Repaso Ingles 1 ESO

September 12, 2017 | Author: jarp2 | Category: Adverb, Linguistic Morphology, Style (Fiction), Linguistics, Syntax
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PRONOMBRES PERSONALES I – yo You – tú He – él She – ella It – ello We – nosotros / as. You - vosotros / as. They – ellos / as Use the correct personal pronouns. Look at the words in brackets to help you decide. Example: ___________ often reads books. (Lisa) Answer: She often reads books. 1. _______________ is dreaming. (George) 2. _______________ is green. (the blackboard) 3. _______________ are on the wall. (the posters) 4. _______________ is running. (the dog) 5. _______________ are watching TV. (my mother and I) 6. _______________ are in the garden. (the flowers) 7. _______________ is riding his bike. (Tom) 8. _______________ is from Bristol. (Victoria) 9. _______________ has got a brother. (Diana) 10. Have ______________ got a computer, Mandy? Odd words: Underline the word that does not belong to the group. Example:

she: mum He: Ron We: Carrie and I They:the boys It: a shop

dad the man The Smith family the books a school

Sara the house My dog and I Tom and Sue books

a girl a boy you and I a park a cat

Match the words in A and the pronouns in B 1.The girls 2. Dan and I 3. Dan 4. the woman 5. you and Donna 6. a dog

a. he b. she c. it d. we e. you f. they

Complete the following table with the words below you and Jill /the dogs /my book /my friend and I/ the girl/ He





the man They


VERBO TO BE = SER O ESTAR. PRESENTE SIMPLE. En español los verbos en “infinitivo” acaban en “-ar” “-er”, “-ir”. En inglés llevan “to” delante. Más adelante veremos las excepciones. PRESENTE AFIRMATIVA I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

- yo soy o estoy. - tú eres o estás. - él es o está. - ella es o está. - ello es o está. - nosotros-as somos o estamos. - vosotros-as sois o estais. - ellos-as son o están.

I am not = yo no soy o no estoy. You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

I´m. You´re. He´s. She´s. It´s. we´re. you´re. they´re. I´m not. You aren´t he isn´t she isn´t. it isn´t. we aren´t. you aren´t. they aren´t.

Am I ? - ¿ Soy yo o estoy yo?. Are you? - ¿ Eres tú o estás tú?. Is he? - ¿ Es él o está él?. Is she? - ¿Es ella o está ella?. Is it? - ¿ Es ello o está ello?. Are we? - ¿Somos o estamos nosotros-as?. Are you? - ¿Sois o estais vosotros-as?. Are they? - ¿Son o están ellos-as? RESPUESTAS CORTAS: Para contestar Sí :Are you happy? Yes, I am. No: No, I´m not. En respuesta corta afirmativa nunca se pone la contracción. Complete the sentences with am, is or are. is 1. Jean’s dog …………………. white. 2. I …………………. in Year 8. 3. Mr and Mrs Watson …………………. teachers. 4. You …………………. my friend. 5. John’s school …………………. in London. Circle the correct form of the verbs. 1. New York isn’t / aren’t in England. 2. We isn’t / aren’t in Year 4. 3. Our car isn’t / aren’t big. 4. Karen isn’t / aren’t thirteen years old. 5. Three students isn’t / aren’t in class today.


Complete the gaps with the correct form of “to be” 1. Michael Jackson _____________ a singer. 2. George Bush ________________ from Italy. 3. What ______________________ your name? 4. Spain ______________________ in Europe. 5. ___________________________ you from Spain? Yes, I am. 6. Tony Blair and Paul McCartney __________________ British,. 7. How old ___________________ your sister? 8. She _______________________ a nurse! She is a doctor. 9. My dogs ___________________ young. They are only 2 years old. 10. My school _________________ far from my house. Just 5 minutes. Partículas interrogativas. ¿Qué?- WHAT? ¿Quién?- WHO? ¿Cómo?- HOW? ¿Dónde?- WHERE? ¿Cuánto/a?- HOW MUCH? ¿Cuántos/as?- HOW MANY? ¿Cada cuánto? ¿Con qué frecuencia? – HOW OFTEN? ¿Cuándo? – WHEN? ¿Por qué? – WHY?  porque  because ¿Cuántos años …tienes? – HOW OLD … are you? ¿De quién/ quienes..? – WHOSE? Si delante de estas partículas interrogativas lleva una preposición en inglés se escribe al final de la pregunta: ¿Con quién estás?  Who are you with? ¿Para qué es esto?  What is this for?. Match the questions with the answers Where is the Coliseum? How are you? How old are you? What’s your phone number? Who’s your teacher? How much is a cup of tea?

762 895 40 p. Peter Jones It’s in Rome Fine, thanks. And you? Twelve

Questions about you. Answer the following questions. 1. What’s your surname? ______________________________________ 2. What’s your first name? _____________________________________ 3. What’s your address? _______________________________________ 4. How old are you? __________________________________________ 5. What’s your phone number? _________________________________ 6. Are you a student? _________________________________________ 7. What’s your favourite sport? _________________________________ 8. What’s your favourite animal? ________________________________ 9. Who is your favourite music band?_____________________________ 10. When is your birthday? ______________________________________


Choose the correct question and answer. 1. Who / When is your favourite teacher? 2. What / Why film is at the cinema today? 3. Who / When is your music lesson? 4. Where / What are my notebooks? 5. Who / When is your English lesson? Complete the questions with Who, What, Where or Why. 1. …… Where …. is the music shop? 2. …………………. has got a new computer? 3. …………………. are you sad today? 4. …………………. is your favourite game? VERBO TO HAVE GOT = TO HAVE I have got ……………. You have got He has got She has got It has got We have got You have got They have got

yo tengo ………………… tu tienes él tiene ella tiene ello tiene nosotros tenemos vosotros teneis ellos tienen

Have I got? …….. Have you got? Has he got? Has she got? Has it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got?

¿Tengo yo? ……………… ¿Tienes tú? ¿Tiene él? ¿Tiene ella? ¿Tiene ello? ¿Tenemos nosotros? ¿Teneis vosotros? ¿Tienen ellos?

I have not got ………… You have not got He has not got She has not got It has not got We have not got You have not got They have not got

yo no tengo ……………… tú no tienes él no tiene ella no tiene ello no tiene nosotros no tenemos vosotros no teneis ellos no tienen

I have You have He has She has It has We have You have They have Do I have? Do you have? Does he have? Does she have? Does it have? Do we have? Do you have? Do they have? I don´t have You don´t have He doesn ´t have She doesn´t have It doesn´t have we don´t have you don´t have they don´t have.

Complete the sentences with have got or has got. has got 1. Mr Brown …………………. a green car. 2. We …………………. a new teacher. 3. Joel …………………. two sisters. 4. They …………………. a dog. 5. Bev …………………. blonde hair 6.


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of "have got" as in the example

ARTÍCULOS. ARTÍCULO DETERMINADO En español es : el, la, los, las.  “THE”. El libro – the book. Los libros – the books. La manzana- the apple Las manzanas – the apples. The se pronuncia ( de). Si le sigue una palabra que empieza por vocal o “h” muda ( es decir, que no se pronuncia) se pronuncia ( di ) ARTICULO INDETERMINADO. “un, una,”  “a” o “an” . No tiene plural. unos, unas  ( some) En plural algunas veces podemos utilizar en su lugar “some” que se traduce por “algunos, algunas”. A book – un libro Cuando la palabra siguiente en inglés empieza por vocal o “h” muda se pone “an”. An apple = una manzana.


ARTICLES Write the words in the correct columns. camera  man  umbrella  children  onion  oranges  men  computer  uncle a an some camera

Fill in the gaps with some and any to complete the sentences

Complete the sentences about your ideal house with some, any, a or an. 1. Is there __________ garden? 2. There are ____________ good restaurants in the area. 3. The village has __________ post office and ___________ shops. 4. Are there ____________ good beaches near the house? 5. Has the house got _____________ dining room? 6. Are there ______________ trees and flowers in the garden? 7. There’s _____________ open fire in the living room. 8. Upstairs _______________ big bathroom. 9. There are ____________ big cupboards in the kitchen. 10. There’s ______________ electric cooker in the kitchen. PLURALES IRREGULARES Para hacer el plural en inglés la regla general es añadir una “s” al singular. Pero hay excepciones. 1º- Si la palabra termina en “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “th”, “o”, “x”, “ch” hace el plural añadiendo “es” en lugar de “s”. potato  potatoes. class  classes. 2º - Si la palabra termina en “-y” ( con consonante) añade “-es” y convierte la “y” en “i”. lady  ladies. fly  flies. Sin embargo, si la “-y” va con vocal simplemente añade “s”: boy  boys. 3º- Las palabras que acaben en “-F”, “-FE” hacen el plural CAMBIANDO la “F” o “FE” por “VES”. life  lives . (vidas) Thief  thieves. ( ladrones. leaf  leaves ( hojas) loaf  loaves ( barras de pan). 4º - Las palabras que en singular acaban en MAN hacen el plural en MEN: woman  women. Policeman  policemen. man – men.


5º - Algunos plurales irregulares: foot – feet ( pies) child – children ( niños) tooth – teeth – (dientes.) Mouse – mice ( ratones). Complete the table with the singular or plural form Car Class City Woman Family University Address Fish Person Foot Sandwich Toy Write the plural names below under the right headings:

Change the following sentences into plural

DEMOSTRATIVOS Son adjetivos o pronombres que indican la lejanía o cercanía de algo o alguien. En español son : este, ese, aquel. En inglés sólo hay 2 formas: THIS - este, esta, esto. THESE - estos, estas. THAT – ese, esa, eso / aquel, aquella, aquello. THOSE – esos, esas / aquellos, aquellas.


DEMONSTRATIVES Choose the correct word, this or these. Here are my favourite postcards. Look at this / these beautiful city. This / These is from my cousin in Prague. Look, this / these is the Charles Bridge. This / These are all from my penfriend in Australia. This / These is Sydney Harbour Bridge and these / this are dolphins. This / These is my favourite picture. And this / these is from my uncle. He is on holiday in the Canary Islands. This / These boats are nice. And look at all this / these people on the beach. Complete the questions with that or those. 1. Are ___________________ Peter’s badges? 2. Are ___________________ Peter’s jeans? 3. Is ___________ Anna’s cap? 4. Is _______________ Anna’s watch? 5. Are _________________ Anna’s jeans? Complete the sentences with this, these, it or they. 1. A Bob, ______________ is my mother. B Hello, Mrs Smith. 2. Take _______________ bags into the kitchen, please. 3. I don’t like ______________ music. 4. A Is _______________ book John’s? B Yes, _____________ is. 5. A Are ______________ books Mary’s? B Yes, ______________ are. 6. A How much are ______________ glasses? B They are very cheap. 7. A ____________ exercise is very easy. B No, __________ isn’t. _____________ is difficult! Complete the sentences with that, those, it or they. 1. Is ________________ your brother over there? 2. Look at _________________ beautiful flowers! 3. What’s in _______________ bag? 4. A Is ______________ house Ann’s? B Yes, ____________ is. 5. A Are _____________ boys your brothers? B Yes, _____________ are. 6.A How much is ______________? B ______________ is 45 euros. ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS. My - mi, mis Your - tu, tus His - su, sus (de él) Her - su, sus (de ella) Its - su, sus (de animal o cosa) Our - nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras. Your - vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras. Their - su, sus (de ellos, de ellas) Nuestros libros Vuestro padre Su casa (de ellas) Sus ventanas (de la casa) Vuestros libros Tus hermanas


Sus manos (de él) POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Underline the correct form as in the example below.

Complete the sentences with my and your 1. Hello, __________ name is Jenny. 2. What’s ___________ name? 3. Is Catherine _____________ sister? 4. Look at this photo. There are _____________ parents, George and Isabel. Complete the sentences with his and her 1. What’s ____________ name? Elisabeth. 2. ______________ name is James Baker. 3. I have a brother. _____________ name is David. 4. Marie is from France. ______________ flat is in Paris. Fill in the gaps as in the example:

GENITIVO SAJÓN Se utiliza para decir la expresión “algo de alguien” o “alguien de alguien”: El libro de Peter es nuevo  The book of Peter is new. (algo de alguien) Peter´s book is new. El hijo de mi hermano es mi sobrino (alguien de alguien)  The son of my brother is my nephew. My brother´s son is my nephew. Para aplicarlo, se señala en la frase “algo de alguien” o “alguien de alguien”. Luego seguimos los siguientes pasos: 1- Se pone todo lo que está detrás de “of” Peter My brother 2- Añado un apóstrofe a la última palabra y una s: ´S. Si acaba en S sólo añado el apóstrofe detrás. Peter’s My brother’s 3- Luego lo que está delante de OF sin artículo. Peter’s book. My brother’s son. 4- Luego se sigue haciendo la frase. Peter’s book is new. My brother’s son is my nephew.


POSSESSIVE CASE Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the possessive form of the first noun. 1. The ________________________ are green. (cat / eyes) 2. _______________________ is next to her house. (Sara / school) 3. The _____________________ are on his bed. (boys / books) 4. Our ________________________ is Jake. (sister / friend) 5. My _________________________ is fantastic. (mum / pizza) 6. The __________________________ is new. (teacher / computer) 7. There is one desk in my __________________________ (brother / room) 8. My ____________________________ are from the USA. (friend / tainers) Rewrite each sentence using an apostrophe (‘). Use this is or these are. This umbrella belongs to Sue. This is Sue’s umbrella. 1. These books belong to the students. ___________________________________ 2. These keys belong to Peter. ______________________________________ 3. This football belongs to the boys. ____________________________________ 4. This house belongs to my teacher. ____________________________________ 5. These bikes belong to my sisters. _____________________________________ 6. This room belongs to the children ____________________________________ 7. This chair belongs to the manager. ____________________________________ 8. These suitcases belong to Mark. _____________________________________ 9. These bags belong to the women. ____________________________________ 10. This radio belongs to Joan. ____________________________________ Complete the sentences with the Saxon Genitive of the word in bold. 1. Debbie has got a new schoolbag. …………………. schoolbag is black. Debbie’s 2. The dog has got a ball. The …………………. ball is blue. 3. The students aren’t in the class. The …………………. notebooks are on the table. 4. The teacher has got a new camera. The …………………. photographs are good. 5. I’ve got two brothers. My …………………. bicycles are very big. Hay Hay There is – there´s -hay (singular / + nombre incontable) Is there? There is not – there isn´t. There are – hay (plural) Are there? There are not – there aren´t Is there any sugar? Yes, there is. No,there isn´t. THERE IS / THERE ARE Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb


Circle the correct answer. Then tick the sentences that are true according to the picture. .…. 1. There are some / any biscuits. .…. 2. There are an / some apples. .…. 3. There isn’t any / some fish. .…. 4. There is a / an cake. .…. 5. There aren’t some / any oranges. .…. 6. There is a / some bread.

Write questions with picture in Exercise 5. Is there Are there any

1. ………………………….. 2. ………………………….. 3. ………………………….. 4. …………………………..

the words below. Then answer them according to the juice chips rice lemons

………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………………………..

CONTABLES E INCONTABLES INCONTABLES CONTABLES HOW MUCH – cuánto, cuánta HOW MANY – cuántos, cuántas MUCH – mucho, mucha MANY – muchos, muchas THERE IS – Hay + singular THERE ARE – Hay + plural LITTLE – poco FEW – pocos A LITTLE – un poco A FEW – unos pocos A LOT (OF) – mucho ( bastante) A LOT (OF) – muchos ( bastantes) SOME + (cuando no especifico SOME + nombre en plural cantidad) ANY ¿? + nombre en plural ANY ¿? (cuando no especifico ANY ¿? + nombre en plural cantidad) ANY ¿? (cuando no especifico cantidad) Clasifica los siguientes nombres en CONTABLES o INCONTABLES. Milk / sausage / hamburger / coke / cereal / orange / banana / cheese / apple / potato / tomato / sugar / orange juice / bread / ice-cream / biscuit / fish / meat / water / coffee/ tea/ egg / sandwich/ rice . INCONTABLES CONTABLES


Complete the questions with How much or How many. How many apples are there? 1. …………………. 2. …………………. rice is there? 3. …………………. lemons are there? 4. …………………. tea is there? 5. …………………. oranges are there? Answer the questions. Make them true for you. 1. How many uncles and aunts have you got? ..................................................................... 2. How many cars has your family got? ..................................................................... 3. Is there a swimming pool in your school? ..................................................................... 4. Are there shops next to your house? ..................................................................... 5. How many students are there in your school? ..................................................................... 6. Is there any milk in your fridge? ..................................................................... 7. How much money is there in your bag? ..................................................................... Complete the dialogues using much, many, how much and how many 1. A Is there ______________ cheese in the fridge? B No, and there aren’t _________________ eggs either. 2. A ____________________ money do you earn? B Not _____________________ . 3. A Do you have __________________ homework? B Yes, because there aren’t ______________ days before the exams. 4. A _________________________ food do you need? B We haven’t got _______________ vegetables, so we need to buy __________. 5.A Is there _____________ luggage in the coach? B There aren’t _______________ big suitcases. 6. A _________________ toasts do you want? ________________ pieces? B Two please, and without ___________________ butter. 7.A ______________________ spoonfuls of sugar do you take? B No sugar, thank you. I don’t usually eat ________________ sugar. PRESENTE SIMPLE DEL VERBO: To sleep - dormir I sleep - yo duermo. You sleep – tu duermes. He sleeps – él duerme. She sleeps – ella duerme. It sleeps – ello duerme. We sleep – nosotros dormimos. You sleep – vosotros dormís. They sleep – ellos duermen. Cuando el verbo termina en –s, -sh, -ch, -th, -x, -o, consonante+y en 3º persona del singular añade ES en vez de S. To wash = lavar : he washes To study = estudiar: he studies Pero : to play = jugar : he plays En forma interrogativa se pone DO delante. No se traduce. En 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it) la “s” pasa al “do”, que como acaba en “o” se convierte en “es”  “DOES”.


Do I sleep? - ¿yo duermo?. Do you sleep? – ¿tú duermes?. Does he sleep? – ¿él duerme?. Does she sleep? – ¿ella duerme?. Does it sleep? – ¿ello duerme?. Do we sleep? – ¿nosotros dormimos?. Do you sleep? – ¿vosotros dormís?. Do they sleep? – ¿ellos duermen?. I don´t sleep - yo no duermo. You don´t sleep – tu no duermes. He doesn´t sleep – él no duerme. She doesn´t sleep – ella no duerme. It doesn´t sleep – ello no duerme. We don´t sleep – nosotros no dormimos. You don´t sleep – vosotros no dormís. They don´t sleep – ellos no duermen. PRESENT SIMPLE

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 1. Sue …………………. (travel) to London every summer. travels 2. My friends …………………. (not study) at this school. 3. …………………. you …………………. (like) football? 4. I …………………. (talk) to Lisa every day. 5. Ellen …………………. (not eat) chocolate every day. 6. …………………. John …………………. (work) at the cinema? 7. Paul …………………. (fly) to London every summer. 8. My friends sometimes …………………. (take) the bus to school. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. brother / rock music / likes / my ..................................................................... My brother likes rock 2. doesn’t / Tom / a bus / to school / take ..................................................................... 3. her car / drives / every Saturday / Sue ..................................................................... 4. to school / walk / every morning / don’t / we ..................................................................... 5. football / play / I / often ..................................................................... Complete the sentences with a verb from the box Start have go study live fly play 1. He _______________ four languages. 2. Bernadette ________________ in a flat in Paris.



3. They’re pilots. They _______________ all over the world.Peter and Carol _________________ two children. 4. In winter, Alice _____________ skiing and in summer she ____________ tennis 5. My daughter ________________ French and German at university. 6. John and Anne ________________ work at six o’clock every day. ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA Indican las veces o la frecuencia con que se hace la acción del verbo. Los más importantes de mayor a menor son: always - siempre generally - generalmente usually - generalmente often - a menudo, con frecuencia sometimes - algunas veces. rarely - pocas veces, casi nunca. seldom - pocas veces, casi nunca. hardly ever - apenas nunca, casi nunca never - nunca ever – alguna vez . (sólo en interrogativas, para preguntar la frecuencia.) A veces se usa en expresiones hechas como “forever = para siempre”. SE COLOCAN SIEMPRE DELANTE DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL Y DETRÁS SI EL VERBO ES AUXILIAR (CAN; IS/ARE; MUST...). They generally play tennis in the morning. He is always late to school. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Complete the sentences with always, usually, sometimes or never. Make the sentences true for you. 1. I …………………. do my homework in the morning. 2. My friends …………………. have lunch at school. 3. I …………………. get up at 8.00. 4. My mum …………………. drives me to school. 5. My friends and I …………………. go to the cinema at the weekend. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. always / France / to / we / go / spring / in 2. stay / hotel / a / usually / we / in 3. plane / sometimes / by / go / we 4. sometimes / Eurostar / go / we / by 5. children / with / never / our / us / come 6. we / restaurant / go / a / often / evenings / Friday / to / on Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 1. My father works late at the office(often) 2. Steve and Jill play golf(twice a month) 3. I eat a sandwich for lunch.(usually) 4. My teacher gives me a lot of homework.(every day) 5. We see our Mexican friends.(never) IMPERATIVO Indica mandato. Se hace con el infinitivo sin "to". No lleva sujeto. No tiene forma interrogativa. TO eat - ate - eaten - comer. Eat – come, comed. Bring the book – trae o traed el libro. Para la forma negativa se pone Don't delante: Don't eat - no comas, no comais.


Don't bring the book - no traigas o no traigais el libro. IMPERATIVE Match A to B to complete the Imperative sentences. A B 1. Be .…. a. left. 2. Turn .…. 1 b. quiet, please! 3. Do .…. c. the road. 4. Cross .…. d. your homework. Write the words in the correct order to make Imperative sentences. 1. the / corner / walk / to ..................................................................... 2. at the / corner / right / turn ..................................................................... 3. the / pass / computer / shop ..................................................................... 4. straight / the / station / go / to ..................................................................... Look at the map. Write directions to get from Start to the computer shop. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................

PRESENTE CONTINUO Se hace con el presente del verbo TO BE y el GERUNDIO del verbo que se conjugue. TO PLAY – jugar. AFIRMATIVA I am playing I´m playing yo estoy jugando You are playing You´re playing He is playing He ´s playing She is playing She´s playing It is playing It´s playing We are playing we´re playing You are playing you´re playing They are playing they´re playing INTERROGATIVA Am I playing? Are you playing? Is he playing? Is she playing? Is it playing?

¿Estoy yo jugando?


Are we playing? Are you playing? Are they playing? NEGATIVA I am not playing. You are not playing. He is not playing. She is not playing. It is not playing. We are not playing. You are not playing. They are not playing.

I´m not playing. You aren´t playing. He isn´t playing. She isn´t playing. It isn´t playing. We aren´t playing. You aren´t playing. They aren´t playing.

Yo no estoy jugando

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Circle the correct answer. 1. Dave and Pete is watching / are watching the game at the moment. 2. Sam is coming / are coming to my house now. 3. Be quiet! The game is starting / are starting. 4. I am reading / are reading a book about sport. 5. The teenagers am playing / are playing a computer game. Answer the questions with the present continuous of the verbs given:

Circle the correct words. 1. Don is studying at the moment / every day. 2. We clean our rooms now / every week. 3. On Mondays / Right now, Sam plays football. 4. My dad is watching a football game on TV right now / every Saturday. 5. Is Sally playing tennis now / every day? 6. I AM READING –yo estoy leyendo. I READ – yo leo. PRESENTE CONTINUO PRESENTE SIMPLE At the moment – en este momento Adverbios frecuencia: Now – ahora. Always – siempre. Tonight – esta noche. Generally – generalmente. Today – hoy. Usually – generalmente. This evening – esta noche. Often – a menudo. This week – esta semana. Sometimes – algunas veces. Right now – justo ahora. Rarely – pocas veces.


These days – estos días. Cuando hay alguna palabra que me indica que está sucediendo en ese momento, por ejemplo: Look!  mira! Listen, somebody is talking… Escucha, alguien está hablando…

Seldom – pocas veces. Every day – cada día. Every Sunday – cada domingo. Once a year – una vez al año. Twice a month – 2 veces al mes.

Choose a time expression from below for each sentence

Complete the sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous:

Choose the correct option as in the example:


ADVERBIOS El adverbio nos dice algo del verbo. El adjetivo nos dice algo del nombre. En general añadimos “ly” al adjetivo para hacer el adverbio de modo ( -mente o traducido por “ con” ) Por ejemplo : happily  felizmente o con felicidad) Hay algunos cambios al añadir esta terminación: - Los que acaban en –c hacen el adverbio en -ally enthusiastic  enthusiastically ( (adj) entusiasta / (adv) con entusiasmo) - Pero hay algunas excepciones: Fast  (adj y adv) rápido, rapidamente. Good  well – bien Hard  hard (duro, difícil /// duramente y difícilmente) HARDLY  APENAS /adverbio ADVERBS OF MANNER AND DEGREE ADJETIVOS / traducción ADVERBIOS / traducción Calm calmado, tranquilo calmly –calmadamente / con calma. Accidental Angry Bad Beautiful Careful Clear Confident Easy Enthusiastic Good Happy nervous Noisy Quick ADVERBS OF MANNER AND DEGREE Complete the chart. Adjectives Adverbs 1. quick


2. happy 3. good 4. sad 5. hard 6. comfortable Circle the correct answer. 1. My teacher usually talks very quiet / quietly, so it’s hard to hear her. 2. Bob’s room is very neat. He is a tidy / tidily boy. 3. Mary is happy. She’s very / not at all sad. 4. Brad can draw quite good / well. 5. Janet runs very quick / quickly. Change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs and complete the sentences. 1. Bella sings …………………. (beautiful). 2. Please drive …………………. (careful).


3. Brad can draw quite …………………. (good). 4. Jim can run …………………. (quick) Circle the correct adverb of degree. 1. She lives in France, so she speaks French not at all / very well. 2. My dog eats my shoes. I’m very / not at all happy. 3. I want to sleep now. I’m quite / not at all tired. 4. We can get there in five minutes. It’s very / not at all far. Complete the sentences. Change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs. 1. Please talk …………………………. (quiet). I’m trying to work. 2. She has got a lovely voice. She sings …………………………. (beautiful). 3. He is very angry. He is talking …………………………. (angry). 4. Look at the duck. It is walking very …………………………. (slow). 5. He is a good driver. He drives very …………………………. (careful). CAN = poder, saber (hacer algo) Es un verbo modal. Al igual que el resto de los verbos modales (must, should, may...) tienen las siguientes características: 1- No lleva “s” en la tercera persona del singular del presente. 2- El infinitivo que le sigue no lleva “to”. 3- La forma negativa se hace poniendo “not” detrás del verbo,pero CANNOT se escribe todo junto o CAN´T. 4- La forma interrogativa se hace por inversión, o sea,poniendo el verbo delante del sujeto. -CAN  sólo es presente, o sea, “yo puedo” o “yo sé conducir... El puede o sabe nadar he can swim. Can he swim? He cannot swim / he can´t swim. Yo puedo o sé nadar Yo no sé/ puedo nadar ¿Puedo yo / sé yo nadar? MUST – debo (obligación fuerte) Solo tiene presente. El infinitivo que le sigue no lleva “to”. No lleva “s” en la tercera persona del singular del presente. La forma interrogativa poniendo “must” delante del verbo. Forma negativa: must not  mustn´t. El debe estudiar  he must study. Must he study? He mustn´t study. En forma negativa, mustn´t indica prohibición: You mustn´t talk in class  no debes hablar en clase. Para los tiempos que MUST no tiene usamos la expresión: TENER QUE –> to have to. El tiene que venir  he has to come. Does he have to come? He doesn´t have to come. Conjuga: Yo debo escribir Tu debes escribir El debe escribir Ella debe escribir Nosotros debemos escribir Vosotros debeis escribir Ellos deben escribir Yo no debo escribir Tu no debes escribir


El no debe escribir Ella no debe escribir Nosotros no debemos escribir Vosotros no debeis escribir Ellos no deben escribir ¿Debo yo escribir? CAN / CAN’T / MUST / MUSTN’T Complete the sentences with can or can’t

1. Don’t shout at me! I _______________ hear you very well. 2. He eats in a restaurant because he _________________ cook. 3. John doesn’t need a calculator. He _______________ do mathematical operations in his head. 4. He speaks very quickly, so I ________________ understand him. 5. I’m afraid I _________________ talk to you now. I’m very busy. 6. My mum ___________________ swim 1000 metres. She is a great swimmer. 7. I study a lot and I _______________ pass all the exams this year. 8. My father ________________ drive very well. He doesn’t have a car. 9. They __________________ speak Japanese. They are from Japan. 10. I _________________ ski very little but I want to learn next winter. Jean wants a job. Look at the advert. Then write what she must and mustn’t do. Help Wanted Park Garde n er • Strong person • Ready to work hard • Must live in the area • Ready to work in the rain Hours 8am - 5pm (must arrive on time)

1. Jean ………………… 2. She …………………. hard. 3. She …………………. 4. She …………………. 5. She ………………….

be strong. be ready to work live far away. work on rainy days. be late for work.

The doctor tells Paul what he must or mustn’t do to feel fine. Complete

Circle the correct word. 1. People mustn’t / must keep their neighbourhood clean. 2. A ship can / can’t travel on roads. 3. Noise at 100 decibels is dangerous. You must / mustn’t listen to it for a long time. 4. We must / mustn’t destroy the environment. 5. Frogs can / can’t fly. Complete the sentences. Use can, can’t, must or mustn’t. 1. You ………………………… buy a ticket before you go in. 2. The London Duck ………………………… travel on roads and in the water. 3. Noise at 100 decibels is dangerous. You ………………………… listen to it for a long time. 4. We ………………………… destroy the environment.


5. Elephants ………………………… climb trees. 6. We ………………………… be quiet in the lesson. PRONOMBRES POSESIVOS. Mine - (el) mío, (la) mía, (los) míos o (las) mías. Yours - (el) tuyo, (la) tuya, (los) tuyos o (las) tuyas. His - (el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) suyos o (las) suyas. / DE ÉL/. Hers - (el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) suyos o (las) suyas. / DE ELLA /. Ours -(el) nuestro, (la) nuestra, (los) nuestros, (las) nuestras. Yours - -(el) vuestro, (la) vuestra, (los) vuestros, (las) vuestras. Theirs - (el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) suyos o (las) suyas. / DE ELLOS o ELLAS/. Nuestros libros son nuestros. El vuestro es mejor. Estas son las suyas (de él). Los míos son grandes. Este libro es nuestro. Es nuestro libro. ¿Son tuyos? Sí. Esta casa es suya (de ellos). POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Complete the chart. Personal Possessive Pronouns Adjectives I you …………………. she …………………. we …………………. they

…………………. your his …………………. its …………………. your their

Possessive Pronouns mine …………………. …………………. ………………….  ours …………………. ………………….

Circle the correct answer. 1. I can’t find my book. Can you find you / your / yours? 2. Bert and Mary can’t find their / theirs / they car. 3. Where is Carol? This CD is hers / she / her. 4. Our dog is black. This brown dog isn’t we / ours / our. 5. My house is big. That house is my / mine / I. Circle the correct answer. 1. This is Ben’s book. It’s his / he. 2. Do you like these shoes? They’re mine / my. 3. Have they got a dog? Yes, the brown one is theirs / their. 4. Where is Mary? This CD is hers / her. 5. Where are your socks? Are these you / yours 6.


Complete the following sentences with one of the possessive pronouns as in the example.

PASADO SIMPLE DEL VERBO TO BE. Como el verbo to be es un verbo auxiliar, hace el pasado simple de una forma especial. Se traduce por prto. Imperfecto( era o estaba ) O por prto indefinido ( estuve o fui ) To be – was / were – been  ser o estar. I was yo era o estaba Was I? ¿Era yo? ¿Estaba yo? I wasn´t You were Were you? You weren´t He was Was he? He wasn´t She was Was she? She wasn´t It was Was it? It wasn´t We were Were we? We weren´t You were Were you? You weren´t They were Were they? They weren´t Para hacer las respuestas cortas: Yes, + sujeto + was / were . No, + sujeto + wasn ´t / weren´t . Were they happy? Yes, they were. No, they weren´t. WAS / WERE Circle the correct answer. 1. Donna was / were at the show last week. 2. Fred and Jane was / were at the library. 3. I was / were ill yesterday. 4. My friends wasn’t / weren’t excited about the party. 5. Tom wasn’t / weren’t at home a few minutes ago. 6. I wasn’t / weren’t happy last night. 7. Complete the sentences using was or were 1. Now Jane is at home but last week she _______________ on holidays. 2. Today it's raining but yesterday it ________________ sunny. 3. This year there is a jazz festival here and last year there ______________ a pop festival. 4. Today Mr. Brown is at work but yesterday he ____________ ill. 5. These days there are houses here but a hundred years ago there ______________ trees.


6. Today I feel fine but yesterday I ________________ In bed all day. 7. My mother is a doctor now but she ______________ a nurse last year. 8. Today is Saturday and we are at home, but yesterday we _____________ at school. 9. This summer we are staying at home but last summer we _______________ in Greece. 10. Today Tina and Jack are tired because yesterday they _____________ in the gym. HABIA: There was – había (singular / + nombre incontable) Was there? There was not – there wasn´t. There were – había (plural) Were there? There were not – there weren´t. Was there a book? Yes, there was. No, there wasn´t THERE WAS / THERE WERE Circle the correct answer. 1. There was / There were a hairstylist at the show. 2. There wasn’t / There weren’t many people at the concert. 3. Were there / Was there a keyboard? 4. There wasn’t / There weren’t a guitarist. 5. There was / There were three singers and two dancers. 6. Was there / Were there a musician playing an organ? Complete the dialogue with the correct form of there was or there were. Were there many people at the party? Brad: 1. …………………….. Sue: Yes, 2. …………………….. . Brad: 3. …………………….. a DJ? Sue: Yes, 4. …………………….. . He was great! Brad: 5. …………………….. games or contests? Sue: No, 6. …………………….. . 7. …………………….. dancing. Brad: I’m sorry I wasn’t there. Complete the text with the correct form of there is and there are


Make sentences to describe the picture now using there was and there were as in the example.

Complete the questions with Who, Where, When or How many. Then match the questions to the answers. 1. …………………. When was the show? 2. …………………. was with you? 3. …………………. were your seats? 4. …………………. guitars were there? .…. a. Lucy. .…. b. There were three. .…. 1 c. It was on Tuesday. .…. d. They were in row F. Answer the questions. Make them true for you. 1. How many students were there in your class last year? There were .......................................................... 2. Who was in your house at 9 o’clock last night? ..................................................................... 3. When was your last English test? ..................................................................... 4. Who was your favourite singer two years ago? ..................................................................... Circle the correct word. 1. Last year, I wasn’t / weren’t in Year 6. 2. Allison and Sally was / were in Italy last year. 3. He was / were worried about the test yesterday. 4. There was / There were a boring film at the cinema. 5. Were there / Was there any singers at the party? No, there wasn’t / there weren’t. Complete the sentences with was, were, there was or there were (affirmative, negative or interrogative). 1. John …………………. in Year 6 last year. He was in Year 7. 2. No, …………………. dancers at the show. 3. They …………………. very happy to meet each other. They became good friends. 4. …………………. a good film on TV last night? No, …………………. . 5. …………………. any good films at the cinema last week?


DIFERENCIA ENTRE VERBOS REGULARES E IRREGULARES. En español un verbo es regular cuando sigue unas normas generales e irregular cuando no es así. En inglés simplemente es una diferencia de clasificación. A la hora de conjugar un verbo se hace de la misma manera para regulares e irregulares con lo que se simplifica mucho esta parte de la gramática. 1- Los verbos irregulares hay que aprenderlos de memoria pues sus formas varían sin seguir ninguna regla. Pueden ser de 3 formas: - Que tengan las 3 formas iguales: Ejemplo : to cut – cut – cut = cortar. - Que tengan la 1ª forma diferente y la 2ª y 3ª iguales: Ejemplo : to buy- bought – bought = comprar. -Que las tres formas sean diferentes: Ejemplo: to swim – swam – swum = nadar. 2- Verbos regulares hacen la 2ª y 3ª formas añadiendo “-ed” a la primera. Ejemplo: to work- worked – worked = trabajar. CAMBIOS QUE SUFREN LOS VERBOS REGULARES AL AÑADIR LA –“ED”. 1- Si el verbo acaba en una “-e”, sólo añade la “-d”: Ejemplo: To close- closed- closed = cerrar. 2- Si el verbo acaba en “consonante+ y”, además de añadir “-ed” la “-y” se convierte en “-i”. Esto sucederá también en los plurales irregulares y en la 3ª persona del singular del presente simple. Ejemplos: To study- studied – studied = estudiar. Sin embargo si la “-y” lleva delante una vocal no le sucede nada. To play- played-played = jugar, tocar instrumento musical. 3-Cuando el verbo en inglés es monosílabo, y en algunos casos bisílabo, y acaba en consonante simple precedido de una sola vocal, dobla la consonante al añadir “-ed” o cualquier otra terminación. Ejemplo: To stop- stopped – stopped = parar, dejar de hacer algo. PASADO SIMPLE O SIMPLE PAST Para hacer el pasado simple de cualquier verbo que no sea el auxiliar (is, are, can,must...) se hace con la segunda forma del verbo a la que se añade delante el sujeto. No lleva “s” en la tercera persona y todo el verbo es igual, por eso, es imprescindible poner siempre el sujeto. SE traduce por prto. Imperfecto( leía, jugaba, comía, compraba...) O por prto indefinido ( leí, jugué, comí, compré...) To go – went – gone à ir I went yo iba o fui Did I go? ¿Iba yo?¿Fui yo? I didn´t go You went Did you go? You didn´t go He went Did he go? He didn´t go She went Did she go? She didn´t go It went Did it go? It didn´t go We went Did we go? We didn´t go You went Did you go? You didn´t go They went Did they go? They didn´t go Para hacer la forma interrogativa y negativa utilizamos el AUXILIAR DID. que no quiere decir nada, sólo indica que es pasado. Como DID ya lleva “la marca de pasado” entonces ponemos la primera forma del verbo o infinitivo sin “to”. Yo voy I go Yo iba I went ¿Voy yo? Do I go? ¿Iba yo? Did I go? Yo no voy I don´t go Yo no iba I didn´t go


Para hacer las respuestas cortas: Yes, + sujeto + did. No, + sujeto + didn´t. Did they go to Paris? Yes, they did. No, they didn´t. TO WORK- WORKED – WORKED - TRABAJAR PASADO SIMPLE O SIMPLE PAST I worked yo trabajaba Did I work? You worked Did you work? He worked Did he work? She worked ? Did she work? It worked Did it work ? We worked Did we work? You worked Did you go? They worked Did they go?

I didn´t work. You didn´t work. He didn´t work. She didn´t work. It didn´t work. We didn´t work. You didn´t work. They didn´t work.

Para hacer la forma interrogativa y negativa utilizamos el AUXILIAR DID. que no quiere decir nada, sólo indica que es pasado. Como DID ya lleva “la marca de pasado” entonces ponemos la primera forma del verbo o infinitivo sin “to”. Yo trabajo I work Yo trabajaba I worked ¿Trabajo yo? Do I work? ¿Trabajaba yo? Did I work? Yo no trabajo – I don´t work Yo no trabajaba I didn´t work Para hacer las respuestas cortas: Yes, + sujeto + did. No, + sujeto + didn´t. Did they work On Saturday? Yes, they did. No, they didn´t. PAST SIMPLE Write the past form of the following verbs:


Make sentences as in the example with the information from the chart below.

Now ask questions as in the example with the information from the chart above.


Fill in the blanks

Make sentences in the past with the information from the chart below.


Choose from the verbs given to complete the text with the past form of the verbs.

Complete the sentences with one of the time expressions given.

Fill in the gaps with the past simple

Mary and Sam are talking about their last summer holidays.


FORMA "GOING TO" CUANDO EN CASTELLANO DECIMOS. YO VOY A + INFINITIVO EN INGLÉS ESTA EXPRESIÓN SE DICE: I AM GOING TO + INFINITIVO. YO VOY A ESCRIBIR - I AM GOING TO WRITE. TU VAS A ESCRIBIR - YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE. EL VA A ESCRIBIR - HE IS GOING TO WRITE. ELLA VA A ESCRIBIR - SHE IS GOING TO WRITE. NOSOTROS VAMOS A ESCRIBIR- WE ARE GOING TO WRITE. VOSOTROS VAIS A ESCRIBIR - YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE. ELLOS VAN A ESCRIBIR -THEY ARE GOING TO WRITE. FORMA INTERROGATIVA. FORMA NEGATIVA AM I GOING TO WRITE? I'M NOT GOING TO WRITE. ARE YOU GOING TO WRITE? YOU AREN'T GOING TO WRITE. IS HE GOING TO WRITE? HE ISN'T GOING TO WRITE. IS SHE GOING TO WRITE? SHE ISN'T GOING TO WRITE. ARE WE GOING TO WRITE? WE AREN´T GOING TO WRITE ARE YOU GOING TO WRITE? YOU AREN'T GOING TO WRITE. ARE THEY GOING TO WRITE? THEY AREN'T GOING TO WRITE BE GOING TO Circle the correct answer. 1. Dave and Gina .…. England in the summer. a. is going to visit b. are going to visit 2. I .…. that film tomorrow. a. am going to see b. are going to see 3. Jenny .…. the e-mail soon. a. is going to send b. are going to send 4. .…. the dancers .…. tomorrow? a. Is … going to perform b. Are … going to perform 5. My dad .…. to New York next month. a. am not going to go b. isn’t going to go Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of be going to. 1. …………………….. Brad …………………….. (work) at the library later? 2. …………………….. they …………………….. (visit) the museum? 3. …………………….. the children …………………….. (wear) their swimsuits to the park? 4. …………………….. your mum …………………….. (meet) her sister later? 5. …………………….. I …………………….. (see) you today? Circle the correct answer. 1. Next year, I am going to visit / is going to visit some friends in England. 2. We are going to buy / is going to buy some new clothes next week. 3. The children am not going to have / aren’t going to have dinner at their aunt’s house tomorrow. 4. Is / Are John going to sing with the musicians tomorrow? Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use be going to. not go  buy  visit  wear 1. Sally ………………………….. Brenda in Scotland soon. 2. Mr Greene ………………………….. on holiday in August. 3. My friends ………………………….. some new CDs at the weekend. 4. I ………………………….. my new jeans to the party next week.


Write four sentences about the things Luke and Helen are or aren't planning to do on their holiday next week. Use be going to.

fly to London

1. 2. 3. 4.

take the train to Bath

visit museums: Luke

Helen 

...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................


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