Reflection Calculus

May 14, 2018 | Author: Kim Reine Mariano | Category: N/A
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Reflection about Differential Calculus...


 Name: Kim Reine M. Mariano Year/Course: 2-AM

Reflection Paper in Integral Calculus

Ever since I chose the applied mathematics proram! I have alread" #een a$raid o$ the su#%ect interal calculus. Aside $rom the intimidatin appeal o$ the &ords 'interal calculus( &hen &hen "ou read read it! encounteri encounterin n and dealin dealin  &ith &ith all the advanced advanced mathem mathemati atical cal e)uati e)uations ons involved &ith the su#%ect is &hat I reall" $eared. In this second semester o$ m" second "ear in collee! I have no choice c hoice #ut to $ace this $ear.

*o&ever! &hen sir Enrico Yam#ao! m" pro$essor in interal calculus! discussed the $irst lessons! I #ecame interested. Eventuall"! m" $ear o$ the su#%ect turned into a $eelin that is challenin $or me. I have learned so man" e)uations! techni)ues! and their #ac+round! histor"! and applications. Antidi$$erentiation! su#stitution rule! de$inite and inde$inite interal! and area under and #et&een the curve are %ust some o$ the mathematical +no&lede that I have ac)uired. ,$ all the lessons! m" $avorite are the techni)ues o$ interation #ecause this lesson made me a#le to appl" it to other lessons such as multiple interation! trapeoid rule! impsons rule! and 0i#onacci se)uence. 1ut despite all o$ these +no&lede! I have learned a lot $rom this su#%ect that is #e"ond academic.

1e"ond the academic and intellectual value! the su#%ect tauht me real values. Interal calculus tauht me ho& to #e care$ul &ith ever" step o$ m" e)uation. It made me realie that one mista+e &ill lead to the discrepanc" o$ the net. 1ecause o$ all the step-#"-step procedure that is

needed to come up &ith the correct ans&er! I learned ho& to thin+ more criticall". Not that I do not &ant a ood rade #ecause &ho does not &ant a ood rade! riht34 #ut interal calculus drove me to stud" the lessons not $or the sa+e o$ m" rades #ut $or the sa+e o$ +no&lede itsel$. I +no& that I am careless. I +no& that there are times &herein I &ill eperience mental #loc+. 1ein a student in this su#%ect has iven me the opportunit" to practice the areas &here I am &ea+! to ma+e m"sel$ a #etter individual! to step out o$ the #o and $ace the thins that are still un+no&n to me.

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