Reiki 1 Manual

March 14, 2017 | Author: rincewind65 | Category: N/A
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This is my manual for learning Reiki 1 - Shoden (written transmissions). Reiki Means “universal life force energy ...


REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Level 1 : Shoden (written transmissions)

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -1-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Contents Introduction


What is Reiki?


An Introduction to Reiki.


Reiki Attunement


Degrees & Initiations


Giving Reiki Treatments




Permission for working & the exchange of energy


Reiki Treatment Check-List


Working With Others….


Suggested Steps and general Principles when working with Reiki.


Sensitivity to the recipient’s pain


Develop a support system for yourself


Suggested Positions for Self Treatment


Treating Others


On closing a treatment


The Healing Crisis










Three-Fold Flame


Ethical principles of Reiki




Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -2-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition


Reiki Means “universal life force energy “ and is considered the most important energy of man’s future progression in the new Millennium. Reiki will bring light to the lives of people and thus help to create a new Heaven on Earth. In being drawn to Reiki and learning to apply the energy given, you are embracing the part of the divine which seeks to restore the harmony, the light and the beauty which makes us what we truly are. You are about to embark on another aspect of the never ending sojourn on the path to the refinement of the Soul.

kyo dake wa               just for today      okolu na                    don't get angry           shinpai suna               don't worry                kansha shite               be grateful                     goo hage me               work hard                          hito ni shinsetsuni       be kind to others

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -3-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

What is Reiki? Reiki (pronounced “Ray-Key”) is a system of natural healing involving the laying-on of hands, and is probably thousands of years old. It is believed that the technique was first used by Tibetan Buddhist monks and was re-discovered in the 1800’s by Mikao Usui. The Usui system of Reiki was a very simple but powerful healing technique that is easily given, and received. The actual words “Rei” and “Ki” are thought to originate from “Raku-Kei”, and are from the Japanese language. Raku is the vertical energy flow and Ki the horizontal energy flow through the body. Raku-Kei is the art and science of self-improvement used by ancient Tibetan Lamas dating back thousands of years. Reiki is Universal Life Giving Energy, Unconditional Love. Reiki can be used for all purposes, conditions and situations. It is safely used any time, any place, for anything. To practice Reiki, no special faith or belief is required. It is successfully used by people of many differing religions and philosophies. Reiki is the most simple natural healing method I know of. Once a person is reawakened be a Reiki Sensei (master) to channel this energy, it will flow through their hands naturally. The person will retain this ability to channel the energy for the rest of their lives. Reiki is not magnetism or a mind-directed energy. With these approaches a therapist must see the energy coming into them and then with their mind they direct the energy to another person. The mind is always the key to these therapies. In these other therapies, illness is considered negative energy. The therapist who is filled with positive energy attracts the negative energy like a magnet pulling it away and removing it from the client. One of the biggest fears is that the negative energy from the client will somehow go to the therapist, making them ill. Or conversely, a fear that if the therapist has negative energy, it could go into the client. With Reiki you do not have to see the energy, or concentrate on it at all. Nor do you remove energy from someone, or give them your energy. Reiki energy balances and rejuvenates. If there is too much energy in an area, or not enough, it is not balanced: simply - when there is an imbalance there is potential for illness. In a balanced state, the individual has the potential for self healing. The energy is transmitted simply by placing your hands on yourself or another individual. We do not diagnose with Reiki. Rather, we understand that the body is in a state of balance or imbalance. Reiki makes its way to the areas of imbalance during a treatment.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -4-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Rei - Spiritual Wisdom The word Rei means “Universal” and is a very general definition as Japanese ideograms, or “Kanji”, have several levels of meaning and interpretation, from the mundane, to the esoteric. It is accepted that the meaning is more accurately interpreted by Reiki practitioners as the “Higher Spiritual Consciousness” or “All-knowing and All-pervading God-force” that understands the root cause, and therefore the cure for all problems and difficulties. Ki - The life force Ki or Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, Mana in Hawaiian, is the vital life force that flows through ll living things. It has been identified by all cultures and consequently has various names. Ki surrounds and animates all life and is the primary source of our thoughts, emotions and spiritual existence. Martial artists use Ki in physical and mental development. Shamans, past and present, have used the same energy for spiritual development and awareness, as well as healing and manifestation. Ki is employed by all healers, regardless of their discipline. Reiki is different from other systems in that the attunements or invitations, are an ancient process of tuning the healers’ body, both physical and etheric, to a higher vibration, thereby allowing a clear channel for the energy to flow. Once this channel is opened it will remain open for the rest of the healer’s life. Therefore Reiki can be defined as the spiritually guided universal life force, this is the most accepted interpretation of the word, and sums up the experience most people have for the energy.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -5-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

An Introduction to Reiki. Reiki healing energy moves through the healer and dispels blocks and negativity before being channeled through to the recipient, thus it never drains the healer. In fact the more the practitioner gives Reiki energy the more it is received. All healers use the life force but not all use Reiki, which works on a different vibration. It is of course possible that some healers are born with the correct attunement already taken place, but in practice a Reiki Master (sensei) is needed to attune the individual to the energy. It is widely accepted that Reiki not only complements other therapies, but actively increases those healing energies by up to 50%. Reiki treatments are given by the practitioner placing hands on the recipients body in a number of positions allowing free flow of the Reiki energy to pass through. Reiki has a way of naturally flowing to the area where it is most needed and therefore no direction is required by the practitioner for the energy to work accurately. This means of course that every Reiki treatment is different and persons receiving the treatment will report differing sensations, such as increased warmth, or cold, or tingling feelings. Whatever the individual’s experience, the general beneficial effect of the treatment is the same, with the recipient receiving the correct amount of energy to bring about the necessary changes to restore balance within. As the flow of Reiki begins to be used by the practitioner, so the inevitable refining of his/ her own spiritual self takes place, thus creating change, dispelling negative beliefs and attitudes, and promoting a greater feeling of well-being. The practitioner can then access the strength to take full responsibility for future development and conscious understanding of the changing world. The experience of receiving and giving Reiki is one of deep relaxation and inner peace. The heart is opened to receive and give love. When we use this energy for ourselves and for the treatment of others we are returned to a state of compassionate grace. It can be used safely anytime and anywhere and for anything. You cannot receive too much Reiki. It is 100% safe, effective, and gentle. Reiki does not intrude upon the person. It is the perfect complement to allopathic medicine and all forms of natural healing. Reiki is said to be a very old system that was rediscovered in the 1800’s by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui. When Usui was young he studied a Japanese version of Qi Gong, a discipline designed to improve health through meditation, breathing practice and slow exercises. The practice involved developing and storing up life energy - Ki - and included healing by the laying on of hands. Usui wondered if there was any way of healing without having to first store up the energy and then feeling depleted afterwards. Dr. Usui was a Christian minister in Japan, though Japanese. He was the head of a Christian Boys School in Japan.  One day some of the students asked him if he believed in the miracles which Jesus did (healing, etc). Being a Christian minister he answered "Yes". They asked if he knew how Jesus had done this, "No" he said.   [It is interesting that the story coming through Dave Kings' contacts in Japan is that Usui was Buddhist, not Christian as we are told through Dr Hayashi and Mrs Takata. This gives credence to the claim of some that the 'christian' angle was added during Dr Hayashi's trip to Hawaii to make it more acceptable to the christian audiences in America.] With this he resolved to find the way in which Jesus had healed. This immediately set him on a journey of many years. Studying first at Christian schools in the US, for where else to learn of Jesus, but with no results.  In the Christian schools the method was not known. Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -6-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition It was suggested he study Buddhist writings since the Buddha had also healed. This took more years studying at a monastery in the Orient. Nowhere could he find the answers. In Japan he toured many temples asking for knowledge of how the Buddha had healed.   At each one the priests said they were more concerned with spiritual than physical well being.  In one small monastery he found some ancient Sanskrit writings from India (or perhaps Tibet). After a few more years of study, he felt he had come to an understanding and that to go further required in depth meditation. He declared to the monks of this monastery his intention to fast and meditate for 21 days at a nearby mountain and that if he did not come back they should come and get his body. He went to the mountain and gathered 21 stones with which to count the days. Each day he would throw away a stone and in this way count the time.  On the 20th day nothing had come as yet and he threw away  the last stone saying "Well, this is it, either I get the answer tonight or I do not". In the night on the horizon he could see a ball of light coming towards him. The first instinct was to get out of the way, but he realized this might just be what he was waiting for, so allowed it to hit him right in the forehead. As it struck him he was taken on a journey and shown bubbles of all the colours of the rainbow in which were the symbols of Reiki, the very same symbols in the Tibetan writings he was studying but had been unable to understand. Now as he looked at them again, there was total understanding. After returning from this experience he began back down the mountain and was, from this moment on, able to heal. This first day alone he healed a broken toe-nail, his own starvation, an ailing tooth and the Abbots sickness which was keeping him bedridden. These are known as the first four miracles. He wanted to use these abilities to help others, he spent the next seven years in the beggars section of Tokyo healing the poor and sick people there, sending them to a priest to assist finding them employment, and elevating them out of poverty. After the seven years he noticed familiar faces, those of people whom he'd healed long ago who were back again. Asking them, they complained that life outside beggar town was too hard and that it was much simpler to beg for a living. They had thrown away the gift of health, as if it had no value, to return to the supposed comfort of the life they knew. This threw Usui into a quandary and he returned to the monastery. From this he realized he hadn't taught gratitude along with the healing. That he'd focussed on the physical ailments without dealing with the spiritual matters. The people did not understand the value of the gift he gave them. Dr. Usui returned to the monastery for further reflection and planning. After some time in the monastery he developed precepts. In this new plan he traveled around the countryside from village to village.  In each one he stood in a public place during the day holding aloft a lit torch. When people told him he didn't need a torch in daylight, he answered was he was looking for the few who are interested in improving themselves. In this way he traveled around teaching and healing, working both with the spiritual healing as well as physical healing.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -7-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition It is only recently that we have been able to discover more about Mikao Usui. The man who remained a mystery for many years has now had life breathed into him. We have actually heard he was a compassionate man who loved life and was dedicated to helping people. Usui actually adopted his spiritual principles that are part of our system of the Reiki from the Emperor of japan in the Meiji era. He died on the 9th March 1926. Reiki has been passed down from master to student mostly as an oral tradition. In the early times there were no masters of Reiki. Usui was considered a sensei, a beloved teacher, a wise man. After the second World War, Reiki was bought to the west by Mrs Hawayo Takata, a student of Dr Chujiro Hayashi who had studied with Usui. When Takata started teaching the 3rd Level in the West she added the title “Master”. This was a western way to denote that someone had come into the practice of Reiki, studied with the initiating master for a defined period of time and developed him or herself spiritually and was now able to act as a mentor or teacher to a student. “Master” is a rather misleading term, and perhaps if the word teacher had been chosen instead there would have been some less delusion and misunderstanding over the years about Reiki and the spiritual condition of some Reiki “masters”. There were also other changes to the system, which means our Reiki is a westernized version of the original. It is most important to understand that we come into the practice of Reiki by an initiation process that is personally done by the Reiki Master. The beauty of the system is that the personal contact and sharing of wisdom are the first steps you take on your own personal journey. The teacher is there as support for you. Someone to stand beside you as you enter into your own relationship with the energy and train to whatever level you desire. In recent years we have seen a rapid increase in the forms of Reiki and the amount of people practicing this art. People from all over the world are willing instruments of the healing energy of Reiki. Dr Chujiro Hayashi Mikao Usui gave the master’s attunement to 16 people one of whom was Dr Chujiro Hayashi, a retired naval officer, who was charged with keeping the essence of Reiki intact after Dr Usui’s death. Dr Hayashi opened a Reiki clinic in Tokyo and kept records of treatments which demonstrated that Reiki finds the source of the physical symptoms, fills the energy need, and restores the body to wholeness. He used this information to create the hand positions, the system of three degrees, and the initiation procedure. Sensing a great war approaching Dr Hayashi decided to pass the complete Reiki teachings to a woman in order to preserve them. Hawayo Takata was chosen for this purpose.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -8-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Hawayo Takata The daughter of Japanese immigrants living in Hawaii, Mrs Takata went to Japan to receive medical treatment for a tumour. In hospital as she was prepared for surgery she heard a voice say the operation was not necessary. She refused surgery and was taken to Dr Hayashi’s clinic. In four months she was completely healed and asked to learn Reiki herself. Mrs Takata stayed with Dr Hayashi for 1 year and then returned to Hawaii to help establish it there, and she became the thirteenth and last Master to be initiated by Dr Hayashi. Mrs Takata introduced Reiki to America. Feeling that the Japanese concept of respect would be difficult in the western mind she decided to charge a large sum of money for the Reiki master attunement and training, as this would create the appreciation for Reiki that was needed. The story of Dr Usui being a Christian monk was created by Mrs Takata, as the war created bad feeling between the West and Japan. Mrs Takata believed a Christian background would be more acceptable than a Buddhist one. Dr Usui is said to have been the principal of Doshisha University, a Christian school in Kyoto where he revealed the inspiration to discover how Jesus had healed the sick. It is also said that Dr Usui studied at the University of Chicago and gained a degree in Theology. According to the chief archivist at Doshisha University they have no knowledge of Dr Usui at all, the University of Chicago also have no records of Dr Usui attending. Usui Shiki Ryoho The form of Reiki known as the Usui system has evolved since Mrs Takata’s transcendence. As detailed previously, both Dr Hayashi and Hawayo Takata added to the original system discovered by Dr Usui. As Reiki becomes more widespread throughout the world, many masters whilst honouring the initial teachings of Dr Usui have incorporated their own knowledge of healing skills and channeled teachings to ensure Reiki progresses.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 -9-

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Reiki Attunement Reiki is a powerful spiritual experience and consequently is not taught as other healing techniques are taught. The ability to attune to the Reiki frequency is passed from Master to student during an attunement process which opens the Crown, Heart and Palm Chakras. the process also creates a special link between the maser and the student. Anyone can lay hands on another and transmit magnetic energy. What makes Reiki unique is the attunement process, which are a series of initiations where a Reiki master, stating clear intentions and affirmations, transmits Reiki energy and symbols in an amplified state to a student. The process is a direct channel from the Rei, expanding vibrations of the Universal Life Force energy, giving each student what they require. This explains why students report widely differing experiences during the attunement process. The process, although conducted by the Master, is attended by Reiki guides and helpers. Many students experience visions, or receive messages, healings, or past life remembrances during this special time. Whatever your experience during your attunement it will be the right way for you, try not to compare it to others’ experiences. Although only one attunement is necessary to open the student to the energy, many masters will give more. This strengthens the energy given and adds to the value and refinement of the attunement. The more a student is attuned the clearer the channel becomes and therefore an increase in the psychic sensitivity and consciousness of the individual is produced. The attunement connects the student directly to the Source, to Mother/Father God through his/her central light column, called the Antahkarana. This column is one’s direct line to the higher celestial realms and is anchored in the heart of the Source in the Great Central Sun. It also grounds the person and is secured in the Diamond Heart of Mother Earth. This `vertical’ attunement builds strengths and expands the central light column. Your attunement can be a sacred and reverent experience and the occasion needs to be respected and taken seriously. Traditional Usui Reiki First Degree uses a four stage attunement which has the effect of gently opening the channels of the student to the energy. The first three attunements will open the healing Chakras and the fourth will seal the energy completely. This means that once given, the ability to give Reiki is for life and will always be an ever present ability, even if the energy lies dormant for a length of time. Reiki attunements begin a spiritual cleansing of the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. It is usual for students to go through a release of emotional energy and to begin to see a refinement of their belief structures and feelings. You do not need to try to do anything during the attunement other than relax and be open to receiving Reiki energy. It is a good idea to sit in meditation afterwards for as long as you feel to do so. You may want to write something down afterwards to remember anything that occurred.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Degrees & Initiations There are 3 (sometimes 4) degrees of Reiki. In the first degree, four of the energy centres - Chakras - are reawakened and attuned. These are your spiritual centres, and the heart is the bridge between the physical and spiritual. 1. The Heart Chakra, once activated, opens your heart to unconditional love 2. The Throat Chakra, once activated, is the opening to the pathway to your higher consciousness, and establishes trust. 3. The Third Eye Chakra, once activated, opens your intuition. 4. The Crown Chakra, once activated, opens you to receive the unconditional vibration of the Reiki energy. Attunement to Reiki is permanent. Once a person is reawakened by a Reiki master, it allows him to channel the Reiki energy for himself and others for the rest of their life. No special invocation or alteration of the thinking process is really necessary to `turn on’ the flow of Reiki. Simply placing your hands on yourself or others opens the heart of love, and you automatically bring through the energy by your intention. You are taught to work on yourself and others. The first degree is the foundation for all further Reiki degrees and should be mastered before a person is considered for the next degree. In the second degree….. The Chakras in the hands are reawakened and activated. You work with the power keys or symbols associated with Reiki 2. Using symbols and your reawakened hands, you can intensify the amount of energy you are channeling to yourself or others. You also learn absentee healing and an emotional/mental release technique. In the third degree - Professional level….. The lower energy centres are reawakened and attuned. This is the first step in becoming a Reiki master. Some people benefit from beginning an apprenticeship programme with a Reiki master for about 2 years. Everything you do and say should be with the awareness of Reiki. In the fourth degree…… You learn how to attune others and pass on the teaching of Reiki - this level can be taught at the same time as the third degree if wanted.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Giving Reiki Treatments Once attuned, Reiki practitioners only have to place their hands on the subject and the healing energy will flow automatically. It is important that in the initial weeks after attunement the student gives as much Reiki as possible, both to yourself and for others. This continues the refining process initiated by the attunement. Reiki is an automatic process and will flow to the area necessary. Any attempt to force the process results in a general lessening of the power available. Remember that you are a channel for the energy to be given, and not the source of the healing. This explains why treatments do not drain the giver, instead they actively replenish and charge the Reiki practitioners. A full Reiki treatment will last about an hour during which time the energy will be communicated to the higher self of the recipient. The practitioner should ideally attempt to allow the flow of energy for about 3-5 minutes in each of the hand positions taught. The best results are achieved when the practitioner is calm and relaxed, becoming one with the energy. It is important that you do not become too reliant on results, and trust that the client is receiving the required amount of Reiki energy to restore harmony. Remember that you cannot make a mistake in the application of Reiki energy, and that you are not responsible for the results. Reiki first Degree works on a physical level; while you touch, you heal, when you take your hands away, it stops. Also remember that Reiki can never cause harm and has a beneficial effect on most causes of disease. The only exception to this is the treatment of fractures and broken bones before they are set. The application of the Reiki energy should only be given to `set’ bones. Reiki is especially beneficial to pregnant women and has a relaxing and reassuring effect on the unborn child. Another important aspect to bear in mind when giving a treatment is that when someone comes to you, they want to experience your energy, so give from the heart and the Reiki energy will do the rest. Much of Reiki is intuitive and you will (in time) modify the hand positions or amount of time spent in each position as they feel more comfortable - if it feels right, do it! You will find that the ability to seek within and trust your own feelings will heighten your awareness of the energy and its application for future progression. Treatments should ideally be conducted in a relaxing area where both you and the client feel comfortable and where there is minimal outside noise or distraction. Practitioners should always have the intention to complete each treatment without distraction or breaking the flow. Where this is unavoidable the practitioner should take time to centre themselves and re-attune to the energy, before commencing with the treatment. If the recipient wishes to converse with the practitioner the energy flow will not be interrupted, however, it is best if conversation is kept to a minimum. Usually Reiki energy relaxes so efficiently that this invariably ceases to be an issue once the head positions are completed. Given the spiritual nature of the healing it is fairly common for a sensitive practitioner to access psychic or intuitive information from the client while giving a treatment. This occurs because the energy fields between the practitioner are connected and this produces an empathy. Practitioners should be wary of passing on such information during a Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 12 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition treatment as this could cause the client to become less relaxed, or even anxious. It should also be remembered that some would consider such feedback an intrusion and it is wise to be discrete about this. Working with yourself Treating yourself with Reiki is so simple. Everywhere you are, Reiki is. Whenever you feel stress or pain, or are feeling generally `out of sorts’, all you need to do is give yourself a treatment by placing your hands on yourself. The daily use of Reiki brings about an inner balance, so many illnesses will not be able to develop. Your emotions will be balanced, your life indeed takes on a new quality and peace. When you are using Reiki, you are loving yourself and the creative force within you. This loving energy helps you to transform your will and ego to “Thy” will be done. The use of Reiki on our personal lives offers us a means of balance so that we attain a healthy mind, body and spirit. Daily Self-treatments Many people take a Reiki course to be able to bring about a sense of well-being in themselves. Once this is realised, then it is natural to turn it outward to others. It is important after your first attunement to give yourself a Reiki treatment daily. If you only have 5 minutes it is better than nothing, and if you have time for a full treatment, then great! The positions shown in this manual can be used as a guide, because with practice you may find this time challenging as you clear you own issues and develop spiritually. To treat yourself, lie down or sit comfortably. Start with your hands on your head and slowly work down over your whole body, front and back. Include al your Chakras, organs, even the soles of your feet. Allow your intuition to guide you to the areas that you feel you need energy. This is excellent to do first thing in the morning when you wake up, or when you are going to bed. It is important that you give yourself Reiki daily (at least for the first few months) For although you receive energy when giving treatments having clients every day cannot be guaranteed. It is worth waking up a little earlier to ensure that time is available for a self treatment. After having given a few treatments the general beneficial effects on your health and ability to deal with issues in your life will become apparent and you will actively look forward to receiving the energy. Self Reiki can be used when you feel stressed or anxious, run down or exhausted. Use the techniques and hand positions taught, to give yourself the Reiki treatment. It can be incorporated into your meditation routine, or into any spare time you may have.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Charges Many students have great difficulty with the concept of charging for something that is God-given. No-one would have difficulty in the belief that a gifted artisan or craftsman should charge to commensurate rate for their God-given gift. Remember Dr Usui’s experiences in Kyoto, and that his conclusion that, in a material world gratitude is placed only on those that have some value or respect. A basic spiritual concept requires the need for something new to flow into the space created. History has shown that material goods have been offered to spiritual leaders or persons for prayer or spiritual favours. The church collection box and Harvest Festival are continued evidence of this age old concept. Remember that in coming here you have given, by way of money, or some other form of energy, to receive the gift of Reiki. This has been an affirmation of your intent to heal with positive will. In this you have gone onwards to “meet spirit half-way”. It is Spirit’s way to reward acts of commitment in ways appropriate to the individual. “As you give so shall you receive”. This is the very essence of the Reiki energy. It is important to grasp these principles otherwise you will become a very busy and popular healer whose responsibilities in the physical world will suffer. Just confirm to those that ask that “the Reiki energy is free, but my time isn’t”. A good compromise is an “energy exchange” where no money changes hands, and individuals agree to a barter of services or goods in exchange for a Reiki treatment. This is by far the most acceptable form of charge as long as both parties are comfortable with the exchange taking place. You are not honouring the system by offering, or accepting, anything that is not of value to you. Reiki practitioners do establish a fee when they offer their time to channel the Reiki energy, on a professional level. The fee sets a value on a service: wellness has a value, and ultimately reflects the feeling of worthiness and self love of the person seeking to change their health. As a student of Reiki, when you are learning how to practice and using friends or family to do so, of course there is already an exchange taking place. You are gaining much needed experience in return for the Reiki you are giving them. Whenever possible, the person must ask for a treatment, this is a spiritual law. By asking, they open themselves to receive, and have expressed a conscious decision to be involved in the process. The recipient is the healer. The channel is only an instrument through which the energy flows. If you do not receive permission, or are not asked, and work on someone anyway, you are exerting your will, or your ego on them. This is not how Reiki works.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Permission for working & the exchange of energy Throughout the world there are different regulations governing the practice of treating people. Obviously, if you are a Doctor, who is also practicing Reiki, you can apply Reiki whenever you want to and feel that it is necessary. The biggest problem is the amount of time you have to spend with a patient, and the amount of time necessary for the treatment. Reiki is being used successfully by many different professional groups: masseurs, medical assistants, nurses, midwives, drug councillors, physiotherapists, and beauty therapists for example. It is very important that you never make a diagnosis, or use the word “diagnosis”. Never advise the client to discontinue any medication which their doctor has prescribed; nor should you prescribe any medication, unless you are a medical doctor. Never undertake any action which will invade beneath the surface of the skin. Legal regulations vary from country to country. I advise you to see what legal requirements of your professional organisations are, before using Reiki as part of your work. It is better not to use the term “patient”, but to use “client” or “recipient” instead, so that people do not feel that you might illegally be running a medical practice. In all cases where you have doubt, check the legal situation in your country.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Reiki Treatment Check-List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Before the client arrives cleanse yourself and the room by “smudging”. Try to be relaxed and at one with yourself immediately prior to treatments. Avoid rushing around. Spend a few minutes with clients to gain a rapport; and check that there is enough time for you to complete the treatment. Explain the Reiki process and hand positions, ask the client to remove earrings and jewelry. Answer any questions the client ay have. Ensure that interruptions do not occur. E.G. Switch off mobile phones, secure the door if appropriate. Make sure the client is comfortable and that you are able to retain a relaxed posture during the entire treatment. Ask your Reiki guides for assistance and begin the treatment using the techniques and hand positions taught. See Appendix 8 for “Setting up a room” Once the front of the client has been completed, ask and assist the client to turn over on to their stomach and begin applying Reiki as taught. After completing the treatment, spend a few minutes thanking your Reiki guides and helpers for their assistance during the session. Gently bring your client round by firm pressure on the soles of their feet, shoulders and back until they come to full waking consciousness. Offer your client some fresh water. Take some time to talk through the treatment, client’s experiences and offer any advice for further treatments. Settle arrangements for payment. Ensure that the client knows how to contact you for further advice for further treatments. Relax!

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 16 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Working With Others…. When you are ready to begin working on other people and can dedicate a space to your work, try to keep the room quite simple and make an attempt not to have things in the room that may bump against others’ philosophical beliefs. If you give people space to relax they will be more open to the experience of Reiki. Have a soft colour painted onto the walls in the room, adequate ventilation, a lightweight blanket to cover them as their body temperature can fluctuate during the treatment, and pillows available to support their head and knees. Perhaps have some candles and fresh flowers. Everything should be somewhat understated so the room can give space for them to be nourished and to be open. You can play soft meditation music in the background, have tissues nearby, and water to offer to drink and make sure everyone’s mobile is switched off to avoid interruptions. Be completely there for them. The single most important aspect of the treatment time is listening to the client. Many people feel they are not listened to. So the very nature of you listening to them without jumping in with your own story or to answer their question creates the space for them to feel they are important. Do not talk about yourself during the treatment. Watch their body language, how they use their voice, how open are they to touch. Listen and watch, then ask them “What is it you are wanting in this treatment?” “How can I assist you in realising this?” You might explain that they will be using this energy to heal themselves on different levels. You can explain about disharmony in the mind causing disharmony in the body. Stress causes disharmony and Reiki will bring the body, mind and spirit back to its natural state. It is up to the recipient to then make the changes in their lifestyle to support this process. Try to avoid having answers for them, rather give them doorways to approach and choose to walk through. Perhaps discuss what has happened in their lives up to 3 years ago as emotions can play a big part in disharmony. The beauty of Reiki is that it works with the cause as well as the resulting effect of disharmony. By understanding and working with your own disharmony you will better understand them. We are a product of how we think and feel. If what we have created with these thoughts is not what we want, we can change that with the use of Reiki and also other techniques that we use with Reiki. Reiki can and does stand on its own as a valuable therapy and is also complementary to other medicines including general medicine. Thus with simple questions we can provide a way for them to also look deeply into themselves. Make no demands as they look or discuss. Be willing to plant a seed of opportunity. It is up to them to water that seed and encourage it to grow. Do not concern yourself too closely with what they are feeling during a treatment, as quite often there is a difference in what they feel and what we feel. Just ask how they are feeling; usually it is a deep sense of relaxation. At times emotions may come up. It is important that they have the space to release them. There is no judgement about their process. Gentle loving compassion and Reiki go a long way to reach deeply into a person so they can come back into a state of harmony. Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 17 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Suggested Steps and general Principles when working with Reiki. The Setting Reiki works on a busy street, a train or anywhere. However, it seems best to have a specific room or area where you work that is harmonious. It is very relaxing to the person who receives the energy, and helps you to be relaxed and open at the same time. Clothing The person remains clothed during the treatment. If they have tight belts, they can be loosened; shoes can be removed as well as any binding outer garments. During the session be sure to provide adequate cover so they can be warm during the treatment. Remember Reiki radiates heat, and when the hands change location, a cooling can take place. If the room is cool, it can be chilling to them, so they can be covered with a lightweight blanket. This can also be the case during the summer months too. Hygiene It is important for you to know that your hands are not magnets for negative energy. They do not collect energy, but rather balance and harmonise everything they touch. Certainly was your hands before and after a treatment, when it is possible. If you are treating an open infection wear sterile gloves or place sterile gauze bandage over the infected area before putting your hand down. Keep the treatment area in a state of cleanliness and order. Music and self centering Meditative music is very conductive for relaxation of the recipient and the channel. It is most important that you are in a state of harmony too. Be “centered”, then a greater quality of energy can flow through you. Stress = Disharmony, Relaxed = Harmony. If you are stressed , or in a state of disharmony, work on yourself first. This is not selfish, rather it demonstrates your willingness to apply the principles to yourself so you can be balanced and open, before working on another person. If you are in a relaxed state, the person will relax much more readily. Invocation Although no Invocation is required for Reiki to work, it is often helpful to have a personal silent invocation before treatments. We can ask that the Reiki received is for the person’s highest good, in accordance with Divine Will. We can say thank you for being a Reiki channel, and ask that it may go to all people who are willing to receive it. We can ask for help from our personal guides, from Usui, and other Reiki guides. You can design your own invocation. Intention It is a good idea to ask the client to have an “intention” for their healing session, as shared and vocalised “intention” will have more chance of the desired outcome. It can be general or specific.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 18 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition How many sessions? Talk with the person, to find out what the physical and/or emotional imbalances might be. Four sessions are usually required to complete the initial energy balancing. Treat with as many sessions as you both feel necessary for the healing to take place. If it is possible, all four treatments can be given on successive days. This will stimulate the body to cleanse itself of toxins. I also recommend that people drink lots of water (at least 2 Litres a day), to support the natural detoxification process. Touching and more touching Many people have difficulty touching or being touched at the private reproductive areas of the body. In most cases it is not necessary to make direct contact, thus eliminating any uneasiness. A big difference between other forms of energy work and Reiki is that we touch the body in Reiki. With the other forms of energy work the therapist may just work in the aura or person’s field of energy. The philosophy is, if the aura is in a state of harmony, then the physical body will follow. This is true. When we are touching the physical body, the energy is also going into the aura, so that it becomes balanced. Talking during the treatment Quiet conversation can sometimes be helpful, especially if the recipient feels like opening up and discussing the emotions surrounding the state of their unwellness. However, do not feel it is necessary for them to talk or that you must investigate further, if the person does not want to share this information. Sometimes emotional discussions can be inhibiting to the healing process, causing unnecessary tension, pain and remorse. They will share with you what they feel is right to do so at the time. Hand Pressure Place your hands on the body using relaxed and gentle pressure. Any pressure or heaviness from your hands may be uncomfortable to the recipient. It is important to consider the needs of the recipient. There are many variables, due to the difference of the individuals you will treat. Is the room temperature too warm or cold? Does the client need a pillow under their knees? You want the recipient to be comfortable at all times in a healing session. The most important factor is to be loving.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 19 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Sensitivity to the recipientʼs pain It is not uncommon to be sensitive to the recipient’s pain. Normally you feel the pain in the same area of your body as the person who is receiving the energy. This does not mean that you are taking their pain or energy and will keep it. The level of feeling is merely a barometer, telling you how much energy the recipient will need, to balance the area where the pain is. In many instances, I find people will develop more sensitivity to feeling, the more they use Reiki. You begin to have a sensitivity to feel the environment as well as personal influences. When this sensitivity is developed, it leads to the perception level, called “clairsentinence” or clear feeling. Clarity comes when a person clearly distinguishes the origin of the energy, and controls the influence it projects. Learning to know the difference between your feelings, pains and energy balance, from those of another person, takes training. It is best to ask yourself objectively: “Is this my own emotion, or pain?” Always be aware of how your own body feels, before placing your hands on someone else. If you feel a difference when you touch them, it is your reaction to their energy. Use this reaction like the barometer effect to know where to work. Breathe out your reaction! Once you have been reawakened by a Reiki Master, when you transfer this energy by placing your hands on yourself or on another person, you may start to feel warmth and/ or a tingling sensation. Leave your hand there as long as these sensations remain as intense. Once the feeling starts to dissipate, move your hands to another area. The energy comes through the palms and fingertips of your hands. Reiki is not a system of taking on or extracting pain from someone. If yo are left with pain, once the session is complete, then you have, at some level, desired (consciously or unconsciously) to retain the person’s pain. This usually occurs if you have thought “I want to take away your pain”. The registration of your own body subsides, along with the sensation in our hands, when the proper amount of Reiki has been given to the recipient. It usually takes about an hour to give a full body treatment. It is always best if you have time, to treat the whole body, as you are treating the cause as well as the resulting illness. When you are working on children, it usually takes half of the time, depending on their size. If you are only treating an area, not the entire body, allow 20 to 30 minutes - with children this tie will of course be less. Daily application of Reiki to yourself and others for 20-30 minutes will help to keep your system balanced, and will act as a preventative to illness and stress. Always trust your intuition when working with Reiki; respond to that inner voice. Trust yourself.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 20 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Develop a support system for yourself It is invaluable to have a support system for yourself with other Reiki practitioners so that you can talk about the experiences you have when working with people and specific illnesses. We do not discuss the specific person, as there is an understanding of confidentiality. Rather we discuss the treatment protocol, and our reactions to what has taken place. It is wise to keep records of clients, medical histories, medication they may be taking, response to the treatment. Also, what you have picked up by scanning the body, your impressions and what other methods you may have suggested. We do not have their answers, rather we work together for them to discover them. It is important to note that you are in a state of harmony when you are working with others. Take the time each day to give yourself a Reiki treatment. By keeping yourself in balance it makes the experience of receiving Reiki better for them. It demonstrates your willingness to love yourself enough to do this. Be the silent witness to their healing, acknowledge their work and be willing to be an example of how Reiki continues to affect your life. Do not tell people to do anything you are not prepared to do yourself. Do not be afraid to not have the answer. Above all empower them to be real, as real and if not more than you have allowed yourself to be. Only when you take off the masks of how you have needed to be in the world to survive, will they be given space to do the same. Invite them into an experience of reconnecting to their divinity and magnificence. The rewards are great and your heart will be filled many ties over.

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 21 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Suggested Positions for Self Treatment Head: Front Position 1 The hands cover the front of the face, with the tips of the fingers touching the forehead. The hands are together, giving yourself to breathe. Specific imbalances being treated: Sinus blockage; headache; migraine; strokes; allergies; upper respiratory congestion; hay fever; gut problems; toothache. Chakra: Third Eye Gland: Pituitary, Hypothalamus.

Position 2 The tips of the fingers are placed at the midline of the crown on the head. The hands are gently resting on the side of the head. Specific imbalances being treated: Mental organisation; concentration; head injuries; strokes; stress; the left and right hemispheres of the brain; the motor and thinking functions; headaches and migraines. Chakra: Crown Gland: Pineal , Hypothalamus. Position 3 Hands at the side of the head, slightly cupped over the ears. Specific imbalances being treated: Ear; nose and throat problems; colds; balance; hearing. The ears have many points used in acupuncture, these points will affect a variety of problems. Chakra: Third Eye Gland: Pineal

Position 4 The heals of the hands rest on the back of the skull, where the head ends and the neck begins. Put your hands together like in a “bowl” and cover the back of your head. Specific imbalances being treated: Stress; worry; stroke; eye problems; head injuries; nosebleeds (use with an ice-pack applied to the base of the neck); headache; colds. Brain; neck and back problems; spinal nerve problems. Chakra: Third Eye Gland: Pineal Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 22 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Throat Position 1 One hand is placed at the neck and the other rests on the chest, directly below the first. Specific imbalances being treated: Energy stimulation; stress; immune system; stimulation for better absorption of calcium; nervousness; metabolism problems. Chakra: Throat Gland: Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus.


Position 1

Cup the breast, one hand resting on the top of the breast and the other holding the lower part of the breast, so that the entire breast is covered. NB: Men also have breasts, and will need treatment in this area. Position 1 alternative One hand is placed on each breast. The right hand on the right breast, the left hand on the left breast. Specific imbalances being treated: Cysts or tumors in the breast; lymphatic disorders; milk production in nursing mothers. Chakra: Heart Gland: Thymus, Adrenals. Front of the body Position 1 Hands are placed under the breast line, with fingertips touching. Hands are placed gently on the body. Fingertips meet at the centre line of the body Specific imbalances being treated: Lymphatic disorders; lungs. Chakra: Solar Plexus Position 2 Moving your hands down one hand width from Position 1, you should be close to the waist line. Your fingertips are touching and meeting at the centre line of your body. Specific imbalances being treated: Right side of the body: gall bladder; gall stones; upper colon; colitis; constipation; mucous accumulation. Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 23 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Left side of the body: upper colon; stomach; ulcers; spasms; digestive problems; pancreas; diabetes, blood sugar imbalance; hemophilia. Chakra: Solar Plexus Gland: Adrenals. Position 3: Moving your hands down one hand width from Position 2, you should be below the waist, your fingertips touching at the midline of the body. Specific imbalances being treated: Lower Colon; lower digestive disorders; small intestines; spasms.

Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus. Gland: Adrenals. Position 4: Your hands are pointed down, the thumb and index finger are together. The fingertips touch the pubic bone. Specific imbalances being treated: Female and Male reproductive disorders; pain during menstruation; bladder and urinary tract infections; arthritis. Chakras: Root and Sacral. Gland: Adrenals. Back Position 1: Reach up and place your hands upon the shoulder muscles. Touch the middle fingers together at the centre of the spine. Specific imbalances being treated: Tension; throat problems; spinal problems; headache from neck tension. Chakras: Throat. Gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid.

Position 2 (There are 2 separate moves, not to be done at the same time). A. Take your right hand and reach across the front of your body, placing it on the left shoulder blade, as low as you can comfortably reach. B. With your left hand, reach across the front of your body and place it on the right shoulder blade, as low as you can comfortably reach.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Specific imbalances being treated: spinal problems.

Nervousness, tension in the upper back, lung and

Chakras: Heart Gland: Thymus Position 3 Find your waistline and place your hand with your middle fingers touching, one half of hand higher than the waist. Specific imbalances being treated: Diabetes; hypoglycemia; stress; migraines; kidneys; high blood pressure; infections; adrenal glands; arthritis. Chakras: Solar Plexus Gland: Adrenals position Position 3 (alternative) Place one hand above the other, with your knuckles over the centre of the spine, your lower hand resting on the wast-line. Specific imbalances being treated: Diabetes; hypoglycemia; stress; migraines; kidneys; high blood pressure; infections; adrenal glands; arthritis. Chakras: Solar Plexus Gland: Adrenals position Position 4 The hands point downward, with heals of your hands at the waistline and the middle fingers touching the top of the tailbone. Specific imbalances being treated: Intestinal disorder; reproductive disorder; lower back problems. Chakras: Sacral and Root Gland: Adrenals. Summary see Appendix 1

Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 25 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Treating Others It is generally best to start at the feet to ground the person. Then go to the head and work your way down the body. It is interesting to note that in the East the belief is that energy should flow from the feet to the head, and in the west the energy flow should be from the head to the feet. I see no reason for you to make your own decision as to where to begin. For the purpose of this course I will start at the head and work down. As you move around the body, maintain contact with the client at all times as you move from place to place if possible. When you are finished with the front, have them turn over, so that you can work with the back. Again, move around the whole body so that the entire back and back of the legs and back of the head are treated. It is especially important to use a pillow under the neck of the client, when they are lying on their back, as well as a pillow under the knees for support. When the client turns over onto their stomach, move the pillow under the chest area, so they can breathe, and the other pillow under their ankles. If the client has a problem in lying on their stomach, for instance if they are pregnant, they can lie on one side so that you can work on to relieve the pressure on the lower back. Head positions H1: Position 1: You will be sitting at the head of the client. With the heals of the hands places on the forehead, index fingers and thumbs adjoining. Gently rest your hands on the client’s face, allowing them to breathe easily. You may put a tissue over their eyes if you wish, but do not cover the nose. Alternatively you can let your hands hover over the face without touching - I find this method better and more effective. Try out both ways to see which suits you. Specific imbalances being treated: Eye problems; sinus blockage; headache; migraines; strokes; allergies; upper respiratory congestion; hay fever; gum problems; toothache. Chakras: Third Eye Gland: Pineal and Hypothalamus

H2: Position 2: Sitting at the clients head, place the heals of your hands at the centre line of the crown, your hands extending down the sides of the head towards the ears (as if you are cupping the head in your hands). Specific imbalances being treated: Mental organization; head injuries; stroke; stress; the right and left hemispheres of the brain; motor and thinking functions; headaches and migraines. Chakras: Crown Gland: Pineal and Hypothalamus.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition H3 and H4 - Positions 3 and 4 H3 - Place your hands over the ears and cup gently. Fingers and thumbs are touching. Specific imbalances being treated: Ear; nose and throat problems; colds; balance; hearing. The ears have many points used in acupuncture, these points will affect a variety of problems.

Chakra: Third Eye Gland: Pineal

H4 - Move your hands around to the back of the skull. Fingertips are touching the lower edge of the skull, where the head ends and the neck begins (occipital ridge). The hands are joined and touching on the back of the head, all weight of the skull is supported in your hands. Specific imbalances being treated: Headaches; stroke; eye problems; migraines; head injuries; nosebleeds (use an ice pack placed at the back of the neck). Chakra: Third Eye Gland: Pineal Throat and Neck Position 1: Sitting at the head of the client, bring your hands slightly above the neckline, your index fingers and thumbs adjoining, and rest your hands on the upper chest region. Position 1 (alternative) Sitting at the side of the client, place the hand which is closest to the client, pointing downward on the upper portion of the chest and the other hand facing upwards, it will look as if you are making a semi-circle of energy at the throat and upper chest region. Specific imbalances being treated: Energy Stimulation; stress; immune system stimulation; weight control; calcium absorption; nervousness; metabolism. Chakra: Throat Glands: Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Front of the body Position 1A: Place one hand on one breast and the other hand on the other one, or you may cup each breast with both hands. If the person does not want to be touched on the breast, you can work in the aura just above the breast. Specific imbalances being treated: Cysts; lymphatic disorders; breast pain during menstruation; migraines; headaches where sexual tension is indicated. Chakra: Heart Gland: Thymus Alternative hand positions

Position 1B: With hands placed one hand width below the breast, one hand is placed under the breast line on the right side, and the other hand is placed on the left, so that the fingers of one hand will be touching the heal of the other hand. Rest your hands on the body gently. Specific imbalances being treated: Right side: Lower lungs; liver disorders; infections; blood sugar imbalances; digestion problems. Left side: Lower lungs; immune system stimulation; spleen; gas release from the heart region. Chakra: Heart Gland: Thymus Position 2 Move your hands down one had width from Position 1B above. Your hands will be slightly above the waist, the heal of one hand touching the fingertip of the other. Specific imbalances being treated: Right side: Gall Bladder; gall stones; upper colon; colitis; constipation; mucus accumulation. Left side: Upper colon; stomach; ulcers; spasms; digestive problems; pancreas; diabetes; blood sugar imbalance; hemophilia. Chakra: Solar Plexus Gland: Adrenals

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Position 3 Move your hands down one and width from Position 2, your hands will be below the waist, the heal of one hand touching the fingertips of the other. Specific imbalances being treated: Colon and upper small intestines; colitis; digestion; constipation; diverticulitis; stress (solar plexus); mucus accumulation; assimilation of nutrients from food. Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral Gland: Adrenals Position 4 One hand is pointing down, resting on the pubic bone to one side, the other is pointing up with the heal of the hand resting on the pubic bone on the other side. (See Appendix 2 images 8f and 8M) Specific imbalances being treated: Lower intestines; colon; bladder; infections; arthritis; cystitis; vaginal and uterus problems; menstrual problems; ovaries; fallopian tubes; migraine; headaches where sexual stress s indicated; male reproductive problems. Chakra: Root and Sacral Gland: Adrenals Legs (Front)

(See Appendix 2, images 9,10,11 and 12). Back positions Position 1 Place the heal of one hand on the shoulder muscle, with the middle fingertip touching the channel of the spine. The other hand is placed with the fingertips on the shoulder muscle, and the heal of the hand touching the channel of the spine. Specific imbalances being treated: Tension; throat problems; spinal problems; headaches and neck tension.

Chakra: Throat Gland: Thyroid & Parathyroid. Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 29 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Position 2: Moving your hands down one hand width, one of your hands is on the left shoulder blade and the other hand on the right shoulder blade and the heal of one hand is touching the fingertips of the other. Specific imbalances being treated: Nervousness; tension; back of lungs; spinal problems.

Chakra: Heart Gland: Thymus. Position 3: Move your hands down one hand width from Position 2. The heal of your hand is touching the fingertips of the other hand, slightly above the waist. Your hands will be on the adrenal glands and upper part of the kidney. Specific imbalances being treated: Diabetes; hypoglycemia; stress; migraines; infections; spinal problems. Basically all body imbalances will require additional treatment time on the adrenal glands. Treating the adrenal glands prevent the person from going into shock, or you may treat if they are already in shock. Chakra: Solar Plexus Gland: Adrenals. Position 4: Move your hands down one hand width. You will be slightly below the waist with the heal of one hand touching the fingertips of the other. Specific imbalances being treated: Kidney problems; arthritis; oedema; high blood pressure; infections; male and female reproductive disorders. Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral Gland: Adrenals.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Position 5: One hand is pointed down to the tail bone and resting on one side of the lower back, to the side of the spine. The other hand is pointing up from the tail bone on the other side of the lower back and the other side of the spine. Specific imbalances being treated: Kidney problems; arthritis; oedema; high blood pressure; infections; male and female reproductive disorders. Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral Gland: Adrenals. Position 5 (alternative): Place one hand horizontally across the lower back. The other is placed below it, resting on the spine, across the lower back. Specific imbalances being treated: Kidney problems; arthritis; oedema; high blood pressure; infections; male and female reproductive disorders. Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral Gland: Adrenals. Feet (Back) (See Appendix 3, images 23 - 26)

To give First Aid One hand is placed on the Adrenal glands (the glands on top of the kidneys) and the other is placed on the injured area. This is to prevent shock. Also treat the kidneys for shock and emotional stress. Using Reiki with Acupressure points. You can use Reiki to activate and balance acupressure points anywhere on the body. For example to activate the acupressure points for the sinuses, place the fingertips on the upper orbital ridge of the eyebrow line, then place your index finger in the centre of the lower orbital socket. For further information about acupressure points, consult your library. Sandwiching an area You can make a sandwich by placing your hands on either side of an area. The energy comes from both hands, so it intensifies the treatment. You can sandwich a shoulder, a hip, elbow, ankle, throat, or a hand to name a few areas. If you are working with broken bones, you can treat through the plaster cast. This is a excellent position for treating wounds, broken bones, muscle tissue and burns.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Running energy through an area You can run energy through an arm, leg or through the bottoms of the feet, or through the hands. You would leave your hand there until you felt the area become synchronized. Specific purposes include: arthritis; broken bones; immune system stimulation; infections; leukemia (stimulates white cell production from bone marrow).

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

On closing a treatment When you have finished giving a treatment “sweep” the aura three times from crown to feet to smooth the aura. In order to ground the energy and discontinue Reiki transmission, simply put both hands together. I will wash my hands and forearms in cold water after a treatment to cleanse the aura too, and repeat the following “I sever all connection between myself and (name)”. Working with a group of Reiki channels. When you begin to work together, it is nice to be synchronized to each other. This need not take a long time, and usually it is accomplished by holding hands and taking a few deep breaths and finding your own centre. The energy should feel even between each other by then. If there are several of you working on one recipient, then each one of you will Reiki a different part of the body. The treatment time will be much less if there are more people working on a person. The greatest compliment is when the client is so relaxed that they fall asleep. Healing also usually cycles through series of discernible stages. Healing is most often a process rather than a singular event. It is like putting together a puzzle. In the earlier stages of working on a particular concern, you may only have fragments or pieces of the puzzle that do not seem to be related to each other, fit or make sense. As each piece is acknowledged one by one and dealt with using love, wisdom and patience, the overall healing picture takes shape, allowing the beautiful mosaic of who you are really emerge.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

The Healing Crisis There is a possibility that some form of “healing crisis” may take place. The healing crisis seems to be a way of putting individuals on a fast track as far as spiritual progression is concerned. A lot of old “stuff” can emerge from the deep and distant past to cause temporary lack of centeredness. Some of these crises can manifest as physical ailments such as headaches or colds, stomach upsets or minor depression. It is usual for these to last up to 21 days. Not all will experience such aspects of development but is worth being aware that they may occur. From such crises comes a deeper and more permanent healing, many of the causes of life’s ills are linked to our life-styles and habits. When these begin to heal, a major reorganization is needed to allow the new-found energies to flow more easily. Stresses and strains occur often with change but personal growth comes with it. The healing crisis can sometimes give the impression that a “spring clean” is happening in your life. Whatever the issues, and they will be unique to each individual, the change involved in the healing when completed produces a feeling of well-being and enhanced “lightness”. Don’t worry, the healing crisis does pass! A healing crisis takes place when you are not fully and consciously ready for and accepting of whatever may be changing in your life. This creates a resistance inside of you. The tension between what was and what is now coming into being influences one or more of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels in varying ways. Because the change is signaling to you that a cycle is completed, the natural flow of growth will become obstructed when you resist such change for too long by trying to cling to your old patterning and way of being. The more you resist and say no to the flow of life, the greater will be your suffering and intensity of the crisis. Though your familiar way of being is no longer viable, it usually takes time to let go of the old and move fully into the new. This results in your experiencing the void space and state of limbo that lies between the two. It can often feel like there is no solid ground beneath your feet. For some, these periods of upheaval and transition can be painful, chaotic, overwhelming, confusing, and filled with uncertainty and anxiety, particularly when you are not fully welcoming and prepared for change. Don’t worry these feelings will pass! Despite the challenges associated with change and purifying yourself at all levels, the healing crisis can mark significant turning points in your life. This is because times of crisis often provide the most fertile ground and tremendous opportunities for growth and healing. If you allow yourself to willingly, consciously and with courage go through the healing and cleansing process each time you are greeted by the need for change, you will find that significant growth has taken place and learning to confront your fears and doubts about whatever is shifting in your life, you will open the door to many new opportunities for transformation and expansion. It is important to note that not everyone goes through this but it is important to be aware that you might be affected; and it is not just while learning Level 1, it can occur at any point in your development - be that Level 2 or 3.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Smudging A Native American traditional way of using smoke to purify a space is through the practice of smudging. Smudging is a ritual burning of herbs, using the smoke produced to alter energy for one’s self or another, or to cleanse the energy of a specific space. Many herbs can be used for the smudging ritual cleansing. The most common ones include Sage, and sweetgrass or cedar. But you can also use other herbs more easily obtained in your area.

Sage is used as a part of many native American ceremonies because of its purification powers. In the sun dance ceremony, the dancers wear wreaths of sage in their heads, and chew the leaves to alleviate their thirst. Sage is associated with purity, with things of the spirit and of the heavens. Sweetgrass is another herb used universally among north American tribal peoples. Its fresh clean smell, which is something akin to freshly mown hay, is said to drive away negative thoughts and ill spirits. It is used in the sweat lodge, in healing ceremonies and in many kinds of purification ad dedication ceremonies. Cedar is also especially effective in dispelling negative energy. The evergreen needles of the cedar, rather than the bark, are used for smudging. Smudging yourself Before you perform a smudging ceremony to cleanse your home, smudge yourself to clear your thoughts, to cleanse the etheric energy of your aura and to provide a base of balance and groundedness. To do this first light your herbs and offer the smoking herbs to the Four Directions, then to Grandmother Earth below, to Grandfather Sky above, and to the Great Spirit. Then cup your hands and bring the smoke in towards your body. Start with your eyes. Cup some smoke into our hands and move it over your closed eyes. As you do this say “That my eyes may see clearly”. Then do the same for your head and say, “That my thoughts might be clear”. Move the smoke over the rest of your face and down your body, and over all your extremities. As you do this, dedicate the smoke to the effect you want, symbolized by each part of the body that you are smudging. Finally bring the smoke in toward your chest, and say” That my heart might be pure and open:. This process will leave you in a focussed, energized state where you are ready to channel energy into the space you wish to clear. Smudging another person There might be times when you will smudge another person helping you with your ceremony or you want to smudge household members before they enter into their newly cleansed home. To do this, it is helpful to use a feather. Begin by offering the smoke to the Four Directions, the Earth ad Sky and Great Spirit as before. Hold the smoking herbs (in Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 35 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition your non-dominant hand) and have the person that you are smudging close their eyes. Standing a few feet away, use the feather in your dominant hand to direct the smoke toward the person. Ou are bringing the Spirit of Air into their auric field as they are being purified by the smoke. Go down the front of their body, from head to feet, with the smoke. Then repeat down their back from head to feet. After you have directed the smoke toward all areas of their body, place the smoking herbs in a safe place (kitchen sink for example) and finish with broad sweeping gestures from head to toe with the feather. The short flicking movements of the feather took the smoke into their auric field and the long sweeping movement takes any etheric impurities and sweeps them down toward the earth where they are neutralized. If there is some place on the body that feels a little “sticky” or the feather seems to stick, you can sped a little extra time on that place. Smudging is an intuitive art. Let your inner guide show you what to do ad how you should do it. After you have finished the ritual, you can discharge the energy from the feather by touching it lightly to the ground, or by shaking it off. Smudging a room Begin by offering the smoke to the Four Directions, the Earth, the Sky and the Great Spirit. Smudge yourself and any assistants. Wash your hands and any tools that you may be using (bells, drums, etc) in the smoke. Then hold the smoking herbs in a deep fireproof pot in your non-dominant hand. Hold your feather in your dominant hand. Working clockwise starting at the easternmost corner of the room, move smoke around the perimeter of the room, using little flicks of your wrist with the feather. Make your movements clean and brisk. If you sense any “sticky” or stagnant areas in the room, feather the smoke rapidly into that area to break it up. When you have completed smudging the circumference of the room, stand in the middle ad ask the Spirit to purify and cleanse the room. Her is a smudging prayer. “Great Spirit, may my prayers travel up this smoke to you, that you may bring blessing and peace to this room and all who occupy it. I know that your blessings travel down through this smoke to us and we give thanks for blessings received”. (Denise Linn - Sacred Space - Pages 73-78)

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Chakras Chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel of fire”. A person can collect energy from several different levels of vibrations–including colour that are utilized in various parts of the body. Throughout our body we have main energy centers, which are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Each of these main energy centers are referred to as chakra. A chakra is a wheal-like spinning vortex that whirls in a circular motion forming a vacuum in the center that draws in anything it encounters on its particular vibratory level. It is said that our body contains hundred of chakras that are the key to the operation of our being. These “spinning wheels” draw-in coded information from our surroundings. Coded information can be anything from a colour vibration to ultra-violet ray to a radio or micro wave to another person’s aura. In essence our chakras receive the health of our environment, including the people we are in contact with (that’s why other people’s moods have an affect on us!). As well our chakras also radiate an energy of vibration. It is also believed that we have seven main chakra centers and that each main center is connected to our being on several different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On the physical level each chakra governs a main organ or gland, which is then connected to other body parts that resonate the same frequency. Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra and each chakra is connected to a colour vibrational frequency. For example, the heart chakra governs the thymus gland and it is also in charge of the functioning of the heart organ, lungs, bronchia system, lymph glands, secondary circulatory system, immune system as well as the arm and hands. And the heart chakra resonates to the colour green. The seven main chakra centers are aligned along the spinal column. If there are disturbances on any level, this shows in the chakra’s vitality level. Also each of the seven main chakras is their own intelligence center. This means that each chakra is not only associated with our physical health but also controls aspects connected to our emotional, mental and belief system. To help balance a chakra–whether on an emotional, intellectual, physical or spiritual level –we need to bring in the chakra (colour) vibration, which resonates at the same frequency. In the study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system and the language of colours expressed in the aura. The names of the seven main chakras and the master organ that each one governs is as follows:

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

When one part of a chakra center is out of sync it may eventually effect its other parts and possibly its neighbouring chakra. When a chakra center is out of balance it generally means that it is overactive or underactive, or possibly congested or blocked. If this happens it is usually felt on a mental, emotional or physical level.

What is Energy & Why does It Affect Our Chakras? Sunlight is our main source and provider of light, heat and energy. Not only does sunlight sustain all life on Earth, but also it sustains the Earth itself. It provides plants with the energy for photosynthesis, which in turn sustains the lives of all animals and humans. Sunlight consists of energies in the form of the electromagnetic waves and part of this electromagnetic energy includes cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, visible light rays, infrared rays, micro waves and short and long waves (radio waves). We utilize many of these energies in our daily lives; however, we seem not to put much emphasis on the visible light rays. We refer to them as the visible light rays because of all the energies mentioned above we can see visually see light rays. By holding a prism towards the sun, we can break down the visible spectrum of light rays into seven different beams of colour. Light consists of the seven colour energies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We can see these seven colours in a rainbow, drop of rain or dew and even in a snowflake.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Colour and light are inseparable. Each colour of the visible light rays has a different wavelength and vibrational frequency, which affects us differently. Red has the longest wavelength and the slowest vibrational frequency, which we innately recognize as warm and stimulating. Whereas, violet has the shortest wavelength and the fastest frequency that we recognize as a cool and calming energy. We receive light and colour information through our eyes, which then stimulates the retina and its cells, rods and cones. These impulses, which travel through the optic nerve to the visual cortex of the brain via the pituitary, trigger other glands and their hormone secretion to various parts of the body. Many body functions are stimulated or retarded by light and the different colours of light and thus affect our chakra system. Since light and its colours physically affect glands and hormones, they will also have a marked influence on our moods and feelings. Science has proven that certain colours can calm the mind while others stimulate mental activity. We need light energy for nourishing our brain, our emotions and our physical body as well as our light bodies and especially our chakras. Light can also enter through our skin and our breath. As well, we can receive additional colour energy through a balance of various coloured foods, herbs, vitamins, aromatherapy, sound, minerals, clothing, decor and colour bathing (see Chakra Energy: Ways to Energize Your Chakras).

Importance of Our Chakra System In reality little is known and understood about the human psyche and its intricate systems. However, medical science has proven that toxins and other impurities, which include negative thoughts, chemical enhancements in our food and other poor environmental factors, influence our body. Constant forms of “pollution” can cause chakra imbalances to manifest, which may eventually affect us on a physical level. Since traditional health care systems at this time are unable to naturally or totally alleviate symptoms or cure our problems, this means it is up to each individual to improve their health conditions. We also have to consider that we may be our own best doctor. So understanding the chakra system is more about how you can help improve your own state of health and all levels of your being.

The benefit of learning about your own chakra system is for you to understand on a whole (whole = body, mind and spirit in harmony) that when all parts of you (all of your seven chakra centers) are communicating equally and working in alliance with each other, you will have little or no energy disorders. For example, if the mental part of you is powerful and so are the physical, emotional and spiritual parts of you equally as strong, it is then that you feel at your optimum level. Nowadays, we live in a fast world and often forget about our “whole.” We put too much emphasis on independence and very little on interdependence. Our chakras are interdependent on each other for harmony and balance. The emphasize of this website is to educate you on your complete chakra system so you can take control of your life and become the best you possibly can in this lifetime. No one else is totally responsible for you... except you! Copyright - Alex Thorne, Ver. 1.1 2008 - 39 -

REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Your mind alone cannot nurture your whole being, nor can a proper food diet solve all your problems. It is important to understand that “all of you” has to be understood in order to keep “your house” in order. If there is a disturbance on any level, this shows in a chakra’s vitality level. And each of the seven main chakras has its own innate intelligence and function. Similar to how your body functions automatically, your chakra centers also operate automatically. If you are to understand your chakra system then you must learn what each chakra’s function is and how it represents a part of your “whole. It used to be believed that the Chakras rotate only in a clockwise direction, however this is not the case.

Karma Karma is a universal law of cause and effect. It is that which man has instituted, carried forward , endorsed, omitted to do - individually or en masse, through the ages until the present moment. “You reap what you sow”. Man definitely controls his destiny. Karma provides the Soul with opportunities for physical, mental and spiritual growth. The Karmic philosophy mean: “I have created everything in my life so far; I have participated in it, or chosen it, or drawn it to me, or perpetuated it. I can now change any part of my life, or my Karma, by creation, participation, or choice”.

Ascension The rising of physical form (body) to higher kingdoms of Light through the process of raising the vibrations of light in your whole being.

Three-Fold Flame This is the Christ flame within your heart. The threefold flame is the point of connection in your heart of the silver cord from the heart of your God self (your I AM presence), which sustains life (physical and spiritual) in your being. It is three-fold in that it embodies the three qualities of Love, Wisdom and Power that all men need to actualise and manifest in order to gain enlightenment and balance. It is also the expression of the energies of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The pink plume of flame represents Love, the blue plume represents Power and the gold plume represents Wisdom.

Giselle King and Kathryn Anderson channelled by Kwan Yin Magnified Healing Manual.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Ethical principles of Reiki

Just for Today, Do not worry.

Just for today, Do not anger.

Honour your parents, teachers and elders.

Earn your living honestly.

Show gratitude for everything. Dr Mikao Usui

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Appendices Appendix 1 - Hand Positions (Self Healing)

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

Appendix 2 - Hand Positions (Front) (Client Healing)

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 3 - Hand Positions (back) (Client Healing)

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 4 - Breakdown of the 7 main Chakras and their functions. Chakra



Solar Plexus






Coccyx Perineum

Lower Abdomen

Solar Plexus Stomach

Centre of Chest



Top of Head









Psychological Functions

Survival, Vitali t y, R e a l i t y, Grounding, Security, Support, Stability, S e x u a l i t y, Individuality, Courage, Impulsiveness

Feelings, Emotions, Intimacy, Procreation, Polarity, Sensuality, Confidence, Sociability, Freedom, Movement

Personal Power, Will, Knowledge, Wit, Laughter, Mental Clarity, Humor, Optimism, SelfControl, Curiosity, Awareness

Relationships, Love, Acceptance, Self-Control, Compassion, Guilt, Forgiveness, Harmony, Peace, Renewal, Growth

Communication, Wisdom, Speech, Trust, Creat i v e Expression, Planning, Spatial, O r g a n i z ation, Caution

Intuition, Invention, Psychic Abilities, Self Realization, Perception, Release, Understand ing, Memory, Fearlessness

K n o w i n gness, Wisdom, Inspiration, Char i s m a , Awareness, Higher Self, Meditation, Self Sacrificing, Visionary



Emotions, Desires

Purpose, Sunshine

Balance, Love

Expansion, Healing

Imagination, Intuition

Bliss, Spirituality









Associated Body Parts

Spine (Chi, Life Force) Legs, Feet, Bones, Teeth, L a r g e Intestines, Prostate, Bladd e r, B l o o d , Circulation, Tailbone

Ovaries, Testes, Womb, Kidneys, U r i n a r y Tr a c t , Skin, Spleen, Gallbladder, Recharges Etheric Body/Aura

Digestion, Liver, Stoma c h , D i aphragm, Nervous System, Pancreas Metabolism, S m a l l Intestines

Lungs, Heart, Bronchia,Thymus Gland, Arms, Hands, Respiratory, Hypertension, Muscles

Throat, V o c a l System, Mouth, Jaw, Parathyroid, To n g u e , N e c k , Shoulders, Lymph's ( P e r s p i r ation), Atlas, Menstrual Cycle

E y e s , Nose, Ears, Sinuses, C e r e b e llum, Pineal, Foreb r a i n , Autonomic Nervous System, H e a l s Etheric Body/Aura

Upper brain, Cerebral Cortex, Cerebrum, P i t u i t a r y, Central Nervous System, H a i r Growth, Top of Head

Physical Disfunction

A n e m i a , F atigue, Obesity, Anus, Rectum (hemorrhoids), Constipation, Colds, Body Temperature, Bladder Infection, Rebuilds Blood Cells & Haemoglobin, Sciatic, Numbness, Leukemia

Impotence, Frigidity, Ovaries, Uterine Problems, Candida, Eating Disorders, Drug Use, Depression, Alcoholism, Polarity Imbalances, Gout, Allergies, Asthma (Oxygen Deficiencies)

Ulcers, Diabetes, Hepatitis, H y p o g l y c emia, Blood S u g a r Disorders, Constipation, Nervousness, Timidity, Addictions to Stimulants, Parasites & Worms, Toxicity, Jaundice, Poor Memory

High Blood Pressure, Passiveness, Lethargy, Asthma, Immune System, Breathing Difficulties, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Cell Growth, Muscle Te n s i o n , H e a r t Problems, Chest Pain

Thyroid, Flu, Fevers, Blisters, Infections, Herpes, Itching, S o r e s , Tonsillitis, Toothaches, O C D , S p e e c h Disorders, T M J , H yperactivity, M e l a nc h o l y , Hormonal Problems, Swelling, Hiccups, PMS, Mood Swings

Blindness, Vision, Headaches, Migraines, Earaches, N i g h tmares, S l e e p D i sorders,Fear , Manic D e p r e ssion, Anxie t y , S c h i z ophrenia, Paranoia, E q u i l i br i u m I mbalances

Depression, Alienation, Mental Illness, Neuralgia, Confusion, Senility, Veins, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System, Bacteria, Warts, Skin Rashes, Eczema

Essential Oil

Red Clove, Black Cherry

Orange, Patchouli


Lime, Eucalyptus

Frankincense, Clary Sage

Juniper, Palma Rosa

Lavender, Lemongrass

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 5 - The Spiritual Hierarchy The Spiritual Hierarchy Is composed of those who have triumphed over matter and who have sustained divine qualities. Each one of those beings perform a specific service to the Earth and its evolution, as well as to the universe. There are multiple levels of responsibility and their service is to express Divine Authority to manifest and consolidate the work of the Father in all creations. They are under the high command of Metaron, Melchizedek and Michael.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 6 The body is full of wonderfully designed organs. Here we look at body parts individually in detail. Brain The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It is the control centre of life. It not only affects and governs everything you do, how you think, feel and act, but what kind of person you are. Blood Blood, the sticky red fluid three times thicker than water, is the body's transport system, circulating continuously throughout its intricate network of veins, arteries and capillaries. One small drop contains 250 million cells. Eye The eyes are our most highly developed sense organs. By transmitting light wave images to the brain, they feed in most of the unending stream of information from around us - more than any of the other four senses. Heart Your heart is an amazing organ. It never rests for more than a second. It is astonishingly efficient. Its few moving parts are almost indestructible. It is far more durable than any man made pump. Kidneys Your two kidneys - the renal organs - are the master chemists of the body. They monitor the quality of the blood, separating out harmful substances from beneficial ones, acting not only as waste disposal units but also like sophisticated sieves that retrieve useful substances that slip through the holes. The kidneys maintain the internal environment essential for life - whatever the diet or the climate. Liver The liver, smooth, cone-shaped, red-brown and rubbery, is situated in the upper right part of the abdomen where it is partly protected by the rib cage. It is your largest and heaviest internal organ, weighing around 3.5 lb.(1.6 kilos). Pancreas The pancreas, is a gland in the abdomen that produces enzymes and hormones. Skin Of all the body's wonderfully designed organs, the skin is supreme in versatility. Stomach The stomach is one of our least mysterious organs: everyone thinks they know what it does. But did you realise how intricately designed and complicated it is? Thyroid Though it weighs barely 28.5 grams (an ounce), the thyroid gland, which is located just below the Adam's Apple in the neck has an amazing and far-reaching influence on our health.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 7 - Grounding Grounding is not a topic considered as part of Reiki. However, in my experience as an energy healer who has Reiki training, there are many realities of the Energy which are not covered in Reiki training. The dual concepts of grounding and protection are among these. Let us back up a little for a quick review of Energy Healing. Generally speaking this field, Energy Healing, involves the practice of channeling an energy form commonly called "Chi" into a recipient, who is the client, and who is receiving the healing. This energy, Chi, is involved with everything in the Universe. The word translates to English as "Universal Life Force", and this is a very apt term for it appears in every thing in some form. The energy, Chi, is not unique to the practice of Reiki, and there are many systems of energy healing other than Reiki. The energy follows various rules, which in some ways resemble the laws of electrical energy, and these rules are active regardless of which system of energy healing you follow. In fact, it is my belief that the different systems of energy healing are merely different "maps" that try to understand the territory of the activity of Chi. That there are different systems merely reflects that each individual has their own way of seeing the world, and thus each teacher of energy healing finds a different way to teach which results in a different format of practice.

Grounding To be "grounded" is merely to be present here and now. It is to have your energy field securely present, in your body, in present time, connected clearly to your present identity at this time, and in awareness of what is happening in your vicinity at this time. It is my experience that, when ungrounded, I am floating loose from all that. I am in some other time frame, unsure of who I am, unaware of what's happening around me, or some other similar effect. The practice of grounding is actually a lifelong spiritual process of marrying the divine or soul into manifest form. This gets to many questions of the purpose of life, living, why is life "so rough", and whatnot. You, the reader, will have to find discussion of these ideas elsewhere for they are outside the scope of this page. It is my experience that a common life task everybody has is this bringing of the divine into manifest form. It may be real tough to see for many people, but I think it's there in all of us. In any case, consider the frame of experience you have in giving a healing. You have your hands on their body, energy is running, you've drawn your symbols, and everything is safe, yes? The promise of Reiki is this safety, yes? Well, yes, there are safety checks that I witness in Reiki, and at the same time I witness that the rest of the rules of the universal energetic universe (e.g. Chi) are in force as well. For example, if your mind wanders from the activity you are involved with, what happens? You still have your hands on the client, right? But if your mind wanders, in other words you become ungrounded and leave your body, what happens to the flow of Reiki? Are you sure that the flow of Reiki continues running? Are you sure that it still remains as Reiki energy and not some other frequency? Another example, suppose that this client has an issue that triggers a reaction in you. Say you have had many car accidents (this is true for me), and that this client hurt themselves and you are giving healing to their trauma. Does the clients trauma remind you of your own trauma? How do you feel about your trauma? What happens to you if you re-experience your trauma? Often ones reaction to trauma is to run away from it, which involves leaving your body, or un-grounding. Getting back to the client you are giving healing to, are you going to be able to stay with the client in their trauma? If/when your past trauma is triggered by their trauma, can you deal with it, or will you too run away from your own re-triggered trauma?

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Why is this important? With Reiki it is good form to stay with the Reiki energy. There are many sources and frequencies of energy (Chi) in this universe, but as a Reiki practitioner, and to be practicing Reiki, and to have the safety checks that come with Reiki, you must stay with channeling Reiki. I like to think of this as a meditation where the anchor of the meditation is the staying with the Reiki energy source. If you were to unground and become un-present with yourself, or otherwise lose focus with the activity of giving healing to your client, how can you guarantee you will stay in contact with the Reiki energy source? Maybe you would instead begin channeling some other energy frequency than the Reiki energy source?

A grounding exercise Grounding is taught in different ways by different teachers. In my experience there are two directions to ground to in order to be present with "now" in a full way. Grandfather Sky Grandmother Earth I use the native american terms because they resonate with me. One of my teachers calls this "The Hearts of Heaven and Earth" which has a nice poetic ring to it. Basically one can think of these as: Grandfather Sky is located above you ("the sky") and is the source of divine wisdom as well as the spaciousness of life and the world in which to play. Grandmother Earth is located below you ("the earth") and is the source of nurturance, physical life, practical wisdom, and the vitality with which to play in the world. The two go hand in hand and one is not primary over the other. It is best to start with grounding to the earth. To ground into the earth, feel your feet, your body, your presence in now-time, and down into the ground how the ground supports and nurtures you. If you like you can reach way down and explore the molten rock far down, all the way to the crystalline core of the earth. This is obviously not to reach with your physical body down into the earth, but to bring your presence of consciousness to the earth, in the present time, and the present place. "Now-time" in other words. To ground into the sky is somewhat similar. Start with the top of your head, reaching into higher wisdom or knowing, the guiding light if you will. As you reach to divine wisdom stay present with the earth and now-time, you can very well be communing with the divine levels while also very present and physical. Though, I recommend that you practice this at home first before trying to do this while operating heavy machinery such as your car. If you ground into the earth, you should notice more physical sensation in your body, food should have more taste and flavor, and so forth. But that also means you will feel every ache and pain, and sometimes it is those aches or pains which might cause you to be one that often leaves your body. To be able to ground more deeply into presence with here and now will mean to heal those aches and pains, wherever they came from.

Protection The best protection is to be grounded, actually. By being grounded the clients ills will tend to stay with them and be transformed by the client. By being grounded you will be more full of energy, and your own essence, which will naturally cause the energy flow to be from you into the client, rather than from the client into you.

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition Appendix 8 - Setting up a room for Reiki Set up and position any chairs, table , shrine/altar Light your candles Stand in front of altar - centre Call in Archangel Michael to manifest pillar of light in each corner of the room Next ask Archangel Michael to line up his legions of light around the perimeter of the room to join up the pillars of light in each corner Ask the spirit to manifest a canopy of light over the top and a platform of light underneath you, totally encapsulating the room or space you will be working in. Now call in the ascended masters, Archangels and all the Angelic realms and any other beings of light you wish to work with, and mother Earth / Father God / Source to manifest their Divine light and love for the entire treatment session/workshop Ask the spirit for total protection for yourself and all participants during the full duration of the treatment session/workshop Ask for help for anyone that may need it Express that it is an honour to serve Mother Earth/Father God/Source and humanity in this way, and ask for assistance in presenting the workshop in a clear, concise and loving manner Add any other request you might care to add that is important to you Stand in silence in this position for as long as you are guided , then final thank you, open your eyes and relax

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

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REIKI Level 1 - Reiki Healing in the Usui Tradition

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