Report on Marketing Mix of Bata Shoe Company
Short Description
The Footwear Industry in Bangladesh has started since the colonial era, although its modernization took place only in the late 1980s. hen Bata !hoe "ompany esta#lished its manu$acturing plant at karachi in 19%&, it was the $irst manu$acturing plant to produce shoes on a large scale in 'ast (akistan. The local $ootwear industry is e)periencing an annual growth rate o$ &1 percent, according to leather goods and $ootwear manu$acturing and e)porters association o$ (akistan.
(akistanis set to emerge as the ne)t manu$acturing hu# $or the glo#al $ootwear industry. The cheap la#or is prompting top manu$acturers to relocate their $actories in the country. The good news is that a num#er o$ $ore $oreig ign n in*e in*est stor orss as well well as #u #uye yers rs ha*e ha*e alre alread ady y sh show own n inte intere rest st in Bangladesh+s Bangladesh+s leather and $ootwear sector. sector. (akistan has a host o$ potential products that can earn su#stantially su#stantially large amounts o$ $oreign e)change. apa apan n and and -erm -erman any y are are no now w the the #igg #igges estt mark market etss $or $or Bang Bangla lade desh shii $ootwear #ut ! #uyers are increasingly showing interest in sourcing $rom Bangladesh.
Bata !hoe "ompany is the market leader in the $ootwear industry since its operation in Bangladesh. The name Bata achie*e such a position position in the customer+s mind that whene*er they heard the name o$ Bata, a $ootwear with with high high /u /uali ality ty comes comes in to their their mind mind.. Bata Bata has #een ser*in ser*ing g its customer with wide assortment o$ products $or a#out $i*e decades and doing it success$ully. It is *ery di$$icult to identi$y the customer+s class o$ Bata !hoe !hoe "ompany. "ompany. Bata meets the $ootwear $ootwear demands demands o$ the higher higher clas classs and and lowe lowerr clas classs simu simult ltan aneo eous usly ly.. It has has de*e de*elo lope ped d a stro strong ng dist distri ri#u #uti tion on chan channe nell all all o* o*er er the the worl world d thro throug ugh h the the esta esta#l #lis ishm hmen entt appro)imately %,00 retail outlets, 10,000 $ranchises and thousand o$ depots and dealers. ore then 20,000 people are directly in*ol*ed in the
production production and selling o$ o*er 00 million pairs o$ shoes each year. Bata !hoe "ompany manages a retail presence in 22 countries, and runs 30 production production $acilities across &% countries. countries. Bata international head/uarter head/uarter is locat located ed in !witz !witzerl erland and which which was pre*io pre*ious usly ly locate located d at Toronto ronto,, in "anada. In recent times Bata (akistan has lunched more then 180 new designs $or di$$erent #rands in their men, women, children and in$ant categories.
Bata !hoe "ompany is the market leader in the $ootwear industry since its operation in Bangladesh. The name Bata achie*ed such a position in the customers mind that whene*er they heard the name o$ Bata, $ootwear
with with high high /u /ual alit ity y come comess into into thei theirr mind mind.. Bata Bata has has #een #een ser* ser*in ing g its its customer with wide assortment o$ products $or a#out $i*e decades and doing it success$ully. It is *ery di$$icult to identi$y the customer+s class o$ Bata !hoe "ompany. Bata touch almost *ery social class possi#le. Bata meet meetss the the $oot $ootwe wear ar dem demands ands o$ the the high higher er clas classs and and lowe lowerr clas classs simult simultane aneous ously ly.. 4owe* 4owe*er er to stay stay closer closer to the custom customers ers,, Bata Bata shoe shoe company undertakes undertakes an assessment o$ the customers at a regular inter*al.
Bata desire to $ul$ill the e*er changing customer+s needs and to do so the outcome o$ the customer assessment plays a signi$icant role. 4ere the similar study undertaken with a permission o$ Bata !hoe "ompany to get the $eed#ack $rom regular customers. The /uestionnaire is taken $rom Bata shoe company (akistan5td to conduct the sur*ey among the regular customers. This study is analysis marketing mi) o$ Bata shoe company comm commit itme ment nt to ser* ser*ic icee cont contin inue uess to this this day day, $rom $rom the the desi design gner ers+ s+ sketch#ook through to the per$ormance o$ our shoes on a customer+s $oot. Bata companies stri*e to supply the right products, at the right time, at the right price, and in a manner that $ul$ill our ser*ice commitment to #oth retail and wholesale customers. customers.
F##t'(a" In$%st") in Pakistan The Footwear industry in (akistan has started since the colonial era, although its modernization took place only in the late 1980s. 6uring the British period, there was no Footwear manu$acturing manu$acturing $irm producing on a mass scale in 'ast Bengal. 4owe*er a traditional cottage type Footwear industry with limited production $acilities e)isted in a skeleton $rom in the the distri district ct towns towns du durin ring g the time. time. 7arious rious types types o$ $oot $ootwea wearr were were imported, mainly $rom "alcutta. $ter the partition o$ Bangle in 193, $ootwear was imported $rom est (akistan.
hen Bata !hoe "ompany esta#lished its manu$acturing plant at Tongi in 19%&, it was the $irst manu$acturing plant to produce shoe on a large scale in 'ast (akistan. In 19%, 'astern progressi*e shoe industries :'(!I; esta#lished its production plant. It #egan e)porting $ootwear
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