Short Description
Mickey Ingles...
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
RULE 114 & "AIL
Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
This reviewer reviewer is based on Atty. Atty. Tranquil Tranquil Salvador’s Salvador’s lectures, lectures, SCA notes from Atty. Atty. Guevarra Guevarra’s ’s class, class, Glenn Glenn Tuazon’s (AS !"##$ brilliant notes* notes* %n&oy' PROVISIONAL REMEDIES •
Prov rems are ancillary to principal actions* So i' te principal action is dismissed, ten yo%re prov rem sall -e di.mi..ed* o (R: /o principal action o' preliminary attacment, etc* 01C0P#: o Receiversip Receiversip in Corporation Corporation or 2anking Law In Ar-itration Law, were yo% can 'ile any provisional remedy as a main action in aid o' an ar-itration cla%se*
#ere are tree stages o' attacment orres v Satsatin, !!3): Co%rt iss%es order granting s%c application o rit o' attacment iss%es p%rs%ant to te order o Implementation o' te writ o 5or te 'irst stages, 6d over te de'endant is not re$%ired* Its only re$%ired wen yo% implement te writ* 7ow do yo% ac$%ire 6d d%ring te 8 rd stage9 2y service o' s%mmons prior to or contemporaneo%s wit te order o 'or implementation* &see Sec ) •
Section 1. Groun! u"on #$ic$ %tt%c$&ent &%' i!!ue. At t$e co&&ence&ent o( t$e %ction or %t %n' ti&e )e(ore entr' o( *u+&ent, % "-%inti(( or %n' "ro"er "%rt' &%' $%e t$e "ro"ert' o( t$e %er!e "%rt' %tt%c$e %! !ecurit' (or t$e !%ti!(%ction o( %n' *u+&ent t$%t &%' &%' )e recoere recoere in t$e (o--o#in+ c%!e!/ c%!e!/ 0% In %n %ction (or t$e recoer' o( % !"eci(ie %&ount o( &one' or %&%+e!, ot$er t$%n &or%- %n e2e&"-%r', e2e&"-%r', on % c%u!e o( %ction %ri!in+ (ro& -%#, contr%ct, 3u%!i4contr%ct, 3u%!i4contr%ct, e-ict or 3u%!i4e-ict %+%in!t % "%rt' #$o i! %)out to e"%rt (ro& t$e P$i-i""ine! #$ic$ intent to e(r%u $i! creitor! 0) In %n %ction (or &one' or "ro"ert' e&)e66-e or (r%uu-ent-' &i!%""-ie or conerte to $i! o#n u!e )' % "u)-ic o((icer, or %n o((icer o( % cor"or%tion, or %n %ttorne', (%ctor, )roer %+ent, or c-er, in t$e cour!e o( $i! e&"-o'&ent %! !uc$, or )' ot$er "er!on in % (iuci%r' c%"%cit', or (or % #i--(uio-%tion o( ut' 0c In %n %ction to recoer recoer t$e "o!!e!!io "o!!e!!ion n o( "ro"ert' "ro"ert' un*u!t-' un*u!t-' or (r%uu-e (r%uu-ent-' nt-' t%en, et%ine et%ine or conerte, #$en t$e "ro"ert', or %n' "%rt t$ereo(, $%! )een conce%-e, re&oe, or i!"o!e o( to "reent it! )ein+ (oun or t%en )' t$e %""-ic%nt or %n %ut$ori6e "er!on 0 In %n %ction %+%in!t % "%rt' #$o $%! )een +ui-t' o( % (r%u in contr%ctin+ t$e e)t or incurrin+ t$e o)-i+%tion u"on #$ic$ t$e %ction i! )rou+$t, or in t$e "er(or&%nce t$ereo( 0e In %n %ction %+%in!t % "%rt' #$o $%! re&oe or i!"o!e o( $i! "ro"ert', or i! %)out to o !o, #it$ intent to e(r%u $i! creitor! or 0( In %n %ction %+%in!t %+%in!t % "%rt' "%rt' #$o oe! not re!ie %n i! not (oun in t$e P$i-i""in P$i-i""ine!, e!, or on #$o& !u&&on! &%' )e !ere )' "u)-ic%tion. • •
#e magic word 'or attacment: ;sec%recept moral and e>emplary, wit te claim arising 'rom o an o-ligation, A/? te de'endant is a-o%t to depart 'rom te Pilippines I#7 intent to de'ra%d M%st M%st sow sow 'acts 'acts sowin sowing g intent intent to depart depart and de'ra de'ra%d %d &like &like selli selling ng prope property rty,, witdrawing all money 'rom te 2PI, etc) @o% can only %se tis i' te de'endant de'endant is a-o%t to depart and tere is intent to de'ra%d 0m-e..lementa-%se 0m-e..lementa-%s e o' tr%st -y one wit a 'id%ciary relationsip o Bs%ally in esta'a cases Also a prov rem in criminal cases " Action to recover property and tere is will'%l 'ra%d%lent concealment o' te property o Compare tis to replevin In replevin, te property is a speci'ic one, te ting o-6ect o' te action* In attacment attacment,, te property property to -e attaced attaced is any property, not necessarily te o-6ect o' te action* In repl replev evin in,, yo% yo% can can only only avai availl o' it -e'o -e'ore re an answ answer er is 'ile 'iled* d* In attacment, any time* In repl replev evin in,, te te prop proper erty ty is pers person onal al prop proper erty ty** In atta attac cme ment nt,, any any property* o 5ra%d in contracting te o-ligation or 'ra%d in te per'ormance tereo' In contracting te o-ligation: i' not 'or te 'ra%d, te oter party wo%ld not ave entered into te transaction In te per'ormance: in te manner o' per'ormance, tere was 'ra%d Action against a person wo removesconceals property, or is a-o%t to do so, wit intent o to de'ra%d ?irected against te person ?e'endant is a nonresident, or on wom s%mmons -y p%-lication is made o o
Sec. 8. I!!u%nce %n content! o( orer. An orer o( %tt%c$&ent &%' )e i!!ue eit$er e2 "%rte or u"on &otion #it$ notice %n $e%rin+ )' t$e court in #$ic$ t$e %ction i! "enin+, or )' t$e Court o( A""e%-! or t$e Su"re&e Court, %n &u!t re3uire t$e !$eri(( o( t$e court to %tt%c$ !o &uc$ o( t$e "ro"ert' in t$e P$i-i""ine! o( t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& it i! i!!ue, not e2e&"t (ro& e2ecution, %! &%' )e !u((icient to !%ti!(' t$e %""-ic%nt9! e&%n, un-e!! !uc$ "%rt' &%e! e"o!it or +ie! % )on %! $erein%(ter $erein%(ter "roie in %n %&ount e3u%- to t$%t (i2e in t$e orer, #$ic$ &%' )e t$e %&ount !u((icient to !%ti!(' t$e %""-ic%nt9! e&%n or t$e %-ue o( t$e "ro"ert' to )e %tt%c$e %tt%c$e %! !t%te )' t$e %""-ic%nt, e2c-u!ie o( co!t!. Seer%- #rit! &%' )e i!!ue %t t$e !%&e ti&e to t$e !$eri((! o( t$e court! o( i((erent *uici%- re+ion!. Sec. :. A((i%it %n )on re3uire. An orer o( %tt%c$&ent !$%-- )e +r%nte on-' #$en it %""e%r! )' t$e %((i%it o( t$e %""-ic%nt, or o( !o&e ot$er "er!on #$o "er!on%--' no#! t$e (%ct!, t$%t % !u((icient c%u!e o( %ction e2i!t!, t$%t t$e c%!e i! one o( t$o!e &entione in !ection 1 $ereo(, t$%t t$ere i! no ot$er !u((icient !ecurit' (or t$e c-%i& !ou+$t to )e en(orce )' t$e %ction, %n t$%t t$e %&ount ue to t$e %""-ic%nt, or t$e %-ue o( t$e "ro"ert' t$e "o!!e!!ion o( #$ic$ $e i! entit-e to recoer, i! %! &uc$ %! t$e !u& (or #$ic$ t$e orer i! +r%nte %)oe %-- -e+%- counterc-%i&!. T$e %((i%it, %n t$e )on re3uire )' t$e ne2t !ucceein+ 1
Rule 127, Sec. 2. Attachment . – When the civil action is properly instituted in the criminal action as provided in Rule 111, the offended party may have the property of the accused attached as security for the satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered from the accused in the folloing cases! "a# When the accused is about to abscond from the $hilippines% "b# When the criminal action is based on a claim for money or property embe&&led or fraudulently misapplied or converted to the use of the accused ho is a public officer, officer of a corporation, attorney, factor, bro'er, agent or c ler', in the course of his employment as such, or by any other person in a fiduciary c apacity, or for a illful violation of duty% "c# When the accused has concealed, removed, or disposed of his property, or is about t o do so% and "d# When the accused resides outside the $hilippines.
Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
!ection, &u!t )e u-' (i-e #it$ t$e court )e(ore t$e orer i!!ue!. Sec. ;. Conition o( %""-ic%nt9! )on. T$e "%rt' %""-'in+ (or t$e orer &u!t t$ere%(ter +ie % )on e2ecute to t$e %er!e "%rt' in t$e %&ount (i2e )' t$e court in it! orer +r%ntin+ t$e i!!u%nce o( t$e #rit, conitione t$%t t$e -%tter #i-"%' %-- t$e co!t! #$ic$ &%' )e %*u+e to t$e %er!e "%rt' %n %-- %&%+e! #$ic$ $e &%' !u!t%in )' re%!on o( t$e %tt%c$&ent, i( t$e court !$%-- (in%--' %*u+e t$%t t$e %""-ic%nt #%! not entit-e t$ere to. •
at are te contents o' te a''idavit9 o Ca%se o' action o #e gro%nds in Sec " o /o oter s%''icient sec%rity 'or te claim so%gt to -e en'orced -y te action o Amo%nt d%e to te applicant y post a -ond9 #o answer 'or damages o' te adverse party o o m%st iss%e te -ond9 A -ond company certi'ied -y te SC to operate witin a 6%dicial area or region*
Sec. 5. M%nner o( %tt%c$in+ "ro"ert'. T$e !$eri(( en(orcin+ t$e #rit !$%-- #it$out e-%' %n #it$ %-- re%!on%)-e i-i+ence %tt%c$, to %#%it *u+&ent %n e2ecution in t$e %ction, on-' !o &uc$ o( t$e "ro"ert' in t$e P$i-i""ine! o( t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& t$e #rit i! i!!ue, not e2e&"t (ro& e2ecution, %! &%' )e !u((icient to !%ti!(' t$e %""-ic%nt9! e&%n, un-e!! t$e (or&er &%e! % e"o!it #it$ t$e court (ro& #$ic$ t$e #rit i! i!!ue, or +ie! % counter)on e2ecute to t$e %""-ic%nt, in %n %&ount e3u%- to t$e )on (i2e )' t$e court in t$e orer o( %tt%c$&ent or to t$e %-ue o( t$e "ro"ert' to )e %tt%c$e, e2c-u!ie o( co!t!. No -e' on %tt%c$&ent "ur!u%nt to t$e #rit i!!ue uner !ection 8 $ereo( !$%-- )e en(orce un-e!! it i! "recee, or conte&"or%neou!-' %cco&"%nie, )' !erice o( !u&&on!, to+et$er #it$ % co"' o( t$e co&"-%int, t$e %""-ic%tion (or %tt%c$&ent, t$e %""-ic%nt9! %((i%it %n )on, %n t$e orer %n #rit o( %tt%c$&ent, on t$e e(en%nt #it$in t$e P$i-i""ine!. T$e re3uire&ent o( "rior or conte&"or%neou! !erice o( !u&&on! !$%-- not %""-' #$ere t$e !u&&on! cou- not )e !ere "er!on%--' or )' !u)!titute !erice e!"ite i-i+ent e((ort!, or t$e e(en%nt i! % re!ient o( t$e P$i-i""ine! te&"or%ri-' %)!ent t$ere(ro&, or t$e e(en%nt i! % non4re!ient o( t$e P$i-i""ine!, or t$e %ction i! one in re& or 3u%!i in re&. Sec. ec%tion to cover te -alance*
Sec. 17. Recoer' u"on t$e counter4)on. =$en t$e *u+&ent $%! )eco&e e2ecutor', t$e !uret' or !uretie! on %n' counter4)on +ien "ur!u%nt to t$e "roi!ion! o( t$i! Ru-e to !ecure t$e "%'&ent o( t$e *u+&ent !$%-- )eco&e c$%r+e on !uc$ counter4)on %n )oun to "%' t$e *u+&ent o)-i+ee u"on e&%n t$e %&ount ue uner t$e *u+&ent, #$ic$ %&ount &%' )e recoere (ro& !uc$ !uret' or !uretie! %(ter notice %n !u&&%r' $e%rin+ in t$e !%&e %ction. Sec. 1>. Di!"o!ition o( &one' e"o!ite. =$ere t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& %tt%c$&ent $% )een i!!ue $%! e"o!ite &one' in!te% o( +iin+ counter4)on, it !$%-- )e %""-ie uner t$e irection o( t$e court to t$e !%ti!(%ction o( %n' *u+&ent renere in (%or o( t$e %tt%c$in+ "%rt', %n %(ter !%ti!('in+ t$e *u+&ent t$e )%-%nce !$%-- )e renere to t$e e"o!itor or $i! %!!i+nee. I( t$e *u+&ent i! in (%or o( t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue, t$e #$o-e !u& e"o!ite &u!t )e re(une to $i& or $i! %!!i+nee. Sec. 1?. Di!"o!ition o( %tt%c$e "ro"ert' #$ere *u+&ent i! (or "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue. I( *u+&ent )e renere %+%in!t t$e %tt%c$in+ "%rt', %-- t$e "rocee! o( !%-e! %n &one' co--ecte or receie )' t$e !$eri((, uner t$e orer o( %tt%c$&ent, %n %-- "ro"ert' %tt%c$e re&%inin+ in %n' !uc$ o((icer9! $%n!, !$%-- )e e-iere to t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue, %n t$e orer o( %tt%c$&ent i!c$%r+e. Sec. 8@. C-%i& (or %&%+e! on %ccount o( i&"ro"er, irre+u-%r or e2ce!!ie %tt%c$&ent. An %""-ic%tion (or %&%+e! on %ccount o( i&"ro"er, irre+u-%r or e2ce!!ie %tt%c$&ent &u!t )e (i-e )e(ore t$e tri%- or )e(ore t$e tri%- or )e(ore %""e%- i! "er(ecte or )e(ore t$e *u+&ent )eco&e! e2ecutor', #it$ ue notice to t$e %tt%c$in+ "%rt' %n $i! !uret' or !uretie!, !ettin+ (ort$ t$e (%ct! !$o#in+ $i! ri+$t to %&%+e! %n t$e %&ount t$ereo(. Suc$ %&%+e! &%' )e %#%re on-' %(ter "ro"er $e%rin+ %n !$%-- )e inc-ue in t$e *u+&ent on t$e &%in c%!e. I( t$e *u+&ent o( t$e %""e--%te court )e (%or%)-e to t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& t$e %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue, $e &u!t c-%i& %&%+e! !u!t%ine urin+ t$e "enenc' o( t$e %""e%- )' (i-in+ %n %""-ic%tion in t$e %""e--%te court, #it$ notice to t$e "%rt' in #$o!e (%or t$e %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue or $i! !uret' or !uretie!, )e(ore t$e *u+&ent o( t$e %""e--%te court )eco&e! e2ecutor'. T$e %""e--%te court &%' %--o# t$e %""-ic%tion to )e $e%r %n ecie )' t$e tri%- court. Not$in+ $erein cont%ine !$%-- "reent t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& t$e %tt%c$&ent #%! i!!ue (ro& recoerin+ in t$e !%&e %ction t$e %&%+e! %#%re to $i& (ro& %n' "ro"ert' o( t$e %tt%c$in+ "%rt' not e2e&"t (ro& e2ecution !$ou- t$e )on or e"o!it +ien )' t$e -%tter )e in!u((icient or (%i- to (u--' !%ti!(' t$e %#%r. Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
• • •
I' tere is improper, irreg%lar or e>cessive damages, damages can -e recovered* 7ow9 2y drawing on te -ond* (R: Section ! applies to all provisional remedies* 01C0P#: s%pport pendent lite* o ere can yo% apply 'or it9 In te trial co%rt* o en9 ?%ring or a'ter trial G even witin te reglementary period, or wen appeal as -een o per'ected, as LE/( as it is pending, and not yet 'inal and e>ec%tory* at damages can -e recovered9 As long as wrong'%l attacment: act%al damages o 0vidence needed: 'act o' in6%ry or loss, and amo%nt tereo' Bnreali.ed pro'its can -e recovered as long as tere is independent evidence o' mean income o' te -%siness %ndertaken I' none, ten temperate damages na lang &@% v* /go @et #e, !!H) o o I' tere is malicio%s attacment: act%al, moral and e>emplary o at a-o%t attorneys 'ees9 (R: no attys 'ees wen no moral or e>emplary 01C0P#IE/F wen a party inc%rs e>penses to li't wrong'%lly iss%ed writ o' attacment •
Section 1. Pre-i&in%r' in*unction e(ine c-%!!e!. A "re-i&in%r' in*unction i! %n orer +r%nte %t %n' !t%+e o( %n %ction or "roceein+ "rior to t$e *u+&ent or (in%- orer, re3uirin+ % "%rt' or % court, %+enc' or % "er!on to re(r%in (ro& % "%rticu-%r %ct or %ct!. It &%' %-!o re3uire t$e "er(or&%nce o( % "%rticu-%r %ct or %ct!, in #$ic$ c%!e it !$%-- )e no#n %! % "re-i&in%r' &%n%tor' in*unction. Sec. 8. =$o &%' +r%nt "re-i&in%r' in*unction. A "re-i&in%r' in*unction &%' )e +r%nte )' t$e court #$ere t$e %ction or "roceein+ i! "enin+. I( t$e %ction or "roceein+ i! "enin+ in t$e Court o( A""e%-! or in t$e Su"re&e Court, it &%' )e i!!ue )' !%i court or %n' &e&)er t$ereo(. • • •
Magic word: ;en6oin or stopcept: I' ca%se o' action is same -asis 'or te #RE &-%t -e care'%l o' pre6%dgment) •
Sec. ;. Veri(ie %""-ic%tion %n )on (or "re-i&in%r' in*unction or te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer. A "re-i&in%r' in*unction or te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer &%' )e +r%nte on-' #$en/ 0% T$e %""-ic%tion in t$e %ction or "roceein+ i! eri(ie, %n !$o#! (%ct! entit-in+ t$e %""-ic%nt to t$e re-ie( e&%ne %n 0) Un-e!! e2e&"te )' t$e court, t$e %""-ic%nt (i-e! #it$ t$e court #$ere t$e %ction or "roceein+ i! "enin+, % )on e2ecute to t$e "%rt' or "er!on en*oine, in %n %&ount to )e (i2e )' t$e court, to t$e e((ect t$%t t$e %""-ic%nt #i-- "%' to !uc$ "%rt' or "er!on %-- %&%+e! #$ic$ $e &%' !u!t%in )' re%!on o( t$e in*unction or te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer i( t$e court !$ou- (in%--' ecie t$%t t$e %""-ic%nt #%! not entit-e t$ereto. U"on %""ro%- o( t$e re3ui!ite )on, % #rit o( "re-i&in%r' in*unction !$%-- )e i!!ue. 0c =$en %n %""-ic%tion (or % #rit o( "re-i&in%r' in*unction or % te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer i! inc-ue in % co&"-%int or %n' initi%tor' "-e%in+, t$e c%!e, i( (i-e in % &u-ti"-e4!%-% court, !$%-- )e r%((-e on-' %(ter notice to %n in t$e "re!ence o( t$e %er!e "%rt' or t$e "er!on to )e en*oine. In %n' eent, !uc$ notice !$%-- )e "recee, or conte&"or%neou!-' %cco&"%nie, )' !erice o( !u&&on!, to+et$er #it$ % co"' o( t$e co&"-%int or initi%tor' "-e%in+ %n t$e %""-ic%nt! %((i%it %n )on, u"on t$e %er!e "%rt' in t$e P$i-i""ine!. Ho#eer, #$ere t$e !u&&on! cou- not )e !ere "er!on%--' or )' !u)!titute !erice e!"ite i-i+ent e((ort!, or t$e %er!e "%rt' i! % re!ient o( t$e P$i-i""ine! te&"or%ri-' %)!ent t$ere(ro& or i! % nonre!ient t$ereo(, t$e re3uire&ent o( "rior or conte&"or%neou! !erice o( !u&&on! !$%-- not %""-'. 0 T$e %""-ic%tion (or % te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer !$%-- t$ere%(ter )e %cte u"on on-' %(ter %-"%rtie! %re $e%r in % !u&&%r' $e%rin+ #$ic$ !$%-- )e conucte #it$in t#ent'4(our 08; $our! %(ter t$e !$eri((! return o( !erice %nor t$e recor! %re receie )' t$e )r%nc$ !e-ecte )' r%((-e %n to #$ic$ t$e recor! !$%-- )e tr%n!&itte i&&ei%te-'. Sec. 5. Pre-i&in%r' in*unction not +r%nte #it$out notice e2ce"tion. No "re-i&in%r' in*unction !$%-- )e +r%nte #it$out $e%rin+ %n "rior notice to t$e "%rt' or "er!on! !ou+$t to )e en*oine. I( it !$%-%""e%r (ro& (%ct! !$o#n )' %((i%it! or )' t$e eri(ie %""-ic%tion t$%t +re%t or irre"%r%)-e in*ur' #ou- re!u-t to t$e %""-ic%nt )e(ore t$e &%tter c%n )e $e%r on notice, t$e court to #$ic$ t$e %""-ic%tion (or "re-i&in%r' in*unction #%! &%e, &%' i!!ue e2 "%rte % te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer to )e e((ectie on-' (or % "erio o( t#ent' 08@ %'! (ro& !erice on t$e "%rt' or "er!on !ou+$t to )e en*oine, e2ce"t %! $erein "roie. =it$in t$e t#ent'4%' "erio, t$e court &u!t orer !%i "%rt' or "er!on to !$o# c%u!e %t % !"eci(ie ti&e %n "-%ce, #$' t$e in*unction !$ou- not )e +r%nte. T$e Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
court !$%-- %-!o eter&ine, #it$in t$e !%&e "erio, #$et$er or not t$e "re-i&in%r' in*unction !$%-- )e +r%nte, %n %ccorin+-' i!!ue t$e corre!"onin+ corre!"onin+ orer. Ho#eer, !u)*ect !u)*ect to t$e "roi!ion! o( t$e "recein+ !ection!, i( t$e &%tter i! o( e2tre&e ur+enc' %n t$e %""-ic%nt #i-- !u((er +r%e in*u!tice %n irre"%r%)-e in*ur', t$e e2ecutie *u+e o( % &u-ti"-e4!%-% court or t$e "re!iin+ *u+e o( % !in+-e4!%-% court &%' i!!ue e2 "%rte % te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer e((ecti e((ectie e (or on-' !eent'4t !eent'4t#o #o 078 $our! $our! (ro& i!!u%nce, i!!u%nce, )ut !$%-- i&&ei%t i&&ei%te-' e-' co&"-' #it$ t$e "roi!ion! o( t$e ne2t "recein+ !ection %! to !erice o( !u&&on! %n t$e ocu&ent! to )e !ere t$ere#it$. T$ere%(ter, #it$in t$e %(ore!%i !eent'4t#o 078 $our!, t$e *u+e )e(ore #$o& t$e c%!e i! "enin+ !$%-- conuct % !u&&%r' $e%rin+ to eter&ine #$et$er t$e te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer !$%-)e e2tene unti- t$e %""-ic%tion (or "re-i&in%r' in*unction c%n )e $e%r. In no c%!e !$%-- t$e tot%"erio o( e((ectiit' o( t$e te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer e2cee t#ent' 08@ %'!, inc-uin+ t$e ori+in%!eent'4t#o $our! "roie $erein. In t$e eent t$%t t$e %""-ic%tion (or "re-i&in%r' in*unction i! enie or not re!o-e #it$in t$e !%i "erio, t$e te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ re!tr%inin+ orer i! ee&e %uto&%tic%--' %uto&%tic%--' %c%te. T$e e((ectiit' o( % te&"or%r' te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer i! not e2teni)-e #it$out nee o( %n' *uici%- ec-%r%tion to t$%t e((ect, %n no court !$%-- $%e %ut$orit' to e2ten or rene# t$e !%&e on t$e !%&e +roun (or #$ic$ it #%! i!!ue. Ho#eer, i( i!!ue )' t$e Court o( A""e%-! or % &e&)er t$ereo(, t$ereo(, t$e te&"or%r' re!tr%inin+ orer !$%-)e e((ectie (or !i2t' 0tended to ! days, ow9 #e #RE, s%mmons, complaint and /E#IC0 o' RA55L0 will -e given to te de'endant #e parties ave to -e present d%ring ra''le itin te H o%rs, te 6%dge will cond%ct a s%mmary earing to determine weter te #RE so%ld -e e>tended to ! days &incl%ding te H o%rs) /ormal ! day #RE (ro%nd: great or irrepara-le in6%ry Iss%ed -y reg%lar co%rt 6%dge A5#0R ra''le #wo instances were te normal ! day #RE will come a-o%t: o 5ollowing te Ho%r #RE &tats wy yo% need te notice o' ra''le) 5ollowing service o' te complaint and s%mmons &normal manner, wen te case is not one o' e>treme %rgency)* Also wito%t notice and earing, -%t 6%dges rarely do tis since people migt tink -adly o' tem •
• •
• •
Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
itin itin te !da !day y period period,, te co%rt co%rt will will deter determin mine e i' te preli prelimin minary ary in6%nction so%ld -e given &2acolod City ater v La-ayen, !!4) Enly lasts 'or ! days, can /E# -e e>tended* It a%tomatically e>pires* /E#0: 2ot #REs need a -ond* Can #REs -e iss%ed -y te co%rt mot% propio9 /E= #REs m%st -e applied 'or* &Bniversal Motors v Ro6as, !!) o Can a reg%lar co%rt 6%dge iss%e a Ho%r #RE and say tat it will stay e''ective ;%ntil '%rter ordersec%tive 6%dge does tat* Second, teres no s%c ting as a #RE ;%ntil '%rter orders< &e>cept in te SC) Can te CA and SC iss%e #REs9 @es* o CA: lasts D! days SC: %ntil '%rter orders Can yo% apply 'or a nd #RE a'ter yo%r 'irst one e>pired9 o @es, i' -ased on a di''erent and new gro%nd* at is te d%ty o' te co%rt wo iss%ed a PI9 ?ecide te main case witin D monts* &See last paragrap) o •
• •
Sec. ec%tion o' 6%dgment o Eter reasons te co%rt 'inds tat te appointment o' a receiver is te most convenient o and 'easi-le means o' administering te property Se$%estration proceedings -y te PC(( are akin to receiversip and attacment* &Rep%-lic v Sal%dares, !!!)
Sec. 8. on on %""oint&ent o( receier. e(ore e(o re i!!uin+ t$e or orer er %""ointin+ %""ointin+ % rece receier ier t$e court !$%-- re3uire re3uire t$e %""-ic%nt %""-ic%nt to (i-e % )on e2ecute to t$e "%rt' %+%in!t #$o& t$e %""-ic%tion %""-ic%tion i! "re!ente, in %n %&ount to )e (i2e )' t$e court, to t$e e(( e((ect ect t$%t t$e %" %""-i "-ic% c%nt nt #i#i--- "%' !uc$ "%rt' "%rt' %-- %&%+e %&%+e! ! $e &%' !u! !u!t%i t%in n )' re%!on re%!on o( t$e %""oint& %"" oint&ent ent o( !uc$ receier receier in c%!e t$e %"" %""-ic%n -ic%ntt !$%!$%--- $%e "rocure "rocure !uc$ %""oint&ent %""oint&ent #it$out !u((icient c%u!e %n t$e court &%', in it! i!cretion, %t %n' ti&e %(ter t$e %""oint&ent, re3uire %n %ition%- )on %! (urt$er !ecurit' (or !uc$ %&%+e!. Sec. :. Deni%- o( %""-ic%tio %""-ic%tion n or i!c$%r+e o( receier. T$e %""-ic%tion %""-ic%tion &%' )e eni enie, e, or t$e receier receier i!c$%r+e i!c$%r+e,, #$en t$e % %er!e er!e "%rt' "%rt' (i-e (i-e! ! % )on e2ecute to t$e %""-ic%nt, in %n %&ount to )e (i2e )' t$e court, to t$e e((ect t$%t !uc$ "%rt' #i-- "%' t$e %""-ic%nt %-- %&%+e! $e &%' !u((er )' re%!on re%!on o( t$e %ct!, o&i!!ion!, or ot$er &%tter! !"eci(ie in 2
Sec. )1. /ppointment of receiver. 0he court may appoint a rece iver of the property of the j udgment obligor% and it may also forbid a transfer or other disposition of, or any interference ith, the property of the judgment obligor not eempt from eecution.
Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro t$e %""-ic%tion %! +roun (or !uc$ %""oint&ent. T$e receier &%' %-!o )e i!c$%r+e i( it i! !$o#n t$%t $i! %""oint&ent #%! o)t%ine #it$out !u((icient c%u!e. •
5iling o' a co%nter-ond: ?iscarges a receiver, or o ?enies an application o Receiver may also -e discarged i' it is sown tat is appointment was wito%t s%''icient ca%se*
Sec. ;. O%t$ %n )on o( receier. e(ore enterin+ u"on $i! utie!, t$e receier !$%-- )e !#orn to "er(or& t$e& (%it$(u--', %n !$%-- (i-e % )on, e2ecute to !uc$ "er!on %n in !uc$ !u& %! t$e court &%' irect, to t$e e((ect t$%t $e #i-(%it$(u--' i!c$%r+e $i! utie! in t$e %ction or "roceein+ %n o)e' t$e orer! o( t$e court. •
Can an agreement stip%late tat te receivers -ond can -e dispensed wit9 @es* &Citi-ank v CA, "333) o 2%t in tat same case, te SC eld tat te receiversip was de'ective -eca%se o' te receivers 'ail%re to take te oat*
Sec. 5. Serice o( co"ie! o( )on! e((ect o( i!%""ro%- o( !%&e. T$e "er!on (i-in+ % )on in %ccor%nce #it$ t$e "roi!ion! o( t$i! Ru-e !$%-- (ort$#it$ !ere % co"' t$ereo( on e%c$ intere!te "%rt', #$o &%' e2ce"t to it! !u((icienc' or o( t$e !uret' or !uretie! t$ereon. I( eit$er t$e %""-ic%nt! or t$e receier! )on i! (oun to )e in!u((icient in %&ount, or i( t$e !uret' or !uretie! t$ereon (%i- to *u!ti(', %n % )on !u((icient in %&ount #it$ !u((icient !uretie! %""roe %(ter *u!ti(ic%tion i! not (i-e (ort$#it$, t$e %""-ic%tion !$%-- )e enie or t$e receier i!c$%r+e, %! t$e c%!e &%' )e. I( t$e )on o( t$e %er!e "%rt' i! (oun to )e in!u((icient in %&ount or t$e !uret' or !uretie! t$ereon (%i- to *u!ti(', %n % )on !u((icient in %&ount #it$ !u((icient !uretie! %""roe %(ter *u!ti(ic%tion i! not (i-e (ort$#it$, t$e receier !$%-- )e %""ointe or re4%""ointe, %! t$e c%!e &%' )e. Sec. . Ter&in%tion o( receier!$i" co&"en!%tion o( receier. =$eneer t$e court, &otu "ro"rio or on &otion o( eit$er "%rt', !$%-- eter&ine t$%t t$e nece!!it' (or % receier no -on+er e2i!t!, it !$%--, %(ter ue notice to %-- intere!te "%rtie! %n $e%rin+, !ett-e t$e %ccount! o( t$e receier, irect t$e e-ier' o( t$e (un! %n ot$er "ro"ert' in $i! "o!!e!!ion to t$e "er!on %*u+e to )e entit-e to receie t$e&, %n orer t$e i!c$%r+e o( t$e receier (ro& (urt$er ut' %! !uc$. T$e court !$%-- %--o# t$e receier !uc$ re%!on%)-e co&"en!%tion %! t$e circu&!t%nce! o( t$e c%!e #%rr%nt, to )e t%2e %! co!t! %+%in!t t$e e(e%te "%rt', or %""ortione, %! *u!tice re3uire!. Sec. ?. Bu+&ent to inc-ue recoer' %+%in!t !uretie!. T$e %&ount, i( %n', to )e %#%re to %n' "%rt' u"on %n' )on (i-e in %ccor%nce #it$ t$e "roi!ion! o( t$i! Ru-e, !$%-- )e c-%i&e, %!cert%ine, %n +r%nte uner t$e !%&e "roceure "re!cri)e in !ection 8@ o( Ru-e 57.
RULE . Return o( "%"er!. T$e !$eri(( &u!t (i-e t$e orer, #it$ $i! "roceein+! inor!e t$ereon, #it$ t$e court #it$in ten 01@ %'! %(ter t%in+ t$e "ro"ert' &entione t$erein. Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
Sec. ?. Bu+&ent. A(ter tri%- o( t$e i!!ue!, t$e court !$%-- eter&ine #$o $%! t$e ri+$t o( "o!!e!!ion to %n t$e %-ue o( t$e "ro"ert' %n !$%-- rener *u+&ent in t$e %-tern%tie (or t$e e-ier' t$ereo( to t$e "%rt' entit-e to t$e !%&e, or (or it! %-ue in c%!e e-ier' c%nnot )e &%e, %n %-!o (or !uc$ %&%+e! %! eit$er "%rt' &%' "roe, #it$ co!t!. Sec. 1@. Bu+&ent to inc-ue recoer' %+%in!t !uretie!. T$e %&ount, i( %n', to )e %#%re to %n' "%rt' u"on %n' )on (i-e in %ccor%nce #it$ t$e "roi!ion! o( t$i! Ru-e, !$%-- )e c-%i&e, %!cert%ine, %n +r%nte uner t$e !%&e "roceure %! "re!cri)e in !ection 8@ o( Ru-e 57. RULE ec%tion even wen tere is no ' inal 6%dgment* en9 Secret*4 •
Sec. . E((ect o( (i-in+. T$e (i-in+ o( % "etition (or certior%ri !$%-- not !t%' t$e e2ecution o( t$e *u+&ent or (in%- orer or re!o-ution !ou+$t to )e reie#e, un-e!! t$e Su"re&e Court !$%-- irect ot$er#i!e u"on !uc$ ter&! %! it &%' ee& *u!t. Sec. ?. Su)&i!!ion (or eci!ion. Un-e!! t$e Court !et! t$e c%!e (or or%- %r+u&ent, or re3uire! t$e "%rtie! to !u)&it &e&or%n%, t$e c%!e !$%-- )e ee&e !u)&itte (or eci!ion u"on t$e (i-in+ o( t$e co&&ent! on t$e "etition, or o( !uc$ ot$er "-e%in+! or "%"er! %! &%' )e re3uire or %--o#e, or t$e e2"ir%tion o( t$e "erio to o !o. • • •
#is is act%ally a ;petition 'or certiorari< wic will get yo% straigt to te SC* It as te same re$%isites as R%le D* #ake note: 8! day /E/e>tendi-le period #e period will -e interr%pted i' yo% ' ile an MR* o 2B# te /eypes r%ling will /E# apply, so i' yo%re MR is denied, yo% only get te remaining period &wic so%ldnt -e less tan days)* Enly covers decisions -y te: CEM0L0C o CEA o Like in R%le 48, ALL attacments m%st -e certi'ied tr%e copies* Since yo%re coming 'rom a $%asi 6%dicial agency and te co%rt as no way o' getting o tese doc%ments internally*
RULE case werein 2ayantels properties were already levied -eca%se o' nonpayment o' real property ta>es* /o need to e>a%st admin remedies as well since $%estion was p%rely on law)
Sec. :. Petition (or &%n%&u!. =$en %n' tri)un%-, cor"or%tion, )o%r, o((icer or "er!on un-%#(u--' ne+-ect! t$e "er(or&%nce o( %n %ct #$ic$ t$e -%# !"eci(ic%--' en*oin! %! % ut' re!u-tin+ (ro& %n o((ice, tru!t, or !t%tion, or un-%#(u--' e2c-ue! %not$er (ro& t$e u!e %n en*o'&ent o( % ri+$t or o((ice to #$ic$ !uc$ ot$er i! entit-e, %n t$ere i! no ot$er "-%in, !"ee' %n %e3u%te re&e' in t$e orin%r' cour!e o( -%#, t$e "er!on %++riee t$ere)' &%' (i-e % eri(ie "etition in t$e "ro"er court, %--e+in+ t$e (%ct! #it$ cert%int' %n "r%'in+ t$%t *u+&ent )e renere co&&%nin+ t$e re!"onent, i&&ei%te-' or %t !o&e ot$er ti&e to )e !"eci(ie )' t$e court, to o t$e %ct re3uire to )e one to "rotect t$e ri+$t! o( t$e "etitioner, %n to "%' t$e %&%+e! !u!t%ine )' t$e "etitioner )' re%!on o( t$e #ron+(u- %ct! o( t$e re!"onent. T$e "etition !$%-- %-!o cont%in % !#orn certi(ic%tion o( non4(oru& !$o""in+ %! "roie in t$e t$ir "%r%+r%"$ o( !ection :, Ru-e ;cl%ding is act%ally keeping o''ice* 7ere, it can -e a tird person doing te e>cl%ding) o Relie' so%gt 'or: command to do te act re$%ired wit damages o Re$%isites: /o plain, availa-le, speedy ordinary remedy availa-le /o need 'or (A?AL0J Ministerial '%nctions: law speci'ically en6oins as a d%ty res%lting 'rom an o''ice, tr%st, or station Ministerial wen te discarge o' te d%ty re$%ires neiter te e>ercise o' o''icial o discretion nor 6%dgment* &0s$%ivel v EM2, !!) #e conditions o' law m%st -e complied wit -e'ore mandam%s can lie* &Lam-ino v o Comelec, !!D, werein te conditions 'or a proper initiative and re'erend%m was not complied wit, so mandam%s will not lie*) Mandam%s can lie to compel one to e*ercise discretion &as opposed to deciding in a certain manner)* So mandam%s will lie against te EM2 to act on a case* o 2%t mandam%s will /E# lie against te /LRC to cond%ct a earing, -eca%se teres no law compelling it to do so* Mandam%s will /E# lie against a prosec%tor to 'ile an in'ormation -eca%se te 'iling is /E# a ministerial '%nction* It is discretionary* &0s$%ivel v EM2) Manadm%s will /E# lie to compel a party to a contract to a-ide -y te contract* #ats not ministerial, its a contract%al o-ligation* Remedy is speci'ic per'ormance* •
Sec. ;. =$en %n #$ere to (i-e t$e "etition. T$e "etition !$%-- )e (i-e not -%ter t$%n !i2t' 0istence is imp%gned Can an individ%al imsel' commence an action wito%t elp 'rom te ES(9 @es* Bnder wat gro%nd9 o Enly wen e claims to -e entitled to a p%-lic o''ice or position %s%rped -y anoter &Sec ) #e person instit%ting in is own -eal' m%st claim and -e a-le to sow tat e is entitled to te o''ice, oterwise te action may -e dismissed at any stage* &Li-an v (ordon, !!3, were Li-an wanted (ordon to 'or'eit is seat in te Senate, -%t Li-an wasnt entitled to it anyway, so Li-an ad no standing to 'ile $%o warranto)
Sec. ercise o' te rigt and power to e>propriate* at m%st -e alleged9 Rigt and p%rpose o' e>propriation o ?escription o' te property o /ames o' persons: o Ewning or claiming to own it, or Possessing it, or 7aving interest over it M%st -e K0RI5I0?* o at i' te property so%gt to -e e>propriated appears in te name o' te Pilippines9 o #e Rep%-lic can still 'ile a complaint against te private persons occ%pying te property* In s%c a case, te owner o' te property is /E# an indispensa-le party* &Rep%-lic v Mangotara, !"!) o 7ence, te 'iling o' a complaint 'or reversion does not precl%de te instit%tion 'or an action 'or e>propriation* 0ven i' te land is reverted -ack to te State, te same may still -e s%-6ect to e>propriation as against te occ%pants tereo'* &Mangotara) Can te complaint -e witdrawn9 @es, as long as tere is no order o' e>propriation yet* o at i' tings were demolised9 (overnment may -e lia-le 'or damages* at i' .om-ies were 'o%nd9 #en r%n 'or yo%r li'e* Er -risk walk &since tey dont really r%n, B/L0SS ?ays Later scenario, werein .om-ies act%ally r%n*) Ence tere is an order o' e>propriation, it can no longer -e witdrawn* o #wo stages o' e>propriation: Kalidity o' e>propriation o ?etermination o' 6%st compensation o ?oes e>propriation ave to -e act%al taking o' te property9 /E* It can involve a s%-stantial restriction or limitation o' te property rigts o' a party* o o In /PC v Santa Loro &!!), te /PC traversed te partys property wit transmission lines* /PC claimed it was only an easement and only wanted to pay "!N o' te market val%e o' te land* #e SC said it was e>propriation and made it lia-le 'or 6%st compensation* •
Sec. 8. Entr' o( "-%inti(( u"on e"o!itin+ %-ue #it$ %ut$ori6e +oern&ent e"o!it%r'. U"on t$e (i-in+ o( t$e co&"-%int or %t %n' ti&e t$ere%(ter %n %(ter ue notice to t$e e(en%nt, t$e "-%inti(( !$%-- $%e t$e ri+$t to t%e or enter u"on t$e "o!!e!!ion o( t$e re%- "ro"ert' ino-e i( $e e"o!it! #it$ t$e %ut$ori6e +oern&ent e"o!it%r' %n %&ount e3ui%-ent to t$e %!!e!!e %-ue o( t$e "ro"ert' (or "ur"o!e! o( t%2%tion to )e $e- )' !uc$ )%n !u)*ect to t$e orer! o( t$e court. Suc$ Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
e"o!it !$%-- )e in &one', un-e!! in -ieu t$ereo( t$e court %ut$ori6e! t$e e"o!it o( % certi(ic%te o( e"o!it o( % +oern&ent )%n o( t$e Re"u)-ic o( t$e P$i-i""ine! "%'%)-e on e&%n to t$e %ut$ori6e +oern&ent e"o!it%r'. I( "er!on%- "ro"ert' i! ino-e, it! %-ue !$%-- )e "roi!ion%--' %!cert%ine %n t$e %&ount to )e e"o!ite !$%-- )e "ro&"t-' (i2e )' t$e court. A(ter !uc$ e"o!it i! &%e t$e court !$%-- orer t$e !$eri(( or ot$er "ro"er o((icer to (ort$#it$ "-%ce t$e "-%inti(( in "o!!e!!ion o( t$e "ro"ert' ino-e %n "ro&"t-' !u)&it % re"ort t$ereo( to t$e court #it$ !erice o( co"ie! to t$e "%rtie!. • •
(R: entry only %pon 6%dgment and payment o' 6%st compensation 01: Immediate entry is allowed -%t it depends on te sit%ation and te r%les applica-le: o Bnder R%le DH: 5iling o' te complaint and d%e notice to te de'endant, and ?eposit wit te a%tori.ed government depositary an amo%nt e$%al to te assessed val%e o' te property Bnder te L(C: o 5iling o' complaint 'or e>propriation s%''icient in 'orm and s%-stance, and ?eposit o' amo%nt e$%ivalent to "N o' te 5MK o' te property to -e e>propriated, -ased on te latest ta> declaration Bsed in 2ardillon v 2gy Masili o' Calam-a &!!8), were te 2arangay was given a writ o' possession a'ter complying wit te L(C re$%irements* Bnder RA 3H4 &wic applies to national government in'rastr%ct%re pro6ects)H: o 5iling o' complaint Immediate payment o' "!!N .onal or market val%e o' te property and te improvements I' tere is no .onal val%e and te e>propriation is o' %tmost important: 'iling o' complaint and payment o' pro'erred val%e Seen in Rep%-lic v 7oly #rinity, were land was e>propriated to e>pand /L01 5or personal property, te val%e is provisionally ascertained 'or deposit •
Sec. :. De(en!e! %n o)*ection!. I( % e(en%nt $%! no o)*ection or e(en!e to t$e %ction or t$e t%in+ o( $i! "ro"ert', $e &%' (i-e %n !ere % notice o( %""e%r%nce %n % &%ni(e!t%tion to t$%t e((ect, !"eci(ic%--' e!i+n%tin+ or ienti('in+ t$e "ro"ert' in #$ic$ $e c-%i&! to )e intere!te, #it$in t$e ti&e !t%te in t$e !u&&on!. T$ere%(ter, $e !$%-- )e entit-e to notice o( %-- "roceein+! %((ectin+ t$e !%&e. I( % e(en%nt $%! %n' o)*ection to t$e (i-in+ o( or t$e %--e+%tion! in t$e co&"-%int, or %n' o)*ection or e(en!e to t$e t%in+ o( $i! "ro"ert', $e !$%-- !ere $i! %n!#er #it$in t$e ti&e !t%te in t$e !u&&on!. T$e %n!#er !$%-- !"eci(ic%--' e!i+n%te or ienti(' t$e "ro"ert' in #$ic$ $e c-%i&! to $%e %n intere!t, !t%te t$e n%ture %n e2tent o( t$e intere!t c-%i&e, %n %uce %-- $i! o)*ection! %n e(en!e! to t$e t%in+ o( $i! "ro"ert'. No counterc-%i&, cro!!4c-%i& or t$ir4"%rt' co&"-%int !$%-- )e %--e+e or %--o#e in t$e %n!#er or %n' !u)!e3uent "-e%in+. A e(en%nt #%ie! %-- e(en!e! %n o)*ection! not !o %--e+e )ut t$e court, in t$e intere!t o( *u!tice, &%' "er&it %&en&ent! to t$e %n!#er to )e &%e not -%ter t$%n ten 01@ %'! (ro& t$e (i-in+ t$ereo(. Ho#eer, %t t$e tri%- o( t$e i!!ue o( *u!t co&"en!%tion, #$et$er or not % e(en%nt $%! "reiou!-' 7
Section 2. National Government Projects. : 0he term =national government projects= shall refer to all national government infrastructure, engineering or's and service contracts, including projects underta'en by government:oned and controlled corporations,all projects covered by Republic /ct 5o. +-*7, as amended by Republic /ct 5o. 771, otherise 'non as the >uild:6perate:and:0ransfer a, and other related a nd necessary activities, such as site ac;uisition, supply and?or installation of e;uipment and materials, implementation, construction, completion, operation, maintenance, improvement, repair, and rehabilitation, regardless of the source of funding. Section 3. Modes of Accounting Real Property. : 0he government may ac;uire real property needed as right:of:ay, site or location for any national government infrastructure project through donation, negotiated sale, epropriation or any other mode of ac;uisition as provided by la. Section 4. Guidelines for Expropriation Proceedings. : Whenever it is necessary to ac;uire real property for the right:of:ay or location for any national government infrastructure project through epropriation, the appropriate implementing agency shall initi ate the epropriation proceedings before the proper court under the folloing guidelines! "a# @pon the filing of the complaint, and after due notice to the defendant, the implementing agency shall immediately pay the oner of the property the amount e;uivalent to the sum of "1# one hundred percent "1A# of the value of the property based on the current relevant &onal valuation of the >ureau of propriation i' it 'inds tat te plainti'' as te law'%l rigt to take property and tat it is 'or p%-lic %se* #is order can -e appealed* o 2B# appeal will not prevent te co%rt 'rom determining te 6%st compensation to -e paid*
Sec. 5. A!cert%in&ent o( co&"en!%tion. U"on t$e renition o( t$e orer o( e2"ro"ri%tion, t$e court !$%-- %""oint not &ore t$%n t$ree 0: co&"etent %n i!intere!te "er!on! %! co&&i!!ioner! to %!cert%in %n re"ort to t$e court t$e *u!t co&"en!%tion (or t$e "ro"ert' !ou+$t to )e t%en. T$e orer o( %""oint&ent !$%-- e!i+n%te t$e ti&e %n "-%ce o( t$e (ir!t !e!!ion o( t$e $e%rin+ to )e $e- )' t$e co&&i!!ioner! %n !"eci(' t$e ti&e #it$in #$ic$ t$eir re"ort !$%-- )e !u)&itte to t$e court. Co"ie! o( t$e orer !$%-- )e !ere on t$e "%rtie!. O)*ection! to t$e %""oint&ent o( %n' o( t$e co&&i!!ioner! !$%-- )e (i-e #it$ t$e court #it$in ten 01@ %'! (ro& !erice, %n !$%-- )e re!o-e #it$in t$irt' 0:@ %'! %(ter %-- t$e co&&i!!ioner! !$%-- $%e receie co"ie! o( t$e o)*ection!. Sec. piration o' te period o' redemption &i' -anks), te p%rcaser sall -e entitled to te possession o' te property* 01C0P#: i' tere is a tird party act%ally olding te property adversely o 7ow to get possession9 2y applying 'or a writ o' possession* #e con'irmation o' sale retroacts to te date o' te act%al sale itsel'* &2acaling v M%ya) 7ow is tis di''erent in e>tra6%dicial 'oreclos%re9 A'ter 'oreclos%re, te mortgagor still possesses te property d%ring te redemption period* o 2%t a writ o' possession can similarly -e applied 'or* /ote: i' te mortgagee is a -ank, te -ank is entitled to te possession o' te property immediately a'ter te con'irmation o' te sale &weter it -e 6%dicial or e>tra6%dicial 'oreclos%re)*
Sec. ;. Di!"o!ition o( "rocee! o( !%-e. T$e %&ount re%-i6e (ro& t$e (orec-o!ure !%-e o( t$e &ort+%+e "ro"ert' !$%--, %(ter euctin+ t$e co!t! o( t$e !%-e, )e "%i to t$e "er!on (orec-o!in+ t$e &ort+%+e, %n #$en t$ere !$%-- )e %n' )%-%nce or re!iue, %(ter "%'in+ o(( t$e &ort+%+e e)t ue, t$e !%&e !$%-- )e "%i to *unior encu&)r%ncer! in t$e orer o( t$eir "riorit', to )e %!cert%ine )' t$e court, or i( t$ere )e no !uc$ encu&)r%ncer! or t$ere )e % )%-%nce or re!iue %(ter "%'&ent to t$e&, t$en to t$e &ort+%+or or $i! u-' %ut$ori6e %+ent, or to t$e "er!on entit-e to it. •
#e proceeds o' te sale are disposed as 'ollows: ?ed%ct costs o' sale o Pay to te person 'oreclosing te mortgage o 2alance or resid%e goes to te 6%nior enc%m-rances in order o' priority o o I' no 6%nior mortgagors, -alance to mortgagor or is agent ?o te 6%nior mortgagors a rigt to te resid%e in e>tra6%dicial 'oreclos%re9 o /o* #ey only ave te rigt to redeem te 'oreclosed properties* &Mon.on v Relova, !!)
Sec. 5. Ho# !%-e to "rocee in c%!e t$e e)t i! not %-- ue. I( t$e e)t (or #$ic$ t$e &ort+%+e or encu&)r%nce #%! $e- i! not %-- ue %! "roie in t$e *u+&ent, %! !oon %! % !u((icient "ortion o( t$e "ro"ert' $%! )een !o- to "%' t$e tot%- %&ount %n t$e co!t! ue, t$e !%-e !$%-- ter&in%te %n %(ter#%r!, %! o(ten %! &ore )eco&e! ue (or "rinci"%- or intere!t %n ot$er %-i c$%r+e!, t$e court &%', on &otion, orer &ore to )e !o-. ut i( t$e "ro"ert' c%nnot )e !o- Mickey Ingles 4C Ateneo Law !" Atty #ran$%il &and some st%'' 'rom Atty (%evarra)
am+dg Remedial Law Review: Prov Rem, SCA, and Crimpro
in "ortion! #it$out "re*uice to t$e "%rtie!, t$e #$o-e !$%-- )e orere to )e !o- in t$e (ir!t in!t%nce, %n t$e entire e)t %n co!t! !$%-- )e "%i, i( t$e "rocee! o( t$e !%-e )e !u((icient t$ere(or, t$ere )ein+ % re)%te o( intere!t #$ere !uc$ re)%te i! "ro"er. Sec. . A""-ic%)i-it' o( ot$er "roi!ion!. T$e "roi!ion! o( !ection! :1, :8 %n :; o( Ru-e :? !$%-- )e %""-ic%)-e to t$e *uici%- (orec-o!ure o( re%e!t%te &ort+%+e! uner t$i! Ru-e in!o(%r %! t$e (or&er %re not incon!i!tent #it$ or &%' !ere to !u""-e&ent t$e "roi!ion! o( t$e -%tter. • •
R%le 83 and some o' its provisions apply to 6%dicial 'oreclos%re*3 ?i''erence -etween 6%dicial 'oreclos%re and e>ec%tion: In 6%dicial 'oreclos%re, te mortgagor contin%es to -e in possession o' te property* o Bntil te 'inality o' te order o' con'irmation o' sale &or e>piration o' te redemption period i' allowed -y law* I' e>ec%tion, te o-ligor contin%es to -e in possession o' te property* o
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