11 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
$eneral Scheme Design
Applying Multiple Output Contacts
M'ltiple isolate- o'tp't contacts eliminate the nee- )or -io-es to maintain isolation (et%een D* systems
Direct (rea.er tripping eliminates the -elay inc'rre- (y an imme-iate contact m'ltiplying
Spee- o) operation can (e e))ecte- (y contact chosen
?'tp'ts can help %ith testing
13 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
Integration Separation and Redundancy *om(ining )'nctions into one relay can re-'ce cost @integration ;o%e!er, there m'st (e a relay in place to co!er )or relay )ail're an- )'nctions m'st (e assigne- to it @separation Bill this secon- relay/)'nctions (e i-entical< Similar< *omplementary< Same man')act'rer< Di))erent< @Re-'n-ancy
14 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
!o"er Supply Considerations More microprocessor relays typically means increase- contin'o's D* system loa-s
?nce a-eC'ate D* s'pply systems may nee- to (e re!isite-
15 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
!o"er Supply Considerations
1 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
Snea# Circuits Snea. circ'its are 'ninten-e- -esign )la%s that can res'lt in serio's conseC'ences Bith increase- comple8ity, snea. circ'its are more li.ely Bith Microprocessors, the snea. circ'its ha!e o)ten mo!e- insi-e Systematic testing an- inspection is most common %ay to pre!ent Many snea. con-itions are locate- thro'gh trial an- error o!er time in the )iel
16 Relay Scheme Design Using Microprocessor Relays 4/1/2015
!articular Changes in Circuit $unctionality Direct ripping
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