Release Technique Magazine_May 2009

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Description / may 2009

with Special FREE Retreat Offers… (see pages 10–17, 20–21)

subscription price $12.95

“This CD set saved my house from being foreclosed on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”  JZ, Florida “Two days after listening to How to Stay Positive I made $10,000.”  CC., Illinois

Graduates have been asking how to use page 82, on how to stay positive at all times. This 5-audio set shows you, stepby-step, how to accomplish it. Item #1056-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


“This CD set—helps me be

peaceful and feel harmonious.”

CT, New York

“Since listening to the set I no longer get stuck anymore.” HB, Arizona

Larry’s General Releasing Check-off List

This 5 CD set shows you how to stay on course— known as “Dr. Crane’s General Releasing sheet” on page 74A in the Abundance Course. Item #1057-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


The answer to how to handle the economy and rising prices! The last few months have given people enough reasons to worry about Free the future Hotel Night or in many FRee weekend areas see pg 5* of their lives. If you look at it, you will see that it is not what is going on in the world that is bothering you. It is the way we react to it and how it impacts our thinking and actions. So please, look even closer at this mental habit of worrying. Ask yourself, “Does worrying help anybody? Do you get anything done by worrying? Does it feel good?” Most likely, you will agree that it doesn’t really help.

Learn from the man that the millionaires train with, Lar ry Crane, self-made multimillionaire, best selling author and lecturer who coached John Wooden (basketball’s “winningest coach”), Joe Vitale, best selling author, Goldman Sachs, Wachovia Securities, Tom Hopkins (founder of Tom Hopkins International, the sales legend), and Catherine Ponder (author of many books including Secret of Unlimited Prosperity). Let Larry and his staff mentor you oneon-one in using the Release® Technique to achieve your goals. Learn from someone

who already knows how to make millions with Releasing.

If you are already a graduate (when you finish the Abundance CD or book, you are considered a graduate), be sure Worrying doesn’t help. So what to take advantage of the live classes as opportunities to perfect your Releasing should I do about it? Freedom is freedom from the mind and skills with others committed to achieving when you really commit to it and move greater freedom and abundance. into that direction you will be at peace no Basic Millionaire 101 Abundance matter what happens in the world. And Course tuition is only $495 if you register this is really priceless, isn’t it? up to two weeks before the course, $550 Make your life an effortless thereafter. The course is open to all


people who want to attend.

If you’ve al ready ta ken the live Imagine what it would be like if you Abundance Course class, you can repeat were always happy no matter what is happening. Not only will you feel a the live class for only $350. Space is at a premium and the course lot better, but you will also be in that Courageous and Accepting Energy will be filled on a first-come basis. Enroll now for the Live Abundance that makes you a winner in all areas of your life. Course in your area. continued on page 5


To register, call toll-free now 1-888-RELESE-1 (888-735-3731) or 818-279-2438, or register online and receive a Lester download worth $25 FREE.

Open to Graduates and Non-Graduates

Free * Hotel Night see below*

Washington, DC May 1–3

Los Angeles May 1–3

Cleveland, OH May 15–17

Kansas City, KS May 15–17

Charleston, SC May 15-17

Nashville, TN May 29–31

Cincinnati, OH May 29–31

Sacramento, CA May 29–31

Hawaii June 5–7

Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX June 5–7

Minneapolis, MN June 5–7

Charlotte, NC June 12–14

Las Vegas, NV June 12–14

Seattle, WA June 12–14

Austin, TX June 26–28

New York City June 26–28

Creste Butte, CO July 10–12

Oklahoma City, OK July 17–19

Pittsburgh, PA July 24–26

Houston, TX July 24–26

The live three-day Millionaire 101 Abundance Courses are powerful weekend intensives—Friday evening, 7:30–­9 :30 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Sunday, 9:00 a.m.–­5:30 p.m. This course is open to graduates and non-graduates, so please allow your friends to learn this amazing technique. Bring a friend who has not attended a live class and save $100 off the regular price for yourself and $100 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $200, bring 3 friends and save $300, bring 4 friends and save $400, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE! Plus each friend saves $100 off the regular price.

Our newly implemented “BUTT” System

Learn to Love Yourself totally Have Perfect Health the natural way

• Understand and put in practice the principles of the law of attraction—fast • Learn much faster with the Accelerated Learning System

• Realize greater gains from Releasing faster than ever before • Apply The Release® Technique to maximum advantage in all areas of your life • Ensure you get the most “bang for your buck” from every live training

Get a

night at a participating hotel when you attend a LIVE class Call 1-888-RELESE-1 (1-888-735-3731) or 818-279-2438

Bring 5 new people and stay the entire weekend for FREE! *Value up to $100 with registration. Limited promotion. Subject to change without notice.

Tax Deductible—An income tax deduction is allowed for education expenses undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills–including registration fees, travel, meals, and lodging.


the Third Way to Release is a Decision.

Say, Yes and Let it Go. by Dennis Sullivan

Would you like to release a lot faster? Then use the Third Way to Release. Larry points out to us that the “Third Way to Release” by letting go of wanting approval, wanting control, and wanting to be safe does not require you to get in touch with energy, a contraction or clutching feeling, in your body. During the Abundance Course we learn to let energy in our stomach or chest pass through a door. That method is the First Way to Release. It is called the “Kinesthetic Way of Releasing.” Many releasers think they should continue to use the First Way to Release, get in touch with the clutching or contraction feeling in their stomach or chest, when they release wanting approval, wanting control, and wanting to be safe. That is mixing up the First Way to Release and the Third Way to Release. The Kinesthetic Method is not needed when you release “the wants.” The First Way to Release, the Kinesthetic Method, is not wrong. It is good, otherwise Larry wouldn’t teach it to us. Lester said that “Every aid is a good aid, be it Gatorade.” It’s just that getting in touch with unwanted energy in our stomach or chest is slow. We have thousands of feelings. If we have to let them go one feeling at a time, it could take a long time. With the Third Way to Release, when we let go of Wanting Approval, Wanting Control or Wanting to be Safe in any feeling, we are letting a bit of it go in all the feelings all across the Chart of Emotions. That is why the Third Way to Release is a much more effective and quicker way to release.


the Third Way to Release corresponds to Step Three of the Six Steps. “See all your feelings culminate in three wants, the want of approval, want of control and want of security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of approval, want of control and the want of security/survival” ( Generally we use wanting safety, but you can use wanting security or wanting survival if you want to.) Step Three is the Third Way to Release. Here is the key point: see the want behind the feeling immediately, and immediately let it go. Lester said, immediately. He meant immediately, right now, instantly. Larry likes to say, don’t let the feeling get further than your nose before you let it go. See the feeling as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe and immediately let go of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe. That is the Third and most effective way to release. You do not have to locate a feeling in your body and open the door with the Third Way to Release. You can use that method, it works. It is just slower and doesn’t release the “wants” in all the feelings all across the chart. When you are using the Third Way to Release, you may notice clutching or contraction in your stomach or chest. Once you have asked yourself is that wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and let it go, if you want to, you can open the door and let the energy leave, but it is not required and it can slow down your releasing. continued on page 7

The Third Way cont. from page 6

When we do attachments and aversions, we use the First Way to Release, the Kinesthetic Way, when we squeeze the lemon, and the Third Way to Release for the other parts of the exercise. Even when you use the Kinesthetic way, it’s good to always clean-up, to finish up, by asking, “is it wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe?” and immediately let go of the want. How long does it take to release? No time, it’s immediate. Pull the splinter out, but pull it out fast rather than slow. And, remember, we are letting go of the lacking feeling. Wanting approval is a lacking approval feeling. Wanting control is a lacking control, out of control, feeling. And wanting to be safe is a lacking safety feeling. It is most effective to say, can you let go of the lacking approval (or lacking control, out of control, or lacking safety) feeling? If you are not getting in touch with energy in your body, what are you using when you employ the Third Way to Release? The Third Way to Release is a decision. Can you let it go? Yes. Can I let it go? Yes. It is simply a decision. Decide to do the method and be imperturbable. Immediately see the want and immediately let it go. Decide to release. Can you let it go, Yes. It takes a split second to see the want and let it go. The Second Way to Release is also simply a decision. Let go of figuring it out or asking your mind for answers it doesn’t have, let go of disapproving of yourself, and give yourself approval. It is just a decision. It goes like this: Can you let go of figuring it out? (or, can you let go of asking your mind?) It’s a decision. Yes. Can you let of disapproving of yourself? Yes. Can you give yourself some approval? Yes.

The Third Way to Release is effective because it is immediate and covers all the feelings on the Chart of Emotions. It is also effective because we can use it “on the run.” A driver cuts you off. In that split second, you can let go of feeling out of control or lacking safety. You can’t find your luggage claim check at the airport. Let go of the lacking, out of control feeling instantly and regain control. You don’t know what to do about a situation. Let go of figuring it out immediately. Let go of disapproving of yourself, in that split second. And, give yourself approval. It takes but a second or two, and you are back to Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. The Third Way to Release lets you release constantly, all day long. See the want and immediately let it go. Some, who are new to this, might say, “I’m not sure I can let go of wanting approval,” for example. Or, they might say, “I’m not sure I want to let go of wanting control,” for example. They misunderstand. No one is saying you shouldn’t have approval. In fact, you have all the love and approval in the universe, right inside you. It is the wanting, the want, the lacking feeling that we let go, so we can have approval. Want equals lack, right? So we let go of the want, the wanting, and move into having. Wanting control, lacking control, is what we let go of, so we can have control. The wanting safety, lacking safety feeling doesn’t help us. We let it go, and we have safety and security. Try it. Prove it yourself. It is a decision. Say, Yes. Immediately let go of wanting approval, wanting control and wanting to be safe. It is simple. It is easy. It is quick. Use the Third Step, the Third Way to Release and accelerate your releasing.


The answer to how to handle the economy and rising prices!

Graduates have been asking how to use the “BUTT” system. Now, for the first time, we have a 5-audio set that shows you how to successfully use this great system. Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

by Larry Crane

“…and let the other person have it your way.”

Lester Levenson

For years, graduates have been requesting a set of CDs on how to give yourself approval. We’ve compiled a set of 5 CDs we think you will enjoy. Item #1054-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


! s w e N g n i t i c x E

You Can Now Get The Magazine Digitally! Send us your email address and receive the monthly Release newsletter digitally! You will get it immediately– receive all the information faster. Send your email to: [email protected]


$500 SAVE UP BhY SIGN Y 15t MA

If you’re interested in If you’re interested in



at Camp Allen Conference & Retreat Center outside of Houston, Texas If you still have issues or problems, then you are not there yet, and by “there” I mean “There” with a capital “T.” That state of complete Freedom in everything you do or have, that unshakable peace that Lester knew.

Are you where you The most amazing promise… want to be? I’m so sure this program • Have you accomplished works that we will work all you thought you with you FOREVER until you would by now? become a MILLIONAIRE or • Do you have all the accomplish the goal you came money you deserve? to the retreat for. Are you healthy? Are you in the relationships you have always wanted • D o yo u h ave a n to be in? abundant cash flow? If not, I’d like to • Do you have radiant health? challenge you to up level • Are your relationships all areas of you life. all loving? • Do you have rock-solid Starting today peace? I invite you to • How effortless are you? finally ma ke the • Is there anyone or a ny t h i ng t hat st i l l decision to have all disturbs your peace of your highest Goals and Dreams! mind?


H a s a nyo n e eve r challenged you to go after those dreams? To have all the money you will ever use? To be abundantly healthy once and for all? To be in love all the time? To have the peace of mind you deserve?

being a all the

you will ever want

MAY 18–24

Memorial Day weekend

LEARN secrets that have turned ordinary people, step by step, into MILLIONAIRES

We will also be featuring The Health and Fitness Mastery Course material during the course. Well, I want to challenge you! Introducing a week long transformational experience where I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the new and better life you always envisioned for yourself! Over the years I’ve conducted a number of training courses, but nothing compares to the week-long life changing experience I have in store for you May 18th through May 24th. I will share with you Lester’s secrets by teaching you transformational exercises, group activities, accelerated learning techniques and life-actualizing exercises in a 7-day Retreat that is astounding. On day one, we will determine what you want out of your life. Then, layer upon layer, we will work together to literally

★ ★ ★ ★

turn you into the person who can confidently create SPECIAL OFFER and maximize these goals. In honour of You’ll learn to let go of the subconscious benefits Lester’s Birthday that are keeping you from Bring a friend who has not attended a 7-Day creating the life that you Retreat and save $200 want. I’ll help you erase off the regular price misconceptions you may for yourself and $200 have picked up along for your friend! Bring 2 the way that are literally friends and save $400, sabotaging you. I’ll even bring 3 friends and save give you the tools to acquire $600, bring 4 friends literally anything you want and save $800, bring to attain, with ease. 5 friends and you go You’ll not only master for FREE! Plus each friend saves $200 off the Lester’s success secrets regular price. you need to create the life of your dreams—but also Bring 5 new through the experience you people and stay will learn how to rapidly the entire week apply these techniques to at the retreat for FREE! your own life, allowing you to attain unlimited Includes room, food & transportation. Beginners success and more positive, package also gets the lasting changes during this Abundance CD set for FREE fabulous week. Limited time offer. Subject to change. continued on page 14


While that may sound like a bold statement, it’s one I am confident in making. Why? Because the techniques I teach always work. You simply have to put them to work for you. And I will show you how—when you join me at the Retreat. The training has new Breakthrough Techniques that have been working for hundreds of attendees. Over 7 Full days, I can’t think of a single Aspect of Personal or Professional Fulfillment we won’t cover. Of course you won’t just learn these life-changing techniques—you will experience them during the Retreat and know exactly how to apply them to your life to transform yourself to success. You, too, will master the material—but you’ll also experience the necessary shifts required to create the life you want— before you leave the training. It’s the only proven way to make lasting, positive changes in your life. A Program Unlike Any Other “Success Training” You’ve Even Seen or Heard Of There’s a reason why this program is different from other success and achievement trainings . . . . It’s NOT just another feel-good experience where you leave feeling great but realize a few weeks later that nothing has really changed. Instead, it’s a complete participatory experience in which you’ll actually feel and see things change right before your very eyes. You’ll participate in very special exercises which will help you to make life changes quickly and easily. 12

Additionally, most other success trainers teach you to immediately hit the gas pedal—by setting goals, forming mastermind groups, doing affirmations and more. But very few people do the in-depth work necessary to help you release the past, so the future can show up more fully. Plus, unlike a lot of the “wealth” trainings you may have attended, this Retreat focuses on the “complete you”— because there’s simply so much more that could be part of an abundant life than just money. In one week, I’ll introduce you to ALL the abundance that’s available to you— and help you define total abundance for yourself. You’ll begin to experience more of life’s riches starting the minute you return home from the program.

You’ll be experiencing

exciting new achievements

immediately! What kinds of results could YOU expect from a unique and unprecedented program like this? To Begin With, Get Ready to Boost Your Income and Start Enjoying Unparalleled Abundance in Your Life If you want to earn more money to buy the things you want and have more income to support the lifestyle you dream of, I guarantee you’ll discover dozens of techniques designed to introduce you to the opportunities, people and situations that can substantially increase your income. You’ll also discover that, while money is not the sole measure of success, the reality is that there is nothing wrong about having it. continued on page 13

$200,000 Shows Up “This money thing has been amazing to me—$100 or more = $150 on Jan. 24. $1,000 or more = $1032 on Jan 31. $10,000 or more = $20,259.72 on Feb. 4. $100,000 or more = piece of land valued at $200,000 on Feb. 8. $1,000,000 or more—still waiting but accepting anything is possible as I continue to Release.” W.P., Nevada $40,000 Gain “Although I have been releasing on mostly health and relationship issues over the past 12 months, I have had a number financial gains—e.g., salary increases and other bonuses, money saved from stopping vitamin and supplement intake, and gains from having a near-zero vacancy rate in my property business. These gains are worth around $40,000 a year—that’s a return of nearly 500% in the first year on the investment I have made so far in release classes and products (and I have bought every single product!). Thanks Larry & team for your help.” Ifty Bashir, London, UK Lets Go of Grief of Recent Death “I arrived at the retreat with a lot of grief due to the recent death of a lifetime friend of 50 years. I was able to overcome the grief and move on to a very high place. From that place I have a fresh perspective on my whole existence. I’ve always struggled with writing goals and I was able to spin off five very good goals with ease. I feel that reaching these goals is totally achievable.” John Comunale, OH

continued from page 12

You’ll Begin to Confidently Approach Every Situation as an Opportunity That’s Being HandDelivered for Your Benefit If you’ve lacked the confidence to pursue your goals in the past, you’ve probably missed out on the hundreds of situations, professional relationships and other opportunities out there that could be the means to finally have that abundance. But I’ve developed an exercise that’s designed to give you the self-esteem you need to seek out, accept and excel in all sorts of situations you’ve never undertaken before. If you’re an entrepreneur who’d like to be more successful than you ever dreamed of… If you’re a teacher who dreams of being on the school board… If you’re a stay-at-home parent who dreams of buying a new home with the steady income you earn from your homebased business… This training will give you the tools you need to take just one simple step toward that big breakthrough goal you need to set for yourself. Of course, once you achieve this level of confidence, get ready for unimaginable opportunities to simply begin to appear in your life! How can I be so sure? Because research tells us that, for top achievers, these “supernatural” surfacings are actually brought about by the brain’s own reticular activating system— the “filter” that sorts through every message we are bombarded with each day to accept only those details that will help us reach our goals. There are hundreds of opportunities circulating in your universe right now that you’re just not seeing. But by implementing the tools you’ll learn at this week-long event, they’ll “suddenly” appear. Are you willing to make a decision to finally “go for it”? continued on page 14


Call Larry NOW 888-RELESE-1 to register. I am in Los Angeles. You, too, could be enjoying increased abundance, fulfilling relationships, vibrant health, unbridled confidence and effervescent joy that comes from stepping into “the good life”—with nothing holding you back, scarcity a thing of the past, and failures erased forever.

Joy-Filled, Blissful Relationships That Support You and Nourish You Are there people in your life today who believe in you? Do they support you in your goals? Do they support people and organizations you need in order to succeed? Are you happy when you’re with them? Do you easily communicate your feelings, wants, hurts and desires in an atmosphere of safety and acceptance? If not, I want to show you how to transform your relationships—and find new ones that will support and accept you and love you just as you are today…but more importantly, as the powerful, new achiever you are.

Vibrant Health and Energy to Spare Have you ever met people who are at the top of their game? They radiate health, vitality, youthful good looks and dynamic energy from their core. Vibrant good health and a commanding presence like this are achievable by anyone— even if you’ve had health challenges in the past. In fact, many of my students embark upon exciting new journeys in physical, mental and spiritual health as a result of attending this Retreat. The Technique has also helped thousands of people lose weight after years of attempting and failing. 14

Graduates have stopped smoking, started exercising, gotten rid of depression, anxiety, frustration and all kinds of mental and bodily problems. But, There is much more… Many graduates will show up with their I-CAP Release Meter, and attend special classes to learn how to better use this fantastic tool. If you have not purchased an I-CAP Release Meter you can attend these classes absolutely free and try the meter and see how it works. This bonus is worth thousands by itself. Wherever you are on your life path, this Retreat will help you maximize, monetize and re-energize every aspect of your life . . . .

• • • • • • •

If you’re an Entrepreneur, you’ll learn how to… Master the law of attraction Find lucrative business and investment opportunities Get the money you need to start, grow, expand, and multiply your business Turn negative situations into launching pads for success and wealth Think BIG (and how thinking big will immediately bring you BIG results!) Increase the flow of income into your life Develop new products and services

If you’re in Sales, you’ll learn how to… • Overcome all resistance to cold-calling • Overcome fear of rejection • Let go of limiting beliefs • Attract the kinds of buyers you want • Substantially increase your income • Create wealth, influence, and power in your life • Compel people to buy your product or services over others continued on page 15

If you’re an Educator, Human Resource Specialist, or Personal Development Consultant, you’ll learn… • How to immediately implement success principles into your daily life • Techniques and processes that you can use to enhance your students’ or clients’ self-esteem, allowing them to become more responsive, deepen their motivation and goals, and enhance overall communication and cooperation with others • • • • • • • •

If you’re a Student, you’ll learn how to… Cut your reading time in half Create more balance in your life Discover your life’s purpose Utilize the techniques you need to get higher grades in school Strengthen your relationship with friends, family, and teachers Increase your athletic performance Deal with high stress environments and heavy workloads Perform better on tests and quizzes

If you’re in Real Estate, you’ll learn how to… • Increase your number of agents • Increase annual commissions • Attract bigger and better business opportunities • Increase retention rate • Increase vacation time

• •

• • • •

If you’re a Stay-at-Home Parent, you’ll learn how to… Teach the principles of success to your family Teach your children and family members to be more focused on the positive instead of the negative Build your children’s self-esteem and selfconfidence Create an income while staying at home Help your family to enhance communication and relationships Better appreciate and acknowledge your family

Million Falls into Lap “$1 million contract to fund my company fell into my lap after the Retreat. Investment vehicle with expected 30–50% profit margin annual; shifted IRA from a 0% annuity which will result in $100,000+ income for sitting on my butt.” Jana Sullivan, CO Years of Eczema Drop Away “Since the last retreat, a skin condition (Eczema), that I have had since I was 12 years old has dropped away. This retreat has helped me to become more aware of some fear that has held me back from experiencing all the freedom there is. I really get how limitless I am. I am free – I get this now.” Pamela Dunn, NY No More Medications After 17 Years “I had been on anti-depressants for 17 years when I went to a seven-day retreat. I had lost hope of ever getting off the meds but when I heard other’s stories at the retreat, I decided to go for it. Releasing brought up an ‘emotional hairball’ of old feelings and pain, but once I released them, they were gone for good. I felt truly awake and alive for the first time in years. No more meds for me! Now I know I will never be depressed again because I know how to immediately release bad feelings instead of stuffing them. I am thrilled to have my life and my joy back.” Barbara Abernathy, OR continued on page 16


Foot and Liver Healed “The numbness that went from my back to my foot is now gone. The feeling of pain in my liver is gone and the clicking of bone against bone in my left hip is gone. I am feeling more love for others and understanding how to let go and release better. I am meeting new friends of love and eliminating the feeling of being separate. I am feeling peace and serenity that I never experienced before, that feels everlasting. I have been in a state of a quiet mind that allowed me to be in Beingness.” Drew Pelton, VA From No Money to Permanent Job “I recently moved from New Orleans to Texas. I didn’t have a job when I arrived. After no offers for a month and a half, I did a lot of heavy releasing and got a call the next day. I started work the following Monday for a temp-to-hire position. I started with the company permanently on 12/15/08 with a total monetary gain of over $5,000 annually.” Karen Crites, TX Has Real Wake-Up “This has been a real wake-up call for me. I feel happier and lighter and will continue to release and grow on my return to England. I was lucky to share this course with my partner so I know I will have someone to support me back home and together life will be great and there will be no stopping us.” Barbara Mace, UK


• • • • • • • • •

• • • • •

If you’re a CEO, Manager or Supervisor, you’ll learn how to… Create a compelling vision for your employees Attract and keep top talent (and how to keep them highly motivated and reduce staff turnover) Appreciate your staff Improve conflict resolution skills in the workplace Inspire yourself and others to consistently perform at peak levels Use the principles of success (and how you can better manage people for success) Conduct more efficient and effective staff meetings Better delegate and prioritize Create more time off If you’re a Therapist or Psychologist, you’ll learn… How to enjoy every day Techniques that you can integrate into your professional practice with individuals or groups Experience how to work successfully with groups, which will allow you to expand your income How to help your clients cure any phobia in less than 5 minutes How to deal with difficult clients

If you’re not sure what you want to do and are simply looking for direction and purpose, you will learn how to… • Discover your life purpose • Establish a personal master plan for your life • Follow your built-in inner guidance system • Turn fear into power • Improve your relationships • Create a group of people that will support you throughout the next year • Permanently eliminate self-sabotaging patterns • Create and follow a clear set of goals • Identify negative habits and how to erase them forever • Find and secure your ideal job • Design and implement the life of your dreams cont. on page 17

Where is this happening and what’s included? I have reserved a week at the beautiful Camp Allen Retreat and Conference Center, one hour outside of Houston, Texas. This spacious Conference Center and Retreat is located near Lake Cofield in Navasota, Texas. Deep peace…serenity…a sense of awe for the beauty of this secluded Retreat Center—all who visit here feel it. You can’t miss it! All your senses awaken. It is the quiet that makes this Retreat Center the perfect place to learn these proven methods of generating unbelievable wealth and health. You can also take advantage of the fitness center with sauna and jacuzzi, tennis courts, and three swimming pools. We’ll start on Monday, May 18th, at 5:30pm and continue through Sunday, May 24th, at noon. Tuition is only $2,095, plus room and board of $485 (double occupancy—single occupancy $895). If you register by May 15, the tuition is only $1,595 (plus room and board). The price includes three fabulous meals per day. To see what Camp Allen looks like visit: (*For an additional $50 a limo will pick you up and return you to the airport.)

Why am I offering you to learn to be a millionaire? . . . Because the more graduates become millionaires, the more the method will go out to the world.

If you don’t do anything different, your life will probably be about the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people....

Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself 5 years from now: “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself and up level my life when I had the chance.”


Go ahead and think of the dollar figure that could change your financial life—$250,000? $500,000? How about $1,000,000? We’ve shown other people—just like you—how to turn your money making consciousness into reality. They did it by using Lester’s BUTT system…and in only about three months they were millionaires.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Honest-to-goodness, ordinary people, just like you, have already used this system to transform their lives and turn their rags to riches. And it didn’t take a lifetime! If you’re motivated to get top results, then this system is for you.

You have absolutely nothing to lose and a whole lot of happiness to gain I urge you to call me at 1-888-735-3731 to reserve your place. When you call I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require. Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis. Call me at 1-888-RELESE-1 (1-888-7353731). Why not take the next step to total abundance? You deserve it. I’m looking forward to being with you in Texas. Love, 17

• The Ultimate Truth is Truth that is true now, has always been true, and will forever be true. • Man cannot make this Truth nor can he change this Truth. He can only discover it. He may choose to live in accord with it. If he so does, he finds himself supremely happy beyond anything he could imagine! All limitations drop away and he discovers that all power, all knowledge, and all joy are his and that all this is his natural, inherent state. • A unique characteristic of this Truth is that it must be seen by each one through his own perception. No one and no book can do it for him. Teachers and books (scriptures) can only point out the direction, the way, and the individual may choose to take it. • Necessary is the proof of Truth, and necessary it is that each one must prove the Truth for himself. Nothing should ever be accepted on hearsay. One should listen to, reflect upon, and then prove. The best attitude one may take would be to not believe nor disbelieve, but to accept Truths for checking. Then, and only then, after one has proven them without a doubt should one accept them. • As Truth begins to prove itself, one gains more confidence in it, and then proofs come more easily and more readily; until finally, one perceives the Absolute Truth—that we are unlimited beings, unlimited in our knowledge, power and joy.

from The Ultimate Truth book by Lester Levenson


cont. on page 19

The Truth cont. from page 18

• We must start from where we are, so we start with thinking in the realm of thinkingness. Then we progress to a stage of thought—feelings where thoughts have feeling to them. This continues until there is only feelingness. When this becomes the basis for our actions, we are intuitive and in tune with the world. Finally, there is only the realm of beingness, and in this state we perceive ourselves as being the All, and we see nootherness. • Beginning with thought, we direct our minds towards thoughts that will free us; liberate us from sorrow and unhappiness. This leads to happiness, which is in the realm of feelingness. When the feeling of happiness is developed fully, there is only happiness of being, and we then enter into the state of exalted bliss, tranquility and serenity. • The time required to accomplish this varies widely. The quickness of one’s understanding is directly proportional to the intensity of one’s desire for truth. • All authoritarianism is let go of, as the only authority for Truth is Truth and not man. In place of authority is given the dictum—“Prove it yourself.” Only when proven for oneself does one have it and can one use it. One knows only that which he can do. • The ultimate Truth is not the usual. If something should offend, shock, or challenge, it is suggested that you check into it, as the chances are that a fixed concept might be needing reevaluation; that by doing so you might find yourself a bit freer.

from The Ultimate Truth book by Lester Levenson


First Time in Europe!

SAVE $ 7 Sig 80 n up June 1 by 5


July 19–July 25, 2009

Material from the

Open to anyone, even non-graduates.

We will also be featuring The Health and Fitness Mastery Course material during the course.

Are you where you want to be? • Have you accomplished all you thought you would by now? • Do you have all the money you deserve? Are Larry Crane you healthy? Are you in the relationships you have • Do you have an abundant always wanted to be in? cash flow? I f not, I’d l i ke to • Do you have radiant challenge you to up level all health? areas of your life. • Are your relationships all loving? Starting today • Do you have rock-solid peace? I invite you to finally • How effortless are you? make the decision to have • Is t here a nyone or all your highest Goals and anything that still disturbs Dreams! your peace of mind? Ha s a nyone ever If you still have issues or challenged you to go after problems, then you are not those dreams? To have all there yet, and by “there” I the money you will ever mean “There” with a capital use? To be abundantly “T.” That state of complete healthy once and for all? To Freedom in everything you be in love all the time? To do or have, that unshakable have the peace of mind you peace that Lester knew. deserve?


Redwood Hotel & Country Club, Bristol

The most amazing promise…I’m so sure this program works that we will work with you FOREVER until you become a MILLIONAIRE or accomplish the goal you came to the retreat for.

Celebrate Lester’s 100th Birthday with us in Europe July 19th

SPECIAL OFFER In honor of Lester’s Birthday Bring a friend who has not attended a 7-Day Retreat and save $200 off the regular price for yourself and $200 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $400, bring 3 friends and save $600, bring 4 friends and save $800, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE! Plus each friend saves $200 off the regular price.

Bring 5 new people and stay the entire week at the retreat for FREE including room & board. Limited time offer. Subject to change.

Sign up by June 15 for a FREE Abundance Book with 2 CDs (worth $100) Plus Lester Levenson’s Ultimate Goal I and II (valued at $180) = Total $280 Plus $500 savings for a total of $780 savings. Well, I want to challenge you! Introducing a week long t ra nsfor mationa l experience where I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the new and better life you always envisioned for yourself! This new 7-Day Retreat was a tradition when Lester was alive and was always a sell out, so we expect this one will be too. We will be filling spaces on a first-come basis. Sharing the Mastery Course with you is a promise I made to Lester and it’s a promise I aim to keep. My greatest reward for sharing this will be your success. I have

reserved a week at the beautiful Redwood Hotel & Country Club - Bristol, UK. This spacious country club is set on 16 acres of woodland countryside. Deep peace…serenity…a sense of awe for the beauty of this secluded Country Club—all who visit here feel it. You can’t miss it! All your senses awaken. It is the quiet that makes this Retreat Center the perfect place to learn these proven methods of generating unbelievable wealth and health. You can also take advantage of the fitness center steam room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools. We’ll start on Sunday, July 19, at 5:30pm and

continue through Saturday, July 25 at noon. Tuition is on ly $ 2 ,0 95 ( US dollars), plus room and board of £ 605 shared room, £745 single room (limited availability). If you register by June 15, the tuition is only $1,595 (US dollars) (plus room and board). The price includes three fabulous meals per day. To see what Redwood Hotel looks like visit: www.foliohotels. com/redwood. I urge you, for your own benefit, to please pick up the phone and call me in Los Angeles NOW at 1-818-2792468 or call the local London number 020 3239 3894 to reserve your place. When you call, I’ll talk to you, personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you may require. 21

You Can Have Amazing Gains by S h ow ing U p an d Ac c e le r a t in g Your Re le asing ! Join in on the


Teleconferences Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a FREE Teleconference—Clean-up, Question & Answer Sessions — each Wednesday evening at 5:30pm Pacific time (8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain). In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in, we now can accommodate thousands, so we have two new numbers to call. If you wish to ask Questions and Share Gains rather than only listen, please call:

(712) 432-1000, passcode 596 444 660# There are a limited number of lines available to the above number. If you can’t get in, call the “listen only” number (below). If you wish to listen only, please call:

(712) 432-1001, passcode 456 200 488# Note: If you begin listening and then decide you want to speak, just hang up and call the Questions/ Share Gains phone number. We now have plenty of numbers to accommodate everyone. For a replay anytime after the Teleconference, call 641-715-3800, and put in the passcode number: 7268708#

Go to and download a FREE MP3 of a special Sharing The Method held by Larry recently. Your friends and acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3 you can have and send to your friends, no charge. 22

Discriminate by Carol Stark, MD

Something has just happened and you want to release your feelings but can’t seem to get started. Or, you have been doing everything you know how to do and you are still not achieving your goals. We’ve all been there. So Larry Crane created the Release Help Line at 1-888-RELESE-1 (888-735-3731), which is available Monday through Friday, 9am to 5:30pm (Pacific time). This help line is staffed by people Larry has trained to help you discriminate (third and highest aspect of mind) and get you started releasing again. What can you do to make the most of your call?

1 2

First of all, give yourself credit for even remembering that releasing is possible. Intending to release moves you out of AGFLAP and into Courageousness, where releasing is possible.

3 4

Be coachable. There are many ways to get to a desired result. If what you have been doing is not been working, consider a different approach.


Consider adding a daily goal of allowing yourself to be in release twenty four hours a day and release any obstacles to this goal each morning. This will help to reduce the amount of time you feel stuck.


Remember to write gains each evening before you go to bed. What we focus on before sleep carries over into the hours we sleep and makes releasing twenty four hours a day possible. Intending to write down gains each evening is also a good way to keep ourselves aware throughout the day when the smaller or larger gains are occurring. And when we are aware, we are much less likely to get stuck in the automatic playback of AGFLAP.

Think about the result you would like. . Lester said to keep in mind what we want, not what we don’t want. We may ask you to create a Goal Statement (“I allow…with ease, by releasing only.”) Remember that goal statements are positive, phrased in the now, and are simple. The possible means to achieve a goal are not part of the goal statement.

Be prepared to do some homework after the call. The purpose of the call is to help you get started releasing again. When we are talking together, you are the one who is releasing. We help you get started and you finish the exercise on your own after the call.

If you feel stuck, please call us. We volunteer to answer your calls because we love you, we are here for you, and we want you to be free. We are all one. I AM YOU.


“Thank you for this set it helped me get rid of my hangups that I’ve had for years” EM, Pennsylvania

“I was loaded with guilt and false ideas about sex— now I am free of them.”

NS, Nevada

Do you have any questions about sex? Do you have any hang-ups about sex? Now, finally, we will help you find answers to questions that have been plaguing you for a lifetime. We will help you discriminate about this complex subject. A 6 CD set that answers your questions. Item #1058-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


The Abundance Book

“The Lazy Way to Riches, Health and Happiness” The Abundance Course has now been published in book form. It’s a terrific way to Supercharge your Releasing skills. The feedback we have been getting on this book is amazing. It’s also great to give to friends. A $65 value. Plus 2 bonus audios. Total value $100 — FREE

• • • • •

Reinforce and Supercharge your Releasing Manifest your dreams into reality Take control of your life Have long-term financial success Deal calmly with world events regardless of what the media says • Have inner calmness in the midst of pressure • Propel yourself to new heights of joy and fulfillment • Have vibrant health and energy

is considering us to be on her show! We need your help. Please send your gains and insights to Oprah and her staff so they can see how important The Release Technique and The Abundance Course is to people. This would help us reach many more people. You can send as many gains as you like and continue to send them to her. We would like to have thousands of our graduates, as well as your friends, send their insights to Oprah as soon as possible. All you have to write is “We want to see The Abundance Course on your show.” Thank you for your on-going support of The Release Technique. Your help will help Lester accomplish his goal of allowing millions of people to use The Release Technique and end suffering in the world. Let Oprah know how The Release Technique and The Abundance Course has helped you. Write to Oprah at:

w w

Clean-Up Workshops New Location!

The next FREE Clean-up Workshops in Los Angeles will be held at the Sportsman Lodge, 12825 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA—on Tuesday, May 12 and June 9, at 7:30–10:30pm. You may bring non-graduate friends, too. Other workshops are the second Tuesday of each month. 25

This course has never cost anyone any money! Thousands of graduates have made millions with this course. Don’t be left out!

Goals & Resistance

Listen to an entire Goals & Resistance session


(for graduates only)

supercharge your releasing An Advanced Course Specially Designed by Lester

A six-week course on eight audios, complete with workbook, two bonus audios and a partner to release with.

This special course is facilitated by Larry Crane. You will receive a Goals & Resistance Course workbook and assignments, and a special audio which consists of 2 sessions by Lester on goals and resistance. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release with each day. The Goals & Resistance Course was created to fill a need. Graduates wanted more. The tools they had acquired were powerful and yet they asked for something which would help them incorporate the Release Technique even more into their daily lives.

Did you ever wonder why releasing wasn’t smooth and easy sometimes? Well, we all have subconscious resistance, which we hide from ourselves. The Goals & Resistance Course was created by Lester to help you knock out this subconscious resistance, thus allowing you to start winning more in life. You will move closer and closer toward freedom and make releasing more consistent and powerful. If you wish, you can call Larry for any questions you might have about the next steps.

“Resistance is just a program that subconsciously stops us from experiencing our beingness and our unlimitedness. If one would let go of resistance they would immediately see what they really are!! Whole, complete, unlimited.” Lester Levenson

The cost is just $295 plus $12.95 shipping* Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703 26

Item #1021-CD

Don’t just sit on your assets. The more you invest in yourself— the more you’ll appreciate in every way.

A Very Advanced Course (for graduates only)

Are you ready to go all the way to freedom? Are you ready to stop tolerating things in your life? Are you ready to take charge of your life and do what you truly love? If you are finally ready to really find the way, then this 8 audio series is for you. This advanced course works on the fear of dying and the wanting to be separate, which is a very deep, hidden program. Working on these deep, suppressed areas allows you to go very, very deep.

Discover how to have the life you truly love Discover how to do only what you love Enjoy a life free of worry and stress Increase self-confidence Attain better relationships at work and home Be the person you were always meant to be Get clear on your goals and then reach them Take back your life and your power

A six-week course on eight audios, complete with workbook, two bonus audios and a partner to release with.

Make the most of your life and have the freedom to choose Get unstuck and move forward with a wonderful life Get clear on the direction you should go in life Be in charge of your life, fully Move beyond constant, frenetic doing Lift the ceiling of your success once and for all Resolve your money issues and have financial abundance Create the life you always wanted

At the core of this course is the magic Lester Levenson taught to go all the way to freedom. The cost is just $295 plus $12.95 shipping* Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703

Item #1018-CD


Are you sick and tired of being in a relationship that just doesn’t change?

Are you sick and tired of working and not having enough time to do the things you want?


aving enough t i m e s e em s to be one of the biggest problems people have today. Everyone is running and r unning and people don’t seem to have enough quality Item #1019-CD time for themselves and have the fun they deserve. Learn how to collapse time.

This special audio course is facilitated by Larry Crane. You will receive the entire course on 8 audios. You will also receive a course work book and assignments, and a special audio which consists of two sessions by Lester Levenson on time and what it is about. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release with each day.

You’ll learn • How to retire this year • The advanced way to use the “Butt System” • How to effectively prioritize • How to eliminate crisis management • How to be efficient and productive with a minimum waste of effort • How to get things done effortlessly • How to achieve more personal balance

• How to double personal productivity • How to increase personal time • How to stop procrastinating and have things happen effortlessly, without stress • How to achieve personal goals • How to eliminate time wasters • How to “be in Release” 24 hours a day

This is an advanced course for Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703


You’ll learn • How to let people have it your way! • How to build effective relationship skills • How to live in the present • How to repair old relationships Item #1020-CD that no longer work—and how to get them to work again • How to start a conversation so it doesn’t end up in an argument • That love is the most powerful force in the universe and how to use it every day The course comes on 8 audios, complete with workbook, 2 bonus audios and a partner to release with. This is an advanced course for Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703

The hidden enemy that sabotages your best efforts strikes again. What is it? A subconscious SABOTAGE PROGRAM.

THE PROGRAMS COURSE T his e xc i t ing ad vance d course will help you find out what these programs are, how they have developed, how you can detect them, and how you can apply the method most effectively to eliminate them. W h e n yo u c a n s p o t a program, confront it directly and release directly on it, you will make quantum leaps in your life very quickly.

Item #1026-CD

The course comes on eight audios, complete with workbook, two bonus audios and a partner to release with.

This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703

Rid Yourself of Anger, Fear, and Guilt Once and For All Dropping Fear and Worry Once and For All –1030-CD Ridding Yourself of Guilt –1031-CD Ridding Yourself of Frustration and Anger –1032-CD Lester on Sleep and Awakening –1033-CD Lester on Happiness and Relationships –1034-CD Lester on Mastering the Body –1035-CD Lester on Love-2 CD set –1036-CD Accelerated Learning –1041-CD


$16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $26.99 $5 $19.99 . $3

Package Special—Buy 5 CDs and get 3 more FREE audio bundle of all 8 titles –1037-CD–$94.95* (plus $10 shipping)

To order call 888-333-7703

To order new audios, call our order department. When ordering by mail —write your order on a separate paper and send with your payment. For your DOWNLOAD go to (You can also go to our website and order from there.)

Pain, Stress, Depression, and Sadness GONE — Once and For All Ridding Yourself of Pain Once and For All –1043-CD Ridding Yourself of Stress –1044-CD Ridding Yourself of Depression and Sadness –1045-CD Lester on Pain, What is it? –1046-CD Lester on Stress –1047-CD describes Lester on Depression –1048-CD (Recommended—Lester the Secret as seen on Oprah) Lester on Sadness –1049-CD Accelerated Learning –1041-CD


$16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $16.99 . $3 $19.99 . . $3

Package Special—Buy 5 CDs and get 3 more FREE audio bundle of all 8 titles –1050-CD $94.95* (plus $10 shipping)

To order call 888-333-7703




Researchers trained by M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Stanford University developed the iCap™ Release Meter. It is a device that accurately measures and displays—in graphs, numbers, pictures and through an auditory tone—your level of “release” from moment to moment. Use it with your computer—completely wireless. There is no more guessing as to whether or not you are released. You will know instantly. Through a tiny electrode and 1 oz. transmitter embedded in a comfortable, lightweight headband, your brainwaves are instantly measured, transmitted and recorded.

ANY issue at all—no matter how subtle or seemingly well-hidden—that poses any kind of disturbance to your subconscious mind will instantly be revealed on-screen—even if you may consciously “think” it is a non-issue. But don’t worry! You’ll KNOW 100% when it finally IS fully released—and the wonderful feeling of peace that you feel when it is finally released will certainly reflect the shift that the iCap™ Release Meter just measured. You can’t fake the Meter out, or pretend the issue isn’t there. If it’s a live limitation running in your mind, you will see it reflected in your “release number” and through the “blue bouncing ball,” the “advanced graph,” or the “auditory tone.”

What are some of the benefits of using the iCap™ Release Meter? 1. Fine-tune your releasing—discover which releasing exercises help you the most. 2. Track your progress over time. Watch the Live Meter or review your “gains” sheets, as you become progressively freer and more unlimited over time. 3. Know when you are fully released on an issue and see precisely when the emotional charge on an issue is fully dissipated. 4. Identify trouble areas that you may have been hiding from yourself. With this awareness it becomes much easier to pull up the programs and let them go once and for all. 5. Achieve your goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible. 6. Develop a calm, quiet, “Zen-like” mind much faster than those meditating for many years without the aid of an iCap™ Release Meter. 7. Know for certain whether you are truly releasing your limitations or merely “floating above your programs.” 8. Eliminate stress at its root with the ultimate guide to a calm, clear mind. “Getting the iCap™ was a real bonus. I am totally addicted to it. Now I can tell when I have really let go. The QUIET is amazing. Shutting the mind chatter down has let me distinguish what is ego and what is ME.” Teresa Doyle, iCap™ user

Call the order department at 1-888-333-7703 to SAVE $1,100 off regular retail price of $2,395.00 you pay only $1,295 plus $20 shipping handling 30

Special Retreat Clean Ups with Larry Crane This five audio set recorded at some of the 7-day Retreats provides graduates with a variety of clean-up sessions to listen to. As a bonus you will receive a new audio of Lester which is very entertaining and helpful. These powerful audios are designed to keep you Releasing daily. Item #1027-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Larry Crane

Learn Lester’s Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW!

Lester Levenson

Designed to maximize your health, wellness and fitness!!

Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

You’ll Learn a Way to Eliminate the Underlying Cause of Your Major Health Problems Easily!!

If you have tried virtually “everything” to no avail or with only fleeting success…

Then this course is for you

• You’ll learn a way so vital that it’s bursting out of you with unbelievable energy. • Eliminate the underlying cause of major health problems. • Learn skills for weight loss and weight maintenance. • Have optimum health–no more doctor bills, no more misery. • If you have struggled with weight issues and body image, self-esteem, and health concerns that often go hand in hand with the struggle… • If you have experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement, guilt or embarrassment …

While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this amazing course. The course comes on 14 CDs, complete with workbook, and a partner to Release with. This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only! The cost is just $335. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703


Private Lessons with Lester How would you like to be taught, privately, about Releasing by Lester? Recently we have obtained newly found Lester audios recorded in 1986. Lester was recorded teaching graduates how to go deeper into Releasing. You will be astounded and inspired as you listen to Lester talking at his very best. Audio 1 – Lester on Letting Go of Resisting Freedom Audio 2 – You Can Do Anything Audio 3 – You Are Not the Body or The Mind Audio 4 – Going Free Audio 5 – No Limitations Audio 6 – The Ultimate Freedom

Item #1042-CD • $89.95 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling)

For Releasing help, to get you discriminating again, call us at 1-888-RELESE-1 (888-735-3731) or 818-279-2438 Monday–Friday, 9am to 5:30pm (Pacific time) There is no charge. We are here to help you.


Pat Green

Dennis Sullivan

Guido Walter

Carol DeLucia

Dr. Faith Kurz

Rebecca Quave

Tamma Ford

Dr. Ken Smythe

Susanna Silvas

Kris Dillard

Rich Furlanic

Sossena Getachew

Special Teachers Clean-Up Audios

This 5-audio set, recorded at the 7-Day Retreats, provides graduates with a variety of Clean-up Sessions and gives an opportunity to get to know some of the teachers. All the teachers are wonderful! Find out for yourself. Item #1053-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Special Clean-up Audios with Dr. Ken Smythe

Dr. Ken Smythe

These Clean-up audios were reproduced from some of the 7-Day Retreats. Some of these are very advanced. We handle the fear of dying in some of these audios. The fear of dying is only another feeling and they can be Released just like any other feeling. The fear of dying is the underlying feeling that stops people from going totally free. Dr. Smythe has been doing the Release Technique for over 7 years and for the past 3 ½ years has been working directly with Larry throughout the world. Dr. Smythe has personally taught Abundance Course classes across the world. 5 CD Set Item # 1052CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Books & Audios for Your Personal Growth The Power of Love Book by Lester Levenson

Lester speaks about love in a way you have never heard. Item #1039 $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping*

The Ultimate Truth Book by Lester Levenson

The Ultimate Goal—Volume I In Lester’s Own Words—Audios

Audio 1—The Ultimate Truth; Experiencing Truth Audio 2—Letting Go of Ego Audio 3—The Mind Mirror Audio 4—Creating All You Desire Audio 5—Silence, Love and Grace Audio 6—The Key to Individual Freedom DIGITALLY REMASTERED #1005-CD $79.95 plus $8 shipping*

Lester discusses subjects like: happiness, love, truth, peace, the ego, the mind, the world, sex and marriage, pleasure-pain, A Fireside Chat with Lester health and supply, spiritual growth, selfgrowth yardsticks. A brand new book. Audios– We all have many questions Item #1011 $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping* that we would love to ask Lester. Hear Lester answering puzzling No Attachments, No Aversions questions from graduates. Four audios Lester tells his own story in his very own including: Looking for Happiness, words. Each time you read it you will Attachments and Aversions, discover something profound that will help Communication and Love, and About you in your own personal quest toward­ Releasing freedom. #1024-CD $39.95 plus $8 shipping* Item #1012 $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping*

The Final Step to Freedom Book written in Lester’s own words

The Ultimate Goal—Volume II Lester on Audios

Talks with Lester — DVD set

The Abundance Book Comes with 2 bonus audios

This book was written by Lester on taking the Final Step to Freedom. It is filled with Lester’s own words that will help graduates take the Final Step to Freedom. It’s a must for any graduate wanting total and complete freedom and wanting to know how to take the next step. Item #1023 $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping*

Eight audios including: Happiness is Love, The Source of All Intelligence, The Answer is Here All the Time, There Are No Problems, The Steps to Being What You Are, DIGITALLY REMASTERED and Beingness. #1008-CD $79.95 plus $8 shipping*

The Abundance Course has now been published in book form. It’s a terrific way to Supercharge your Releasing skills. #1015-CD $65 plus $12.95 shipping*

Two DVDs. This rare footage was filmed during a Nine-Day Intensive in 1984. This is Lester at his best—in front of an audience of graduates. #1009-DVD $59.95 plus $8 shipping*

In Retreat with Lester Levenson Audios

Special Clean-Up Audios with Larry

This dynamic three-audio set of Lester Levenson was recorded live at several Nine-Day Retreats in the 1980s. These audios are full of practical suggestions on how to accelerate your releasing for freedom. They also contain rare accounts of Lester describing his personal experience of freedom. DIGITALLY REMASTERED #1007-CD $39.95 plus $8 shipping*

This five audio set recorded at some of the 7-day Retreats provides graduates with a variety of cleanup sessions to listen to. As a bonus you will receive a new audio of Lester which is very entertaining and helpful. These powerful audios are designed to keep you Releasing daily. Item #1027-CD $59 plus $8 shipping*

The Way with Lester Levenson Audios

Be In Release 24/7

Three audio programs of Lester Levenson recorded in 1989. Lester was pulling no punches as he spoke with a small, dedicated group of staff at the Retreat Center. These rare recordings contain powerful pointers on how to achieve freedom now. This three audio set includes a bonus audio recorded in 1973. DIGITALLY REMASTERED #1006-CD $39.95 plus $8 shipping*


It is important to be “in Release” all the time. You are either Releasing or suppressing. This audio shows graduates how to be in Release 24 hours a day. Item #HRT-CD $15 includes shipping*

Accelerated Learning CD A powerful CD to help you comprehend the method 85% better. Item #1041-CD $19.95 plus $3 shipping*

**Only CDs Digitally remastered

*(CA res. add 8.25% tax)

ORDER FORM The Abundance Book plus 2 CDs (a $100 value) Just for ordering books & audios worth at least $100. item

The “BUTT” System Stay Positive at All Times Peace & Harmony Sex—What About It? Private Lessons by Lester

item number-cd


u.s. shipping






















The Power of Love Book




The Ultimate Truth Book




The Final Step to Freedom Book




Lester’s Autobiography Book




Love Yourself Audios with Larry Special Clean-Up Audios with Larry









Special Clean-Up Audios with Ken Smythe





Special Teachers Clean-Up Audios





How To Be In Release Audio





A Fireside Chat with Lester Levenson Audios





Talks with Lester DVD Vol. 1 & 2


The Way Audios In Retreat Audios The Ultimate Goal–Vol. I Audios The Ultimate Goal–Vol. II Audios

The Abundance Course (10 audios, plus 3 bonus audios, and workbook)

























The Abundance Book (with 2 bonus CDs)





The Goals & Resistance Audios





What Do I Want To Do When I Grow Up? Audios





The Ultimate Time Management Audios





The Relationships Course Audios





The Programs Course Audios





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IN THIS ISSUE See FREE week offer at the Millionaire Bootcamp Retreat see pages 10–17

The 3rd Way to Release!

see pages 6 & 7

The Truth What is it? see pages 18 &19

7-Day Bootcamp & Celebrate Lester’s 100th Birthday See FREE offer! Almost sold out of the iCap Meter Limited Quantity Available see page 30

continued on inside

15101 Rayneta Drive Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

pages 20 & 21

Receive The Abu ndance Book FREE ! – see page 25

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