Regino v PCST.docx
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Administrative Law
regino v. pangasinan coll colleg eges es of scie scienc nce e and and technology facts Petitio etitioner ner Khri Khristi stine ne Rea M. Regino was a frst year computer science student at the respondent-school, Pangasinan Colleges o Science and Technology Technology PCST! where she was enrolled, with a part o her curri urricu cullum "eing eing a logi logic c and and statistics su"#ects under the respondents, Rachelle $. %amurot and &lissa 'aladad. (n the sec second ond sem semester ster o her her sc scho hool ol year ear, PCST PCST hel held a und und raisi aising ng acti)ity wherein the students were indi indirrectl ectly y re*ui e*uirred to pur purchas chase e tic+e tic+ets ts or the e)ent e)ent or P P . .,, with additional points in their test score scores s "eing "eing the incent incenti)e i)e.. Those Those who ailed to a)ail o the tic+ets, howe)er, would "e disallowed rom ta+ing their fnal eaminations. eaminations. /inancially strapped and prohi"ited "y her her reli eligion gion rom rom atte ttendi nding danc dance e part partie ies s and cele cele"r "rat atio ions ns,, Regino reused sed to pay or the tic+ets, which led her to "e ecluded rom the rest o her class in ta+i ta+ing ng the the fnal fnal eami amina nati tion ons s and and outr outrig ight ht e#ec e#ecte ted d rom rom thei theirr classr classroom oom the ollow ollowing ing day ater ater pu"licly naming her and one other classmate as persons who did not pur purchas chase e tic+ tic+et ets. s. 0esp 0espit ite e thei theirr pleas, pleas, the respo responde ndents nts remai remained ned adam adaman antt that that they they wer were simp simply ly ollowing PCST1s school policy. $ggrie)ed, the petitioners went to the trial court and fled, as pauper
Prior Resort litigant, a case against the respondents and the PCST. PCST. The trial cour court, t, howe howe)e )er, r, rule ruled d in a)o a)orr o the respondents and dismissed the case due to the non-ehaustion o administrati)e remedies, remedies, citing that the the *ues *uesti tion on rais raised ed in the the case case in)ol) in)ol)ed ed the deter determin minati ation on o the wisdom o an administrati)e policy o PCST PCST.. 2enc 2ence, e, the the case case sh shou ould ld ha)e ha)e "een "een initi nitiat ate ed "eo "eorre the the prop proper er admi admini nist stra rati ti)e )e "ody "ody,, the the Comm Commis issi sion on o 2igh 2igher er &duc &ducat atio ion n C2& C2&0! 0!,, whic which h has has the the powe powerr o super)isio sion and regulation o tertiary schools under Section 34 o R$ 5566, the the &duca ducati tion on $ct o 786.
issue (s the the doct doctri rine ne o ehau haust stio ion n o administrati)e remedies is applica"le9
held :o. :o. The respon responden dents ts anchor anchored ed their Motion to 0ismiss on petitioners alleged ailure to ehaust administrati)e remedies "eore resorting to the RTC. $ccording to them, the deter determin minatio ation n o the contr contro)e o)ersy rsy hinge on the )alidity, the wisdom and the propriety o PCST1s acad academ emic ic poli policy cy. 2owe 2owe)e )er, r, the the doctrine o ehaustion o administr administrati)e ati)e remedi remedies es does not apply to the present case. The doctrine o ehaustion o admi admini nist stra rati ti)e )e remed emedie ies s Pri Prior or Resort! esort! state states s that that courts courts should should not entertain ain su suiits unless the a)aila"le a)aila"le administra administrati)e ti)e remedie remedies s ha)e frst "een resorted to and the
Administrative Law
Prior Resort
proper authorities ha)e "een gi)en the appropriate opportunity to act and correct their alleged errors, i any, committed in the administrati)e orum. (t admits to certain eceptions, one o which arises when the issue is purely legal and well within the #urisdiction o the trial court such as in the present case at "ar.
damages; a power "eyond the administrati)e agency to grant since it is not a court. Since the petitioner, at this time, is as+ing or damages, the same calls or the interpretation o the Ci)il Code; a unction that alls s*uarely within the am"it o the courts. $s such, the ehaustion o administrati)e remedies cannot "ar the petitioner.
(n this case, Regino is not as+ing or the re)ersal o the policies o PCST and neither is she demanding it to allow her to ta+e her fnal eaminations since she is already enrolled in another educational institution "y the time o this decision. (n act, e)en i she were to fle a case with C2&0, her re*uest in)ol)es the awarding o
Doctrine of Prior Resort/ Doctrine of Primary Administrative Jurisdiction states that where there is competence or jurisdiction vested upon an administrative body to act upon a matter, no resort to the courts may be made before such administrative body shall have acted upon the matter. Note:
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