies the  performance targets, monitoring information, and monitoring actions through a questionnaire-based survey. The survey was administered to 108 British Venture Capital Association members and total of  77 responses were gathered in the study. The findings related to performance to performance targets and other monitoring other monitoring issues were considerable addition to the literature in the subject. The issues concerning  board of  directors' role in venture  backed companies are widely debated topics in academic research. The findings of the of the study by study by Fried et. al. (1998) emphasize that the board the  board of directors of  directors are a more involved in the venture backed firms than boards than  boards where members do not have large ownership at stake. The study  provides an empirical evidence of  variation in the  boards' involvement and shows its relevance in performance in performance management of funded of funded units.

According to Mishra, (July 2004) There is abundant empirical research conducted in developed countries which address the relative investment evaluation criteria taken into account in the screening process screening  process for new for  new venture investment proposals. investment  proposals. Zopunidis (1994)  provides a useful summary of the of  the previous  previous research in this field. The identification of selection of  selection criteria has been has  been researched using different methodologies such as simple rating of criteria of  criteria (perpetual and deal specific responses) Knight, 1986; Dixon, 1991; Hall and Hofer, 1993; Rah, Jung and Lee, 1994), construct analysis (Fried and Hisrich, 1994), verbal  protocols (Zhacharakis and Meyer, 1998), and quantitative compensatory models (Muzyka, Birley and Leleux, 1996; Shepherd, 1999). Multi methods (case analysis, study of  administrative records,  published interviews, questionnaire and  personal interviews) Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

approach has also  been used (Riquelme, 1994) to enhance understanding of  investment criteria and also extend it to other aspects other aspects of investment of  investment process  process like deal structuring and divestment.

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Conceptual Frame Work –  The Ve Vent ntur uree Cap Ca pital Proc ro cess The Venture Capital Investment Process: The venture capital activity is a sequential process sequential process involving the following six steps. 1. Deal origination 2. Screening 3. Due diligence Evaluation 4. Deal structuring 5. Post-investment activity 6. Exit

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Venture Capital Investment Process

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Deal originat orig ination: ion:

In generating a deal flow, the VC investor  creates a  pipeline of deals of  deals or  investment opportunities that he would consider  for  investing in. Deal may originate in various ways. referral system, active search system, and intermediaries. Referral system is an important source of  deals. Deals may  be referred to VCFs  by their   parent organizations, trade partners, trade  partners, industry associations, friends etc. Another  deal flow is active search through networks, trade fairs, conferences, seminars, foreign visits etc. Intermediaries is used  by venture capitalists in developed countries like USA, is certain intermediaries who match VCFs and the potential the potential entrepreneurs. Screening:

VCFs, before VCFs,  before going for an for  an in-depth analysis, carry out initial screening of all of  all projects  projects on the  basis of  some  broad criteria. For  example, the screening  process may limit  projects to areas in which the venture capitalist is familiar in familiar  in terms of technology, of  technology, or   product, or market or  market scope. The size of investment, of  investment, geographical location and stage of  financing could also be also be used as the broad the broad screening criteria. Due Diligen Dil igence: ce:

Due diligence is the industry  jargon for  all the activities that are associated with evaluating an investment  proposal. The venture capitalists evaluate the quality of  entrepreneur   before appraising the characteristics of  the  product, market or  technology. Most venture capitalists ask for  ask  for aa business plan  business plan to make an assessment of  the  possible risk  and return on the venture. Business  plan contains detailed information about the proposed the proposed venture. The evaluation of ventures of ventures by  by VCFs in India includes; Preliminary evaluation: The applicant required to  provide a  brief  profile  brief   profile of  the  proposed venture to establish prima establish prima facie eligibility. Detailed evaluation: Once the  preliminary evaluation is over, the  proposal is evaluated in greater detail. greater detail. VCFs in India expect the entrepreneur to entrepreneur  to have:- Integrity, long-term vision, urge to grow, managerial skills, commercial orientation. VCFs in India also make the risk  analysis of  the  proposed  projects which includes: Product risk, Market risk, Technological risk  and Entrepreneurial risk. The final decision is taken in terms of the of the expected risk-return trade-off as trade-off as shown in Figure.

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Deal Structuring: Structuring refers to  putting together  the financial aspects of  the deal and negotiating with the entrepreneurs to accept a venture capital’s proposal capital’s proposal and finally closing the deal. To do a good  job in structuring, one needs to  be knowledgeable in areas of accounting, of accounting, cash flow, finance, legal and taxation. Also the structure should take into consideration the various commercial issues (ie what the entrepreneur  wants and what the venture capital would require  protecting the investment). Documentation refers to the legal aspects of the of the paperwork   paperwork in in putting  putting the deal together. The instruments to  be used in structuring deals are many and varied. The objective in selecting the instrument would be would be to maximize (or optimize) (or optimize) venture capital’s returns/protection and yet satisfies the entrepreneur’s requirements. The instruments could be could be as follows: Instrument Loan

Preference shares

Warrants Common shares

Issues Clean vs secured

Interest bearing Interest bearing vs non interest bearing interest bearing convertible vs one with features (warrants) 1st Charge, 2nd Charge, loan vs loan stock  Maturity redeemable (conditions under Company under Company Act)  participating  par value  par value nominal shares exercise price, expiry period expiry period new or vendor  or vendor shares shares  par value  par value  partially-paid shares

In India, straight equity and convertibles are popular  are popular and and commonly used. Nowadays, used. Nowadays, warrants are issued as a tool to bring to bring down pricing. down pricing. A variation that was first used  by PACT and TDICI was "royalty on sales". Under  this, the company was given a conditional loan. If  the  project was successful, the company had to pay to  pay a % age of sales of  sales as royalty and if it if  it failed then the amount was written off. In structuring a deal, it is important to listen to what the entrepreneur  wants, but wants,  but the venture capital comes up with his own solution. Even for the for  the proposed  proposed investment amount, the venture capital decides whether or  whether  or not not the amount requested, is appropriate and consistent with the risk level risk level of the of the investment. The risks should be should be Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

analyzed, taking into consideration the stage at which the company is in and other  factors relating to the project. the project. (eg exit problems, exit problems, etc). Post Pos t Invest Inv estmen mentt Activi Act iviti ties es :

Once the deal has  been structured and agreement finalized, the venture capitalist generally assumes the role of  a  partner  and collaborator. He also gets involved in shaping of  the direction of  the venture. The degree of  the venture capitalist's involvement depends on his  policy. It may not, however,  be desirable for  a venture capitalist to get involved in the day-to-day operation of the of  the venture. If a If  a financial or  managerial crisis occurs, the venture capitalist may intervene, and even install a new management team. Exit:

Venture capitalists generally want to cash-out their gains their gains in five to ten years after the after the initial investment. They play They play a positive role in directing the company towards  particular exit  particular exit routes. A venture may exit in one of the of the following ways: 1. Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s) 2. Acquisition by Acquisition by another company another company 3. Purchase of the of the venture capitalist's shares by shares by the promoter, the promoter, 4. Purchase of the of the venture capitalist's share by share by an outsider 

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Obje Object ctiv ivee No.2 No.2

To study the problems fac fa ced by ve ven nture cap ca pital it alis istt in Ind India. ia . Problems of Venture of Venture Capital in Indian Context One can ask  why venture funding is so successful in USA and faced a number  of   problems in India. The  biggest  problem was a mindset change from "collateral funding" to high risk high risk  high return funding. Most of the of  the pioneers  pioneers in the industry were  people with credit background credit background and exposure to manufacturing industries. Exposure to Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

fast growing intellectual  property  business and services sector  was almost zero. Moreover  VCF is in its nascent stages in India. The emerging scenario of  global competitiveness has put has  put an immense pressure immense  pressure on the industrial sector to sector  to improve the quality level with minimization of  cost of   products  by making use of  latest technological skills. The implication is to obtain adequate financing along with the necessary hi-tech equipments to  produce an innovative  product which can succeed and grow in the  present market condition. Unfortunately, our  country lacks on  both fronts. The necessary capital can  be obtained from the venture capital firms who expect an above average rate of return of  return on the investment. The financing firms expect a sound, experienced, mature and capable management team of  the company  being financed. Since the innovative project innovative  project involves a higher risk, higher  risk, there is an expectation of  higher returns higher  returns from the  project. The  payback  period  payback  period is also generally high (5 - 7 years). The other issues other issues that led to such a situation include:

License Raj and The IPO Boom Till early 90s, under  the license raj regime, only commodity centric  businesses thrived in a deficit situation. To fund a cement  plant, venture capital is not needed. What was needed was ability to get a license and then get the project the  project funded by funded  by the  banks and DFIs. In most cases, the promoters the promoters were well-established industrial houses, with no apparent need for funds. for  funds. Most of these of  these entities were capable of raising of  raising funds from conventional sources, including term loans from institutions and equity markets.

Scalability The Indian software segment has recorded an impressive growth over  the last few years and earns large revenues from its export earnings, yet our  share in the global market is less than 1  per  cent. Within the software industry, the value chain ranges from  body shopping at the  bottom to strategic consulting at the top. Higher  value addition and  profitability as well as significant market  presence take  place at the higher end higher  end of the of  the value chain. If the If  the industry has to grow further and further  and survive the flux it would only be only  be through innovation. For any For  any venture idea to succeed there should be should  be a  product that has a growing market with a scalable business scalable  business model. The IT industry (which is most suited for  venture funding because funding  because of  its "ideas" nature) in India till Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

recently had a service centric business centric  business model. Products developed for Indian for  Indian markets lack scale. lack scale.

Mindsets Venture capital as an activity was virtually non-existent in India. Most venture capital companies want to provide to  provide capital on a secured debt basis, debt  basis, to established businesses established  businesses with profitable with profitable operating histories. Most of the of the venture capital units were offshoots of  financial institutions and  banks and the lending mindset continued. True venture capital is capital that is used to help launch products launch  products and ideas of tomorrow. of  tomorrow. Abroad, this problem this problem is solved by solved by the presence the presence of `angel of `angel investors’. They are typically wealthy individuals who not only provide only provide venture finance but finance but also help entrepreneurs to shape their  business  business and make their venture their venture successful.

Returns, Taxes and Regulations There is a multiplicity of regulators of  regulators like SEBI and RBI. Domestic venture funds are set up under the under  the Indian Trusts Act of  1882 as  per  SEBI guidelines, while offshore funds routed through Mauritius follow RBI guidelines. Abroad, such funds are made under the under the Limited Partnership Act, which brings which brings advantages in terms of taxation. of  taxation. The government must allow pension allow  pension funds and insurance companies to invest in venture capitals as in USA where corporate contributions to venture funds are large.

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Exit The exit routes available to the venture capitalists were restricted to the IPO route. Before deregulation,  pricing was dependent on the erstwhile CCI regulations. In general, all issues were under  priced.  priced. Even now SEBI guidelines make it difficult for   pricing issues for  an easy exit. Given the failure of  the OTCEI and the revised guidelines, small companies could not hope for  a BSE/  NSE listing. Given the dull

market for mergers for mergers and acquisitions, strategic sale was also not available. Valuation The recent phenomenon recent phenomenon is valuation mismatches. Thanks to the software boom, software boom, most  promoters have sky high valuation expectations. Given this, it is difficult for deals for deals to reach financial closure as promoters as promoters do not agree to a valuation. This coupled with the fancy for software for software stocks in the bourses the bourses means that most companies are preponing are preponing their IPO’s. their IPO’s. Consequently, the number and number and quality of deals of deals available to the venture funds gets reduced Some other major  other major  problems  problems facing by facing by venture capitalist in India are: a.

Requirement of an of an experienced management team.



of  an

above average


of  return



Longer  payback   payback  period.  period. c.

Uncertainty regarding the success of the of the product  product in the market.


Questions regarding the infrastructure details of  production  production like plant like plant location, accessibility, relationship with the suppliers and creditors, transportation facilities, labour availability labour availability etc.


The category of  potential of  potential customers and hence the  packaging and  pricing details of the of the product.  product.


The size of the of the market.


Major competitors Major competitors and their market their market share.


Skills and Training required and the cost of training. of training.


Financial considerations like return on capital employed (ROCE), cost of the of  the  project, the Internal Rate of Return of Return (IRR) of the of the project,  project, total amount of funds of funds Project Report – Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

required, ratio of  owners investment (personnel funds of  the entrepreneur),  borrowed capital, mortgage loans etc. in the capital employed.

 [Source Pandey,  [Source Pandey, I.  I. M.,  M., Venture Capital  – The  – The Indian  Indian Express  Express VIth Edition VIth Edition (2006)]   ] 

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Objective No. 3

To study the future   future  pr prospe os pect ct of Ve Vent ntur uree Capi Capita tall Fina Financ ncing  ing . Prospects of Venture of Venture Capital Financing With the advent of  liberalization, India has  been showing remarkable growth in the economy in the past the  past 10 - 12 years. The government is promoting is  promoting growth in capacity utilization of  available and acquired resources and hence entrepreneurship development,  by liberalizing norms regarding venture capital. While only eight domestic venture capital funds were registered with SEBI during 1996-1998, 14 funds have already  been registered in 1999-2000. Institutional interest is growing and foreign venture investments are also on the rise. Many state governments have also set up venture capital funds for  the IT sector  in  partnership with the local state financial institutions and SIDBI. These include Andhra Paradesh, Karnataka, Delhi, Kerala











In the year  2000, the finance ministry announced the liberalization of  tax treatment for venture for venture capital funds to promote to promote them & to increase job increase job creation. This is expected to give a strong  boost to the non resident Indians located in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere to invest some of their  of their capital, capital, knowledge and enterprise in these ventures. A Bangalore  based media company, Gray Gray cell cell Ltd., has recently obtained VC investment totaling about $ 1.7 mn. The company would  be creating and marketing  branded web based web based consumer  products  products in the near future. near future. The following points following points can be can be considered as the harbingers of VC of VC financing in India: India:Existence of a of a globally competitive high technology. Globally competitive human resource capital. Second Largest English speaking, scientific & technical manpower  in the world. Vast  pool of existing of  existing and ongoing scientific and technical research carried by carried  by d. Vast pool a. b. c.

large number of  number of research research laboratories. e.

Initiatives taken  by the Government in formulating  policies to encourage investors and entrepreneurs.

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Initiatives of  the SEBI to develop a strong and vibrant capital market giving the adequate liquidity and flexibility for investors for investors for entry for entry and exit.

In a recent survey it has been has  been shown that the VC investments in India's I.T. - Software and services sector (including sector  (including dot com companies)- have grown from US $ 150 million in 1998 to over  US$ 1200 million in 2008. The credit can  be given to setting up of  a  National Venture Capital Fund for the for the Software and I.T. Industry (NFSIT) in association with various financial institutions of  Small Industries and Development Bank  of  India (SIDBI). The facts reveal that VC disbursements as on September  30, 2002 made  by  NFSIT totaled Rs 254.36 mn.  Source

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Findings During the  preparation of  my report I have analyzed many things which are following:•

A number  of   people in India feel that financial institution are not only conservatives but conservatives but they also have a bias for foreign for  foreign technology & they do not trust on the abilities of entrepreneurs. of entrepreneurs.

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Some venture fails due to few exit options. Teams Teams are ignorant of  international standards. standards. The team usually a two or  three man team. It does not  possess the required depth In top management. The team is often found to have technical skills  but does not  possess the overall organization  building skills team is often short sited.

Venture capitalists in India consider the consider the entrepreneur’s integrity &urge to grow as the most critical aspect or venture or venture evaluation.

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 Limitations of Study The  biggest limitation was time because time  because the time was not sufficient as there 1. The biggest was lot of information of information to be to be got & to have it interpretation 2. The data required was secondary & that was not easily available.

Study by its nature is suggestive & not conclusive 3. Study by 4. Expenses were high in collecting & searching the data.

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 Suggestions 1.

The investment should  be in turnaround stage. Since there are many sick  industries in India and the number  is growing each year, the venture capitalists that have specialized knowledge in management can help sick  industries. It would also  be highly  profitable if  the venture capitalist replace management either good either good ones in the sick industries. sick industries.


It is recommended that the venture capitalists should retain their  basic  basic feature that is tasking high risk. The  present situation may compel venture capitalists to opt for less for  less risky opportunities but opportunities  but is against the spirit of  venture capitalism. The established fact is  big gains are  possible in high risk  projects.  projects.


There should  be a greater  role for  the venture capitalists in the  promotion of entrepreneurship. of entrepreneurship. The Venture capitalists should promote should promote entrepreneur forums, entrepreneur  forums, clubs and institutions of learning of  learning to enhance the quality of entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship..

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 Bibliography 1.













I.M. Panday- venture capital development process development process in India

I. M. Panday- venture capital the Indian experience,



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 ANNEXURE I  Venture capital firms Examples of venture of venture capital firms include: •

Accede Partners

Austin Ventures

Atlas Venture

Battery Ventures

Benchmark Capital Benchmark Capital

Charles River Ventures River Ventures

Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures

Fidelity Ventures

Health Cap

Hummer Wimbled Hummer Wimbled

Insight Venture Partners

Mobius Venture Capital

Mohr Davidow Mohr Davidow Ventures

Sevin Rosen Funds

Sequoia Capital


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ANNEXURE II Some important Venture Capital Funds in India 1. APIDC Venture Capital Limited, Limited, , Babukhan Estate, Hyderabad 500 001 2. Canbank Venture Canbank Venture Capital Fund Limited, IInd Floor, Kareem Towers, Bangalore. 3. Gujarat Venture Capital Fund 1997, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380 009 4. Industrial Venture Capital Limited, Thyagaraya Road, Chennai 600 017 5. Gujarat Venture Capital Fund 1995 Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380 009 6. Karnataka Information Technology Venture Capital Fund Cunningham Rd Bangalore 7. India Auto Ancillary Fund Nariman Fund Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 8. Information Technology Fund, Nariman Fund, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 9. Tamilnadu InfoTech Fund  Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 10. Orissa Venture Capital Fund Nariman Fund Nariman Point Mumbai 400021 11. Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Venture Capital Fund Nariman Fund Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 12. SICOM Venture Capital Fund Nariman Fund Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021

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Conclusion Venture capital can  play a more innovation and development role in a developing country like India. It could help the rehabilitation of  sick  unit through  people with ideas and turnaround management skill. A large number of  number  of small small enterprises in India  because sick  unit even  before the commencement of  production of   production of  production. of   production. Venture capitalist could also  be in line with the developments taking  place in their   parent companies. Yet another  area where can  play a significant role in developing countries is the service sector  including tourism,  publishing, healthcare etc. they could also  provide financial assistance to people to  people coming out of  the universities, technical institutes etc. who wish to start their own their  own venture with or without or  without high-tech content, but involving high risk. This would encourage the entrepreneurial spirit. It is not only initial funding which is need from the venture capitalists, but capitalists, but the should also simultaneously  provide management and marketing expertise-a real critical aspect of  venture capitalists,  but they also simultaneously  provide management and marketing expertise-a real critical aspect of venture of  venture capital in developing countries. countries. Which can improve their  effectiveness  by setting up venture capital cell in R&D and other  scientific generation,  providing syndicated or  consortium financing and acing as  business incubators.

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