Reflection Report

October 24, 2018 | Author: Ruben Benjani | Category: Cognition, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Psychological Concepts, Languages, Teaching And Learning
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Self-Reflection Report (Individual) This report is written based on the concepts from Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.

1. DESCRIPTION (What happened?) The event was successfully conducted from beginning to the end without any major flaws. In a chronological manner, our groupmates left Universiti Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS at about 7.15 am for Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Iskandar. We then unpacked any items that are needed for the modules (Example; bread, water, activity papers and so on). We then proceeded to have a small “meet-and-greet” session with the ever hardworking school English teachers and headed to the classroom provided provided for us to conduct our event. The arrival of students was greeted by our team and group division is made where one facilitator is in charge of one group. After the group division, each facilitator begins to introduce themselves and then proceeded to the commencement of the modules. Modules conducted includes “Introduction Session”, ‘Spelling Bee”, “Ice-Breaking Session”, “Mind-Mapping”, “Story Telling”, “Charades”, “Role Playing” , and many more. These students were very sporting and energized and were consistently “on-the-go” at all times. The children were also excited and a nd really liked the “Charades” module as it requires them to walk about while acting. These activities are conducted in the intention of paving a higher order critical thinking thinking level for them as well as not forgetting our main aim of conducting this event (that is to engage the students s tudents with the nature of the English language). language ). Occasionally, a short 10-minute break time was given to the students as we have ha ve provided bread and water for them during their break, as well as rice with black pepper chicken and vegetables and fruits for lunch. My personal job scope was to find food sponsorship in which includes successfully receiving sponsorship of 52 Chocolate Gardenia Buns from V5 Mart, UT P as well as 65 pre-packed polystyrene rice from V5 Café, UTP. Overall, as mentioned, the event was successfully conducted without any major flaws and our objectives of conducting this event was achieved. 2. FEELINGS (What were you thinking and feeling?) I really felt happy for the children as they were really interested in the activities that we have planned for them. They have shown good character and response towards our programme and I personally was feeling happy and joined the fun along with them. I was thinking from the very beginning that all of our efforts and time spent with the children are worth it. Besides, I enjoy every moment from the start till the end of the

event where I actually spent quality time with a group of children while doing something good for them (facilitating them and teaching them the proper use and command of English). And also, I enjoy taking a short trip back to UTP to fetch the food for the children for their lunch break as I feel the responsibility of delivering what was expected by the children. 3. EVALUATION (What was good and bad about the experiences?) As for me, I can only think about the good that has happened, because personally, nothing bad has happened. There is no sour/bitter moment that had occurred during the whole period of the event as everything went smoothly. The good experience I had was looking at the smiles on the faces of the children throughout the whole event. It was really appealing to me as a facilitator to know that I have done my job well (according to one of the children). They even asked for my hand phone number as well as asking for my signature. It was really heart-warming as I have a small little sister myself. So I played along, and guided these children as how I would treat my own sister. Furthermore, during the break time, I even had a chance to explain to the children about the life of an engineering student. I explained the differences and the importance of learning English as in the future, the medium of communication they would need if they were in a learning environment is English. I even had the chance to introduce them one of my childhood games during the break time (while waiting for the next agenda to commence). I prefer this event to be done yearly, or even monthly since it was that good. It was indeed, an eye-opener for them. 4. ANALYSIS (What sense can you make of the situation?) As mentioned, I sense that the event went properly and according to plan. From the beginning until the end, everything that was planned, every activity and time allocated for them went as planned. I communicated quite well with the other groupmates in terms of timing, as well as “buying” enough time for me to travel back to UTP and arrive back at SK Seri Iskandar to get the food for the children. I also sense that the children have some basic knowledge in English which is a good thing because they are in the right direction in their journey to mastering the language. Besides, I would also like to commend the other groupmates of my MPU 4 course that they have done an absolutely wonderful job and without our teamwork and effort, this event would not be a success as it is. 5. CONCLUSION (What else could you have done?) In conclusion, I would say that the event has been conducted successfully with the excellent leadership of the Project Manager as well as the inseparable bonding between the members of our group which has led this event to success. The children left the event happy, as well as having extra knowledge. It is an event which they can tell their

other friends about. It is an event where not only they were learning English, it was an adventure for them as they were having fun. I feel that this event has the potential to be a monthly event as this programme really benefits the school children as their command of English is at a satisfactory level.

6. ACTION PLAN (If it arose again, what would you do?)

For example, one instance which happened during the event was, there were a scenario where one of the group did not understand the question/certain English words. I would personally help the group out by explaining the task again in English, and then translate it into Bahasa Melayu. There were instances during the Mind-Mapping session where the children did not understand the meaning of some words, (Exmaple: furiously, angered and so on). So what I did was I translated the words into Bahasa Melayu for them so that they could understand the meaning of the word. As for what I would do if it arose again, I would prepare a list of words which I feel that is slightly hard for the children’s knowledge, and prepare a translated Bahasa Melayu version so that they know the meaning of the words by reading it. Besides, there was an incident where there were students who are asking for more bread and took more than 1 per student. What I would do next time is, I would just simply get more bread.

7. APPENDICES (Pictures)

My introduction to the Children of SK Seri Iskandar

Mind Mapping Session

Receiving Certificate from the Guest of Honours

After-Event Group Photo Session

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