Repaso Funcion Si AND y OR

August 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ioaputrof Yystga Iorporethof E





Pu Agmor Eltgrfethve C












5 4


9 0


7 3 ; 2 8 5> 55 54 59 50 57 53 5; 52 58 4> 45 44 49 40 47 43 4; 42 48 9> 95 94 99 90 97 93 9; 92

 Epgllh`os Ietg Ygxo Bhmo Gihvhl Psgr Kerihe E A 5 I 7 ^erg`gs D C 9 S 2 Ag`hfe E A 0 @ 54 pre`o D C 4 S 8 ]evele I A 4 I 5> Ortgke E A 9 Y 54 Aerthfo  Eftufgz Ibhrhfos Ibevgz Org



5 7 0 4 0


57 53 8 7 55

Deshio Y/. 0,>>> Y/. 9,7>> Y/. 0,>>> Y/. 9,7>> Y/. > Y/. 0,>>>

Dofbhmo Y/. 5>> Y/. 439 Y/. 02> Y/. 5;7 Y/. > Y/. 93>

Dofgspg Y/. > Y/. 8> Y/. 53> Y/. 3> Y/. 2> Y/. 54>

Dofihvhl Y/. > Y/. 957 Y/. > Y/. 45> Y/. > Y/. >

Y/. 9,7>> Y/. 9,7>> Y/. 9,7>> Y/. 0,>>> Y/. 9,7>>

Y/. 22 Y/. 092 Y/. 97> Y/. 40> Y/. 97>

Y/. > Y/. 4>> Y/. 53> Y/. > Y/. 53>

Y/. > Y/. 97> Y/. 04> Y/. 53> Y/. 04>

Ieliulos Ieliulos Deshio16 Deshio16 YhYh^grtgfgig ^grtgfgigeeleleIetgkorhe Ietgkorhe"E" "E"sg sglglgpekere pekere0>>> 0>>> solgs: E le ietgkorhe "D" 97>>: ieso ioftrerho igro. solgs: E le ietgkorhe "D" 97>>: ieso ioftrerho igro. D.Bhmo16 D.Bhmo16 Yh pgrtgfgig ele ietgkorhe E y thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg Yh pgrtgfgig ele ietgkorhe E y thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg eplhiere gl 9% `gl Deshio x ie`e bhmo: e los `gaes sg lg eplhiere gl 9% `gl Deshio x ie`e bhmo: e los `gaes sg lg eplhiere gl 4,7% el sugl`o deshio por ie`e bhmo. eplhiere gl 4,7% el sugl`o deshio por ie`e bhmo. D.Gspgi16 D.Gspgi16 Yh gs verof y e le vgz thgfg aes o `os bhmos sg lg `ere Yh gs verof y e le vgz thgfg aes o `os bhmos sg lg `ere 0> solgs por ie`e bhmo: sh gs vhu`o y thgfg aes `g 5 0> solgs por ie`e bhmo: sh gs vhu`o y thgfg aes aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg `ere por ie`e ufo 9> solgs: ieso ioftrerho bhmo sg lg `ere por ie`e ufo 9> solgs: s olgs: ieso ioftrerho

Dofhc5 doftsgr Y/. 57> 49> Y/. 57> 49> Y/. > 52> Y/. 57> 49> Y/. 57> 49> Y/. 5>> 52> Y/. 57> Y/. 57> Y/. 57> Y/. 57> Y/. 57>

49> 49> 49> 49> 49>

Dof4 Y/. 4>> Y/. 407 Y/. > Y/. 407 Y/. > Y/. >

Dof9 Y/. 54> Y/. 5>7 Y/. 54> Y/. 5>7 Y/. > Y/. 54>

Y/. 407 Y/. 5;7 Y/. > Y/. > Y/. >

Y/. 5>7 Y/. 5>7 Y/. 5>7 Y/. 54> Y/. 5>7

D.Gste`o Ihvhl16 D.Gste`o Ihvhl16 v gz thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg eplhiere Yh gs iese`o y le vgz eplh iere gl 4% `gl deshio por Yh gs iese`o y le vgz thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg eplhiere eplhi ere gl 4% `gl deshio por ie`e bhmo: Yh gs vhu`o y thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo, sg lg eplhiere uf porigftemg el ie`e bhmo: Yh gs vhu`o y thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo, sg lg eplhiere uf porigftemg el deshio deshio`gl9% `gl9%por porie` ie`bhmo, bhmo,`g `gloloioftrerho ioftrerhofe`e. fe`e. Dofhchieihof516 Dofhchieihof516 Yh su gste`o ihvhl gs iese`o o gs vhu`o: y e le vgz pgrtgfgig ele ietgk. "D"sg Yh su gste`o ihvhl gs iese`o o gs vhu`o: y e le vgz pgrtgfgig ele ietgk. "D"sg lg otorke 57> solgs: sh gs soltgro sol tgro y gs `g le ietgkorhe "E" sg llg g `ere 5>> solgs: lg otorke 57> solgs: sh gs soltgro y gs `g le ietgkorhe "E" sg lg `ere 5>> solgs: e los `gaes fe`e. e los `gaes fe`e. Dofhchiei.P.Ygrv16 Dofhchiei.P.Ygrv16 Yh gs iese`o o gs vhu`o y thgfg 7 e aes Eõos `g Ygrv, sg lg otorke 49> solgs: Yh gs iese`o o gs vhu`o y thgfg 7 e aes Eõos `g Ygrv, sg lg otorke 49> solgs: Gf gl ieso qug sge `hvorihe`o o soltgro, y qug beye iuaplh`o 3 eõos Gf gl ieso qug qug sge `hvorihe`o o soltgro, y qug beye iuaplh`o 3 eõos

Potel Gsselu` Y/. 0,2>> Y/. 0,282 Y/. 0,80> Y/. 0,3;7 Y/. 03> Y/. 0,22> Y/. 0,952 Y/. 7,502 Y/. 0,857 Y/. 0,8>> Y/. 0,857

`g sgrv sgrv.. E aes aes sg lg `ere `ere 52> sol sgrv `g sgr v. E aes aes sg lg lg `er `ere e 52> 52> so so Dofhchi.416 Dofhchi.416 Yh gs iese`o y teadhgf verof, tgf Yh gs iese`o y teadhgf verof, tg 7% sug l`o deshio: shio: shhsh vhu` 7%eesu susugl`o sugl` sug l`o ode de deshi shio: o:s sgs h gsvhu` vhu thgfg aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg `ere ufe thgfg aes aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg `ere uf ioftrerho igro. ioftrerho igro. Dofhchi916 Dofhchi916 Yh gs iese`o o `hvorihe`o y pgrtg Yh gs iese`o o `hvorihe`o y pgrt dofhchieihof `gl 9% `gl deshio: sh dofhchieihof `gl 9% `gl deshio: s ietgkorhe ietgk orhe "E "E"sg "sg lg ` `ere ere gl 7% `g s ietgkorhe "E"sg lg `ere gl 7% `g

fe`e fe`e

Lo Agmor @g Ahirosoct Gxigl

Gxposhtor= Elgmef`ro @hofhiho @g Los Thos


Ioaputrof Yystga Iorporethof

Pu Agmor Eltgrfethve T






5 4 9 0 7

Cofevh @sito


3 ; 2 8 5> 55 54 59 50 57 53



5; 52 Fgto16 Potel-Pot.@gsito. s , `g lo ioftrerho igro. 58 lgs , `g lo ioftrerho igro. 4> hgf`o aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg eplhiere gl 45 fhgf`o aes `g 5 bhmo sg lg eplhiere gl 44 o pgrtgfgig sgxo cgagfhfo y yypgrtgfgig elelsgxo cgagfhfo dofhchieihof `gl ;% `gl deshio:yieso 49 e dofhchieihof `gl ;% `gl deshio: ieso 40 47 gig ele ietgkorhe "D", sg lg `ere ufe 43 fgig ele ietgkorhe "D", sg lg `ere ufe gs vhu`o o soltgro , y pgrtgfgig ele s oltgro , y pgrtgfgig ele 4; h gs vhu`o o soltgro u sugl`o, shfo fe`e. 42 su sugl`o, shfo fe`e. 48 9> 95 94 99 90 97 93 9; 92

Lo Agmor @g Ahirosoct Gxigl

Gxposhtor= Elgmef`ro @hofhiho @g Los Thos

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