
March 7, 2019 | Author: Shreyash Bhatia | Category: Bach Flower Remedies, Ghosts, Anger, Fear, Pain
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REACH NARAN Home Lectures Ask Naran Mast Master er� s say sayin ing g Blogs Products Methods � FAQ Contact us Bach Flower Remedy Find solution without others hel ! M"N#H$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran $ Balakumar 'hene(er we are in con)usion a&out multile choices* we will ha(e a tendency to go and ask multile ersons )or a solution+ ,nstead* take the Bach Flower Remedy CERA#" and wait )or an answer to come )rom within+ $ometimes* eole around might talk something* which would lead you to the right solution )or the ro&lem+ For e-amle* let us say some&ody wants to concei(e they will consult multile doctors* seeking one a)ter another+ ,) they take CERA#" then they will )ind the course o) action+

How to kee unwanted ersons away . M"N#H$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran $ Balakumar /ee ,nde- and Middle )inger on &oth the hands )orms the 0yan Mudra+ #he $ace or Akash Mudra will create a sace &etween you and the oosite erson+ #he 0yan Mudra on the other hand while creating sace &etween you and the oosite erson* you you can also also mo(e away away i) you don� t want or he he will mo(e away+ #his is is a (ery (ery good good )or tra))ic 1am+ Chant Chant Mudra+

M"0E "N HALF'A2 3"NE� while doing this this

Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare How to slee well in the night with $witch 'ords* Mudra and Mantra . M"N#H$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Chris 0eera&adran , chanted* chanted* � 'H2 , slee (ery well well in the night night� while doing doing the the $AFE $AFE and $EC5RE M53RA 6#hum& touches the ring and little )ingers* on &oth the hands7+ , also also list listen en to to


ME3,#A#, ME3,#A#,"N "N� C3 )rom )rom Naran* Naran* )or a good good nigh night t� s slee slee+ +

Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare For any tye o) in)ection 8 M"N#H$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy* Hel )or Health Naran $ Balakumar �"M H"'M 05M 9""M $AHA� For any tye o) in)ection or )e(er

(iral* &acterial* and )ungal* this mantra is

hel)ul+ 9""M is the mantra which has the ower o) 0ishnu+ H"'M destroys the in)ection+ $AHA cleanses the sace around+ #his mantra is a sace clearing energy+ Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare How to Com&ine Bi1a Mantras )or 0arious Li)e $ituations :: M"N#H$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran $ Balakumar How can you com&ine two or more Bi1a Mantras to handle (arious li)e situations; Ha(e sel) Beech* 'illow* ,matiens and $cleranthus Fe(er>soemtimes low temerature@ sometimes high temerature> $cleranthus* 'alnut* Cra& Ale $tudy Pack> $cleranthus 4 Chestnut &ud 4 walnut 4 %entian 4 Horn&eam

$tammering> Cerato and $cleranthus Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare $u))ering )rom knee sti))ness : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy %anga Eswaran "ne o) my students* aged 8 years* is su))ering )rom se(ere knee sti))ness on her right knee+ $ometimes it shi)ts to le)t knee too+ $he has already learnt Reiki in Bom&ay+ $he has also learnt ranic healing+ 'hich mantra or which Bach Flower Remedy can &e gi(en to her; $he is already taking alloathic medicine+ Can you lease suggest; Naran #here is an Ayur(edic roduct 3an(antri /ulam&u* sold in Ayur(edic shos+ Ask her to aly it* daily on the knees and wash it with hot water a)ter hal) an hour+ ,n addition* she needs to do the )ollowing> /nees> 6ask her to uestion within hersel)7 in which areas o) li)e she is in)le-i≤ Lo(e is more imortant than any rinciles+ Let her chant*

� Let

di(ine lo(e mani)est mani)est within within and around me� +

Let her take Bach )lower remedies R"C/ 'A#ER* 'ALN5# and H"RNBEAM+ Ask her to e-tend her thanks to her arents+ ,) she does not ha(e good relationshi with her arents* ask her to do the )orgi(ing e-ercise+ E-lanation Rock 'ater> to reduce stu&&ornness and &e )le-i&le+ ,nstead o) li(ing &y rinciles alone* lead the li)e with Lo(e 'alnut> mo(e on with li)e* instead o) getting stuck u with something or some emotion /nees> will get a))ected i) we ha(e issues with arents+ ,ssue with Mother will a))ect le)t knee and issue with )ather will a))ect right knee+ Forgi(eness E-ercise> i) you 6Ra1u7 ha(e to )orgi(e your mother then a))irm* � , Ra1u )orgi(e )orgi(e you my mother+ Please Please )orgi(e )orgi(e me and and release me me� + Please note that this will release the anger a&out the concerned erson and not the relationshi itsel)+ Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare Clematis : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 3iscussion on Bach Flowers with Naran Balakumar $igns o) a Clematis erson

Clematis ersons ha(e trou&le rogressing &eyond simly dreaming+ He is also a rocrastinator* &ut o) a di))erent kind+ #hey are a(erse to real �3on�t

&other i) this customer lea(es us* some&ody else will come+� $he will write letters &ut not ost them+ $he will make grandiose lans &ut won� t carry them out+ #he clematis a(oids doing a 1o& which he thinks is di))icult* )or as long as he can+ He may not li(e within his means and will not &other a&out getting loans+ He will li(e in a dream world+ #hough* he is good at concetion le(el+ Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare Not to &e o(erwhelmed in a di))icult situation : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran 'hile &oating in "oty Lake* take ELM+ � $ink� * meaning drowning is the keyword )or Elm+ $inking means o(erwhelmed+ takes ELM+


am sinking in de&ts� > he will come out o) de&ts i) he

, want to ut an end to this> ELM+ For comletion and )inishing the 1o&> ELM and "A/+ Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare Remedy )or weak &ones : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy $ushmita Basu ,s there any Bach )lower remedy )or weak &ones* ain in the legs )or old eole; Naran By taking*

� 'EA/�

as the /ey word* , can suggest* CEN#A5R2* H"RNBEAM and "L,0E+

#he &io salt Calcium Phos will &uild u new &one cells+ $esame seed owder will increase the density o) &ones+ Chant

� "M


Face&ook#witter%oogle4$hare Quick remedy )or )ire &urns : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Ne-t to Naran� s house a coule were making Pooris and selling them+ 'hen Naran was walking towards the &ar&er� s sho he noticed the hus&and was showing signs o) un&eara&le ain as the hot oil used )or cooking* has silled o(er his hand+ Naran ga(e him 6Bach Flower7 RE$C5E REME32+ 'hen Naran came )rom the &ar&er sho a)ter one hour* he noticed the hus&and has started doing his cooking &usiness without any indications o) the &urning eisode+

%ot &ack my mo&ile : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy* 3are!3o,#* Li)e is Easy HH , ga(e my mo&ile to my &rother� s son )or reair+ ,t is a costlier one+ Now* my mo&ile is working well+ Howe(er* he is not returning it &ack+ , don�t want any uarrel &etween us+ #hat� s why , am asking you+ Most o) the time* , am losing my atience+ Naran Chant � A%R,M"N2* HEA#HER* CHE$#N5# B53* CHERR PL5M* ,MPA#,EN$� as many times as ossi&le HH At the same time* , want my mo&ile &ack+ Naran Ha(e the mentality to do what is gi(en+ Add CH,C"R2 also to the a&o(e com&ination+ A)ter a day o) chanting he got &ack his mo&ile+ E-lanation #o a(oid uarrel> Agrimony #o &e listened> Heather Not to lose control> Cherry Plum and to o(ercome imatience> ,matiens For &eing ossessi(e a&out one� s mo&ile> Chicory Chestnut Bud> Not to &e cheated+

2ou will de(elo charming looks : 2EAR A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy* $el) Fear grou

A$PEN* M,M5L5$* RE3 CHE$#N5#* R"C/ R"$E

Anger grou

CHERR2 PL5M* ',LL"'* 0,NE* H"LL2* CH,C"R2* BEECH

'orry grou

A%R,M"N2* 'H,#E CHE$#N5#* H"NE2 $5C/LE* P,NE

$adness grou � M5$#AR3* %EN#,AN* %"R$E* ',LL"'* $#AR "F BE#HLEHEM* ',L3 R"$E* $'EE# CHE$#N5# For other emotions* there are some more remedies+ ,n total there are . remedies e-cluding RE$C5E REME32 which is a com&ination o) some remedies+ $te #wo 'ithin that* se(eral emotions can &e classi)ied+ 3eal with the most imortant emotion you )eel+ ,) you are ha(ing* multile emotions then address them on di))erent times+ For e-amle* address one in the morning* other one in the a)ternoon and the ne-t one in the e(ening+ #o know more on how to heal yoursel) using Bach Flower Remedies attend one o) the Bach Flower 'orkshos &y Naran $ Balakumar+

Need not ha(e any un)ortunate circumstances ! 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran Elm $533ENL2 is the keyword o) the Bach )lower ELM+ Not to ha(e any un)ortunate circumstances> ELM+ "ne dose o) Elm is reuired when a erson has a )ear o) losing the 1o&+ ,n 5$ when you go to the o))ice* you are not sure you still ha(e the 1o&+ Chanting ELM will hel in these situations+ $uddenly without your knowing something haens then it is Elm+ Paste the hotograh o) ELM somewhere in the kitchen+ 2ou will ha(e no )ire accidents+ Elm�s negati(e state> o(erwhelmed* o(erthrown and engul)ed 6)ire alone can do it7+ Related Posts 9o& $care> htts>DD)indli)eanswers+wordress+comD!8DD!.D1o&   htts>DDheal&yrule+wordress+comD!:DGD:D)ighting 'ALN5# and CHERR2 PL5M 'hen the child re(olts and throw temer tantrums> CH,C"R2* H"LL2 and 'ALN5# 'hen comletion is not haening in any work* )or e-amle not comleting the &ook you romised to write and it� s hal) 'ALN5#* "A/ and H"RNBEAM

3e)ense against a (er&al attack � 'ALN5#* P,NE 6when you are constantly critici=ed7 � )or e-amle* due a strict )ather his son is a)raid+ #he antonym o) attraction is Hindrance+ #here)ore* to gi(eDget a heling hand> 'ALN5# 6it works like 'ol) animal sirit7+ 'hen there is 3elay* "&struction* and Resistance> 'ALN5#+ 'hen some&ody re(ents 6hinders7 romotion> ',LL"' and 'ALN5# 6� i) he wants* he can hel &ut he didn� t or he soiled it� 7 All o) us worried a&out $aturn 6+ years itch7> 'ALN5# He is a)raid he will )ail in the e-am 6transition )rom one class to another7* ,nter(iew or realying )or a new assort> 'ALN5# 'hen others are unreasona&le> ',LL"'* 'ALN5# 'hen any&ody is merciless> 'ALN5# 'hen a erson is a(oiding you> R"C/ 'A#ER* CHE$#N5# B53 and 'ALN5# Reconciling to the situation> 'ALN5# For a caring* co 'ALN5# Any sti))ness> 'ALN5#* R"C/ 'A#ER+ 'hen the atmoshere is tensed* when there is tension* 'ALN5# is the remedy+ 'alnut is the remedy )or rela-ation+ Antonyms )or sti)) are easy and rela-+ For rela-ation � 'ALN5# ,) you are uncom)orta&le to attend a 0,P� s marriage> 'ALN5#* 'A#ER 0,"LE# and LARCH 6you will &e treated well7 ,) anyone is ossessi(e* sel)ish* greedy* demanding* stingy> CH,C"R2* 'ALN5# #o sto the &leeding> RE$C5E REME32* 'ALN5# 'ant to hurry u> ,MPA#,EN$ and 'ALN5# Children during teenage rotects the child

then the rogram may not start on time

not to &e in)luenced &y eers and )riends �


#he child will cry* whene(er arents critici=e> RE$C5E REME32 and 'ALN5# 6it will )ind &alance and rotect sel)7+ 3ue to constant criticism a child will &ecome HEA#HER+ #o re(ent that )rom haening in the )uture* 'alnut is the remedy+ 'alnut tree is &ig+ 'hen the )lower &looms its smell is so strong* insects and other )lies will kee away+ $o it can rotect the sel)+ Allergic to smell

6gem remedy7 2ELL"' $APPH,RE and 'ALN5#

%i(e the remedies always searately+ ,n Nutshell

#he goal o) 'alnut� s healing is to ha(e constancy and sta&ility in one� s li)e �P,LLA2AR

$5L,� + a&out addiction a)raid against A%R,M"N2 Allergic Ancestral Animal+ $irit antonym any aroacha&le atmoshere attack attend attract attraction a(oiding Bach )lower &alance BEECH &egin &eginning &ig &leeding &lessings &looms &ook &oundaries caring challenging CHERR2 PL5M CHE$#N5# B53 Chicory child children class co 'ALN5# and 'A#ER 0,"LE# 5hill task> 'ALN5# and H"RNBEAM #o &egin> 'ALN5# is like � P,LLA2AR $5L,� 6a sym&ol in #amil that in(okes the &lessings o) Lord %anesha � the remo(er o) o&stacles7 #o end> 'ALN5# &ecause &eginning is end o) something else+ #o &egin communication* to re 'ALN5# $haring the ancestral roerty> 'ALN5# 'hen one withholds in)o* as in a theray> A%R,M"N2 and 'ALN5# 'ork is not challenging> 'ALN5# Pu&erty> 'ALN5# #o come out o) too much o) #0 watching and seaking on mo&ile hones* or any other )orm o) addiction> 'ALN5#* $CLERAN#H5$ 'ALN5# rotects our &oundaries First marriage ended in a di(orce* not to attract the same tye o) erson in the second marriage> 'ALN5# , )eel re1ected> CH,C"R2* 'ALN5# , am easily o))ended 6highly sensiti(e7> CH,C"R2* H"LL2* and 'ALN5# #he antonym o) attraction is Resistance � resistance means to )ight against or re)rain )rom temtation+ #o re)rain )rom any temtation> 'ALN5# and CHERR2 PL5M 'hen the child re(olts and throw temer tantrums> CH,C"R2* H"LL2 and 'ALN5# 'hen comletion is not haening in any work* )or e-amle not comleting the &ook you romised to write and it� s hal) 'ALN5#* "A/ and H"RNBEAM 3e)ense against a (er&al attack � 'ALN5#* P,NE 6when you are constantly critici=ed7 � )or e-amle* due a strict )ather his son is a)raid+ #he antonym o) attraction is Hindrance+ #here)ore* to gi(eDget a heling hand> 'ALN5# 6it works like 'ol) animal sirit7+ 'hen there is 3elay* "&struction* and Resistance> 'ALN5#+ 'hen some&ody re(ents 6hinders7 romotion> ',LL"' and 'ALN5# 6�i) he wants* he can hel &ut he didn� t or he soiled it� 7 All o) us worried a&out $aturn 6+ years itch7> 'ALN5# He is a)raid he will )ail in the e-am 6transition )rom one class to another7* ,nter(iew or realying )or a new assort> 'ALN5#

'hen others are unreasona&le> ',LL"'* 'ALN5# 'hen any&ody is merciless> 'ALN5# 'hen a erson is a(oiding you> R"C/ 'A#ER* CHE$#N5# B53 and 'ALN5# Reconciling to the situation> 'ALN5# For a caring* co 'ALN5# Any sti))ness> 'ALN5#* R"C/ 'A#ER+ 'hen the atmoshere is tensed* when there is tension* 'ALN5# is the remedy+ 'alnut is the remedy )or rela-ation+ Antonyms )or sti)) are easy and rela-+ For rela-ation � 'ALN5# ,) you are uncom)orta&le to attend a 0,P� s marriage> 'ALN5#* 'A#ER 0,"LE# and LARCH 6you will &e treated well7 ,) anyone is ossessi(e* sel)ish* greedy* demanding* stingy> CH,C"R2* 'ALN5# #o sto the &leeding> RE$C5E REME32* 'ALN5# 'ant to hurry u> ,MPA#,EN$ and 'ALN5# Children during teenage rotects the child

then the rogram may not start on time

not to &e in)luenced &y eers and )riends �


#he child will cry* whene(er arents critici=e> RE$C5E REME32 and 'ALN5# 6it will )ind &alance and rotect sel)7+ 3ue to constant criticism a child will &ecome HEA#HER+ #o re(ent that )rom haening in the )uture* 'alnut is the remedy+ 'alnut tree is &ig+ 'hen the )lower &looms its smell is so strong* insects and other )lies will kee away+ $o it can rotect the sel)+ Allergic to smell

6gem remedy7 2ELL"' $APPH,RE and 'ALN5#

%i(e the remedies always searately+ ,n Nutshell #he goal o) 'alnut� s healing is to ha(e constancy and sta&ility in one� s li)e �P,LLA2AR

$5L,� + a&out addiction a)raid against A%R,M"N2 Allergic Ancestral Animal+ $irit antonym any aroacha&le atmoshere attack attend attract attraction a(oiding Bach )lower &alance BEECH &egin &eginning &ig &leeding &lessings &looms &ook &oundaries caring challenging CHERR2 PL5M CHE$#N5# B53 Chicory child children class co htt>DDreachnaran+comDletting 'ALN5# !:st achie(e addiction addressed A395$# ad1ustment age arena Bach )lower Base Become &ored Century change child C,RC5LA#E closer comletes comrise di))erent di(ersion e))ortlessly Eli-ir e-amle e-ect )actor )eel )orced )reuently healing hels hour 1o&s key /eywords li)e magic means mother mo(e Naran need o) o))ice own ermanent hase Pill remedy residence situations son state studious #ake the to #ransition tye 'ALN5# word %ain knowledge  ! 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran $ome o) you ha(e rior knowledge a&out Bach Flower Remedies+ All our learnings are o) no use+ "nly e-erience is use)ul+ A)ter learning a&out Bach Flower Remedies* lease use them+ E(en i) you don� t ha(e the remedies at hand* try to chant or write the names o) the )lowers and e-erience the energy o) the )lowers+ #hat is more imortant+ 'hether you get the results or not* )eel the e-erience o) the )lowers+ #hat itsel) will gi(e you lots o) knowledge+ #he )lowers themsel(es will gi(e the knowledge &ut not any &ook+ Related Blogs A &liss)ul e-erience> htt>DDnaranonline+wordress+comD!::DD!GDa htt>DDreachnaran+comDanythingDDheal&y&ach)lowers+wordress+comD!::D:D:Dcomlementing #o reduce )aintness or coma ,matiens> #o counteract inner turmoil and tension $tar o) Bethlehem> #o reduce the shock* trauma* sadness Rescue remedy can also &e used as a daily remedy in acute situations o) intense ner(ousness and tension when the (ital )orce needed to recharge and recuerate+ Related Blogs A&undant $uort )rom Family and Flowers> htt>DDheal&y&ach)lowers+wordress+comD!:!DD:8Da&undant Beech 4 'alnut+ Chant )or a )ew minutes and say � May Beech and 'alnut &e acti(ated in the room )or ne-t G hours� a )ew times )or a wonder)ul result Concerned a&out the lo(ed ones Mothers who are concerned too much a&out children+ RE3 CHE$#N5# and CHERR2 PL5M+ Concern and )ear a&out other erson needs RE3 CHE$#N5#+ 'hen the lo(ed ones don � t return on time* then )ear a&out their sa)ety will come as (isuals inside your mind+ 2ou will ha(e no control o(er it+ 'hen you take the remedies* you will &ecome normal and your lo(ed one will come home immediately+ Constant Fe(er 'alnut* 'hite Chestnut* Cra& Ale Constiation � %eneral Am not worried e(en then there is no motion )or three days � 'hite Chestnut+ ,t will )eel like coming &ut it won� t+ E(en a)ter taking G glasses o) water nothing will haen* and so no roer motion � $cleranthus

Nothing haens until . am+ 'ill take co))ee and a)ter that it will come+ $o a starting ro&lem will get u at ? am &ut will need a co))ee or any other stimulant to get u )rom &ed Crams ,) it is relie(ed a)ter walking then Horn&eam* a)ter shaking the &ody< horn&eam* right cal) muscles � )ear 6Mimulus7* and will not mo(e )rom one lace* so may &e Horn&eam too+ 3harshan Pack %orse and Clematis e(en temle that is closed will &e oened )or you+ #ake the same remedies to go to ashrams like Ramana ashram* chant the remedies and the e-erience will &e di))erent+ 3ia&etes "ak* Cra& Ale and 'ild Rose* a tyical dia&etes e-ression is* � ,t is in the )amily� � which is a 'ild Rose e-ression 68J o) the atients say so7+ 3iarrhea Rescue Remedy* "li(e* and 'hite Chestnut 3iet Freaks 2ou would come across many diet )reaks these days+ 'eight reduction will not haen &y dieting+ 'hat� s the oint in a(oiding things; At least once in a way we should eat stu)) that we like* )or e-amle ice creams+ #he irony is that more and more we think a&out our hysical )igure* we will not reduce weight+ #he remedy )or diet )reaks � "A/* CRAB APPLE and R"C/ 'A#ER+ #he message )rom this com&ination o) Bach Flowers is* � #ake li)e easier 3isk rolased 3uring un&eara&le ains* take Rescue Remedy@ rolase means searated � 'ater 0iolet 6i) there is no con(ersations going then he has some ro&lem with a mem&er in the household and there)ore the message )rom the &ody is that you ha(e to atch with those whom you )ight+ Also may &e mentally searated and not hysically7 and ain means Pine 3ryness in the eyes oinionated* there)ore , ha(e to change my (iews> Beech* Rock 'ater and 'illow+ 3ry � Li)e is dry+ Rigid and sel) #o conduct any )unction smoothly* you need $weet Chestnut 63i(ine7 has to &e there+ 'alnut > Peole attending the )unction ad1ust to the situation com)orta&ly+ %entian> #here should not &e any regression+ #here has to &e only rogress once you start organi=ing the )unction and e-ecute your action stes+ E(erything should go on well without any regression+ %EN#,AN is the remedy )or that+ Rescue Remedy> Children might get hurt during the )unction+ 2ou don� t want to send your time taking them to hosital+ ,n addition to )our remedies mentioned a&o(e* add RE$C5E REME32 to a(oid anic situations+ Fear o) comletion> H"RNBEAM Function � %eneral ,nstructions All the )our remedies are imortant+ "nce the date o) the )unction is )i-ed* ut them e(ery day 6 ills each remedy7 in common water and drink it+ Also kee a glass o) water with the com&ination 6 ills )rom each remedy7 in the North East or on the 'est side o) the house+ #o a(oid children getting hurt* kee RE$C5E REME32 on the western side in a glass o) water* as it is the side o) rela-ation+ #hen there will &e no anic situation to &e )aced+ 'e ha(e reached the arty hall+ 'here(er there is light* the darkness would )ollow+ $ray the )i(e remedies in the hall &e)ore eole arri(e at the hall+

Aroach the cook and gi(e him a glass o) water mi-ed with the com&inations+ #ell him the water is )rom sacred ri(er /asi as he may &e a non A student o) Naran said the a))irmation )or /idney $tones mentioned in the &ook written &y Louis L Hay � Heal 2our Body� : times e(ery day )or a week

and took the ills only once+ #wo stones came &y itsel) without any oeration+ La=iness Let me do it later � $cleranthus will get u late and will ostone Lo(e Failures Chicory and 'illow Low BP Clematis Lower Back ain Means reuire suort+ Chicory 6needs suort7* Horn&eam and Centaury 6has no &ack &one7 Male domination 'omen resenting it is in 'illow state+ 'hen the resentment (anishes* the domination (anishes too+ Marriage 3i(ine %race 'e need di(ine grace to get married> $weet Chestnut+ No marriage should haen without this remedy+ Marriage � whether the erson is right or not+ Be)ore the &ride groom comes to see the girl* $weet Chestnut will hel us to )ind whether the erson is right or not+ Put it in a glass o) water and kee it in the house or drink water+ A Pun1a&i girl and a Pun1a&i guy )rom 5/ were on talking terms+ Lots o) money sent was sent )or the calls made and internet usage+ #he marriage was initiated+ #he guy said his arents may not agree as they &elong to di))erent su& sect and so suggested to get married )irst and then in)orm his arents+ #he girl agreed )or this arrangement and not her mother+ Both the daughter and the mother took $weet Chestnut+ A)ter )ew days a call came )rom the guy� s num&er+ #he erson called was his wi)e+ $he told them that he is a cheater+ He has cheated uite a )ew girls like this+ As she couldn� t escae she is hanging around with him+ #hen the girl did some (eri)ication and Pun1a&i address that the guy had gi(en was wrong+ $he was gi(en $tar o) Bethlehem 6)or the mental shock a)ter she )igured out the truth7 and Chicory � angs o) lo(e and lo(e )ailure+ Marriage< Ad1ustment ,) you slash Beech and 'alnut in the room � then there will &e no demands and will ad1ust to each other reuirements and needs+ For e-amle> Nikitha � a Reiki #eacher+ ,n her )riend� s house srayed water that is mi-ed with Beech and 'alnut on all walls+ 3uring the meeting* the girl started singing+ #hen the groom 1oined her and later e(ery&ody 1oined the girl+ ,n the end they mentioned that somehow they )eel that all o) them &elong to the same )amily+ Marriage � ChoiceD 5na&le to decide $cleranthus> to choose &etween 0ana1a and %iri1a+ Marriage< Coral � )or disarity in lo(e A teacher lo(ed her own student* and she is older than him &y )ew years+ Both o) them took Coral+ A)ter a month they agreed to sto* as they reali=ed that their mental comati&ility is not good enough )or the marriage to sur(i(e+ Meditation 2ou are going as a mediator where there is lenty o) anger and anguish around+ 2ou wanted to con(ince e(ery&ody and make him or her understand your (iewoint+ 2ou need to seak their language+ A%R,M"N2 6add this only i) you )eel angry7* BEECH* 'ALN5# and CHE$#N5# B53 � use this com&ination )or any tye o) mediation+ Money )low 'hen the money will come; 3ay dreaming � Clematis* will )eel low< Larch+ Add Asen and 'alnut to the remedies+ Money )rom go(ernment 'ater 0iolet* Rock 'ater* $cleranthus* "ak and Horn&eam Not )ocused Chestnut Bud* Clematis "steoorosis Centaury )or they will &ecome short � Pine and Rock 'ater+ #hey ha(e to take some medication )or calcium de)iciency as well+

Pain un&eara&le Rescue Remedy Piles Beech* 'illow* Cherry lum Poor digestion ,matiens Postonement marriage )or my daughter* thinking a&out work to &e tomorrow at o))ice+ ,n the rocess we get mental strain in the e(ening+ #he remedies rescri&ed are> 0er(ain* $cleranthus* 'hite Chestnut* 'alnut and Cra& Ale+ $tammering Cerato and $cleranthus $tay 2oung Rock 'ater 4 Horn&eam 4 'alnut 4 Chestnut &ud 4 Cra& Ale will kee the &ody and mind young+ Need not take the ills* &ut chant )or  mins while getting u )rom &ed as well as &e)ore going to slee

$training to ass stools $cleranthus* 'alnut* Rock 'ater* Horn&eam* Cra& Ale $ueriority ComleMy )riend has married a /orean+ $he doesn� t talk to any&ody< ,) she does not talk to others due to sueriority comle-< 'ater 0iolet or do not know how to ad1ust � 'alnut $urgery )ear is there* so rescri&e Mimulus+ Rest o) the remedies &ased on the atient � s mind state+ ,) he thinks it is &ecause o) his karma then add the remedy Pine+ #alking Non $to � Heather and Agrimony are non Pine )or mistakes &ecause , )eel , am not comlete without this+ , ha(e to &e er)ect � it is in &oth Pine and Cra& Ale #alking< communication ro&lems , am not a&le to communicate roerly &ecause he is not a&le to understand> Beech is reuired to handle any communication ro&lems and to &ridge the ga &etween two ersons+ "nly your ego stos the healing #hroat Pro&lems Centaury* 'illow* Pine and Horn&eam #ired � go on insite o) &eing "ak D "li(e � "ak &rings smartness to the work � when one goes on insite o) untiring e))orts &ut una&le to succeed+ "ne does the same thing again and again hoing to succeed to get di))erent result &ut does not know how to do things di))erently #o sto &leeding Rescue Remedy and 'alnut #oilet cra=y Cra& Ale 5nderstand "ther man� s oint o) (iew > Beech* 'illow* walnut and 'ater 0iolet 0iolence� a(oid Rock water4 Rockrose � #o ward o)) any (iolent or unwanted elements 'eight Loss "ak 6kee trying without any success* will hel them to try di))erent things7* Cra& Ale 6sel)take the com&ination> 'ater0iolet 4Larch 4%entian 4 'ild Rose4Pine Kig=ag Fe(er $cleranthus* 'alnut* Cra& Ale ,) you� + statements and remedies   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy

Flower ,) you� + 6then you need it7  Agrimony ,) you are with )alse cheer@ wearing a smiling )ace* in site o) the worry 'hite chestnut ,) you ha(e o&sessi(e thoughts � a same scene or though is

circulating in the mind Red chestnut ,) you ha(e o&sessi(e concern or worry a&out near and dear ones Pine ,) you )eel guilty Chestnut&ud ,) you lack concentration@ oor memory Honeysuckle ,) you are indulging in memories o) the ast Larch ,) you lack sel) then instead o) 'hite Chestnut take $weet Chestnut+ ,t will work+ 'here 'hite Chestnut stos working $weet Chestnut will work+ $ee the su&tleness+ Running nose> take 'hite Chestnut* Cra& Ale and 'alnut+ ,) it doesn� t sto* relace 'hite Chestnut with $weet Chestnut+ Case history )or Honey $uckle Ramachandran retired )rom his go(ernment ser(ices+ He got a sum o) )i(e lakhs o) ruees towards his )inal settlement+ Ramachandran was always thinking a&out his o))ice+ , ga(e him 'alnut 6)or transition7 and Honeysuckle 6not to think a&out the o))ice7 searately+ Chandran a )riend o) Ramachandran asked him to deosit a sum o) )i(e lakhs o) ruees in a &ene)it )und* where Chandran is working and he had meet his target+ Ramachandran said yes+ He wrote the cheue and asked his )riend to collect it in the e(ening* as the time then is ausicious+ Around :: am* Ramachandran heard the news that his uncle has assed away+ #here)ore* he le)t )or Coim&atore+ �Li)e

e(ents haen without asking us+ 'e are always concerned a&out our children* our en(ironment and us+ Howe(er* )or di(inity* e(ery molecule in this 5ni(erse is imortant+ ,t would ha(e re)erred him not to gi(e the cheue+� He in)ormed Chandran )rom the &us stand* that he would come &ack and gi(e the cheue a)ter two days+ Ne(ertheless* Chandran insisted that he needs it to comlete his target A$AP+ Ramachandran leaded his ina&ility to gi(e the cheue+ Ramachandran came &ack a)ter  days* 1ust to reali=e the closure o) the &ene)it )und due to lack o) )unds+ He mentioned to me that one o) the )lowers has stoed

him )rom aying the money and losing it+ , told him*

,t is Honey $uckle+�

Be)ore taking any imortant decisions* take honeysuckle* )or e-amle in the case o) letting out our homes or leasing it+ Case histories � Category Fear   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Case history )or Asen A ! yrs old girl will kee lights on while she goes to slee+ 'hen she was young* she had an e-erience while sleeing in a dark room+ Around ::+ PM she heard the sound o) the door oening+ 'hen she oened her eyes* she saw a white sari touching her hand and heard the sound � hey� + From then she doesn� t slee without the lights on+ E(en i) she consciously &elie(es in ghosts* it comes under unknown )ears+ , told her to ut o)) the lights and slee a)ter taking Asen* )or a week+ Now she slees without )ear without lights on+ Mimulus 0s Asen $uch )ears are called as delusions and it comes under the category o) unknown )ears+ ,) you ha(e an Asen )ear* there will &e a alitation o) the heart+ For Mimulus )ear you won� t ha(e that+ Asen )ear is )or unseci)ic and unknown )ears+ ,t would &e constantly &e resent+ ,n the case o) Mimulus* only certain times and moments you will get that )ear* )or e-amle as and when you see a dog or cockroaches+ Case history )or Mimulus "ne lady residing in $ingaore was a)raid o) Li=ards+ 'here(er she goes* she will kee looking )or li=ards+ $he will make sure that all li=ards are wied o)) &e)ore entering a rented house+ #hen she will kee the windows closed restricting the entry o) the li=ards+ , asked her arents a&out the details o) her )ear )or li=ards+ #hey said she has it since her childhood+ ,) the e-ression � since� is used then the Bach Flower Remedy 'hite chestnut has to &e rescri&ed+ 'hen she was gi(en Mimulus* 'hite chestnut and 'alnut 6she was newly married and new to $ingaore residence7 she comletely came out o) her )ear )or li=ards+ Bonus o) using Mimulus 2ou are restricted with a &udget o)  ruees to &uy saris+ 2ou want to &uy one which has to &e good and at the same time chea as well+ Please understand that &est and chea ne(er go together+ Howe(er* with hel o) Mimulus* you can get the &est roduct within your &udget+ 2ou ha(e a &udget o) ruees  lakhs )or your daughter� s marriage+ 'ithin that &udget wedding will haen* i) you take Mimulus+ For managing Auto dri(ers in Chennai* chant Mimulus &e)ore getting into an auto+ #he dri(er will ask e-actly )or the )air amount+

Case study on Red Chestnut Four times 6arranged7 marriage got )i-ed and the mother o) the &ride &roke it all )our times and that too within ! years+ 'hy; Mother is a)raid that her daughter might undergo harassment )rom in Rescue Remedy* Mimulus and Larch 6last two remedies are )or )ear o) er)ormance7 E-am � A)ter the e-am %entian* 'ild Rose and 'alnut 6you will not )ail in the e-am7 Fe(er #he child not keeing uiet "ak+ � 3on� t touch me don� t come near me either� 'ater(iolet+ 'hen some&ody enuires a&out health* the concerned erson gets irritated � ,matiens 3oesn�t talk a&out )e(er � Agrimony "ld eole in general don� t want to distur& others and will take the medication &y themsel(es or take the medication in ad(ance so as to not to distur& other� s slee � Agrimony , will stay )or one more day as , don� t think , am comletely alright yet* seeking more attention and symathy � Chicory* as they want more attention as the ot with a hole will &e ne(er &e )illed Food Allergy Pine* Cra& Ale* and 'hite Chestnut For any knee ro&lem Rock 'ater* 'alnut and Horn&eam Functions< "rgani=ing 2ou are )i-ing u marriage o) your daughter or organi=ing a &irthday cele&ration+ 'hat are the remedies that can hel the )unction to go smoothly and without a hindrance in any )orm; #he hindrance when a marriage is )i-ed* say )or e-amle could &e in the )orm o) some&ody� s death+ 'e might ha(e some seci)ic states o) mind like )or e-amle* � E(ery&ody should eat well* e(ery&ody should ha(e )un� and so on+ $weet chestnut > #o conduct any )unction smoothly* you need $weet Chestnut 63i(ine7 has to &e there+ 'alnut > Peole attending the )unction ad1ust to the situation com)orta&ly+ %entian> #here should not &e any regression+ #here has to &e only rogress once you start organi=ing the )unction and e-ecute your action stes+ E(erything should go on well without any regression+ %EN#,AN is the remedy )or that+ Rescue Remedy> Children might get hurt during the )unction+ 2ou don� t want to send your time taking them to hosital+ ,n addition to )our remedies mentioned a&o(e* add RE$C5E REME32 to a(oid anic situations+ Fear o) comletion> H"RNBEAM Function � %eneral ,nstructions All the )our remedies are imortant+ "nce the date o) the )unction is )i-ed* ut them e(ery day 6 ills each remedy7 in common water and drink it+ Also kee a glass o) water with the com&ination 6 ills )rom each remedy7 in the North East or on the 'est side o) the house+ #o a(oid children getting hurt* kee RE$C5E REME32 on the western side in a glass o) water* as it is the side o) rela-ation+ #hen there will &e no anic situation to &e )aced+ 'e ha(e reached the arty hall+ 'here(er there is light* the darkness would )ollow+ $ray the )i(e remedies in the hall &e)ore eole arri(e at the hall+ Aroach the cook and gi(e him a glass o) water mi-ed with the com&inations+ #ell him the water is )rom sacred ri(er /asi as he may &e a non A student o) Naran said the a))irmation )or /idney $tones mentioned in the &ook written &y Louis L Hay � Heal 2our Body� : times e(ery day )or a week and took the ills only once+ #wo stones came &y itsel) without any oeration+ La=iness Let me do it later � $cleranthus will get u late and will ostone Lo(e Failures Chicory and 'illow Low BP Clematis Lower Back ain Means reuire suort+ Chicory 6needs suort7* Horn&eam and Centaury 6has no &ack &one7 Male domination

'omen resenting it is in 'illow state+ 'hen the resentment (anishes* the domination (anishes too+ Marriage 3i(ine %race 'e need di(ine grace to get married> $weet Chestnut+ No marriage should haen without this remedy+ Marriage � whether the erson is right or not+ Be)ore the &ride groom comes to see the girl* $weet Chestnut will hel us to )ind whether the erson is right or not+ Put it in a glass o) water and kee it in the house or drink water+ A Pun1a&i girl and a Pun1a&i guy )rom 5/ were on talking terms+ Lots o) money sent was sent )or the calls made and internet usage+ #he marriage was initiated+ #he guy said his arents may not agree as they &elong to di))erent su& sect and so suggested to get married )irst and then in)orm his arents+ #he girl agreed )or this arrangement and not her mother+ Both the daughter and the mother took $weet Chestnut+ A)ter )ew days a call came )rom the guy� s num&er+ #he erson called was his wi)e+ $he told them that he is a cheater+ He has cheated uite a )ew girls like this+ As she couldn� t escae she is hanging around with him+ #hen the girl did some (eri)ication and Pun1a&i address that the guy had gi(en was wrong+ $he was gi(en $tar o) Bethlehem 6)or the mental shock a)ter she )igured out the truth7 and Chicory � angs o) lo(e and lo(e )ailure+ Marriage< Ad1ustment ,) you slash Beech and 'alnut in the room � then there will &e no demands and will ad1ust to each other reuirements and needs+ For e-amle> Nikitha � a Reiki #eacher+ ,n her )riend� s house srayed water that is mi-ed with Beech and 'alnut on all walls+ 3uring the meeting* the girl started singing+ #hen the groom 1oined her and later e(ery&ody 1oined the girl+ ,n the end they mentioned that somehow they )eel that all o) them &elong to the same )amily+ Marriage � ChoiceD 5na&le to decide $cleranthus> to choose &etween 0ana1a and %iri1a+ Marriage< Coral � )or disarity in lo(e A teacher lo(ed her own student* and she is older than him &y )ew years+ Both o) them took Coral+ A)ter a month they agreed to sto* as they reali=ed that their mental comati&ility is not good enough )or the marriage to sur(i(e+ Meditation 2ou are going as a mediator where there is lenty o) anger and anguish around+ 2ou wanted to con(ince e(ery&ody and make him or her understand your (iewoint+ 2ou need to seak their language+ A%R,M"N2 6add this only i) you )eel angry7* BEECH* 'ALN5# and CHE$#N5# B53 � use this com&ination )or any tye o) mediation+ Money )low 'hen the money will come; 3ay dreaming � Clematis* will )eel low< Larch+ Add Asen and 'alnut to the remedies+ Money )rom go(ernment 'ater 0iolet* Rock 'ater* $cleranthus* "ak and Horn&eam Not )ocused Chestnut Bud* Clematis "steoorosis Centaury )or they will &ecome short � Pine and Rock 'ater+ #hey ha(e to take some medication )or calcium de)iciency as well+ Pain un&eara&le Rescue Remedy Piles Beech* 'illow* Cherry lum Poor digestion ,matiens Postonement marriage )or my daughter* thinking a&out work to &e tomorrow at o))ice+ ,n the rocess we get mental strain in the e(ening+ #he remedies rescri&ed are> 0er(ain* $cleranthus* 'hite Chestnut* 'alnut and Cra& Ale+ $tammering Cerato and $cleranthus $tay 2oung Rock 'ater 4 Horn&eam 4 'alnut 4 Chestnut &ud 4 Cra& Ale will kee the &ody and mind young+ Need not take the ills* &ut chant )or  mins while getting u )rom &ed as well as &e)ore going to slee $training to ass stools $cleranthus* 'alnut* Rock 'ater* Horn&eam* Cra& Ale $ueriority ComleMy )riend has married a /orean+ $he doesn� t talk to any&ody< ,) she does not talk to others due to sueriority comle-< 'ater 0iolet or do not know how to ad1ust � 'alnut $urgery )ear is there* so rescri&e Mimulus+ Rest o) the remedies &ased on the atient � s mind state+ ,) he thinks it is &ecause o) his karma then add the remedy Pine+ #alking Non $to � Heather and Agrimony are non Pine )or mistakes &ecause , )eel , am not comlete without this+ , ha(e to &e er)ect � it is in &oth Pine and Cra& Ale #alking< communication ro&lems , am not a&le to communicate roerly &ecause he is not a&le to understand> Beech is reuired to handle any communication ro&lems and to &ridge the ga &etween two ersons+ "nly your ego stos the healing #hroat Pro&lems Centaury* 'illow* Pine and Horn&eam #ired � go on insite o) &eing "ak D "li(e � "ak &rings smartness to the work � when one goes on insite o) untiring e))orts &ut una&le to succeed+ "ne does the same thing again and again hoing to succeed to get di))erent result &ut does not know how to do things di))erently #o sto &leeding Rescue Remedy and 'alnut #oilet cra=y Cra& Ale 5nderstand "ther man� s oint o) (iew > Beech* 'illow* walnut and 'ater 0iolet 0iolence� a(oid Rock water4 Rockrose � #o ward o)) any (iolent or unwanted elements 'eight Loss "ak 6kee trying without any success* will hel them to try di))erent things7* Cra& Ale 6sel)take the com&ination> 'ater0iolet 4Larch 4%entian 4 'ild Rose4Pine Kig=ag Fe(er $cleranthus* 'alnut* Cra& Ale Flowers are always secial to me   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy From the Bach Flower 'orksho* Bangalore !: Naran Flowers are always secial to me+

Bach Flowers are comlete &y itsel)+

, ha(e &een taking the Bach Flower Remedy workshos )or last :! years+ E(ery time* when , go through my re(ious Bach Flower Manual* , arri(e at some new a(enues o) )lower remedies+ #he manual that you are ha(ing in your hands was reared )or the last worksho at Hydera&ad+ Howe(er* , ha(e reared some new com&inations )or you+ , ha(e worked out some  lus com&inations )or (arious li)e situations+ #hat� s secially reared )or you* which , ha(en� t shared with any&ody so )ar+ , am going to gi(e that now to you in this class+ 'hat�s the secialty o) )lower remedies; Flower remedies are the only ones )or healing our minds+ May &e there are so many techniues to address our minds and emotions+ But nothing can &e as seci)ic as

)lower remedies+ Basically* we ha(e got only )our emotions � )ear* worry* sadness or deression* and anger+ 'e ha(e only these )our emotions+ 2et* we are not a&le to handle any o) our emotions &y oursel(es+ Ad(antages o) using )lower remedies #he one ad(antage o) )lower remedy is that i) you identi)y the )lower remedy correctly* e(en one dose is enough to e))ect the reuired change+ #he disad(antage is most o) the time we )ail to identi)y the right remedies+ ,n site o) my !: years o) e-erience in rescri&ing )lower remedies* e(en now* sometimes , )eel a)ter the e-it o) the atient* , could ha(e gi(en a di))erent set o) remedies+ "n a later date* thinking a&out the case* , sometimes think , could ha(e done this 6instead o) that7+ Another ad(antage o) the )lower remedies is* e(en i) you take the wrong remedies* nothing will haen+ ,t mayn� t work )or you+ #hat� s it+ 2ou can also use the )lowers along with ranic healing also &y keeing the )lowers acti(e in the ranic )ield+ A no o) ranic healers a)ter learning )lower remedies* ha(e started using )lower theray also as ranic healing tool+ 8 remedies #here are 8 )lower remedies+ "ut o) which one is a com&ination* which was suggested &y 3r+ Edward Bach himsel)+ He was ali(e during the !th century+ He tra(elled through the wild )orests o) England and )ound out a&out . remedies within a san o) : , am a)raid to go to a dentist+ , a(oid all tyes o) diagnostic in(estigations+ ,) , don� t reco(er* then there is e(ery chance that , will lose my 1o&+ ,) , get news a&out someone� s death* , start )eeling that my death is also near* and , )ear that , may die soon+ , don�t go &y li)t+ E(en i) it is a si- storey &uilding , will clim&+ , am so a)raid that the li)t might get stuck due to ower cut and , may &e stranded )ore(er inside the li)t+ 'hen , talk a&out Mimulus it reminds me a oem o) Ra&indranath #agore> E(en well &e)ore you take &irth in this world* the %od has ro(ided Milk in the &reasts o) the Mother+ 'hy )ear; 'hen you ha(e Mimulus in the ocket or when you chant Mimulus* your auric will &e )illed* and you will ro1ect as well as re)lect the energy o) lo(e* comassion and symathy+ Related Blogs> Learn to manage your )ears> htt>DDw+meDw&lL htt>DDw+meDt5LP a tyical R"C/ 'A#ER erson %irl &laming hus&and� s )amily #ake $'EE# CHE$#N5#* ',LL"'* H"LL2* R"C/ 'A#ER and CHE$#N5# B53 to manage )alse accusations+ Add P,NE i) you de(elo low sel) to handle the things smartly* instead o) trying the same ro(en &ut currently not working aroach+ How to 5se Bach Flower Remedies   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Chanting the Bach Flower Remedies Chanting the )lower name means is that we had surrendered to the )lowers* as we don�t know what else to do+ $o it works )or the same reason+ ,n addition* we release the emotions and thoughts with hel o) )lowers as otherwise whate(er we think will haen+ #here are no side , am a discilined erson* remaining single all my li)e+ , meet so many cele&rities in the )ilm world+ 2ou know (ery well that it is a lace where there is no sel) 3o you ha(e any other ro&lem* like oor memory* )or e-amle; 6A oor memory indicates Chestnut Bud7 /arthik> 2es my memory is (ery oor* which is one o) the reasons )or my anger+ ,s there any )lower )or that; Please gi(e me that too+ 6A tyical Rock water erson is o) high disciline+ He has sel) one dose will kee your heart healthy #oo much o) anger* uncontrolla&le anger Holly* 'illow and Rescue Remedy+ #his com&ination will tone down the anger o) the ersons in(ol(ed+

Bach Flower Remedy Com&inations Monthly Meeting Aug !:  ? 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 5se)ul Com&inations , am not an otimist> %entian Larch Pine For meditation> Clematis and 6gem remedy7 Amethyst $end money within the &udget


Regenerate 2our Li)e Re1u(enate 2oursel)  ? 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy #he com&ination reuired is> $weet Chestnut* "li(e and Ru&y+

No $a(ings* Broke* ,n(ention* Re $weet Chestnut and 'ild Rose+ Enough money earned &ut no sa(ings+ All unnecessary e-ense will &e cut o))+ A New gi(e the com&ination o) $weet Chestnut* 'ater 0iolet* "ak and Mustard+ ,t will &ring in more and more in(entions in day �,

am &roke� Can , write o)) my dues; , am shattered means> $weet Chestnut+ Attending a 0,P� s 'edding   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy A 'ater 0iolet erson is an un)riendly erson+ No&ody aroaches him as he thinks he is suerior to others* while others are in)erior to him+ Let us say* we go to a wedding recetion+ 'e only know the &ride and the groom+ 'e don�t know any&ody other than them+ How we are going to ha(e comany in the wedding hall; Bach Flower Remedy 'ater 0iolet will )ind )riends )or you+ Case History A wi)e o) an e- )or dogs any skin related ro&lems Cra& Ale and Agrimony has de)inite healing roerties+ ,) there is any serious ro&lem add Rescue Remedy to the com&ination+ Bach Flower Remedies Meditation C3 3i(ine is waiting )or chance to hel you+ At the right moment and at the right time* it will enter the heart and acti(ate the right )lowers+ 'hen you listen to the C3* the )lowers will choose you+ 'hate(er is the right )lower will work )or you+ Hoeless $tate Any hoeless state should &e turned into 1oy+ #here is a &us strike* no &us around and you ha(e (acated the lodge too+ No&ody is there in the &us stand too+ 2ou ha(e to go to Chennai* the ne-t day+ 2ou &ecome hoeless+ Chant %orse+ Hoeless state will turn into 1oy+ $ome &us or some )orm o) transortation will &e )ound+ Family Harmony #here are )lowers Beech* 'alnut* 'illow* Agrimony* Chicory* and Cherry Plum 6Harmony Pack7 to &ring harmony into your li)e+ Call them and a))irm* � Bring harmony in my )amily� + 'hene(er you )ear there will &e con)rontation* write the names o) )lowers in aer &e)ore talking to your )amily mem&ers and )ace the situation+ 2ou will )ind e(erything haens in a smooth )ashion+ Bach Flower Remedies 9une ! !8 Part ,,   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 6From Multi 3imensional Healing 9une ! 'orksho7

Li)e $ituational Remedies #o make a erson seak the truth Rock 'ater* Chestnut Bud ,) any erson unsettled 'alnut Change sadness to hainess %entian � changes )ailure to success Any inner turmoil changes to eace Agrimony Changes the constant worry or inner chat into calmness 'hite Chestnut #o change irresonsi&ility to resonsi&ility+ 'illow � makes a erson more resonsi&le #o get enthusiasm and 1oy 'ild Rose ,) your e))orts are not rewarded "ak can change e))ort into rewards 3ishonesty can &e changed to honesty Chestnut Bud Change immorality to morality Rock 'ater #urn arrogance into humility 0ine #urn hatred into lo(e Holly Become )le-i&le with Rock 'ater #urn loneliness into relationshi 'ater 0iolet #o turn sudden )eeling o) inadeuacy to )eeling o) adeuacy$udden crisis o) con)idence Elm ,ndecision and irresolution � whether to go this way or that way $cleranthus* Cerato For searching the address2ou go to the station to recei(e some&ody@ you don� t know the comartment Cerato $eci)ic )ear � meeting the doctor )or e-amle* who says let us do a scan* you get scared@%o to a dentist , am a)raid )or cockroaches* li=ards Mimulus

Bach Flower Remedies 9une ! !8 Part ,   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 6From Multi 3imensional Healing 9une ! 'orksho7 Li)e $ituational Remedies Li)e $ituations Remedies 'hen too many things ha(e to o(ercome Elm* Rescue Remedy Creati(e ideas 'hite Chestnut and Clematis $hyness Mimulus Feeling � , can� t� Larch will change , can� t to , can &y increasing le(el o) sel)< con)idence $ome ha(e a tendency to talk to themsel(es 'hite Chestnut* 'alnut and Cra& Ale #o get &ack the money due to you Rock 'ater* Chestnut Bud ,) you are a))ected $hade $ani and you do not want &e restricted 6it� s not so dangerous as eole imagine though7 Rock 'ater* Pine* Chestnut Bud* %entian and 'ild Rose � one dose a day $hould &e taken &y all the eole all the time 'alnut is )or transition For a&undance 'alnut and oli(e %ood )or raort and inter(iews 'alnut Mislaced an item somewhere 'alnut Rock Rose and $weet Chestnut 6will work :J 7 Burglary � will get &ack whate(er you ha(e lostElm* %orse* and Rock Rose , am closing the house )or : days as , am going away

'rite Rock 'ater* Chestnut Bud on small ieces o) aer and aste it e(erywhere inside the house+ Now you can go eace)ully+ 3aily ray+ � ,n the day and night lease &e around the house* so that there is no the)t� +

#he !:st Century Magic Pill   2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy #he Bach Flower Remedy 'alnut ,n this Age o) Change* 'ALN5# is the Eli-ir o) Li)e+ Relationshis #o attract a artner> 'alnut+ ,t hels a single erson to get married+ Not connected to the )amily and say* � , don� t &elong here+ , am out o) lace� > 'alnut will make it haen+ ,t is reuired )or a newly married girl+ ,) a wi)e does not want to di(orce* 'alnut can hel her achie(e her o&1ecti(e+ First marriage ended in a di(orce* not to attract the same tye o) erson in the second marriage> 'alnut+ Child &earing> i) there is no hysical ro&lem* then 'alnut is the remedy )or two &odies to unite and gi(e &irth to a &a&y* with hel o) 3i(inity+ Children ,mro(e handwriting o) children> 'alnut+ , want my son to &ecome studious says mother o) a child+ Both mother and son should take 'alnut+ #eenage children* not to &e in)luenced &y eers> 'alnut+ #oo much o) #0 (iewing* seaking on mo&ile hone or any addiction> 'alnut* $cleranthus+ 2ou are a)raid that you will )ail in the e-am or in an inter(iew@ you want do well> 'alnut 'ork #here will &e no dismissal i) you take 'alnut+ Forced to change 1o&s )reuently* work is not challenging* to make rogress> 'alnut+ $ome&ody re(ents romotion> 'illow and 'alnut+ 'ork hal) 'alnut* "ak and Horn&eam Business 'hen signing an agreement* chant � 'alnut� + Concerned arties will adhere to the olicy o) a gentlemen� s agreement+ Cash )low and ro)it> 'alnut Li)e $ituations 'here 'alnut is Hel)ul #o &egin> 'alnut is � P,LLA2AR $5L,� + 'alnut is the remedy )or rela-ation+ Not achie(ing anything concrete and could not see any growth> 'alnut+ For selling house and land � sray 'alnut water on them+ ,t will &e u&lici=ed &y word o) mouth+ $haring the ancestral roerty> 'alnut #o get a Heling Hand* or i) there is 3elay and Resistance> 'alnut 6it works like 'ol) animal sirit7+ 'orried a&out $aturn 6+ years itch7> 'alnut ,) you are uncom)orta&le to attend a 0,P� s marriage> 'alnut* 'ater 0iolet and Larch+ 2ou will &e treated like a 0,P+ #o sto the &leeding> Rescue Remedy* 'alnut Mastering Maths . 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Angel Num&ers* Bach Flower Remedy Client , tried angel num&er 8. during my daughter math e-am+

Concets are clear to her+ $he can sol(e e(ery ro&lem &ut gets ner(ous near the e-am and makes such mistakes* which her teachers couldn� t e-ect it )rom her+ , wrote 8. and ket that aer in her geometry &o-+ ,n addition* wrote her name in circle and 8. in outer circle+ $he entered home* &ack )rom her e-am+ Her comment was* all the sums� +

'ow ,t was so easy�

, know

#hanks Naran "A/ and M5$#AR3> #his is the Bach Flower com&ination to understand and master any su&1ect+ 8.> )or wisdom $weet Chestnut means Creation . 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy ,t is not a )lower* &ut a tree+ 3uring the entire summer it will &ecome dark and dry+ E(en without water* the tree will &e orous and dark+ ,n 9uly* a)ter the monsoon* it will &e )ull o) )lowers+ #hus* it reresents new creation+ #o create something new* it is only ossi&le )or the di(ine+ 2ou can� t create anything new+ 2ou can only use what� s e-isting+ $mart 'orker 8 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy #he Bach Flower Remedy "ak 'orkaholic> i) there is no work he will get )e(er+ He will comment that during the whole day he doesn� t ha(e ain* &ut when he goes to slee he gets ain+ He doesn� t want comany+ His )irst wi)e is work+ He doesn� t want to aly )or lea(e+ He will not aly )or lea(e )or attending )unctions+ How "ak could hel in heart ro&lem+ "ak is the strongest tree+ ,t can grow in any soil+ ,t reresents strength and solidity and there)ore it will strengthen the heart+ #hanks to Elm* "ak and "li(e you can go u any stairs+ A so)tware engineer couldn� t )ind &ugs a)ter so many attemts> "ak #rekking

Elm* "ak* "li(e* and 'alnut is necessary+

For any nagging ro&lems like court cases and ad1ournments take "ak with 'alnut and Horn&eam+ $hantha had a ro&lem with her motor that is used to um water� "ak is a hard worker &ut not a smart worker+ #he motor mechanic couldn� t )ind the source o) the ro&lem e(en a)ter a week+ $he ga(e "ak in his tea+ 'ithin a day* the ro&lem was )i-ed+

Relationshi with 2our ,nner $aint 8 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Finding hay relationshis E(ery&ody has one %od My &rothers are doing well* while , had &een unsuccess)ul in my career; Naran 2ou ha(e the gene to &e rich as well as the gene to &e oor* &oth o) which you had icked u )rom your ancestors+ Howe(er* you ha(e CH"$EN the P""R gene* while your &rothers ha(e CH"$EN the R,CH gene+ #o gi(e an e-amle* do you remem&er the no o) chairs in my o))ice; 2ou don� t know the answer+ #he reason &ehind this is� you ha(e 3ELE#E3 that in)ormation )rom your memory+ #o ut it another way* )rom their memory* the R,CH hasdeleted the in)ormation to &ecome P""R* while the P""R ha(e deleted how to &ecome R,CH+ #here)ore* to do well in your career and to &ecome rich* a))irm* � , RELEA$E the art that is linked with lack o) money+ , AC#,0A#E the art which knows to F,N3 REACH C"5N# A33� + , don�t like my house : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran 2ou are staying in the house and you go on critici=e the house that it� s not good* there is so much clutter in the house and so on+ 'hat i) the same house starts critici=ing you* clutter is here;�

,t is only &ecause o) you the

'hen you critici=e the house it also critici=es you &ack+ ,n 5$* scientists ha(e )ound out the lants talks the local language* )or e-amle* lants in #amil Nadu will seak in #amil+ #he moment those scientists water a lant* it said* � #hank you� in English and that too in 5$ accent+ 'ith the hel o) instruments they ha(e )igured that out+ , &elie(e that they also curse those who are rude to them+ $imilarly* the critici=ed house will not gi(e you the good results you want+ ,) the house has clutter then it means you ha(e so much o) clutter in your mind+ �'hat is inside is re)lected outside� + 9ust see the house+ #hat� s how your mind is+ 'hat i) there is clutter; 'hat is your )eeling; 'hate(er )eelings you get while seeing or thinking a&out the clutter* release them Release the dislikes you ha(e a&out the house Release the ad(antages and disad(antages you ha(e a&out the house Release your emotions and thoughts as well as curses you ha(e a&out the house #he house is untidy* so , )eel irritated+ #here)ore* a))irm* � , release my irritation� * � , accet the clutter� and � , release my resistance to cleanse the

clutter�+ $a(iors o) the 'orld : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Rock Rose ,t is the remedy )or courage+ "ne thousand eole may &e in the &each+ $ome&ody is washed away+ At that time* don� t &lame the arents i) they can� t sa(e their child� s li)e+ "nly one will try to sa(e the erson+ He is the ositi(e Rock Rose erson+ He will think*

� Here

� + it� s not my li)e in danger+ , ha(e to sa(e some&ody� s li)e

#here his soul wakes u and his mind is dead+ He doesn� t need to know swimming+ 2et* he will &e a&le to sa(e the child+ #he Car 1ockey slied and the hus&and o) a lady was caught in the wheel+ $he li)ted the car and sa(ed him+ #o sa(e her hus&and she had done it+ #he (ery ne-t day* the same thing may not &e a&le to reeat the act+ #he $oul� s switch is in the mind+ Howe(er* mind should &e o)) )or the $oul� s switch to &e on+ Each o) 8 Bach Flower Remedies switches our minds "FF and Makes our $oul�s $witch "N+ Agrimony 3iscussion with Naran Balakumar : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 3iscussion on Bach Flowers From Naran� s con(ersation with $ho&ana> comiled &y R Mohan+ ,ndications o) Agrimony 'atch out )or key words> inner turmoil* eace* hiding* mental torture* and )ree )rom con)lict 'hat is the mental state o) an Agrimony erson; Naran* Balakumar> when a erson says* � , want eace o) mind� * it means that there is turmoil or distur&ance in his mind+ #hen he is in the state o) Agrimony+ He is an-ious within* though he smiles outside+ More and more he does smile* more and more it means that there are inner con)licts+ �,

don�t want any con)lict� � this e-ression denotes that he wants harmony+ As otherwise* the disagreement or con)lict will uset his eace+ ,n what ways an Agrimony erson will mask their )eelings; $he will a(oid &othering her hus&and with her house hold issues+ ,n the night time* an old widow would think that she should not distur& or &other her son or daughter gi(es you di(ine grace 'alnut> will make you get ready to transition to motherhood Ra&&it> the animal sirit guide to get regnant+ + %et Ready to Become a Mother Pigeon is an e-cellent and use)ul &ird+ ,t gi(es you what you need )or mother hood+ Many ladies ha(e regnancy ro&lem+ "ne o) the reasons )or that is that they are not ready )or that+ For a woman to &ecome regnant she needs the hel o) the animal sirit guides RABB,# and a P,%E"N+ #hose ladies who do not ha(e children may ha(e their mental attern as � All other ladies ha(e children* why not me;� ,) such ladies come to know that i) another woman o) their age is regnant then they cannot re1oice+ #hey will also ha(e guilt )eeling thinking what sin they ha(e committed+ ,n such situations the message o) %od is

Be atient* ha(e )aith and erse(erance� +

$o all these three ualities one can get )rom Pigeon+ G+ Rita

#hank the 5n&orn Child

, and my hus&and are trying )or a second &a&y+ 'e ha(e a 8


the Bach )lower will show you the way )or the solution

Horn&eam> not to get stuck u and mo(e on No more headaches )or students : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy Naran $ Balakumar ,n a class room* when a lecture is gi(en* let us say one student de(elos a headache+ Now* he will try to hide it )rom others+ ,) the lecturer notices his ain)ul )ace* and enuires � what is the matter � any ro&lem;� the 6Bach Flower7 Agrimony erson would rely* � nothing* no ro&lems at all�+ ,) the lecturer is ersistent* he would say* � a minor headache@ nothing serious@ )or my sake* the class need not &e distur&ed+ Please carry on+ , will &e alright soon+� #hen* he would try to gi(e a smile too+ ,) the remedy Agrimony is gi(en then and there* his headache would )ly o))+ ,matiens 3iscussion with Naran : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 'hat is the mental state o) an ,MPA#,EN$; #he erson is (ery eager to do something or strongly desires )or something* and there)ore &ecomes restless and imatient+ #hen they try to )inish e(ery single task uickly and thoughtlessly 6imetuous7+ #hus* an ,matiens erson will &e careless and hasty+ 'hat are the signs o) ,MPA#,EN$ ersons; #hey are annoyed easily* tend to &e irritated when ket waiting and i) work is delayed+ #hey are eager to do something immediately* and unwilling to wait )or a start+ ,n general* they are imetuous* ner(ous* restless* uneasy* and hasty+ He is restless

constantly mo(ing* and una&le to sit uiet+

,n a clinic* you may notice while most o) the atients are waiting atiently to meet the doctor* a erson is restless � denoting his ,matiens nature+ $ometimes* when we worry in the night* we will send a restless night+

Because the imatiens erson is reckless* he will act imulsi(ely � mo(ing with great )orce and energy+ #hus* imatiens ersons will &e great energy losers+ #he imatiens erson acts in a hurry* either due to his imetuosity or lack o) time+'hen there is a lack o) time* we tend to do things in a hurry* without any thought)ulness+ Anything is P"$$,BLE : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy 'ith Bach Flower Remedies 5day , was at $hridi on a #hursday march7+, was chanting %"R$E as , wanted a good 3harshan during my Aarthi which , &ooked online+ But* , was disaointed as , was ushed to the corner &ehind a illar and was una&le to see my lord Hari+ #hat night , as dishearten and thought the Bach )lower didn� t work+ Ne-t day* an ama=ing e-erience took lace+ , got the oortunity to do the counting o) the donations and as , wanted to count : ruee notes , was gi(en the line o) counting the same where , sat )or more than three hours segregating the currency+ , also met likeminded eole who shared the great Leelas o) $ai Mahara1+ , was also gi(en the oortunity to walk u in the line where ,literally had a long con(ersation with my $ai Maa+ #he most ama=ing thing was , was at the 3warkamaai where , said Ba&a , want to sit and meditate+ #his is uite di))icult nowadays as the crowd is high and the security doesn� t allow+ But* as , went near to the 3warkamaai the security oened the gate and turned around+ , 1ust slied inside and sat closing my eyes and said no one is distur&ing me till , oen my eyes+ Naran 2ou ha(e missed one more chance+ 2ou will understand %"R$E or )or that matter* no )lower will e(er )ail you or any&ody+ #he )lowers always e-ect us to rise a&o(e our lower consciousness � lower mind+ 'hy %orse did not work on the )irst day; Has it not worked; Has it wanted you to (iew or look at things di))erently; #he )irst day* you did not get 3harshan as desired+ 'hen it was not haening* it tried to tell you* � Ha(e 3harshan o) all the de(otees+ $ee $ai Ba&a in them+ Each and e(ery erson around you is nothing &ut $ai Ba&a+ "nce any&ody goes inside the temle* all minds are )illed u with the )igure o) $ai Ba&a and all the lis chant $A,BABA�+ ,nstead o) worrying* i) you had concentrated on these asects o) 3i(ine $ai* your mind would ha(e &een ele(ated to 3i(ine consciousness+ Pro&a&ly* this is the lesson we ha(e to learn )rom the 3i(ine )lower %"R$E+ #hank 2ou

'hen you need the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus : 2EAR$ A%" &y admin in Bach Flower Remedy A)raid o) any erson or a thing � )or e-amle Cockroaches* Li=ard Message )rom Mimulus> ,t is against any )orm o) (iolence+ E(ery&ody in this world � including animals ha(e the right to li(e in this world+ 2ou do not ha(e the right to dri(e them away+ Ha(e symathy towards them+ Are you worried that you will end u aying more ta-i )are ta-i � 'ol)7;

Mimulus 6to get the

Howe(er* do not ay less money+ Mimulus e-ects )airness in you as well as in the oosite erson+ For any &argaining � the house owner asks )or more rent )or e-amle* take Chicory along with Mimulus or )or that matter )or any )inancial negotiation+ For shy children


$earch 'e&site 5PC"M,N% E0EN#$> $A# ! FEB !: New Bach Flowers #heray Basic Le(el 'orksho Chennai Fe& !th !: : AM to G PM Chennai Click here )or E(ent 3etails RECEN# P"$#$ 'hy cleaning is essential in our li(es 67 Naran $ Balakumar For eole ha(ing money ro&lem* cleaning the house is a must+ ,) you don�t do that* you will continue to ha(e the money O�  . H"5R$ A%" M,RACLE Remedies )or Li)e 67 3o you know what a M,RACLE Remedy is; 3o you know why most o) the time* the M,RACLE Remedy does not work; 3o you know the O�  :G H"5R$ A%" Remedies )or $u))icient Money 67 Naran $ Balakumar #ake Bach Flower Remedies ',LL"'* P,NE* $'EE# CHE$#N5#* ',L3 R"$E* and CHE$#N5# B53 � whene(er there is insu))icient O�  : 3A2 A%" How to Change 2our Procrastinating Nature 67 Naran $ Balakumar #ake Bach Flower Remedies H"RNBEAM and $CLERAN#H5$+ $eek the hel o) AN,MAL $P,R,# %uide H"R$E with you+ Chant O�  G 3A2$ A%" How to trans)orm sadness and reduce your weight too; 67 Naran $ Balakumar #he animal sirit guide "'L trans)orms all sad thoughts into good thoughts+ Look at the icture and chant* � "'L CR2$#AL O�   3A2$ A%" $H"' M"RE $5B$CR,BE #" "5R NE'$LE##ER Email  $u&scri&e CA#E%"R,E$

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