FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING “In the name of God, The Most Benecent, The Most Mec!f"#$
BMM %&'% Mechan!ca# La(oato) ' *e+aed B) Luqman Hakim Bin Ahmad Shah luqmanhakim@um luqmanh
[email protected] p.edu.my y Telephone Ext: 6234 Fa"#t! -e.""teaan Mean!a#, Un!/es!t! Ma#a)s!a *ahan0 La( Locat!on 3!"4 #illin$ La%o&ato&y'
La( Re+ot O(.ect!/es Explain a%out the (undamental %a)k$&ound* o( millin$ and $&indin$ ope&ation. +i*)u** the &e*ult o%tained (&om the la%o&ato&y p&o,e)t. •
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Page 1
INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY 1. 1 Description of the laboratory Part of the first scheduled laboratory session will be devoted to an examination and explanation of the laboratory and its equipment. 1.2 Safety rules and suggestions Safety is part of every engineer's ob. Safety is not only a concern of the engineer during the conceptual development of a design! but also when a design is finally implemented and when it goes into service. "he following safety rules are in common use and are recommended for your serious consideration. #ailure to observe safe laboratory practices will be sufficient cause for immediate dismissal from the laboratory course with an $#$ grade. •
%aste leads to many accidents. &or deliberately and carefully! and verify your wor as you go along. Do not wor on moving machinery! or on live electrical circuits! if possible.
&hen maing connections! as far as it is practical! connect to the power source last( when disconnecting! disconnect from the power source first. )e careful to eep metallic accessories of wearing apparel or ewellery out of contact with live • electrical circuits! and eep loose articles of clothing ou t of contact with moving machinery. )ecome safety conscious. *t may save more than your grade or your ob in industry( it may save your life+ •
1, "o learn the milling laboratory operations as well as gain nowledges on how to operate the milling machine. Page 2
2, "o apply the appropriate techniques when handling basic measuring equipment and instruments. -, "o complete a given worpiece by apply various basic milling operations and understand as well.
this machine unless the technician has instructed you in its safe use and operation and has given permission. ong and loose hair must be contained.
Safety glasses must be worn at all times in wor areas. /S0 footwear must be worn at all times in wor areas. ings and ewellery must not be worn.
/lose fittingprotective clothing must be worn. 3loves must not be worn when using this machine.
PRE-OPERATIONAL A!ET" #$E#% 1. 2. -. :. ;.