Rejection of Plaint

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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This indenture made this

day of

2015 (Two thousand and

Fiftee Fif teen) n) BET BETWEE WEEN N Thi Thiru/ ru/Tmt/ Tmt/Dr…… Dr……………… …………………… …………………… ………… /o… /o………… ………………… ………………! ……!!! a"ed





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e.$ression sha%% un%ess e.&%uded #y or re$u"nant to the su#e&t or &onte.t in&%ud in& %ude e his / her hei heirs rs e.e e.e&ut &utors ors %e" %e"a% a% re$ re$res resent entati aties es adm admini inistra strator tors s and assi"ns) on the *NE -+T and the ,oernor of Tami% Nadu (hereinafter &a%%ed 'TE *+T,-,EE' whi&h e.$ression sha%% un%ess e.&%uded #y or re$u"nant to the su#e&t or &onte.t &onte.t in&%ude her / his su&&essors3in3offi&e and assi"ns) on the *TE+ -+T4

WE+E- the ort"a"er is the a#so%ute and so%e owner and is seied and $ossessed of or otherwise we%% and suffi&ient%y entit%ed to the %and and house hereinditaments and $remises hereinafter more $arti&u%ar%y and fu%%y des&ri#ed in the the s&h s&hedu%e edu%e here hereunde underr writ written ten transf tra nsferr erred ed and

and e.$re e.$ressed ssed

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:oyam#edu ;hennai! -ND WE+E- the ort"a"ee a"reed to adan&e to the ort"a"er a sum of +s +s!8 !80 000 000 000 00/3 /3 (+ (+u$ u$ee ees s For Forty ty %a %a9h 9h on on%y %y)) on th the e te terms rms an and d &o &ond ndit ition ions s hereinafter &ontained4  

-ND WE+E- one of the &onditions for the aforesaid adan&e is that the

ort o rt"a "a"e "err sh shou ou%d %d se se&u &ure re the the re$a re$aym ymen entt of the the sa said id ad ada an& n&e e an and d du due e o#seran&e of a%% the terms and &onditions &ontained in the '+u%es to re"u%ate the "rant of adan&es to tate ,oernment erants for #ui%din" et&! of house'


issued issue d #y the , ,oernm oernment ent of Ta Tami% mi% Nad Nadu u De$art De$artment ment of 0 (hereinafter referred to as the 'aid +u +u%es' %es' wh whi&h i&h e.$r e.$ression ession sha%%

where the

&onte.t so admits in&%ude any amendment thereof or addition thereto for the ti time me #e #ein in" " in fo for& r&e) e) #y a mor mort" t"a" a"e e of th the e sa said id $r $ro$ o$er erty ty de des&r s&ri# i#ed ed in th the e &hedu%e hereunder written!  

-ND WE+E- the ort"a"ee has san&tioned to the ort"a"er an adan&e

of +s!8000000/3 (+u$ees Forty %a9h on%y) #ein" the a#oe adan&e re%eased on dated ………………! and in the manner $roided in the said ru%es u$on hain" the re$ayment of the %oan with interest and the o#seran&e of a%% the terms and &onditions &ontained in the said +u%es as hereinafter mentioned se&ured in the manner hereinafter a$$earin"! -ND -N D W WE+ E+EE-  th the e o ort rt"a "a"e "err ha has s re re&e &eie ied d fr from om th the e o ort rt"a "a"e "ee e th the e aforesaid adan&e as $er the s&hedu%e #y the TNB! N*W T
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