Rehearsal Questions TAW10 TAW12

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TAW10 & TAW12 (2011) Questions Contents TAW10_1 ............................................................. ................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ................................... 2 Unit 1 - The Big Picture............................................................. ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................ .......... 2 Unit 2 - Navigation ................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................ .......... 2 Unit 3 - The System Kernel .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ................................... 2 Unit 4 - Communication and Integration Technologies ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... 3 Unit 5 - Flow of an ABAP Program ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... 3 Unit 6 - Introduction to the ABAP Workbench................................................ W orkbench......................................................................................................... ......................................................... 3 Unit 7 - Basic ABAP Language Elements......................................................... ................................................................................................................... .......................................................... 3 Unit 8 - Modularization ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Unit 9 - Complex Data Objects ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. 4 Unit 10 - Data Modeling and Data D ata Retrieval ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 5 Unit 11 - ABAP Open SQL ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Unit 12 - Selection Screen ..................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ................................... 6 Unit 13 - Program Calls and Data Storage Sto rage Management ............................................................................... ......................................................................................... .......... 6 Unit 14 - New Test Tools .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 6 TAW10_2 ............................................................. ................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ................................... 6 Unit 1 – Introduction to the Dictionary .......................................................... .................................................................................................................... .......................................................... 6 Unit 2 – Data objects o bjects in the ABAP A BAP Dictionary ............................................................ .......................................................................................................... .............................................. 7 Unit 3 – Performance When Accessing Tables........................................................... ......................................................................................................... .............................................. 7 Unit 4 – Input Checks ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Unit 5 – Object Dependencies............................................................. .................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................... 8 Unit 6 – Changing Tables ................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................... 8 Unit 7 – Views and Maintenance Dialogs................................................................... Dialogs................................................................................................................. .............................................. 8 Unit 8 – Search Help ............................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................... 8 Unit 9 – Introduction to Screen Programming Pr ogramming ........................................................... ......................................................................................................... .............................................. 8 Unit 10 – The Program Interface ..................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ......................................................... 9 Unit 11 – Screen elements for Output ........................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .......... 9 Unit 12 – Screen Elements for Input/Output ............................................................. ........................................................................................................... .............................................. 9 Unit 13 – Screen Elements: Subscreens and Tabstrip Controls ............................................................................. 10 TAW12_1 ............................................................. ................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ................................. 10 Unit 1 – Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming .................................................................... ....................................................................................... ................... 10 Unit 2 - Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming Pr ogramming Techniques ....................................................................... 11 1

Unit 3 – Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming Techniques ....................................................................... 11 Unit 4 – Exception Handling ................................................................................................................................... 12 Unit 5 – Shared Objects.......................................................................................................................................... 12 Unit 6 – Dynamic Programming ............................................................................................................................. 12 TAW12_2 .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Unit 1 – Changing the SAP Standard System.......................................................................................................... 13 Unit 2 – Enhancing Dictionary Elements ................................................................................................................ 13 Unit 3 – Enhancements Using Customer Exits ....................................................................................................... 13 Unit 4 – Business Add-Ins ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Unit 5 - Modifications............................................................................................................................................. 13 Unit 6 - Enhancements ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Unit 7 – Web Dynpro: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 8 – Web Dynpro Controllers ........................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 9 – The Context at Design Time...................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 10 – Defining the User Interface .................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 11 – Controller and Context Programming .................................................................................................... 14

TAW10_1 Unit 1 - The Big Picture 1. 2. 3. 4.

What products does SAP offer and for which companies? p. 4 Which components is the SAP Business Suite made of? p. 8 Which applications does the Core application component consist of? What are the phases of the SAP software delivery? p. 16 a. Length? b. Important dates? c. Characteristics of the ramp-up? 5. What are the phases of maintenance? p. 17 a. Length?

Unit 2 - Navigation 1. Types of SAP GUIs? p. 37 2. Screen elements of the SAP user interface? p. 45

Unit 3 - The System Kernel 1. What is an SAP instance/application server? p. 75 a. Central instance? For AS ABAP? For AS Java? b. Central services instance? For AS ABAP? For AS Java? 2. Which are the AS ABAP processes (including work processes)? p. 76 a. Number per system? 3. Which are the AS Java processes? p. 78 4. Communication between dispatchers, to web browsers, with other SAP systems? a. AS ABAP? p. 80 2

b. AS Java? p. 81 c. AS ABAP + Java? p. 82 5. The lock modes? Which character represents each one? p. 94 6. How does the asynchronous update process work? p. 9 7

Unit 4 - Communication and Integration Technologies 1. What is needed to set up a bidirectional RFC (abbreviation for?) connection between two systems? p. 117 2. What is needed to call a method in another system? P.117 3. BOR and BAPI are abbreviations for? p. 118 4. What are some possible uses for BAPIs? p. 119

Unit 5 - Flow of an ABAP Program 1. How does the interplay between the Server Levels and the Program Flow work? p. 143

Unit 6 - Introduction to the ABAP Workbench 1. The Repository consists of? p. 155 2. What are the ABAP Workbench Tools? p. 158 3. What is a change requests? p.165 o

Advantages of using it?


Difference compared to a package?

4. Package types? p. 168 5. Properties of the ABAP programming language? 6. What happens when you try to activate an object? p. 177

Unit 7 - Basic ABAP Language Elements 1. Categories of data types? p. 200 2. Complete/incomplete standard data types? p. 197 a. [when appending to a structure (TAW10_2, p. 162): i. Which types are supported? ii. Which types are considered numerical/character like? ] 3. How to declare a local data type? p. 199 4. How to define data object? p. 201 a. Omitting length/type addition? 5. Literals vs Constants (differences, advantages)? p. 203 6. What is the mandatory addition when defining a constant? 7. Text symbols allows for…? 8. Two ways of defining a text symbol? 9. Advantages of global data types? p. 206 10. Syntax of the MOVE statement? a. What happens if there is a type conflict? 11. Processing sequence of the COMPUTE statement? 12. Syntax of IF/ELSE? p. 209 13. Negation syntax (also special case of IS INITIAL)? 14. Syntax of loop types? Termination statements (see Dast an’s summary of this chapter )? 15. Return code: sy-? What values mean what? 16. Dialog messages (types, meaning, behavior, appears in …)? p. 214 a. Syntax b. Behavior with screens (TAW10_2, p 331)? 17. Debugger 3

a. Ways to start it? b. F1 to F4 (names and behavior)? c.

Different types of breakpoints?

d. Watchpoints?

Unit 8 - Modularization 1. Techniques for local program modularization? p .240 2. Techniques for global program modularization? 3. Subroutines: a. Pass types? (used how? + special case) b. Syntax? c.

Typing parameters?

d. Shadowing? 4. Which of the following components can a function group contain? Screens, Subroutines, Data Objects? 5. Function modules: a. Handling exceptions – how? Why? b. Interface elements? (which are optional?) c.

Calling syntax?

d. Naming convention (for function groups and function modules)? 6. Some standard BAPIs? 7. Technical requirements for BAPIs?

Unit 9 - Complex Data Objects 1. How to declare a local structure type? p. 343 2. How to define a structure variable? 3. How to define a data object directly? p. 344 4. How to address the components of a data structure? 5. What does MOVE-CORRESPONDING do? p. 345 6. Internal tables: p. 356 a. What is line type of the table? b. What is the key of the table? c.

What are the different kinds of tables? When should each be used? p. 358

d. How to declare a local table type? p. 359 e. Ways of defining an internal table? 7. What is a workarea? p. 361 8. Which are the single record accessing statements? 9. Ways of processing sets of records? p. 362 10. How does INSERT work for different table types? p. 363 11. System field for row number in a LOOP loop? 12. How to restrict access to certain rows using the LOOP loop? (reading by index/key) 13. How to restrict access to certain rows using the READ TABLE? (reading by index/key) 14. What does sy-subrc indicate after a READ TABLE execution? 15. Which tables can be sorted using the SORT statement? p. 367 a. What does the AS TEXT and the STABLE additions do? 16. Statements for deleting table contents? 17. Header lines: p. 369 a. What addition is needed to use it? b. How do you define its name? 4


Where should it not be used?

d. How to access the body of the table that has a header line?

Unit 10 - Data Modeling and Data Retrieval 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Properties of a transparent table? p. 391 Differences between transparent tables and structure types? p. 393 What special with Open SQL? Four types of reuse components that encapsulates database access? p. 404 Syntax of SELECT? a. Get single record b. Select all fields c. Target component must be contain what and how? d. If not, then how to circumvent (2 ways)? p. 407 & 408 SELECTT loop p. 409 a. Syntax? b. Important system fields? Array fetch p. 410 a. Syntax? b. Records that already is in target table? c. Why is it good? d. Important system fields? What defines a client specific table? p. 411 How to read data from an explicitly specified client? Ways of speeding up table access? p. 414 & 415 Database change access statements? (not in this course) p. 419 Authorization check a. ACTVT? p. 440 b. DUMMY? p. 443 c. Important system field? p. 441

Unit 11 - ABAP Open SQL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



10. 11.

Operators in WHERE conditions? p. 461 Placeholders in comparison of characters strings? How to use these characters in a search (not as placeholders? Accessing table fields (what character)? Syntax for Aliases and when is it needed? Aggregate functions? Datatype of result? p. 466 Having a field list (of a SELECT statement) with Aggregate Expressions and Field Labels: p. 467 a. What is special with the result of such a selection? b. The SELECT statement must contain which addition? c. Which fields must be listed after that addition? p. 468 d. What restrictions apply when using this addition? e. How to restrict the results further? (addition, can use which fields?) Requesting sorted tables from the database: p. 469 a. Which fields must appear in the field list? b. Which addition is needed? Where is it placed? c. Which sort fields can be used? The sequence of them? d. What restrictions apply when ordering? p. 470 What type of table must be used for database views and ABAP joins? p. 479 a. Difference between inner and left outer join? b. Restrictions for outer joins? c. Attributes and benefits of database views (over ABAP joins?)? p. 482 How to implement Read on demand with buffering? When to use FOR ALL ENTRIES? When not? p. 484 & 48 5 5

a. Duplicate entries in result? In driving table? b. Blank driving table?

Unit 12 - Selection Screen 1. Difference between PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS? 2. PARAMETERS: p. 498 a. How to declare (type)? b. Length of parameter names? c. SET/GET (what do they do? Name length?) d. What does OBLIGATORY and VALUE CHECK do? e. Length of the name of a radio button group? 3. SELECT-OPTIONS: p. 500 a. Internal table (name & fields + values) b. NO-EXTENSION c. NO-INTERVAL d. LOWER CASE? 4. ABAP events in the selection screen (flow of program)? 5. How often is INITIALIZATION executed? 6. How often is AT-SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT executed? 7. Where is it not recommended to define default values? 8. System field to determine which screen i s processed (in the selection screen)? 9. In which event is the screen input evaluated? p. 519 a. What happens in case of a warning or error? 10. Variants: p. 520 a. Naming convention? p. 521 b. Can be shared with other programs? p. 520 c. Two types of selections?

Unit 13 - Program Calls and Data Storage Management 1. Two ways of executing a program (two statements for each)? p. 532 a. VIA SELECTION SCREEN b. … AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN 2. External/internal sessions (number of each)? 3. Memory management when inserting a program? p. 536 4. Memory management when starting a transaction? p. 539 5. Memory management when starting a program? p. 537 6. Effects of external subroutine calls? (which program types? Risks?) p. 541 7. Impact of external procedure calls? (which program types?) p. 542 8. What is meant by “The statement that starts the program is the decisive factor”? 9. Passing data using an internal table? (structure type? fields? BDCMSGCOLL?) 10. ABAP memory (passing … between …), statements? 11. SAP memory (passing … between …), statements?

Unit 14 - New Test Tools 1. What are the three check criteria for the Code Inspector?

TAW10_2 Unit 1 – Introduction to the Dictionary 1. List the 3 functions of the ABAP Dictionary. (p.2) 2. List the 3 type categories in the ABAP Dictionary. (p.4) 3. List the 6 services of the ABAP Dictionary. (p.5) 6

Unit 2 – Data objects in the ABAP Dictionary 1. Typically, where are the technical properties of data elements in the ABAP Dictionary defined? (p.13) 2. What type categories can a structure in the ABAP Dictionary consist of? (p.13) 3. What type categories can the line type of a table type in the ABAP Dictionary co nsist of? (p.13) 4. Can domains be used directly in programs, tables, etc.? (p.14) 5. Where should field labels for a data field be maintained? (p.16) 6. How long are SET values retained? (p.17) 7. In what table are SET/GET parameters entered? (p.17) 8. Can a structure component contain a DB table view? (p.17) 9. What do you call a structure containing another structure as a component? (p.19) 10. What do you call a structure containing an internal table as a component? (p.20) 11. Are internal tables limited to including flat structures? (p.21) 12. Are database tables limited to including flat structures? (p.21) 13. How many characters can the name of a type group have (maximum)? (p.22) 14. What is the syntax for declaring type groups in the ABAP Dictionary? (p.22) 15. What is the syntax for using type groups in an ABAP program? (p.22) 16. Can you use more than one type group in a program? (p.23) 17. What is it called when you enter the data type and number of places for a field directly, without a data element? (p.48) 18. Does the database table and the corresponding table in the ABAP Dictionary require identical names? (p.49) 19. Do the database fields require same name in the database table as in the ABAP Dictionary? (p.49) 20. Do the fields of a table in the ABA P Dictionary require the same order as the corresponding database table? (p.49) 21. List 4 important data classes In the ABAP Dictionary and what types of data you should store in them. (p.53) 22. What does the size category of a table describe? (p.54) 23. What database functions are not possible for pooled and cluster tables, c ompared to transparent tables? (p.71)

Unit 3 – Performance When Accessing Tables 1. Where is it decided which index on the table should be used to access data records? (p.78) 2. What fields are included in the primary index? (p.78) 3. What is a unique index? (p.78) 4. How much faster could a database table access perform when using a buffer? (p.79) 5. Describe the 3 types of buffering. (p.80) 6. When are the different buffering types suitable? (p.80) 7. Where do table buffers reside, on what server? (p.90)

Unit 4 – Input Checks 1. What more is required for a value table to cause the input to be checked? (p.103) 2. Where can fixed values for an input check be pre-defied? (p.103) 3. Describe how foreign keys are used to ensure data consistency, using correct terminology. (p.107) 4. Is the check field required to have the same domain as the referenced key field? (p.108) 5. Is the check field required to have the same data element as the referenced key field? (p.108) 6. Describe the 4 types of cardinality for foreign key relationships. (p.110)


Unit 5 – Object Dependencies 1. When is an inactive version of an object in the ABAP Dictionary created? (p.133) 2. When is an active version of an object in the ABAP Dic tionary created? (p. 133) 3. What is a dependent object? (p.135) 4. What happens to dependent objects when an active object is activated? (p.135) 5. What is the where-used list of an ABAP Dictionary object? (p.136)

Unit 6 – Changing Tables 1. What 3 methods are used to adjust a database table to a changed definition in the ABAP Dictionary? (p.150) 2. When is what method used? (p.150) 3. Can an append structure be appended to more than one table? (p.158) 4. Can a table contain more than one append structure? (p.158) 5. If you copy a transparent table in the Database Dictionary (DDIC), what happens to any append structures? (p.159) 6. Do append structures have to be created in the customer namespace? (p.159) 7. May append structures be created for pooled and cluster tables? (p.160)

Unit 7 – Views and Maintenance Dialogs 1. Describe the different view types. (p.184) 2. When the definition of a database view is changed, how is the database view adjusted? (p.185) 3. What does the maintenance status of the database view define? (p.185) 4. Is it possible to buffer data read with a database view? (p.185) 5. What is the difference between a one-step and a two-step maintenance view? (p.194) 6. What are the 4 possible maintenance status options for a maintenance view? (p.194) 7. What is the default maintenance status option for a maintenance view? (p.194) 8. Does the client field have to be included for client-dependent views? (p.194) 9. Is a foreign key-relationship necessary for tables in a maintenance view? (p.195) 10. What fields in the tables in a maintenance view must be included in the view? (p.196) 11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a maintenance view? (p.198)

Unit 8 – Search Help 1. How can the input help for a field be accessed? (p.213) 2. What are the 4 things an input help must consider and do? (p.214) 3. Where is the input help for a field normally defined? (p.213) 4. What views can be used as selection methods for search helps? (p.216) 5. What is a search help attachment? (p.218) 6. In what order are the mechanisms for an input help used? (p.221) 7. Name 2 measures you could take to increase the performance of your search help. (p.222) 8. What are the 3 presentation forms for the input help? (p.228)

Unit 9 – Introduction to Screen Programming 1. What are the 6 program types in ABAP? (p.243) 2. What is the difference between a complete and an incomplete program types? (p.243) 3. What program types are complete/incomplete? (p.243) 4. When are PBO and PAI processed, respectively? (p.251) 5. What are the 3 categories of element attributes, based on how they can be defined? (p. 252) 6. What screen numbers are reserved? (p.252) 8

7. What are the 4 components of a screen and in what order set them? (p. 253) 8. What happens if you enter 0 or no value for the next screen? (p.254) 9. How many views does the element list in the Screen Painter contain? (p.256) 10. What is the syntax for module calls in the flow logic? (p.257) 11. What are the two software processors involved in screen processing and what do they control? (p.258) 12. Are dynamic changes to the attributes of screen elements temporary or permanent? (p.261) 13. What is the syntax for changing field attributes dynamically? (p.264) 14. What is the SCREEN system table and what fields does it contain? (p.263) 15. When is the SCREEN system table initialized? (p.264) 16. What are modification groups? (p.265) 17. How many characters can a group name have? (p.265) 18. In what processing block do screen modifications have to be programmed? (p.266) 19. What values are used to activate and deactivate attributes? (p.266) 20. What does the MODIFY SCREEN statement do? (p.266) 21. What statement can you use to temporarily override the static Next screen during runtime? (p.266) 22. If you have a next screen, what happens if you terminate the current screen using LEAVE SCREEN? (p.257) 23. What statement can you use to specify the next screen and leave the current screen in a single statement? (p.268) 24. What does the CALL SCREEN statement do? (p.268) 25. What do you have to do with layers created by CALL SCREEN, in the end? (p.268) 26. When are the STARTING AT and ENDING AT additions used, and what do they do? (p.269) 27. What is the effect of omitting the ENDING AT addition? (p.269) 28. What are the parameters passed to STARTING AT and ENDING AT, in correct order? (p.269) 29. What happens if a dialog box is smaller than its contents? (p.269) 30. How can you set the cursor starting position for a screen? (p.271)

Unit 10 – The Program Interface 1. What are the 3 ways of creating a GUI title? (p.287) 2. What are the 4 components of a GUI status? (p.287) 3. What is the maximum length of a GUI title? (p.288) 4. What character can you use as a placeholder in a GUI title? (p.288) 5. What system variable provides the current title? ( p.288) 6. How many placeholders can you maximum put in a GUI title? (p.288)

7. How many buttons can an application toolbar contain? (p.292) 8. How many entries can a menu contain? (p.292) 9. How many levels deep can a menu be? (p.292) 10. How many menus can a menu bar contain? (p.292) 11. What are the 3 different GUI status types you can create? (p.295) 12. How do you use the OK_CODE field? (p.300)

Unit 11 – Screen elements for Output 1. What is a status icon? (p.317) 2. What is a group box? (p.319) 3. Is it possible to change the title of a group box dynamically? (p.320)

Unit 12 – Screen Elements for Input/Output 1. What are 2 ways of creating input/output fields? (p.328) 2. How can you save values into SAP memory? (p.329) 9

3. What is the availability of field values saved into SAP memory? (p.329) 4. What are the 6 message types? (p.330) 5. What happens after each message type is called? (p.331) 6. Where is each message type presented? (p.331)

7. What 4 field input checks are done automatically? (p.331) 8. How can you add your own manual input checks? (p.332) 9. What syntax can you use to check a group of fields? (p.333) 10. What syntax can you use to only make the check when the field contents have changed from their initial values? (p.336) 11. What does the ON REQUEST addition for input checks do? (p.337) 12. Describe the desired navigation behavior of the back, cancel a nd exit buttons. (p.339) 13. How can you start the input help for a field? (p.342)

Unit 13 – Screen Elements: Subscreens and Tabstrip Controls 1. Under what 4 different circumstances can you use subscreens? (p.373) 2. What happens if the subscreen is larger than the subscreen area? (p.374) 3. How can you ensure that a scrollbar is displayed on a subscreen? (p.374) 4. Name 5 restrictions that apply to subscreens. (p.374) 5. What is the syntax for using subscreens in your main screen? (p.375) 6. Where do you have to declare the fields used in your flow logic? (p.376) 7. What can you do if you want to use subscreens in the screens of several different programs? (p.378) 8. Describe 3 cases where you should not use tabstrip controls? (p.391) 9. How many rows of tab titles can a tabstrip control have? (p.391) 10. What 3 steps, in what order, do you carry out to create a tabstrip control? (p.394) 11. What function types can a tab title have and how do they differ? (p.394) 12. Name 3 things you need to do to enable scrolling a tabstrip control locally at the front end. (p.397) 13. What happens if a page element’s subscreen contains no elements that can be displayed? (p.397) 14. What happens if no page elements contain elements that can be displayed? (p. 397) 15. What can the Tabstrip Control Wizard assist you with? (p.400)

TAW12_1 Unit 1 – Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 1. What programming languages inspired ABAP and ABAP Objects? (p.4) 2. Name 3 characteristics of the procedural programming model. (p.4) 3. What does the principle of delegation of tasks entail? (p.11) 4. Name 4 advantages of the object-oriented programming model over procedural programming. (p.13) 5. Name 3 types of UML diagrams. (p.18) 6. What is included in class diagrams? (p.19) 7. Is aggregation a whole-part relation? (p.22) 8. Is composition a whole-part relation? (p.22) 9. What is the syntax for defining a class? (p.34) 10. What 3 types can class attributes be? (p.35) 11. What does the READ-ONLY addition do for class attributes? (p.36) 12. How are constants defined? (p.36) 13. Describe the method parameter RETURN (p.41) 14. What is instantiation? (p.46) 10

15. What is the syntax for calling methods? (p.51-52) 16. What is a functional method? (p.53) 17. In what visibility sections can the constructor be defined? (p.56) 18. What parameters can the instance constructor have? (p.56) 19. What parameters can the static constructor have? (p.58) 20. What is the syntax for defining the static constructor? (p.58) 21. What is the name of the variable used for self-referencing? (p.59)

Unit 2 - Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming Techniques 1. What kind of relationship is ”specialization”? (p.103 & 104) 2. What is the difference between specialization and generalization? (p.104) 3. What is the syntax for defining a subclass relationship? (p.105) 4. How many superclasses can a subclass inherit from? (p.105) 5. What is redefinition of methods? (p.106) 6. What is the syntax for redefinition? (p.106) 7. What is the syntax for accessing supercomponents in a redefined method? (p.106) 8. What can overloading be used for in ABAP Objects? (p.108) 9. Does the subclass instance constructor have to call the superclass constructor? (p.108) 10. Does the subclass static constructor have to call the superclass constructor? (p.108) 11. Describe the 3 degrees of visibility. (p.109) 12. In what order must the visibility sections be declared in your class? (p.109) 13. How can private components in the superclass be accessed in the subclass? (p.110) 14. Explain up-casting and down-casting. (p.111-119) 15. What is the visibility of the components of an interface? (p.155) 16. What is the syntax for defining and implementing an interface? (p.156) 17. What is the syntax for defining alias names for interface methods? (p.156) 18. What is the syntax for calling interface methods of an implementing class? (p.157) 19. Can interfaces include other interfaces? (p.164) 20. What is a compound interface? (p.164) 21. What is a component interface? (p.164) 22. What is an elementary interface? (p.164) 23. What is the syntax for calling a component interface method? (p.165) 24. How can multiple inheritance be simulated in ABAP Objects? (p.167) 25. What 3 types of components can a class or interface include? (p.198) 26. What parameters can events have? (p.201) 27. What is the pass type of event parameters? (p.201) 28. What is the syntax for defining and triggering events? (p.201) 29. What is the syntax for defining handler methods? (p.202) 30. How can you access the event-trigger object in your handler method? (p.202) 31. Can handler methods be called explicitly? (p.202) 32. What is the syntax for registering for events? (p.204) 33. What is the handler table? (p.205) 34. What degrees of visibility can events have? (p.206) 35. What degrees of visibility can event handlers have? (p.206)

Unit 3 – Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming Techniques 1. What are the naming conventions for global interfaces? (p.255) 2. What is the refactoring assistant? (p.263) 11

3. What is the syntax for defining an abstract class? (p.289) 4. What is the syntax for defining an abstract method? (p.289) 5. Can static methods be defined as abstract? (p.289) 6. What does the FINAL addition do for methods and classes? (p.289) 7. Can a class be both abstract and final? (p.290) 8. What is the syntax for defining an internal table storing objects? (p.291) 9. What are navigation methods? (p.293) 10. What is the syntax for chained method calls? (p.293) 11. What degree of visibility can the instance constructor have? (p.294) 12. What is the syntax for setting the visibility of the instance constructor? (p.294) 13. What is a factory method? (p.295) 14. What are the benefits of using factory methods? (p.295) 15. What is the Singleton concept? (p.296) 16. Describe 2 ways of implementing a Singleton class. (p.297-298) 17. What is class friendship? (p.298) 18. What is the syntax for defining class friendship? (p.299) 19. What is a factory class? (p.299) 20. How is friendship inherited? (p.300-301)

Unit 4 – Exception Handling 1. Can class-based exceptions be used outside the object-oriented contexts? (p.332) 2. What is the syntax for raising and handling exceptions? (p.333 & 335 & 341) 3. What is the naming convention for exception classes? (p.333) 4. What are the 3 exception groups from which your exception can inherit? (p.334) 5. What is the default exception group? (p.334) 6. What is the name of the root exception class? (p.334) 7. What does the CLEANUP block do? (p.335) 8. Is it possible to nest try-endtry blocks? (p.335) 9. What is the highest level to which exceptions can be propagated? (p.343) 10. What is the syntax for propagating class-based exceptions? (p.344) 11. Describe the behaviors of the 3 different exception groups. (p.346) 12. Describe the RETRY statement. (p.348) 13. Describe the RESUME statement. (p.349) 14. What is the syntax for chaining exception objects? (p.352)

Unit 5 – Shared Objects 1. Name 5 properties of shared objects. (p.388) 2. What addition is required for being able to save to shared memory? (p.388) 3. What is the transaction code for creating and maintaining areas? (p.391)

Unit 6 – Dynamic Programming 1. What is the syntax for declaring field symbols? (p.419) 2. What does the ASSIGN statement do? (p.419) 3. What does the CASTING addition do? (p.422) 4. How can you dereference your generically typed datareference?


TAW12_2 Unit 1 – Changing the SAP Standard System 22. Name 5 ways of adjusting the ERP system to meet your needs. (p.3) 23. Name 5 types of enhancements. (p.7) 24. Name 2 ways of enhancing tables. (p.8)

Unit 2 – Enhancing Dictionary Elements 1. If an existing append structure is changed and activated, will the table also be activated? (p.20) 2. What should append structure field names begin with? (p.21) 3. What should customizing include names begin with? (p.22) 4. What should customizing include field names begin with? (p.22) 5. How many tables can you insert a customizing include into? (p.22) 6. What are text enhancements? (p.28)

Unit 3 – Enhancements Using Customer Exits 1. What are transaction codes CMOD and SMOD (p.40 & Google) 2. What does and enhancement project contain? (p.40) 3. What do program exits do? (p.47) 4. How can see if an application offers a program exit? (p.50) 5. What do menu exits do? (p.63) 6. For you to be able to implement menu exits, what character should the function code in the GUI interface begin with? (p.64) 7. What do screen exits do? (p.71)

Unit 4 – Business Add-Ins 1. What enhancements can a Business Add-In Contain? (p.89) 2. Name one major strength of BAdIs (p.88) 3. What is the transaction code for implementing BAdIs? (p.92) 4. What are the suggested naming conventions for BAdI-implementing classes? (p.93)

Unit 5 - Modifications 1. What are corrections? (p.112) 2. What are modifications? (p.112) 3. What must you do to save modifications? (p.113) 4. What is a modification log used for? (p.119) 5. What is the aim of the Modification Assistant? (p.121) 6. Name 5 operations you can perform in modification mode. (p.125) 7. What does the modification browser do? (p.129) 8. What is the naming convention for User Exit subroutines? (p.137) 9. What transactions can be used for modification adjustments? (p.143)

Unit 6 - Enhancements 1. What is an enhancement point? (p.155) 2. What is the difference between implicit and explicit enhancement points? (p.156) 3. What is an explicit enhancement section? (p.159) 4. Name 3 ways of searching for BAdIs. (p.164) 5. What is the Switch framework used for? (p.166)


Unit 7 – Web Dynpro: Introduction 1. What is Web Dynpro used for? (p.188) 2. What design paradigm does Web Dynpro use? (p.191) 3. What is the philosophy of Web Dynpro with regards to coding? (p.191) 4. In what 3 contexts can Web Dynpro be embedded and displayed? (p.191) 5. Name 7 benefits of Web Dynpro. (p.191) 6. Describe 3 main Web Dynpro component parts. (p.192) 7. What is data binding? (p.193) 8. What is context mapping? (p.193) 9. What are inbound and outbound plugs used for? (p.196)

Unit 8 – Web Dynpro Controllers 1. What are the 5 types of controllers in a Web Dynpro component? (p.229)

Unit 9 – The Context at Design Time 1. What is the “context” of a Web Dynpro controller? (p.240) 2. Can the contents of the context be modified at runtime? (p.241) 3. Can the structure of the context be modified at runtime? (p.241) 4. What technique can be used to share data between contexts? (p.242) 5. Describe the entities that a controller context consists of. (p.243) 6. What are the 4 possible cardinality values of a context node? (p.246) 7. What is the cardinality of the context root node? (p.246) 8. What does “lazy data instantiation” mean? (p.252) 9. What is the difference between internal and external mapping? (p.256)

Unit 10 – Defining the User Interface 1. Name 7 categories into which UI elements are divided. (p.268) 2. Name 5 types of layouts for a container element. (p.270) 3. Which is the default layout? (p.270) 4. Describe the 5 different layout managers’ layout. ( p.273) 5. What is the view editor used for? (p.276) 6. Is it possible to create a binding relationship between contexts and UI elements of different view controllers? (p.278) 7. What are the 3 steps for defining a data binding? (p.279) 8. Is data binding a one-way or two-way relationship? (p.280) 9. What is a composite UI element? (p.285) 10. What UI elements does the Table UI Element consist of? (p.286) 11. What selection cardinality is required to be able to select multiple rows from a table? (p.291) 12. What is “wdr_test_ui_elements”? (p. 293)

Unit 11 – Controller and Context Programming 1. What are hook methods? (p.314) 2. Describe 2 methods that exist for all controller types. (p.315) 3. Are input checks for view controllers typically placed in the hook method wddobeforeaction or in wddoafteraction? (p.318) 4. What is the visibility of additional controller methods you create? (p.321) 5. Describe the 2 attributes that are pre-defined for all controllers. (p.323) 6. How can you access the context root node of a controller? (p.326) 14

7. What method is used to reference the element at lead selection for a context node? (p.238) 8. What method is used to reference the element at a certain index for a context node? (p.328) 9. What method is used to get the number of elements in a collection? (p.238) 10. What method is used to access an attribute of a node element? (p.328) 11. What method is used to obtain the static attributes of a node element? (p.238) 12. What method is used to retrieve the static attributes of a node element as an internal table? (p.330) 13. What method is used to change an attribute of a node element? (p.331) 14. What method is used to change the static attributes of a node element? (p.331) 15. What method is used to create a new element? (p.334) 16. What method is used to add an element to a context node? (p.336) 17. What method is used to add a structure to a context node? (p.336) 18. What method is used to add an internal table to a context node? (p.337) 19. What method is used to delete an element from a context node? (p.338)


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