Rephrase PDF

February 23, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pap 3 Us f Egis

For questions -, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ing to the fit sentence, sing the word given. Do not chage e wod givn. Yo mst se between two and ive words, inclding the word given ere s an example at the bnning (0). Wte only the missing words o the separate ase sheet.

Emle: 0 The tennis star gnored her coach's advce. eti

The tenns star ddnt ...................... her coachs advce.

The ga can be lled by the words wo rds 'ay any attention to so yo write:


No one has explaned why our fght s deayed. ea No one has .......................... the deay to our flght

2 I'd rather you ddnt phone me at work  efe efe Id ......................... me at work.  When Mary wanted a new car, she had to save p for a yea Ma lt ........................... save p to by a new car  They are ettng Davd ot of hosptal next week. eeased Davd .............................. hospta next week 

Dd yo leave a tp for the water, Dad?' I asked. he I asked my father ...................... a tp for the water.



Test 1


Je di  't 't expc xpc o w te opettin bu se enered i yway went

ne  n n' expec o wn wn e  e com c omp peti eti o o u she 37


                        

t ywy

o no ne o ell ou y pns.

iteton I 3

   .  

  



  

  

      



you my pl.

Don gn fo e pa  c  ln n you have checke tha eveyn s hee you

Make sre th ohn s   . .... ...   .. .. . .   . .. .   s s n or he pcel 39

Ssa ony move o a new cass ecuse er eache reomene



I he eache adn recommended t, .... ......... ....... ...... .... o  n w cs. 40

The mo  r n hs ache nee cleng oce a wee has

he oo n this cine             oce a week



Paper 3 Use of English

For ques   os 31 31-0, cmplt th snd stc s ha i has a s  ar usng h wrd giv Do ot chage te wor  t th ft stc, us n. Y mst s btw w ad v wrds n cldin ldin  h d g.  s  ex mp  e a h  (0). W nly th iss  o he sepre swer she Exmle Ex mle::

0  tennis sar  h coac' coac's advc. io Th s sa dd            coacs adv adv c c e gap ca b   d by th wrds  a at at ' s  :


lt would b d d  cu fo m o  dfcul I

  

e ok by

 knd

 ok y  knd

 Hay Hays om  !  Span Span,,  ? ves

Ha                h?  W Sanda ak o o  m, sh dd say goby o y ot

Sada              goodby o a yo


 You can boo y k if yo  a   


   


  


     you y b  yo    




 As y ks a oday rr 

       


 

     a a hda






Test 2


W os h gam bcau of m stak faul l was


               

win e game

Ar o pannng o do anyhin on Sarda? plan Do        

Tm loo nohig li hi fh ak T      .


  

  

    



h fer  

 lm I saw as wek ws bete ha hs one. good is fl . .     te on I aw la week


I rgr giving Dnns  on nbr Dr I wsh . .     y phon ubr



Pape 3 Use f Englih

For questions -, complete the second sentence so sentence  so that it has a similar ning t he frst sentence, sing the word given. Do not chang change e he word gvn. Yo mst se between two and ive words inclding the word given There is an example at the beginning (0) Wite ny the missing words n the seprate nswe sheet.

Emple : 0 he tennis star gnored her coach's advce eion The tenns star ddn ......... ......... her coachs avce.

he gap can be flled by the wods 'pay any attention to so yo wite:


Id rather not spend

a no noth th r

day at he beach

fee I   . . . .  .. another day at the beach.


I've never seen a match as god as ths before

mh Ths s the ...... seen.

The staff n ha offce al have geat respect or ther boss

ook he sta i that ofice all ... ther boss

Is there anything you want from the shops? Alson asked her mother

thee Alison asked her mother f ........... from the shops

Sally might not brng hr camera to the pay, so I'l take mine

in Il take my camera to the party ....... brng hers



Tes 3


We missed the turing because we orgot to take a map wth us

d  37

  .     . 

 .   . .  

        

       

     

a map wth us, we woud't have ssed the tg

Jue was sue thee wee o mstakes i he homework

o ue was sure  wth he homework


I advse you to thik caeuly beoe acceptig Willams ofer

br You  ... ... . .. ... ..... ... ... careu careuy y beoe acceptg Wams Wams oer oer 4

Jacke hast bee swmmg or ve years

wimng he ast       was ve yeas ago.


c a s

Athogh the weathe chaged the pcic wet ahead as paed The picc wet ahead as plaed   the weather


F tl



Pp 3 U f Els

For queston -, o  plee h ecd enn o ha i ha a imilar meanig  he i  i  enenc enence e, sing he word given Do no change e word give u m use etw etwe een two and e wd nclding he word iven. Thee i an xame a h beginning (0). Wrte nly he ming wd on e eae answe ht. Exmple: Ex 0 e tn ns s sar gnoe he coacs adie aenon ten n ni nis s sa ddn Te te

              

er coac's advce

e ap can be flled by h word pa ny at tenion ' o yo w:


Man hasn mentned te pay o me a al or

Man hasnt  . .     . . about te ay 32 A A aeny, Sh Shel el was was ltenng to e aa Shea ..... senng to me 

agae was ffee a pae n he course bt cont aep bease she was l urn Mara was oeed a lace n he course t ..... ........ ....... .... . bease se w s . 

I wun trus Frank wh yu money f  wee y, Ca I sa advse   .  . . 



  

. . . 

    .

. .  

  

Frank wh his money

 on know Lesey Leseyss easons r resgn resgng idea   

   

  

    

...  .  

    


    

esley esgne esgned. 1


Test 4

Have you any deks i stock which are cheaper than ths? d Is this


    

in stock?

Team of expert were examinng the damage to the buildng xn x The damage to the buidng . teams of expert

Joe' father used to nt that he wahed the car at the weeend mak  oes father ued to .. the car at the weeend


 wish John sti wroe to e mi !




.   


from John.

Everyone thnk Aan wi accept the job wthin the next few day xp Aan .. ..   the job wthin the next few days



 Te 

 Fr qustins -2 plte h secod sentence s t it h a siar meanig o t h rs sn, usin h word give Do no cag  w ve . Y ust s b b  wo nd fi words, iudin  wrd ive. Hee Is a xam (0). a

 A v  v  m ga u ons  W   a vy n man a


Rad th who sntnc, ook a th y wor an thn y to wok ou wba th qo  tig (v  tc)


W  oy e issig wods  APAL TTR on   w   P o' toch  x

  h x:ts    . . . . . . u u h  It a go hg yo gav  a  o r I wod hav n a fo m ntw

GV I wol hav n at o m ntw   . .       m a 

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e m ended n   .. ..     t we wee  peecle  I don'  M me o ue y  NENON I don' ink M . .        you 8 Smue i no tyng o oe e ER

Smue i        el 9 e gide book doent commend ying in t otel VSALE

I 

     . in

t ote e gide ok y

 Mend w e only one o p e e  NOBOD  NOBOD 


 e


 People y t  i eutiu in te Sprg 

r          bi i  e Spng  My dd epd me wi my oewok l t H

My dd  wi my omewok lt ngt




For questions q uestions -2 -2,, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, sing the word given. Do not change the word given given  You m ust use between two and fve words, including the word gien Here is an example ( 0 ). Example: 0 Making new frens was easy fo her. DIFFCUL

She in't

new f fiends iends

_      

The gap can beflled beflled with the words nd it dcult d cult to make' so you write:

Write the missing words IN CIL LEES on the separte answer sheet. 35 Despte wnnn the ace, he wasnt ve please EVEN

He wasnt ver peased,

t he ace the

36 ts a fa fa  n t me snce I  ast watche watche ths pramme QIE

I havent watched ths prramme


37 Wee u abe t cmpete a yu wrk yesteay? GE

D  manae

a   wk este esteda da??

38 Hs st nve was bette than ths ne

GOO Ths nve s nt

ne he wte. ne

39 Im sr, cd  wat f a mment, pease?

MIN Im s

f a mment, pease?

     

40 Wee s ate nw that we e ntey wnt et t the pa t n tme CHNCE

Were s ate that we have

t the pat n tme.

41 The fd fd she ea eats ts affe affect ctss h e h eath bad   EEC

he fd she eats

h e heath. he

42 The n thn I dd at the weekend was was h sewk 

I d

h usew at the weekend husew

FCE PRACTICE TESTS  3: 3 : U OF NGLH




For questions 35 - 42 42,, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, using the word given Do not chan ge the word word given given  You must use between two and fve words including the word given. Here is an example (0 ). Example: fo her. her.  Ma ki ng new riend s was easy fo D FF CU L

Se did n' n'tt

new fends.

_      

The gap can beflled beflled with the words nd it dcult d cult to make' m ake' so s o you wr writ ite: e:

Write the missing words N C S on the separte answer sheet.

o e, e, e gave  er some mon ey ey.. 35 He d dt buy a present o NSD

He gave er some mon ey

p resent present

3 6 A temporary maage is unig te sop at te oment. UN

Te sop

a tempoay a age  at the mo et.

37 If you eep tryig youl impove. GV

I you


youl get better

fom oe to wok? wok? 38 How lo g s you journey fom K

How og

get o ome to wo? get

39 Wen I ang te box ofce te ticets ad a been sod 


     

wen I ang te box oce.

40 I was suprised we I dscoveed te trut. ND

I was surprsed 41 I  pub ic

te tut was

op no doesnt can ge sudden y y e wi te ext eection.


Uess 42

c age i pub ic opiion, el wi te next cage next electo. electo.

is s te appest tat tat Paula Paula as eve eve been HIE

Pau l a

s e is now se





For q uestions 3 5 - 2 2,, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, using the word given Do not chang e the wor wordd g iven iven.. You must use between two and fve wor words, ds, including includi ng the th e word given. Here is an example (0 ). xample: he. 0 Ma king new friends was easy fo he. D I FF I CUL Se didn't

new friends.

   _ 

The gap can beflled beflled with the words nd it dcult dcult to make m ake'', so s o you yo u write write::

Write the missing words I N C EES on the separte answer sheet 3 Because of at you avse me I  te rt t

AVICE Taks

m e  id te it tn me

3 6 I my opi ion tey're tey're te best ban n te ol


ey'e ey' e te best best ba i te or d as



to be ba badd we se s  de  pessue. pessue. 37 Her beaiou r teds to E NDENCY


bady e se s  er pressure. pressure.

38 y bote eans a lf of wat wat  ea

TWICE I earn

my broter my

39  o ott a n y becase of te assistat assistats s atttue atttue


e assistant's atttue


   

40 He plays so skilf skilf ly tat nobody a be beat at im

MUCH He plays wt

tat nobody ca beat im.

41 Tey were late because tey ot stuc n tafc

RESULT Tey ere e re late

stuc n tafc. stuc

 Yesteay I met oe of my rens rens by cance n te spem arke arket t N

Yesteay I

m i e n te sperma re mi ret. t.

FCE PRACCE PRACC E E PR 3: U OF NGLH NGL H



PART PA RT 4 For questions 35 - 42 , complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. given. You must use between two and fve wor words ds,, including the word given Here is an exampe examp e ( 0). Example: friend s was easy fo fo h er er.. 0 Mak ing new friend

DFFCUL Se d idn't

 _ new fiends fiends .

The gap can beflled beflled with the words nd it dcult dcult to make', ma ke', so you wri write: te:

CL L LEES on the separte answer sheet Write the missing words  N C 35 lt says ee tat we shoud we epy to th nvtation UOED  says ee hat t o ths nvitaton. to 3 6  havent ot my my wa wa et - t must must be at home.

LEF I h ave nt n my Wl Wl  I

_     _

at ome.

37 Te oblem was tat I adnt exected t to take so ong to et to the aipot LONGE e pr proem oem was a  a epece o ge o e apo.

38 Is t lkey tat tat ths invention wil become po pa  wth wth the pb c? CACH

I hi nveio likel

w ih he public? wih

39 I was dvng dvng ome om wok wok wen wen te accident ap pened ME  was dving ome fom wok

t he accdent the

40 hee ae a mnmm of seven classes a week dung the couse LEAST

e cose consists

seven casses a week

41 My sste can t drive so s e ha snt got e own c ar ar KOW dve so se asnt got er own car. dve My siste 4  wote down his emal address on a pece o ape. NOE h s emal addess on a pece o ae. hs

 P R  PPR 3: 3 : U OF NG 77


Pa Pa 4

Tip Strip Quetin 5 You need a phrase tha eaes a egaive compaison wh 'as'. Quetin 6 Supposed s foowed by the finiive wh 'o' Quetin 7 Use a peposo and a gerd after 'apologsed' Qetin 9 ou eed to tur dsapponted nto a noun Qetin 4   ou eed o ake a phasal verb hee Quetin 4 Whch verb ense omes afte wsh o ta abo the preset?

For quesions 3542, complee he second senence so ha  has a simiar meaning o he fs senence usg he wod given o not chnge the word given You mus use between two and five words including he word gven ere is an example (0 Exmpe:

Wha pe of music do ou like bes?



Wha Wh a .           p pe e of mus music ic?? The gap can be filed wih he words is our favoure, so ou wre Exmpe


n he exam, wrie on e missing words N CTL ETTER on the septe nswe sheet


Brad speaks Englis bee han his parens do. A

Brads parens don ......... he does 36

Ccling is no allowed in he park UO

You .............. in he park. 37 'm sor  didn le ou know  was gog o be ae, An said ame AOOGI

Jamie Jami e  . . .. . .    .. .  Ann Ann kow ha ha he he was go gong ng o be be lae lae.. 38 A heav fall of snow pevened hem fom fom geing home ha ng ngh h AB

The ................. home ha nigh because of a heav fall of snow. 39

rsula was disappoined no o win he compeion CAM

No wig he No he co comp mpe ei iio ionn .  .. .. .. ..   .. .. .. o rsul rsula. a. 40

I paid far more mone or m new compue han I expeced o. so

I ddn ex expe pec c  . .. .    . . . .. . .. .  mo mone ne or or m new com compu pue e .



Wel have o sop a a seice saion because heres ver le perol lef n he car. OU

The ca ca has has     . . . . .   . . . . . . . so so well have have o s sop op a a servi service c e sa sao on n 42

Samaha woud ove o have long, bonde hair WH

Samanha ................ ong, blonde hair.

T  T  T 1  A A    3 :            


Tp Strip Qetin 6 You eed to ue the wod except'

Part 4

For questions 3542, complete he second sentence so ha i has a similar meaning o he fs fs sentence, sentence, usi ng he word gven  Do no t chang e the word word

n th entence Qetin 7 You eed to ue the pt perect tee  t caue Qetn 8 Whc verb orm come e 'e ued to? Qetn 9 You eed to tranform broke to othe om of the ve Qetn 40 You eed to make a mult-word verb ee

given. You mus use beween two and five wods, including he word given Hee is an examle (0) Example:

Wha ye of music do you ke best?



Wha Wh a           y ye of mu musi sic? c? The ga can be filled by he wods wods 'i s your favou favour re, e,  so you wre: wre: Exampe


In he exam, wrie ony he missing words N CAPTAL LETTERS on the separae answer sheet

35 Tana hasn ayed vlleyball fo hree years SNCE

             Tania Tania las las la laye yedd voll volley eyball. ball. 3 6 The only hng arl fogot o buy was a new baery for his wach. VRYTHNG

arl emem emember bered ed o o     . .     . .. . .  a ne new w ba bae eyy for his wa wac ch. h. 37 Declan was angry because laire arrived lae. M

f l lai airre   . ... .  , De Declan clan woud wou d not have been angry angry usua ly wear a ha and an d so i feels srange. srange. 38 I don usualy USE

 am ............. a ha and so i feels strange. 39 Rob said o Jennifer: You broke he stra on my new camea. ACCUS

Rob Ro b         .. .. . he st stra ra  on on his new new cam camera era 40 Mark can wait o use his new comuter-games console 


Mark s  his new comuer-games console. 41

lt wil only take hee hours to fly o Sicily LIGT

l is only  o Sicily 42  can fi a my cohes into hat tiny wardobe HO

ha h a ny wa ward rdro robe be is    .. . . . .. .. .. . . al my co coh hes es..

T   T 2 , PA P  R 3  U   O F E N G L I S H


  Pa 4

For quesios 52 comlee he secod seece so ha i has a similar mea g o he fis meag s seece seece,, usig he ord gve. Do not c hange h e wor wor given. You mus use beee two ad five ods, icludig he ord give ere is a examle (0)


Wha ye of music do you ike bes?



Wh a . .     . .   .   .   . . . . .  . . .  y ye of of mu mus ic ? The ga ca be filled by he ods is yor favourie so you rie Exampe

[ I IS YR FAVR

I he exam, rie ony he missig ords  PTL LETTES on the separate answer sheet

5 The bad robably o do aoher our hs year. UNLIKY

The bad .. aoher or his yea 6

s vey had for Alex o ge u i he morig. TROUBL

Ale x ....... u  he moig 7

Lily is so good a simmig ha she is gog o ra for he Olymics. SUH

Lily .   .                      ha ha sh she e is goig o r ra a fo for h he e Oly Olym mic ics. s. 8 Oe o s ough o go ad mee he he visor a he he air ai ror or SHOUL

he h e vis isi io or                 . . . . of us a h he e a a o 9  e o he deiss because  could sad he oohache ay loge UP coul uld d   . . .   .          h he e o oohach che e ay ay o oge gerr so I e o he dess. I co 40

I as ivied o he ary ad ee sad abou ha. WSH


I ..  .. . . . . . .  . . ..    i ivvied o he ar ary 4

 as a difficul roblem, bu eveualy Mari solved  brillaly WITH

Mai Ma i eve eve ally ally .   .                   br briililia a sol sol o o o o h he e r roble blem m 42 Sudes may use he lbay bu hey mus o disurb oher sers LONG

Sud S ude es s may may use use h he e iba ibary   .  . .   .   . .  . .  . .   . .   o o dis disu ub b oh oher er us user ers. s.


  P 

Fr quein 32 cmlee e ecn enence   i   imilr mening  e irt enence, uing e wr given. Do no t chnge the word given Y mu ue beween two n fve wr ncluing e wr given. ee i n exmle (0). Exmpe


W ye  mu muic ic  y li ke be? FAVOURTE

W  . .  .       .               y ye   mu mu  i c ? e g cn be ie by e wr 'i yur vure  yu wrie: Exmpe



n te exm, wie ony te ming wr IN APTA LETTERS on the seprte nswer sheet

35 ei i ye ye wi  rie rien n wen e wen wen  nn UT

A ri rie en . . .   . .  . .  . . .   .      we wen e e wen   n nn n 36 Te inger il ke ee king  rr  ug n e r ree ee.. IKE

e  e in inger ger  .   .   . .             .  .  e ele le  kk im im r i i u ut tgr gr  in  e e tr tre ee e.. 3

 vie Kylie  enr   gym wic e i AVCE

Kylie ......... n enrlle   gym 38

I  n ie t  mu ilm r w brn in te wn. UNAWARE

  . . .  . .  . . . . .  . . .  . . . . .   c      m mu u i ilm lm  r w w br brn in  e tw twn n 39 We   ng jurney e  u  ecie  leve erly O

We ec eci ie e   . .  . .  . . . . .  . .         we we    l lng ng j ju une neyy e e  u .


l  rine ll y every y i week STOPE

         . .  .   . . .  .  . . .  . .   l ll    i  w ee k. 41

Smn w e nly en  ly r  clr. NONE

Ar A r             .  . .   .  . .  . . e e  e en n l lie ie   c cl lr ri i. . 42 

Debbie wre  jumer becue e ug i mig be cl in e mnin CASE

Debb De bbie ie wre  ju jum me e . . .   . .               i  e mu mun n n n..

T  S S 4

PA  E R 3 : U S  O F  N G L I S H


a a  

F qestins cmpleteusing te secd sentece snot ttchange it s  he simil t te35-2, fist sentece te wd gven o wo meig given u must use betwee two d ve wds including te wd given Hee is  emple (). Example 

Wt type f music d yu like best AVOURIT

Wt              ty type  music Te gp c be filed wit te wds is yu vuite s yu wte Example


I te em wte ony te mssing wds IN CAPITA LEES on a

separate te an swe sheet separa

35 Leng t sew seemed  wste wste f f time t Lis POINT

Lis cu Lis culdt   .  . .   .    .  e g t t se sew 36 I lve te cl fd but pefe ving pz we I g ut wit feds WOU

Altug I lve te cl fd I        .       .   piz we I g ut wit fiends 


ec By ws elieved t find is missing cellpne gi


B y y mu must st                          e f fund is mis missi sig g ce cell p pn ne e 38 Acc Acc dg dg t te gssip gssip  te ctes ctesss will be gettng ed s RUMOUR

Te T e ctess                          ge gett ttiing m mied s sn n 39 Pme Pmel l sid tt se eget egetted ted sending sendi ng tt ngy tet tet messge t H Hy y ONY

 IfIf                          t tt n ngy t? t?t messge t Hy sd Pmel 40 Asley wys ets  big befst befe ging ut in te mnig WITHOUT

As As ey ey ev eve e g ges es  tt in t te e mn mnin ingg        .    .              big big be bekkf fsst 41 Emly des t inted t swe y f te nteviewes questis NO

Emily .. ny  te iteviewes quests 2 Li s decided t t g t ftbll pctice y me GIV

Lim s decided . t ftbll pctice T E ST S T 5 , A P E R 3 : U S E O F E N G L I S H


  Par  2, complete the secod setece so tht it hs  simi meig Fo questios 3-2, to the fst setece usig the wod give Do not change the word given. ou must use betwee two d fve wods icludig the wo wodd give Hee is  empe (0). Example: 0

Wht type of msic do you lie best FAVOURIT

Wht              ty type of of music Te gp c be filed by te wods s you fvouite so you wite Eample


 the em wite only the missg wods N CAPAL EES on a separate answer sheet 35 Je felt she ws old eough to ook fe e ow pet dog


Je J e fe felt lt sh she e w wss old old eo eoug ughh to to                         he he ow ow pet pet do dog g 36 lts  wste o time skig Pete to help beus hs too busy NO

Thee s  ete to hep becuse es too busy 37 Is it ll ight if I tu the televisio of MIND

Would  the televisio of 38 Wee ot goig to hve o c wshed becuse it costs too muc AOD

We              ve ve ou c c wshed 39 Gce ows  ot bout Web desig eve togh she s eve studied it HAVING

Despite                          G Gce ko kows  lot lot bo bout ut We Webb des desg g  tcksuitt tht we we hd to lg l g h 40 Dmo looed so fy i is btes tcksui 


We  t Dmo becuse he looked so fy i is bothes tcksuit   electic fece kept visitos visitos wy fom fom te  im imls ls PVNTD

 ee eectc fece                        clo closse to t te m ml ls s 42 Gh m likes like s to sped tme loe  loe just beo beoe e  c ce e BY

Gh G hm m likes k es to to spe sped d tm tme e                         ju just st beoe  c ce e


ar ar  32 2 compete the secon seence so tht it hs  smilr mening For questios 3 to the firs setence sig the wor gve D  chage the t he wr wr gve

ou mst(0 se bewee tw n ve wors incuing the wor given Here is n exmpe Example 0

Wh type of music o you ie best FAVOURIE

Wht . .   . .    . ..   typ type o o mu music The gp c be fille with the wos s your fvourite so you wrte Example


I the exm write ly the missig wors IN CAPAL EERS  a sepaae aswer sheet 35 oh qulifie s  instuctor three yers go BEEN

oh o h                        istrct cto or for three ye yers rs 36 Although we thought the miibus woul be comfortble we wee miste URN

The iibus i  s comorbe s we h expecte 37 Susn wrne Michel bout the boen gitr sring but he t listen to her NOICE

Michel ..... whe Sus tol him bou the broen guitr string. 38 The tour bus sto stoppe ppe fr frequet equety to let peo peope pe  mire the vie view w THAT

The tour tour bs sto topp ppe e freqe qet ty y         .           .    mre mre th the vi view 39 Fye hnt fishe he er when Steve clle her. I

Fye      .     .. .    whe whe St Steve c cle her her 

0 ts getting lte so I ought to go home s Zoe 


Zoe si it ws gettig le  tht ...... hoe  Srs sister cn si beter thn she c. KIER

S r r is is .  .. .  . . . .     s her her sister 2 Ro filly mge to cyce to the top of he hill UCCEEDED

Ro fi Ro fil ly y      .    .  . .  to th the e top top of he hill. hill.  E S T 7, 7, PA P E R 3 : U  E O F E N G L I S H  

a 

For questions 32, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using he word given. Do n o change he word word given You must use between wo and fve words includng the word gven Hee  an example  xample 

What type of music do you lke best? FAVOURI


           

type of music

The gap can be flled by the words 's your favourte so you write: Exampe



n the exam write only the missing words IN AITA LETTE on he separae separa e answer shee 35 Jack had always wanted to become a firefighte AMBITION

lt 

         ••

to become a frefighter

3 I think you should complain about that horrble meal WR

If I

0   

a complaint about that horible meal.

37 Christina had neve visited Venice before IRT

lt was

  oooo

to Venice


38 No mater how hard he tried Victor couldnt open the box VRY

Even 

           

, Victor couldnt open the box

39 lt isnt really worth tying to fly the ite when thees no wind ARY

lt        .               ffy the i ite wh when the there res no no wn wnd d  Oliver says he wil ony play football i he can be team captain .


Oliver says hat he

                         

he can be team captain

41 t was lucky that Tessa found the missing document by chance ARO

Tessa was


the missing document by chance

42 Dancing was an actvty that Davd had never wanted o do APPEAD

Dancing was an activity that

    0 


  S  8 8 P  P  R    S  O   N G L I S 


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