Release Technique Magazine April 2015

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Happiness with no Sorrow!

A continuous state of happiness with no hint, whatsoever, of sorrow.

That is the Goal Goal!!

 Join us on the call to discover how to Release Faster & Easier

You C Can an Have Amazing A mazing Gains by Showing Up and Accelerating Accelerat ing Your Your Releasing!

Join in on the FREE Teleconferences Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a FREE Teleconference — Clean-up, Question & Answer Sessions — each Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 (8: 30 Eastern; 7:30 7:30 Central; 6:30 6: 30 Mountain).

In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in, we now can accommodate thousands. You can sign up for our new teleconference and receive your own pin number and new conference line number. To enroll in this new teleconference, go to: Want to Share the Method with Your Friends? Go to ww www. w.releasetechn m/info info and download a FREE MP3  of  of a special “Sharing The Method” held by Larry recently.  Yourr friends and acquaintances  You acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3 you can have and send to your friends, no charge. 2

 Join us on the call to discover how to Release Faster & Easier

You C Can an Have Amazing A mazing Gains by Showing Up and Accelerating Accelerat ing Your Your Releasing!

Join in on the FREE Teleconferences Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a FREE Teleconference — Clean-up, Question & Answer Sessions — each Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 (8: 30 Eastern; 7:30 7:30 Central; 6:30 6: 30 Mountain).

In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in, we now can accommodate thousands. You can sign up for our new teleconference and receive your own pin number and new conference line number. To enroll in this new teleconference, go to: Want to Share the Method with Your Friends? Go to ww www. w.releasetechn m/info info and download a FREE MP3  of  of a special “Sharing The Method” held by Larry recently.  Yourr friends and acquaintances  You acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3 you can have and send to your friends, no charge. 2

Graduates who are currently participating in the Financial Freedom Teleconference have been treated to a way of Releasing that is much FASTER AND EASIER  using LESTER’S SIX STEPS . Recently, we realized that most graduates have not been using the Six Steps properly or not much at all. By fine-tuning their use of the Six Steps, graduates have been gaining amazing results. Here are just some of the gains that we have been receiving. 2 Million to 5 Million Happening

“I am so loving the FF course and even so I am traveling a lot I am following the course via the recordings re cordings and releasing throughout the day or on flights or whenever… Having been releasing for over a year now I can sense more and more how I am able to “wake myself up” and stay more conscious about not falling into the illusions of the ego and stories and drama. I feel free and careless most of the time and if I don’t – guess what, I release. Just a quick note in regard to my financial goals which pertain to my new business activity – things are really going smoothly and effortlessly after I have finally dropped pushing and forcing and “doing” the work…but rather allowing and being imperturbable about the progress. In the business…Two deals in the making for a total of probably US 2 million since inception of the company only a short while ago. My goal is for 5 million or more in turnover…Whatever these figures are…my great realization is that it is just that… numbers…and just that…money…Which is just that…my picture and energy which I create. My past blockages and fears have left…simply left. I know these deals have happened and I can just observe their unfoldment and that of others…I am so at ease with everything now – joyfully observing myself in the realization of my manifestations and goals… It is all a decision – no effort required, no nothing required other than just being in resonance with the frequency of Love.  All really seems effortless and really loving and my my clients feel it. In my previous activity I was desperate, pushing, and all the other blah-blah. Of the mind – now I am at deep peace, happiness with or without…What a change in mind – as in less or no mind at all – intuitive action is so much more fun and smarter on top!

 Around me is love, kindness, generosity and peace…and in me deep gratitude – I play this game with joy and lovingly observing my unfoldment in it. Thank you for all your wonderful and powerful guidance on my journey to awaken – priceless and over and over again the best investment in time and money I could have ever made in my whole Life – as now I know how to play it…in stead of it me.” Nicole Fischer  Propert y Sells in One Day Property Day After Not Selling for Months

“We had a property that had been on the market for several months, with no offers. The property belonged to my Mom and she recently passed. There was some attachment. By the 2nd day of the course, Larry said we should give ourselves Approval before going to sleep. That night I gave the property Love & Approval. The next day the Realtor contacted us that there was an offer on the property. We counter offered. I knew we wanted $10k plus profit from the property and didn’t want to continue with the back and forth. I shared the gain on 12:30pm EST call and asked Larryy if he could work on it with me, he told me to love Larr everyone involved in the transaction. I let it go, and allowed it to be a loving place pl ace for a new family to live. Before the 5:30pm EST call the same day. The Realtor called and asked if I had seen the email to accept the offer. I went and took a look. There was another counter offer, but before I could see it, the Realtors decreased their commission to cover it. So I got exactly what I intended. Awesome!” Dianne B 


More Gains Money Issues Shift Dramatically “Thank you for your commitment and the wonderful 30 day course. The gains have been remarkable and the momentum palpable. Your commitment assists in this process. My biggest gain is from digging deeper and seeing beyond my feelings of unlovable to intense fears and wanting safety, and Release that. This was a d eeper level of story that I had not seen before and have let go. My achieving my goal to love all estate and money issues has shifted my attitude dramatically. Richard helped me see my hate and I am now feeling love for all this. Just a few days ago I was asked to sign more papers with more time involvement, and I saw I could be joyful, and chose love instead of frustration/anger and it was so easy. The money gain will also be another 5 or 6 digit gain. This is the second one since the course began. Every day I have been Releasing Rele asing on things that I hate and the results have been profound. I see more clearly clear ly when I am choosing not to be imperturbable im perturbable and making the choice to be so. Step 1. This is all such a gift and I look forward to continuing my momentum in the 90 day and Sedona. ” Suzanne McNitt  I Want To To Thank You For The Gift Gif t Of Love

“Since this class the capacity for me to love is incredible. I don’t need to have a reason to love anything. It just is. I can allow what is to just be. Thank you again and again and again for pointing the way. We are hearing you.” Ann Holmes  Experiences Imperturbability “I want to express my deep gratitude for being at this course. I never before experienced the level of imperturbability that I reached in this course, and I know that no one and nothing can take it away from me. It’s a miracle! I am continuing the work in the coming 90 Days course.” Eli Saraf  Uses the BUTT System and Makes More by Releasing Only

“I finally let go of my ‘job’. I actually stopped working in my clinic last week. By the start of the next week I had made more than I do in an entire week doing absolutely nothing except releasing. I feel so free and peaceful. Sure, the ego rears its ugly head, but I’m learning to use it as a reminder to continue to surrender to Beingness. B eingness. I had also been dreading doing my taxes for MONTHS. After a brief session of letting go of resistance, I got started. It was SO EASY I was amazed! It took no time at all and was not stressful. Wow. I’ve been learning how to let go of my kids as well. Worrying about them doesn’t help them at all. So I’ve given that up and am just loving them. I never knew I had so much love for them. I just look at them and I’m overwhelmed with love. And we’re all finally getting along! Definite miracles going on. Looking forward to  Arizona.” Dr. Ida  Zero Credit Card Balance

“One of my goals on the Financial Freedom and Lifestyle course was to have a zero balance on my credit cards (x3). Yesterday whilst getting ready to pay my bills ... to my surprise two of them had a zero balance.” Vikki Horner  Shoulder Pain Gone and Gets Peace of Mind

“Shoulder pain I’ve had for past month is almost completely gone. I used to feel a lot of discomfort after an injury a month ago and my shoulder feels great now. I was also able to workout in the gym with ease. Had a lot of challenges come up at work on Saturday, I took breaks during the day to let go of disapproval and give myself approval and everything worked out perfectly such that I was able to leave work on time with everything accomplished. Decided to go to the Sedona Retreat as I feel much more having of my goals after this 30-day course. Released last night “what I want more than imperturbability” imperturbability ” and I woke up with a solid sense of havingness havingness and peace of mind.” Levi Mcleod  4

The Key to Having All A ll Your Your Goals Goal s Using the Six Steps Wanting Approval APPLY STEP 1: I must want IMPERTURBABILITY more than I WANT APPROVAL, WANT CONTROL & WANT SAFETY APPLY STEP 2: I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE APPLY STEP 3: Is that that WANTING APPROVAL APPROVAL (A), WANTING CONTROL (C) or WANTING SAFET Y (S)? (S )? Example:: Could I let go of WANT Example WANTING ING APPROVAL, so I can HAVE APPROVAL?  Yes. (Wait for the answer) ans wer) Could I let go of WANT WANTING ING APPROVAL, to HAVE APPROVAL?  Yes (Wait for the answer) a nswer) Which feels better HAVING APPROVAL or WANT WANTING ING APPROVAL? Having Approval Could I let go of WANT WANTING ING APPROVAL, so I can HAVE APPROVAL?  Yes (Wait for the answer) a nswer) Does it feel like I HAVE APPROVAL or still WANT APPROVAL? (REPEA (REPE AT UNTIL YOU EXPERIENCE HAVING APPROVAL ) I HAVE  APPROVAL APPLY STEP 6: Example:: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better Example better?? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better better?? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better better?? REPEAT REPE AT OFT OFTEN EN TO FEEL LIGHTER LIGHT ER (there’ (there’ss no end to Step Step 6)

Wanting Control APPLY STEP 1: I must want IMPERTURBABILITY more than I WANT APPROVAL, WANT CONTROL & WANT SAFETY APPLY STEP 2: I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE APPLY STEP 3: Is that that WANTING APPROVAL APPROVAL (A), WANTING CONTROL (C) or WANTING SAFET Y (S)? (S )? Example:: Could I let go of WANT Example WANTING ING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?  Yes. (Wait for the answer) answer ) Could I let go of WANT WANTING ING CONTROL, to HAVE CONTROL?  Yes (Wait for the answer) ans wer) Which feels better HAVING CONTROL or WANT WANTING ING CONTROL? Having Control Could I let go of WANT WANTING ING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?  Yes (Wait for the answer) answer ) Does it feel like I HAVE CONTROL or still WANT CONTROL? (REPEAT (REPE AT UNTIL YOU EXPERIENCE HAVING CONTROL ) I HAVE CONTROL 5

APPLY STEP 6: Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (there’s no end to Step 6)

Wanting Safety  APPLY STEP 1: I must want IMPERTURBABILITY more than I WANT APPROVAL, WANT CONTROL & WANT SAFETY APPLY STEP 2: I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE APPLY STEP 3: Is that WANTING APPROVAL (A), WANTING CONTROL (C) or WANTING SAFET Y (S)? Example: Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY , so I can HAVE SAFETY ?  Yes. (Wait for the answer) Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY , to HAVE SAFETY ?  Yes (Wait for the answer) Which feels better HAVING SAFETY  or WANTING SAFETY ? Having Safety Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY , so I can HAVE SAFETY ?  Yes (Wait for the answer) Does it feel like I HAVE SAFETY  or still WANT SAFETY ? (REPEAT UNTIL YOU EXPERIENCE HAVING SAFETY  ) I HAVE SAFETY  APPLY STEP 6: Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better? REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (there’s no end to Step 6)

Keep the Six Steps with You at All Times

The Six Steps 1 You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security. 2 Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable. 3 See all your feelings culminate in three wants—the want of approval, control and security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of approval, want to control and the want of security/survival. 4 Make releasing constant. 5 If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness. 6 Each time you release you are happier and lighter. If you release continually, you will be continually happier and lighter. 6

 d  n  a  r  B  !  w  e  N Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformation by Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane 

Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potential Lester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide you step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester Levenson audios that expand on the content. If you already own The Release Technique audio set—you will find this audio set much more advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to maximize enlightenment and oneness. With Lester’s Enlightenment Course you’ll be experientially guided (by Lester and Larry Crane) through the effortless process of disengaging from the limited thinking that keeps you from knowing what it’s like to feel at Oneness with everything.

The Enlightenment Course will help you: • Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you from living a clear and fulfilling life • Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life • Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in all things • Achieve your goals easily and consistently • Let go of negative and self-destructive addictions • Enjoy being naturally relaxed in normally “high stress” situations: Greg Worsley reports: “My former ‘high tension days’ are now enjoyable.” • Easily “let go” of any “charged” feelings “on the spot” – including fears, phobias, anxiety, stress and panic attacks • Naturally enter into the “flow-state” and finally MASTER your life—all resistance and selfdoubt will melt away…and all your goals will be “pulled” into your life. Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

#1066-CD Lester’s Enlightenment CD set $335 Includes 30 CDs plus workbook

#1066-HUB Lester’s Enlightenment Digital Online set $225 includes workbook PDF and digital streaming audios

#1066-BND Lester’s Enlightenment Bundle $435 Digital online set and Workbook/CD set S hipping included for domestic

(plus $12.95 shipping & handling)

(download only, no shipping)

and international orders.

To order, go to: 7

LESTER’S WAY  March 15–21, 2015 L im   i  te  d    R oo  m   s    Av ai l a    bl e    AC T N OW   !  

The Ultimate Course for those who want to  join Lester in Freedom For years graduates have been requesting for us to hold a retreat at the Retreat Center that Lester built in Sedona. He created the Release Technique there in the quiet of his casita. During this retreat, we’ll go even further than we have ever gone before. Featuring the faster, easier way of using Lester’s Six Steps.

Get scholarshipped in for FREE see pages 21–22 


RETREAT at Lester’s Original Retreat Center now called the

Sedona Mago Retreat Center, in Sedona, AZ Lester’s original retreat center is located in the pristine land of Sedona, Arizona, surrounded by red rocks, Native American ruins and mountains. Surrounded by 160 acres of healing energy, you can sink into relaxation, inner peace and spirituality. We will practice the most advanced releasing while we experience the breath-taking scenery and tranquil surroundings that nurture and heal. Mago is the name of Mother Earth in ancient Asian cultures. This land was once held sacred by the Native Americans and is still recognized by many for its powerful healing energy.

Lester’s house is still there and his body lies at rest on this property. We will visit his grave site and the Healing Garden and Lake. Beautifully landscaped, surrounded by trees, flowers and aromatic herbs, it is a haven for many wild birds. The outdoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi is surrounded by dramatic vistas – majestic red rock formations and stunning starlight visions. It’s the perfect place to practice Lester’s  Advanced Method.

So… Where is the Retreat? It will be held at the serene Sedona Mago Retreat Center in Sedona, Arizona (just 125 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona). Shuttle services go to Sedona from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

MASSIVE SAVINGS DEAL  Sign up NOW and you pay only $2,180 for this

entire Retreat package which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day, double occupancy. Single occupancy package is only $2,400. 9

WELL I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU! Introducing the week long “Lester’s Way” Retreat. During this week I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the freedom that you have always been looking for.

 I will share with you Lester’s secrets to having total freedom. You will learn how to let go of the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from experiencing freedom. I will help you dissolve misconceptions you may have about freedom. I will help you to actually experience just what freedom is, so that you will be able to acquire literally anything you wish at will. You’ll not only master Lester’s success secrets you need to create the life you’ve always dreamed of—but also through the experience you will learn how to rapidly apply these techniques to your own life. You will leave with this positive, life changing knowledge. While this may sound like a bold statement, it’s one I am confident in making. Why? Because Lester’s Techniques always work. You simply have to put them to work for you.

 I will show you how—when you join me at Lester’s Way Retreat. The course is designed to produce profound and lasting results and deepen your awareness and consciousness, such as: • How to identify what exactly is stopping you from having all of your dreams and how to eliminate them— forever. • How to eliminate bad habits, negative thoughts, procrastination and lack of motivation which hold you back and how to solve all of these problems once and for all so they never come back to hurt you again. • How to eliminate all illnesses and health problems. • How to deal with adversity and turn it into a win. • How to take 100% responsibility for your life and to use it to reclaim your life. • How to develop and trust your intuition and reasoning abilities. • How to get rid of fear and worry once and for all. • How to let go of frustration once and for all. • How to “let the other person have it your way.” 10

• How to focus and stay focused. • How to achieve maximum profitability in any area of your life with less invested time and how “effortless success” is possible. • How to stop settling for less than you deserve. You will learn how to say “yes” to Abundance of all kinds. • How to double your income and double your time off at the same time. (Yes, it is possible!) • Why success seems to come easily and automatically to some people (you have likely known some of them yourself) and how, with a few changes, you can attract the same level of success. • The importance of accelerating your victories as a way to ensure future success. • How to identify your unique life purpose and how to align your life to serve and fulfill that purpose.

Gains from the Retreat  Love Consumes All & Gains $100,000  “At this retreat my skin calmed down and I am sleeping better. I feel more energy. Right before the retreat I had gains of $200, $500, $1500, and $100,000. I see that separation stands in the way of love and that the only way to deal with my ego or other’s ego is simply to love them. I met many wonderful people, had a beautiful room, and the food was excellent. I found that love consumes all. I feel peace and beingness.”  Ann Vogel, CA

 Loses 50 lbs and Blood Pressure Goes Down “This was the best retreat ever! I have a deeper level of releasing and am reaching the point of hootlessness in many areas of my life. I received calls about people interested in my house for sale. I feel that everything is easier and effortless as I continue releasing. I had a goal of having a house without a mortgage and it happened just before the retreat. I had a great road trip to the retreat and I feel like I’ve continued to lose weight this week. I already lost 50 pounds and my blood pressure went from 179/110 to 106/62.” Wes

Off Blood Pressure Medication “I reached a state of havingness for large periods. Today I have been off my blood pressure medication for 6 months. My joy levels have been raised for the first time. I have extremely high levels of quiet.” M.G., Australia   Back Pain Gone “I have struggled with back pain for more than 3 years. The pain arose very strong the first day of this retreat. By working with resistance and fear, I saw how I have been unconsciously holding ‘pain’ in mind. I devoted much of my time at the retreat to exposing those unconscious fears and resistance and letting them go. My back is now 100% better. I have tremendous energy and the ability to meet experiences with Christ-like love. I have been able to recognize and work with pride, judgment, and resistance as they arise.” Hal Smyer, CA

 Peace Prevails “I gained a greater sense of my beingness—a place of infinite approval, control, and security. I experienced letting go of wanting approval and was able to feel a sense of calm and peace.”

McPherson, NV 

Zhenya Delate, HI 

 Experiences Oneness “I have greater peace of mind and quietness of mind. I have a greater belief and understanding that I am free. I have an intention of being financially independent and free of time. I have a greater feeling of oneness and love. I have more skill and experience releasing and a big boost in momentum.” Jacob Dombroski, DE 

Greater Expansion of Deep Peace  and Joy  “I experienced a great expansion of deep peace and joy. I have been healing relationships and feeling love for former adversaries. I let go of my wanting to always be in peace and I gained more peace. When my ego got busy trying to figure out what to think about a compliment I was given, I put myself back into beingness and let go and went back to peace. I have been getting more paying clients with no advertising. I have been feeling acceptance of my body as it is and I feel more free in my body. I am feeling lighter and happier every day. The number of benefits I have been given cannot possibly all be written. They go beyond words, the mind, and body. Thank you Larry and Lester and all the dedicated people and teachers who are committed to true love and freedom.” Gianna Rosewood, WA

$1.6 Million Gain “After spending years attending all kinds of selfhelp, motivational, and spiritual programs, I must say that I have never found a clear and precise formula for manifesting what I would like to have in my life. In only a few months of releasing I have found the perfect formula for manifesting peace,  joy, love, and happiness and then through all of these, wealth as well I landed myself $1.6 million during the Retreat. What more or what else could I create?!” J.B., Singapore


 A message from Lester  Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of one’s life. That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears is sought for, but not that which exists. To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no more AGFLAP and CAP. The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it, your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing  faculty. When you are totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking. You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking. Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate state. You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP.

To see what the Retreat looks like, visit: Phone registration is now open by calling our offic e at 818-279-2438 if you are making a room reservation for a single or double room. We will assign a roommate unless you indicate your roommate’s name to us upon registration.


There’s Still Time

So… Are you in?

If you don’t join us now, your life will probably be the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people… Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself five years from now, “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself to experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.” Why not take a permanent vacation and have it all? Take a vacation that balances mind, body and spirit. Return to graceful living and beingness that adds joy to each moment. I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place. When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require. Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis. Call me at 818-279-2438. Why not take the next step to abundance, bliss and perfection in your life. You deserve it. I’m looking forward to being with you in Sedona. Love,

Get scholarshipped in for FREE see pages 21–22 

Monday–Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm (Pacific time) There is no charge. We are here to help you.

 Anna Sobiechart

Daniel Schultz

Kris Dillard

Donna Fedor

Richard Eichenholz 13

more…Retreat Gains  Experiences Bliss All Day  “I feel like I love my problem since working with Larry. It’s like there are no problems. I saw that I had a lot of hatred and that it was directed at myself, so I killed my ego and now there is a lot of love and acceptance there. I also learned that I need to do the ‘Can It Get Any Better’ exercise. This has helped me a lot – allow it to expand and then ask the deep stuff to come up. I also learned to identify even more with beingness and to focus on love and grace. I released on demonstration and was able to really see and feel my beingness and was in bliss all day. I kept letting go to see if it got better and better.” Sheryl Garrison  Comes Home “I learned that sleepiness is caused by suppressing feelings. During the first four days at the retreat, I could hardly stay awake. This improved after the fourth day. I took the course for the first time 12 years ago, I’ve attended about five 7-Day Retreats and three weekend classes. I had only been using the Release Technique to solve short-term problems like where to find something that was lost. After gaining a substantial amount of money, I came back to become a good steward of my money, only to rediscover the importance of this course. I feel imperturbable – enough to go back home and meet with my business partner without going into AGFLAP.” Georgie Molinksy   Rediscovers Herself  “After attending the Lester’s Way Retreat in Sedona, I feel more peaceful and loving. I also feel like I have rediscovered a part of me that I never thought I’d be able to access again. I feel more hopeful again, which is tremendous as I was in a state of near helplessness before the retreat. I’m leaving this event feeling far more expansive than I have in a while and I believe again that I truly am love.”  Angela McClaine 

 Experiences We are One “I learned more about what is running me—my master program and many other programs. I can see now the low hanging fruit. I will harvest it and the fruit that will come after as well. The realization that we are one was a gain.” Heinze Nonnenmacher  The Best Retreat Ever  “This was the best retreat ever—the place, the energy, the releasing magic. For the first time I felt very deeply, the ‘I am You’ feeling with others. I had a much deeper connection with everyone and everything. From the third day, I started to see lots of angels in the retreat hall and that all who were in the retreat are also angels. I am now happy no matter what and I am much more loving. I released lots of fears and now it feels much more possible to stay in the USA legally. During the entire retreat, I felt a strong connection with Lester.” Tadas Rakauskas   Improves Health “During this retreat, my health improved and I feel much lighter. It was great to see old friends and make new ones. It was great to be back on the ranch after 20 years. Lester’s memorial was very nice. I am looking forward to more retreats.” Carroll Hicks   New Deals Happen “While at the retreat I had several outstanding deals and projects that I previously was trying to chase after, that have just fallen into place effortlessly.” Stephen Krempl 



ONE Cause of All Your Problems 

 by Michael Silk

WHAT to do About It!

What if there were ONE main cause of all your suffering and “stuckness”? What if freeing yourself from that main cause could liberate you from all suffering and “stuckness” in your life for good? What if the reason you have lack and less than you want in areas of your life ALL stemmed from this ONE single cause? Would you be interested in finding out what IT is? I can tell you: The ONE singular cause of ALL your problems in your life is your own self-imposed limitations of mind. Your mind (filled with its concepts of what is possible and – more importantly – what it thinks is NOT possible) is the ONLY thing determining your life experience. Your life (and everything going on within it) is an “out-picturing” of your mind. Your life is the sum total of your thinkingness. It may not seem that way. But that’s only because most of what is in your mind is unconsciousness to you. The limitations are in your mind. That’s the ONLY place limitations exist – it’s just that you may not be AWARE of those limitations because they are unconscious to you. So you are left with two choices: Continue on as you are and forever be at the mercy (and the constraints) of your own unconscious limitations. Or: Be smart and bring your unconscious limitations into “sight” and then release them with the Release Technique. That way you become free of your (mostly hidden) self-imposed limitations and your life just keeps getting better… and better… and better! That’s exactly what Lester Levenson discovered for himself when he relentlessly released himself from all self-imposed limitations.

 Anyone can do it too. 15

You just need the right tools (the Release Technique) and the right guidance (which is available to you through the upcoming 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program. The 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program is for people that want to follow Lester’s path to total freedom and abundance. It’s all about building up HUGE momentum in your releasing and “drilling down” into the unconscious limitations in your mind that have been keeping you stuck at your present level of living. Through the structure and guided support of the 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program you can free yourself from whatever has been holding you back. You can experience for yourself what it is like to create your life through effortless thought. All it takes is the DOING of it. And that starts with a simple decision. I t ’s N o t T o o  Lat e ! W e ev  A simple decision to DO the 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program. en h a v  e a p  Here’s a clue: If you cannot decide to do the 90 Day Quiet Your ay -o ut  p la  n ! Mind Program - that right there is a “big red flag” that you have resistance (a self-imposed limitation) that is holding you back from the success, peace of mind, and abundance you deserve. Well, now you have an opportunity to join them (and experience the results you want in your life) by participating in the “Rolls Royce” of releasing programs:

NEW Lester’s 90-Day Launch to Freedom Program (Feb. 24th – May 22nd, 2015)

Launch to  Freedom 


This program is specifically designed to make you a MASTER over your life. Where you get to consciously create the life you really want. You cannot do it by trying to figure out how to change things or if change is even possible for you. You can ONLY do it by releasing the suppressed energy that is currently BLOCKING your ideal life from “showing up” in your day-to-day circumstances. So…If you want to continue struggling to make your life “work” than the 90-Day Launch to Freedom Program is NOT for you. On the other hand…If you’re finally ready to allow your life to naturally fall into place in just the way you want it to be—then the 90-Day Launch to Freedom Program is the “chauffeur driven” way to get there. To find out more about what you’ll get out of the 90-Day Launch to Freedom Program, how it’s based on Lester’s “Way to Freedom,” and make your reservation before it’s too late:

To learn how to participate in this program, please go to or call 818-279-2438  And now, a pay out plan is available! 

“This is the most amazing

money producing set—ever! ”

V.N., Holland

l a s  b  e  la   i a   v a   o  s  l A l a d.  n  o   w   o  d  3  P  M  r   L  o ok u n d e  e’ o n o u r   s ‘  t or  i e  w e b  s t Graduates have been asking how to use the “BUTT” system. Now, for the first time, we have a 5-audio set th at shows you how to successfully use this great system. Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Lester’s Challenge The Dawn of a  New Beginning… Everyone wants a continuous, constant, eternal happiness with no sorrow whatsoever, and no one is ever satisfied until he or she finds that. Everyone is seeking what we’re all seeking, the major difference being that they are seeking It in the world and are frustrated, while we are seeking It within and are successfully becoming happier.  When we go within we discover that all happiness is there. The only place where we can feel happiness is right within ourselves. That is exactly where it is. Every time we attribute this happiness to something external, to a person or a thing external, we get more pain with it than we do pleasure. Anyone disagree with that? If you have experienced enough, if you’ve lived long enough, and if  you’ve examined it, you’ve discovered this. The happiness that we’re seeking and thinking is out there external to us, isn’t there. The “happiness with no sorrow” can only be found by going within.

There’s no limit to joy. There is nothing that we cannot have. There are no heights that we cannot reach, in happiness, in money, in health or in anything. I want to throw out a challenge—I present to you how life could be if  you would go all the way. I present a way of life when we live by creating things just by thought. When we create things by just thought, everything falls into perfect harmony; nothing goes  wrong; everything becomes, immediately, the way we want it to be. I present this to you as a challenge, hoping you will take it and do just that.


Finally a solution to having a quiet mind Lester’s 90-Day Launch to Freedom Program February 24 through May 22, 2015 If you’ve ever experienced any sort of executive mentoring programs, you know they’ll cost you in excess of $25,000. Why do these executive programs cost so much? Because they absolutely work. They get results! So, we thought…what if we could take the quality of the best executive programs, and not only reproduce their effectiveness, but give you something 100 times better?

All sessions are recorded so you can still catch up

Better, because we’re

applying the highest teachings, direct from Lester: Total Mastership!  As a result, we’ve modeled the

best, most scientifically proven, coaching program out there…a program which creates more success in its field than anywhere before…so you will

than 95% success rate in achieving what you’re looking for. have a greater


Can you see how this tremendously successful 90-Day Program will allow you to completely transform your life?  Just imaging having the ability to: • Express greater personal freedom • Be fully released (imperturbable) • Make every impossible in your life immediately possible

So you can easily master areas of your life such as: finances, health, relationships, confidence, clarity, peace and happiness. That’s exactly what you will get if you decide to join this program.

Exclusive Participant benefits include:  1. 12-week one-of-a-kind interactive telecourse including 1 extra daily and weekly teleconference at a different time (so you actually get 24 weeks of calls in 12 weeks)

Save over


by joining in for a

total value of $13,145

2. Larry and 5+ Inspiring and Committed teachers sharing their unique guidance and perspective 3. Archived recordings of the 12 week telecourse for playback at your convenience 4. An all new, Ultra Powerful Workbook  with custom designed exercises for freedom & life mastery 5. A releasing partner for Synergy, Support and Accountability 6. Daily 30 minute “CAP Power Call” (Mon–Fri) to master CAP in your Day, Week & Life! 7. Archived recordings of the “CAP Power Call” 8. Success Mentoring & Advanced Private Coaching a. Weekly accountability check-in with mentor by email with homework and gains b. Bi-weekly (2 times a month) small group conference call with your mentor c. Exclusive Direct Access to your mentor for unparalleled advance support— available ONLY to “90-Day Launch to Freedom Program” participants 20

So here’s the bottom line…

If you are ready to make 2015 the best year of your life…

Join the 90-day program so you can have the power to master your life.  And you won’t have to pay $25,000 like other courses charge.  And, because I’d like you to have freedom and gains that graduates worldwide are able to experience, I’m going to allow you to have the best offer I’ve ever made.

Right now this life-changing program is yours for only $2,995.

OR Join today for two 90-Day Programs  and I will drop the price of your tuition to just $ 5,180 (that’s a savings of $810!)

But it gets even better… Since I’ve never done this one time offer before, I am making it an even greater value for you… 4 I’m going to scholarship you in to the Lester’s Way Retreat in Sedona,  AZ, March 15–21, 2015* — normally $2,495* —free ! (*does not include room and board) 4 OR The Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe , May 22–28, 2015* — normally $2,495* —free ! (*does not include room and board) 4 AND you will get the Love Yourself Teleconference , March 30–May 4, 2015—normally $895* —free !

p.s. If you don’t own the Goals & Resistance and Grow Up courses , I will even include these amazing courses—normally $670— for free !

Special—One Time Only— Get invited to a very special FEAR OF LIVING  COURSE at Larry’s home, July 16–19, 2015 (priceless and not available for sale) —  for FREE! 

This is a limited time offer and I am making this incredible package available to the first 50 graduates  who join in now (or until it fills up). 21

So, to be perfectly clear… Register for two 90-Day Programs for only $5,180 and you will automatically be registered for:

4 I’m going to scholarship you in to the Lester’s Way Retreat in Sedona, AZ, March 15–21, 2015* — normally $2,495*— free ! * (*does not include room & board) 4 OR The Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe, May 22–28, 2015* — normally $2,495*— free ! * (*does not include room & board) 4  AND you will get the Love Yourself Teleconference, March 30–May 4, 2015—normally $895* free !

4 The Goals & Resistance and Grow Up Courses, if you don’t already have them (normally $670), absolutely free !

Special—One Time Only— Get invited to Larry’s home in Sherman Oaks, CA for a very special Retreat on the “FE AR OF LIVING” July 16–19, 2015 (priceless and not available for sale) —for FREE! 

 All you pay is the low price of $5,180!  And that’s not all …call us at 1-818-279-2438 to hear

about other

additional offers we have that will totally blow you away! Requirements:  4 4 4 4

You must be serious and Fully Committed to achieving Life Mastery Own the Goals & Resistance  course Own the What Do I Want To Do When I Grow Up  course Don’t worry if you don’t have either of these courses—WE WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU. Don’t worry if you have not completed these courses yet—

We will give you direct, hands-on instruction so you will be running at full speed to participate at the highest level with all of the other graduates in the course. This program is recorded for playback , so we will work with you to bring you up to speed on these advanced course requirements. We all know releasing works and it works great. You know that, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now. It’s worked for you. It’s gotten you amazing gains, I know.


Lester said, and you’ve heard the recordings many times, “So why don’t you do it?”  There is one simple answer—Momentum. If you aren’t releasing enough to satisfy yourself, enough so that you can say, this releasing works great and I’m doing it all the time, it’s because you haven’t developed momentum. Unless you can say you’re entering really nice, impressive gains in your gains book , like those people on the 90-day courses, it’s only because you lack momentum. What those people did is make a Commitment to themselves, to their happiness, to their freedom. They decided to be the best releaser they could be. They decided to be willing to extend themselves and go the extra distance.  You can do that too. You can do it right now. Get started this very moment with a decision to not let anything stand in your way of achieving all you are capable of achieving, to reach the heights you are capable of reaching, to be the big winner you know you have inside of you waiting to be unleashed. Make a commitment like those who have taken a 90-day program did.

Decide to join in on this very special 90-Day program and share in everybody’s gains and have your own gains. Make a decision to join in and have your own releasing crescendo.

To learn how to participate in this program please go to or call 818-279-2438  we also have other packages to accommodate everyone!  Graduates who have decided to go all the way to freedom felt it was high time to get all their goals. They decided to forge ahead and get all the goodness available to them from releasing. They also decided to not leave any more treasure on the table. They decided to go for it, and finish the job. The 90-Day course provides the tools and skills to do that.

You can have a quiet mind… just  make the decision to attend!! Special— attend the FEAR OF LIVING in LARRY’S HOME July 16–19, 2015 23

Here’s Just a Sample of Gains from the 90 Day Course  Life is Beautiful  “Everything is perfect. Life is beautiful. I am at peace. Experiencing quietness. Experiencing calmness consistently. Emotional reaction when provoked is nil. Experiencing money gain everyday consistently. Relationships are bonding attachment with detachment. Experiencing mutual respect from social beings. Intuition is sharpening in a great way. Releasing skill is getting better and better.” Rashmi   Love Energy is Powerful  “I see I have not worked on my goal charts! I see I could be nice to work on my intentions each day. Gains got deep into seeing I am not my mind or body or death! I see more areas where ego over comes me into its ‘trance’ I play with surrender, overpower, tracing it back to beginning of this feeling and 6 step to clean it up. I see more and more this life is just a dream and I am just energy and all is energy. Where I put my mind is what see and feel. I am the master of what I attract. In the space of no thing I can make and have choices and options. Love energy in the most powerful More love for me and me being all. all being in me the point of “i” is the being of all. When I’m in that flow is what I and as my always normal.” Heinze Nonnenmacher   In Beingness to Witness Pride “Started to grasp the role of pride as a hide covering up all the AGFLAP supporting the ego. Had some nice experiences of Beingness witnessing pride. The call I had with you served as a catalyst for letting go of being responsible for my wife. It was as if a cord was cut. That meant if she AGFLAPped me, I saw it had nothing to do with me. Also, I saw it as my decision, however I choose to serve Rita, not something I had to do (since the cord was cut). The result has been a much more loving and enjoyable last 3 days, a very good weekend. Today I worked with my son and all the arrangements made for him to go to rehab tomorrow. He has lots of skin in the treatment as for me to pay for it, he gave up his ownership in our business, and deeded me his house (where I had loaned him the down payment).” Hal Goldstine   Beingness Shows Her the Way  “Programs, programs, they are everywhere! I completely let go of one on being an artist and now I am  just being my self - all loving. No persona. Now the time in the studio is so much fun and loving. I allowed Beingness to really show up and not outside my studio door like a stranger. She is my “Muse.” Gains from week 9, 90-day course. At the Vail Retreat, while releasing attachments and aversions to Imperturbability with my partner, I was awed what I was attached to! I realized after two and half years of 90 day and 30 days Retreats, assisting support line, releasing with partners, developing a practice of gains, goal, intention books, that this is in my life. I love it. I was dead and programmed before I experienced Imperturbably. Beingness just grabbed me to show me the way. I finally listened. I am now more loving and more in touched with who I really am. So I let go of the attachment to Imperturbability and see if it can get any better. Yes, thank you Beingness, Lester, Larry, Teachers and the whole company of releasers.” Georjean Hertzwig 

 Learns to Love All the Time “The support for this work is outstanding! I realized that I have done many other things that allowed me to skim the top of All-Lovingness to the point of bringing up tears. I did not realize that those tears were feelings coming up to leave and that I could have a deeper and more profound and healing experience. I am so glad to have all the support of teachers, partners, and daily workbook lessons to keep me guided in the direction of All-Loving Beingness all the time. And thank you Larry for pointing out how best to tell others about this course. I know that me working on my own releasing is the best advertisement and just send people to the web site. This course teaches how to be in love all the time! I feel so supported, thank you!” Valerie Burns  24

More Gains from the 90 Day Course $2,400 Gain in One Days Work  “I teach a music, art and poetry integration class to teachers in Portland, and my class this past Friday had double the participants that it normally has, which also means double the amount of money I make. I made $2,400 in one day’s work. Even though I had to commute 2 hrs and wake very early for this class, I released on the drive and felt so much appreciation for the day and for the fact that I had work. (Many teachers in Oregon are unemployed).  As I was releasing on the drive, I was overwhelmed by beauty: the way the light was emerging from the dawn and how the mist was rising above the lakes I passed by. I normally have a lot of resistance preparing for this class, but I went to sleep ‘reasonably’ early the night before and greeted all the teachers the next morning with ease and humility. Thank You for the 90 Day Class and for what all the teachers contribute! A HUGE thank you to my beloved mentor, Danny!!! He rocks!” Leelu Takasugi  The Method Heals Mother  “My mother had some health problems. We just sat down and I helped her release. The pain was almost completely gone in a few minutes and the next day, after a couple of more sessions, she was just feeling good and light and happy in her own words. I believe letting go of “wanting” to share the method helped me!” B.D. Tax People Send a $7,350 Cheque “I owed $11,000.00 to the tax man and they just sent me $7,350 cheque for paying too much tax. I let go of fear straight away when I had the thought. I stopped fighting with my wife and released and it was like it didn’t happen. I listened to her and she had a good point. So I acted opinion it straight away and released. I allowed myself to be who I truly am and became one with everything I thought of and sat in it for a while. I look after my body better. I give myself to beingness more often. Negative people are not talking about there problems to me anymore. I allowed myself to have a better car. A friend of mine went oversees to live and sold me his car for $2,000 less than he was asking for. I allow myself to have time to release. I stopped releasing and it all seamed to be hard so I released it being hard and gave all to beingness and my life has changed forever. Thank you to all that have brought this method to the many.” Shane Wade  Saves Car from Being Repossessed  “Until I started doing deep releasing, I struggled to pay my bills. I had several hundred dollars that I owed on my car. The bank was willing to work with me, but I could only pay small amounts. I lived in constant fear of the car being repossessed. Then, my debt was turned over to a collection agency. Again, they worked with me. I called one day to make a payment and they told me that they were no longer handling the account, and couldn’t give me any help on what to do next. I started to panic and my mind was making all kinds of noise... I finally surrendered to Beingness and released on all my fears!! I was totally hootless about the situation and just kept picturing the title in my hands. Three days later it just arrived in the mail! Releasing is always the answer.” Sarah Sheppard  Turns Job Around  “I have been releasing to have contractor work that is flexible schedule. A company I had been working with had let me go because of some new state certification requirements. I was starting to stress and think I would have to go back to working a regular job. I kept releasing and loving the fear that came up after not having any income for 2 weeks. I just today got an approval from the company on a plan that came to me to fulfill the certification requirement that will cost very little and allow me to start making good money again with this company with a schedule that is flexible and totally up to me. It is wonderful how after releasing it all came together.” John Nici  25


your life doesn’t always work as well as it should—and…

…WHAT TO DO about it R

elationships. We all have relationships. We have relationships with other people. We have a relationship with ourselves—our own body. We even have a relationship with inanimate objects—like our cars, our houses, our money, and so on. So, when you look at it like that, you’ll see your whole life is really one big intertwined mix of relationships. It therefore stands to reasons that you life will only ever be as good as the relationships in it. And as you scan over your life you’ll probably notice that some areas of your life are not working as well as others. Go on, ta ke a look. Perhaps you have an excellent relationship with your spouse but, you are frustrated with the lack of money you have in the bank. Or, maybe you have plenty of money but, you’re sad because you have nobody significant to share your life with. The point? Whether you are lacking money or lacking a life partner—the truth is it’s not the money or the partner (or anything else) that is the real problem—the real underlying problem is your RELATIONSHIP to the “thing” you’re lacking. Now take a closer look at the areas of your life. If you’re honest with yourself you’ll notice two things: 1) Where you already have something you really want you have a feeling of havingness toward it. 2) Where you feel you are lack ing something important in your life you have a sense of neediness around it. Go on, take it for checking and you will see that it is true. The question then becomes, how do you HAVE the “thing” you WANT? Most people in the world start taking action to get the thing they 26

continued from page 26

want. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Action can be very important. Often essential. But what typically happens is people throw themselves into doing things and after awhile (when nothing much seems to have changed in their life) they get frustrated, disillusioned and bitter that the “thing” they wanted has still not shown up or materialized in their life. What’s missing? Why does action alone often lead to disappointment?

START LOVING YOURSELF FULLY FIRST The answer—when you “see” it—is obvious: The real underlying reason action alone often doesn’t produce the results we want is because our RELATIONSHIP to the “thing” we want hasn’t changed. And unless your relationship with the thing you want is in full loving-alignment, then all the action in the world will most likely come to nothing. Or, if action alone (without a loving relationship) does get you what you want, then your experience of having what you want will be both less than satisfactory and short lived. Can you now see the secret to having a joyful, perfectly balanced life full of all the material possessions and type of people we want in our life is to FIRST have all-loving relationships with everything around us. However, in order to have all-loving relationships with everything around you—you first have to have an all-loving relationship with yourself. In other words…

Start loving yourself fully first. And when you feel complete with love—other “things,” including people, business associates, money and so on will be attracted into your life. It’s the law of positive attracts positive. And it’s a case of when you let go of wanting (i.e., let go of all non-love feelings) you move into HAVING. So why don’t we do that? Mostly because we’ve all been conditioned to believe that love lies outside ourselves. We have been erroneously led to believe that we have to get love from other people. And if other people don’t love us then we erroneously believe we have to control that other person into giving us love. But what if someone does give us love? That’s got to be a good thing right? Well, every time we appear to get love from an external source, especially from another person, it merely reinforces the erroneous belief that love can only be found outside ourselves. To be clear: 27

continued from page 27

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to receive love from another person. Not at all. It’s wonderful to receive love from another person. What I am saying (and the most important thing to understand) is that you NEVER have to rely on other people or external circumstances to give you the feeling of love.

LOVE RESIDES WITHIN YOU The more you can realize that (by releasing your non-loving feelings), the more successful all your relationships will be—and the more you will find yourself surrounding with the perfect people, circumstances, experiences and objects in your life. Ergo: Release non-loving feelings. Experience yourself as love. Watch your relationships (in all areas and contexts of your life) reflect back to you the perfection of who you are. But don’t take my word for it.


a s  e   l   b a  l   i a   v a   o A l s  oa d.  M P 3 d  ow n l  r   L  o ok u n d e  n o u r   o ’  e   r    o   t  s ‘ i e  w e b  s t

“…and let the other person have it your way.”  Lester Levenson 

For years, graduates have been requesting an audio set on how to give yourself approval. We’ve compiled a set of 5 CDs we think you will enjoy. Item #1054-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


by Larry Crane 

is Always

Present within YOU

ALWAYS. No matter how stressed, anxious or irritable you’re feeling. Love is ALWAYS  “underneath” those feelings. ALWAYS.

Here’s something else you can do—right now—to tap into that expansive state of delectable Love within you. Try this: Pick something you’re feeling less than all-loving about. Perhaps you feel “squeezed” for time. Perhaps you’re anxious about something happening later today. Or maybe you just feel uptight for no apparent reason. Just pick the feeling. Let’s say you feel irritable. Start with that. You don’t have to know why  you feel the way you do. Just say thank you to that part of you that’s showing up as irritability. Then do this: Ask that part of you that feels irritable what it wants for you through feeling irritable. Ask it what its positive purpose is for you. Go on ask it. And then allow your unconscious the “space” to answer the question for you. Be quiet with the question (allowing your unconscious “space”) and an answer will gently arise within you. Don’t force it. Just accept whatever answer/or feeling sense t hat arises. You need to “hear” your own answer from within. But let’s (for the sake of this example) say the part of you that’s irritable wants to feel IN CONTROL through the irritability. Thank that part for giving you the answer. Then ask the part that wants to feel IN CONTROL what it wants that’s EVEN DEEPER than that. Be quiet and “listen” to the answer that will arise from within you. Let’s say the thing the part wants that is EVEN DEEPER than wanting to be IN CONTROL is — SAFETY. Thank that part for giving you the answer. Then continue by asking the part that wants SAFETY what it wants through safety that’s EVEN DEEPER than that. 29

Let’s say the answer that rises within you is PEACE. “Congratulations!!  What Thank that part of you for the answer. a wonderful set . It showed me And continue again by asking the part that wants PEACE what it wants that’s EVEN how to be happy in seconds–  AF, Idaho DEEPER than that. WOW! ” Keep doing this—getting your OWN individual answers—and (generally in 5 to 6 “This CD set showed me how to questions) you’ll find that whatever horrible BP., Hawaii feeling you started out with you’ll eventually deal with my ego .” get the answer from within you that you WANT TO BATHE IN LOVE. You might not get a verbalized answer from within at this stage—more likely you’ll just tap into the feeling-essence of the LOVE that is within  you. And it will feel wonderful. Enjoy it. Just BATHE in that delectable Loving feeling and let it wash all through you… all parts of you… and all throughout your awareness. And just BE LOVE. And that’s when you’ll KNOW (through direct experience) that LOVE is beneath Al so  a v ai l   ab  l  e  EVERY uncomfortable feeling or thought that M P 3 d ow   n a s  l oa d   . shows up in your life. Lo o k u nd e  r  ‘s to r Try it—and experience it for yourself.    e’  o n o u  w eb  s  it e   r  You’ll LOVE it! Anyway, if you really want to tap into and LIVE PERMANENTLY with UNLIMITED LOVE filling every aspect of your life then the Love Yourself Teleconference being facilitated by Kris Dillard, Donna Fedor and Ana Sobiechart will be a profound experience for  you. Truth is, everyone on the planet (whether they realize it or not) is ULTIMATELY seeking completion through LOVE. The 6-week Love Yourself Teleconference (taking place between March 30th and May 4th, 2015) will elegantly guide you back to who you really are underneath all your uncomfortable and restrictive thoughts and feelings. It’s the Express Train to Love. And it will COMPLETE YOU. I invite you to give yourself the gift of LOVE today.

Graduates have been asking how to use page 82, on how to stay positive at all times. This 5-audio set shows you, step-by-step, how to accomplish it. Item #1056-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!   We’re on a mission to show our graduates

how to love yourself and let the world have it your way!

Kris Dillard

Donna Fedor

Anna Sobiechart

 Announcing the

Love Yourself & Let the World Have it Your Way Teleconference Starting March 30th through May 4th, 2015 We recently asked ourselves “would it be possible to give all of our graduates a gift that would ensure them real love in every aspect of their lives?” The answer was clear, we would need to pull out all the stops. So, for 6 weeks we will be conducting an amazing teleconference series each consecutive Monday 5:30–7:30 p.m. (Pacific time) (6:30–8:30 p.m. MT / 7:30–9:30 p.m. Central / 8:30–10:30 p.m. Eastern )

Here’s what you get: 

Now available in European time zone at 9:30am PT.

• Kris Dillard, Donna Fedor, and Anna Sobiechart doing the teleconference each Monday for 6 consecutive weeks, helping you knock out your non-loving feelings and limitations. • An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the loving lifestyle that you deserve. • Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience. • A releasing partner to help you focus. • Access to our support line for releasing assistance.

Let me ask you… • Would you be interested in finding out how to bring love to every relationship you have? • Would you like to raise your happiness and confidence level easily just as Lester did? • Would you like to say goodbye to arguing, stress and conflict and restore peace and sanity in your life? • Would you like to learn a step by step program that will show you how to have everyone in your life cooperate and be in harmony with them without having to raise your voice ever? 31

!   d    i  d   r   e   t   s   e  L   s   a  t   s   u    j  —    p  i   h   s   n   o   i   t   a  l    e   r   y  r   e   v   e  o   t  e   v   o  l   B  r i n g  

Get No matter what you answered, I want you to know that every scholarshipped step of the way we will be coaching you to reach into your very in for FREE core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your see pages blocks and enable you to experience having total love in your life! 21–22  Requirements:  • The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest for 6 weeks to do this transformational work  • The ability to block time for this amazing program •  Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a “whatever it takes” attitude to achieve your goals

Why are we doing this?   You see…part of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals! This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will have results in all areas of your life. The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferences…and maybe someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable so we can help as many people as possible attend. Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since we’re actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full 6 weeks. So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $895. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and then pay the additional $400 the next month. We’re so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your personal problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings). Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and determining how you are going to get it done, don’t procrastinate and lose out on this opportunity—it is a one-time event! The question is, “Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not years?” If yes, sign up NOW !

 You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling

(818) 279-2438, or sign up under “live classes” on our website ( 32

Learn Lester� secret to bringing love to every relationship!   This course will show you how to do it, how to love yourself and reap the rewards financially, health-wise and in your relationships and to accomplish whatever your heart desires. You can have it all when you know how to love yourself.  As Lester frequently said, “there are no impossibles when one is totally loving.” This course is a manual of love from Lester. He dedicated his life to showing people what love is, how to be loving, and how that translates to success in every area of your life.

This course is guaranteed to be one of the most eye-opening life tools you have ever come across.

 Let The Other Person  Have It Your Way  When you are loving, people come your way. They give you what you want. They may not know why, but they feel something special about you. They want to let you have it your way. They’re compelled by love. They feel the power of love. In this course, you will learn how to let the other person have it your way. You will learn, when you give love, when you are loving, the entire world comes your way.

There are no Impossibles Lester Levenson showed us that there are no impossibles. Nothing is impossible. What would you like to have? You can have that and more if you learn to love yourself. What would you like to do? You can do that and more if you learn to love yourself. What would you like to be? You can be that and more if you learn to love yourself. Love yourself and for you nothing is impossible.

When you learn about love you will find that you have the most powerful tool available to you all the time. Love is the answer. Love is healing. Love is transforming. Love resolves. Love is curative. Love can repair anything or anyone. Love is strength. Love is power. Love is the solution. Love is the answer. When you learn to love yourself the world is yours. When you learn to love yourself you live in the highest energy. When you learn to love yourself you live in the highest feeling possible. When you learn to love yourself you can have everything. You can have everything and anything even if it might seem unattainable to you right now. The world comes your way when you love yourself. People come your way. Money comes your way. Health comes your way. Success comes your way. Happiness comes your way. Everything in your life works perfectly when you love yourself.

To register call, 1-818-279-2438 or sign up under “live classes” on our website . 33

Creates $$58,000 with Ease “Wonderful releasing depth and surrenders this week, I realize I am ALWAYS gaining value towards freedom every time I release, I can discriminate past behavior with clarity and let go of the “beating myself up” knowing I am on the correct path. Acceptance and love for myself and my ego. Joy welling up inside constantly today, decisions made that in the past would be very indecisive are easy, clear, and no Attachments/Aversions. In the face of sheer chaos I look within myself and love out, there is no greater knowing that I have it all, and this is just a picture out there in front of me, when you achieve this experience, this game becomes extraordinarily fun. I created $58,000 today. In looking back, I had subtle thoughts of it, but always let go. The surrender is key, give up, quit allowing your mind to run you, your thoughts. The peace , love, everywhere presence , and knowing is sooooooo much more enjoyable. There is no comparison, there is no going back, as the whole pie must taste even better. I lovingly experience my day thru witness, interacting with the picture, from my beingness, knowing that no one can harm me or make me unsafe, or take love away from me nor take control. They may present an illusion to this effect but my knowing is too strong now.” Shaun

 Experiences Oneness “Wow! Yesterday’s calls were great! Last night’s segment with Joe felt like being wrapped up in a cocoon. It was a fabulous feeling of imperturbability. When you experience oneness you feel the love with all. I slept soundly all night long. I am experiencing now how the process of releasing all attachment to any belief is healing.” Mary-Margaret 

a real sense of calm and joy. Releasing helped my husband recover completely from a brain hemorrhage in January. He lost a software development contracting opportunity while he was ill but it was replaced by a better opportunity for more money per hour. I’ve also gained new customers for my business. Recently, I have been working to increase the size of my financial gains and had two wonderful events occur. 1.) An issue that had occurred with my medical insurance was cleared up and the company agreed to pay their full amount on a $35,000 charge. Instead of owing over $16,000 to the medical provider, I will only need to pay $3,900. 2.) Also I was notified that a company I used to work for has decided to allow former employees, who would be eligible for a pension at age 65, to take the entire amount now if they so choose. I have about $29,000 com ing that I can roll into an IRA. This was totally unexpected! I am truly grateful.” Constance Wilde


Turns Ego & Selfishness into Loving “Two important aspects that produced huge gains for me were doing the pride exercise everyday and letting go of the aversion to change, completely. The first turned ego selfishness into loving selflessness. The second turned “I can’t” into “I can,” “I have,” and best of all “I am” (abundance, imperturbability).” Raf Mauro

 Better and Better at Love “I noticed that I do not desire sugar as I have in the past. I also noticed that it feels better to eat far less and not feel full. These were not conscious decisions, but observations of my behavior. As a result I have more energy and can focus with greater clarity. Life seems to be lot easier. Situations take care of themselves and I am not needed to control them or even be concerned about them. I know they will work out with the best possible outcome. Duregon  I have to laugh when speaking to customer service reps, for example, over the last three weeks.  Big Money Gains & Husband Recover s There couldn’t be more pleasant, courteous or from Brain Hemorrhage “Since beginning the Release Technique about two years helpful people on the planet. It’s amazing when ago, I have had a continuing series of gains in health and you send anyone love before an interaction.” Judith


 Releases on Son’s Illness &  Feels Better  “Since my son has had ‘sleepy spells’ I have noticed that I started to fear the worst. I have been releasing every day and seeing my son as healthy. I feel very much at peace today and am able to feel in control again and feel the security I seemed to let slip through my fingers as I felt a PTSD type of syndrome which is normal when this type of diagnosis happens with a child. I will continue to release and release even more every second until he is all better. Seeing him as healthy and feeling imperturbable feels like a huge weight has life’s off my shoulders and the sadness has passed. Who knows what good things will come but I know my goals will be obtained any minute now.” Theresa Searles 

Did You Know? That all Live Classes , as well as CDs, books , and DVDs  are Tax Deductible!  An income tax deduction is allowed for education expenses undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills–including registration fees, travel, meals, and lodging.

Join us on facebook! Have your friends join us on facebook! Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information, see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does, share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to—  This will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

We’ve just launched a new  online Releasing community. Many of the teachers and other releasers who are using the method as a daily practice are sharing their first-hand experiences. You’re invited to join in and share your own. Also, when you join in, you can download previews of the never before heard Lester audios.

Go to: 35

THE ULTIMATE COURSE— a f as t e r  F e at ur i ng e as e us i ng l   e   R  o   t  y  a w  x   S t e p s  i S  s  ’ r   e   t   s   e  L

 The 7-Day Final in Lake May 22 –

For years graduates have been requesting a more comprehensive Retreat that they could attend—now we have it. During the 7-Day Retreat we’ll go even further than we have ever gone. If you’re looking for a new level of peace, success and achievement  in your life…whether it be in your physical, financial, mental, emotional, or spiritual life… I invite you to discover why the Final Step Course is the fastest, easiest, and

Well now you can—and it’s up to you

and you alone!! It’s just a decision…and it’s yours, and yours only!!! This is the time of the year when people take a vacation. But ask yourself, what are you taking a vacation from? When you most reliable way to experience freedom look at it clearly—you’re actually trying to or peace of mind using Lester’s Six Steps. get away from your life and the things you Transition from where you are to where do every day. you want to be! Ask yourself if you really want freedom…now! 

 A message from Lester  Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of one’s life. That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears is sought for, but not that which exists. To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no more AGFLAP and CAP. The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it,  your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking. You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking.  Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate state. You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP.



Step Retreat  Tahoe (



Get scholarshipped in for FREE see pages 21 & 22


 A RARE OPPORTUNITY  A rare opportunity is available to you to have all the freedom Lester is talking about—and it’s up to you to take this opportunity now!!


Larry Crane and his teacher, Lester Levenson

I invite you to finally make the decision to have all your highest goals and wishes! Has anyone ever challenged you to go for those dreams? To have abundance in every way? To live in a As a Bonus for signing up world of having instead of wanting (and never getting)? for this Retreat receive Lester’s Enlightenment To have the peace of mind Digital Online Course  you deserve all the time to a $4,260 Value!  be safe all the time, no matter what happens around you or in the world. To be in love all the time. To be abundantly healthy once and for all? To have all the wealth you will ever use? 30 sessions with Lester


WELL I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU! Introducing the 7-Day “Final Step to Freedom.” During this time I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the freedom that you have always been looking for.

I will share with you Lester’s secrets to having total free-  dom. You will learn how to let go of the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from experiencing freedom. I will help you dissolve misconceptions you may have about freedom. I will help you to actually experience  just what freedom is, so that you will be able to acquire literally anything you wish at will. You’ll not only master Lester’s success secrets you need to create the life you’ve always dreamed of—but also through the experience you will learn how to rapidly apply these techniques to your own life. You will leave with this positive, life-changing knowledge.

While this may sound like a bold statement, it’s one I am confident in making. Why? Because Lester’s Techniques always work. You simply have to put them to work for you.

I will show you how—when you join me at the Final Step Retreat. 38

 Presenting the 90-Day Celebration to Freedom material. We will teach some of the 90-Day Program and you’ll have an opportunity to be involved in this powerful program.

 AMAZING GAINS Step One is Solidly in Place  “My Momentum is back, and the minor emphasized it. My commitment to step one is solidly in place and I see the need to keep repeating it with each release.” Pete Youell 

Gains Peace & Loses 15 lbs. “I have let go of being offended and blaming— 2 huge things! This alone has gotten rid of landfills of garbage; meaning anger and hatred! I love people more and more for absolutely no reason! I am gradually seeing more people as my equal and am judging less and less. This has been so freeing. It’s really difficult to put into words. My relationship with my son has been more respectful and loving. I have let go of the need to mother him. I have also lost weight—about 12/15lbs.” Susan 

Lets Go of 39 Years of Anger & Fear  “The Release Technique has brought me all the peace and love I could have ever imagined. This thing I call my life is more fulfilling in every area. Last night I released anger-fear-resentment that had been there for 39 years I had no idea this event was still in my body hurting me all these years. Heat, tears, anger, grief, sadness moved through and out. Wow the garbage just life, this was part of an original program playing out over and over. A) I lose B) I lose – now there is nothing id change, peace with the past! The most impactful release has been my chronic disapproval of my husband, wanting to change him. This does not work and never did. We lived a constant push- pull dynamic.  As I’ve stopped disapproving and just love him because he is the way he is. Everything changed. His heart opened and we are experiencing grater love, joy and bliss than I know was possible. I am free of needing to control others and allow them to be the way they are and just love them. This is profound and as I felt before it was my job to change others and the world thinking it would make the world a better place. I was wrong.” Shivani Grail 

The course is designed to produce profound and lasting results and deepen your awareness and consciousness.

continued from page 40

So . . . Where is it Held? This advanced course is for graduates only. It will be held at the fabulous Granlibakken Conference Center in Lake Tahoe, California (just 50 miles east of Reno, NV). The magnificent resort is nestled in the beautiful pine trees above Lake Tahoe. Granlibakken is a Norwegian word for a “hill sheltered by fir trees.” Its enchanting combination of forest and lake creates the perfect place to practice Lester’s Final Step course. We’ll start on Friday May 22 at 7:30 pm and continue through Thursday, May 28 at noon. Massive Savings Deal: Sign up now and pay only $2,095 for this entire retreat package which includes room and board and 3 fabulous meals per day. Double occupancy Deluxe Package is $2,195, Standard Single Package is $2,395, Deluxe Single Package is $2,595. To see what Granlibakken looks like visit:

The Final Step Retreat will bring together the Launch to Freedom course participants. Be there to join in their unprecedented high-energy. Be there to share in their gains and share your own gains. Prepare now for your own releasing crescendo.

Join in the Finish Line and Celebration of Freedom at the Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe!  I urge you to call me at 818-2792438  to reserve your place, or go to When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require. Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis. I’m looking forward to being with you in Lake Tahoe. Love,

So . . . Are you in? If you don’t join us now, your life will probably be the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people…Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself five years from now, “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself to experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.”

 All attendees must book their room directly with Granlibakken to attend.


The Mind Gets Quiet & Has Answers “Finally I really know what beingness is. It is just feeling free inside, experience lightness in the body and being happy, and having gratitude and love for the world. My body changed a lot and I saw that resistance to people made my eyes unclear. As I was letting go of this out of the control feeling my eyes got cleared I see the world and people even clearer than I could thought it could be. When I am breathing it is just like fresh air is coming through my nose without having any kind of effort. My body is straight without doing anything I realized that as I was letting go of a lot of fear especially fear of showing up and to beautiful men. My mind got quiet and I have answers when I need them. I am just grateful to be in this world and have a very clear intuition. I can look at people, love them and just be happy. I never experienced so much love to myself, to other people and the world, I  just feel complete awake and free.” Pia Rennhack 

much more difficult to maintain while this one is easy to maintain on an ongoing basis Digestion system has worked properly all week. This is not always the case.” Pat Price 

 Joy Fills Heart  “I felt so much joy it was hart to contain I had to go for a walk. My big gain was to be here with others like-minded people who have a quiet mind most of the time.” Noah Yoder

 Approved for US Swim Team “I experienced deep peace and silence. My relationship turned from “I’m leaven you” to “I love you” She is becoming more and more lovable and loving as I release. My team was approved by USA swimming while on the retreat. I got a call for 5 more swimmers to join the team during the retreat. My greatest gain was the releasing digging deeper exercise, which chipped off the part of my persona Stops Smoking & Blood Pressure Meds “The main personal goal was to let go of the nagging blocking me from seeing reality. I can see, actually loneliness I lived for 25 years. Goal achieved! No smoke see, my eyes, my vision the light of God shining in 8 days – I smoked pack plus 30 yrs. No drinking alcohol. things it’s like an acid trip. ” S.E. I drank since forever . Relationship wound healed lasted Gets More Desireless 1 yr. 2 mo. (the pain! ) Haven’t taken BLD Pressure meds “A major intention I had for this retreat was to be for 6 days, I feel good! I didn’t die! Had awareness of desireless. I am more and more in that direction my mind talk to me. Had clear awareness of my mind having a quieter mind and being more in my beingprogram and “I.” Had incredible release session with ness. I was able to catch myself most at the time people who were helpful and wonderful. I no longer feel trying to figure things out and let it go immediately alone my anxiety is gone. Didn’t even have to think to get as I notice it. I am leaving this retreat with greater $5,180 package. Found the benefit of sex steps. Danny sense at quiet, and deeper love towards myself and explained to me things I wondered about for years! All others.” G.M. the teachers were kind and patient. My intention to experience imperturbability is achieved! Larry was beyond  Experiences Deeper Awareness incredible. I healed a massive headache in 5 minutes. “During this retreat, I experienced a deeper awareThe real gains are about to take place but I don’t know ness of Beingess and I also experienced a clear what they are. I realized it’s actually harder not to work decision to be imperturbable (I thought I had already than to work. There was someone here who I thought made that decision, but this experience was very couldn’t stand me. He never smiled when I tried to talk clearly a real decision). to him and I sent him love for a whole day. I happened I was able to connect with partners to really to sit down next to him - when he got up to get water release on a much deeper level than ever before. I he asked me if I wanted a glass- that was big-real big!” worked with Richard on my program and I saw that  Andrew Schoenfeld  I was still wanting control and was able to release wanting to figure out the next chapter of my life. Gets Healthier  I appreciated Larry and the teachers supporting “I was able to release many tendrils connected with my the releasing my husband and I both have to do to health challenges many of them I had never associated move forward in clarity and harmony. So that I can with my current issues truly live as a loving being all in all – I fill like I gained I was able to transfer my experience of “beingness” clarity by dumping tons of garbage. Loved it – and from a small space within me to the waves of love I am filled with deep gratitude.” B.O. experience around me and through me. The other was 40

The Programs Course  to Clean Up the Past, Beliefs and Programs  This entirely NEW  breakthrough program is radically charged to awaken you to what you really are. You will experience infinite beingness and go deeper than you have ever experienced before.

I urge you to let nothing stop you from acquiring this life-changing CD set. I feel absolutely convinced that you will gain a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure. You will be guided to your true place of beingness to resolve difficulties, and have IMPERTURBABILITY, happiness and peace of mind. Not only will this new Programs Course CD set help you clean up the past—but it will help you to clean all those subconscious programs that have been sabotaging you all your life. We will clean up programs like these:

N E W  ! 

• • • • •

I’m not good enough. I lack self confidence. I lack self respect. No matter what I do it’s never good enough. Fear, self hatred, jealously, shame, grief, anger and hatred. • I hate myself. • I hate my life. Item #1063-CD • Self doubt. This 7-week intensive home study course • I’m so stupid. comes on eight CDs, complete with • No matter what I do I can’t win. workbook, three bonus CDs and a telephone • Humiliation and shame. partner to release with (upon request). This • Feeling like a victim. is an advance course for Release Technique graduates only. • The “why me” syndrome. • Why am I such a loser? • Feeling ridiculed. • Feeling like I don’t belong or feel like an outsider. • My life will always be filled with pain and struggle. This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only! The cost is just $335. To order, call 818-279-2438 41

This course has never cost anyone any money! Thousands of graduates have made millions with this course. Don’t be left out!




his special course N  E  W   !   is facilitated by 1 7 C D  s et    Larry Crane. The new 17 CD set contains 8 CDs newly created in a recording studio  where Larry personally guides you through the Goals & Resistance course in the same way he guided you through the Abundance Course sessions, and you get the 8 newly digitally remastered live Teleconference CD set in which you will hear amazing gains by the participants as the course unfolds, along with workbook and assignments, and one special CD which consists of two sessions by Lester on goals and resistance. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release with each day. The Goals & Resistance  course was created to fill a need. Graduates wanted more. The tools they had acquired were powerful and yet they asked for something which would help them incorporate the Release Technique even more into their daily lives. We all have subconscious resistance, which we hide from ourselves. The Goals & Resistance   course was created by Lester to help you knock out this subconscious resistance thus allowing you to start winning more in life, move closer and closer toward freedom and make releasing more consistent and powerful. If you wish, you can call Larry directly for any questions you might have about the next steps, at 818-2792438 in Los Angeles.

The cost is just $335 — Item #1021-CD (plus $12.95 shipping & handling) 42

This Exciting NEW Advanced Course Will Help You: • Achieve all goals more easily and consistently. • Identify your resistance and let it go with ease. • Have fun by releasing all day and having a partner for support. • Gain freedom faster–making it easier to stay in touch with your beingness all the time. • Knock out subconscious blocks that stop you from achieving whatever you want in life. • Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life. • Be consistently positive in all things. • Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

If you already own the Goals & Resistance course, the new and improved set is available to you for half price—a savings of $167.50! You must use code GR10 when ordering.

Don’t just sit on your assets. The more you invest in yourself— the more you’ll appreciate in every way. N EW    ! I MP  R   OV E D 

 What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up? Course  A Very Advanced Course (for graduates only)  A six-week course on 16 CDs, complete with workbook, and a partner to release with.

 Are you ready to go all the way to freedom? Are you ready to stop tolerating things in your life? Are you ready to take charge of your life and do what you truly love? If you are finally ready to reall y find the way, then this 16 CD set, digitally remastered, is for you. You get 8 New Studio version CDs and 8 Bonus Live CDs all digitally remastered . This advanced course works on the fear of dying and the wanting to be separate, which is a very deep, hidden program. Working on these deep, suppressed areas allows you to go very, very deep. 4

Discover how to have the life you truly love 


Discover how to do only what you love 


Enjoy a life free of worry and stress 


Increase self-confidence 

4 4 4

Attain better relationships at work and home  Be the person you were always meant to be  Get clear on your goals and then reach them 


Take back your life and your power 


Be in charge of your life, fully 

4  Make

the most of your life and have the freedom to choose 

Get unstuck and move forward with a wonderful life 


Get clear on the direction you should go in life 


Move beyond constant, frenetic doing 


Lift the ceiling of your success once and for all 


Resolve your money issues and have financial abundance 


Create the life you always wanted 

If you already own the “Grow-Up” course, the new, improved set is available to you for HALF PRICE—a savings of $167.50.  You must use code GU10 when ordering.

 At the core of this course is the magic Lester Levenson taught to go all the way to freedom. The cost is just $335 — Item #1018-CD (plus $12.95 shipping & handling) To order, call 818-279-2438 43

The Ultimate Course—For Those

June 20 thru June 28, 2015 Set Yourself Free from Worldly Problems What would it be worth to you to get rid of This is the time of the year when all of your frustrations —once and for all? people take a vacation. But ask yourWhat would it be worth to you to get rid of self, what are you taking a vacation all of your fears, concerns and worries once from? When you look at it clearly— and for all? you’re actually trying to get away from What would it be worth to you to get rid of your life and the things you do every all of your guilty feelings? Finally! day. How long are you going to wait to finally have  Ask yourself if you really all the things you’ve been looking to have in want freedom…now!  life? Well now you can—and it’s up to you and to Open to Graduates as well as you alone!! It’s just a decision… and it’s yours, Non-Graduates and yours only!!! •

A message from Lester   Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of one’s life. That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears is sought for, but not that which exists. To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no more AGFLAP and CAP. The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it, your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking. You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking.  Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate state. You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP. 44

That Really Want Freedom Now!!

S av  e   $ 6 0 0 

R e g i s t e r b e f o re    A  p ri  l 1 0 

 The 9 Day LESTER’S WAY RETREAT at the Mennorode Conference Center in Elspeet, Netherlands (Tel +31 (0)577 498 111) Bring a friend who has not attended a 7 or 9-Day Retreat and save $200 off the regular price for yourself and $200 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $400, bring 3 friends and save $600, bring 4 friends and save $800, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE ! Plus each friend saves $200 off the regular price. Bring 5 new people and stay the entire week at the retreat for FREE including room & board! 

A RARE OPPORTUNITY  A rare opportunity is available to you to have all the freedom Lester is talking about—and it’s up to you to take this opportunity now!!

STARTING NOW!  Mennorode Conference Centre

I invite you to finally make the decision to have all your highest goals and wishes! Has anyone ever challenged you to go for those dreams? To have abundance in every way? To live in a world of having instead of wanting (and never getting)? To have the peace of mind you deserve all the time to be safe all the time, no matter what happens around you or in the world. To be in love all the time. To be abundantly healthy once and for all? To have all the wealth you will ever use? 45

Sharing the Lester’s Way Course with you is a promise I made to Lester and it’s a promise I aim to keep. My greatest reward for sharing this will be your success. I have reserved a week at the beautiful Mennorode Conference Centre in Elspeet, Netherlands. This spacious Conference Center is set in acres of woodland countryside. Deep peace…serenity…a sense of awe for the beauty of this secluded Conference Center—all who visit here feel it. You can’t miss it! All your senses awaken. It is the quiet that makes this Conference Center the perfect place to learn these proven methods of generating unbelievable wealth and health. You can also take advantage of the fitness center, steam room. All rooms have a view of the wooded surroundings. We’ll start on Saturday, June 20, at 5:30 pm and continue through Sunday, June 28, at noon. Tuition is only $2,495 (US dollars), plus room and board of 677.80 shared room, or single room (limited availability). If you register by April 10, the tuition is only $1,895 (US dollars) (plus room and board), includes three fabulous meals per day). To see what the Mennorode Conference Center looks like visit: This course is for anyone that wants freedom. It will be held at the Mennorode Conference Centre in Elspeet, Netherlands. Mennorode has its own shuttle service to and from the railway station Nunspeet. Guests can use this service by paying a small fee. The trip needs to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. For information and reservations please contact the reception of Mennorode + 31 577 498 111. Room registration is now open by calling Mennorode Conference Centre at +31 577 498 111 if you are making a room reservation for a single or double room. When booking a double room, indicate your roommate’s name upon registration.

Mennorode Conference Centre, Apeldoornseweg 185, 8075 RJ, Elspeet Tel: +31 577 498 111 W: E: [email protected]


There’s Still Time So... Are you in? If you don’t join us now, your life will probably be the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people… Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself five years from now, “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself to experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.” Why not take a permanent vacation and have it all? Take a vacation that balances mind, body and spirit. Return to graceful living and beingness that adds joy to each moment. I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place or go to our website When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require. Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a As a Bonus for signing up for this Retreat receive first-come basis. Lester’s Enlightenment Call me at 818-279-2438. Why not take the next Digital Online Course  step to abundance, bliss and perfection in your life. a $4,260 Value!  You deserve it. We look forward to being with you in Holland.

Ge t ed  p   p  i  h   s  r  la o  h c  s  i n fo r F R E E (  see page s  21 – 2 2 ) .

30 sessions with Lester


l a s  b  e  la   i a   v a   o  s  l A a d. Special Clean-up Audios II  o   l  n   w   o  d  3  M P  r   L  o ok u n d e with Larry Crane   r    u  o   n  o  e’  s ‘  t or  “I loved  the frst Larry Crane Clean-up set i e  w e b  s t …this is even better! ” G.W., CA Larry Crane This new 2nd edition is a powerful 10 audio CD set of clean-up sessions recorded live. These audios are the best of Larry’s clean-up exercises recorded live from 2008 to 2012 retreats in California (Asilomar, San Diego, Lake Tahoe), Texas and Colorado. For years, at advanced 7- and 9-Day Retreats, the most amazing and powerful releasing “clean-up” sessions are conducted. Spawned by the intense energy and releasing momentum, these sessions often go to very high places of consciousness. Now, these recorded sessions are available for you to experience the same power of presence and awakening. Please note: These are very advanced sessions that often address the fear of dying and separation. It is best if you have taken the Goals & Resistance 10 CD Set and What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up  advanced courses. Item # 1064-CD $79.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling) This is an advanced course for Release Technique graduates only.

“This is the most powerful set I have.”

N.K., Kansas

“This taught me how to get unstuck in seconds.” Y.C., Wisconsin

Larry’s General Releasing Check-off List 

Al s o a v ai l  a  bl  e a  M P3    d o wn l o a  s  d.  Lo o k u nd e  r  ‘s to  re  ’ o  n o u  w e bs i  te   r 

This 5 CD set shows you how to stay on course—known as “Dr. Crane’s General Releasing sheet” on page 74A in the Abundance Course. Item #1057-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Moving From I Can’t to I Can Learn how to knock out your Limitations and Excuses

A ls  o a  v  M P 3  ai l a b   le  a s  d o  Lo o k  wn  l  oa d   .    ‘ s to  r  u nd  e r e’  o n  w eb   si   o ur    te  

by Larry Crane

Why be frustrated with excuses for not doing exactly what you wish to do? These CDs will show you how to eliminate all excuses and “I can’ts” and make them into “I CAN.” We’ve compiled a set of 5 CDs that will show you how to do it. Item #1060-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

For additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit ww

  e l a s   b a  l   i a   v a   o  s A l  oa d.  M P 3 d  ow n l  r   L  o ok u n d e  n o u r   o ’  e   r    o   t  s ‘ i e  w e b  s t

Special Teachers Clean-Up  Audios III These Clean-up audios were reproduced from some of the 7-Day Retreats. Some of these are very advanced. We compiled the best of the best from our teachers’ cleanups that walk you through exercises that are sure to get your mind quiet and closer to freedom. The audios provide graduates with a variety of Clean-up Sessions and give you an opportunity to get to know the teachers and their different approaches to applying the principles of releasing. Prerequisite: Release Technique graduates only. Item #1068-CD $59.95 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling) 49

Learn Lester’s Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW! 

Lester Levenson

Designed to MAXIMIZE  your health, wellness and fitness!!

Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living  Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

You’ll Learn a Way to Eliminate the Underlying Cause of Your Major Health Problems Easily!!  While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this amazing course. If you have tried virtually “everything” to no avail or with only fleeting success…

Then this course is for you • You’ll learn a way so vital that it’s bursting out of you with unbelievable energy. • Eliminate the underlying cause of major health problems. • Learn skills for weight loss and weight maintenance. • Have optimum health–no more doctor bills, no more misery. • If you have struggled with weight issues and body image, self-esteem, and health concerns that often go hand in hand with the struggle… • If you have experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement, guilt or embarrassment …

The course comes on 14 CDs, complete with workbook, and a par tner to Release with. This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only ! The cost is just $ 335. To order, call 818-279-2438


The Way To Complete Freedom Book  Sessions with a Master on Personal Transformation


 Transcripts from Lester’s talks and subjects including: •

The Basic Goal and Ways to Attainment

Problems and How They Resolve

Spiritual Growth


Helping Others


The World

A Perfect Body

All About Love

This Limited Edition 10-CD compilation consists of talks with Lester Levenson though his life, spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s. Included is a beautiful book with rare Lester photos that have never been released before.  We selected the best of the audios that takes  you through a journey of Lester’s life and the development of the Technique taught today. You  will be astounded and inspired as you listen to Lester’s talks and answers to many questions, previously unanswered, covering many topics. Item #100-CD $150.00 (plus $10 shipping & handling)

 VIDEO limited edition commemorative dvd of rare  video

…and much more!

Item #1013 • $100.00 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling)

Talks with Lester Silver Edition Volumes 3 & 4

 VIDEO Item #1016-DVD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


This rare video footage had been lost for over 22  years and has never before been seen or offered to the general public. In addition, we added some very rare pictures from Lester’s private collection throughout his life. The video was filmed in 1986 at a retreat center and has been digitally mastered. Item #1010-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling) for additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit

To download a sample of these sets, go to:  51

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