Relic Knights Rulebook Web

March 14, 2017 | Author: limsoojin | Category: N/A
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Relic knights Rule Book...



John Cadice Chris Birkenhagen Deke Stella


John Cadice




Haydn Cooper Jason Estes Mark Handford Mike Hotaling Sam Kenkel William Littell Geoffrey Lykken Asger Tobiesen Nick Toennis

Ross Thompson


Jacob Pierson


Lig Dwars

Chris Birkenhagen



Chester Ocampo


Nicole Cepeda Andrea Cofrancesco Chester Ocampo Elmer Damasco Gunship Revolution Ryan Kinnaird Ein Lee Reinaldo Quintero

Deke Stella


Kris Aubin


Blackball Games, Inc


Deke Stella Chris Birkenhagen Blackball Games, Inc


John Cadice Kevin Clark Matthew Hope Duncan Huffman Chris Norris Jacob Pierson Chris Strodel


Chris Bodan Deke Stella


Thomas David Paolo Fabiani Jacques-Alexandre Gillois Jason Hendricks Bobby Jackson Lukasz Krysa Ben Meisner MIKH Hector Moran Stephane Nguyen Van GioiI James Van Scheik


Kate Evans Daniel Twiss



Jason Blackstock Blake Bronson Jon Bursch Da Momma’s Boyz Nathan Fontaine Michael McCllan Chris Norris Alex Oden Derek Osborne Steve Pozywio Ben Rappaport Raymond Rappaport John Simon Chris Strodel Gregory Sztain Shane York Soda Pop Community


Kevin Clark Matthew Hope Duncan Huffman



AT A GLANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

BOOSTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

GAME ELEMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

GENERAL ACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

KEY CONCEPTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

TRAITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

GAME SETUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

ORDER OF OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

PLAYING THE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

ABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

ACTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

KNIGHTS & CYPHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 SQUADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 TERRAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 VICTORY CONDITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Soda Pop Miniatures™ LLC, Bothell, WA 98021 Made in China

Published by CoolMiniorNot Inc., Alpharetta, GA 30005.

©2013 Developed by Soda Pop Miniatures LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Relic Knights™ is a trademark of Soda Pop Miniatures LLC. SPM 148001


WELCOME TO RELIC KNIGHTS The Darkspace Calamity engulfs the universe. Inexorably it devours galaxies whole, their lights extinguished one by one. Only a single galaxy remains, desperately staving off extinction through the might of its heroes. This book is your chance to plunge headlong into this epic conflict with your own cadre of powerful champions to combat the Calamity and determine the fate of the universe! Relic Knights is a quick and dynamic tabletop strategy battle game that uses finely detailed 30mm scale miniatures to represent your heroes and villains on the battlefield. Relic Knights uses a card-based system to represent esper—the energy which binds the universe. Players draw and use this esper to unleash devastating attacks and cunning counters upon their foes. A Relic Knights force is built around either a Relic Knight or Questing Knight. Potent warriors and wielders of esper, they are your cadre’s leader and determine what other models can be recruited. Each knight is bonded to a cypher. Born of pure esper, each cypher has chosen a knight that reflects their own motivations and desires; granting them powers beyond the mortal ken. The knight and their cypher are joined in battle by select individuals who have rallied to their cause and will form their cadre. Some cadres are formed entirely of unique individuals, each a mighty hero in their own right, fighting for a cause sacred to themselves. Others are surrounded by minions and grunts—the everyman soldier, most having joined the knight in service of some greater cause: nation, race, creed, or greed. Regardless of their composition, with a knight leading their charge, these cadres make up the most potent fighting forces the galaxy has ever seen. As Calamity looms, they represent the universe’s last hope. Their actions will lead to its salvation or herald the destruction of all things.


FOREWORD It all started with a little Candy. Since we started Soda Pop Miniatures, it has been our dream to bring a universe full of action, great miniatures, and colorful heroes to tabletops and imaginations worldwide. We are a humble lot, three close friends, miniature gamers all, and with our powers combined, we are honored to present you the first edition of Relic Knights: Darkspace Calamity. After several years it even let us quit our “real” jobs and start working towards that dream as a full time pursuit. Suddenly Relic Knights wasn’t just a possibility, it was a reality. This project has been a culmination of hard work, late nights, and dedication to the dream that with a little bit of skill, imagination, and faith, you can do anything. We have enjoyed bringing our vision to your tabletops, loved meeting you on shows, and look forward to many more years making some of the coolest miniatures and games around.

– John Cadice

In many ways the story of Relic Knights is the story of Soda Pop Miniatures. It started with our emptied savings accounts, a couple of collectible models, and a dream of something bigger. The success of those models let us make even more. After several years it even let us quit our jobs and start working towards that dream as a full time pursuit. The advent of Kickstarter just further increased what the game could be. Before we knew it our little dream had exploded into an epic universe with dozens of models, pages of fiction, and awesome art. Suddenly Relic Knights wasn’t just a possibility, it was a reality. We owe it all to you. To our friends and families who have dealt with our ridiculous hours, and sleep deprived manias. To our fans who have stood by our side through the inevitable highs and lows, through our years of growth and development, to finally hold this in your hands. We think the wait has been worth it, and we know that if anyone can save the universe from the Darkspace Calamity, it’s you.

– Deke Stella

Before playing, players agree on a game size and recruit their cadres. Players then determine who is the Hero and who is the Villain. The Villain generates the scenario conditions both players will be using. The players then set up the battlefield with terrain and alternate taking turns deploying units on the battlefield. Once units have been deployed, players set their ready queue and draw their hand up to five cards. Then the battle begins.


During a game of Relic Knights there are several things you need to keep track of when using your tracker card: health, held esper, minion identification, etc. We recommend using clear plastic card sleeves for your tracker cards. Then you can use a dry or wet erase marker to track damage, etc. without damaging the game card.

During the battle each player takes turns activating a single unit. During the active unit’s turn it will be allowed to make an initial move, use an action, then take a followup move. The players then reset their ready queue. Play continues between players, alternating turns, until one player reaches enough victory points to win or their opponent surrenders the game.

UNIT CARDS All units have two cards that represent them, a tracker card and a reference card. The tracker card is placed on the dashboard and is used to keep track of the unit’s activation, health, and skills.


The reference card lists the unit’s abilities, actions, and traits. Knights have a large double sized reference card, this is due to their greater number of rules and has no in-game effect. Reference cards cannot be played in the dashboard.

Before launching into your Relic Knights game, there are several essential components you will need to play the game. This section covers the basic game elements you will be using.

NAME This is the unit’s name and how they are identified on the table.

OBJECTS An object refers to any game element placed upon the table. This includes models, terrain, markers, and tokens. Remember that when you see a rule that refers to objects, it is referring to any and all game elements.

FACTION Most units belong to one of the many organizations and groups throughout the universe. A unit’s faction shows its allegiance to one of these groups. Certain abilities, powers and effects may affect units of a specific faction differently.



Models are the miniatures and markers used to play a game of Relic Knights. Models in your cadre are referred to as friendly models, while models in your opponent’s cadre are referred to as enemy models.

Every living thing in the universe is influenced by esper, the energies that form the building blocks of existence. Most beings have a particular connection to one of the various facets of the universe, a connection that helps define their powers and abilities.

UNITS Each model or group of models represented by a single tracker card is referred to as a unit. A unit comprised of multiple models of any type is referred to as a squad. Units all have a number of attributes that are used to define their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

The color of the unit’s faction symbol indicates which one of the six types of esper it shares affinity with. Details on esper affinity is discussed in Affinity, page 15.


TYPE There are several types of models used in Relic Knights.


• Relic Knight: Relic Knights are warriors and heroes, gifted with powerful esper constructs called Relics and empowered by mystical creatures known as cyphers. Along with Questing Knights, Relic Knights are collectively referred to as knights.

Affinity Name Faction

• Questing Knight: Questing Knights have only recently manifested a cypher and now travel the galaxy seeking to prove themselves worthy of a mighty Relic of their own. Along with Relic Knights, Questing Knights are collectively referred to as knights.








• Unique: Uniques are individual characters that have joined the cadre of a knight seeking glory and an adventure of their own.





• Minion: Minions make up a diverse panoply of noble warriors, trained soldiers, cunning racers and others that join the knights in their battles.

Held Esper

• Squad: Squads are tightly knit units of multiple models that function together on the battlefield to devastating effect.






• Cypher: Enigmatic creatures born of pure esper, cyphers hold the keys to the mystery of the Darkspace Calamity that has descended upon the universe. Each cypher is bound to a single Relic Knight or Questing Knight

Minion Flag Type




“I pledge my life to The Order and to defend those in need.”


SwordSworn-Tracker.indd 1

All units have a point cost that is used to define the overall value of the unit on the battlefield. In general, units with a higher point cost are more powerful than units that cost fewer points.

2013-06-20 9:59 PM

Affinity Portrait

When players recruit their cadre, the total cost of all their units determines the size of the game being played. More information about recruiting your cadre is discussed in Game Setup, page 19.

Name Faction



BASE Every model has a base that it stands on. The base represents how much space a model occupies and helps determine what the model can see. A model must be fastened to the appropriate sized base. All bases sizes are listed in millimeters.

UNSEEN SHOT: Damage 6 - Gain Piercing 2 HEADSHOT: Damage 6 - Gain Piercing 2


- The target may not Recover.


TAKE COVER: - Gain Feint 3

The size of a unit determines how it interacts with other units and objects. Units will have a size attribute of 0 or higher. A unit’s size is used in determining line of sight and how it interacts with objects on the battlefield. Line of sight is discussed in Key Concepts, page 12.

KILLZONE: AoE, Debuff Units entering the area suffer Damage 3, as long as Rin has LoS to the unit. TRAITS: Human ABILITIES: Creation Initiate, Law Initiate, Stealth

ARMOR A unit’s armor represents how resilient or protected it is against damage. Armor reduces the amount of damage a unit takes when it has been hit. Applying damage is discussed in Actions, page 26.

Abilities Traits

RinFarrah-Reference.indd 1


2013-07-14 4:28 PM






Esper Expression

DIVINE PROTECTION: Replace Sebastian’s Armor with the value below. Held Esper: 1 - 2 Armor: 5

3-4 6

5+ 7

BENEDICTION: Damage 6, Push 4 - Increase to Damage 9 - Increase to Push 6 SHATTERED SWORD: , Damage 8, Piercing 2 - Increase to Damage 10


- The target may not use attack prevention actions.


WRATH: Pull 6 - Gain Damage 6 - Increase to Pull 9

Traits Abilities Cadre Ability

TRAITS: Human ABILITIES: Cypher (Rook), Law Master CADRE ABILITY

OATH OF THE SIX: If Sebastian can be a legal target for the attack, redirect it to him.

CONVICTION: Armor 4 - Gain Recover 4 SPEARHEAD: Move Sebastian 6”. After this movement, all models within 3” are pushed 5”. Sebastian cannot make a follow-up move.

Sebastian-Reference.indd 1

2013-07-13 1:29 PM



A unit’s speed is used to determine how quickly it moves around the battlefield. Units have two parts to their speed skill.

How effective a unit is in combat is determined by its combat skills. Combat skills are divided into three categories based on the type of attack: melee, ranged and psychic.

The first value is the maximum distance a unit may move before making an action during its activation, called the initial move.

Melee represents a unit’s ability in close combat with a wide assortment of swords, staves, fist, claw, etc. Ranged represents their aptitude with firearms, bows, thrown weapons, etc. While psychic represents attacks made by manipulating esper with the mind or complex ritual.

The second value is the maximum distance a unit may move after making an action during its activation, called the follow-up move. Movement rules are discussed in Key Concepts, page 11.

The first value is the attack skill. The second value is the defense skill. Using combat skills is discussed in Actions, page 25.

HEALTH When a unit suffers damage it gets closer to falling in battle. A unit’s health determines how much damage it can take before being removed from play. When a unit’s health is reduced to zero it is removed from the game. Players will use their tracker card to keep track of a unit’s health throughout the game as it suffers damage or is healed.

MINION IDENTIFICATION Use this space to write a number, letter, or other symbol to help you identify which card belongs to each minion unit.

ABILITIES Abilities are inherent powers and talents that a unit possesses that have an effect in the game. Unless otherwise specified, abilities are always active.

HELD ESPER Most units have the ability to store esper, called held esper, keeping it for later use to launch powerful attacks. There are many ways a unit can gain held esper. Details on held esper are discussed in Key Concepts, page 16.

If an ability’s effects are not listed on the unit’s card they will be detailed in Abilities, page 52.



ACTIONS All units have specific actions that they can take during their activation. The rules for these actions, including the esper cost to activate and their effects are listed in the unit’s description. Details on taking actions are found in Actions, page 25.

Each player has an area near the battlefield called the dashboard. The dashboard is used to organize your tracker cards and determine your units’ order of play. Details on using the dashboard are found in Key Concepts, page 10 and Playing the Game, page 23.



Traits are used to classify a unit and explain what kind of being it is. Traits can encompass a unit’s race, a specific military unit it is part of, or a general archetype it encompasses. A unit’s traits are used to determine how it is affected by certain effects and abilities; otherwise they are completely passive and provide no direct game effect. Many of the traits found in Relic Knights are detailed in Traits, page 48.

The objects on the table that represent things like trees, buildings, hills and other features of the battlefield are collectively referred to as terrain. Detailed rules for terrain can be found in Terrain, page 35.

MEASURING DEVICE Players will often need to measure distances for movement, effects and other reasons. During a game, players can take measurements at any time, for any reason.

ESPER DECK The esper deck is a standardized deck of 42 cards which represent the esper units will spend to take their actions. Each player will need one deck. The esper deck is discussed in Key Concepts, page 16.

Units of measurement, including movement and all other measurements, are always listed in inches. To measure a distance between objects, measure the closest distance between the two objects from the edge of each of their bases.

Moffet and Valeria clash!



Relic Knights has several key concepts that are used throughout the game. Key concepts inform and shape how the rest of the rules function.

The idle section is where all units that are still in play but not ready are placed. A unit whose tracker card is in the idle section is referred to as idle.



Each player has an area near the battlefield called the dashboard. Each unit in your cadre is represented by their tracker card on the dashboard.

The linked slot is where a tracker card is placed if it is linked and going to activate this turn. The Linked [Unit] ability and its rules are discussed later. Units in the linked slot are considered idle until they are moved to the active slot.

ACTIVE SLOT The active slot is where the active unit is placed during its activation.

DEAD PILE The dead pile is where a unit’s tracker card is placed when it has been destroyed or otherwise removed from the game.

READY QUEUE The ready queue determines the order that your units activate in. Whenever a tracker card leaves the ready queue the remaining tracker cards immediately slide in the queue to the next available slot, from right to left.

DRAW PILE The draw pile is where your esper deck is placed face down.


A unit whose tracker card is in the ready queue is referred to as ready.

The discard pile is where spent and discarded esper cards are placed face up


Ready Queue












Idle Section 14


















“Here’s a trick you can’t do!”





“Move it you slugs! We’ve got a race to win!”





6-5 6-6 6-6 2-2



1-2 1-2 1

“There isn’t a problem in the universe that a lucky ricochet can’t handle.”

“Caution! My sensors indicate that you are on fire. Do you require assistance?”

Draw Pile

“Feel the wind course across your skin, there is power there.” “If you can’t fix it, BANG it back into shape!” ARF!

Betty-Tracker.indd 1

2013-06-20 5:33 PM

Malya-Tracker.indd 1

2013-06-20 5:37Pacer-Tracker.indd PM 1

2013-06-20 5:36Suicide PM Queen-Tracker.indd 1

2013-06-20 5:39 PM

Mr.Tomn-Tracker.indd 1

2013-06-20 5:35 PM

PitCrew-Tracker.indd 1

2013-06-20 5:36 PM

Rollo-Tracker.indd 1





40 3

2013-06-20 5:34 PM

“Me Lug. Lug love Betty.”

“You should have just paid. You certainly can’t run fast enough.”


Lug-Tracker.indd 1











2013-06-20 5:38 PM


HellsBelles-Tracker.indd 1


2013-06-20 5:34 PM

Linked Slot

Token Pile


Dead Pile

Discard Pile


MOVING THROUGH OBJECTS When an object contacts another object (including another model) that is smaller in size than itself it may move through the object, effectively ignoring the object. An object cannot move through objects their size or larger, unless it possesses special rules stating otherwise (e.g. thruster ability).

Movement is a large part of Relic Knights. Models will quickly dart across the battlefield as they engage their enemies and activate their powers. Whenever an object is moved, measure the distance the object travels from the edge of its base in the direction of the movement. No part of the object’s base may move further than the value indicated by the source of the movement.

A model may never stop on top of another model, all though it may stop on top of other objects such as terrain or tokens.

An object can change direction any number of times during its movement. Move the object the desired number of inches in one direction before moving in the next direction.

FORCED MOVEMENT When an object is moved and its owner does not get to decide where it goes, it is considered forced movement. This includes objects moved by compel, overrun, pull, and push.

When an object completes its movement; it is said to have stopped. There are some effects that can cause an object to stop before it has completed all of its movement. A player may also choose to stop an object without using its total movement.

An object subjected to forced movement can only move over open ground, regardless of their size. If the object comes into contact with any other object the object stops moving immediately. If the object it came in contact with is Size 2 or greater the unit suffers Damage 3. No damage is suffered if it began the forced movement already in contact with the object.

When a rule requires you to move an object, it will indicate the number of inches the object moves.

Forced movement may cause an object to fall off of elevated terrain, taking damage as detailed in Terrain, page 35.


Objects suffering damage as a result of forced movement may use damage prevention actions or abilities as described in Passive Damage, page 28.



The model moving around the corner has a speed skill of 6.

Free movement is any movement an object makes that is not forced. The most common free moves an object will make are its initial and follow-up moves, using its speed skill. Additional free moves include charges and feints.

First it moves 2” to get to the outside of the corner. Then it moves the last 4” for a total of 6” moved.

BOARD EDGE Objects may never move off of the edge of the battlefield. If an object using free movement contacts the board edge it may continue its movement in another direction. If an object contacts the board edge due to forced movement it immediately stops without taking damage.

CONTACT Many effects, actions and rules apply to objects in contact with one another. An object is considered in contact with another object if its base is touching the object’s base. Some objects, such as terrain, may not have a proper base; in these instances you use the perimeter of the object as the base.

PLACE When an effect causes an object to be placed, put the object in the specified location. Objects must be placed so that there is room to place each object so that they can physically sit, unaided, on the battlefield without toppling over. Effects that prevent an object from moving do not prevent it from being placed and vice-versa.

An object in contact with an enemy object can move away from the enemy object when making free or forced movement of any kind.



LINE OF SIGHT Line of sight (LoS) is used to determine if one object can see another and what objects (if any) are between them.

Object Fig.1 A Size 3

To determine if an object is in LoS of a model, check the sight window for any objects between the model and its target. To determine the window, look down from above the table and imagine a line connecting the left side of the model’s base to the left side of the target’s base, and then the same for the right side. The window is the area between these two lines.


The object is smaller in size than both the Model A and the Target B.

Size 1

B Size 2


WINDOW: The blue shaded area is Model A’s window to determine LoS to Target B

Object Fig.2 A Size 3

After determining the window, each object in the window must be identified as an obscuring object or a blocking object, using the conditions outlined below.

The object is only smaller in size than Model A and no blocking condition is fulfilled.

Size 2

OBSCURING OBJECTS Obscuring objects can provide cover (as explained below) but do not block LoS. An object is obscuring if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

B Size 2

• If the object’s size is smaller than both the model and the target. (Object fig. 1) • If the object’s size is smaller than either the model or the target and is not determined to be a blocking object from the chart below. (Object fig. 2)



After identifying each object in the window as obscuring or blocking, attempt to draw a line from the model to the target that does not cross any object or that only crosses obscuring objects. If such a line can be drawn the target is in LoS. (Line of Sight Fig.1 and Fig.2)

Blocking objects block LoS. An object is blocking if it satisfies one of the following conditions: • If the object’s size is equal to or greater than both the model and the target. (Object fig. 3)

If no line can be drawn that does not cross a blocking object, LoS is blocked. (Line of Sight Fig.3)

• If only the target is in contact with the object and the object is of equal or greater size than the target. (Object fig. 4) • If only the model is in contact with the object and the object is of equal or greater size than the model. (Object fig. 5)


• If both the model and the target are in contact with the same object and the object is equal or greater in size than one of them, and greater than 3” wide between them. (Object fig. 6)

A Size 3

Object Fig.3

Object Fig.5

The object is equal to or greater in size than both the Model A and the Target B.

The object is smaller in size than the Target B but is equal in size to the Model A, which is the only model in contact with the object

Size 3

B Size 2

A Size 2

B Size 3

Size 2 Object Fig.4 A Size 3

Object Fig.6

The object is smaller in size than the Model A but is equal in size to the Target B, which is the only model in contact with the object.

The object is smaller in size than the Model A but is greater than 3” wide and both models are in contact with the object.

Size 2

B Size 2

Size 2 5” wide A Size 3


B Size 2


Blocking Object Size 3

If the single line drawn to determine LoS crosses any obscuring object and the target is within a number of inches less than or equal to the object’s height, it has cover. If the target’s size is twice the size of the object or larger, the target does not have cover. (Cover Fig. 1)

B Size 2

Uses for cover are explained in more detail in Terrain, page 35.

A Size 3

Line of Sight Fig.1 Model A can draw a clear line to the Target B. Model A has LoS to Target B.

Blocking Object Size 3

D Size 2

Size 1

Obstructing Object Size 2 B Size 2

B Size 2

A Size 3

C Size 3

A Size 2

Cover Fig.1 The obscuring object is size 1. Target B is within 1” of the object and has cover. Target C is within 1” but it is size 3, so does not have cover. Target D is not within 1” of the object and does not have cover.

Obstructing Object Size 2

Line of Sight Fig.2 Model A can draw a line to the Target B that only crosses obscuring objects. Model A has LoS to Target B.

Obstructing Object Size 2

Blocking Object Size 3

B Size 2

A Size 3

Blocking Object Size 3

FACING Though models may have a clear direction that they face, there is no need to determine a model’s facing. Assume that all models can see in all directions at all times.

Line of Sight Fig.3 Model A cannot draw any line to the Target B that does not cross a blocking object. Model A does not have LoS to Target B.



reference cards. All units have a single esper type that they are aligned to, called their affinity.

Esper is the primal energy that binds everything in the universe. It is everywhere and it infuses everything. Some species harness esper through technology, others through meditation and mysticism, while some tap into it on a purely instinctual level.

The esper types to either side of a unit’s affinity on the wheel are sympathetic, while the esper type directly opposite of it is in opposition. Radiant and Void units are not sympathetic with any esper, and are in opposition with all three types included in their opposite. For most battles a unit will only be part of a cadre with the same affinity, but specific units or unique scenarios may allow alliances with units with a different affinity.

There are six types of esper: creation, law, corruption, entropy, chaos, and essence. A unit’s affinity is represented by the color of the faction icon on their tracker and







Shattered Sword



Chaos Star Nebula Corsairs



Black Diamond






= Corruption Entropy

Noh Empire

Creation Cerci Speed Circuit






DRAWING THROUGH YOUR DECK When the last card of the esper deck is drawn, play stops immediately. The discard pile is shuffled and reset as the new deck. Play then continues.

The esper deck is a deck of 42 cards, representing the esper that units spend to take their actions. Each esper deck is a standardized deck that may not be customized. Each player will draw from their own deck during the game. Drawing is never optional, whenever a phase or game effect requires that you draw a specific number of cards you must do so. Conversely, a player may never draw cards or look through their deck, unless allowed to by a phase or game effect.

FLIPPING CARDS Some effects require you to flip cards. Flipped cards are drawn from the top of the esper deck and revealed to all players. The effect that caused the flip is then resolved and the cards are immediately shuffled back into the deck. If the effect requires that you add up esper types from the flipped cards, count both the primary and secondary esper type on the card. With the primary counting as a value of 2 and the secondary counting as a value of 1. Wild cards count as a value of 1 of any type, chosen by the player who is performing the flip. Void cards count as 0.

Each player begins the game with five cards, called their hand. A player’s hand is secret and cards are only revealed when spent to pay the cost of an action or another effect forces them to be revealed. During the game, actions and their effects may cause a player’s hand to increase or decrease in size.


Cards that are spent or discarded during the game are placed in the discard pile.

Most units can store esper within themselves, charging themselves with power to deliver their most devastating actions. This stored power is called held esper.

The deck is made up of three types of cards: Standard, Void, and Wild.

Units gain held esper in a variety of ways. Some models naturally generate held esper when they are activated. Others can only gain held esper by refocusing or by having it transferred to them. When a unit gains held esper mark one circle on their tracker card for every point of held esper gained. When held esper is spent or lost, erase it from the card. A unit may only have as much held esper as indicated by the number of held esper circles on its tracker card. Any additional held esper gained above a unit’s maximum is lost. Standard


Held esper can be spent to pay the cost of an action or press. Each point of held esper spent has a value of 2 esper of any single esper type. When paying for an action a unit may use both held esper and esper from the player’s hand to pay for the cost of the action. A unit can spend any number of its held esper at any time.


STANDARD Standard cards have a primary and secondary esper type. The larger icon is the primary esper type. The smaller icon is the secondary esper type.

Held esper can also be used for other game effects, such as creating tokens for scenarios or triggering a Relic Knight’s esper expression. In these instances the effect will specify how the held esper is used.

A player may choose to spend either the primary type for a value of 2 esper or the secondary type for a value of 1 esper.

VOID Void cards have no esper type and a value of 0 esper.

WILD Wild cards have a value of 1 of any esper type chosen by the player. Held Esper Icons

When a standard card is spent, only one type of esper may be used.




Though all units can use esper on a basic level, some have the ability to harness it in more powerful ways. These units possess abilities that grant them one or more esper actions. The most common abilities that grant access to esper actions are Esper Initiate and Esper Master. Esper actions are detailed in General Actions, page 44.

Tokens are placed on the table to indicate the location of effects, scenario items, and other important conditions on the battlefield. When a token is created, place the token on the battlefield to represent the effect. Like models, tokens must be placed on a surface where they can physically sit, unaided. Tokens remain-in-play until the game ends or another condition is met that causes them to be removed.


Tokens are 30mm in diameter and have a Size attribute of 0, unless stated otherwise.

Transfer Esper


Tokens do not affect movement, LoS, or other in-game effects and rules, except as specified by the effect represented by the token.

Esper Cleansing Esper Thief Transfer Esper

Tokens that you create are considered friendly tokens, while tokens your opponents create are considered enemy tokens.



All units have a list of actions that they may take on their reference card. In addition to the unit’s own actions many units possess the [Esper Type] Initiate or [Esper Type] Master abilities (e.g. Chaos Initiate, Chaos Master). These abilities grant them access to esper specific general actions. General actions are actions a unit can use exactly like the actions written in their own card. The Initiate and Master abilities along with esper specific general actions are detailed in General Actions, page 45.

An Area of Effect (AoE) is a persistent effect that remains in play throughout the game. When an action creates an AoE, the active unit places an AoE token anywhere on the battlefield so that it is within the unit’s LoS. The effect covers the entire area within 3” of the edge of the token, including the token itself. Unless the description of the AoE says otherwise; a unit is affected by an AoE anytime it begins its activation in the area or enters the area during any move. Apply the effects of the AoE immediately then continue the unit’s activation as normal.

MARKERS Markers are a special subset of models that you may field as part of your cadre. The most common types of markers are boosts and objectives. Markers in your cadre are considered friendly units, while markers in your opponent’s cadre are considered enemy units.

A unit can only be affected by the same AoE once per activation, but multiple effects of the same type stack. The AoE token has a size of 3 when determining if a unit has LoS to the token. AoE effects that block LoS do not block LoS to the token itself.

Markers have a reference card that will list any relevant skills, abilities, traits and health that they possess. Often multiple markers will be condensed to a single reference card.

An AoE token remains in play until one of the following conditions is met, at which point the token is removed from the battlefield and all effects are lost:

Markers may not be activated in any way, do not have a tracker card, and are never placed on the dashboard.

• The unit that created the AoE creates the same AoE somewhere else on the battlefield.

Markers are affected by area of effect tokens, support actions, and other effects unless otherwise specified. Markers never benefit from any Cadre Ability.

• The player who created the AoE chooses to end the AoE during any friendly unit’s Clean-up Phase.

Markers may not be chosen to fulfill model specific victory conditions (e.g. Assassination or Defense of Life).

• Another action or effect causes the AoE to be removed. Units suffering damage as a result of an AoE’s effect may use damage prevention actions or abilities as described in Passive Damage, page 28.


RESOLVING RULES ISSUES In a perfect world no rule would ever have a mistake nor could they be interpreted in multiple ways. Unfortunately, this is not the case and occasionally rules disagreements will arise. In these cases first try to solve the problem through discussion with your opponent. If you absolutely cannot agree have each player flip three cards, then add up the total number of esper that matches their cadre’s affinity. The player with the highest total chooses the interpretation to use. If both players have the same total, both players flip another card until one player has a higher total.

Model 1 is in the area of AoE A.

Once the game is over, check the rulebook again to see if a resolution can be found. If not we encourage you to visit our rules forums at to ask your question or see if it has been answered via FAQ or Errata.

Model 2 is in the area of AoE A,B, and C. Model 3 is in the area of B and C.



While most games of Relic Knights will be played between two opponents, it is possible to play larger games that involve three or more players. Rules for a multiple player game of Relic Knights are largely the same as rules for a two player game. When rules require a modification from a normal two player game, the rules will be addressed in Multiple Player callouts like this one.

Some actions or abilities reference a unit while others reference a model. Effects that affect a unit affect every model in the unit. Effects that affect a model are only applied to the specific model, even if it is part of a squad with multiple models.

SHARING INFORMATION Relic Knights is considered an “open” game. Meaning you should make any and all information about your cadre available to your opponent during the game. They should always be able to easily see how much Health and held esper are currently on a unit’s tracker card, as well as letting them read your cards to gain a better understanding of your cadre’s actions and abilities.

FREE FOR ALL A Free for All is a game where every player is opposed to every other player on the field. In a Free for All all units that are not your own are considered enemy units.

TEAM MATCH A Team Match consists of games played by teams of two or more players. When playing a Team Match any unit on your team, whether controlled by you or another player, is considered a friendly unit.

The only exception to this is each player’s hand and discard decks which may only be seen by their owners, unless a game effect requires they disclose it. We highly encourage both players to read, at least, their opponent’s Knight cards before battle. Knights have a lot of impact on the game and battles are much more fun when both players understand what they are facing.

RULES PRIORITY Sometimes the rules given on a unit’s card or abilities will conflict with a rule presented in the rulebook. In these cases the rules on the unit’s card or ability takes precedence.



Before launching into a Relic Knights battle, players will need to determine a few things in order to get started. This section details how to select the game size, recruit your cadre, determine what scenario conditions you will be trying to achieve, and deploy your units.

Points: 100 Knights: 1 - 2 Ready Queue: 5 Slots Table Size: 4’ x 4’


Victory Points: 12

Adventuring in the Relic Knights universe is perilous. Each Knight relies upon trusted companions, ruthless mercenaries, or faithful followers to see them through. When players recruit their cadres, they must first decide what game size they will be playing. Is it a large game with many units, or a smaller game with only a few for each player?

A Battle represents epic encounters between factions, demonstrating the full fury of the Darkspace Calamity.

RECRUIT CADRE Your cadre is the group of models you bring to the game. Players spend points to recruit units for their cadre.

The game size determines: how many points each player has to recruit their cadre, the number of knights, the size of the ready queue, table size, and how many victory points you need to win the game. There are four basic game sizes:

Each unit has a cost listed on their card that determines how many points must be spent to recruit the unit. Squads have two costs listed. The first is how many points you must spend to recruit the squad at its minimum size. The second is the cost to increase the number of models in the squad by one, up to the squad’s maximum size.

ENCOUNTER Points: 35

The total cost of all the units in your cadre may never exceed the points allowed for the chosen game size for any reason.

Knights: 1 Ready Queue: 2 Slots Table Size: 3’ x 3’


Victory Points: 8

Players must recruit at least one Questing Knight or Relic Knight to be the leader of the cadre. All units recruited for the cadre must be the same faction as the leader.

An Encounter represents a scrap, ambush, or other small scale fight with a knight and their close companions.

If you are playing a game size that allows more than one knight to be recruited you still must designate one of them to be the cadre’s leader, who will determine your cadre’s faction as normal.

SKIRMISH Points: 50 Knights: 1 Ready Queue: 3 Slots

Example: Calico Kate is selected as the leader of a cadre. Kate is a member of the Star Nebula Corsairs faction. This means that all models in Kate’s cadre must also be members of the Star Nebular Corsairs faction.

Table Size: 3’ x 3’ Victory Points: 8 A Skirmish represents lightning raids, surgical strikes, or soda fueled brawls at the latest Cerci Speed Circuit race.

CYPHERS Each knight comes with a cypher. The specific cypher they come with is listed on their reference card and becomes a member of the cadre automatically. Cyphers cost no points, their value has already been figured into the cost of the knight.

CLASH Points: 70 Knights: 1 - 2 Ready Queue: 4 Slots Table Size: 4’ x 4’


Victory Points: 12

A player may only include one unique unit of the same name in their cadre.

A Clash represents fierce conflicts around key objectives between well-prepared forces acting on detailed plans.


BOOST MARKERS A player may include any number of boosts in their cadre, but may not include more than two of any boost with the same name.

OBJECTIVE MARKERS Each player will always have three objective markers as part of their cadre: one primary objective and two secondary objectives. Objectives are used in various ways during the battle to help the player achieve victory. Objectives cost no points and are always fielded with your cadre.


Suicide Queen & Rollo

Modeling unique objectives to fit the theme of your faction is a great way to add style and personality to your cadre. Just make sure the objective has the proper 50mm base.

MINION A player may include any number of minion units of the same name in their cadre.



Squads possess the squad trait. In addition, a squad will be either a unique squad or minion squad. A player may only include one unique squad of the same name in their cadre. A player may include any number of minion squads of the same name in their cadre.

Once your cadres have been recruited, each player shuffles their deck and flips three cards. Each player adds up the total number of esper that matches their cadre’s affinity. If both players have the same total, both players flip another card until one player has a higher total. The player with the highest total may choose to be the Hero or the Villain.

RADIANT Units with the Radiant trait have affinity with three esper types: Essence, Creation, and Law.

The Villain will perform the flip to determine scenario conditions, deploy first, and activate second.

Radiant unique and minion units may be recruited only by a faction whose affinity is the same as theirs.

The Hero will deploy second and activate first.

Radiant knights must always be the leader of your cadre. A cadre lead by a Radiant knight is not restricted to a single faction and may recruit any unique unit with the same affinity. Radiant knights may not recruit non-Radiant minion units. Radiant knights may recruit knights if more than one is allowed by the game size.

Example: Calico Kate and Princess Malya are squaring off in a battle. Both players shuffle their deck and flip three cards. Kate’s player flips a total of two Chaos (Kate’s affinity) while Malya’s player flips no Creation. Kate’s player may choose to be the Hero or the Villain.

VOID Units with the Void trait have affinity with three esper types: Corruption, Entropy, and Chaos.

We recommend that the Hero surround themselves in a glowing nimbus of blinding energy while making bold, brash statements throughout the game. Likewise, the Villain should shroud themselves in deep shadow and provide endless, megalomaniacal monologues.

Void unique and minion units may be recruited only by a faction whose affinity is the same as theirs. Void knights must always be the leader of your cadre. A cadre lead by a Void knight is not restricted to a single faction and may recruit any unique unit with the same affinity. Void knights may not recruit non-Void minion units. Void knights may recruit knights if more than one is allowed by the game size.




Scenario conditions are victory conditions unique to each player that change with every battle. Achieving your scenario conditions earns you victory points that help you win the battle. Each player has two scenario conditions.

When setting up the battlefield, players must designate an area of table (or other flat surface) to be used as the battlefield. The battlefield’s dimensions are determined by the game size you are playing. Players then place terrain on the battlefield.

To determine both players’ scenario conditions, the Villain shuffles their esper deck and allows the Hero to cut the deck, up to two times. Then the Villain flips two cards. The first card flipped sets the Villain’s scenario conditions. The second card flipped sets the Hero’s scenario conditions.

The battlefield should be built with input from both players to create a playing surface that allows both cadres to function well according to their strengths and weaknesses. Alternatively, have a friend set up a neutral battlefield for your epic conflict.

The primary esper type on the card determines the Primary Condition. The secondary esper type on the card determines the Secondary Condition.

Relic Knights functions best on a battlefield with lots of terrain, with plenty of height to block LoS. A good estimate is to have 2 - 3 pieces of terrain for each square foot of playable space on your tabletop, with at least half of it blocking LoS to size 2 and 3 units. Several bigger pieces for larger models to hide behind and take cover from ensures these centerpiece units don’t get unduly targeted.

If a wild card is flipped both players also gain the Crystal Harvest victory condition. If a void card is flipped both players also gain the Calamity victory condition. These conditions are available in addition to the primary and secondary victory conditions. After a wild or void card is flipped, flip again until both players each have their own scenario conditions. Any further cards of the same type are ignored. After all scenario conditions have been determined the Villain shuffles their deck.

BUILD A WORLD The battlefield is an ideal place to bring the Relic Knights universe to life. Well themed battlefields, built around the scenarios, factions, or locations, help enrich the atmosphere of the game, deepening the enjoyment for everyone.

Descriptions of each scenario condition and other victory conditions are discussed in detail in Victory Conditions, page 39.





Defense of Life

Secure Perimeter




Tear it Down




Grand Conjunction Realign


Crystal Harvest The above diagram shows a typical terrain layout. Your terrain should include a variety of sizes and heights to create a dynamic battlefield.


MULTIPLE PLAYERS HERO AND VILLAIN Hero and Villain are determined as normal. Each additional player’s order in deployment and activation is determined by the player who flipped the next highest total, becoming the third player, fourth player, etc. Continue until each player has been assigned an order.

SCENARIO CONDITIONS Each player is assigned their own scenario conditions.

CREATE BATTLEFIELD Multiple player games require more room to play. We recommend at least 4x4 battlefield for three to four player games. If five or more players are participating or if the game size is a Clash or a Battle we recommend a 6x4 battlefield.

DEPLOYMENT & READY QUEUE Deployment and setting the queue are treated as normal, rotating through each player until every unit has been deployed and all ready queues are set.


Serpent Priestess

If you are playing a Team Match, each player on a team maintains their own dashboard, hand, and esper deck. For all other purposes consider each team as a single player for Game Setup.



Players take turns placing objectives, boosts, and units on the battlefield until every model from both sides has been deployed. The Villain places the first marker or unit in each deployment step.

Starting with the Villain, both players must set the queue. To set the queue place a unit’s tracker card in each slot of the ready queue. Any additional units are placed in the idle section.


The game size determines the size of the ready queue. The ready queue must be set to its required number of units as long as there are enough units available.

Players take turns placing objective markers until each of them have placed all three of their objectives. Objective markers may not be placed within 9” of another objective marker, friendly or enemy.



Both players shuffle their esper decks and draw their fivecard hand. For the first hand only, each player has the option of taking one mulligan, discarding any number of cards from their hand and re-drawing back to five cards.

Players take turns placing boost markers until all boosts have been deployed. Boosts may be deployed near friendly or enemy objectives, or near other boosts. All boosts must be deployed before deploying units.

DEPLOY UNITS Players take turns placing units until all units have been deployed. Units may not be placed within 9” of an enemy unit or enemy objective marker.



Now that the battlefield has been set and your cadres deployed, it is time to play the game. Players will alternate taking turns activating units. The units will attempt to complete scenarios, destroy enemy units and accomplish other victory conditions. Playing the Game details how each player’s turn functions, including making moves and taking actions.

INITIAL MOVEMENT During its initial move the unit may move up to a number of inches equal to the first value of its speed skill. Once a unit stops, its initial move ends.


Beginning with the Hero, players will take turns activating their units.

Units are only allowed to take one action during their activation.

A turn consists of three phases: Beginning the Turn, Activation, and Clean-up. The player who is taking their turn is called the acting player. All other players are called the defending player(s).

Choose an action from those on the unit’s card or any available general actions. Pay for the cost of the action and resolve its effects. The different types of actions are explained in further detail in Actions, page 25. If the action player does not have the esper necessary to pay for any of unit’s available actions, or does not wish to use and action, the unit may choose to take no action this turn.

Experienced gamers may notice that there are no traditional rounds in Relic Knights.

FOLLOW-UP MOVEMENT During its follow-up move the unit may move up to a number of inches equal to the second value of its speed skill. Once the unit stops, its follow-up move ends.


The unit’s activation ends and the acting player advances to Clean-up.

At the beginning of the acting player’s turn, the leftmost unit in the ready queue moves into the active slot on the dashboard. This is the active unit.

REFOCUS Refocusing allows the active player to tailor their hand and gain held esper.

If the active unit has the Linked [Unit] ability, they may place the linked unit (the unit named in brackets) in the linked slot.

To refocus, the active unit forfeits their initial move, action, and follow-up move.

Once the active slot and the linked slot have been filled, any effects that are triggered at the beginning of the active unit’s activation are resolved.

The acting player draws five cards from the esper deck and the active unit gains 1 held esper.

An active unit’s activation consists of three phases, taken in order: Initial Movement, Action, and Follow-up Movement.

The unit’s activation then ends and the acting player advances to Clean-up.

Alternatively a unit may choose to forfeit their action and all movement to Refocus.

CLEAN-UP Once the active unit’s activation has ended the acting player begins the turn’s clean-up. Any effects that are triggered at the end of the active unit’s activation are resolved.


Both players determine if any victory conditions were met, adding any victory points gained to their current total. The active unit’s tracker card is placed into the idle section. The acting play may then discard any number of cards and from their hand and immediately draw back up to five cards. If they have more than five cards they must discard down to five.


If the defending player has more than five cards they must discard down to five. If they have five cards or fewer they may not discard any cards, but must draw back up to five cards.


If there is a unit in the linked slot, move its card to the active slot. This unit is now the active unit and any effects that are triggered at the beginning of the unit’s activation are resolved. The new active unit may either take a full activation or it may refocus.

In a Free for All players take turns activating units as normal, proceeding through the player order as established during Game Setup.


If there is no unit in the linked slot both players must reset the queue. To reset the queue each player must put new tracker cards from the idle section into any empty slots in the ready queue. This may include units that were just activated.

In a Team Match teams take turns activating units. During a team’s turn only a single unit may activate, but it may be a unit from any player’s ready queue on that team.

The ready queue must be reset to its required number of units as long as there are enough units left in play. A player cannot voluntarily remove a unit or change the order of the units in the ready queue. Jeanne Romee & Gallant Players will often favor their more powerful units when resetting their queue, leaving some units to spend much of the game idle. This is intentional as games of Relic Knights focus on the knights themselves and their struggles against one another. As units are removed from play, other units will find themselves thrust into battle.

FORFEITING Some effects can cause a unit to forfeit their movement or action. If a movement or action is forfeited the phase is still considered to have occurred, resolve any effects that are triggered during the phase as normal. If an effect causes a unit to lose or forfeit their movement or action they may perform the other phases as normal. An active unit may choose to voluntarily forfeit their movement or action.


ACTIONS When units attempt to destroy or otherwise affect one another or the battlefield they take actions. The action section details how to take an action, including how to make attack and defense actions, as well as how to apply the damage that may occur as a result.


PRIMARY Creation


Actions have the following components:

Corruption Type Cost



Action Effects

Chaos Essence

PRESSES Many actions allow you to press the action for greater effect. All presses include a cost and an effect. If an action includes multiple presses you may use each press during the action. You cannot use the same press more than once in a given action.

Action Effects Press Effect


Pay the cost of each press chosen. Any excess esper may be used to pay the cost of additional presses.

This is what the action is called.

Presses modify the action as specified by the press’s description.

TYPE Actions fall into a number of categories that are used to determine how they are resolved. Every action will have one of the following types: melee attack, ranged attack, psychic attack, guard, redirect, armor, recover, or support. These are described in greater detail in the Combat section.

• Increase: Presses that increase an effect replace the value listed in the action’s description with the value listed in the press. • Gain: Presses that gain add the listed effect to the other effects in the action.



The cost of an action is represented by a type and number of esper that must be spent to activate the action.

SUPPORT Support actions are actions that do not have a direct combat effect and may include bonus movement, skill enhancements, area of effects, etc. Once the cost of the action has been paid, immediately resolve the effect listed in the details of the action.

To pay for the action, use the esper cards from your hand or held esper on the active unit’s card. Any excess esper not spent for the initial cost of an action is lost and does not carry over to any presses the unit might use. Once esper cards have been spent to pay for an action they are placed in the discard pile.



Actions intended to attack or defend are combat actions and function a little differently than other actions. Combat actions are divided into two basic categories: attacks and defenses. Defenses can be further separated into attack prevention and damage prevention. Combat actions follow a set order of operation.

The Action Effects detail all effects that occur as a result of taking the action.


If a unit does not have a value for a specific type of attack or defense, it cannot draw any cards and may only use esper cards in the player’s hand.

Rin Farrah

Example: The active unit is making a ranged attack and has a Ranged Attack skill of 3. The unit is in an AoE that increases all attack skills by 1, making the unit’s Ranged Attack value 4. The active unit draws four additional cards. The target has a Ranged Defense skill of 3. The unit is in an AoE that reduces all defense skills by 2, making the unit’s Ranged Defense value 1. The target draws one additional card.

4 - ACTIVE UNIT DECLARES PRESSES The active unit may choose to augment the attack by paying for one or more presses. Each press will modify the effects of the action.

5 - ATTACK PREVENTION The target may choose to use a single attack prevention action (i.e. guard or redirect). If the target uses an attack prevention action, they pay the initial cost of the defense. Once the defense has been initiated, they have the option to press the defense, paying the cost of any presses used. After all costs for the defense have been paid, resolve the effects of the attack prevention used and then skip to Resolve After Action Effects.

What do you mean my guns don’t have a range? Projectile weapons in the Relic Knights universe have great range and accuracy. They are not confined by the close-quarters battles you will be fighting.

A target can only use a single attack prevention action for each attack they suffer.

6 - RESOLVE “HIT” EFFECTS If the attack was not prevented, the target has been hit. The active unit now resolves any effects that are triggered by the target being hit, (e.g. Charge, Pull).

1 - DETERMINE A TARGET When an active unit wants to initiate an attack action it must have a legal target. For ranged and psychic attacks, any enemy unit in LoS is a legal target. For melee attacks only enemy units in contact with the active unit are legal targets.

7 - DAMAGE PREVENTION The target may now choose to use a single damage prevention action (i.e. armor or recover) to prevent some or all of the damage inflicted by the attack.

Most actions, such as ranged, psychic, and support actions, do not have a minimum or maximum range.

If the target uses a damage prevention action, they pay the initial cost of the defense. Once the defense has been initiated, they have the option to press the defense, paying the cost of any presses used.

2 - PAY FOR THE ATTACK ACTION The attack action is initiated by paying the cost of the action as explained above.


After all costs for the defense have been paid, the effects of the damage prevention used are resolved during Apply Damage below.

Both the active unit and the target draw additional cards. The active unit draws a number of cards equal to the first value of the associated skill (i.e. melee, ranged, psychic). The target draws a number of cards equal to the second value of the associated skill.

8 - APPLY DAMAGE To apply damage, the active unit determines the total damage inflicted by the attack. The active unit adds any damage caused by the attack, including presses, and any other effects the active unit is subject to that increase or reduce damage.

If either unit is subject to an effect that increases or reduces their skills apply all of the relevant effects before drawing.


a different target as specified in the redirect action and in the original target’s LoS. The attack continues with the same effects and presses; the new target suffers all of the effects of the action.

Once the total damage has been determined, the target determines their total armor (if any). The target adds any inherent armor from their tracker card, any armor damage prevention action they used, and any other effects the unit is subject to that increase or reduce armor. A unit’s total armor may never be reduced below 0.

The new target may not draw additional cards, nor may they use attack prevention actions. They may use damage prevention actions and effects as normal, even if the new target is part of the active unit’s own cadre.

The target subtracts their total armor from the active unit’s total damage. This is the final damage inflicted by the attack.

If multiple units are eligible to be the target of the Redirect the defending player may choose the new target.

The target’s health is reduced by the final damage dealt. Record the damage taken on the unit’s tracker card by marking one damage hex for each point of damage taken by the unit. If this reduces a unit’s health to zero, the unit is removed from play as a casualty and its tracker card is placed in the dead pile.

For melee attacks, the active unit must still be in contact with the original target for the attack to hit, but all damage and effects are applied to the new target. The new target is not required to be in contact with the active unit. Effects that are dependent on the position of the target in relation to the active unit (e.g. Push, Pull) are resolved as if the attack was a ranged attack.

If the final damage is 0 or less, then no damage has been inflicted by the attack.

Example: The active unit uses an attack with the effects, Damage 6, Charge 6, and Reave. The original target redirects the attack to a nearby friendly unit that becomes the new target. Now the acting unit must resolve their Charge hit effect. The charge movement must move them into contact with the original target to make the attack legal. The new target may use a damage prevention action if they have the available esper. The active unit then applies the Damage 6 to the new target. Once damage is applied, if the new target was destroyed the active unit resolves Reave.

After final damage has been dealt, if the target has not been removed from play, resolve the effect of each Recover damage prevention action, ability, and effect (if any) the target may be subject to.

9 - RESOLVE AFTER ACTION EFFECTS Any after action effects are now resolved (e.g. Push, Feint) then the action ends.

EFFECT TIMING Most combat actions will have multiple effects that occur. The order that each of these effects are resolved in is detailed in Order of Operations, page 50.

DAMAGE PREVENTION ACTIONS These actions may only be used by the target of an effect that causes damage.


Armor [X]: An Armor defense increases the unit’s Armor by the number indicated. If the unit benefits from multiple effects that grant Armor, all of the sources are added together to determine the unit’s total Armor.

ATTACK ACTIONS Melee Attack: A Melee Attack is a close combat attack action that can only be made against an enemy target in contact with the active unit.

Recover [X]: After final damage is applied, a Recover defense heals the target by the number indicated. If the unit benefits from multiple effects that grant Recover, all of the sources are added together to determine the total amount healed. Heal is detailed in Abilities, page 53.

Ranged Attack: A Ranged Attack can only be made against an enemy target in the active unit’s LoS. Models in base contact with an enemy cannot make ranged attacks of any kind.

Recover can heal more damage than inflicted in the attack. Recover has no effect on a unit whose health has been reduced to zero.

Psychic Attack: A Psychic Attack can only be made against an enemy target in the active unit’s LoS.


Example: A unit with 3 health left of its original 8 takes 2 points of damage from an attack. The unit uses a damage prevention action that grants it Recover 3. After final damage has been applied, the unit heals the 2 points of damage from the current attack and 1 point of the previous damage it had taken. Leaving it with 4 health left.

These defense actions may only be used by the target of an attack in response to an attack action. Guard: A Guard defense causes an attack to miss. No effects of the attack occur. Skip to Resolve After Action Effects. Redirect: Rather than apply the attack to the intended target, a Redirect defense directs the attack to



They must pay for the cost of the action as normal and may apply any presses. Any effect of the action that would normally affect an enemy unit is disregarded, even if an enemy unit is the source of the passive damage. (e.g. damage resulting from a push or fall)

Overcharge: Overcharge attack actions may only be defended by Overcharge attack prevention actions. Normal, non-Overcharge, attack prevention actions may not be used.

When a unit suffers passive damage determine the total damage, total armor and final damage as described in Apply Damage above.

Normal, non-Overcharge, attack prevention action may not be used unless they possess a press which grants them overcharge.


Inherent damage prevention abilities such as Armor or Recover may be used against passive damage.

Sometimes a unit will be affected by damage that is not directly inflicted by an action, this is called passive damage. Sources of passive damage include:

If an action causes a unit to suffer passive damage they may perform a damage prevention action for the passive damage as normal.

• Contacting objects due to forced movement.

If an action causes a unit to suffer damage from multiple sources (e.g. from the attack action and from a fall) they may perform a damage prevention action for each source of damage separately.

• Falling • Area of Effects • Abilities (e.g. Belligerent)

Example: A unit takes 6 damage and is pushed into an object by the attack taking a further 3 passive damage. The unit already possesses Armor 2. It uses an action that grants them Armor 2, so their total armor now counts as Armor 4. The Armor 4 reduces the damage taken from the initial attack to 2. The unit may then choose to use another damage prevention action that is separately applied to the passive damage from hitting the object.

Anytime a unit suffers passive damage it may use a single damage prevention action to reduce or heal some of the damage. The unit draws no additional cards and the player may only use cards currently in their hand or held esper.

Captain Harker & Caeser

MULTIPLE PLAYERS Actions in multiple player games are straightforward. Only the acting player and the defending player (if any) participate. If the result of an action causes further players to be drawn into the action they may respond as normal. (e.g. A unit targeted by redirected attack may use damage prevention but not attack prevention.) All players participate in the Clean-up Phase. Any player who was not the acting player is considered a defending player.


KNIGHTS AND CYPHERS Relic Knights and Questing Knights are the epic heroes of the Relic Knights game. The universe revolves around these proud warriors. Questing Knights are individuals who have only recently bonded with their cypher. They are just beginning to master their powers and hope to prove themselves worthy of gaining a Relic. Relic Knights have proven their worth to their cypher and been gifted with the awesome might of a Relic. These death dealing constructs take the knight’s already formidable powers to undreamed of levels. Cyphers are the key to the Knight’s immense power. They are pure manifestations of esper and their knight’s psyche. Cyphers bond to their chosen Knight and give them access to the untold powers of the universe. It is also cyphers who eventually gift their knight with the ancient constructs known as Relics.

KNIGHTS Knights have four unique abilities that distinguish them on the battlefield: cypher [name], cypher bond, cadre ability, and esper expression.


Sebastian Cross & Rook

All knights are joined by a specific cypher. When a knight is recruited their named cypher is automatically recruited as part of the same cadre.

CYPHER BOND The knight is bonded to the cypher listed on the knight’s reference card with the ability, Cypher [Name]. At the beginning of their activation, the knight automatically gains 1 held esper if they can draw LoS to their bonded cypher.

Esper Expression Icon

Zineda & Spite



CADRE ABILITY A Cadre Ability is a special action or ability that a knight grants to their entire cadre, including the knight. The cadre ability functions exactly as if it were printed on the cards of the units in the cadre.

Cyphers cost no points, their value is included in their knight’s points cost. Cyphers do not possess attack and defense skills and do not draw cards when making attack and defense actions. Cyphers only use esper from their controlling player’s hand or any held esper they possess.

If your cadre includes multiple knights, only the cadre ability of the Leader is used. The other knight’s cadre ability is ignored.

A cypher cannot be targeted by any attack unless that action can specifically be used against cyphers. Cyphers are affected by area of effect markers, support actions, and other effects unless otherwise specified.

Cyphers do not gain, and cannot benefit from cadre abilities.

ESPER EXPRESSION Esper expression is an ability unique to Relic Knights. When a Relic Knight possesses held esper, they benefit from the effects described in their esper expression.

Cyphers do not possess a health attribute and are only removed from play when their knight is destroyed.

The effect of an esper expression scales with the amount of held esper the knight possesses. The effect of a knight’s esper expression is determined by the amount of held esper they possessed at the beginning of each step of each active player’s turn: beginning of the turn, initial move, action, follow-up move, and clean-up. Once the effect of the esper expression is determined it does not change until the next step of the turn, regardless of changes to the knight’s held esper total.

VICTORY CONDITIONS Cyphers are ever testing their knight’s abilities. Because of this they rarely take direct action towards achieving a knight’s goals. Cyphers may not be chosen to fulfill model specific victory conditions (e.g. Assassination or Defense of Life). Cyphers may not retrieve or carry tokens for any reason. Cyphers may not interact with objective markers.

Example: At the beginning of Kisa’s Action she possesses 3 held esper. Any held esper she spends during the action will have a value of 4 esper instead of the normal 2. She spends 2 of her held esper during her action. During her follow-up move she possesses only 1 held esper so the value of any esper she holds is now 3. Golden Vance & Minnow


SQUADS The universe is full of warriors and soldiers. These brave men, women, chee, aliens, and monsters do not possess the raw power of the many heroes and villains they are forced to do battle with. To help ensure success (and survival) they band together in squads, hoping that the many can overcome the few.

Cohesion Fig.1

Squads have several unique rules that govern how they function on the battlefield. This section will cover how to recruit and use these potent units.





Squads are groups of models that function as a single unit. A single tracker and reference card are used to represent the entire squad and every model shares a single set of attributes and skills. When a squad’s tracker card is moved to the active slot the entire squad activates.

This squad is in cohesion.

A squad’s point cost is listed with two values, X(+X). The first number is the base cost that you must spend to recruit the squad into your cadre. The second number is the cost per single model you may spend to increase the number of models in the squad by one, up to the squad’s maximum size.

Cohesion Fig.2



SQUAD SIZE Every squad possesses the trait, Squad X(X). The first number is the number of models that the squad possesses when you pay the base point cost for the unit. The second number is the maximum number of models that may be fielded in the squad.


This squad is in cohesion.

Example: Swordsworn have a point cost of 5(+1) and are Squad 3(5). The player pays 5 points to recruit the squad. The squad begins with 3 models. The player may then pay 1 additional point per model to increase the number of models in the squad up to a maximum of 5.

Cohesion Fig.3




This squad is Broken Swordsworn


Cohesion Fig.4


2” E

1” 4” B



2” 4”




This squad is in cohesion. Model A is within 3” of Model B horizontally and is within 6” vertically.


Models B, C, and D are at the same elevation so must remain within 3”. Model E is also within 3” horizontally and within 4” vertically.



All models in the squad must form a single unbroken chain where each model is within 3” of at least one other model in its squad. This is called cohesion. (See Cohesion Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).

A squad must always be deployed in cohesion.

MOVEMENT Every model in the unit can be moved as part of the squad’s initial and follow-up movement.

BROKEN During the game effects like forced movement or destroyed models can cause a unit to no longer be in cohesion. When a squad is no longer in cohesion it is broken. (See Cohesion Fig. 3)

Each model uses the Speed attribute listed on the squad’s card for its individual movement. Each model must complete its movement before another model in the squad is moved.

A broken squad must use any free move it makes to attempt to move back into cohesion by the shortest route possible.

Squads that begin a free move in cohesion must end the move in cohesion.

A squad that is broken may not perform an action of any type, including drawing additional cards or taking defense actions.

If a squad is subject to an effect that grants free movement then all models in the squad may move.


Immediately after a unit returns to cohesion it may function normally. The movement for each model in a squad is performed as described in Key Concepts, page 11. Since the squad must end their move in cohesion, make sure to plan out your movement before you start.

ELEVATED TERRAIN When a squad is interacting with elevated terrain, cohesion is determined from base to base as normal. The squad is allowed 6” of vertical distance to maintain cohesion. (See Cohesion Fig. 4). Elevated terrain is discussed in Terrain, page 35.




Only one action can be taken per squad, no matter how many models are in the squad.

When performing a melee attack all models in the danger zone may be affected by the attack.

When a squad initiates its action designate one model in the squad as the active member. The active member is the source of the action. All effects of the action are then resolved using the active member for reference. (See Active Member Fig. 1)

If a squad is subject to forced movement, determine the target and danger zone as normal. All models in the danger zone are moved.


AoE forced movement effects only affect squad models in the area. The squad suffers Damage 3 for each model stopped by an object of size 2 or greater.


Obscuring Object

Obscuring Object







Obscuring Object






Active Member Fig. 1


Model D has been selected as the active memeber of the squad. It is used as the source of the action when resolving all aspects of the actions against Target F.

Danger Zone Fig. 1

Model A is targeting a squad. It chooses E to be the target. The danger zone is the area 6” around and including Target B.

Held esper can be used in all actions taken by the squad, regardless of which model is selected as the active member.

D, E and F can be affected by Model A’s action. C cannot be affected because it is out of Model A’s LoS, even thoguh it is in the danger zone.

Some actions can only be taken when a specific model in a squad is selected as the active member. When that is the case it will be listed on squad’s card.

B cannot be affected because it is out of the danger zone.



Whenever any model from a squad is subject to the effects of an AoE, the entire unit is affected.

An active unit may target a squad so long as it can see at least one model in the squad. Designate one model in the squad to be the target of the action for the purposes of resolving effects. The area within 6” of the target’s base, including the target, is the danger zone. (See Danger Zone Fig. 1)

The effects of an AoE are only applied once, regardless of the number of models from the squad that are in the AoE.



Effects that target the entire squad as a single unit, affect the entire squad and are only applied once. (e.g. healing, buffs, debuffs)

When performing a ranged or psychic attack, models in the danger zone that are in the active unit’s LoS may be affected by the attack. Some models have ranged or psychic attacks that don’t require LoS. In this case, all models in the danger zone may be affected by the attack.




A squad’s heath is represented on its card by multiple health tracks. Each track represents the health of a single, non-specific, model. The squad only uses a number of health tracks equal to the number of models in the squad. Any excess health tracks are ignored.

When a squad is affected by a healing effect (e.g. Heal, Recover) health tracks that have been completely filled in may not be healed.

COORDINATED ATTACK All models in a squad are considered to have the Coordinated Attack ability as described in Abilities, page 52.

COVER If at least half of the models in the danger zone have cover, then the entire squad is considered to have cover.

SQUADS AND VICTORY CONDITIONS Designate one model from the squad as the active member when interacting with objectives and tokens. Squads may not interact with objectives or tokens while broken. If the squad has retrieved a condition token, it must immediately drop the token after any effect that causes it to become broken.

We find that it can be helpful to fill in any health tracks that aren’t being used before deployment. This helps clarify exactly how much health the squad actually has.

When a squad drops a token place the token on the battlefield anywhere in contact with a model from the squad.

Once an effect’s total damage has been determined, the squad determines their total armor (if any). A squad’s total armor is determined for the unit as a whole, not per model.

When depositing a token, any model from the squad may be chosen as the active member. Full rules for victory conditions are found on page 39.

The squad subtracts their total armor from the total damage. This is the final damage. Determine the number of models in the danger zone. This is the number of health tracks that may be damaged. Record the damage taken on the squad’s tracker card beginning with any previously damaged health track. When a health track is completely filled apply additional damage to the next health track until all damage has been applied. If there is damage beyond the number of models in the danger zone, any excess damage is ignored.

REMOVING CASUALTIES For each health track that is filled the owning player chooses an eligible model from the squad that is destroyed and removes it from play. Once all models in a squad have been removed from play the squad is counted as destroyed and its tracker card is removed from the dashboard.




The objects on the table that represent things like trees, buildings, hills and other features of the battlefield are collectively referred to as terrain. In general, pieces of terrain are passive objects that do not move or directly interact with other objects.

When a unit contacts terrain that is smaller in size than itself, treat any change in elevation as open ground, ignoring the vertical distance moved. When a unit contacts terrain with a size equal or greater than itself the unit cannot ignore the vertical distance moved. In these cases a model must either climb or scale the piece of terrain.

TERRAIN BASICS When creating the battlefield, all terrain must be given a size. The terrain’s size will be used to determine if the terrain blocks LoS and how difficult it is for models to move over it.

CLIMB To climb, a model must count the vertical distance they move (up or down) in addition to any horizontal movement they make. The final, total, distance moved cannot exceed the unit’s speed skill.

To determine a piece of terrain’s size you can you can use the rough guide of 1” in height equals 1 point in size. This is not a hard and fast rule though. It is best to go through each piece of terrain on the table with your opponent before the game to determine its size.

A model cannot climb a piece of terrain if it does not have enough movement to reach a flat surface to place its model on.

Different parts of terrain can possess different sizes. Things like building walls will have a different size than the floor of the building.

Example: A size 2 unit, with a speed 8 initial move wishes to climb a 4” tall building. The unit spends 2” moving into contact with the building. It then spends 4” to climb to the top of the building. Once at the top of the building it has a remaining 2” of movement it can use.

Terrain cannot be targeted by an action, suffer damage, or be destroyed unless it has the wreck-it trait discussed below. Terrain cannot be activated or take any action.



Normal flat, unobstructed terrain is considered open ground. Open ground does not hinder your movement in any way. The following objects are considered open ground:

When a unit contacts terrain with a size too great to climb, it may scale the terrain. To scale a piece of terrain the unit must be in contact with the terrain at the end of its initial move.

• The basic surface of the battlefield (i.e. the table)

The unit then spends both its action and its follow-up move to scale the terrain. Place the unit in contact with the edge at the top (or bottom if scaling down) of the piece of terrain, regardless of its height. The unit may not move horizontally when scaling other than what is necessary to place the unit’s base(s) on top of the terrain.

• The horizontal surface of any piece of terrain (e.g. walkways or platforms) • Sloping surfaces (e.g. ramps or hills)

In order for a squad to scale a piece of terrain, at least one model must be in contact with the terrain. All other models in the squad must be within 3” of the terrain. All models must be able to be placed at the top, in cohesion.

The units in Relic Knights are epic individuals equipped with all manner of thrusters, rockets, super strength, esper infused abilities, or 50 feet of good strong rope. This allows them to easily ignore or ascend surfaces mere mortals could not.

FALLING If a unit is subject to a forced move that causes them to fall from an elevation that they would normally have to climb or scale, they suffer falling damage. If a unit falls from terrain with a size equal to or greater than the unit’s size they suffer Damage 3. If a unit falls from terrain with a size greater than twice the unit’s size or more they suffer Damage 5.



A unit will never suffer falling damage from a piece of terrain that they would not have to climb or scale.

After creating the battlefield you may assign individual pieces of terrain specific traits to further enhance how it impacts the game.

A model may not voluntarily cause itself to fall using free movement. Units suffering damage as a result of falling may use damage prevention actions or abilities as described in Passive Damage, page 28.

Terrain is not required to have a trait. Complex pieces of terrain can have multiple traits. Traits can even be applied to specific areas of a piece of terrain to cause different effects depending on where the unit is in the terrain.



When measuring between objects on different elevations, measure the diagonal distance between each object’s base.

Broken ground is terrain that causes uneven footing or is otherwise slow or difficult to move through. Broken ground can include water features, treacherous ruins, or even the cautious movement through a minefield.

JUMPING Jumping allows a unit to move from terrain to terrain without requiring the unit to climb up and down. The distance between these two pieces of terrain is called the gap. A unit may only jump gaps.

Units ending their initial move in broken ground cannot make a follow-up movement.

CRYSTAL GROWTH Terrain with crystal growth has been overrun by the esper crystals that precede the Calamity. Esper crystals grow anywhere, any piece of terrain can have crystal growth.

When a unit contacts the edge of a piece of terrain during a free move it may choose to jump the gap to another piece of terrain that is nearby.

Units beginning their activation in contact with a piece of terrain with crystal growth gain 1 held esper.

A unit may jump any gap so long as its base can completely clear the gap using any free movement it has remaining. A jump must always be a straight line, directly from the edge of the original piece of terrain, across the gap, to the edge of the opposite piece of terrain.

BRING IT TO LIFE Terrain is much more interesting when the pieces have a purpose beyond just movement and LoS. We encourage you to make up your own traits to make your battlefield feel like a living world.

If the unit is jumping to a piece of terrain with a different size than the one it is currently on, add the vertical distance to the horizontal distance moved to determine if the unit can make the jump.

Navarre Hauer




Terrain with door can only be entered by one or more specified access points. Terrain with door can include undestroyed buildings, access hatches, and ship interiors.

Portal terrain represents a piece of terrain that is connected to another piece of terrain or point on the battlefield. Portal terrain includes teleport arrays, rift generators, and wormholes.

When you give a piece of terrain the door trait, designate specific points on the the terrain as the door. Units may only enter the terrain through the doors.

When you give a piece of terrain the portal trait you must also give another piece of terrain the portal trait. When a unit moves in contact with a piece of terrain with portal you may immediately place it in contact with another piece of terrain with portal. If the unit did not use all of it’s movement before coming in contact with the portal, it may continue its move.

FORTIFIED Fortified terrain has been reinforced to increase its defensive capability. Fortified terrain can include reinforced walls, hardened bunkers, and shield generators. A unit in contact with a piece of fortified terrain increases all defense skills by 1.

PROTECTION [X] Most pieces of terrain provide some form of protection. Terrain with protection shields and prevents damage from being inflicted on units behind it. Protection includes hedges, barricades, bunkers, trenches, and other defensive positions.

LIFT Terrain with the lift trait has some means to allow units to change elevation as part of the terrain. Lift terrain can include ladders, elevators and turbo-lifts. Units in contact with lift terrain ignore the vertical distance moved when changing elevation on the terrain.

PROTECTION EXAMPLES Protection 1: Dense wood or thicket Protection 2: Concrete barriers, ruins, nonmilitary buildings Protection 3: trenches, military buildings Protection 4: Ship blast doors, bunkers

When a unit has cover from a piece of terrain with protection the unit increases its armor by the number indicated. When you give a piece of terrain the protection trait you must assign it a number value indicating how much protection it provides.

STOCKPILE Terrain with the stockpile trait has been stocked with weapons and ammunition. Terrain with stockpile can include military outposts, armories, and ship weapon lockers A unit in contact with a piece of terrain with stockpile increase all attack skills by 1. Suicide Queen



TREACHEROUS [X] Treacherous terrain is particularly dangerous, potentially harming units that come in contact with it. Treacherous terrain can include particularly dangerous ruins, minefields, or even deadly living organisms who inhabit or ARE the terrain.

This section includes a small sample of terrain to provide ideas to build your battlefield.

When a unit begins its activation on or moves into contact with treacherous terrain it suffers an amount of damage indicated by the number.

Size: 1

BARBED WIRE Traits: Broken Ground, Treacherous 2

BARRICADE Traits: Protection 2


Size: 1

Windowed terrain has gaps, windows, portals or some other feature that allows units to see through it. Windowed terrain can include office buildings, parking garages, cages, and blasted out ruins

SECURITY TOWER Traits: Protection 3, Stockpile Size: 8

Windowed terrain does not block LoS.



Traits: Fortified, Protection 4, Wreck-it

Terrain with wreck-it is particularly unstable, fragile, or can otherwise be destroyed by units on the battlefield. Any piece of terrain can have the wreck-it trait.

Size: 3 Armor: 3 Health: 20

Terrain with wreck-it can suffer damage and be destroyed, removing it from the battlefield. When you give a piece of terrain the wreck-it trait you must decide how much health it has, if it has armor, or any other attributes that affect its survivability.

RUINED BUNKER Traits: Broken Ground, Protection 2 Size: 3

MINEFIELD Traits: Broken Ground, Treacherous 5 Size: 0 Dahon

RIFT GATE Traits: Portal, Wreck-it Size: 6 Armor: 1 Health: 10

OVERGROWN BUILDING Traits: Crystal Growth, Door, Lift, Protection 2, Windowed Size: Second Floor 3, Third Floor 6, Roof 10



Victory conditions are special tasks or goals that players must accomplish to achieve victory. Each victory condition a player accomplishes is worth victory points (VP). Depending on the game size being played, players need to gain a specific number of victory points to win the game (i.e. Encounter and Skirmish 8 VP, Conflict and Battle 12 VP).

Objective markers (objectives) represent various objects, locations, or goals that are important to your cadre. Each player always deploys three objectives: one primary objective and two secondary objectives. These markers cost no points and are used in every game. In addition to the marker rules found in Key Concepts, page 17, objectives also have the following special rules.

During each player’s Clean-up both players determine which victory condition(s) they have accomplished (if any) and add the number to their victory point total. When a player has gained the required number of victory points they are the winner and the game ends.

DESTROY Objectives can be attacked and destroyed normally by enemy units. Objectives have no defense skills and do not draw additional cards.

Victory points are never lost, even if later events in the game cause the condition to be undone. Example: If a player has achieved the “Secure Perimeter” Primary Condition they will retain their 5VP even if later in the game they no longer have the necessary secured tokens.



There are three types of victory conditions: Destruction, Faction, and Scenario. Destruction and Faction conditions can be accomplished by all players in every game you play. Scenario conditions are determined for each player during Game Setup.










Primary Scenario

3 VP

Secondary Scenario


3 VP

Destruction (Knight Slayer)

3 VP


3 VP


Objectives can be healed normally by friendly units. In addition, any unit in contact with a friendly objective may use their action to heal it. To heal an objective the unit may spend one or more Held Esper; for each Held Esper spent heal 3 damage on the objective.

2 VP


1 VP

Destruction (Unit Killer)

GameObjective-1.indd 1

2013-06-24 11:42 PM GameObjective-1.indd 1

2013-07-15 8:16 PM

POWER A unit may use their action to add one power token to any single objective (friendly or enemy) they are in contact with. An objective may have any number of power tokens, friendly or enemy. Power tokens may not be retrieved. There are three types of power tokens: infuse, sabotage, and secure.

WIPEOUT If a player’s entire cadre is destroyed they lose the game, regardless of the number of victory points earned.

An objective with a power token is called a powered objective. Powered objectives create effects that cover the entire area within 3” of the edge of the objective, including the objective itself. A unit within 3” of the edge of objective gains the powered objective’s effects.



causes them to lose health, then the unit immediately drops the token.

Infused objectives have been charged with esper. To add an infuse token the unit must spend 1 Held Esper. A unit in the area of an objective powered by one or more friendly infuse tokens gains one free esper of any type when performing their action. This esper may only be used to initiate their action and may not be used for presses.

When a unit drops a token place the token on the battlefield anywhere in contact with a model in the unit.

DEPOSIT To deposit a condition token a unit carrying a token must end their initial or follow-up move in contact with the deposit location specified by the scenario condition. Remove the token from the unit’s tracker card. The condition token has been deposited.

SABOTAGE Sabotaged objectives have been damaged or subverted to the enemy’s benefit. Sabotage tokens may not be removed. A unit in the area of a friendly objective powered by one or more sabotage tokens, friendly or enemy, reduces all defense skills by 1.

Once a condition token has been deposited it is removed from play and cannot be interacted with again.

SECURE Secured objectives have been claimed by a cadre as their own. An objective may only ever have one secure token on it at any time. When a unit adds a new secure token to an objective the previous one (if any) is removed. A unit in the area of an objective powered by a friendly secure token gains Armor 1.



A unit in contact with an objective may use their action to drain an objective. When a unit drains an objective one enemy infuse or secure token is removed.

CONDITION TOKENS Most victory conditions require that you interact with or create tokens of a specific type (e.g. conservation tokens, cargo tokens, etc). These tokens are called condition tokens. Only friendly condition tokens can be interacted with or used to fulfill a victory condition unless specified otherwise.




Defense of Life

Secure Perimeter




Tear it Down




Grand Conjunction Realign



Crystal Harvest

A unit may retrieve a condition token by ending its initial move in contact with an objective. The unit may then take its action to retrieve a token.


If a friendly condition token is on the battlefield a unit may retrieve the token by ending its initial or follow-up move in contact with the token. The unit may then retrieve the token without using its action.

There are many reasons knights go into battle, players are encouraged to customize and create new victory conditions. New conditions can be themed after a battle from the book or the setup for an epic grudge match between two favored opponents.

When a unit has retrieved a condition token, place the token on the unit’s tracker card. The unit carries the token until it either drops or deposits the token.

Likewise, modifying the number of victory points needed to win can change the speed of the battle. Fewer required victory points creates a fast format perfect for a lightning raid. While more victory points can increase the game time to create a long, bitter conflict of attrition.

A unit may only carry one condition token at a time.

DROP At the beginning of their initial or follow-up move, a unit carrying a condition token may choose to drop it. If a unit carrying a condition token suffers damage that






Use the primary esper type on the card flipped when determining scenario conditions to determine your primary condition.

Use the secondary esper type on the card flipped when determining scenario conditions to determine your secondary condition.



To accomplish Conservation you must retrieve one conservation token from three different enemy objectives and deposit all three at your own primary objective.

After deployment your opponent must choose one unit in your cadre. Place a life token on that unit’s card. To accomplish Defense of Life, you must deposit the life token at any point along the board edge furthest from the unit’s starting position. A unit may not voluntarily drop a life token.

LAW - SECURE PERIMETER To accomplish Secure Perimeter you must place secure tokens on your primary objective and on three enemy objectives. The objectives must all possess the secure tokens at the same time.

LAW - SIEGE After deployment you must place a secure token on all three of your objectives. To accomplish Siege all three of your objectives must have friendly secure tokens when any opponent draws through their Esper Deck for the first time.

CORRUPTION - ESPIONAGE To accomplish Espionage you must place three sabotage tokens on a single enemy’s primary objective and one sabotage token on each of their secondary objectives.

CORRUPTION - ASSASSINATION Before deployment have your opponent choose one nonknight unit in their cadre as the unit carrying the intel. To accomplish Assassination, you must destroy the unit carrying the intel.

ENTROPY - TEAR IT DOWN To accomplish Tear it Down you must destroy either one enemy primary objective or two enemy secondary objectives.



To accomplish Carnage you must destroy three enemy units.

To accomplish Heist you must retrieve three heist tokens from one enemy primary objective and deposit them at any board edge.

CHAOS - ANARCHY To accomplish Anarchy you must place a sabotage token on five different objectives, friendly or enemy.



To accomplish Grand Conjunction you must place three infuse tokens on an enemy’s primary objective and three infuse tokens on your own primary objective. The objectives must all possess the infuse tokens at the same time.

To accomplish Realign you must place at least one infuse token on three different enemy objectives. The objectives must all possess the infuse tokens at the same time.






If a void card is flipped when determining scenario conditions then both players may attempt to accomplish the darkspace condition. After one player has accomplished a darkspace condition no other player may accomplish it for the remainder of the game.

If a wild card is flipped when determining scenario conditions then both players may attempt to accomplish the wildspace condition. After one player has accomplished a wildspace condition no other player may accomplish it for the remainder of the game.



When a unit is in contact with an enemy objective they may use their action and spend 1 Held Esper to retrieve a calamity token.

When a unit is in contact with a friendly objective they may use their action and spend 1 Held Esper to retrieve a crystal token.

A unit carrying a calamity token may not voluntarily drop it and may not gain or use Held Esper.

A unit carrying a crystal token gains one free esper of any type when performing their action. This esper may only be used to initiate their action and may not be used for presses.

A unit may deposit a calamity token on any enemy model. The enemy model immediately loses any Held Esper on its card. The token is then removed from play.

When a crystal token is dropped it is destroyed and removed from play.

To accomplish Calamity you must deposit three calamity tokens on enemy models. After Calamity has been accomplished no additional calamity tokens may be created.

To accomplish Crystal Harvest you must destroy three crystal tokens, either by your own units voluntarily dropping them or by causing enemy units to drop them. After Crystal Harvest has been accomplished no additional crystal tokens may be created.

Harbonath, the Void Reaper & Keruv





Destruction conditions reward the player for destroying enemy units. Destruction conditions are accomplished as soon as the required unit has been completely removed from play. If one of your other victory conditions also requires that you destroy a unit, you will receive victory points from both that condition and the relevant destruction condition.

Faction conditions represent iconic or common goals that a faction tries to accomplish any time they go to battle. The faction condition is determined by the faction of the cadre’s leader. Cadres led by Prismatic or Void knights may choose any single faction condition from a faction with the same affinity. You may accomplish your faction condition in any battle you play.



Knight Slayer is accomplished anytime you cause an enemy knight to be destroyed. If multiple knights are being played you may accomplish this condition multiple times.

LAP TIME - CERCI SPEED CIRCUIT To accomplish Lap Time you must complete any other non-destruction condition before you draw through your Esper deck for the first time.




After the first of your units has been destroyed, note the unit that destroyed them. This unit is now the accused. To accomplish Justice you must destroy the accused unit. If the accused is a cypher, you must destroy the cypher’s knight.

Unit Killer is accomplished anytime you cause an enemy unit to be destroyed. This condition may be accomplished multiple times, once for each unit you destroy.



Retrieve two cargo tokens from your primary objective. To accomplish Transport you must deposit the cargo tokens at any point along the board edge furthest from your primary objective.

FREE FOR ALL In a Free for All each player is attempting to complete their own victory conditions. The first player to gain enough victory points wins.

SLAVE RAID - NOH EMPIRE Every time you destroy an enemy model place a slave token in contact with the model before removing it from play. To accomplish Slave Raid you must retrieve at least one slave token and deposit it at your primary objective.

TEAM MATCH In a Team Match each team only has a single set of three objectives and a single set of scenario conditions. Each team gains victory points as though they were a single player.


In a Team Match faction conditions are not used. Instead, the wildspace condition may be accomplished if any team has at least one faction whose affinity is Essence, Creation, or Law. The darkspace condition may be accomplished if any team has at least one faction whose affinity is Corruption, Entropy, or Chaos.

Retrieve booty tokens from any number of enemy objectives. To accomplish Booty Raid you must deposit two booty tokens at your own primary objective.

ATTUNE - DOCTRINE To accomplish Attune you must place an infuse token on both your primary objective and on one enemy’s primary objective. Both objectives must possess the infuse tokens at the same time.




Boosts represent the myriad forms of technology, gear, or artifacts a cadre will bring to battle. Boosts are markers that you may purchase for your cadre in addition to other units.


A player may include any number of boosts in their cadre; but may not include more than two of any boost with the same name.


1 1


2 - AMMO DROP: Friendly units within 3” of Ammo Drop increase their ranged attack skill by 1. 2 - COMBAT STIMULANTS: Friendly units within 3” of Combat Stimulants increase their melee attack skill by 1. 1 - DAMPENING FIELD: Friendly units within 3” of Dampening Field gain Armor 1 4 - DARKFIELD: Friendly units within 3” of Darkfield gain cover and Stealth. 1 - ESPER CONDENSER: At the beginning of its activation a friendly unit in contact with Esper Condenser may gain 1 Held Esper; then immediately remove the marker from play.












BoostCard.indd 1

2013-07-15 8:12 PM

3 - KINETIC DAMPENER: No unit, friendly or enemy, within 3” of Kinetic Dampener may make a follow-up movement.

ESPER CLEANSING: A unit with Esper Cleansing may spend 1 Held Esper to remove a single AoE token in LoS from play.

3 - MEDIKIT: A friendly unit in contact with Medikit may use its action to flip 3 cards. Heal 1 damage for each point of Creation.

ESPER THIEF: A unit with Esper Thief may target an enemy unit in LoS that possesses Held Esper. Remove 1 Held Esper from the target. The active unit gains 1 Held Esper. Esper Thief may target cyphers.

2 - PROXIMITY MINE: When any unit, friend or enemy, moves within 3” of Proximity Mine that unit suffers Damage 4. After resolving damage remove the marker from play.

TRANSFER ESPER: A unit with Transfer Esper can choose to transfer some or all of its Held Esper to friendly units. Remove any amount of Held Esper from the active unit’s card. For each point of Held Esper removed, a friendly unit may gain 1 Held Esper. A unit may transfer its Held Esper to multiple friendly units. Transfer Esper does not require LoS.

2 - PSYCHIC AMPLIFIER: Friendly units within 3” of Psychic Amplifier increase their psychic attack skill by 1.







SOOTHING GRACE: Heal 2 Target friendly unit in LoS Heals 2. - Increase to Heal 4

Remove one AoE token that is in LoS from play.


Units in the area increase all attack and defense skills by 1.


Units that begin their activation in the area cannot make an initial move.

REGENERATION: Recover 2 - Increase to Recover 4






Units in the area increase all defense skills by 2.

When an enemy unit begins its activation in the area, their controlling player reveals their hand and you select and discard 2 cards. The controlling player then draws back up to 5 cards.

FONT OF LIFE: AoE, Buff Units that begin or end their activation in the area heal 3. A unit can only benefit from the same Font of Life once during their activation, but can benefit from multiple Fonts of Life per activation.

LAW OF RETRIBUTION: Overcharge Redirect the attack to the nearest enemy unit. - Redirect the attack to any enemy unit in LoS.








Units in the area reduce all attack and defense skills by 1.

Units in the area reduce all attack skills by 2.

VITIATE: Recover 2


- Increase to Recover 4


- Increase to Armor 4

DECAY: AoE, Debuff

This area is size 10 and blocks LoS. Models can move through the area.

Units in the area reduce their Armor by 2 to a minimum of 0. If a unit does not have Armor, Decay has no effect.




ENTROPIC FIELD: AoE, Debuff, Damage 3

Choose an enemy AoE token in LoS. Replace the AoE’s token with one of your own. The AoE is now a friendly AoE controlled by you.

- Gain Piercing 1

HORROR: Overcharge, Push 12

BRIBE: Overcharge

Redirect the attack to the nearest friendly unit. - Redirect the attack to any friendly unit within LoS.


- Gain Damage 4






VIGOR: AoE, Buff

Enemy models in the area cannot benefit from Buffs.

Units in the area increase all attack skills by 2.

ERRATIC DEFENCE: Armor 3, Flip 3


Increase the bonus to armor by 1 for each point of Chaos. Reduce the bonus to armor by 1 for each point of Law. - Increase to Armor 4, Flip 5

- Increase to Armor 4

STAND BACK: Push 3 All models within 3” of the user are affected. - Increase to Push 5

MUTAGEN: Heal 2, Flip 1 Discard any number of cards from your hand, then increase the value of Flip by 1 for each card discarded. Increase this heal by 1 for each point of Chaos. Reduce the heal by 1 for each point of Law.


SPIRIT WALK: AoE, Buff Units that begin their activation in the area ignore objects while moving this activation.

CONFUSION: AoE, Debuff When an enemy unit begins its activation in the area, its controlling player must randomly discard 3 cards from their hand. The controlling player then draws back up to 5 cards.

ESPER STORM: AoE, Debuff, Damage 5

CHAOS SCREEN: Overcharge Redirect the attack to the nearest unit, friendly or enemy. - Redirect the attack to any unit within LoS.


TRAITS CONSTRUCT: The unit is created and functions due to artificial, nonmechanical, means. Typically this is the result of esper infusion or binding with an inanimate object. Constructs can have varying degrees of intelligence and sentience based on their purpose and the methods used in their creation.

AGHA: The unit is an Agha, also known as demon hounds, or Hounds of Nozuki. Agha are the most common Noh beast of war. BEAST: The unit is an animal, monster, or other low intelligence creature that must be bred or trained for war. BLACK DRAGON: The unit is a member of the Black Dragons, Black Diamond’s elite heavy infantry.

CYBORG: The unit is a flesh and blood being that has been extensively augmented with mechanical or artificial parts.

BLESSED: The unit is a member of the Blessed, the Noh Empire’s priest caste.

DAHON: The unit is a Dahon, brutish beasts from the demon realm of Nozuki. Dahon are known for being wild and temperamental.

CASTELLAN: The unit is a Castellan pattern mecha. The Castellan is a versatile military mecha exclusive to the paladin orders of The Six Peers.

DARKSPACE: The unit is an alternate version of another named unit. Darkspace units may be recruited into your cadre alongside the non-Darkspace version of the unit, provided they work for the appropriate faction.

CHEE: The unit is a member of the Chee species. The Chee species is entirely artificial and mechanically created and then given sentience by access to the Chee Interspace Network. The level of intelligence a Chee possesses can vary dramatically depending on the neural matrix given to it by its parents at the time of creation.

DIAMONDBACK: The unit is a Diamondback pattern mecha. Diamondbacks are the most ubiquitous mecha in Black Diamond’s service, but are not exclusive to them.

CODEBREAKER: The unit is a member of the Codebreaker Project, a secret operation seeking to unlock and harness the origins and power of the cyphers.

DIAMOND CORPS: The unit is a member of the Diamond Corps, Black Diamond’s largest division of security services.

CODIFIER: The unit is a member of the Codifier order. Codifiers are the Doctrine’s most common academy trained and sanctioned esper users. Codifiers can be found throughout Doctrine space and see to many of its duties.

DIVINES: The unit is a known worshipper of the Divines, deities whose six aspects reflect the six forms of Esper. GOMANDI: The unit is member of the Cult of Gomandi, the severed head of Nozuki who provided his wisdom and insight. HATRIYA: The unit is a member of the Hatriya, the Noh Empire warrior caste. The Hatriya value martial discipline and personal honor. HELL’S BELLE: The unit is a member of the Hell’s Belle biker gang, a low-level but rapidly expanding underworld racing syndicate on Cerci Prime. HUMAN: The unit is of the Human species. The Human species is the most prolific and diverse species in the galaxy, a trait that often leads them into conflict with other species. IMBACH: The unit is of the Imbach species. The Imbach are the oldest species in the Alliance. They are renowned technologists and archivers of ancient lore. KYOJIN: The unit is a member of the Kyojin, also known as the Unchained, a Noh Empire caste driven mad by their devotion to Nozuki and the visions he grants them.


LOREKEEPER: The unit is a member of the Lorekeeper order. Lorekeepers are Doctrine esper users who are practiced in martial and tactical disciplines. Lorekeepers make up the ruling order of the Doctrine’s military and defense forces. MALEAACH: The unit is a member of the Maleaach species. The Maleaach are self described Disciples of the Void and ride at the head of the Darkspace Calamity. MARMOD: The unit is a member of the Marmod species. The Marmod are a peaceful species who are often commended for their good company, insight, and ability to digest anything. MECHA: The unit is primarily composed of mechanical or artificial components but requires a separate, intelligent, operator to function. This can be a pilot, a remote operator, or an installed consciousness. NOH: The unit is a member of the Noh species. The Noh species values personal strength and are notoriously quick to anger. NOVITIATE: The unit is a Doctrine, untrained, esper user who has been enrolled in an academy or otherwise apprenticed to a Doctrine teacher. Novitiates are not yet a member of any order. NOZUKI: The unit is a member of the Cult of Nozuki, the Noh’s demonic hydra god. PARAGON: The unit is a member of the Paragon discipline, The Order of the Shattered Sword’s elite heavy infantry. PIRATE: The unit survives through piracy: thieving, looting, drinking, and murdering. Basically, living the life of a rogue and loving it.

SARVA: The unit is a member of the Sarva, the Noh Empire’s scouting and infiltration caste.

PIT CREW: The unit is the member of a mechanic crew and oversees the building and maintenance of a wide variety of mechanical vehicles.

SLAVER: The unit captures other living beings using them for service, sale, or sacrifice. The most notorious slavers are those of the Noh Empire slaver caste.

PURIFIER: The unit is a member of the Purifier discipline. The Purifiers specialize in battlefield triage and care for The Order of the Shattered Sword.

SQUAD: The unit is a squad and consists of multiple models functioning as a cohesive whole. SWORDSWORN: The unit is a member of the Swordsworn discipline, The Order of the Shattered Sword’s largest combat active discipline.

RACER: The unit lives for speed and is a participant in racing circuits, both legal and illegal, throughout the galaxy. The most renowned racers are those of the Cerci Speed Circuit.

TONNERRIAN: The unit is a member of the Tonnerrian species. The Tonnerrian species is built on martial tradition and devotion to the Divines.

RADIANT: Radiant units are mighty champions selected not just by a single esper type but by three combined: Essence, Creation, and Law.

VOID: Void units are mighty champions selected not just by a single esper type but by three combined: Corruption, Entropy, and Chaos.

ROBOTIC: The unit is mechanically created and entirely artificial. Robotic units possess no sentience or intelligence beyond that which it is programmed with.



ii. Relic Knight’s determine esper expression value iii. Make follow-up move

a. Game Size

01. Resolve during move effects

b. Recruit Cadre

iv. If unit is a squad repeat 3.c.ii. until each model in squad has moved

c. Hero and Villain d. Scenario Conditions

v. Stop follow-up move

e. Create Battlefield

01. Resolve end of move or stop effects

f. Deployment (All steps begin with Villain)

d. Activation ends, proceed to 5.Clean-up

i. Deploy Objectives


ii. Deploy Boosts iii. Deploy Units

a. Acting player draws 5 cards

g. Set Ready Queue

b. Active unit gains 1 Held Esper

i. Villain sets the queue

c. Refocus ends, proceed to 5.Clean-up

ii. Hero sets the queue


iii. Any additional players set the queue h. Draw First Hand

a. End of activation effects resolved

i. Hero takes first turn, proceed to 2.Beginning the Turn

b. Relic Knight’s determine esper expression value c. Determine victory points gained


i. If any player has achieved enough victory points to declare a winner the game ends.

a. Move leftmost unit to the active slot. i. Slide all ready models left

d. Acting Player

ii. If active unit has Linked choose if it will be used

i. Active unit’s tracker card is placed in idle section

01. place the linked unit in the linked slot

ii. Reset hand to 5 cards

b. Resolve beginning of activation effects

01. If hand is larger than 5 cards discard down to 5

c. Relic Knight’s determine esper expression value

02. If hand is 5 or fewer

d. Choose if active unit will refocus

a. discard any number of cards

i. If not refocusing proceed to 3.Activation

b. Redraw to 5 cards

ii. If refocusing proceed to 4.Refocus

e. Defending Player i. If hand is larger than 5 cards discard down to 5


ii. Redraw to 5 cards

a. Initial Movement

f. If a unit is in the linked slot place it in the active slot

i. Resolve beginning of move effects

i. Proceed to 2.b.Resolve beginning of activation effects

ii. Relic Knight’s determine esper expression value

g. If no unit is in the linked slot

01. Make initial move

i. Acting player resets the queue

iii. Resolve during move effects

ii. Defending player resets the queue

iv. If unit is a squad repeat 3.a.ii. until each model in squad has moved

h. Next player begins their turn, proceed to 2.Beginning the Turn


v. Stop initial move 01. Resolve end of move or stop effects

a. If unit is a squad designate active member

b. Take Action

b. Pay cost to initiate action

i. Relic Knight’s determine esper expression value

i. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

ii. If taking a noncombat action proceed to 6.Actions

c. Pay cost to initiate all presses (if any)

iii. If taking a combat action proceed to 7.Combat Actions

i. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

c. Follow-up Movement

d. Resolve effect of action plus presses

i. Resolve beginning of move effects

e. Proceed to 3.c.Follow-up Movement



e. If target is reduced to zero health i. remove model(s) from battlefield

a. If unit is a squad designate active member

ii. place unit’s tracker card in dead pile

b. Active unit determines a target

f. Resolve Recover

c. Active unit pays cost to initiate action

g. Proceed to 11.Resolve After Action Effects

i. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost d. Resolve effects that increase skill


e. Resolve effects that decrease skill

a. If caused by active unit

f. Active unit and target draw additional cards

i. Resolve Blast

g. Active unit pays cost to initiate all presses (if any)

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

i. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

ii. Resolve Push

h. If target is using attack prevention proceed to 8.Attack Prevention

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

i. Target is hit

iii. Resolve Compel

i. Proceed to 9.Resolve Hit Effects

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

j. If target is using damage prevention

iv. Resolve Overrun

i. target pays cost to initiate action

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

v. Resolve Feint

ii. target pays cost to initiate all presses (if any)

vi. Resolve Repair

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

vii. Resolve Knockback

k. Proceed to 10.Apply Damage

viii. Resolve Lifeleech


ix. Resolve Reave x. Resolve Heal

a. If target is using Guard

b. If caused by target

i. target pays cost to initiate action

i. Resolve Backlash

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

ii. target pays cost to initiate all presses (if any)

ii. Resolve Push

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

01. If unit suffers damage proceed to 10.Apply Damage

iii. the attack misses

iii. Resolve Feint

01. Proceed to 11.Resolve After Action Effects

iv. Resolve Unstoppable

b. If target is using Redirect

v. Resolve Repair

i. target pays cost to initiate action

vi. Resolve Knockback

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

vii. Resolve Lifeleech

ii. target pays cost to initiate all presses (if any)

viii. Resolve Reave

01. Excess esper beyond the cost is lost

ix. Resolve Heal

iii. Determine new target, the target is hit

c. Active unit resolves Unstoppable

01. Proceed to 9.Resolve Hit Effects

d. Proceed to 3.c.Follow-up movement

9. RESOLVE HIT EFFECTS a. Resolve Pull b. Resolve Charge c. Proceed to 7.j.Damage prevention

10. APPLY DAMAGE a. Determine total damage b. Determine total armor i. Resolve Piercing c. Determine final damage d. Record damage


ABILITIES ACT AS ONE: Models in a squad with Act As One are always considered to be in cohesion and are never broken.

CHANNEL ESPER: A unit with Channel Esper gains 1 Held Esper at the beginning of its activation.

Units with Act As One must deploy in normal 3” cohesion and then may move further apart with later movement.

CHARGE [X]: (Hit, Free Move) A unit taking an action with Charge must move in a straight line directly towards the target, up to the number of inches indicated. The move stops if the unit contacts the target or another object it cannot move through.

AEGIS: If a unit with Aegis is in the window between an enemy making a ranged attack and another friendly unit, the friendly unit gains Armor 1.

A unit may take a melee attack action that includes Charge as part of its description or presses when it is not in contact with the target, but only if the Charge distance is sufficient to bring the active model into contact with the target.

ARMOR [X]: A unit with Armor reduces the damage taken from each source by the number indicated. If the unit benefits from multiple effects that grant Armor, all of the sources are added together to determine the unit’s total Armor.

COMPEL [X]: (After Action, Forced Move) When a unit is affected by Compel, move the unit in any direction up to the number of inches indicated.

BACKLASH [X]: (After Action) When a unit makes an attack on a target that has Backlash, the active unit suffers an amount of damage equal to the number indicated. If the target was removed from play as a result of the attack Backlash has no effect. Backlash takes effect regardless of the type of attack that is used.

CONCERT: Squads with Concert gain special presses that may only be used when the named model has LoS to the target for ranged and psychic attacks or is in contact for melee attacks.

BELLIGERENT: All units, friend or enemy, that stop in contact with a unit with Belligerent suffer Damage 3.

COORDINATED ATTACK: When a unit with Coordinated Attack inflicts damage on an enemy unit with a ranged attack, the damage is increased by 1 for each additional model from its squad that has LoS to the target and is not in base contact with an enemy.

BLAST [X]: (After Action, Forced Move) When a model is affected by Blast all models, friendly or enemy, within 3” of the target model are pushed directly away from it by the number of inches indicated. The target model is then pushed the same number of inches directly away from the source of the Blast.

When performing a psychic attack the damage is increased by 1 for each additional model from its squad that has LoS to the target.

BRUTALITY: When a squad with Brutality inflicts damage on an enemy unit with a melee attack, the damage is increased by 2 for each additional model from its squad that is in contact with the target instead of 1 as normally granted by Coordinated Attack.

When performing a melee attack the damage is increased by 1 for each additional model from its squad that is in base contact with the target. COORDINATED DEFENSE: Increase all defense skills of this unit by 1 if any other friendly unit with Coordinated Defense in base contact with them.

BUFF: Buffs are actions that only affect friendly models.

A squad with Coordinated Defense may receive the bonus if all models in the squad are in contact with at least one other squad member.

After Action and Hit refer to when the effect is resolved, page 44.

COORDINATED FIRE: When a unit with Coordinated Fire makes a ranged attack on an enemy unit, the enemy’s defense skill is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) if at least two friendly models with Coordinated Fire have LoS to the target.

Free and Forced Move refer to the type of movement the ability provides, page 29.


CUMBERSOME: A unit with Cumbersome may not make a follow-up move if it took an action.

ESPER MASTER: A unit with Esper Master gains the Esper Cleansing, Esper Thief and Transfer Esper actions.

CYPHER: (Action Effect) An action with Cypher in its description may only target and affect cyphers.

FEINT [X]: (After Action, Free Move) A unit taking an action with Feint may move up to the number of inches indicated.

CYPHER BOND: The knight is bonded to the cypher listed on the knight’s reference card with the ability, Cypher [Name]. At the beginning of their activation, the knight automatically gains 1 held esper if they can draw LoS to their bonded cypher.

FLIP [X]: Resolve flip when its effects apply. The unit affected by Flip flips the number of cards indicated by the number. Count the esper types specified by the action and resolve any effects as indicated. Full rules for Flip are on page XX.

CYPHER [NAME]: Units with this ability include the named Cypher unit in their Cadre at no additional cost.

FLY: A unit with Fly may move over objects and ignores any changes of elevation during any free movement.

DAMAGE [X]: The effect deals an amount of damage indicated by the number.

FORCE FIELD: When a unit with Force Field is idle, they gain Armor 2.

DEBUFF: Debuffs are actions that only affect enemy models.

FORMATION: A unit with formation ignores other members of its squad, and other units of the same name, for purposes of movement and line of sight.

DEFENSIVE FORMATION: When a unit with Defensive Formation is ready increase all of its defense skills by 1. ESPER INITIATE: A unit with Esper Initiate gains the Transfer Esper action.

HEAL [X]: When a unit is affected by Heal erase a number of filled damage hexes on its card by the number indicated. If the healed unit is a squad, health tracks that


active unit’s base directly through the center of the targets base and extending to the board edge.

have been completed filled may not be healed. Heal has no effect on a unit whose health has been reduced to zero or have otherwise been removed from play.

Unless the target successfully Guards, every unit along the line, whether they are in LoS or not, is hit. If the target successfully uses a Guard attack prevention the Line misses and hits no units.

HEALING AURA [X]: Friendly units that begin their activation within 3” of a unit with Healing Aura heal by the number indicated. HEAVY: Reduce any forced movement this unit makes by 3”, to a minimum of 0.

If the target Redirects, determine a new line based on the new target. Only the original target may perform an attack prevention action.

[ESPER TYPE] INITIATE: A unit with Initiate gains the Transfer Esper action. In addition, the unit gains access to all Initiate general actions of the named esper type. For Example: A Chaos Initiate has access to all Initiate Chaos general actions.

Starting with the unit closest to the active unit resolve damage and any effects from the Line. Armor and Recover may be applied to a Line as normal. LINKED [UNIT]: The named unit in [brackets] is the linked unit. When a unit with Linked moves into the active slot, the linked unit is moved into the linked slot on your dashboard. The linked unit will activate following the active unit’s activation as detailed in the Playing the Game section.

KNOCKBACK: (After Action) If a unit affected by Knockback is ready, then its tracker card is moved to the idle section. LIFELEECH: (After Action) When a unit with Lifeleech removes another unit as a casualty, it heals 3.

LOOTER: (Free Move) When a unit with Looter retrieves a token, it may immediately move 4”.

LINE: Draw a line, 30mm wide, from the center of the


[ESPER TYPE] MASTER: A unit with Master gains the Esper Cleansing, Esper Thief and Transfer Esper actions. In addition, the unit gains access to all Initiate and Master general actions of the named esper type. For Example: A Chaos Master has access to all Initiate and Master Chaos general actions.

effects. Recover is applied only once after all the damage has been applied. REAVE: (After Action) When a unit with this ability removes another unit as a casualty, it gains 1 Held Esper. RECOVER [X]: After final damage is applied, a unit with Recover heals the amount of damage indicated. If the unit benefits from multiple effects that grant Recover, all of the sources are added together to determine the total amount healed.

MOB RULE: When a unit with Mob Rule makes a melee attack on an enemy unit, the enemy’s defense skill is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) if at least two friendly models with Mob Rule are in contact with the target.

Recover can heal more damage than the unit suffered from the effect. Recover has no effect on a unit whose health has been reduced to zero.

[TRAIT] OFFICER: A unit with this ability gains the Coordinated Attack ability when they are within 3” of a squad that possesses the named trait. It is considered a member of each squad that it is within 3” of for the purposes of Coordinated Attack.

REGENERATE: Squads with Regenerate may heal health tracks that have been completely filled, up to the starting number of members in the squad. When a filled health track has had at least one point of damage healed return the destroyed model back into play. Placing it in cohesion with the rest of the squad. If the model cannot be placed in cohesion the model cannot be healed.

OVERRUN [X]: (After Action, Forced Move) When a model is affected by Overrun, move the model in a straight line directly away from the source of the Overrun by the number of inches indicated. Then place the active unit in contact with the target model.

REPAIR [X]: Repair is a special type of Heal that can only affect units with an inherent Armor of 2 or greater, or with one of the following types or traits. • TYPES: Boost, Objective, Relic Knight • TRAITS: Chee, Construct, Cyborg, Mecha, Robotic

PIERCING [X]: When determining total armor, if a unit is affected by Piercing they reduce their Armor by the number indicated to a minimum of 0. If the unit is affected by multiple effects that cause Piercing, all of the sources are added together to determine the final value to reduce their Armor.

SHIELD GENERATOR [X]: When a unit with Shield Generator is ready, all friendly units within 3”, including the unit itself, increase their Armor by the number indicated.

PSYCHIC CHOIR: When a unit with Psychic Choir makes a psychic attack on an enemy unit, the enemy’s defense skill is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) if at least two friendly models with Psychic Choir have LoS to the target.

STEALTH: A unit with Stealth cannot be targeted by ranged or psychic attacks when benefiting from cover.

PULL [X]: (Hit, Forced Move) When a unit is affected by Pull, move the unit in a straight line directly towards the source of the Pull by the number of inches indicated.

SUREFOOT: Units with Surefoot ignore broken ground. TEAMWORK: When a unit with Teamwork uses Repair they increase the Repair’s value by 1 for each additional friendly model with Teamwork in contact with the target.

PUSH [X]: (After Action, Forced Move) When a unit is affected by Push, move the unit in a straight line directly away from the source of the Push by the number of inches indicated.

THRUSTERS: Units with Thrusters gain Fly during their follow-up move.

[PRESS] RAPIDFIRE: An attack with the Rapidfire Press may use the press multiple times in a single activation. Every time the Rapidfire press is used the effect of the attack and any non-Rapidfire presses are applied again.

TOW: After a unit with Tow completes its follow-up move, place a single model that was in contact with the unit at the beginning of its follow-up move, back into contact. UNSTOPPABLE: (After Action, Free Move) After a model with Unstoppable is subject to forced movement, move the model 2” in any direction.

If an attack prevention is successfully used against an attack with Rapidfire, the entire attack misses (in the case of Guard) or targets a new unit (for a Redirect). Armor is applied separately to each set of damage and


Star Nebula Corsairs


Captain Harker

Iron Chef




Black Diamond

One Shot Diamond Corps

Sophia Drake

Black Dragons Diamondback


Cerci Speed Circuit

Rin Farrah Princess Malya Mr. Tomn

Pit Crew Betty & Lug

Hell’s Belles Pacer


Shattered Sword

Sebastian Cross Rook Swordsworn

Isabeau Durand

Navarre Hauer


Paragons Austrican the Ogre


Noh Empire


Kyojin Berserkers

Kasaro To




Hounds of Nozuki Beastmaster



Warlord Mamaro To






Togen & Cecillia


Jacob Veronica

The Prefects



INDEX Damage Prevention........................................................... 26, 27, 28 Danger Zone...................................................................................... 33 Darkspace (Trait).............................................................................. 48 Darkspace (Condition).................................................................... 42 Dashboard......................................................................................9, 10 Dead Pile..............................................................................................10 Defending Player............................................................................. 23 Defense of Life...................................................................................41 Deployment................................................................................ 22, 32 Deposit................................................................................................ 40 Destroy................................................................................................ 39 Destruction Condition................................................................... 43 Discard Pile.........................................................................................10 Door...................................................................................................... 37 Drain..................................................................................................... 40 Draw Pile..............................................................................................10 Draw........................................................................................16, 22, 26 Drop..................................................................................................... 40 Elevation...................................................................................... 32, 35 Encounter............................................................................................17 Esper Actions............................................................................... 17, 44 Esper Affinity.................................................................................6, 15 Esper Deck...............................................................................9, 16, 22 Esper Expression.............................................................................. 30 Esper Wheel........................................................................................15 Espionage............................................................................................41 Facing....................................................................................................14 Faction Condition............................................................................ 43 Faction....................................................................................................6 Falling.................................................................................................. 35 Final Damage.............................................................................. 27, 28 Flip (Flipping).....................................................................................16 Follow-up Movement..................................................................... 23 Forced Movement.....................................................................11, 33 Forfeit............................................................................................23, 24 Fortified............................................................................................... 37 Free For All (see Multiple Players) Free Movement.......................................................................... 11, 32 Gain...................................................................................................... 25 Gallery................................................................................................. 58 Game Setup........................................................................................19 Game Size............................................................................................19 General Actions....................................................................17, 45-47 Grand Conjunction...........................................................................41 Guard................................................................................................... 27 Hand...............................................................................................16, 22 Healing.................................................................................. 34, 39, 53 Health..............................................................................................8, 27 Heist......................................................................................................41

Abilities.....................................................................................8, 52-54 Acting Player...............................................................................23, 26 Actions............................................................................... 9, 23, 25, 33 Activation........................................................................................... 23 Active Member................................................................................. 33 Active Slot...........................................................................................10 Active Unit.............................................................................23, 26, 27 Affinity (see Esper Affinity) After Action Effects......................................................................... 27 Anarchy................................................................................................41 Apply Damage.................................................................... 26, 27, 34 Area of Effect...............................................................................17, 33 Armor............................................................................................... 7, 27 Assassination......................................................................................41 Attack Actions................................................................................... 27 Attack Prevention......................................................................26, 27 Attune.................................................................................................. 43 Base.........................................................................................................7 Battle.....................................................................................................19 Battlefield............................................................................................21 Blocking Objects...............................................................................13 Board Edge..........................................................................................11 Boosts............................................................................................20, 22 Booty Raid.......................................................................................... 43 Broken Ground................................................................................. 36 Broken.................................................................................................. 32 Cadre Ability...................................................................................... 30 Cadre.....................................................................................................19 Calamity.............................................................................................. 42 Carnage................................................................................................41 Casualty......................................................................................... 27, 34 Clash......................................................................................................19 Clean-up............................................................................................. 23 Climb.................................................................................................... 35 Cohesion....................................................................................... 31, 32 Combat Action........................................................................... 25, 26 Combat Skills........................................................................................8 Condition Tokens............................................................................. 40 Conservation......................................................................................41 Contact.................................................................................................11 Coordinated Attack......................................................................... 34 Cost (Action)................................................................................25, 26 Cost (Unit)................................................................................. 7, 19, 31 Cover..............................................................................................14, 34 Crystal Growth.................................................................................. 36 Crystal Harvest.................................................................................. 42 Cypher [Name].................................................................................. 29 Cypher Bond...................................................................................... 29 Cypher................................................................................ 7, 19, 29, 30


Held Esper........................................................................8, 16, 23, 30 Hero...................................................................................................... 20 Hit.......................................................................................................... 26 Idle Section.........................................................................................10 Increase............................................................................................... 25 Infuse................................................................................................... 40 Initial Movement.............................................................................. 23 Jumping.............................................................................................. 36 Justice.................................................................................................. 43 Key Concepts......................................................................................10 Knight Slayer..................................................................................... 43 Knights......................................................................................7, 19, 29 Lap Time............................................................................................. 43 Leader...................................................................................................19 Lift......................................................................................................... 37 Line of Sight.......................................................................... 12, 13, 14 Linked Slot....................................................................................10, 24 Linked.....................................................................................23, 24, 53 Markers..........................................................................................17, 20 Measuring....................................................................................... 9, 36 Melee........................................................................................ 8, 27, 33 Minion Identification.........................................................................8 Minion.............................................................................................. 7, 20 Model......................................................................................... 6, 17, 18 Movement.................................................................................... 11, 23 Multiple Players..................................................... 18, 22, 24, 28, 43 Name (Action)................................................................................... 25 Name (Unit)...........................................................................................6 Objectives......................................................................20, 22, 30, 39 Objects......................................................................................6, 12, 13 Obscuring Objects............................................................................12 Open Ground.................................................................................... 35 Order of Operations..................................................................50, 51 Overcharge........................................................................................ 28 Passive Damage................................................................................ 28 Place......................................................................................................11 Playing the Game............................................................................. 23 Portal.................................................................................................... 37 Power.............................................................................................39, 40 Presses...........................................................................................25, 26 Primary Conditions...........................................................................41 Protection [X].................................................................................... 37 Psychic...................................................................................... 8, 27, 33 Questing Knight............................................................................7, 19 Radiant..........................................................................................20, 49 Range................................................................................................... 26 Ranged..................................................................................... 8, 27, 33 Ready Queue...............................................................................10, 22 Realign..................................................................................................41 Recover................................................................................................ 27 Recruit Cadre............................................................................... 19, 31 Redirect............................................................................................... 27

Refocus................................................................................................ 23 Relic Knight.....................................................................................7, 19 Removed from play......................................................................... 27 Retrieve............................................................................................... 40 Rules Issues.........................................................................................18 Rules Priority......................................................................................18 Sabotage............................................................................................. 40 Scale..................................................................................................... 35 Scenario Conditions.......................................................... 21, 40-42 Secondary Condition.......................................................................41 Secure Perimeter...............................................................................41 Secure.................................................................................................. 40 Sharing Information.........................................................................18 Siege......................................................................................................41 Size...........................................................................................................7 Skirmish................................................................................................19 Slave Raid............................................................................................ 43 Speed......................................................................................................8 Squad Size...........................................................................................31 Squad..................................................................................7, 20, 31-34 Standard Card....................................................................................16 Stockpile............................................................................................. 37 Stop.......................................................................................................11 Support Action................................................................................. 25 Target...................................................................................... 26, 27, 33 Team Match (see Multiple Players) Tear It Down........................................................................................41 Terrain............................................................................................ 21, 35 Tokens............................................................................................17, 40 Total Armor.................................................................................. 27, 28 Total Damage....................................................................... 26, 27, 28 Traits (Terrain)................................................................................... 36 Traits (Unit).............................................................................. 9, 48, 49 Transport............................................................................................ 43 Treacherous [X]................................................................................. 38 Turn....................................................................................................... 23 Type (Action)..................................................................................... 25 Type (Unit).............................................................................................7 Unique..............................................................................................7, 19 Unit Cards..............................................................................................6 Unit Killer............................................................................................ 43 Unit............................................................................................ 6, 18, 22 Victory Conditions............................................................. 30, 34, 39 Victory Points..............................................................................39-43 Villain................................................................................................... 20 Void Card.............................................................................................16 Void.................................................................................................20, 49 Wild Card.............................................................................................16 Wildspace Condition...................................................................... 42 Window................................................................................................12 Windowed.......................................................................................... 38 Wipeout.............................................................................................. 39 Wreck-It............................................................................................... 38


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