Reply by Srividya To BNK
October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Crbl ?. Plt. F.Privihyo Zice Bc Pri T/b 4O 4O,, Pi Pitorol torol Mivos K.@ Tboh, Doggori. 4. L/s Toniv Xrovegs
Doggori Hote> ?3-3-4141
K@ Tboh, Doggori. (Tepresemteh Dy Pri F.Toviprokosf Tehhy) Xb Outfbrizeh B`er (Mole mbt kmbwm) Tejibmog B`e, Ptote Domk Bc Imiho. DOGGOTI. Pir,
PUD> Tepgy tb Mb`e Mb. OHS/0:?13?54:6/03:983?1?0? OHS/0:?13?54:6/03:983?1?0? HOXEH :-?4-41?9, Te`eiveh bm 48-4-4141 umher Tejh. Qbst O/H, umher Pe`bm ?0(0)O bc POTCOPI O`t 1rej. ----Im tfe lo loer er bc odbve `ite `iteh h sudn sudne`t e`t I fuld fuldgy gy sudl sudlit it ly repgy repgy tb ybur
Mb`e Hoteh :-?4-41?9 re`eiveh dy le bm 48-4-4141 os cbggbws cbr ybur kimh perusog omh curtfer meehcug o`bm im tfe loer. ?. Xfe Mb Mb`e `e hoteh ::-?4-4 ?4-41?9 1?9 umher umher se`b se`bm m ?0(4) bc POT POTCOPI COPI O` O`tt fos deem re re`e `eiv iveh eh dy le tf tfrb rbuj ujf f Qb Qbst st bm 48 48-4 -4-4 -414 141, 1, om omh h sixt sixty y ho hoys ys bc le le oggbweh cbr repgy expires bm 48-8-4141, dut hue tb @BSIH-?9/ Gb`k hbwm emcbr`eh dy Jbvermlemt bc Imhio, witf ee`t crbl 45-0-4141, omh os per Mb`obm bc Fijf @burt bc Kormotoko, tfe gilitobm peribh fos deem extemheh hurimj tfe Gb`k Hbwm peribh, fem`e tfe repgy mbw jivem dy le is witfim tfe gilitobm peribh os per gow.
4. It is su sudl dli ieh eh tf tfot ot Pl Plt. t.Pr Priv ivih ihoy oyo o de deim imj j Ju Juor orom omtb tbrr is bm bmgy gy mb mbb bmo mogg dorrbwer, omh reog dorrbwer is L/s Toniv Xrovegs represemteh dy Pri F.Toviprokosf Tehhy is reog Dorrbwer, ybu fove mbt issueh o `bllbm mb`e tb dbtf tfe Juoromtbr omh Dorrbwer, fem`e it is mbw mi`toteh tfot repgy is sudlieh dy dbtf tfe persbms os dorrbwers bc gbom. 0. Yb Ybur ur Out Outfb fbri rity ty fos iss issue ueh h o se sepo poro rote te Mb Mb`e `e tb le os o oer er issue issue bc Mb`e tb Qortmers bc L/s Ton Toniv iv Xrovegs, im tfis defogc o Tepgy fos deem jbt issueh tfrbujf fis gejog `bumseg `bumseg,, bm ?1-4-4141, wfi` wfi`f f loy pgeose de treoteh os port omh por`eg bc tfis mb`e. 8. It is sud sudli lieh eh tfot L/s Ton Toniv iv Xrovegs Xrovegs o Te Tejis jister tereh eh portm portmers ersfip fip rl is `orryimj but troveg dusimess bc tromspbrmj possemjers im Guxury Duses, tfey fove ovoigeh ovoigeh mom`iog mom`iog ossi ossistom` stom`e, e, rst Gbom bm 8-8-41?: 8-8-41?: im tfis defo de fogc gc Pl Plt. t. F. F.Pb Pbwd wdfo fojy jyol ollo lo fo foss b ber ereh eh su sure rety ty tb tfe tfe gbom gbom om omh h fomheh fom heh bver bver tge hee heeh h bc prb prbper perty ty imf imferi eriteh teh dy fer crbl fe ferr Gote Cotfer Pri J.Pitorol Tehhy, tfrbujf wigg hoteh 3-??-4110 bc fer Cotfer J.Pitorol Tehhy. O `bpy bc mbtorizeh wigg is em`gbseh ferewitf cbr ybur kimh perusog. 5. It is sudlieh tfot tb bur lbst umcbrtumote bur Lbtfer Plt. F.Pbwdfojyollo hieh odruptgy bm ?4-:-41?: omh sfe fos ge defimh o wri wr iem em wi wigg gg ho hote teh… h……… ………… ………… …….. wfi` i`f f wo woss he hepb pbsi site teh h wi witf tf bm bme e bu burr regove, Plt.J.Sinoyo, omh os per tfe soih wigg Pri.F.Toviprokosf Tehhy, Pri F.Toviprokosf Tehhy omh Plt. F.Privihoyo wfb ore sidgimjs bc gote F. F.Pb Pbwd wdfo fojy jyol ollo lo fo fove ve im imfe feri rite teh h bm bmgy gy 03 0311 11 sq sq.. ce ceet et bc resi resihe hem mog og sbutferm sihe duighimj bc tfe prbperty rty degbmjimj tb Plt. F. Pbwdfojyollo omh tfis co`t wos drbujft tb tfe mb`e bc Domk, o `bpy bc wigg wos ogsb sudlieh tb tfe Domk, oer tfe heotf bc bur Lbtfer.
3. It is cur curtfe tferr sud sudli lieh eh tfo tfott tfe Dom Domk k b` b`ers ers,, oer sos soscyi cyimj mj odbut bur `rehit wbrtfimess bc dusimess, bereh tb som`bm bme lbre gbom i.e se`bmh gbom bm ?8-9-41?:, cbr tfis gbom we fove pgehjeh, lbvodges 8 guxury duses, ogbmj witf bur imferiteh sfore bc resihemog pbrbm bc tfe prbperty, tb tfe extemt bc bmgy 0311 sq. . ogg tfe tfree bc gejog feirs fove sijmeh tfe GGeer eer bc orromjel orromjelemt emt hoteh ?8?8-9-41?: 9-41?: , o fijfgijfteh lorkeh `bpy wfi`f wfi`f sfbws tfe re`brhimj re`brhimj bc prbperty pge pgehjeh hjeh 0311 sq. ot Ommexure O bc Xerls Xerls omh `bmhibms bc Ge Geer er bc Orromjelemt w wfi`f fi`f fos deem sijmeh omh o``epteh dy tfe Domk b`ers, is em`gbseh ferewitf cbr ybur kimh perusog. :. It is su sudl dli ieh eh tfot oe oerr so som` m`b bm m bc dbt dbtf f tfe tfe gbom gboms, s, we fo fove ve deem deem peo`ecuggy `orryimj but bur dusimess omh fove deem prblptgy poyimj tfe ELI witfbut omy hegoy every lbmtf. It is curtfer sudlieh tfot tb bur lbst umcbrtumote le, suhhemgy tfere wos sble `fomje im Ohlimistrobm omh mew Tejibmog Lomojer, omh H.L. were tokem `forje sblewfere hurimj Nugy 41?9, odruptgy storteh forossimj us, im eo`f omh ever ev ery y wo woy y pu pum mj j sp spom omme merr im ru rumm mmim imj j wf wfee eegg bc bu burr du dusi sime mess ss.. Xf Xfe e cbggbwimj lbst jgorimj dgumhers, wfi`f ore `bllieh dy tfe semibr b`ers nbimtgy ore fijfgijfteh degbw cbr re`brh omh respbmse dy tfe Outfbr Out fbrize izeh h B` B`er er wf wfb b is sup suppbs pbseh eh o`t imhep imhepemh emhemt emtgy gy witfb witfbut ut omy umhu um hue e im mue uem` m`e e bc fi fiss sem emiibr brss os fe
is oh ohnnu` u`o omj mj b b``er omh omh
o``b o` `bum umto todg dge e cb cbrr om omy y go gops pse e db dbtf tf `i `ivi vigg om omh h `r `ril ilim imog og im tfe tfe oh ohnu nu`o `om mj j prb`eehimjs imioteh dy fis umher POTCOPI gow. O. Xfe B`ers bc Domk fove cbr cum soke fove `gossieh bur Gbom
O``bumt os MQO vibgomj ogg tfe mbrls bc TDI juihegimes, omh tfis co`t fos deem ohlieh dy Tejibmog Lomojer ( Mole mbt primteh odbve
fis sijmoture) ot poje Mb.4 ( Qojes ore mbt serioggy muldereh) poro ?0-6-41?9, ?9, wfi`f Mb. 3 wfi`f is primteh os ‗ Ze foh issueh ?0(4) bm ?0-6-41 wos witfhrowm hue tb lislot`f bc bme ELI os per som`bm terls. ‗. Fij ijfg fgij ijft fteh eh Ve Verb rbxx `bpy `bpy bc tfe tfe so soiih ge gee err ho hote teh h 41 41-4 -4-4 -414 141 1
ohhr oh hres esse seh h tb Pl Plt. t.Pr Priv ivih ihoy oyo o is em em`g `gbs bseh eh fe fere rewi witf tf cbr cbr yb ybur ur ki kimh mh perusog. D. Xfe b`ers wfb fove deem forossimj us fove semt o Pe`bm ?0(4)
helomh mb`e tb us, bm ?0-6-41?9, sudsequemtgy, witfbut vericyimj listokes `bllieh im lislot`f bc ELI relieh, fove jbme tb tfe extemt tokimj syldbgi` pbssessibm bc tfe prbperty bm ?0-??-41?9 omh ogsb pudgisfeh tfe sole im voribus Mews popers, hoteh………….. O Verbx `bpy bc tfe mewspoper `umj is em`gbseh ferewitf cbr ybur kimh perusog. Os `bugh de seem tfot bur ceor tfot tfese b`ers wbugh toke omy iggejog o`bm tb drimj hbwm bur dusimess fos `ble true omh tfey tfey fo fove ve ji jive vem m wi wihe he pu pudg dgi` i`it ity y tfot tfot we ore ore wi wigg ggcu cugg heco hecoug ugte ters rs,, wfotsbever loy tfe prbte`bm emnbyeh dy tfese b`ers umher tfe prbvis prb visibm ibmss bc POT POTCO COPI PI gow gow,, tfe tfey y fove fove `ou `ouseh seh il ille lemse mse dus dusime imess ss holo ho loje jes, s, le lemt mtog og te tems msib ibm m om omh h tfrb tfrbwm wm o sp spom omme merr im bur bur rumm rummim imj j wfeegs bc bur dusimess. Xfe o`t bc semhimj se`bm ?0(4) helomh mb`e,, syl mb`e syldbgi` dbgi` pbss pbssessib essibm m poper pudgi pudgisfim sfimj, j, cogse, cogse, iggejog, iggejog, dbjus dbjus,, logoi lo goise se im imtem temb bmog moggy gy lb lbvot voteh, eh, `ri `rili limog moggy gy `bmspi `bmspireh reh dy jrb jrbup up bc semibr Domk b`ers, fos `ouseh illemse persbmog holoje tb bur reputobm omh ogsb tb bur dusimess. Fem`e we ore `bmstroimeh tb ge o hecolobm suit ojoimst tfe Ptote Domk bc Imhio, wfi`f is bme olbmj tfe tbp 51 Domks im tfe wbrgh. It is lbtf umcbrtumote tb stote tfot tfe Pemibr Pem ibr B` B`ers ers fov fove e o`t o`teh eh gik gike e stree streett re` re`bve bvery ry ojemts ojemts bc LUDOI LUDOI,,
wfi`f fos hecoleh tfe Lbst Esteeleh Jbvermlemt Bc Imhio, Domk. Ze ore `bmtelpgomj tb peruse tb jet holojeh `goileh dy gimj dbtf `rilimog omh `ivig `blpgoimts, ojoimst tfe Pemibr b`ers, omh it is lbst umcb umcbrtumo rtumote te tb lem lembm bm fe fere re tfot mole moless bc tfe O Outfbr utfbrizeh izeh b`ers wfb fove sijmeh tfe mb`e ore mbt primteh im tfe sijmoture bc tfe mb`e, evem recuseh tb imcbrl us umher TXI query. Xfis it speoks juigty limh bc tfe b`es wfb ore `bmmiveh, odeeh, witf `bll `b llbm bm im imte tem mbm bm tb fo foro ross ss us im bu burr du dusi sime mess ss,, dy issu issuim imj j co cogs gse e helomh mb`es. Ze fuldgy request ot geost mbw pgeose primt ybur mole odbve ybur sijmoture im ybur repgy tb tfis bdne`bms, cbr ybur imcbrlobm omh kmbwgehje tb drimj im o``bumtodigity cbr tfe gopses bc b`ers im loer bc prb`eehimjs bc POTCOPI, decbre Fijf @burt bc Kormotoko, im tfe `bllbm imterest bc dbtf tfe reputobm bc Domk omh om h bu burs rseg egve vess, sb os tb ovbi ovbih h tfis fis typ ype e foro forossslemt tb btf btfer `ustblers `ustb lers bc ybur DOMK DOMK,, btferwi btferwise se we ore ocroi ocroih h tfot EOPE HBIMJ BC DUPIM DUPIMEP EPP P IM IMH IMHIO IO OP QT QTBL BLIP IPEH EH
bc ELI, im bur gbom o``bumt wfi`f geoh tb issue bc cogse helomh mb`e, sudsequemt iggejog syldbgi` pbssessibm bc prbperty, tfe fijfgy reputeh Domk fos mbt kept tfe sb wore uphoteh br fomhgeh dy lbst im`blpetemt b`ers, im tfe `blputers wfi`f outblo`oggy jemerote tf tfe e EL ELII ol olbu bumt mt om omh h ho hote tes. s. Xf Xfis is speo speoks ks im vb vbgu gule less odbu odbutt tfe tfe `rehidigity bc Domk im servimj bme lbre mb`e wfi`f ojoim semt im fbt furry witfbut prbpergy vericyimj bur prblpt reliom`es tb Domk.
Fem`e tfe mb`e issueh tb Plt. Privihyo hoteh. ?:-?4-4141 is mbt bmgy cogse dut iggejog im tbtogity cbr tfe voribus btfer reosbms omh co`ts wfi`f ore expgoimeh im lbre hetoigs degbw im tfis geer. H. It is sud udl lieh omh omh re retr treo eote teh h tfo fott we sidg sidgiimj mjss bc Go Gotte Pl Plt. t.
ojeh…….4)F.Toviprokosf ojeh…….4)F.T oviprokosf Tehhy ojeh….omh 0) Plt. F.Privihyo….ojeh, fove fo ve im imfe feri rite teh h o sl slog oggg pb pbr rbm bm bm tfe tfe sb sbut utfe ferm rm sihe sihe resi resihe hem mog og duighimj leosurimj bmgy 0311 sq. ceet, bc tfe prbperty degbmjimj tb Gote Plt. F.Pbwdfojyollo, os per fer wigg omh wisfes. Ze curtfer sudlit tfot we fove sijmeh bur Ojreelemt geers hoteh ?8-9-41?: hugy lembmimj bmgy 0311 sq. ceet bc resihemog duighimj ot Ommexure O. Ot tfis num`ture it wbugh de jerlome tb sudlit tfot im tfe Helomh Mb`e hoteh :-?4-41?9, tfe prbperty hetoigs lembmeh ore quite hieremt crbl tfe prbperty bc 0311 sq. pgehjeh tb tfe Domk dy tfree bc us. Ze `otejbri`oggy stote omh sudlit tfot, we ohlit tfot bur we ore imferitbrs omh odsbgute bwmers bc bmgy 0311 sq. , bc resihemog prbperty but bc tfe prbperty lembmeh im tfe helomh mb`e omh tfe rest bc prbperty degbmjs tb tfirh porty, we ore mbt giodge br emhbrse tfe tge heeh bwmersfip bc tfe reloimimj prbperty os le lem mbm bmeh eh im tf tfe e He Helo lomh mh mb mb` `e. e. Fe Fem` m`e e we su sudl dlit it tfot tfot tfe tfe Helomh mb`e loy de olemheh suitodge tb im`guhe bmgy 0311 sq. ceet ojoimst us os per tfe wigg omh porbm heeh bc bur Coligy. O Mbtorizeh `bpy bc tfe Zigg omh porbm heeh rejistereh is em`gbseh ferewitf cbr ybur kimh perusog.
Ze witfbut prenuhi`e wfot is stoteh odbve, sudlit porowise
repgies/bdne`bms tb ybur helomh mb`e hoteh :-?4-41?9 cbr ybur kimh `bmsiherobm `bmsiherobm omh meehcug o` o`bm bm im tfe lo loer. er. Xfe porojropfs im ybur mb`e ore mbt serioggy muldereh, fbwever repgy is jivem os per primt. ?. Mb re repgy pgy iiss req requir uireh, eh, ohl ohlie ieh. h. 4. Mb re repgy pgy iiss req requir uireh, eh, ohl ohlie ieh. h. 0. Xfe prb prbper perty ty lem lembme bmeh h im tfe por poro o is brij brijimo imogg ggy y deg degbmj bmjss tb bur Gote Lbtfer Plt. F.Pbwdfojyollo, sfe fos ge wigg hoteh…. Omh tfe prbperty fos deem porbmeh os per fer wigg omh tfe porbm heeh hoteh :-4-4141 is rejistereh decbre tfe sud Tejister B`e Doggori vihe hb`ulemt Mb. ?51:/41-4? hoteh 01-5-4141, o `bpy bc wigg, porbm heeh is geh ogbmj witf tfis geer cbr ybur kimh perusog. It is curtfer sudlieh tfot oer tfe heotf bc bur Lbtfer bm ?4-:-41?:, we fove imloteh tb ybur Domk odbut bur expe`th sfore bc prbperty im tfe hb`ulemt/tge heeh pgehjeh tb tfe Domk, o``brhimjgy we fove preporeh bur lbrtjoje heeh hoteh ?8-941?: hugy pgehjimj bmgy 0311 sq. ceet bc resihemog pbrbm bc tfe prbperty.. Fem`e tfe hetoigs bc tfe prbperty sfbwm im tfe mb`e or ore e hi hie ere remt mt crbl crbl tf tfe e lb lbrt rtjo joje je he heeh eh,, wf wfi` i`f f lo loy y pgeo pgeose se de olemheh im tfe imterest bc nus`e. 8. It is sud sudli lieh eh tfot ot m mb b pbimt bc le le tfe bp bperob erobm m omh `bmh `bmhu`t u`t bc soih mom`iog ossistom`e/`rehit co`igity fove de`ble irrejugor. It is tfe lemtogity bc B`ers wfb ore heogimj witf bur O``bumts fove de`ble irrejugor, omh tfey fove pgoyeh crouh im lis`gossicyimj bur Gbom o``bumts wfi`f is ohlieh im tfe geer
hoteh 41-4-4141 sijmeh dy tfe Tejibmog Lomoj Lomojer er hetoigs ore `iteh supro ot poro Mb. . It is sudlieh tfot it is lbst umcbrtumote tfot hespite tfe dest Pb wore bwmeh bwmeh dy tfe Domk, tfey `bugh `blli `bllitt lislot`f bc bur ELI geohimj tb cogsicy bur gbom o``bumt os MQO, tfis is o seribus `rilimog crouh `bllieh dy tfe B`ers bc tfe Domk geohimj tb hestrby bur cole omh reputobm im tfe Xroveg Dusimess im emre Pbutf Imhio. Ze fove ogreohy sudlieh tfe hetoigs bc uphoteh poylemt bur hedt im stotelemt ot poje Mb. 4 repgy jivem dy bur gejog `bumseg hoteh ?1-4-4141. Fem`e we fove mbtt `b mb `bll lli ieh eh om omy y irre irreju jugo gori rity ty mb mbrr bu burr `b `bmh mhu` u`tt wo woss do doh h im relimj tfe Domk ELI omh we fove deem `bbperomj witf Domk b`er every le tfey `bllieh listoke im bur ooirs bc gbom o``bumt. It wbugh de jerlome tb lembm fere tfot oer heotf bc bur Lbtfer bm ?4-:-41?:, tfe se`urity imterest `reoteh bm tfe osse ossett fo foss ev evop opbr brot oteh eh om omh h tf tfe e lb lbrt rtjo joje je he heeh eh re reji jist ster ereh eh is odrbjoteh. Ze sidgimj bc bur gote Lbtfer `bbperoteh witf Domk im `reomj cresf se`urity imterest witfbut umme`essory imtervembm bc @ivig @burt prb`eehimjs, btferwise tfe Domk `bugh mbt toke omy o`bm o` bm umh umher er POTC POTCOP OPII oer heot heotf f bc bur Lbt Lbtfer fer,, dut cbr bur `bbperobm. Fem`e bur `bmhu`t is very fulome omh respbmsidge tb tfe Domk omh we ore very lu`f eojer tb poy bur hedt, fem`e we fove semt BXP geer tb tfe Domk omh we ore sfbrtgy uphomj burr BX bu BXP P b ber er hu hue e tb `f `fom omje jeh h s`em s`emor orib ib bc `fom `fomje je im Qb Qbgi gi`y `y ommb om mbum um`e `eh h dy tf tfe e Fb Fbm’ m’dg dge e Ci Cimo mom` m`e e Li Limi mist ster er im tfe tfe lo loe err bc stresseh ossets bc LPLEP, hue tb @BSIH-?9 ee`t im tfe emre wbrgh.
5. Ze eorme eormestg stgy y sud sudli litt we ore o Plo Plogg gg omh Lehiul Lehiul Emtr Emtrepr epreme emeur ur `orryi `or ryimj mj bm tfe dus dusime imess ss bc tro troveg vegs, s, prb prbvih vihimj imj tbur tbur co` co`igi igity ty omh troveg co`igity im guxury O/@ duses tb tfe possemjers ot obrhodge rote. Ze fove dbrrbweh lbmey crbl tfe Domk omh imvesteh im pur`fosimj bc Duses omh hevegbpimj btfer imcrostru`ture co`igity im voribus `ies im Pbutf Imhio, cbr bperobm bc duses. Hue tb voribus lorket cbr`es, omh ogsb loimgy hue tb issue bc cogse, dbjus, omh iggejog Helomh Mb`e hoteh ?0-6-41?9, bur dusimess `bggopseh omh hestrbyeh omh we `bugh mbt re`uperote omh jet do`k tb wfeegs mbrloggy hespite bur dest ebrts. Ybur Domk b`ers ore port po rtme mers rs im jrbw jrbwtf tf bc bu burr du dusi sime mess ss,, du dutt tb bu burr su surp rpri rise se yb ybur ur b`ers fove `bmspireh, odeeh, omh tfrbwm o spommer im tfe rummimj wfeegs bc bur duses, wfi`f odruptgy jrbumheh bur duses im vo vori ribu buss pg pgo` o`es es im Pb Pbut utf f Imhi Imhio. o. Ze curt curtfe ferr su sudl dlit it tfo fott os liscbrtumes
Hbwm/Testri`bms Hbwm/Testri` bms foh feovy ilpo`t bm bur revemues omh mbw we ore tbtoggy `bggopseh rummimj im gbsses ever sim`e issue bc cogse mb`e hurimj Oujust 41?9. It is sudlieh tfot umher mb stret`f ilojimobm o Gemher `om helomh emre lbmey im bme jb dy semhimj o mb`e tb poy tfe lbmey dy tfreotemimj tb re`bver tfe lbme lb mey y br pb pbum umh h bc bu burr e esf sf.. Ze su sudl dlit it tfot tfot tfe tfe re re`b `bve very ry prb`ess umher POTCOPI is okim tb giquihobm bc bur ossets, i.e 0311 sq. ceet bc prbperty omh cbur duses fypbtfe`oteh tb tfe Domk. Ze sudlit tfot we ore reohy tb poy tfe lbmey tfrbujf tfe prb`ess bc BXP BX P br se seek ek res` res`fe fehu huge ge bc bu burr gbom gbom o` o``b `bum umts ts um umhe herr stre stress sses es s`fele bc LPLEP dy Fbm’dge Cimom`e Limster bc Imhio.
3. Xfe prb prbper perty ty pgeh pgehjeh jeh 031 0311 1 sq. ceet tb tfe Domk is imt imto`t o`t os `bugh `bugh de seem crbl tfe porbm heeh bc tfe prbperty. Fem`e we fove mbt `bllieh omy ogiemobm bc prbperty oer issue bc Mb`e umher se`bm ?0(4) bc POTCOPI O`t. :. Ze fov fove e ji jive vem m ex exfo fous usv ve e repg repgy y tb ybur mb mb`e `e omh we exp expe` e`tt crbl ybu o prbper veri`obm bc tfe co`ts, witf recerem`e tb Domk re`brhs, `gori`obm ohlimj bur oggejobms roiseh im tfis repgy tb emodge us tb prb`eeh gejoggy os per gow im tfis `ose. 6. Ze mo mogg ggy y reque request st ybu tb kim kimhgy hgy pr primt imt yb ybur ur mol mole e im tfe repg repgy y os per gow, btferwise it wbugh de`ble imvogihoteh, ybu loy pgeose os`ertoim tfis prbvisibm bc gow dy reohimj tfe nuhjlemts brhers bc `burts, wfere im tfe mole bc Fbm’dge nuhje is primteh cbr `gority omh tromsporem`y, btferwise it wigg geoh hbudt bc imtejrity bc Domk im ohnu`omj tfe POTCOPI prb`eehimjs. It is ogsb tfe imstru`bms omh juihegimes bc Jbvermlemt bc Imhio tb tfe b`ers tb primt tfeir mole mo less od odbv bve e tf tfei eirr si sijm jmot otur ure e cbr cbr trom tromsp spor orem em`y `y om omh h drim drimji jimj mj o``bumtodigity im heogimj tfe gejog ges.
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