Reopening of Sealed-Off Areas in Mines

March 16, 2017 | Author: Shazil Khan | Category: N/A
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Reopening of Sealed-off Areas in Mines

CONSIDERATIONS FOR REOPENING A SEALED-OFF AREA 1. Extent and intensity of fire at the time of sealing. 2. Nature of burning material and adjacent strata. 3. Airtightness of stoppings and the sealed area. 4. Composition of the atmosphere in sealed area.

5. Inert gas injection.

Preparatory measures for reopening • Assembling rescue and recovery crew. • Withdrawal of all men from the mine other than those required in connection with reopening operations.

• Stationing a man at the mine main fan to see that the fan continues to run. • Cutting off electric power from the part of the mine in which a fire is sealed off as well as in return airways utilised for carrying the fire gases .

• Making necessary adjustment in ventilation so that the return from the fire area can be directed into the main return. • Heavily stonedusting all roadways leading to and form the fire area. • Establishing telephonic communication between the fresh-air base and the surface. • Preparatory measures for nitrogen flushing during reopening.


Choice of a particular method depends on the following factors: – Type and extent of fire – Size of area sealed off

– Time allowed for cooling off – Volume of firedamp enclosed – Probable condition of doors and other ventilation appliances in the area – Inclination of the roadway – Accessibility of roadways – Presence of water in the area – Temperature and

– Availability of an inert gas for atmospheric inerting

Different methods of reopening are 1. Reopening by reventilation. 2. Reopening by air-locking in stages (stage method). 3. Combination of (1) and (2).

Recovery by Reventilation • Two variants of this method: a. Reventilation without inspection by rescue brigades (Direct method) – This method is employed in a non-gassy mine, when a fire in an isolated area is small in extent. – When it is confirmed from evidences that the fire has been extinguished.

b. Reventilation following inspection by rescue brigades – Employed in gassy mine where – Possibility of heavy falls in roadways or – When there is only one communicating roadway

– In case of heavy falls in roadways which can not be cleared and reventilation in the normal way is not practicable Methods of ventilating a sealed-off area • Method 1: Ventilating by normal ventilation pressure.

• Method 2: ventilating with an auxiliary fan.

Reopening by air-locking in stages (Stage Method) Application: • Where a sealed-off area is extensive. • Where the roadways are highly inclined • Fireseat is inaccessible • There are connections between the intake and return airways in the area • Fairly large influx of water in the area and • The atmosphere in the area is too hot and humid for a rescue team to travel very far.

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