Reiki and Sex - Heal and Embrace Your Sacred Sexuality

April 22, 2017 | Author: Nathan | Category: N/A
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"Reiki & Sex" introduces readers to the use of Reiki in healing and embracing human sexuality. It contains...




Reiki & Sex




First Edition


Reiki & Sex

Copyright © 2012 Nathaniel First Edition All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permission in writing from the author, except for brief passages in connection with a review. Published by A State of Mind, Wroclaw 2012, Poland Design and DTP by Nathaniel Website:

ISBN: 978-83-935633-1-9

Additional Credit: Font for title and A State of Mind's Logo: Fertigo, by Exljbri. Additional font for title: OptimusPrinceps, by Manfred Klein. Yab Yum photo on the cover and inside the book licensed as Creative Commons Attribution (14.09.2012), by Wonderlane, source: Flickr, Grammar edit with help of software.



Table of Contents Part I The Book of Healing


Reiki and Sex


How Can Reiki Help You With Your Sexual Nature


Common Problems With Sex


Sex as Natural, Sacred Gift


Healing Your Sexuality


The Importance of Self-Healing Sessions


The Five Reiki Principles and Sex


Using Reiki Symbols to Figure Out Your Blockages


Using Affirmations Reikified To Heal Sexual Blockages


Heal Through Forgiveness Reikified


Using Core Images Reikified To Heal Sexual Blockages


Heal Through Emotional Dialog & Psychonaut Method


Healing Your Intentions


Part II The Book of Art


Preparing The Room


Spiritual Cleansing for Better Sex


Reiki Connection and Meditation


Reiki Treatment for Better Sex


Sex, Reikified!


Making the Night Special


Self-Cultivation With a Bit of Reiki



Reiki & Sex

Premature Ejaculation


Working with DKM – An Advanced Practice


Experimentation is the Key






Nomenclature Because I provide practical tutorials and tips for healing and intensification your sex experience with Reiki, first I must explain some of the terms that I'm about to use. There are few different names for the three Reiki symbols which you receive on the second degree class.1 Because there are different names, and even different abbreviations, I decided to use one set of terms for this book: CR, SHK and HS. 2 Below I've wrote corresponding names, so everyone can get familiar with the terms.

CR – CKR, Choku Rei symbol, the first Reiki symbol, the power symbol.

SHK – Sei He Ki symbol, the second Reiki symbol, the mental healing symbol.

HS – HSZSN, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, the third Reiki symbol, the distant healing symbol.

I use other-than-normal terms for sexual organs, as well.

Yoni – for female's genitials (and Pearl for the clitoris).

Lingam – for male's genitals.

Sacred Temple – in general.


In classic Usui Reiki taught by Mrs Takata, there are four symbols – no more. Three of them are taught on second degree class, the fourth – so called master symbol – is taught on the third degree class.


I've seen these abbreviations for the first time in “The Big Book of Reiki Symbols” by Walter Lubeck and Mark Hosak (Lotus Press, 2006), so there goes the credit. -7-

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These terms are quite common for practitioners of Tantra, so that is why we're going to use them, instead of looking for Japanese or Chinese terms, even if they would be far more familiar to Reiki practice.

Quite Long Disclaimer This book is meant for Reiki practitioners - if you are not attuned to Reiki, a wonderful method of spiritual healing, you will not benefit from this book. You should be at least level one Reiki practitioner. Of course, you can still read the book even if you’re not a practitioner. This book’s practical part is meant for Reiki practitioners preferable of the second Reiki degree (Okuden), as some techniques, exercises and methods use the three Reiki symbols. If you are a Reiki practitioner of a second degree, please note that I have practiced with the symbols as Takata taught - three symbols of the second degree, no more, as shown below:3


Images based on The Big Book of Reiki Symbols. -8-


I do not take responsibility for practice with additional Reiki symbols, or with “three symbols” that do not look like the symbols on the image above, as there are many different versions of Reiki symbols in the world. Yet it is believed that the shape doesn't matter as long as you “know” which symbol you're using – I have never experimented with symbols different than three symbols above; therefore I cannot state if other symbols do work or not, nor if they are effective in sexual arts. If you're in doubt, please consult your Reiki teacher or a trusted Reiki teacher in general. I decided not to include too much “tantric” material, nor did I discuss chakras work, or specific energy work related to sexuality - I wanted to write a book that would require Reiki, whole Reiki and only Reiki for increasing sexual pleasure, and present all the issues in simple and natural way. This book might be controversial for some. Yet sex is part of our nature, and problems with the way we talk about sex are emotional blockages that should be healed. Most of the techniques described in this book has been tested and experimented with, and they show no negative results other than normal healing crisis as a result of typical Reiki healing. The only situation in which these techniques has not been tested is the category of “serious sexual traumas” like sexual abuse. It is advisable to heal such problems under special care of both professional psychotherapist or sexologist and an experienced Reiki healer. Many techniques of recalling negative experiences and realizing problematic blockages within your subconscious mind had been in use for hundreds of years within Taoist and Buddhist meditative practice. Other techniques are in use for last 100 years – they've been tested by numerous spiritual workers -9-

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all over the world, and as such, they're not part of Reiki system – they've been slightly modified for the purpose of this book, and they can be used safely along with Reiki for healing. Of course, this book is 18+.

WARNING: Due to the healing nature of Reiki, your relationship might come to an end after using the sexual techniques from this book – something like this may happen if your relationship is toxic and destructive. If your relationship is healthy, or in other words, you're “made for each other” and it's true love, then Reiki will only strengthen both lovers, even if it might lead through some dark places of healing each other – but in the end, Reiki will benefit you and your partner.

What is Reiki Before we begin, if you’re not a Reiki practitioner, it is my duty to explain to you, what is Reiki. Reiki is a method of spiritual healing that originated from Japan. It is a tool, which can be learned by everyone that can heal physical illnesses, emotional problems and spiritual blockages. It can be used for many things, from healing headaches and cancer, to fixing your financial problems, to exploring the spiritual aspects of your life. Quite often, it is used to relieve pain and anxiety; support the healing process of physical illnesses, as well. But it can help in spiritual development and healing emotional problems and traumas. You can use Reiki for healing ether by going to a Reiki session, where practitioner lies hands on you and send you healing energy; or you can become a practitioner, by participating in a course/workshop and receiving an attunement. - 10 -


For people interested in learning more about Reiki, I recommend a website and a book “The Spirit of Reiki” by W. Rand, W. Lubeck and F. Petter.4 The method itself has been created by Mikao Usui, a Buddhist practitioner in the beginning of XX century, in Japan. From there, it spread to Hawaii and continental USA, and then it spread to the entire world. Today, there are millions of practitioners and thousands of teachers all around the Earth. As a tool, in this book, I discuss Reiki as used for sex and your sexual life. Because among many different things, Reiki can help you with sex. A word of advice - it isn’t customary for Reiki practitioners to offer sexual treatments - actually, I wouldn’t recommend visiting such Reiki practitioners. If someone offers you healing through sex, then in reality, he or she wants to have sex with you – unless it's your partner and lover. Reiki and sex are things which you should focus upon in your own practice, by becoming a Reiki practitioner and using Reiki to heal your sexuality by yourself. Please, do not consider Reiki as solely sexual practice, but as an additional tool that, among many other things, can make your sex life better. This book has been written because I've realized that most Reiki practitioners that I know do use Reiki in sex, but rarely anyone is willing to talk about it, or teach about it. So it became a taboo, another secret among Reiki practitioners. And now, with this book, the secret is revealed – as I have seen that literally dozens of thousands of people seek information about Reiki and sex, yet they do not find much. It was quite a challenge to decide what should I actually put into this book. In the end, I decided to include information about most popular problems people have, techniques of finding and 4

Lotus Press, 2001. - 11 -

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healing individual issues, and using Reiki for the actual intercourse and self-cultivation. I decided to skip descriptions of sex positions, tools of the trade like erotic fragrance oils, or deep spiritual understanding of sex. Those who are interested in such details should read additional books, some of which I've included in the bibliography of this work. I wanted to write a book about Sex and Reiki, so people don't need to know too much or practice too many advanced techniques to get better sex through Reiki. But if you wish, you can read about Tantra or the art of Taoist Sex, and support such fresh knowledge with things you shall learn from this publication.

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Part I

The Book of Healing Reiki and Sex Reiki and sex - how does it sound? Nonspiritual maybe? To some, maybe. And yet it is the understanding of more and more people that both Reiki and sex are natural, and I consider Nature to be very spiritual. For years, I was learning from Buddhist and Taoist teachers, shamans, witches and pagan practitioners, and I have learned that Nature is sacred. Reiki and sex are both parts of this sacred Nature. I think that Reiki and sex is yet another taboo subject that is not discussed openly among Reiki practitioners. Rarely anyone talks about it, but everyone does it – like with normal sex. At least, every Reiki practitioner that I've asked had at least tried using Reiki in sex. The truth is, Reiki can be used to improve your sexual life. It can be used to heal your sex-related problems that you might have; it can be used to prolong sex and stop the - 13 -

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premature ejaculation; it can be used to increase the pleasure for both lovers. And since I believe that sex is a natural part of our life since it is a gift of Nature, I have no problems with exploring the subject of Reiki and sex in this book. Sex is a natural element of our life, and I will keep repeating this throughout this entire book. It is often neglected by spiritual workers, such as Reiki practitioners, who consider it to be “nonspiritual” or “dirty”. Well, everyone does it, but not everyone is willing to talk about it. As social taboo in the Western world, rarely anyone experience sex as a spiritual event. Rarely anyone perceives sex as sacred, and more than that, not everyone experience pleasure that comes from sex. More often, people just go to bed, make few pushes, and then they go to sleep. Western sex, as I used to call it, seems to be based on animal instincts, rather on spiritual exchange of energies and the experience of this sacred gift of Nature. Instead of the sacred temple within the female body, people talk about “pussies”, and instead of experiencing the spirituality behind sex, they watch doggy-style porn on the Internet. But this isn’t what sex is about, really. Sex is an intimate, spiritual experience, an exchange of energies, a way to bond with your lover more. It is something that we all practice, but rarely anyone experience it truly. Through sex, we merge spirituality and physically with our partner, because sex, beside these spiritual elements, also contains physical experience - physical pleasure of touch, kisses and, of course, orgasm. Yet a lot of people who live in the Western world, is not even aware of the art of sex. That is why Tantra or Taoist sexual techniques are gaining popularity these days. People want something more than the ordinary Western intercourse that evolved based on Christian culture. But, as Tantra and Taoist sexual techniques state, the full sex experience - 14 -


is a form of energy work. And as most energy work systems, it requires years of practice. Reiki, on the other hand, when used for sex, gives you benefits during the first night, already. I could dig into the subject of Tantra and Taoist sexual techniques, but I decided not to do so. Some of the things that I will describe in this book do come from Tantra and Taoist teachings, but I won't teach Tantra and Taoist art of sex itself. Rather, I decided to explain the uses of Reiki, so any Reiki practitioner of the first or second degree, could start implementing the knowledge into his sexual life, without the need to read more about other Eastern sex techniques. Of course, Reiki and sex is not a sexual technique, it’s just a use of Reiki for sex. In order to use the knowledge from this book, you need to be at least a level one practitioner, and preferable level two practitioner, since I often speak of Reiki symbols that can be used to improve your experience. This book is divided into few sections. First, I will discuss the theory behind sex and Reiki, and I will discuss common sexual problems that people have these days; then, we will discuss the necessary preparation to be made before sex activity even begins; and as for practical aspects, I will discuss selfcultivation, also known as masturbation, and the use of Reiki for sex itself - for females, and for males. Logically, Reiki for females is a form of a “manual” for both lovers who would like to give pleasure to a woman, and Reiki for males is a manual for lovers who would like to give pleasure to a man. This way, the entire subject of using Reiki for sex can be easily described in a useful form. While Tantra and Taoism often speak of creating a strong, spiritual bond with your partner through sex, Reiki does not require it – but from my observations, I can say that it happens anyway. So don't be surprised if the practical techniques from - 15 -

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this book results in stronger relationship. What’s more, your sex partner does not have to be a Reiki practitioner. You can be the only Reiki practitioner in bed, and both of you will benefit from Reiki during the intercourse. This book discusses two things - common problems with sex and ways to heal and overcome these problems from spiritual and Reiki perspective that’s first. Second, the book provides you with techniques and methods that will improve your sexual intercourse and increase the amount of pleasure you receive from sex. One more thing, please do not consider Reiki only as a technique to improve sex – it can be used for sex, but it's much more powerful spiritual healing technique – I know I'm repeating myself, but sometimes I have to.

How Can Reiki Help You With Your Sexual Nature The art of Taoist sex or Tantra, which I've practiced both in the past, are quite difficult to practice and use effectively by total beginners. Now, Reiki is a different story. Reikified sex is a simple as general Reiki practice itself, and with a bit of practice, it can give great results to both partners. Reiki helps you understand that sex is natural, and that it's an important part of a romantic relationship. Just like the entire method of Reiki, reikified sex promotes healing and mindfulness of your entire human nature. Reiki in sex helps you relax; thus you become more sensitive to pleasure and the experience of lovemaking. Reiki also cleans your energy channels, called Meridians5, which further improves 5

The term “Medirians” originates from Taoist teachings and are quite common in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In Hindu teachings, these energy channels are known as “Nadi”. - 16 -


the flow of sexual energy through your body, which results in longer, more pleasurable intercourse. Reiki can also heal the loss of sex drive, which might have many different causes. Reikified sex do not leave you without energy, tired or depressed after lovemaking session – it heals you, and it charges you, even if you do not practice any tantric technique of energizing your body during sex – Reiki will do it for you, in lesser or greater degree, depending on the skills for channeling and receiving Reiki.

Reiki and Love Reiki helps sex, but mainly, Reiki strengthens your love. Healing your sexuality requires a deep, intimate and caring bond between the lovers. Similar to Tantra, Reiki can be used to strengthen and embrace your love with your lover if you wish. By using Reiki in your sex life, you heal and strengthen your entire relationship; therefore both partners benefit from the presence of Reiki in the bedroom. And similar to Tantric Sex, Reiki sex is mindful – by mindfully using Reiki during the intercourse (and all the preparation), you return to “here and now”, and your mind wonders no more. In some way, it is a state of meditation. A state of peaceful mind. Once you're mindful of everything you're doing, your awareness of pleasure increases greatly on its own. Just as Tantra, Reiki in sex promotes self-discovery, the exploration of your mind and rediscovery of your true nature – both through personal, individual practice (even if performed with your lover). In the end, your sexual experience becomes not just a pleasurable physical activity, but it also becomes a powerful, healing, spiritual experience.

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Modern Society and Sex I grew up in Poland - there was almost no sexual education here when I was attending to school, and there was no way to talk about sex with anyone. It was a taboo back then, and it still is, a thing of which no one talks about. And yet, sex was everywhere - advertising, movies, later on it could be found on the Internet. With no one to talk to, with priests and adults screaming “sin, you’re a sinner!” and such, I needed to figure out my own way. It appeared strange to me that something that everyone does, something that is part of our human nature, is so condemned, so denied by people around me. As I grew up, I’ve observed teenage girls getting pregnant, or being afraid of their own sexuality. I observed boys talking dirty about sex like it’s some kind of dirty stuff that guy does to girl and it's “cool”. Vulgar approach, dirty language, and complete lack of knowledge about sex - as a way of giving pleasure and sharing yourself with someone you love - I could see there was something wrong. So I started searching and reading, and learning. Osho, Mantak Chia, the art of Taoist and Tantric sex, and the spirituality behind sex. All of this made more sense than a complete denial and dirty language. That new approach I took the approach of sacred, natural sex - resulted in great sex and no fear of sin - something a lot of people dream about these days. But it was not until I was initiated into a practice of Reiki - a method of spiritual healing of body and soul, that I’ve made my another step in healing and embracing my own sexuality. I figured out that, with the help of Reiki, I can heal something even Reiki teachers rarely talk about - my problems with sex. And I did. And then, I figured out that Reiki, when properly applied, can be used to give greater pleasure to myself, and to my partner. Though no one ever talked about it, I figured out a - 18 -


way to use Reiki to improve and heal my sex life - a natural part of myself. And with this book, I wish to heal you, as well. Why do you read this book? Do you feel there's something wrong about sex that you've been taught, or do you feel there's something about sex you haven't been told? And maybe you feel that you need healing? Or maybe you want to improve your sex life through learning techniques of intensifying pleasure during the intercourse? In all these aspects, Reiki can help you - all you have to do is to open yourself, and accept that sex is natural, it is beautiful, sacred gift of Nature to everyone. Our entire civilization is based upon denial. The denial of our own sexuality - a part of ourselves. A part that is so natural as breathing or eating. You don't feel ashamed when you breathe or eat, do you? And do you feel ashamed when you talk about sex? A lot of people do feel ashamed. They feel ashamed about part of their human nature. Religions has taught us that sex is something evil - something that must be destroyed, or at least hidden, so no one can see it, talk about it, or even think about it. And yet, sex is something natural! How can you deny it? Well people tried. Religions attempted. And so, religious and political leaders have persuaded an entire civilization that sex is wrong, and it must be hidden! And this leads to various problems. For example, denial of sex leads to explosion of sex around us. Nature works in a fascinating way, when something cannot be released naturally it builds up pressure. When the pressure is big enough, it goes boom! Like a volcano! Our denied sexuality is like volcano - most people try to deny it. They want to be humble believers or citizens who obey the social rules - so they deny their sexuality, they do not let it be, they do not embrace it. In result, their very sexuality builds up the pressure, and it blows up - in bad and vulgar jokes; in porn movies; on the ads on the streets - literally everywhere! Rapes, sexual assaults, and sex - 19 -

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everywhere - this is what you get if you don’t embrace your sexuality, but try to hide it. From this weird approach, other problems are born unwanted pregnancies, for example. It is a well known fact that a forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. But there’s also a problem of sexual education - there still is little sexual education in the world, and teenagers do not learn about sex, and when they do, they learn too little. Even if they do learn about contraception and safe sex, they still have problems - how to have sex, actually? It’s not really about getting inside a girl and making some pushes and we’re done, right? Well, if you don’t teach your kids how to have an awesome sex, then they feel lost they’re afraid, and when they don’t have anyone to talk with or learn from - this creates blockages and emotional problems. Not mentioning that they learn from porn movies and their friends – and these are not the best teachers. Being accused of sin creates emotional problems, as well. In the result of all the bad stuff that people hear about sex, they fall into the ultimate trap of emotional and physical impurity. And in result of this, males do not care about the emotional part of sexual intercourse; females suffer from the feeling of impurity; everyone is afraid of oral sex and experimentation; people worry about the look of their bodies; they get bored easily or are disappointed with their partners and so on, so on... Most people in the world these days have problems with sex. All because we’ve been taught about sex in the wrong way. And I believe it’s time to heal these problems. Why? Because sex is natural. It’s part of what we are as humans. It’s not such a good idea to have sex in public, but talking about sex, teaching sex (not about safe sex, but teaching sex - teaching how to give pleasure), being not afraid of sex or masturbation and so on - this is natural. This is our nature, which we should - 20 -


embrace. As more and more people do these days. Through embracing your own sexuality, you learn that sex is good; that sexual pleasure is good and OK and innocent. You learn that there’s nothing wrong with masturbation. Through embracing your sexuality, you learn control, and sex no longer controls you. Because if there is no pressure building up, then there’s nothing left to blew up.

Reiki for Better Sex The process of using Reiki for better sex is a two-step process. I mean there are two things that you can do. First, you can use Reiki to heal your negative beliefs and emotional traumas related to sex. This way, the energy will flow better, as there will be fewer blockages within your spiritual bodies. And if the energy flows freely, the more pleasure you receive. Through healing negative beliefs and traumas related to sex, your body becomes more erogenous, the amount of pleasure you receive increases. You are more willing to experiment and to talk about sex, especially with your sexual partner. Good communication with your partner is a key for happy and fulfilling sex. With time, you will be less and less afraid of your own sexuality, your body and the body of your partner, and of course, of sex itself – this will result in greater comfort, and greater comfort results in better, more pleasurable sex and stronger orgasms. The second way you can use Reiki in sex is... well, using Reiki during the intercourse. Sending it to your own body, sending it to the body of your partner, into the Sacred Temples like Yoni or Lingam. Reiki, as it flows, increase the amount of pleasure, relaxes body more, cleanse energy channels, and with a bit of practice, can be used to prolong the intercourse.

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This is what we want to achieve – to make sex a natural, sacred gift once more, so you won't be afraid of your own sexuality any more, and you will experience the greatest possible pleasure from sex. And you're willing to practice and face your sexual fears and traumas, then with time, you will achieve your goals. You can start healing your sexual issues and the issues of your partner right away, and you can start using Reiki for sex right away – you can do both things at the same time. At first, you might see little or no results at all. Focusing on proper intention, drawing Reiki symbols and sending Reiki during the intercourse might require some practice at first. But with time and more healing, you will notice that your sex life gets better. According to the great rule of Reiki, “keep calm and do Reiki!”, with time and Reiki you will not only heal your sex issues but you will give more pleasure to yourself, and to your partner. If you're the only Reiki practitioner in your relationship and your partner is not trained in Reiki, then during the intercourse, you will be the only one who can send Reiki, of course. But you can help your partner to heal his or hers sexual problems, as well – let your partner read this book, and then use Reiki on your partner and heal the problems together. Now, first you need to learn what kind of things you need to heal within yourself in order to have better sex.

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The book, aside to healing techniques, includes many practical methods of intensification of your sex experience.


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