Regulations for Color Code for piping systems

January 5, 2017 | Author: Mohammed Najim | Category: N/A
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Regulations for Color Code for piping systems...


Ras Laffan Industrial City

Section: Infrastructure Development Projects

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Managed and Administered by Qatar Petroleum

P O Box 22247, Doha, STATE OF QATAR

Phone: +974-733333/438 Fax: +974-733339


Document No: RLC/GL/002/2004

E-mail: [email protected]













Ras Laffan Industrial City






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12/04/04 6/09/04 5/12/04

DESCRIPTION Issued for comments. Issued for use. Reissued for use.











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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Custodianship References Objective Introduction Colour Code Identification Band System Basic/Primary Identification Band Colours Safety/Secondary Identification Band Colours Pipework Colour Coding Identification Arrangement Valves and Valve Access Manhole Covers Content Labelling and Safety Warning Signs Line Numbering Size of Lettering and Direction Arrow Paint Specification General Protection of Pipelines

Table 1. Basic Identification Colours Table 2. Safety Colours Table 3. Colour Code Indications For Pipework And Valves Figure 1. Pipework Colour Coding Band Layout Figure 2. Valve Colour Coding Layout Figure 3 Manhole Cover Colour Coding Layout

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1. Custodianship The Custodian of this document is Ras Laffan Industrial City Infrastructure Department. All technical comments, opinions and recommendations on the contents should be addressed to :The Manager Infrastructure Ras Laffan Industrial City P.O. Box 22247 Doha Qatar

2. References QP ENGINEERING STANDARDS QP-SPC-L-002 QP-PHL-S-001 ES.0.07.0025

Standard Specification for Painting & Wrapping of Metal Surfaces Corporate Philosophy for Fire and Safety Equipment Identification and Tag Numbering System

BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE BS 1710 Identification of Pipelines and Services BS 381C Colours for Identification, Coding and Special Purposes BS 4800 Paint Colours for Building Purposes BS 5499 Graphic Symbols and Signs – Safety Signs, incl. Fire Safety Signs, Part 5. Signs With Specific Safety Meanings

3. Objective The objective of this document is to set out Regulations for a common Colour Code Identification System for Pipework, which shall specify the mandatory safety colours to be adopted by QP, Joint Venture Groups and Other End-Users, for the identification of the contents of the pipework, and hence the potential hazards. The system is intended to address fire and safety concerns within all Ras Laffan Industrial City On-Plot and Off-Plot Facilities and provide improved line identification for plant operators.

4. Introduction Pipelines are an important means of conveying liquids, gases, steam and air. It is however impossible to find out what a pipeline contains from its external appearance. As the number and complexity of piping installations within any facility increase, so does the need for a system to quickly and easily identify pipework, pipelines and their contents. Failure to correctly identify the service of a pipework system can and often has been shown to be the cause of plant upsets and safety incidents. Effective identification of all pipework should therefore help to eliminate this potential source of such problems. In-line with QP/RLC's Loss Prevention Philosophy and commitment to make its facilities safe, it is therefore required that all pipelines shall be clearly colour coded and labelled, in accordance with the Regulations as defined herein together with the referenced standards.

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5. Colour Code Identification Band System 5.1. QP Specification QP-SPC-L-002 requires all pipework of 2” diameter and larger, apart from Fire Fighting System pipework, to be finished in either Light Grey, BS 4800 Ref. 10-A-03 or White, BS 4800 Ref. 00-E-55, along its entire length. This shall be referred to as the decorative colour.

5.2. The nature of the pipe contents shall be identified by means of a Three Band Colour Code Identification Band System (CCIB), as specified in BS 1710. The outer bands, which will be the same colour, are the Basic/Primary Identification Bands (PIB) and the middle band is the Safety/ Secondary Identification Band (SIB). The arrangement is shown in Figure 1.

5.3. The Basic/Primary Identification Band (PIB) colour determines the type of fluid, e.g. Oil, Gas, Chemical or Water. BS 1710 suggests Basic Identification Colours for different types of fluid. These colour conventions have been adopted with some exceptions, as detailed in Section 6 and Table 1.

5.4. A Safety/Secondary Identification Band (SIB) colour is added to the middle of the PIB, to identify the fluid conveyed more precisely. The SIB, used in conjunction with the PIB’s, is designed to provide a unique combined Colour Code Identification Band (CCIB) for each fluid that is being conveyed. These are detailed in Section 7 and Table 3.

5.5. All PIB and SIB Colours used shall comply with the appropriate BS4800 Colour Reference Numbers that have been specified in Tables 1 to 3. Colour names are given for guidance only.

5.6. The PIB and SIB width requirements shall be the same for all pipe sizes over 6” diameter but narrower band widths shall be used for pipe up to 6” diameter and a different colour coding arrangement shall be used for pipe below 2” diameter and fire fighting pipework of all sizes. The band width requirements for different pipe sizes and the locations at which the bands require to be applied are detailed in Section 9. 6. Basic/Primary Identification Band Colours 6.1. The Basic/Primary Identification Band (PIB) colour determines the basic type of fluid. 6.2. BS 1710 specifies blue as the PIB colour for air, green for water, brown for oils, ochre for gases, purple for acids and alkalis, silver grey for steam, black for drainage systems and red for fire fighting systems. These colour conventions have been adopted apart from that for steam pipework, which is generally insulated and fitted with silver coloured metal cladding. Crimson red is therefore specified for this service. An additional basic colour of orange has also been used for added treatment chemicals. The complete listing, with BS 4800 colour reference numbers, is as given in Table 1.

Page 6 of 16 7. Safety/Secondary Identification Band Colours 7.1. BS1710 does not specify SIB colours for all fluids. It only provides limited details of a SIB System. There are so many possible fluid identification requirements for different types of facility that it would in reality be impossible to specify SIB colours that would satisfy all BS1710 user requirements. The User Authority is required to allocate a specific SIB colour, to provide the unique CCIB for each fluid in the facility. 7.2. It has therefore been necessary to allocate a specific SIB colour for each individual fluid within a fluid type or PIB, so as to provide a unique Colour Code Identification Band (CCIB) combination for that fluid. 7.3. The complete Colour Code Identification Listing, as allocated to date, is detailed in Table 3 but the system is sufficiently flexible that further SIB colours can be added to each PIB colour as necessary, to enable additional fluids to be identified in future. 8. Pipework Colour Coding Identification Arrangement 8.1. The pipework shall be painted in accordance with the relevant paint Schedule of QPSPC-L-002 for the appropriate service temperature conditions, environment and construction material. 8.2. Pipework 2" diameter and larger, other than Fire Fighting System pipework, shall be painted a decorative colour of Light Grey or White along its entire length and provided with the Colour Code Identification Bands (CCIB), as required for the relevant fluid. 8.3. The width requirements for the PIB’s and SIB shall be the same for all pipe sizes over 6” diameter, with narrower band widths being used for pipe sizes varying from 2” to 6” diameter. The dimensions shall be as follows. Pipe Diameter

2” to 6” inclusive Greater than 6”

Each Basic/Primary Band

75 mm 150 mm

Safety/Secondary Band

50 mm 100 mm

Hence, for pipe greater than 6” diameter in size, the total width of the CCIB shall be 150 mm + 100 mm + 150 mm or 400mm. For 2” to 6” diameter pipe, it shall be 75mm + 50mm + 75mm or 200mm. 8.4. From Table 3 it can be seen that some products are allocated the same colour for both the PIB’s and the SIB. In cases where the PIB’s and SIB are the same colour, the pipework shall be painted with a single colour band of the full CCIB width, i.e. 400mm wide for pipework over 6” diameter and 200mm wide for 2” to 6” diameter pipework. 8.5. Pipework below 2” diameter in size, and Fire Fighting System pipework of all sizes, shall be finished in the decorative colour corresponding to the PIB listed in Table 1 along its entire length. For specific fluid identification in such pipework, only a 100mm wide band of the appropriate SIB shall be applied as required. 8.6. Colour Coding Bands shall be provided on both sides of and adjacent to valves, tees, important fittings, wall entries, road crossings and overpasses and outboard of flanges to and from equipment such as vessels, tanks, exchangers, compressors and pumps.

Page 7 of 16 8.7. Colour coding bands shall be provided at uniform intervals, not less than 30m and not more than 50m depending on the complexity and pipe run lengths, along horizontal and up vertical sections of pipework and at all feed points. Where multiple lines run close to each other, such as in common pipe racks, the CCIB’s (and line numbers and flow direction) shall be located directly in line with one another at positions that are readily visible.

9. Valves and Valve Access Manhole Covers 9.1. For Valves, the full valve body shall be painted with the SIB for the relevant fluid group. The full CCIB requires to be applied both sides of the valve, to the adjacent pipework, as detailed in Section 8. 9.2. For Control Valves, the valve bonnet and actuator or handwheel/lever, shall be painted with one of the following two colours, to indicate whether the Control Valve is designed to fail open or fail closed. Fail Open Control Valves shall be painted Green, BS 4800 Ref. No. 14-E-53. Fail Closed Control Valves shall be painted Red, BS 4800 Ref. No. 04-E-53. The arrangement is shown in Figure 2. 9.3. Valve access manhole covers and their surrounds shall be colour coded, to identify the fluid in the pipework to which they provide access. The colour coding arrangement for these components shall be as follows. A 100 mm wide PIB of the appropriate colour shall be painted around the periphery of the topside surface of the manhole cover, with a 75mm wide SIB of the relevant colour for the fluid immediately inside and adjacent to the PIB. For those fluids which have the same PIB and SIB colours, a 175mm wide band in the PIB colour shall be painted around the periphery of the cover. The topside of the access chamber cover slab immediately surrounding the cover shall generally be painted with a 250mm wide band of equi-spaced diagonal safety yellow 08-E-51 and black stripes 00-E-53, which are the specified colours for Moveable Safety Hazards in Table 2. 9.4. Arrows in the PIB on the manhole cover shall be provided to indicate the flow direction through the pipework and the inlet and outlet locations. The arrangement is shown in Figures 3. 10. Content Labelling and Safety Warning Signs 10.1. The additional use of Coloured Labels giving the full or abbreviated product description, temperature, pressure, and other details necessary to identify any potential hazard, together with the appropriate visual aids and hazard pictorial symbols, is to be encouraged. Such labels and markings shall not, however, be considered as a substitute for the CCIB, whose application is considered mandatory. 10.2. The use and extent of such labelling shall be at the User’s discretion. They would be beneficial in providing more detailed identification of, and differentiation between, similar products, such as different grades of Lube Oil. 10.3. Where applied, labels shall be brief and informative and written in English. The text size for different pipe diameters shall be as specified in Section 12.

Page 8 of 16 10.4. The background colour of the label shall be similar to that of the appropriate PIB, ideally with appropriate SIB contrasting text colour, as shown in Table 1. 10.5. The length of the labels shall vary from 200 to 800mm and they shall be applied adjacent to the CCIB locations. The arrangement is shown in Figure 1. 10.6. International Safety Signs, as specified in BS 5499 Part 5, shall be used as necessary, to highlight and warn of potential safety hazards. 10.7. It is recommended that labels are painted directly onto the pipe surface using the appropriate specified paint rather than being applied in the form of self-adhesive plastic labels. Plastic labels tend to deteriorate rapidly in strong sunlight and the harsh local environment and localized corrosion can occur beneath them. 11. Line Numbering 11.1. In addition to being Colour Coded, each pipe system, pipeline and valve shall be individually identified by marking them in accordance with the QP Equipment Identification and Tag Numbering System, which is detailed in QP Engineering Standard ES.0.07.0025. The required identification markings relate to pipe size, service, design, area code and ownership code. All characters used shall be in upper case. No separators, hyphens, punctuation marks or spaces are allowed. 11.2. The line number and the flow direction shall be stencilled on each pipe section and pipeline together with the CCIB, to provide the pipework with unique traceability. The identification markings shall be stencilled on the pipe a distance of approximately 400 mm from the edge of the outer colour band. Letter size shall be equal to half of the pipe diameter for pipe between 2” and 12” diameter, with a minimum height of 1” for smaller pipe sizes and a maximum height of 6” for larger pipe sizes. 11.3. Line identification markings shall be stenciled in black directly onto the light grey/white decorative background. 11.4. Lines owned by other companies shall be assigned an ownership code by QP/RLC. 12. Size of Lettering and Direction Arrow 12.1.

Size of lettering shall be as follows:

Pipe Diameter

Width x Height


2” to 6” inclusive 6” to 50” inclusive Greater than 50”

30 x 30mm 80 x 80mm 100 x 100mm

10 mm min. 25 mm min. 30 mm min.


Shape and size of direction arrow shall be as follows:

Pipe Diameter

W1 (mm)

W2 (mm)

L1 (mm)

L2 (mm)

2” to 6” inclusive 6” to 50” inclusive Greater than 50”

10 40 50

30 80 100

45 90 150

135 270 450

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13. Paint Specification 13.1. The areas of the painted surfaces to which the colour coding bands, line identification numbers and flow direction arrows are to be applied shall be degreased, water washed and lightly abraded, in order to ensure good adhesion of the applied paint to the existing topcoat paint. The relevant surface preparation requirements of QP-SPCL-002 shall apply. 13.2. The colour coding band and marking paint used shall be an approved two-pack high-gloss polyurethane paint product. The bands and markings may be applied in a single coat, although more than one coat may be required to achieve the required obliteration of the preceding paint colour. If the colour coding bands are to be applied over aged topcoat paint, it may be necessary to apply a coat of a compatible undercoat paint of a slightly contrasting colour prior to the required topcoat paint. 14. General Protection of Pipelines 14.1. Approved safety colour coded Corrugated Beam Barriers, Tension Crash Barriers (TCB’s) or Concrete Vehicle Barrier Units (VBU’s) shall be used to protect all pipeline routes.

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Table 1. Basic Identification Colours

Water Steam Fire Fighting (combustible liquids) Oils (treatment) Chemicals (process and added) Gases Acids & Alkalis Air Process Effluents (drain/vent/flare)

Green Crimson Red Signal Red Dark Brown Orange Ochre Purple Light Blue Black

14-C-53 04-D-45 04-E-53 06-C-39 06-E-51 08-C-35 22-D-45 20-E-51 00-E-53

SAFETY/SEC. COLOUR Grass Green Golden Yellow Signal Red Blue Yellow Orange White

BS 4800 CODE REF. 14-C-39 08-E-51 04-E-53 18-E-53 10-E-53 06-E-51 00-E-55


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Table 3. Colour Code Indications For Pipework And Valves PIPE CONTENTS


Water Raw Sea WR, WS Potable WP WL Landscaping / Irrigation Stormwater SW Desal. / Distilled WD Industrial WI Brackish WB Produced/Formation/Brine PW Treated Effluent, Grey Water WT, GW Effluent / Sewage WE Steam SX Fire Fighting Fire Water (Sea) WFS Fire Water (Desal./Industrial) WFD Fire Foam FF CO2 Carbon dioxide Oils (combustible liquids) Crude Oil OC NGL Condensate Sweet/Sour FC, PC PG Pygas GN GTL Naphtha LN, HN Refinery Naphtha Kerosene / Jet Fuel KJ, JF GTL Diesel/Gas Oil GD, GO BD, GO Refinery Diesel/Gas Oil Lube Oil Basestock LB Lube Oil/Seal Oil OL, OS Fuel/Heating Oil OF, GO, HO Chemicals (treatment & additive) Glycol - Rich/Lean CGR, CGL ADIP / MDEA - Rich/Lean AMR, AML LDF Detergent Methanol ME Chemical Injection CI Chemical Additives CA Gases (gaseous or liquified) LNG Rich/Lean LNG Process Gas/ Syngas GP, GS Fuel Gas GF Natural Gas/Methane NG Ethane ET PR LPG - Propane LPG - Butane BU ETY Ethylene Acetylene ACY NH3 Ammonia - Gas / Liquid Chlorine CL H2 Hydrogen N2 Nitrogen O2 Oxygen Acids and Alkalis Caustic Soda CS HCL Hydrochloric Acid HS Sulphuric Acid Napthenic caustic NC Air Air - Plant Utility & Service AU, AS Air - Instrument AI Other Liquids SU Molten Sulphur Gas Vent & Flare GF Closed Drain Header CD OD, VA Drain (oil) / Vent Atmos.



Crimson Red


Signal Red

SAFETY/SEC. COLOUR 100mm Green Blue White Light Green Light Blue Pink Ochre Orange Purple Dark Brown Crimson Red

14-E-53 18-E-53 00-E-55 12-E-51 20-E-51 02-C-33 08-C-35 06-E-51 22-D-45 06-C-39 04-D-45


Signal Red Light Blue Yellow White

04-E-53 20-E-51 10-E-53 00-E-55

Dark Brown


Dark Brown Yellow White Green Blue Orange Light Green Light Blue Pink Purple Black

06-C-39 10-E-53 00-E-55 14-E-53 18-E-53 06-E-51 12-E-51 20-E-51 02-C-33 22-D-45 00-E-53



Green Blue Signal Red Ochre Pink Purple

14-E-53 18-E-53 04-E-53 08-C-35 02-C-33 22-D-45



Ochre Dark Brown Pink Light Green Green Light Blue Orange Purple Crimson Red Black Yellow Signal Red Blue White

08-C-35 06-C-39 02-C-33 12-E-51 14-E-53 20-E-51 06-E-51 22-D-45 04-D-45 00-E-53 10-E-53 04-E-53 18-E-53 00-E-55



White Blue Green Signal Red

00-E-55 18-E-53 14-E-53 04-E-53

Light Blue


Light Blue Yellow

20-E-51 10-E-53



Yellow Ochre Signal Red Black

10-E-53 08-C-35 04-E-53 00-E-53


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Figure 1. Pipework Colour Coding Band Layout

Secondary Safety Identification Band (SIB)

Example 1: Water - Potable 150



Contents Label, lettering on the PIB background Example 2: Water - Effluent / Sewage


Flow Direction Arrow


Basic/Primary Identification Line No. Black Decorative Colour Colour Bands (PIB’s) lettering on decorative Grey or White background




Colour code identification provided both sides of Flanges, wall penetrations and valves.

Figure 2. Valve Colour Coding Layout Example 1: Control Valve - Butane Fail Open Control Valves shall be painted Safety Green and Fail Closed Control Valves shall be painted Safety Red (refer Table 2.).


The Valve Body shall be painted with the Secondary Safety Identification Colour (SIB). Note: For non-control valves, the entire valve body shall be painted with the SIB.


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Figure 3 Manhole Cover Colour Coding Layout Example 1: Water - Potable

Manhole Tag to identify manhole reference number(s) shall be Black Text on a White backgroundcolour.

Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) 100-150mm band e.g. Green - Water


Secondary/Safety Identification Colour (SIB) 75-100mm band e.g. Blue - Potable Water

250mm min. Band or entire chamber cover slab. Attention Safety Yellow (refer Table 2.) and Black Stripes (100 150mm width TYP).

Arrows indicate Inlet/Outlet location, Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) e.g. Green - Water

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Figure 3 Manhole Cover Colour Coding Layout Cont. Example 2: Water – Effluent Sewage

Manhole Tag to identify the manhole reference number(s) shall be Black Text on a White backgroundcolour.

Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) 100-150mm band e.g. Green - Water


Secondary/Safety Identification Colour (SIB) 75-100mm band e.g. Dark Brown – Effluent/Sewage Water

250mm min. Band or entire chamber cover slab. Attention Safety Yellow (refer Table 2.) and Black Stripes (100150mm width TYP).

Arrows indicate Inlet/Outlet location, Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) e.g. Green - Water

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Figure 3 Manhole Cover Colour Coding Layout Cont. Example 3: Water - Fire Water – Desal./Industrial

Manhole Tag to identify the manhole reference number(s) shall be Black Text on a White backgroundcolour.

Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) 100-150mm band e.g. Red - Fire Water


Secondary/Safety Identification Colour (SIB) 75-100mm band e.g. Peacock Blue – Desal./Industrial Water

250mm min. Band or entire chamber cover slab. Attention Safety Yellow (refer Table 2.) and Black Stripes (100150mm width TYP).

Arrows indicate Inlet/Outlet location, Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) e.g. Red – Fire Water

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Figure 3 Manhole Cover Colour Coding Layout Cont. Example 4: Water - Stormwater

Manhole Tag to identify the manhole reference number(s) shall be Black Text on a White backgroundcolour.

Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) 100-150mm band e.g. Green - Water


Secondary/Safety Identification Colour (SIB) 75-100mm band e.g. Light Green – Stormwater

250mm min. Band or entire chamber cover slab. Attention Safety Yellow (refer Table 2.) and Black Stripes (100150mm width TYP).

Arrows indicate Inlet/Outlet location, Basic/Primary Identification Colour (PIB) e.g. Green – Water

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