Release Technique Magazine 2012 08

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The Dawn of a New Beginning…

If there was a way to get you Releasing 1,000% better than you are doing now…would you be interested? Finally, a new, easy way to Release to get you back on track…just the way Lester did it…continue reading…

Check out these new, amazing gains… Experiences Imperturbability “Releasing with my releasing partner Dennis last night I felt a deeper sense of what it is like to be imperturbable. Also, released a need to hide out from life as I let go of a lot of pain, fear and anger from a hernia surgery when I was 3. Released on my dad’s wedding this week which is a wonderful opportunity to let go of aversions to large social situations, family members and the need for approval. Really seeing how wonderful being imperturbable can be. Why should I want anything else?” Rob King, ID Does Not Need Surgery After Releasing “The reason I took the Health Teleconference Class with Rebecca was because after reviewing CT scans I was told that I needed surgery from my primary care Dr. and the Surgeon she referred me to. He was going to set up surgery but I told him that I was going to think about it. I took the class. Long story short, toward the end of the class I got a 2nd opinion that did not agree, and then went back to see the referral surgeon and had him review things, he said ‘I do not need to do surgery.’ So no surgery. What a relief! Thank you for getting me back on track and in the right direction.” Bonnie Hemauer, CA Love (Imperturbability) Oneness Overcomes Her “Day 1 of Course gain 6/22 I experienced a priceless insight early this am while doing Adv/Dis to finding the perfect partner - I was releasing on the 1st feeling and I had a total shift in consciousness - I saw how ego twisted real LOVE ( imperturbability) that underlies everything into wanting - Imperturbability is like an explosion of love re-joining the 2 seeming divisive energies of having and wanting - there is only ONE energy–that of LOVE During my releasing of wanting it morphed to having which is a letting go of duality - a shift in consciousness. Ego (me) built a huge fortress around it and called it wanting and all the nonsense that comes with it. I consciously chose imperturbability (love) - and then experienced lots of laughter thru tears of joy with tons of spontaneous releasing - here’s the kicker - this time unlike 4 years ago I was prepared for the ego. I remembered something Larry said last night about Step 6 - I kept letting go and asking “Could it get any better” and it did. I had hugh amounts of energy in my body - felt like a transformer- had to get up and movekept releasing- kept getting better- sent out the endless love to the ends of the earth- finally sat down - peace enveloped me- kept releasing- the top of my head opened and dark clouds of thought kept pouring outI became the energy of real LOVE ( Imperturbability), Oneness, which translates on this earth to Living In A Sea Of Having without the thought of it - HAVING IT ALL - then the concrete coffin surrounding my heart dissolved to reveal my true nature. All of this after the opening session of the 30 day FF course - it’s humbling and a big WOW for me-Thank you so much Larry and all your staff for doing what you do” Kathleen Unruh Unexpected $5,000 Gain “I checked my bank account status today before signing up for Bristol, and was surprised to find a balance that is 5,000$ more than what I expected to see. I had money gains before, but this is the first time that it is totally unexplainable by any ‘rational’ means. Just in the last few days I have released all my wanting around money in a very focused manner, and also let go of the mental picture of my bank account. Thanks for the commitment and the ever-increasing quality of the live classes!” Omer Gilad, Israel

See more gains like this on page 34. 2

Learn to Let Go of Desire and HAVE Prosperity, Health, Happiness and Freedom During the year 527 BC, in the orient, Buddha enunciated the Fourfold Noble Truth:

Life is suffering. The cause of suffering is desire. Ending desire ends suffering. Desire is ended by following the eightfold noble path. Twenty-five hundred years later, we still desire. Our society teaches us to desire, to want things, and to work to get things, so we may be happy. Capitalism is based on fostering desire for goods, and getting love through having position, money, knowledge, or power. We are a culture of desire and fulfilling desire. This isn’t surprising; we haven’t learned the lesson of love taught by Christ two millennia ago either. Both teachings reach the same point in the end. To become desireless, to not want anything external to ourselves, means we rest in ourselves, whole, joyous and happy. In this state, our true nature is constant love, unending love, giving love. During this century, a master of the desireless state was born and attained his own enlightenment at age 42. His name was Lester Levenson. Lester understood desire as completely as Buddha; even more, he discovered a technique of understanding and controlling desire that is far more powerful than the eightfold noble path because it was designed with the 20th Century, inquisitive, psychological personality type in mind. Also, it is much simpler. Lester’s technique is powerful because it is active, not passive, as are all the higher forms of meditation. Lester created the perfect method of attaining happiness with no sorrow, called the Release Technique Method. This method is easily accessible to everyone.

Make a List of the Things You Want in Life Make a List of the Things You Have in Life DESIRE is Holding You Back From Having Everything in Life What happens when we desire something? What is happening when we want a sense experience or to possess an object, such as a new house? First, to want something means we feel we don’t have it. We feel empty, lonely, lacking, or deprived, and we believe if we possessed that object, or had that experience, we’d feel filled up and we would be happy. So, behind all desiring and seeking is 1) a motivation to be happy, and 2) a belief that happiness lies in desire’s fulfillment. continued on page 4


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On the contrary. Desire is the problem. Being in a state of desire is suffering; wanting, lacking, hurting, and looking to a future time when we will have the desire and be happy. If we had no desire, we would be happy already, not happy in the future after attaining some experience. You cannot be satisfied in the future; you can only be satisfied now. You may have been satisfied in the past, but that memory does not satisfy now. As long as we are in now (and there is only the now), desiring an object or experience in order to make us happy, then our continuous, present experience will be of the pain of wanting, and of delaying satisfaction or happiness until attaining something in the future. What is normally taken as human happiness is to get something we want so that the wanting, empty feeling goes away, and we feel happy for a moment—until the next desire arises. But this ordinary, human-style happiness does not come from attaining the object. It comes from no longer desiring something. When we no longer desire, we no longer look outside ourselves for something. When we no longer desire, we no longer look outside ourselves for completion, and we discover we are complete already. The sense of completion, or fulfillment is always ours already, as we would discover, if only we stop desiring. For example, we desperately want a new Bentley. We read all the brochures, check our anticipated future income, crosscheck anticipated expenses, etc., and then we buy the Bentley. After a few days of buyer’s remorse, we happily drive our new car for all to see. We seek nothing now, and we are happy. Is the happiness from getting the car, or from stopping the lusting? When we stop seeking, we are satisfied. This understanding goes against the grain of all our beliefs. The ultimate conclusion of this viewpoint is we are happiest when we do nothing, accomplish nothing, dream nothing, and we are content to just rest in our own being. Since most of us harbor a very limited and perhaps negative self-image, we find the prospect of spending a lot of time with ourselves, at best, boring and, at worst, gruesome. The psychodynamics of desire are interesting.

Wanting something means we believe that something is separate from us. The desire itself creates a duality, a polarization that prevents us from feeling our always-perfect completion inside. As long as we want, we think and emote about the desired object. This mental business reduces consciousness of our inward, ever present happiness, and we feel empty and lacking. Even more, the wanting something creates a duality that prevents our attaining it. Wanting creates a separation between us and the thing desired, which creates a pain of neediness inside, and a constant straining for the object that prevents us from acting appropriately to get it. Imagine a man who has starved for ten days suddenly brought to a four star restaurant. His hunger would likely lead to inappropriate behaviors that might get him kicked out before he ate. Did you ever want a new job, a new house, or a new sexual experience so badly “you could taste it”? What happens? Usually, you don’t get it. You are too uptight, too tense, and your behaviors are inappropriate. This inappropriate behavior arises on the conscious level. More subtly, and far less obviously, there are other psychodynamics involved. There is an invisible level of causation, where the wanting causes a distortion in the flow of supply and demand, so to speak. Desiring sets up a duality that makes it more difficult to get what you want. Only by letting go of the desire can you remove the distortion that allows you to get that which you no longer desire! Paradox? 4

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It is a paradox only as long as you hold on to the viewpoint that you are a human being, trapped, so to speak, in a body, embedded in a world of objects and time, with a personal history. In this belief system, this ideology of illusion, that creates the duality of you, of body versus world, and of me wanting something outside myself. Desire sustains the illusion of separateness by lusting after objects that appear to be outside ourselves, preventing us from feeling complete and fulfilled in every moment.

IS THE OPPOSITE OF HAVING Desire, too, creates and sustains the dualities that inhibit our getting what we want. If we can get into the feeling state that we already have what we want, the duality disappears, allowing easier receiving of the desired event. That is, if instead of lusting after something, we calmly feel like we already have it, then it is ours. We actually allow ourselves to receive it…by letting go of wanting (a lacking feeling). This is not meant as a polemic against success. Indeed, success is much easier after mastering the dynamics of desire. It is perfectly O.K. to experience most anything and to have most anything. The having is not a problem. The problem is wanting, which causes pain and inhibits receiving on the level of behavior. Check the list of Wants that you have made and see if there is any pain there for not having it. See if it is everything you don’t have? Becoming perfectly happy is as easy as letting go of a hot poker. We can learn to let go of feelings, desires, wants. After letting go of the desire, we can have what we formerly desired, because we have destroyed the separating duality, and the sense of lacking—the suffering; or, we can do without the desired object because, in our hearts, we already have the completion we expected from the object.

That is, the solution to the problem of desire is threefold: 1) we let go of the desire, in order to rest in ourselves and end the pain of desire, which allows 2) the receiving of what formerly was desired, because we feel and act differently, and the universe knows it. Lastly, 3) feeling already complete, we may decide to let go the attaining that was so important just moments before. The old expression, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, is easily explained. A rich person doesn’t want money; he has the feeling “it’s mine already,” thus creating more money. A poor person wants money, thus creating lack. These are wonderful teachings that can appeal to anyone alive. Lester’s message is: You can have it all! He says, parenthetically, “If you want anything at all, you can have it, providing you let go of wanting it.” 5


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The 9-Day Final in Lake Sept. 1–

For years graduates have been requesting a longer, more comprehensive Retreat that they could attend—now we have it. During the 9-Day Retreat we’ll go even further than we have ever gone. If you’re looking for a new level of Well now you can—and it’s up to you peace, success and achievement in your and you alone!! It’s just a decision…and it’s life…whether it be in your physical, finan- yours, and yours only!!! cial, mental, emotional, or spiritual life… This is the time of the year when people I invite you to discover why the Final take a vacation. But ask yourself, what are Step Course is the fastest, easiest, and you taking a vacation from? When you most reliable way to experience freedom look at it clearly—you’re actually trying to or peace of mind. get away from your life and the things you Transition from where you are to where do every day. you want to be! Ask yourself if you really want freedom…now!

A message from Lester Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of one’s life. That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears is sought for, but not that which exists. To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no more AGFLAP and CAP. The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it, your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking. You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking. Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate state. You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP. 6


Step Retreat Tahoe (



September 9 over labor day holiday

A RARE OPPORTUNITY the entire staff will be there to give you personal assistance

A rare opportunity is available to you to have all the freedom Lester is talking about—and it’s up to you to take this opportunity now!!


Larry Crane and his teacher, Lester Levenson

I invite you to finally make the decision to have all your highest goals and wishes! Has anyone ever challenged you to go for those dreams? To have abundance in every way? To live in a world of having instead of wanting (and never getting)? To have the peace of mind you deserve all the time to be safe all the time, no matter what happens around you or in the world. To be in love all the time. To be abundantly healthy once and for all? To have all the wealth you will ever use? continued on page 8


WELL I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU! Introducing the 9-Day “Final Step to Freedom.” During this time I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the freedom that you have always been looking for.

I will share with you Lester’s secrets to having total freedom. You will learn how to let go of the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from experiencing freedom. I will help you dissolve misconceptions you may have about freedom. I will help you to actually experience just what freedom is, so that you will be able to acquire literally anything you wish at will. You’ll not only master Lester’s success secrets you need to create the life you’ve always dreamed of—but also through the experience you will learn how to rapidly apply these techniques to your own life. You will leave with this positive, life-changing knowledge. While this may sound like a bold statement, it’s one I am confident in making. Why? Because Lester’s Techniques always work. You simply have to put them to work for you.

I will show you how—when you join me at the Final Step Retreat. 8

Presenting, for the first time the 90-Day Celebration to Freedom material. We will teach some of the 90-Day Program and you’ll have an opportunity to be involved in this powerful program.

TOP 11 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS RETREAT 1. All material is totally new and easy to use. 2. You deserve Freedom. It is Larry Crane your birthright. 3. The retreat is designed specifically to accelerate your movement toward absolute freedom and abundance. 4. The group dynamic of having many serious releasers working intensely together for 9 days is unparalleled for thrusting you toward imperturbability and knocking out unwanted programs that sabotage your success. 5. The love that is felt by the group is one of the most beautiful experiences you could imagine. 6. It is a safe and potent environment that is optimized for accelerated self-change. 7. It becomes effortless to drop even lifelong sabotage programs in this type of environment. 8. Life is short. If you do not go for total Freedom now, then when will you? 9. Knock out the remainder of your garbage and go completely free. 10. Realize the perfection and joy that you have always been. 11. It is at one of the most beautiful resorts in the world.

The course is designed to produce profound and lasting results and deepen your awareness and consciousness.

Leg Fracture Heals Easily “It appears the leg fracture has healed as all the leg and ankle swelling has resolved in its entirety. I can bear weight PAINLESSLY. Eight days after the accident I began walking up and down my 16 step flight of stairs without my leg brace or crutches. The orthopedic surgeon had told me my degree of leg fracture usually required 6–8 weeks to heal. I still have a considerable amount of knee swelling although its no longer the incredible 3 times normal size. I had a significant amount of reactionary swelling of my knee following the weight bearing exercises I began 2 days ago. I continue to walk without the crutches and the limp is diminishing. It may appear curious to observe me walking around the house carrying one crutch, but I am NOT entirely through that transition yet. Leg fatigue is an issue. I found a program that it takes weeks to rebuild the muscle strength following significant lower extremity injuries and have released it. I am coming all the way back. Lester was right—you prove it all to yourself, and it is so much better.” P.G.B., NY Imperturbable in Family Emergency “Thank you so much for all your hard work and the teachers as well. The workshop was really terrific and I have had many gains since. Laura, Barbara and I continued to release all weekend and of course, this week at home. The gain that is most meaningful to me is about my 95 year old father. I released on the goal you suggested of allowing him to be as he wishes. Yesterday he had a sciatica attack and had to go to the hospital and ultimately spent the night. I felt calm through the entire situation and from CO to FL was able to help coordinate all the moving pieces, Hospice, nurses aides for my mother, calls to brothers etc. Once the organizing was over, i felt the grief and easily let it go. By evening I could talk to dad in his room and he seemed calm and I am allowing my brother to go to help next week as it is not a good week for me. I love peace and sense of being in control without guilt or pain. I am doing this goal on all important people in my life.” Suzanne McNitt, CO

Hip Pain Gone, Makes Big Money Gain “I had a painful left hip before coming to the retreat. After starting the retreat and then giving my hip love and approval, I realized that I didn’t have any pain in my left hip. It just disappeared. I also found someone to rent my one bedroom in Hawaii just out of the blue and she gave me a check for six months of rent. Wow!” Carmen Garcia, HI No Longer Feeling Like Burnout “I am feeling lighter than ever before. I really understood and put into practice loving my resistance and letting it go. I recently received an unexpected job offer. I feel more loving than ever before. I am totally motivated about letting go of all resistance to financial freedom.” Candace King, NC Gets Job Back After Being Laid Off “I didn’t know how I was going to come to the retreat because I didn’t have the money. I had been laid off from work 8 years ago, so my finances were depleted. My first gain was that I was recalled to my position and I have been back at work for a year. My accountant then told me that I was getting a tax refund and the amount of the refund was exactly the amount I needed for the retreat and hotel. Then I released about time off from work and the next week I was given 10 days off during the time period of the retreat.” Danyela Harting, MO Mind is Quiet “I feel free and my mind is quiet. I let go of sadness of a relationship breakup within minutes. My business is going really well without me and I am attracting more business with ease. I feel wonderful energy all day.” Jeff Delone, PA Finds His Happiness “Besides the tremendous satisfaction of recognizing that nothing is any longer in control of my happiness but me, in the 7 days that I have been here I have managed to shake a tremendous amount of stress in my career as a commodities trader. This stress has broken down many areas of my life in the last year and I could not figure out how to turn it around - but now I have. I addition, five women who I have had fallings out with in the past called me out of nowhere today and asked me to be part of their lives again. Take this course, there is amazing power to be unlocked within yourself!” Don Lewis, CA 9

Final Step continued from page 9

So . . . Where is it Held?

This advanced course is for graduates only. It will be held at the fabulous Granlibakken Conference Center in Lake Tahoe, California (just 50 miles east of Reno, NV). The magnificent resort is nestled in the beautiful pine trees above Lake Tahoe. Granlibakken is a Norwegian word for a “hill sheltered by fir trees.” Its enchanting combination of forest and lake creates the perfect place to practice Lester’s Final Step course. We’ll start on Saturday Sept. 1 at 7:30 pm and continue through Sunday, September 9 at noon. Tuition is only $2,495, plus room and board for $1,027.20 standard double occupancy ($1,171.20 deluxe double) and $1,344.00 standard single ($1,632.00 deluxe single). Register by August 15 and the tuition is only $1,895 (plus room & board). The price includes three fabulous meals per day. To see what Granlibakken looks like visit:

So . . . Are you in? If you don’t join us now, your life will probably be the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people…Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act. How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself five years from now, “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself to experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.”

The Final Step Retreat will bring together the Launch to Freedom course participants. Be there to join in their unprecedented high-energy. Be there to share in their gains and share your own gains. Prepare now for your own releasing crescendo.

Join in the Finish Line and Celebration of Freedom at the Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe! I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place, or go to www. When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require. Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis. I’m looking forward to being with you in Lake Tahoe. Love, All attendees must book their room directly with Granlibakken to attend.

Lake Tahoe If you book a room before Aug. 10, you will receive a $200 credit certificate toward buying any product or teleconference offered at this Retreat. 10



t was the best of times, it was the worst of times. We are all familiar with this famous Charles Dickens quotation. Which is it for you? Is it the best of times or the worst of times? Fortunately for us, we have the Release Technique and all the tools we learn in the Abundance Course, Goals & Resistance Course and all the other advanced courses, live weekend classes and week-long retreats. We have books and CD’s. All of this is available to us so we can be positive. Releasing is about getting positive. Releasing is about getting in touch with our real, natural Self that is all positive, all loving, and all abundant. Turn to page 82 on Happiness of your Abundance Course workbook and see if you have written the words, positive, success, loving, happy. We see that all of those words are the same energy. Can we allow ourselves to be positive in spite of what is happening? It’s a decision. It is just a decision.

Releasing is about getting positive The three ways to release are available to us 24 hours a day. Someone says something or our mind says something and we feel an unwanted energy in our stomach or chest. We have been practicing keeping the door open, so we simply allow the energy to leave. We notice we are figuring something out, we let go of figuring it out because we know our mind doesn’t have the answer or we wouldn’t be asking it. We ask ourselves, is what we are experiencing about wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and we let go of the want or wants we are experiencing. The world that we live in is about being negative. It’s about being in AGFLAP and it’s about disapproving of everyone and everything. That’s easy to see if we pick up a newspaper or watch television, particularly the television news shows. Pull out the Beingness Chart that is given to you at the Abundance Course. You can see what the media is doing. The news is trying to pull us down that chart into apathy, grief and fear. Negativity wants us to join it. It wants to pull us down. Releasing is about discriminating. It’s about seeing what is actually going on. It’s about being awake to what is happening rather than sleepwalking through life, being pushed up and down by the latest headline or “FLASH.” Before releasing we would have thought all of this talk of continued on page 12


continued from page 11

recession, all of this talk of the “sky is falling” is actually real. Now that we are discriminating we can see it is no more than fear-generated hysteria that is happening. We can look and be amazed how one person operating from some AGFLAP emotion can push the market up or down with a few words. Those of us who are still reading newspapers and watching television news have to be particularly discriminating. All of that garbage is someone’s negative mind talking. It is someone’s AGFLAP talking. And, if we are not discriminating we are going into the toilet with them. We have releasing. We can release. We can make a decision. It’s a decision. All of life is a decision. We can be positive in spite of all of this media effort to get us negative. That’s a smart decision. Someone somewhere is laughing because they have pushed the country, the world, into panic of recession. Sleeping people have believed what they have heard or read or saw on TV. Sleeping people have bought into the AGFLAP and gone into AGFLAP. How does a run on a bank start? Someone with ink or broadcast power puts out news, people believe it, fly into fear and run to the bank. What if no one went to the bank? Could there be a run on the bank if no one went to the bank? Could there be symptoms of a recession if no one was being sold on it by newspapers and broadcasters 24 hours a day?

We can be positive in spite of all of this media effort to get us negative. How many people even know what a recession is? Yet, they are losing sleep over it. They are talking over coffee about it. They are panicking about it. They are making a decision that they are going to be harmed by recession. They are making a run on the bank. The irony of this is that there are people rubbing their hands together with joy because they are going to get rich on other people’s fear. Many people thrive in so-called recessions. That’s because they are positive and they are seeing opportunity rather than problems. They are being positive in spite of what is happening. They are staying up in Courageousness and not being hauled down the chart into apathy, grief and fear. Nothing can happen to us unless we first have a fear about it. If we believe the news and get into fear, we’re asking for trouble. If we fear a recession, we’re asking whatever we’re afraid of to appear in our experience. And, it’s a decision. First, it’s a decision to not even read this garbage or watch it on TV. However, if we are still doing that, we have to see that the newspapers and TV people get rich by selling negativity. They get rich because the mind is negative and if they can get people into fear, people will buy those newspapers to find out what is going to happen to them, and they will glue themselves to the 24 hour news cycle and wring their hands while someone is laughing very hard behind the screen, as in The Wizard of Oz. 12

continued on page 13

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It’s time to use our releasing tools - especially the second way to release. Let go of figuring any of this out. The mind wants us to buy the Times and turn on Fox News. It wants us to get into figuring it out, what is going to happen to me, my family? Will we be alright? Will we come out of this OK? What does it all mean to us? Then, since the mind does not know, and the minds at the Times and Fox do not know, we get into beating ourselves up. We disapprove of ourselves. Why didn’t I get out of the market? Why didn’t I get into the market? Why didn’t I sell the house at the high point? Why am I not buying now? And on and on. Turn to page 8 of your Abundance Course workbook and see what is happening to you if you are into figuring it out. Let go of disapproving of yourself, your bank account, your credit card debt, your home value, the President, the head of the Federal Reserve, China, whoever. Let go of disapproving of the so-called recession. It’s just a word, nine letters, and it throws people into thinking of jumping off the bridge. Let go of any disapproval of yourself and anyone and anything and send approval. Here’s an idea. Turn off that television and set aside that newspaper and sit and send yourself approval for three or four hours, as is recommended in the Goals and Resistance Course. Send yourself approval for one hour everyday and your life will change and you will grow immune to all this garbage about the economy. Use your releasing tools. Sign up for the Change Your Life Teleconference and jump start your momentum. There’s still time to get into the Final Step Retreat. This recession fear is all about playing into our fear of dying. Go to The Final Step Retreat and dump that fear. We, who are positive, because we use our releasing tools, we are not able to be bothered by all the news that is going on around us.

For those who are releasing, these are the best of times


Rebecca Quave just recorded a wonderful Releasing session just for you. In fact, you will find yourself mentioned in this short video. Not the physical you. The REAL you. Watch and see what I mean. Also, let me know what you think of what’s under the video. I’d love to get your thoughts.

To watch the video, go to: What you experienced (if you have followed along with Rebecca in the video) is that Love is ALWAYS present within you… ALWAYS. No matter how stressed, anxious or irritable you’re feeling. Love is feelings.




ALWAYS. Here’s something else you can do—right now—to tap into that expansive state of delectable Love within you. Try this: Pick something you’re feeling less than all-loving about. Perhaps you feel “squeezed” for time. Perhaps you’re anxious about something happening later today. Or maybe you just feel uptight for no apparent reason. Just pick the feeling. Let’s say you feel irritable. Start with that. You don’t have to know why you feel the way you do. Just say thank you to that part of you that’s showing up as irritability.


Then do this: Ask that part of you that feels irritable what it wants for you through feeling irritable. Ask it what its positive purpose is for you. Go on ask it. And then allow your unconscious the “space” to answer the question for you. Be quiet with the question (allowing your unconscious “space”) and an answer will gently arise within you. Don’t force it. Just accept whatever answer/or feeling sense that arises. You need to “hear” your own answer from within. But let’s (for the sake of this example) say the part of you that’s irritable wants to feel IN CONTROL through the irritability. Thank that part for giving you the answer. Then ask the part that wants to feel IN CONTROL what it wants that’s EVEN DEEPER than that. Be quiet and “listen” to the answer that will arise from within you. Let’s say the thing the part wants that is EVEN DEEPER than wanting to be IN CONTROL is —SAFETY.

Thank that part for giving you the answer. Then continue by asking the part that wants SAFETY what it wants through safety that’s EVEN DEEPER than that.

back to who you really are underneath all your uncomfortable and restrictive thoughts and feelings. It’s the Express Train to Love. And it will COMPLETE YOU.

Let’s say the answer that rises within you is PEACE.

I invite you to give yourself the gift of LOVE today.

Thank that part of you for the answer. And continue again by asking the part that wants PEACE what it wants that’s EVEN DEEPER than that. Keep doing this—getting your OWN individual answers—and (generally in 5 to 6 questions) you’ll find that whatever horrible feeling you started out with you’ll eventually get the answer from within you that you WANT TO BATHE IN LOVE. You might not get a verbalized answer from within at this stage—more likely you’ll just tap into the feeling-essence of the LOVE that is within you. And it will feel wonderful. Enjoy it. Just BATHE in that delectable Loving feeling and let it wash all through you… all parts of you… and all throughout your awareness. And just BE LOVE.

“…and let the other person have it your way.”

Lester Levenson

And that’s when you’ll KNOW (through direct experience) that LOVE is beneath EVERY uncomfortable feeling or thought that shows up in your life. Try it—and experience it for yourself. You’ll LOVE it! Anyway, if you really want to tap into and LIVE PERMANENTLY with UNLIMITED LOVE filling every aspect of your life then the Love Yourself Teleconference being facilitated by me (Rebecca Quave) and Ken Smythe will be a profound experience for you. Truth is, everyone on the planet (whether they realize it or not) is ULTIMATELY seeking completion through LOVE. The 6-week Love Yourself Teleconference (taking place between October 22nd and November 26, 2012) will elegantly guide you

For years, graduates have been requesting a set of CDs on how to give yourself approval. We’ve compiled a set of 5 CDs we think you will enjoy. Item #1054-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! We’re on a mission to show our graduates how to love yourself and let the world have it your way! Rebecca Quave

Announcing the

Dr. Ken Smythe

Love Yourself & Let the World Have it Your Way Teleconference Starting Oct. 22nd through Nov. 26th, 2012

We recently asked ourselves “would it be possible to give all of our graduates a gift that would ensure them real love in every aspect of their lives?” The answer was clear, we would need to pull out all the stops. So, for 6 weeks we will be conducting an amazing teleconference series each consecutive Monday 8:15–10:30 p.m. (Eastern time) (7:15–9:30 p.m. Central/6:15–8:30 p.m. MT/ 5:15–7:30 p.m. PT.)

Here’s what you get: • Rebecca Quave and Ken Smythe doing the teleconference each Monday for 6 consecutive weeks, helping you knock out your non-loving feelings and limitations. • An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the loving lifestyle that you deserve. • Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience. • A releasing partner to help you focus. • Access to our support line for releasing assistance.

Let me ask you… • Would you be interested in finding out how to bring love to every relationship you have? • Would you like to raise your happiness and confidence level easily just as Lester did? • Would you like to say goodbye to arguing, stress and conflict and restore peace and sanity in your life? • Would you like to learn a step by step program that will show you how to have everyone in your life cooperate and be in harmony with them without having to raise your voice ever? 16

ester did! L as st ju — ip sh on ti la re y er ev Bring love to No matter what you answered, I want you to know that every step of the way we will be coaching you to reach into your very core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your blocks and enable you to experience having total love in your life!

Requirements: • The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest for 6 weeks to do this transformational work • The ability to block time for this amazing program • Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a “whatever it takes” attitude to achieve your goals

Why are we doing this? You see…part of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals! This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will have results in all areas of your life. The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferences… and maybe someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable so we can help as many people as possible attend. Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since we’re actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full 6 weeks. So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $895. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and then pay the additional $400 the next month. We’re so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your personal problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings). Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and determining how you are going to get it done, don’t procrastinate and lose out on this opportunity—it is a one-time event! The question is, “Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not years?” If yes, sign up NOW! If you have already taken the Love Yourself Teleconference and want to repeat it, you can for $495 or find out how to get scholarshipped in–see pages 21 & 22.

You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling (818) 279-2438, or sign up under “live classes” on our website ( 17

Lester’s Challenge Everyone wants a continuous, constant, eternal happiness with no sorrow whatsoever, and no one is ever satisfied until he or she finds that. Everyone is seeking what we’re all seeking, the major difference being that they are seeking It in the world and are frustrated, while we are seeking It within and are successfully becoming happier. When we go within we discover that all happiness is there. The only place where we can feel happiness is right within ourselves. That is exactly where it is. Every time we attribute this happiness to something external, to a person or a thing external, we get more pain with it than we do pleasure. Anyone disagree with that? If you have experienced enough, if you’ve lived long enough, and if you’ve examined it, you’ve discovered this. The happiness that we’re seeking and thinking is out there external to us, isn’t there. The “happiness with no sorrow” can only be found by going within. There’s no limit to joy. There is nothing that we cannot have. There are no heights that we cannot reach, in happiness, in money, in health or in anything. I want to throw out a challenge—I present to you how life could be if you would go all the way. I present a way of life when we live by creating things just by thought. When we create things by just thought, everything falls into perfect harmony; nothing goes wrong; everything becomes, immediately, the way we want it to be. I present this to you as a challenge, hoping you will take it and do just that.


Finally a solution to having a quiet mind Lester’s 90-Day Ultimate Quiet Your Mind Program is Starting! Aug. 7 to Oct. 23, 2012 Lester’s Ultimate Quiet Your Mind Program will take your releasing to a new higher level. All you have to do is decide to do it. In order to be considered for this program make sure you have in your library the Goals & Resistance course and the What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up? course. The Tele-course in not like anything you have ever heard about before, anywhere. The 90-Day Tele-course is chock full of momentum-rich features and brand new exercises to rocket you to your goals and the Ultimate Goal, the Ultimate Happiness that everybody’s seeking.

Exclusive Participant Benefits include: • 12-week one-of-a-kind interactive tele-course including 1 extra daily and weekly teleconference at a different time (so you actually get 24 weeks of calls in 12 weeks) • A daily 30 minute CAP call to get you high to release, to put you in the frame of a mind of an energetic and enthusiastic winner ready to tackle your releasing, your world, and to pile up gains. • An all new ultra-powerful workbook, a full 200+ pages long, with the most stimulating releasing material you’ve ever seen. • Accountability, with an assigned releasing partner, weekly reporting and gains-tracking to help keep you focused and in a high trajectory. • Direct access to one of several assigned, dedicated Release Technique teacher/mentors—you get their cell phone number to contact them as needed for advanced support—only course participants get this exclusive benefit. • Bi-weekly (2 times per month) stimulating teleconference to catch up, review your gains and progress with your teacher/mentor. • Recordings of the weekly tele-course to replay at your convenience or in the unlikely event you must miss a call. • Recordings of the daily CAP calls to replay and stimulate you to climb ever upward. Can you begin to imagine the energy all that releasing generates? Can you begin to imagine the Momentum that builds over that 90 days of solid one-pointed releasing?


Lester’s 90 Day continued from page 19

Whether you’re a “closet releaser” (that’s someone who releases when they get in a jam), whether you’re a some of the time releaser, or you’re a dedicated, committed, continual releaser, can you imagine how an intense 90 days of directed, focused releasing will take you to places you’ve never been before, and finally give you the success and happiness that have eluded you for such a long time?

What we’re talking about here is permanent happiness, real imperturbability, and the ability to have the life you have long dreamed about. It took Lester 3 months, to gain the Ultimate Freedom. The 90-Day Tele-course is carefully and thoughtfully designed to give you all the tools, all the Momentum, and all the skills you need to achieve and take you wherever your heart urges you to go. And the gains are far more spectacular than we could have imagined. Not only are the gains are over the top, but the number, over 100 amazing gains were reported the first week—and those were just the people who told their gains on the calls! And you know what? Those motivated, determined graduates will let that go and allow those gains to get even better as the weeks go on.

Here is just a short summary and a sampling of gains from just the first week of the previous 90-Day Launch to Freedom: ➤ “Asked for more money after there was a snafu from new client. (who created that? - me) They gave me more money. Will start next week. I have 3 clients right now. I currently have contracts through August totalling more money than I made last year. Nice.” Hunter Milligan ➤ “My mind is the quietest it has ever been and any picture is easily transformed immediately. The amazing levels of peace, love, happiness, and freedom that everyone has been moving into during these 90-Day Programs is beyond description, but it is my greatest gain to participate in it.” Rebecca Quave, FL, Mentor ➤ “Releasing unblocked a large financial gain for me, with the same amount going to each of my 2 siblings, from a property sale that had been blocked in the legal system for 4 years. What unblocked it for me was the Knowing that I have everything I need in life no matter what. Releasing did that.” Jenny McFeeley, AZ ➤ “I had tremendous issues with fear and worry—awaking me at night in a sweat, and sabotaging my days on the job and so forth. I have just been watching how it develops during the past couple of months in this 90 Day program as I let it go with various exercises, and it is virtually gone! This is so exhilarating and liberating! I sleep through the night with none of these feelings anymore!” Rick Dillard, TX ➤ “I had a goal to spend time with the Masters. As Mentor of this program, every day on the morning CAP calls I get to hang out with Masters—all of you!—who are ‘playing’ with reality!” Steven Winn, IA, Mentor ➤ “My creativity has so opened up. Have completed 1/3 of my book since Jan. 12, and have been writing it for a year and a half or more. I write a few hours every day and its the easiest and most fun thing I’ve ever done. And it makes me so happy. I went to a party with a lot of writers there, and information pouring in from everyone of useful things regarding writing to publishing. It’s all coming to me.” Jennifer Tanner ➤ “During a mentor call with Rebecca she pointed out to someone that they had a mutual relationship with fear. The fear wanted to leave and they wanted the fear to leave. YES! I realized it is true. What an amazing feeling to feel mutual with fear. Deepening in seeing myself as the master of my emotions. All I need to do is ask them to leave as they are MY creation. 20

Lester’s 90 Day continued from page 20

Woke up in the middle of the night in a sudden intense fear panic. I gave it permission to leave and it did right away. Fell quickly back into peaceful sleep.” Sarah Kennedy And this is just a summary and a sampling of all the gains the course participants are having. You too can get in on this record-shattering course. You too can get yourself ready for the next 90-Day Ultimate Quiet Your Mind Tele-course.

So here’s the bottom line…

If you are ready to make 2012 the best year of your life… Join the 90-day program so you can have the power to master your life. And you won’t have to pay $25,000 like other courses charge. And, because I’d like you to have freedom and gains that graduates worldwide are able to experience, I’m going to allow you to have the best offer I’ve ever made.

Right now this life-changing program is yours for only $2,995

OR Join today for two

90-Day Programs and I will drop the price of your

tuition to just $5,180 (that’s a savings of $810!)

But it gets even better… Since I’ve never done this one time offer before, I am making it an even greater value for you…


I’m going to scholarship you in to the 9-Day Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe, Sept. 1–9, normally $2,495—free !


And you will get the Oct. 22–Nov. 26, 2012, Love Yourself and Let the World Have it Your Way Telecourse—normally $895—absolutely free !

p.s. If you don’t own the Goals & Resistance and Grow Up Courses, I will even include these amazing courses—normally $670—for free !

Special—One Time Only— Get invited to Larry’s home in Sherman Oaks, CA for a very special Retreat on the FEAR OF LIVING, Aug. 9–12 (priceless and not available for sale) —for FREE!

This is a limited time offer and I am making this incredible package available to the first 50 graduates who join in now (or until it fills up). 21

Lester’s 90 Day continued from page 21

So, to be perfectly clear... Register for two 90-Day Programs for only $5,180 and you will automatically be registered for:

4 4

I’m going to scholarship you in to the 9-Day Final Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe, Sept. 1–9, normally $2,495— !


And you will get the Oct. 22–Nov. 26, 2012, Love Yourself and Let the World Have it Your Way Telecourse—normally $895—absolutely


free !

The Goals & Resistance and Grow Up Courses, if you don’t already have them (normally $670), absolutely !


Special—One Time Only— Get invited to Larry’s home in Sherman Oaks, CA for a very special Retreat on the “FEAR OF LIVING” Aug. 9–12 (priceless and not available for sale) —for FREE!

All you pay is the low price of $5,180! And that’s not all…call us at 1-818-279-2438 to hear about this

offer that will totally blow you away!

Requirements: 4 You must be serious and Fully Committed to achieving Life Mastery 4 Own the “Goals and Resistance Course” 4 Own the “What Do I Want To Do When I Grow Up Course”

4 Don’t worry if you don’t have either of these courses— WE WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU. Don’t worry if you have not completed these courses yet—

We will give you direct, hands-on instruction so you will be running at full speed to participate at the highest level with all of the other graduates in the course. This program starts on Aug. 7th, so we will work with you to bring you up to speed on these advanced course requirements. We all know releasing works and it works great. You know that, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now. It’s worked for you. It’s gotten you amazing gains, I know. 22

continued on page 23

Lester’s 90 Day continued from page 22

Lester said, and you’ve heard the recordings many times, “So why don’t you do it?’ There is one simple answer—Momentum. If you aren’t releasing enough to satisfy yourself, enough so that you can say, this releasing works great and I’m doing it all the time, it’s because you haven’t developed momentum. Unless you can say you’re entering really nice, impressive gains in your gains book, like those people on the 90-day courses, it’s only because you lack momentum. What those people did is make a Commitment to themselves, to their happiness, to their freedom. They decided to be the best releaser they could be. They decided to be willing to extend themselves and go the extra distance. You can do that too. You can do it right now. Get started this very moment with a decision to not let anything stand in your way of achieving all you are capable of achieving, to reach the heights you are capable of reaching, to be the big winner you know you have inside of you waiting to be unleashed. Make a commitment like those who have taken a 90-day program did. Decide to join in on this very special 90-Day program and share in everybody’s gains and have your own gains. Make a decision to join in and have your own releasing crescendo.

To learn how to participate in this program please go to or call 818-279-2438 Graduates who have decided to go all the way to freedom felt it was high time to get all their goals. They decided to forge ahead and get all the goodness available to them from releasing. They also decided to not leave any more treasure on the table. They decided to go for it, and finish the job. The 90-Day course provides the tools and skills to do that.

You can have a quiet mind just make the decision to attend!! Special—attend the FEAR OF LIVING RETREAT in Larry’s home Aug. 9–12 23

We are here to help you get back your skill in Releasing… Like when you first learned Releasing


ur ego is extremely clever. It has a knack for stopping us from Releasing and protecting its negative programs. In fact, that’s its job description. Its job is literally to maintain for us an illusion of lack, limitation and separateness—and it fulfills its duties remarkably well. It is our ego that maintains for us our current self-concept. So, the moment we try to move outside our current self-concept, it will do everything in its rather formidable power to prevent that from happening. Ego can (and will) go to any of the following lengths...and more, just to keep us locked into our current self-concept and programming: • Make us feel tired/sleepy. • Lead us to avoid life and life situations instead of facing them squarely. • Tell us “releasing isn’t working” when it is—just so we’ll stop dismantling the limiting programs. • Send us off to TV, alcohol, sex, food, socializing, daydreaming or any of a million other distractions, addictions and suppressive activities to keep us from changing or deleting the programs. • Make our body ache or feel sick so that we pay attention to the body instead of to our unlimited Beingness, and keep us from dropping the remaining programs that cover over our unlimited Self. • Fill our mind with negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves and about our life. • Make self-change feel difficult, hopeless or impossible. • Throw us out of our body—literally. In other words, get us to the place where we feel we no longer want to live; we would rather drop the body than simply let go of the lacking and limiting programs that have been making us so unhappy. • Put up a huge fight when we try to make what may seem like the smallest change in who we have been being. • Throw us into unconscious emotional behavior patterns that keep us constantly reacting and chasing our tail instead of responding to life from a place of calm, peace and clear discrimination. continued on page 25


“Congratulations!! What a wonderful set. It showed me how to be happy in seconds–WOW! ” AF, Idaho “This CD set showed me how to deal with my ego.” BP., Hawaii

Graduates have been asking how to use page 82, on how to stay positive at all times. This 5-audio set shows you, stepby-step, how to accomplish it. Item #1056-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

continued from page 24

• Encourage us to beat ourselves up instead of loving ourselves. We feed the ego instead of allowing it to dissolve. The ego cannot maintain itself without our constantly feeding it and paying tribute to it. • Lead us to believe “others” are to blame for our problems, rather than encouraging us to take 100% responsibility for all that we are creating and have already created—and then makes us wrong for it. • Make us feel we are “victims” instead of in complete control of our thoughts, feelings and life experience. • Inform us we are miserable human beings, when we are actually truly magnificent and unlimited beings. • Tell us we are doing “great” when we are actually heading 180 degrees in the WRONG direction—chasing our tail toward more ego, lack and limitation. • Lead us to think we are “releasing” when, in fact, we are actually “floating” miles over our programs. As you can see, the ego has many tools in its toolbox for keeping us stuck in lack and limitation, and in the illusion of separation. It will keep us as far away from the truth of our love, oneness and unlimited Beingness as possible. When we least expect it, the ego will very, very subtly sneak up behind us and bite us on our backside—often without our even realizing it has done so. Now, the ego is NOT to be hated or feared. On the contrary. Anything we hate or fear will only grow, as that which we focus on expands and that which we resist will persist.

Join in the totally new CHANGE YOUR LIFE TELECONFERENCE and experience the totality of Releasing! 25

For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

How to Have ALL the Release Technique Teachers Work With You to “Dissolve” All the Blocks Standing in the Way of You Living The Life You Really Want . . . . . . and You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your Home . . .  Sign up for a CYL Telecourse and have a full FREE credit on any other telecourse we offer during 2012*!

see details…


*this credit cannot be combined with other discounts, offers, or promotions. The credit is for 1 use only, not to be used for another CYL.

For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

The Stay-at-Home, Convenient Teleconference for Graduates and Non-Graduates ANNOUNCING the NEW & Improved Abundance Course called the


The NEW “Change Your Life” Course

delivered to you via teleconference —will be conducted during “3-hour shots”

over two weekends—the dates are as follows:

August 17, 18, 19 and August 25, 26. Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 pm Eastern; 7:30 pm Central; 6:30 pm Mountain) , Each Saturday and Sunday for 3 hours starting at 8:30 am Pacific Time (11:30 am Eastern; 10:30 am Central; 9:30 am Mountain) .

For the first time—available in the European time zone too! Friday evening for ​3 ‌hours starting at 9:30am PT which is 5:30pm UK time. All the other times are the same as above. Do you have a telephone… or… Skype account? If so, you can now take full advantage of the NEW “Change Your Life” Course right from the comfort of your own home. Or, if you’re travelling or away on vacation you can still take advantage of it wherever you happen to be. Hundreds of people have attended one of the live Abundance Course classes when they’ve been held somewhere around the world—attendees often made their way from across the country (and very often from another country) just to experience the life-altering events. In fact, it’s reached the stage where so many people want to attend (or re-attend) a live Abundance Course we are having trouble putting on enough live events in enough areas of the world to keep up with the ever-growing demand. So instead of you having to travel to attend an “on-location” Abundance Course Class…make plans to attend the NEW “Change Your Life” Course!

continued on page 28


Here’s What You Get When You Register for The NEW “Change Your Life” Teleconference Course: • Larry, teaching the total LIVE Release Technique course directly to you in the comfort of your own home. • A powerful workbook custom designed to help you practice and learn the Release Technique so that you can live the lifestyle that you deserve. • Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience. • If you do not have the Release Technique 17 CD set we will give it to you FREE of charge so you can practice Releasing whenever you want. (a $279 value). • We will also give you the complete FULL MP3 RECORDINGS of Larry and teachers doing clean ups never released before, yours to keep and use again and again. (a $165 value) • You get full access to all of the Release Technique teachers throughout an entire weekend.

• A releasing partner to help you focus. • You will be able to participate in breakout groups that allow you to talk in independent, private groups. You will be able to work with other releasers one-on-one. And with a press of your phone keypad, you have the ability to raise your hand to ask questions and express opinions, as well as request to work directly with your favorite teacher. • This course will incorporate a powerful technology that gives you the experience of being right there in the room with all of the other participants and teachers. • Access to our support line for Releasing assistance during the week (a $3,000 value). • Lean how to move from “I Can’t to I Can” and eliminate all your limitations once and for all! • Learn the Lesterizing Goals System

Have you been trying to have financial freedom and the perfect lifestyle, but it just isn’t happening for you? Stop right now!

The new “Change Your Life” Teleconference will actually show you how to make it work for you in only 2 weekends. In this course you will discover: • How to have 93% more time and 362% more money doing what you love • What really causes successful people to win, time after time • How you can master the real principles of success and systematically recreate your life • A system you can use to guarantee your best life in as little as two weekends

You May Be Wondering… Do you miss out on any of the value of the seminar-type Abundance Course class if you don’t attend a live event and meet with other people? Actually, no. Not according to all the releasing graduates that have taken advantage of the “full support” stay-at-home programs like the 30-Day Teleconference, the 90-Day Teleconference and the Health and Weight Loss Teleconferences. The overwhelming response (from the people that have participated in one, or more, of the teleconference programs we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build up so much focused momentum in their releasing—and knock out so much resistance—without ever having to leave the comfort of their home or take time away from family/work. And the gains they’ve experienced? They’ve been phenomenal. I could literally send you pages and pages worth of exceptional gains. In fact, the gains seem to be better than those we receive from participants of the 3-day on location Abundance Course events. continued on page 29 28

Here’s Why I Think The Gains That You Will Accomplish Will Be So Fabulous: When people can stay at home and participate in a “full support” telephonic releasing program they tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared to when they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of unfamiliar people. Anyway, whatever the reason is—the gains we’ve received from people who participate in the “full support” stay-at-home teleconference programs seem to be off the charts. Want to be the next person to have a life-changing gain? If so…

Register for the Upcoming “Change Your Life” Course & Get Ready for a NEW Life • Learn to Love Yourself totally • Have Perfect Health the natural way

• Apply the Release Technique to maximum advantage in all areas of your life

• Understand and put in practice the principles of the Law of Attraction—fast

• Find your Purpose in Life!!!

• Learn much faster with the Accelerated Learning System

• We will feature the Lesterizing Goals Mastery System during this event.

• Realize greater gains from Releasing faster than ever before

• Move from “I Can’t to I Can”

• Learn how to use the “BUTT” System

The “Change Your Life” Course tuition is only $545. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $295 upon registering and then pay the additional $250 the next month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $495 (a $50 savings). The course is open to all people who want to attend, graduates and non-graduates. If you have already taken a live Abundance Course class, teleconference or Retreat, you can take the “Change Your Life” teleconference course for just $350.

Enroll now for the “Live” Life Changing teleconference. Bring a friend who has not attended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will be filled on a first-come basis.

You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling (818) 279-2438 or sign up under “live classes” on our website (


Gains from the Weekend Impossible Situation Resolves “Great gain, had a normally impossible situation with a client and an insurance company resolve itself to my liking. I had released both sides of the situation, knew the outcome was going to be in our favor, verbalized it to my associate who was pessimistic, and today received in writing that it was resolved in our favor.” David Kane

to let any low be an opportunity to go higher. When AGFLAP comes up I see it as an opportunity to dump more garbage and I end up going higher and then letting go to see if it can get any better.” Rob King Gets Property Deed Back in First Weeks of Course “Thank you for the wonderful programs that you allow us to take part in, It is fantastic. My life has changed so very much and I love it. I look forward taking the next class with Ken and Rebecca, then I will take the 90 day course. My gains for the few weeks were amazing. The first day my gain was $700, then $500 the first week, then last weeks gain was $10,000 plus $500. I was also able to get the deed for my Florida property restored to my name after two years, that the bank illegally took from me, and give it back to me which I have a lawsuit on them for violating a bankruptcy code, which I know I will win also. I am so grateful for the Release Technique that helped me to remove all of my negativity and replace it with love and kindness.” Meena Persad

Moves Faster “The first call of the Change Your Life course was fantastic! I decided before the course to forget everything I think I know about Releasing, and allow myself to be a beginner. Wow, that was valuable! I saw everything in a fresh light, and during the call I was able to drop some very stuck things that kept reappearing before that. Apparently, there is no such a thing as beginner and advanced. It is always valuable to drop all the previous knowledge and start from scratch, and let go of being so smart—because it’s always much simpler than we think!” Omer Gets Job After Trying for 2 Years Nightmare over with IRS “Thanks so much Larry for working with me on the “Yesterday I was releasing with my partner on call last night. I had actually internally decided that when this person lashed out at me at work last week attachments and aversions to doing something. Had a huge aversion to doing taxes. Realized my that I was done being a victim. There was just a little 2010 was not filed, now the 2011 is due and also more to clean up. So today I was offered a job at another company had a letter from IRS about owing money from 2008. Tried to get a good accountant to help me, here in after trying to land another job since Sept of 2010. It will be more money than I am making now with more Washington state, but it was a nightmare. After last night release, I knew exactly who to call paid vacation and more opportunities. So I am just basking in gratitude today. I have been this morning in California, and all of a sudden I knew working on finishing up the Goals and Resistance how to do the tax preparation, for the first time ever I had fun doing it and did all my paper work in lightning Course and will order What I Want to be soon. I am still speed. Whatever receipts the accountant was look- holding being in the 90 day in my energy and things ing for and forms and letters, I found instantly, just are shifting. I appreciate all the help you have been to point the finger and there it was. In 2 hours all was me in my life.” Joanne Mandt done and sent out.” Nadja Calm Over Tax Department Audit Gets More Confident “I am a consultant with a local educational foundation. I had to make a presentation for a teleconference today for educators around the state. I released with a partner this morning and I found myself feeling confident and very sure of myself in my presentation where I have been nervous and unsure in the past. I really felt like I was in the flow. I am also learning 30

“Just wanted to share a gain. Today, one of my clients sent me a letter from the tax department about a proposal from an audit. Normally, my stomach would tighten and I would start disapproving of myself. I was able to start releasing right away and felt calm and phoned my client to discuss it. This felt really good and I could continue with the rest of my work for the day instead of going into AGFLAP and I continued Releasing on that. Thanks for your support.” Laars

Change Your Life Course Cleans Up the Past with Dad “I have really struggled in my relationship with my dad since my mom passed away a couple years ago. There has been a lot of AGFLAP that has arisen in me that I did not know I had. I did attachments and aversions on my relationship to my dad after the telecourse today and also did a goal chart on loving my dad. As I was talking to him this afternoon I kept saying silently ‘I love you, I love you.’ I feel like my resistance has been greatly reduced and I began to have feelings of love for my dad that I haven’t had in a couple years. I still have some work to do on it but I realize it starts with a decision. Once I made the decision to love my dad no matter what and did the charts, the resistance did not have much of a chance. I have also been listening to some cleanup CDs over and over and over which also helps. The key for me is to stick with it. I am determined to no longer float above my garbage but dump it all.” Rob King

what a violin with a perfect neck feels like. Mine is in need of restoration. Anyway she went to a safe and pulled one out and I played on it. It felt and sounded amazing! All so easy. As it turns out ( I didn’t know before hand) it was a Stradivarius! What’s awesome is that a week or two before, I was dreaming and saying to myself ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could play on a Strad before I leave the planet’? I totally forgot about it. I’ve been in and out of violin houses since childhood and not one violin maker has voluntarily given me a Strad to play. She was keeping it for someone. I’m also tickled she trusted my friend and I to play on it! I also had a colleague call me a couple of weeks ago to complain about something that happened on stage that night. He had a tantrum and wanted to vent. I was calm and as it turns out he said to me ‘I don’t know if you get it. Nothing seems to bother you!’ I giggled to myself and thought OK now I’m getting somewhere. I’m also handling overwhelming situations better than I used to.” Susan Blumberg

Toxic Person Goes Away “I have 50% less back pain. I ordered a water filter after 4 years of carting jugs back and forth to the grocery store. My 3 year old goes around saying ‘More, and more, and more’…and he’s happy all the time. I released on his picky eating and he actually ate some hamburger today. Yeah! A toxic person went out of my life. Thanks for the great course. Look forward to sharing more gains.” Carolyn Victory

Experiences Peace of Mind “I am soooo glad to be in the Change your Life Telecourse—even after this first weekend, I am experiencing so much more peace of mind! And I am more aware when the ego tells me to beat myself up - in other words, I am able to catch the thoughts and/or discern the body ache and let go of disapproving of myself and give myself approval. - I got the following e-mail from someone I am working with to get an auction going: ‘Thanks Christine! Your communication emails have been awesome. So positive, informational, and easy to read without being overly wordy.’ - My son happily gives me hugs and says ‘I love you.’ - The other day I was doing the giving myself love and approval and all of a sudden I started speaking these words in German (my mother language) and it felt wonderful! Before I didn’t like saying any German words during my releasing. - The sun is coming out, when I am going outside! - I was arranging payments for my power bill—and the people I was talking with were all compassionate and very loving—so was I. - I am enjoying doing the attachments and aversions to ... and discovered one that is coming up in all of them—“I know how to do this” and that is one that I am releasing next.” Christine Mass

Gets Very Quiet “I was in a very QUIET place, powerful, freeing, imperturbable. We were doing attachments and aversions to letting go. I was discriminating and made a decision to LET GO of anything and everything. How you do anything is how you everything. It was an instant realization, very powerful, very lovely, so much fun. Thank you.” A happy Vonda Allen Nothing Bothers Her “I’ve been catching up with the playbacks of the CYL course and doing the homework. I had a wonderful trip to NY as a guest at my friend’s music school and was showered with love! The students I taught were receptive and want me to return next year. Another interesting gain...while taking my violin to a violin shop in Manhattan the maker was trying to show me


You Can Have Amazing Gains by Showing Up and Accelerating Your Releasing!

Join in on the

FREE Teleconferences Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a FREE Teleconference—Clean-up, Question & Answer Sessions — each Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain).

In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in, we now can accommodate thousands. You can sign up for our new teleconference and receive your own pin number and new conference line number. To enroll in this new teleconference, go to: For a replay anytime after the Teleconference, call 641-715-3800, and put in the passcode number: 7268708#

Want to Share the Method with Your Friends?

Go to and download a FREE MP3 of a special “Sharing The Method” held by Larry recently. Your friends and acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3 you can have and send to your friends, no charge. © Gabi Moisa 2007 -


The LIVE Change Your Life Workshop

Featuring the NEW Moving from I Can’t to I Can Releasing System and eliminate all your limitations once and for all! Fairfield, IA • Aug. 24–26, 2012 This course is open to graduates and non-graduates.

The Live Breakthrough Life-Changing Course tuition is only $495 if you register up to two weeks before the course, $550 thereafter. If you’ve already taken the live Abundance Course class, you can repeat the live class for only $350. The course is held Friday evening, 7:30–­9:30 pm, Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 am–5:30 pm. Bring a friend who has not attended a live class and save $100 off the regular price for yourself and $100 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $200, bring 3 friends and save $300, bring 4 friends and save $400, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE! Plus each friend saves $100 off the regular price. To qualify for the “bring a friend program” we must know who you are bringing at the time of registration.

Register online at or call 818-279-2438

Did You Know? That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books, and DVDs are Tax Deductible! An income tax deduction is allowed for education expenses undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills–including registration fees, travel, meals, and lodging.

You can find out how to have happiness by watching this new video: I encourage you to share this inspirational new video with the world. Join us in our mission to empower and enlighten millions of people everywhere. 33

More amazing gains… More and more I allow myself to be imperturbable at all times with ease. “Without procrastinating, I return phone calls, prepare documents, schedule appointments, send fee statements to clients and I pay bills. I booked round trip flights for August 8 and August 13 to and from Los Angeles for the intensive at Larry’s house and round trip flights on September 1 and September 9 to and from Reno/ Tahoe for the Final Step retreat. I jog on rugged bike trails in the park across from where I live that I have resisted exploring for 5 years. I found two baseballs in the woods that had come over the fence of an adjoining Little League Field. I over handed them from the edge of the woods and both landed and rolled to stop behind the bag at Second Base. I have not thrown a baseball overhanded since the 1980’s when I develop a belief that doing so would strain my arm and interfere with my golf swing. My body seems to be much more flexible, fit and balanced. This morning as I came out of the woods and feeling proud of how far and fast I had come on the uneven ground, my foot hooked a root or turned a rock and I made a hard five point landing (knees, palms and bill of my ball cap). Of course, I came up laughing, resumed running and crossed the Highway along side of the vehicles leaving the park. When the mud and dust washed off there was no sign of any injuries on my hands or knees. I may not be able to keep this releasing schedule for more than a couple of million years.” Dennis Hartnett, TX Gains Fabulous Relationship with Son “Released with Larry about my son, wanting control-feeling very grateful and appreciative for the work we did. Saw my son this morning and felt loving and supportive of him-the morning went well with him-felt a shift in the relationship. Felt a closeness, and it is easy to support him instead of resisting. Thank you so much for allowing me to see my wanting to control. My energy is flowing. Also appreciated the killing exercise we did, let go of a lot -feeling the most peace than I ever felt surrendering to dying. Love that exercise. Released with Tadas on our programs yesterday and today. Seeing it more and more.” Sandra Pinchefsky Self Loathing Dissolves “While releasing this morning I saw that I was holding on to a negative self image. With this picture of myself I was unworthy of having. I focused on ‘I,’ ‘I,’ ‘I’ and released wanting to control the stuckness. I became aware that I am that pure beingness. The attachment to the negative self image, all the pictures and the energy of self loathing dissolved. I can have.” Harlan Mittag, MN Victory Over Storm “During the East Coast storm of last week the boat house connected to the sea wall was ripped away with a good portion of the wall. The boat house belongs to my significant other who has his own property across the street. I have been after him for years to repair the section of seawall his boat house is attached to as it is in poor condition - he would always find an excuse not to do so. Thru releasing I had finally reached a place that the attachment to getting it repaired was gone. I was not at all bothered when the storm did its damage. - Phillip was very proactive in addressing the situation and he never voiced the first complaint about having to fix/repair it ( very unusual for him) . Phillip will be replacing approx. 50 feet of sea wall and re-attaching the boat house all at his expense. This is a gain of approx. $15,000–$25,000 to me in addition to adding to my property value. Not a dime out of my pocket. You gotta love that release technique - I do.” Kathleen Unruh


The hidden enemy that sabotages your best efforts strikes again. What is it? A subconscious SABOTAGE PROGRAM.

Clean up the past with

THE PROGRAMS COURSE Designed to SUPERCHARGE your Releasing and abundance! What is it? Where is it? What does it look like? What can you do about it? These questions and more will be answered in this new Programs Course. All of us have programs which motivate our behavior. We are aware of some of them in the form of habits, for example. But there are many, many programs which we do not see, and they insidiously motivate and sabotage our actions and inhibit our freedom of choice. This exciting advanced course will help you find out what these programs are, how they have developed, how you can detect them, and how you can apply the method most effectively to eliminate them. When you can spot a program, confront it directly and release directly on it, you will make quantum leaps in your life very quickly. Item #1026-CD The course comes on 8 audios, complete with workbook, two bonus audios and a partner to release with. This is an advanced course for Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703

“The money keeps rolling in — easily!” T.M., PA

The answer to how to handle the economy positively!

Graduates have been asking how to use the “BUTT” system. Now, for the first time, we have a 5-audio set that shows you how to successfully use this great system. Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling) 35

The Power of Whether you’ve bought the books or attended a live course or spent time with us on a retreat, you’ve probably already figured out the biggest secret to our success—our commitment to building relationships with each of you. Whether you’re a new graduate or a Releasing veteran, we love getting to know you and helping each of you achieve your personal goals. That’s why we’re excited about the incredible popularity of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. These platforms create new opportunities for you to talk to us, and for us to talk to you. Whether you have a question about something you’ve read or simply want to give us feedback on the latest course, we’re excited to hear from you. By adding Release Technique to your networks, you’ll also enjoy an unprecedented level of access to new information, such as upcoming events, new products, and special savings opportunities. We’ll also be sharing tips and secrets that you won’t find anywhere else. And you’ll be able to connect with other graduates and share your successes—and challenges—with others. Whether you want to tell your friends how much Release Technique has changed your life or simply want to connect with people who already understand the benefits of releasing, social networking is the perfect opportunity. We look forward to getting to know each of you even better!

Do you have any questions about sex? Do you have any hang-ups about sex?

Now, finally, we will help you find answers to questions that have been plaguing you for a lifetime. We will help you discriminate about this complex subject.

A 6 CD set that answers your questions. Item #1058-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


“This is the most powerful set I have.” N.K., Kansas “This taught me how to get unstuck in seconds.”

Special Teachers Clean-Up Audios II

Y.C., Wisconsin

A great way to quiet the mind through these advanced Clean-Ups.

Larry’s General Releasing Check-off List

This 5 CD set shows you how to stay on course— known as “Mr. Crane’s General Releasing sheet” on page 74A in the Abundance Course. Item #1057-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Rich Furlanic

Rebecca Quave

Kris Dillard

Daniel Schultz

Susanna Silvas

Steven Winn

These Clean-up audios were reproduced from some of the 7-Day Retreats. Some of these are very advanced. We compiled the best of the best from our teachers’ cleanups that walk you through exercises that are sure to get your mind quiet and closer to freedom. The audios provide graduates with a variety of Clean-up Sessions and give you an opportunity to get to know the teachers and their different approaches to applying the principles of releasing. Prerequisite: Release Technique graduates only. Item #1061-CD $59.95 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling) 37

“I was looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking for love in too many faces. Searching your eyes, looking for traces, of what… I’m dreaming of… Hopin’ to find a friend and a lover, God bless the day I discover, another heart, lookin’ for love…”

You probably recognize the words from the Waylon Jennings song. Isn’t that how many of us in this world spend our entire life? Looking for love in too many faces. We are looking for love exactly where it is not, out there. Maybe when we lay in that crib with those doting adults hovering over us, maybe that’s when we first decided love is out there. Maybe that was when we decided to find love, to get love, to be loved, we have to get it out there. We have to get it from someone, they have to give it to us. And, if we can’t get someone to love us, we live in misery and constant wanting, looking for love in all the wrong places. Lester Levenson made a discovery in 1952. He found, by deep and honest introspection, that when he was looking for love, when he wanted love from others, when he wanted to be loved, he was sick, and miserable and suffering. When he wanted to be loved he was living in negativity.

…love is an attitude of givingness…

Lester found that the times in his life when he was loving, he was positive, happy, healthy and wealthy. Lester saw when we want to be loved, we are into wanting something from someone. We want them to love us so we can feel good. Lester saw that this is the opposite of love. He saw that it was non-loving to want someone to love us. He saw that love is an attitude of givingness, of givingness to another, with no thought of receiving anything in return. Love is wanting the other person to have what they want even though we may not be able to give it to them. Upon making this discovery, Lester set out to rid himself of, to release, all of his non-loving feelings. When he let go of all of his non-loving feelings, what was left was the all-loving infinite being that he had always been, his body was healed, his entire life was healed. Lester 38

continued from page 38

has shown us the way. To find love, we have to look inside and we have to release. The more we release, the more we uncover that natural, loving, infinite being that we are, always have been, always will be. We are, right now, 100% loving, 100% positive covered up by negative feelings called AGFLAP, our wanting approval, wanting control and wanting to be safe. As long as we are into wanting, we are non-loving and we feel a lack of love. We think we can get love out there and we find more AGFLAP because Love is NOT out there. It is right here in our very own nature right now.

…to find love, we have to look inside… We search around in all those eyes and then one day we spot someone who we “fall in love with.” We find someone just like ourselves. We find someone who wants love and we want love from them. We have what we call a relationship. We soon discover that this other person doesn’t have love to give us because they want us to give love to them. Uh oh, we don’t have love, we want the other person to give us love. So, we have two people, both of which want love from the other one and each not having it to give to another. Is it any wonder we have such a high rate of divorce, so many family problems, so much anger and frustration? We are looking for love in all the wrong places. We do not have to go anywhere to find all the love in the universe. All we have to do is open up to the all-loving being that we really are. To do that, we do what Lester did. We sit down and we begin to let go of our non-loving feelings; the first one of which is wanting to be loved, wanting approval. We look inside and we release all those negative, wanting, nonloving—disapproval—feelings. And, as we do, we find we are becoming more loving—actually, we are not really becoming more loving—we are just opening up to the natural all-loving being that we are, always have been, always will be. That is what we do when we Release. When we Release, we are letting go of all that we are not, the non-loving being that we are not. We are letting go of negativity. For each unit of Negativity we release we open ourselves up more to the positive, loving being that we are. And by and by we discover, we do not need anything, we ARE love and we are the All. It is only when we turn away from that, when we forget, and we think love is somewhere out there and we have to go and find it, that we move into desire and thus become miserable and suffering. So, we have to wake up. It isn’t easy because we have had a habit for a long, long time of chasing love where it isn’t. We have had a habit for a long time of looking for love out there. We wake up, we release and release and release and we see, there is nothing to do, there is nowhere to go, all the love in the universe is right here, right where we are. We are that right now. Make a decision in favor of being happy all the time. Make a decision to release and realize the All-Loving being that each of us are. And, as Lester tells us, just love, love, love and we will have everything.


This course has never cost anyone any money! Thousands of graduates have made millions with this course. Don’t be left out!






his special course is NEW 17 CD se! facilit ated by L arr y t Crane. The new 17 CD set contains 8 CDs newly created in a recording studio where Larry personally guides you through the Goals & Resistance Course in the same way he guided you through the Abundance Course sessions, and you get the 8 newly digitally remastered live Teleconference CD set in which you will hear amazing gains by the participants as the course unfolds, along with workbook and assignments, and one special CD which consists of two sessions by Lester on goals and resistance. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release with each day. The Goals & Resistance Course was created to fill a need. Graduates wanted more. The tools they had acquired were powerful and yet they asked for something which would help them incorporate the Release Technique even more into their daily lives. We all have subconscious resistance, which we hide from ourselves. The Goals & Resistance Course was created by Lester to help you knock out this subconscious resistance thus allowing you to start winning more in life, move closer and closer toward freedom and make releasing more consistent and powerful. If you wish, you can call Larry directly for any questions you might have about the next steps, at 818-279-2438 in Los Angeles.

The cost is just $335 Item #1021-CD (plus $12.95 shipping & handling) 40

This Exciting NEW Advanced Course Will Help You: • Achieve all goals more easily and consistently. • Identify your resistance and let it go with ease. • Have fun by releasing all day and having a partner for support. • Gain freedom faster–making it easier to stay in touch with your beingness all the time. • Knock out subconscious blocks that stop you from achieving whatever you want in life. • Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life. • Be consistently positive in all things. • Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

SPECIAL! If you already own the Goals & Resistance course, the new and improved set is available to you for half price—a savings of $167.50! You must use code GR10 when ordering.

Don’t just sit on your assets. The more you invest in yourself— the more you’ll appreciate in every way.

What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up? Course A Very Advanced Course (for graduates only) A six-week course on 16 CDs, complete with workbook, and a partner to release with. Item #1018-CD

Are you ready to go all the way to freedom? Are you ready to stop tolerating things in your life? Are you ready to take charge of your life and do what you truly love? If you are finally ready to really find the way, then this 16 CD set, digitally remastered, is for you. You get 8 New Studio version CDs and 8 Bonus Live CDs all digitally remastered. This advanced course works on the fear of dying and the wanting to be separate, which is a very deep, hidden program. Working on these deep, suppressed areas allows you to go very, very deep. ✔ Discover how to have the life you truly love ✔ Discover how to do only what you love ✔ Enjoy a life free of worry and stress ✔ Increase self-confidence ✔ Attain better relationships at work and home ✔ Be the person you were always meant to be ✔ Get clear on your goals and then reach them

✔ Make the most of your life and have the freedom to choose ✔ Get unstuck and move forward with a wonderful life ✔ Get clear on the direction you should go in life ✔ Move beyond constant, frenetic doing ✔ Lift the ceiling of your success once and for all

✔ Take back your life and your power

✔ Resolve your money issues and have financial abundance

✔ Be in charge of your life, fully

✔ Create the life you always wanted


If you already own the “Grow-Up Course,” the new, improved set is available to you for HALF PRICE—a savings of $167.50. You must use code GU10 when ordering.

At the core of this course is the magic Lester Levenson taught to go all the way to freedom. The cost is just $335 plus $12.95 shipping* Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703 41

“Using this remarkable CD, I easily removed most of my I can’ts—

Living in I Can is Wonderful and Possible! ” S.L., NM

Moving From I Can’t to


Learn how to knock out your Limitations and Excuses by Larry Crane

Why be frustrated with excuses for not doing exactly what you wish to do? These CDs will show you how to eliminate all excuses and “I can’ts” and make them into “I CAN.” We’ve compiled a set of 5 CDs that will show you how to do it. Item #1060-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling) For additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit

For Releasing help, to get you discriminating again, call us at 1-888-RELESE-1 (888-735-3731) or 818-279-2438 Monday–Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm (Pacific time) There is no charge. We are here to help you.


Dr. Ken Smythe

Susanna Silvas

Rich Furlanic

Kris Dillard

Daniel Schultz

Rebecca Quave

Richard Eichenholz

Linda Landon

The Way To Complete Freedom Book Sessions with a Master on Personal Transformation


Transcripts from Lester’s talks and subjects including:

This Limited Edition 10-CD compilation consists of talks with Lester Levenson though his life, spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s. Included is a beautiful book with rare Lester photos that have never been released before. We selected the best of the audios that takes you through a journey of Lester’s life and the development of the Technique taught today. You will be astounded and inspired as you listen to Lester’s talks and answers to many questions, previously unanswered, covering many topics.

Item #100-CD $150.00 (plus $10 shipping & handling)

The Basic Goal and Ways to Attainment • Problems and How They Resolve • Spiritual Growth • Happiness • Helping Others • Healing • The World • A Perfect Body • All About Love …and much more!

Item #1013 • $100.00 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling)

NEW VIDEO Talks with Lester Silver Edition Volumes 3 & 4 Item #1016-DVD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

VIDEO limited edition commemorative dvd of rare video footage This rare video footage had been lost for over 22 years and has never before been seen or offered to the general public. In addition, we added some very rare pictures from Lester’s private collection throughout his life. The video was filmed in 1986 at a retreat center and has been digitally mastered. Item #1010-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling) for additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit

To download a sample of these sets, go to: 43

Are you sick and tired of being in a relationship that just doesn’t change?

Are you sick and tired of working and not having enough time to do the things you want?


Item #1019-CD

aving enough time seems to be one of t he biggest problems people have today. Everyone is running and running and people don’t seem to have enough quality time for themselves to have the fun they deserve. Learn how to collapse time.

This special audio course is facilitated by Larry Crane. You will receive the entire course on 8 audios. You will also receive a course workbook and assignments, and a special audio which consists of two sessions by Lester Levenson on time and what it is about. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release with each day.

You’ll learn

• How to retire this year • The advanced way to use the “Butt System” • How to effectively prioritize • How to eliminate crisis management • How to be efficient and productive with a minimum waste of effort • How to get things done effortlessly • How to achieve more personal balance

• How to double personal productivity • How to increase personal time • How to stop procrastinating and have things happen effortlessly, without stress • How to achieve personal goals • How to eliminate time wasters • How to “be in Release” 24 hours a day

This is an advanced course for Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703 44


Item #1020-CD

You’ll Learn • How to let people have it your way! • How to build effective relationship skills • How to live in the present • How to repair old relationships that no longer work—and how to get them to work again • How to start a conversation so it doesn’t end up in an argument • That love is the most powerful force in the universe and how to use it every day The course comes on eight audios, complete with workbook, two bonus audios and a partner to release with.

This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only! The cost is just $295. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703

Special Retreat Clean Ups with Larry Crane This five audio set recorded at some of the 7-day Retreats provides graduates with a variety of cleanup sessions to listen to. As a bonus you will receive a new audio of Lester which is very entertaining and helpful. These powerful audios are designed to keep you Releasing daily. Item #1027-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Learn Lester’s Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW!

Lester Levenson

Designed to MAXIMIZE your health, wellness and fitness!!

Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

You’ll Learn a Way to Eliminate the Underlying Cause of Your Major Health Problems Easily!! While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this amazing course.

If you have tried virtually “everything” to no avail or with only fleeting success…

Then this course is for you

• You’ll learn a way so vital that it’s bursting out of you with unbelievable energy. • Eliminate the underlying cause of major health problems. • Learn skills for weight loss and weight maintenance. • Have optimum health–no more doctor bills, no more misery. • If you have struggled with weight issues and body image, self-esteem, and health concerns that often go hand in hand with the struggle… • If you have experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement, guilt or embarrassment …

The course comes on 14 CDs, complete with workbook, and a partner to Release with. This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only! The cost is just $335. Call toll-free to order 1-888-333-7703 45

Books & Audios for Your Personal Growth The Power of Love Book by Lester Levenson

The Ultimate Goal—Volume I In Lester’s Own Words—Audios

The Ultimate Truth Book by Lester Levenson

Audio 1—The Ultimate Truth; Experiencing Truth Audio 2—Letting Go of Ego Audio 3—The Mind Mirror Audio 4—Creating All You Desire Audio 5—Silence, Love and Grace Audio 6—The Key to Individual Freedom DIGITALLY REMASTERED #1005-CD $79.95 plus $8 shipping*

Lester speaks about love in a way you have never heard. #1039 $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping*

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see pages 3–5

News of the Next 90-Day Program see pages 18–23

Love Yourself and let the world have it your way


see pages 16–17

News About the 9-Day Final Step Retreat

continued on inside

pages 2 & 34

see pages 26–31

See Amazing Gains

News about the Stay at Home Teleconference

15101 Rayneta Drive Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

see pages 6–10

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