Regiment Savoia

March 16, 2017 | Author: Giovanni Cerino-Badone | Category: N/A
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Regiment of infantry of national ordinance SAVOIA 1636- 1798 Giovanni Cerino-Badone

Savoia is raised in 1624 with the name of Fleury. It has a total strenght of 1500 soldiers, all Frenches, in 15 companies. In 1640 Fleury becomes Regiment Francoise du S.A.R. In 1664 it receives the name of Regiment du Savoye du S.A.R.. It is 2nd in order of seniority. In 1720 it has an official strenght of two battalions.

Service during the Polish Succesion War Savoia takes action at the beginning of the conflict at the siege of Gera Pizzighettone (6 november-8 december 1733). The two battalions are in Milan during the siege of the Castello Sforzesco (16 december 1733-2 jenuary 1734) In 1734 Savoia fights in the two major clash, Parma (29 june) and Guastalla (19 september) where only 2nd battalion takes a part in the fight. In 1735 Savoia is campaigning with the Piedmontese Army in the east of Lombardy and in the west side of Lake of Garda until the end of the War.

Service during the Austrian Succession War In the spring of 1742 Savoia begins this war marching on the Via Emilia in order to occupy Parma and Piacenza, driving off a Spanish Army. In 1743 the regiment takes great honours at the battle of Camposanto (8 february) when, in coordination with Regiment Piemonte and Regiment Rhebinder, it attacks the Spanish line breaking the right wing. A Spanish battalion, the 1st of Regiment Guadalaxara, has its way of retreat cut away and it takes position in a farm near Camposanto. Lieutenat-Colonel Baron de Chabod at the head of Savoia, with a good support of artillery fire, overruns the spanish unit taking three flags and 410 prisoners. In the same year a combined French-Spanish army is on the offensive on the Alps theatre: Savoia on the 8 october faces Anjou's brigade at Pontechianale in Varaita Valley. In 1744 Savoia knows its bleakest day: again on the Alps, and again in Varaita Valley, in a terrible bloody struggle around the redoubt of Mount Cavallo (19 july) Savoia's 1st battalion looses 154 men and its brave commander Charles Filibert Du Verger. But at Madonna dell'Olmo (30 september) Savoye is again reunited and it is drew up on the left wigh. The follow year Maillebois' offensive crushes Charles Emmanuel III's strategic defensive plan. At the battle of Bassignana (27 september) Savoia is on the right wingh but it is compelled to retreat with the remainder of the Piedmontese Army. In 1746 this Regiment has an important role during Baron Leutrum's counteroffensive expecially at the second siege of Valenza (17 april-3 may). The same year Savoia fights at the siege of Priamar fortress in Savona (1-18 December). The 2nd battalion eventually takes position on Ligurian theatre until the end of the war, while the 1st battalion in 1747 is in on the Alps and it is in the reserve forces on the Assietta ridge during the battle (19 july).

Commanders Comm. Joseph Clermont

24 -3-1730

Charles Philibert Du Verger

31 -1-1734

Charles Lodovic Baron du Chabod Janus Comte D'Eutremon Alexis De La Saunière

20- 7-1744

16 -1-1748 16- 7 -175?

Giuseppe Della Chiesa Roddi di Cinzano Henry Marquise du Chabod de S. Maurice

15- 5 -1767 6- 11 -1772


1730-1750: Grey-white coat, dark blue lining, cuffs, waistcoat and breeches. White gaiters for fusiliers, black for grenadiers. Seven tinned buttons on each side of the coat. Three buttons on the cuffs. Vertical pockets. Tricorne with dark blue cockade on the left brim and white hem for fusiliers. Bearskin cap for grenadiers.

1750-1773: Dark blue coat. White lining, cuffs, lapels, collar. Tricorne with black and white pompon. Bearskin cap with dark blue tail and blue and white pompon.


Colonel's Colour:

Regimental Colour: White cross on red field with white and blue flames. Savoy's coat of arm in the first quarter.

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