Relaibility Analysis and Comparison of Long Distance HVDC and HVDC Power Transmission Lines

June 3, 2016 | Author: amarahhtahir786 | Category: N/A
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RELIABILITY ANALYSIS AND COI”ARIS0N OF LONG-DISTANCE HVAC AND HVDC POWER TRANSMISSION LINES Dr. N. D. Alekseeva, Eng. A.V. Bubnova, Eng. V. S. Chudny, Prof N. N. Tikhodeev, IEEE Senior Member HVDC Power Transmission Research Institute (NIIPT), St. Petersburg, Russia Key Words

quadrupolar lines with four poles carried on a tower (Fig. 1). A double-circuit HVDC line offers important advantages, in particular, a radical improvement of reliability, both for the line and associated power systems, in case of a long-term emergency load shedding within 0.5 Po. In areas featuring a high population density and a high cost of land, it is much too often difficult to find a right-of-way for two bipolar lines. Here there is no alternative to a quadrupolar overhead line. Fig. 1. Sketches of HVDC towers


Abstract Double-circuit HVDC overhead power transmission lines rated at +500 to 750 kV with self-supporting towers and a long current-boosting capacity are capable to assure a maximum performance coefficient K, of 0.996 (per 1000 km) in terms of electric energy transmitted. Much promise for densely populated areas is offered by quadrupolar transmission lines, i. e. those with double-circuit towers, calling for a minimumwidth right-of-way. W A C lines of a 500 to 1150 kV rating are inferior to their f-500-750 kV counterparts as regards maneuverability, right-of-way width and performance coefficient (K, = 0.98-0.99), because the line must be de-energized each time a phase is damaged.



A: Bipolar line; B: Quadrupolar line

To attain the needed Po, a number of radically different overhead line designs can be used, such as two right-of-way-sharing bipolar lines, each with a transfer capability of Pd2 (Alternative I); one single-tower bipolar line with a transfer capability of Po (Alternative IT); or one single-tower quadrupolar line, with a Pd4 transfer capability per pole (Alternative 111). At the reliability assessment stage of HVDC line planning, it is only possible to take into account parameters of the longest tower- and pole-related outages, as well as the mean restoration time for the line components, on the assumption that other outages, such as lightning strokes on the line, would be cleared by reclosing facilities. Three types of damage were considered, viz. a: simultaneous fall of towers on both rightof-way-sharing overhead lines (Alternative I); b: fall of one tower (Alternatives I1 and 111); c: damage of one line pole (all three alternatives of HVDC line configuration). Estimated below is the reliability level of the line alternatives under discussion for a reference line length of 1000 km (for AC OL - 2x500 km). The reliability analysis makes use of the transfer capability distribution function P@); this all-embracing characteristic makes it possible to find two essential reliability parameters of a complex system [5], viz. the performance coefficient ICp, which is the ratio of the average transmitted power to the rated transmission capacity of the line SN:

The problem discussed in this paper is urgent for vast countries with an emerging integrated power grid which is characterized by long distances between power plants and load centers, a f d u r e to comply with the “n - 1” rule of interconnection between regional utilities, and a relatively small turning reserve. Under such conditions a new EHV and UHV interconnection overhead line (OL) must meet stringent requirements. The emergency statistics for 220 to 765 kV overhead lines in Canada and USA [l], CIGRE [2] and exUSSR [3, 41 shows that, with a 0.4 to 0.6 specific number of stable disturbances (i. e. those occurring per annum per 100 km of overhead lines), the longest overhead line outages are caused by damage of selfsupporting towers (some 10”) or guyed towers (some 3.10-’), the average restoration time being 280 hours for a tower or about 15 hours for a phase or a pole (the case of a broken insulator string etc., some lo-’). For two single-circuit lines sharing a right-of-way, as much as 30% of tower damage occurred on both circuits at the same time because of excessively heavy ice and wind loads.

Reliability assessment of HVDC overhead lines As the transfer capability Po of an HVDC overhead line rises to 3.0 GW and above, double-circuit lines may become necessary, with alternatives of two parallel bipolar lines (the approach taken for the HVDC line from the Itaipu Hydraulic Power Plant in Brazil) or 0-7803-7459-2/02/$17.00 02002 IEEE



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tive. The reliability analysis of overhead lees with selfsupporting towers assumes A b to be 0.0 1 l/year. 100 km; thus for a 1000 km long line: A,=(0.3Ab~N100)/8760 = 3.4.106 l/hour; I\,=(hb*l/100)/ /8760 = 1.14.10-5!/hour; A,=(h,.N100)/8760 = 1.14. lhour. Hence: K,,=p,,=l/( l+A,*~,)=l/(1+3.4*10-6-100) = 0.99905; Kub=plb=lA(l+&*Tb)=l/(1+1.14-10”*100)= 0.99682; K,,=p,,= 1/(~+A;Z,)=1/(1+1.14. 15) = 0.99829.

and the average undersupply of energy A W : AW=(l-K,)*SN.8760. (2) Because, as a rule, energy channels feature a block structure it is possible to consider a finite number 0 I k 5 n of transfer capability levels of a channel, with k = n corresponding to the full transfer capability and k = 0, to total unavailability of energy transmission. Thus the system,transfer capability is a random discrete quantity yk (k = 0, 1, . . ., n being the transfer capability level number). The probability Pk of implementing a k level of transfer capability for a s&iciently long time T on the assumption of time invariance of the functiony(t) [5] is

Alternative I




A OL-0.25






Alternative I1

where i is the implementation number of the k level over the time r; tk,, the sum total of time intervals


OL-l,o OL-0,s


with the transfer capability maintained at the k level over the time T. For a power system component which can be in one of two states (fully capable or unavailable), two level numbers only are used, viz. k = 0 and k = 1. Then po is the probability of the component UMavailable state and p l , the probability of the componerrt available state. The latter probability p l is actually the availability factor K, [5-71. According to Eq. (l), p 1== K,, po= 1- K,. The availability factor K, for a component can be found either from the service statistics using Eq. (3) or, with the average failure rate of the component per time unit h and the average interruption duration z specified, from the following equation [5-71:

K , =PI To determine the resulting transfer capability distribution function of a system under study, a11 equivalent circuit of parallel- and series-connected components is prepared, for each of which the transfer capability distribution function is known. The equivalent circuit must comply with the general rule of the: reliability theory [5-71: components are connected in series (in terms of reliability) if a failure of a component leads to a failure of the entire group of components; components are connected in parallel (in terms of reliability) if a failure of a component does not lead to a failure of the entire group of components. Such circuits are given in Fig. 2 showing three types of reliability calculation components, viz. BJL1,O: a component whose failure results in total loss of the line’s transfer capability Po (a fall of a tower or two towers for Alternative I); BJI-45: a component whose failure results in loss of Pd2 (damage of one tower for Alternative I, broken string for Alternative 11); B J I 4 2 5 : a component whose failure leads to loss of Pd4 (this index applies to a quadrupolar line and two bipolar lines). To assess the reliability level of.the 1000 km long line alternatives under discussion, it is necessary to determine the availability factors of the equivalent circuit components in terms of reliability and the transfer capability distribution functions for each line alterna-

Alternative 111



Alternative IV OL-l,o







Alternative V OL-l,o




Alternative VI OL- 1.o


Fig. 2. Equivalent circuits for reliability analysis of HVDC and HVAC lines (AlternativesI through LII and N through VI, respectively).

Thus obtained, the availability factors of equivalent circuit components make it possible to determine the implementation probability p k of the transfer capability at the k level for each component of the reliability diagram and K, for the overhead line alternatives under study: K p =CYkPk. (5) The findings are shown in Table 1. Similar results were obtained for lines with guyed towers, for which a higher starting parameter of the line damage flow was assumed (Ai=0.03 l/year.100 km) while the single pole damage parameter A, was left unchanged. Table 1 and Fig. 3 show that Alternative I (two bipolar lines) has a somewhat lower performance coefficient compared to Alternatives I1 and III, owing to a lower probability of towers of two right-of-way-sharing \

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lines falling simultaneously. The performance coefficients Kp from Table 1 and Eq. (1) were used to assess the average annual undersupply of energy (energy-notsupplied) AV for each line alternative with S, of 4 GW (1000 km long k500 kV HVDC line).

towers. Taking into account a 30% long-term boosting capacity of valves and transformers of the sound pole@), the quantity of electrical energy not served as a result of a poor line reliability increases substantially. Here the performance coefficientsvare found without changing the reliability equivalent circuits (Fig. 2) or the transfer capability implementation probabilities pk for line alternatives (Table 1); changes are introduced only in transfer capability implementation levels yk, which are increased by a factor of 1.3. Table 3 makes it clear that, with a 30% power boosting of the sound poles, the lowest performance coefficient is featured by Alternative I1 (one 4 GW bipolar line). Alternatives I and I11 have identical performance coefficients. With a 30% power boosting of the sound poles, the undersupply of energy drops considerably in Alternatives I (by 84.1 GWWyear) and I11 (by 52.6 GWyear); as for Alternative 11, the undersupply of energy drops by as little as 17.6 G W y e a r only (Fig. 4). A similar result is also obtained for lines with guyed towers (Tables 3 and 4), however, the energy-notsupplied increases by a factor of 2.4 to 2.8.

Table 1 Transfer capability implementation probabilitiesp, and performance coefficients of line alternatives

Table 3 Transfer capability implementation probabilitiesp k and performance coefficients of line alternatives with different tower types, taking into account 30% pole boosting capacity .Alternative I I Alternative 11 I Alternahve 111 'owe

I 1 yk


I YkPk I


I YkPk I


1 ykpk




2 0.65 3 0.975 4


I 1.o K"*


0 0 0.01858 0.01208 0.00338 0.0022 0.000020.00001

1 0.325 0.00006 0.00002




-Self-supporting towers







Table 4 Annual energy-not-supplied for line alternatives with different tower types, talting into account 30% pole boosting capacity

Y 0,25

- 0.00674 0.00657 8.00666 0.00649 ~0.97176~0.97176~0.98719~0.98719~0.98381~0.98381 0.9904 10.9894 10.9904

1 towers

Tower type

Fig. 3. Transfer capability functions for HVDC lines tower alternatives Table 2 quantifies the undersupply of energy for the power transmission lines under discussion.

A minimum-cost estimate of the loss of profit because of poor reliability assuming, for instance, a M e r ence of 1-2 cents per kwh between the sending and receiving end cost prices of electric energy, shows that the amount accumulated over the design service life of a transmission line is comparable to the capital investment in the overhead line and much superior to a 5-10% difference in the cost of the self-supporting and guyed tower alternatives or 15-20% difference in the cost of the double-circuit and single-circuit versions. Thus new power transmission projects with a transfer capability of

Table 2 Annual energy-not-supplied for line alternatives with different tower types AW, GWyear 1000 km Tower type Alternative I IAltemativeIIbltemative I Self-supporting 2033 171.7 171.7 towers Guved towers 487.1 388.9 388.9 Tables 1 and 2 make it clear that guyed-tower line alternatives feature substantially lower performance coefficients than lines with self-supporting - 377 -

Po 2 3 GW should preferably use double-circuit lines with self-supporting towers. Higher availability factors of both HVAC and HVDC lines can be attained through an appropriate increase of the design ice and wind loads, so as the probability of exceeding them be lowered.

with more economical but less reliable guyed towers that were the preferably type in the ex-USSR. Higher performance coefficients of both HVAC and HVDC lines. can be attained through an appropriate increase of the design ice and wind loads, so as the probability of exceeding them be lowered.

Reliability assessment of HVAC overhead lines


Alternatives to HVDC are single- and doublecircuit 4 GW HVAC lines. Their special features are as follows: first, an HVAC line must be de-energized each time a tower or even a phase is damaged; second, no current boosting of sound phases is used, even though an overload of the sound circuit of a double-circuit line is sometimes possible. Reliability calculation equivalent circuits are shown in Fig. 2 for three 4 GW HVAC line versions, namely: two 750 kV lines sharing a right-of-way, each of a Pd'2 = 2 GW transfer capacity (Alternative IV); one 1150 kV line of a Po= 4 GW capacity (Alternative V); a double-circuit 750 kV line with double-circuit towers, each circuit of a Pd2 = 2 GW capacity (Alternative VI). The designations for these alternatives in Fig. 2 are as follows: OL-1,O: a component whose failure results in total loss of the line's transfer capability Po for 280 hours (damage of one tower in Alternatives V and VI or two towers in Alternative IV); OL-0,5: a component whose failure results in loss of Pd2 (damage of one tower for Alternative IV) for 280 hours; P1,O: a component whose failure results in loss of Pofor 15 hours (a damaged phase in Alternative V); P-0,5: a component whose loss results in loss of Pd2 for 15 hours (a damaged phase in Alternatives IV and VI). Lines with self-supporting towers were assumed to have hb=102 l/year-100km, those with guyed towers, hboT=3.10-2 l/year-lOO km, and the phase damage parameter, h,=10-' l/year.lOO km, regardless of the tower type. For the three W A C alternatives, Table 5 gives performance coefficients K,, found by the same tech-, niques as described for HVDC lines, and anticipated energy-not-supplied levels owing to insufficient line reliability.

Provided are equivalent circuits, assessment procedures, and anticipated reliability indices for several HVDC and HVAC overhead line alternatives ofan identical power transfer capability Po. Reliability assessment was made for different arrangements of a 4 GW, 1000 km long reference power transmission line (two lines in one right-of-way, one full-capacity line with shared towers, one doublecircuit line). The performance coefficient and the expected undersupply of energy were determined for all the studied line alternatives. Lines with self-supporting towers were shown to be much more reliable than those with guyed towers: the former lines feature energy-not-supplied levels 1.S to 2.8 times as low as the latter. Double-circuit lines were proved t o be the preferable type in terms of reliability among other versions of 4 GWlines. Again, double-circuit (quadrupolar) HVDC lines offer many more important reliability advantages, as compared to similar HVAC counterparts.

References [l] R B Adler et al. An IEEE Survey of U.S. and Canadian Overhead Transmission Outages at 230 kV and above. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, NG1, January 1994. [2] A summary of the report on survey of controls and control performance in HVDC schemes. WG 14.02, Electra, 155, 1994. [3] N. N. Tikhodeev, S . S. Shur. Insulation of Power Grids: Selection Procedures, Statistical CoOrdination, and Normalization. Leningrad, Energiya Publishers, 1979. [4] Sporn Ph., Cahen F., Magnien M. Report on the Work of the Study Committee 9 on EHV AC Transmission. CIGRE, 1960, R. 416. [5] N. D. Alekseeva, D. E. Kadomsky. Reliability analysis of a power transmission systems in terms of transfer capability. Izvestiya NIIPT, 18, 1972. [6] D. E. Kadomsb. Reliability of discrete channels of dissimilar independent components with a limited transfer capability. Izvestiya NIIPT, 12, 1966. [7] E. V. Gnedenko, Yu. K. Belyaev, A. D. Solovyev. Mathematical Methods in Reliability Theory. Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 1965.

Table 5 Performance coefficients Kb and energy-notsupplied A W (GWWyear-1000km) for W A C line


A comparison of the anticipated undersupply of energy for HVDC and HVAC overhead lines of a 1000 km reference length (Tables 4 and 5) prompts a conclusion that a HVDC line featuring long-time currentboosting capability and using self-supporting towers (Table 4 Alternative I) makes it possible to lower the expected emergency undersupply of energy by a factor of 2.4 to 2.7 against an HVAC line with self-supporting towers (all Alternatives IV through VI) and, particularly? by a factor of 4.3 to 5.2 against a HVAC line

Biographies Nina D. Alekseeva graduated in 1959 from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute majoring as Industrial - 378 -

Electrical Engineer. In 1980 she received the Candidate of Technical Sciences degree. She is Senior Researcher at NIIPT, specializing in the area of power system reliability. Alexandra V. Bubnova was born in Russia in 1978. She received the Master of Science degree, majoring in Electric Power Systems and Grids, from the St. Petersburg Technical University in 2001. She has been with NIIPT since then as a Researcher, specializing in AC overhead lines. Vladimir S. Chudny was born in Russia in 1975. He received the Master of Science degree, majoring in Electric Power Systems and Grids,from the St. Petersburg Polytechnical University in 1998.Hehas been with NIPT since then

as a Researcher, specializing in HVDC overhead lines. He has 11 publications. Nikolay N. Tikhodeev (1927) received the Electrical Engineer, the Candidate of Techcal Sciences and the Doctor of Technical Sciences degrees in 1952, 1955, and 1966, respectively, from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute; at present he lectures at the LPI (now St. Petersburg Polytecbnical University) as Professor. In 1980he was awarded the National Prize

for his contribution to development of 750 kV AC power transmission lines. In 1979he was elected a Corresponding Member of the USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences where he became anAcademician (Full Member) in 1992. Within CIGRE, where for 12 years he was a member of SC33 "Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination", he is now a Distinguished Member of CIGRE. He became an IEEE Senior Member in 1990. Since 1955 Prof. Tikhodeev has been with High Voltage Technology Department of HVDC Power Transmission Research Institute in St. Petersburg. He directed the Department from 1958 to 1996, sihce 1997he is ScientificDirector of the Department. The area of his major interest is EHV and UHV AC and DC power transmission. He authored and coauthored eight books and many articles on high voltage engineering. HVDC Power TransmissionResearch Institute (NIIPT) 1/39 Kurchatov Street, St. Petersburg 194223Russia Tel. (7-812) 555-1880.Fax (7-812) 555-4931, E-mail:

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