Rent Agreement

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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THIS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT OF TENANCY is made and executed execute d at Bangalore on tis !st da" o# Octo$er %&!'( $" and $et)een* Mr. xxx

 Hereinafter referred referred to as the “LESSOR” (Owner) of the ONE PART. Mr. xxx

 Hereinafter referred referred to as the “LESSEE” (Tenant) of the OTHER PART. +ereas te #irst ,art" is te a$solute o)ner o# te ouse( consisting o# one all( one -itcen( t)o $edrooms and $atroom . )it electricit" and )ater #acilit" situated at xxx and te o)ner as decided to let out te same to te said tenant under te #ollo)ing terms and conditions* TERMS AND CONDITIONS*

!/ Tis rental rental agreemen agreementt is #or a ,eriod ,eriod o# !% !% monts monts )it e##ect #rom !st A,ril %&!'/ %/ Te Te 0ESS 0ESSEE EE as ,a ,aid id a sum sum o# Rs/!(& Rs/!(&&( &(&& &&&1 &122 3Ru, 3Ru,ee eess One One 0a- 0a- onl"4 onl"4 to to)a )ard rdss securit" de,osit to te 0ESSOR/ Te securit" de,osit sall not carr" an" interest and sall $e re#unded $ac- to te 0ESSEE at te time o# 5acating te sceduled ,remises a#ter deducting deducting an" arrears in rent( electricit" electricit" $ills( $rea-ages( $rea-ages( cleaning and ,ainting carges/ 6/ Te 0ESSEE 0ESSEE #urter #urter agrees agrees to ,a" a montl" montl" rent rent o# Rs/!%( Rs/!%('&& '&&12 12 3Ru,ees 3Ru,ees T)el5 T)el5ee Tousand Fi5e Hundred onl"4/ Te rent #or eac mont sall $e ,aid on or $e#ore ' t o# e5er" mont 3a#ter com,letion o# te mont4 7/ In case te 0ESSEE 0ESSEE )ants to 5acate te te ,remises ,remises $e#ore te te ,eriod ,eriod a5aila$le a5aila$le to tem( tem( te" sould gi5e one mont notice( in )riting( or one mont rent in lieu o# te notice  ,eriod/ Te 0ESSOR also sall gi5e one mont notice to te 0ESSEE #or terminating te 0ease ,eriod/



'/ Te 0ESSOR 0ESSOR and and 0ESSEE 0ESSEE on mutual mutual agreement agreement can rene) rene) tis 0EASE 0EASE #or #or a #urter   ,eriod o# !% mont/ In suc e5ent te 0ESSEE sall ,a" and enance te rent $" !&9 u,on rene)al o# tis agreement/ :/ Te 0ESSE 0ESSEE E sall not not a5e an" rigt rigt to claim claim deducti deduction on o# rent #rom #rom te securit" securit" de,osit amount/ On te oter and te 0ESSEE sall -ee, ,a"ing te rent as agreed/ ;/ I# te 0ESSEE 0ESSEE commits commits an" an" de#ault de#ault to ,a" te te rent regular regularl" l" on due dates dates or commit commit an" de#ault de#ault to o$ser5e o$ser5e or or ,er#orm ,er#orm an" o# te te terms ere to agreed( agreed( te 0ESSO 0ESSOR  R  ere$" er e$" reser5e reser5ess te rigt rigt to terminate terminate te te 0EASE 0EASE ereto ereto granted granted and ta-e ta-e o5er   ,ossession o# te scedule ,remises/
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