February 15, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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‛Mc hk}|tu hk}|tu`ok `ok|| kc kcŭha ŭhakcf kcf mo lč eatŭč eatŭč őh cfact cfactoo ~tcm|h ~tcm|hmč mč "+++(& "+++(&   }|tc|ojhc }|tc|ojhc lo }omu }omuth|c| th|c|oo kcŭhakcfč to~towhk|č uk ecm|at hk|ojtc|at lo }hk|owč9 oc }o a~otcŭhakcfhwocwč ~thk|t-uk ck}c`dfu lo lo lomhw mhwhh hh&& ~fckut ~fckuth& h& `č}uth `č}uth őh cmŭhuk cmŭhukhh `okh|o `okh|o }č ~toh ~tohkč kč őh }č mak|tc mak|tcmc mcto towo wo oehmh oehmhok| ok| th}mu th}muth thfo fo őh c`okhkŭčthfo mo ~uk ëk ~othmaf cfathfo őh hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo& ~tomu` őh cfathfo mcto lcu hlok|h|c|o  őh ukh|c|o mak}|tumŭhoh outa~oko+‐

- ]|tc|ojhc lo ]omuth|c|o Kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh  -

@c}|otckl7 Tclu @AHKO]M_ 



HK\TAL_MOTO ]oma ]omafu fuff RR RRHH c lodu lodu|c |c|| cd cdtu tu~| ~| őh haf hafok ok|&|& ~thk ~thk cm|o cm|o |ota |otath} th}|o |o őh cf|o cf|o cmŭhu cmŭhukh kh mth`h mth`hkc kcfo fo c}o`čkč|acto ečtč ~tomolok| ëk `ch `uf|o ~čtŭh cfo fu`hh+ Cmo}|oc cu `ctmc| a kauč oafuŭho ëk ~fck  ~afh|hm ~o ëk|tocjc ~fcko|č& lomfckőäkl uk ~tamo} lo |tck}eat`cto ~taeuklč c `olhufuh lo }omuth|c|o őh jokotäkl mak}omhkŭo mo ceom|ocwč& ~o |ot`ok fukj őh ëk ~taeukwh`o& ma`ukh|c|oc hk|otkcŭhakcfč+ Ëk|t-uk c}|eof lo mak|or| |ok}hakc| őh ma`~for& }omuth|c|oc ehomčtoh ŭčth& mc őh }omuth|c|oc ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo ëk ck}c`dfu& }o dcwocwč ku ku`ch ~o mc~cmh|c|oc lo tocmŭho őh clc~|cto& mh őh& `ch cfo}& ~o mc~cmh|c|oc lo ck|hmh~cto őh lo cmŭhuko ~ta-cm|hč+ Ëk|t-a fu`o ma`~forč& lhkc`hmč őh makefhm|ucfč& cefc|č ëk ~fhk ~tamo} lo jfadcfhwcto& ëkŭofojotoc ~taeuklč c |oklhkŭofat `cgato lo oafuŭho c }omuth|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo őh c `alufuh ëk mcto ehomcto ŭctč cto őck}c }č lohkč ~ct|o cm|hč c cmo}|uh ~tamo} mak}|h|uho a maklhŭho o}okŭhcfč c ~tajto}ufuh őh ~ta}~oth|čŭhh+ Mukacő|otoc& ëkŭofojotoc őh ocfuctoc matom|č c ~tamo}ofat hk|otko& c jtclufuh lo maowhuko }amhcfč& c mc~cmh|čŭhh lo `adhfhwcto ~udfhmč to~towhk|č a komo}h|c|o fc eof lo h`~at|ck|č ~ok|tu tocfhwctoc ~tahom|ofat kcŭhakcfo+ Ëk }ma~uf ~ta`ačthh hk|oto}ofat }cfo fojh|h`o& }|c|uf ta`äk ” ~ct|o hk|ojtck|č c ma`ukh|čŭhh outac|fck|hmo őh ~ct|hmh~ck| cm|h fc kauc mak}|tumŭho outa~ockč ” c |toduh }č-őh ~ta`aowo&  ~ta|ogowo őh }č-őh c~oto lo`amtcŭhc& }č to}~om|o lto~|uthfo őh fhdot|čŭhfo euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh őh }č cmŭhakowo& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu ~toolothfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf& ~ok|tu cmmofotctoc `alotkhwčthh őh lowaf|čthh }cfo omaka`hmo őh }amhcfo& c}hjutctoc ukuh }|cklctl lo hcŭč outa~ock őh ceht`ctoc lo~fhkč c hlok|h|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo+ Lcmč ~thk `alotkhwctoc Ta`äkhoh ëkŭofojo` mtoő|otoc }o`khehmc|hč c khofufuh lo |tch  `alotkhwcto ~ok|tu mo|čŭockuf őh aečtč cf|č`alotkhwctoc c|h|ulhko c }|c|ufuh ecŭč lo lo  }omuth|c|o koahfo cmo}|uhc& c|ukmh cmoc}|č ku cadhőkuh| eh ~a}hdhfč }h}|o`ufuh kcŭhakcfč  + ]omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč o}|o moc `ch h`~at|ck|č lhk|to ~afh|hmhfo ukoh ŭčth+ ^thk `hwc ~o mcto a to~towhk|č& to}~om|h cmooc lo c c}hjutc ‛}|ctoc lo kat`cfh|c|o lo`amtc|hmč fc mcto c}~htč }amho|c|oc "+++(& ečuthtoc  ~ta}~oth|čŭhh omaka`hmo& ombhfhdtuf }amhcf őh }|cdhfh|c|oc ~afh|hmč3‐ }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč c ea}| loehkh|č mc ‛`ctoc ~afh|hmc‐ }cu ‛`ctoc }|tc|ojho‐+ Oafuŭhc }amho|čŭhh ta`äkoő|h& lo~čőhtoc ~othacloh lo |tckwhŭho& hk}|cutctoc lo`amtcŭhoh őh hk}|h|uŭhhfat }cfo& mbhct lcmč ëkmč etcjhfo ukofo lhk|to ofo& tomak}|tumŭhc }amhcfč& `atcfč& omaka`hmč őh hk}|h|uŭhakcfč o|m+& to~towhk|č ~tamo}o cefc|o ëkmč ëk ~fhkč lo}ečőutcto őh `alotkhwcto& `okh|o c to}~ak}cdhfhwc& ~ta`ac őh hk}|cutc cfathfo outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo+ Oőomuthfo ëk|t-uk c}|eof lo la`okhu }uk| lo kocmmo~|c| őh& alc|č ~talu}o& ofo ~a| eh hkmfu}o ëk cthc ecfh`ok|ufuh ~afh|hm+ Cmo}|oc ~a| oafuc lo fc lo|othatctoc jtcč c mcfh|čŭhh hoŭhh mo|čŭockufuh  ~äkč fc ~hotlotoc hklo~oklokŭoh& ~hotlotoc lo |oth|athh }cu mbhct& ëk or|to`h}& lh}~cthŭhc mc ŭctč+ @cgath|c|oc ŭčthfat Outa~oh Mok|tcfo ő|hu lhk ~ta~thc h}|atho mo ëk}oc`kč ecfh`ok|uf ~afh|hmhh lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč+ Ëk }|c|ofo ammhlok|cfo& mu loa}odhto ëk mofo mcto ku cu muka}mu| ~othaclc ma`ukh}|č& }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč o}|o uk duk ~udfhm& }ok}uf oeat|uthfat őh oehmhokŭc fat ehhkl lc|o lo mcfh|c|oc hoŭhh lo wh mu wh c mo|čŭockufuh+ C}|eof& ~afh|hmc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč o}|o a ~afh|hmč  ~udfhmč+ Ëk ŭčthfo ammhlok|cfo& eat`ufctoc& fojh|h`ctoc& c~tadctoc őh c~fhmctoc ukoh c}|eof lo ~afh|hmh }o ecmo lu~č uk cfjath|` loku`h| ‛cmsuh}-uf ammhlok|cf cf ~afh|hmhh lo }omuth|c|o‐+ ^ok|tu c eukmŭhakc mato}~ukwč|at&& of ~to}u~uko lhcfajuf őh makfumtctoc c |toh ecm|ath7 mato}~ukwč|at - ecm|atuf ~afh|hm& mu taf lomhwhakcf& lo maklumoto őh& ~ctŭhcf& lo mak|taf9 - ecm|atuf dhtamtc|hm& mbo`c| }č c~fhmo ~afh|hmc lo }omuth|c|o& to~towok|äkl ëk cmofcőh |h`~ őh  ~thkmh~cfuf loŭhkč|at cf or~ot|hwoh |obkhmo9 - mo|čŭockuf adhőkuh|& mcto& ~thk hk|ot`olhuf }amho|čŭhh mhhfo& o}|o mbo`c| c|ä| }č fojh|h`owo oeat|uf lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč& }č-f ehkckŭowo őh }č-f }~thghko ~udfhm& lct őh }č }o or~th`o mth|hm c}u~tc fuh+ Ëk cmo}| }ok}& of }o ~ac|o or~th`c lhtom|& ~thk c|h|ulhkh ~udfhmo }cu ~thk hk|ot`olhuf `c}}-`olhc+ MC^H\AF_F H 3

^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+4+



@olhuf hk|otkcŭhakcf lo }omuth|c|o Fc ëkmo~u| lo `hfokhu& fu`oc c hk|tc| ëk|t-a kauč ecwč c oafuŭhoh }cfo& `ctmc|č lo maorh}|okŭc őh maketuk|ctoc ukat |oklhkŭo ~awh|ho `cgato mu cf|ofo mcto jokotocwč c`okhkŭčth őh   ~othmafo+ Uomboc atlhko `aklhcfč& dcwc|č ~o a fajhmč dh~afctč ” mctcm|othwc|č lo thcfh|c|o őh mc~cmh|c|o lo ckhbhfcto tomh~tamč c ukat dfamuth lo }|c|o ” c lh}~čtu|& hct |tckwhŭhc ~a}|-dh~afctč }-c ëkmbohc|+ Adhom|hofo `cgato cfo cmo}|oh ~othaclo }-cu tocfhwc|& hct jot`okhh mak}|tumŭhoh ukoh kah ctbh|om|uth jfadcfo lo }omuth|c|o amu~č uk fam |a| `ch h`~at|ck| ëk mcltuf ~toamu~čthfat ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ ^o ck ck}c` }c`dfu dfu&& fu`oc fu`oc mak|hk mak|hkuc uc }c tč` tč`äkč äkč ~u|otk ~u|otkhm hm makef makefhm| hm|ucf ucfč& č& `a|ac `a|actofo tofo mak makefh efhm|o m|ofat  fat  a~otäkl c|ä| ëk la`okhuf cmmo}ufuh fc to}ut}o& fc `omckh}`ofo lo lh}|thduŭho c cmo}|atc őh fc ~hoŭo& mä| őh ëk mof cf lheotokŭofat hlok|h|cto lo kc|utč o|khmč& tofhjhac}č& muf|utcfč }cu hloafajhmč+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& ~tadcdhfh|c|oc ukuh makefhm| `hfh|ct lo `cto c`~facto o}|o tolu}č& ëk |h`~ mo makefhm|ofo tojhakcfo őh mofo hk|otko ct ~u|oc eh `ch etomok|o& hct oeom|uf fat lhtom| }cu mu`ufc| ” jtou lo mak|tafc|+ @olhuf lo }omuth|c|o hk|otkcŭhakcf }o cefč ëk|t-a }mbh`dcto tc~hlč+ _kofo }mbh`dčth }uk|& ëk|ta cku`h|č `č}utč& ~tohwhdhfo& eho mč lomutj lhk oafuŭhc adhom|hč c `olhufuh lo }omuth|c|o& eho mč to~towhk|č towuf|c|uf cf ukat }|tc|ojhh őh ~tajtc`o+ @cgath|c|oc }mbh`dčthfat }uk| ëk}č ëk}aŭh|o lo a `cto lawč lo hkmot|h|ulhko mc kc|utč& c`~facto őh lutc|č& hct ukofo ~a| coc mctcm|ot }ut~thkwč|at& }oh}`hm őh lo lh}mak|hkuh|c|o+ ^tafheotctoc kahfat th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth ” lo kc|utč c}h`o|thmč ” c`~fhehmč c}~om|ofo lo hk}omuth|c|o cfo `olhufuh jfadcf& ec~| mo maklumo fc lo}|tum|utctoc ombhh atlhkh hk|otkcŭhakcfo c}|eof mč& ~ot}~om|hc ut`č|athfat 3>-3? ckh& atlhkoc jfadcfč chwäkl ctč|c }ok}hdhf lheoth|& maklhŭhhfo ëk mctoëklhkc`hmc tofcŭhhfat hk|otkcŭhakcfo ecathwocwč oeat|uthfo mak}|tumŭhc ukuhëkkau ombhfhdtu hk|otkcŭhakcf ” mc~cdhf }č c}hjuto or~ck}hukoc fhdot|čŭhh őh lo`amtcŭhoh+ @olhuf @ol huf lo }omuth }omuth|c| |c|oo o} o}|o |o mctcm| mctcm|oth othwc| wc| ~to~ak ~to~aklot lotok| ok| lo ut`č|a ut`č|acto ctofo fo |ok |oklhk lhkŭo ŭo `cgato `cgato77 cmmofo cmm ofotct tctoc oc ~tamo ~tamo}of }ofat at lo jfa jfadcf dcfhwc hwcto to őh lo hk| hk|ojt ojtcto cto toj tojhak hakcfč cfč&& mak makma` ma`h|o h|ok| k| mu ~ta ~tafhe fheotc otctoc toc cmŭhukhfat cäkl mc }ma~ etcj`ok|ctoc }|c|cfč9 makotjokŭc towakcdhfč c oeat|uthfat mak}cmtc|o }|tum }|tum|utč |utčthh thh ukoh ukoh kah ctbh|om ctbh|om|ut |uthh lo }o }omut muth|c h|c|o& |o& }|cdhf }|cdhfoo őh ~to ~tolhm lhm|hd |hdhfo hfo&& ëk}aŭh ëk}aŭh|č |č lo cmm cmmok| ok|uc uctoc toc |oklhkŭofat tojhakcfo ckctbhmo9 tohjatctoc oeat|uthfat }|c|ofat hwäkl ~towotctoc hkefuokŭoh fat ëk lhkc`h lhk c`hmc mc tofcŭh tofcŭhhfa hfatt hk|otkc hk|otkcŭha ŭhakcf kcfo& o& ëk ~ctcfo ~ctcfoff mu `uf `uf|h~ |h~fhm fhmcto ctocc eat eat`of `ofat at őh mto mtoő|o ő|otoc toc ~ak ~aklo lothh thh hk|otokŭhoh cm|athfat ko}|c|cfh ëk lhkc`hmc tofcŭhhfat hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ Ëk cmoc}|č fu`o ma`~forč& lhkc`hmč }h |utdufok|č& maketuk|ctoc ~thkmh~cfč }o ~act|č ëk|to cfath euklc`ok|cf lheoth|o& ëk|to lo`amtcŭho őh |a|cfh|cth}`& őh o}|o lo|ot`hkc|č lo cjto}hukoc `cgatč c |otath}`ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf lo }atjhk|o or|to`h}|-tofhjhac}č& }|tum|utc| ëk toŭofo |tck}etak|cfhoto& ë`~a|thc }|c|ofat lo`amtc|hmo őh c eatŭofat ~afh|hmo tcŭhakcfo lhk }|c|ofo ckjcgc|o ëk ~tamo}uf lo`amtc|hwčthh+ \oklhkŭofo `cgato mo juotkocwč oafuŭhhfo jfadcfo ëk o~amc ~a}|-dh~afctč mtoocwč ëkjthg ëkj thgatč atčth th gu} gu}|he |hehmc hmc|o& |o& jokoto jokotocwč cwč kah ~ta ~taam amčth čth&& aeotč aeotč a~a a~at|u t|ukh| kh|čŭh čŭh őh ~towhk ~towhk|č |č th}mut th}muthh fc clto}c clto}c cfathfat őh hk|oto}ofat kcŭhakcfo+ Jfadcfhwctoc o}|o ~thkmh~cfuf eoka`ok mcto hkefuokŭocwč `olhuf lo }omuth|c|o mak|o`~atck& mtoäkl c|ä| a~at|ukh|čŭh lo lowaf|cto& mä| őh kah th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth+ Ëk cmo}| `olhu& khmh uk }|c| ku }o ~ac|o hwafc }cu tč`äko kou|tu& khmh uk }|c| ku o}|o fc clč~a}| őh khmh ukuf ku |toduho }č tč`äkč ëk cectc ~tamo}ofat jfadcfo+ Mc ut`cto& }omuth|c|oc hk|otkcŭhakcfč |hklo |a| `ch `uf| }č-őh `ckheo}|o mctcm|otuf hklhhwhdhf& hct ma`ukh|c|oc hk|otkcŭhakcfč o}|o |a| `ch makő|hok|č lo tč}~uklothfo jfadcfo mo ëh tohk+ ^thkmh~hcf& jfadcfhwctoc ~taehfocwč a őck}č tocfč lo oafuŭho omaka`hmč ~awh|hč& c~|č }č mtoowo ~ta}~oth|c|o& lct ëk}mthotoc ~o cmoc}|č |oklhkŭč ku o}|o a mot|h|ulhko jctck|c|č ~ok|tu ehomcto ŭctč9 oc lo~hklo lo mc~cmh|c|oc }|c|ofat lo c or~fac|c c}|eof lo a~at|ukh|čŭh& ~ok|tu mc& ëk mcw mak|tct&  ~ok|tu a ŭctč& mof `ch `cto th}m o}|o cmofc lo c tč`äko ëk cectc ~tamo}ofat jfadcfhwc|acto ~awh|ho+ mak|or|uf cmo}|oh makehjutcŭhh ma`~foro c }mokoh jfadcfo& tojhukh ëk|tojh }uk|c`~fhehmctoc ceom|c|o lo }|čth loËkhk}|cdhfh|c|o őh makefhm|& lo }čtčmho őh etu}|tcto mcto jokotocwč }cu ecathwocwč kahfat th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth+ Lhk|to cmo}|oc& ukofo ~a| coc uk h`~cm| `cgat c}u~tc }omuth|čŭhh Ta`äkhoh+ Fc khof tojhakcf& c|ä| ëk }ul-o}|uf Outa~oh ” ëkloa}odh ëk Dcfmckhh lo Uo}| Uo}| őh ëk tojhukoc =


@čthh Kojto ” ~ot}h}|č }cu }~ato}m ëk hk|ok}h|c|o }|čth lo |ok}huko lo|ot`hkc|o lo ombh lh}~u|o lo kc|utč o|khmč }cu tofhjhac}č& }o~ctc|h}|o ath lo mak|o}|cto c etak|hotofat orh}|ok|o& ~tomu` őh lo mth`hkcfh|c|oc |tck}etak|cfhotč ëk mtoő|oto9 `uf|o lhk|to cmo}|o |ok}hukh cu ~a|okŭhcf or~fawh+ or~fawh+ Fhmbhlctoc ma`ukh}`ufuh mc }h}|o` ~afh|hm őh hk}|cutctoc lo`amtcŭhoh ëk Outa~c Mok|tcfč őh lo O}|& or|hklotoc KC\A őh c _khukhh Outa~oko& lo}mbhlotoc etak|hotofat& hk|ok}hehmctoc efuruthfat  lo ~ot}acko& `čteuth őh mc~h|cf& ~tomu` őh lowaf|ctoc |obkafajhmč cu mtoc| ~to`h}o ecatcdhfo   ~ok|tu tcmatlctoc kahfat lo`amtcŭhh fc wakc lo ~ta}~oth|c|o őh }omuth|c|o outa-c|fck|hmc+ ^ok|tu Ta`äkhc& cmo}|o eoka`oko& matadatc|o mu }h|ucŭhc }c joa~afh|hmč& }o mak}|h|uho ëk a~at|ukh|čŭh }|tc|ojhmo h`~at|ck|o& ëk|to mcto mofo `ch }o`khehmc|ho }uk|7 c~ct|okokŭc fc Cfhckŭc Katl-C|fck|hmč9 hk|ojtctoc ëk }~cŭhuf omaka`hm& ~afh|hm& muf|utcf őh lo }omuth|c|o ma`ukh|ct9 mtoő|otoc tafufuh őh c  ~aklothh tojhukhh @čthh Kojto ëk ~toamu~čthfo lo }omuth|c|o őh okotjo|hmo cfo Outa~oh9 or~othokŭc cm cmu` u`uf ufc| c|čč ëk ~ct|h ~ct|hmh mh~c ~cto tocc fc `h}h `h}huk ukhh hk| hk|ot otkc kcŭha ŭhakc kcfo fo ëk }~ }~th thgh ghku kuff ~č ~čmh mhh9 h9 jt jtcl cluf uf thlhm thlhmc| c| lo hk|ota~otcdhfh|c|o c hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo }omuth|c|o őh c~čtcto cfo Ta`äkhoh mu }|tum|uthfo }h`hfcto cfo }|c|ofat `o`dto cfo Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo őh _khukhh Outa~oko+



C}~om|o jokotcfo ~thhkl }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč 3+ Jokotcfh|čŭh Mc hloo jokotcfč& ~ctclhj`c  }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo ëőh cto tčlčmhkhfo ëk makmo~|uf makeat` mčtohc }|c|uf o}|o ~thkmh~cfuf cm|at cf tofcŭhhfat hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ Lo cmooc athmo cdatlcto c}u~tc cmo}|ohc ku ~ac|o eh ečmu|č lomä| ~thk ~th}`c }|täk}oh fojč|uth mcto orh}|č ëk|to ë k|to }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč őh moc hk|otkcŭhakcfč hk|otkcŭhakcfč&& loactomo loactomo }omuth|c|oc& }omuth|c|oc& fc athmo khof ct eh ckcfhwc|č ckcfhwc|č&& cto mc }udh }udhom| om| mok|tcf a`uf& mcto |tck}moklo |ac|o jtckhŭofo+   ]omuth|c  ]om uth|c|oc |oc kcŭha kcŭhakcfč kcfč to~towhk|č maklhŭhc euklc`ok|cfč c orh}|okŭoh kcŭhukhh őh }|c|ufuh ta`äk mcto cto mc la`okhu lo toeothkŭč cfathfo& hk|oto}ofo őh komo}h|čŭhfo kcŭhakcfo+ Ta`äkhc& mc }|c| `o`dtu mu lto~|uth lo~fhko cf KC KC\A \A őh _khukhh Outa~oko& cto koaho lo a kauč }|tc|ojho lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč& mc~cdhfč }č c}hjuto lh`hkuctoc }ud}|ckŭhcfč c lomcfcgofat ecŭč lo }|c|ofo lowaf|c|o lhk }~cŭhuf ma`ukh|ct& }č ~toëk|ä`~hko őh }č mak|tcmctowo c`okhkŭčthfo fc clto}c mo|čŭokhfat& ma`ukh|čŭhfat& kcŭhukhh őh }|c|ufuh ta`äk& }č jo}|hakowo a~otc|h őh oehmhok| }h|ucŭhhfo lo mthwč őh }č ~ct|hmh~o cm|h fc ~tamo}ofo lo hk|ojtcto őh maa~otcto+ ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč& |toduho }č toefom|o `alhehmčthfo mcto cu cu| fam ëk `olhuf lo }omuth|c|o hk|otk őh hk|otkcŭhakcf& tocfh|čŭhfo őh |oklhkŭofo jfadcfo+ Oc o}|o ~ct|o hk|ojtck|č c }omuth|čŭhh outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo őh mak}|h|uho uk |a| ukh|ct euklc`ok|c| ~o oeat| kcŭhakcf& ~o cmŭhuko ma`ukč& maa~otcto őh ~ct|okothc|+ ]omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč }o c}hjutč ~thk oeat|uth ~ta~thh őh ~thk maa~otcto mu cfhcŭhh őh ~ct|okothh& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu ~toolothfo ~tajtc`ofat kcŭhakcfo& cfo }|tc|ojhoh lo }omuth|c|o c _khukhh Outa~oko őh cfo makmo~|ofat }|tc|ojhmo cfo Cfhckŭoh+ Oc |toduho }č hwowo ct`akhwctoc oeat|uthfat kcŭhakcfo mu ckjcgc`ok|o ckjcgc`ok|ofo fo hk|otkcŭhakcfo őh hlok|hehmctoc `alcfh|čŭhfat lo fumtulo`amtcŭhoh& c~|o }č ~tohkč }č}|cdhfh|čŭhh mak|tcmctowo a~at|uk c`okhkŭčthfo+ Oeat|uthfo hwocwč& |a|alc|č& ~ta`actoc ~čmhhőh őh ëk omhkč|c|o őh ëk cf|o wako lo hk|oto} }|tc|ojhm& tolumotoc ufkotcdhfh|čŭhfat& lowaf|ctoc mc~cdhfh|čŭhfat  kcŭhakcfo őh |tck}eat`ctoc ~taeuklč c hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo }omuth|c|o+ ]omuth|c|o ]omu th|c|occ kcŭha kcŭhakcfč kcfč o}|o uk lto~| lto~| h`~to h`~to}mth~ }mth~|hdhf |hdhf mcto lothč lhk }uo }uotckh|c tckh|c|oc |oc lo~fh lo~fhkč kč c  ~a~atufuh& }o euklc`ok|ocwč ëk atlhkoc mak}|h|uŭhakcfč őh }o ëkeč~|uhoő|o ëk mak|or|uf }omuth|čŭhh tojhakcfo& outa-c|fck|hmo őh jfadcfo+ ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč tč}~uklo koahh őh adfhjcŭhoh lo ~ta|omŭho fojh|h`č ë`~a|thc th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat mo ~uk ëk ~othmaf lto~|uthfo őh fhdot|čŭhfo euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh& ~tomu` őh dcwofo orh}|okŭoh }|c|ufuh ta`ck& őh hwocwč& mu ~thath|c|o& la`okhhfo őh cm|hh|čŭhfo mak}cmtc|o }|čthh lo fojcfh|c|o& }hjutckŭoh mo|čŭockufuh& }omuth|čŭhh ~udfhmo őh c~čtčthh kcŭhakcfo+ Oc }o tocfhwocwč ~thk `č}ut `č }uthh cm cm|ho |ho lo kc|ut kc|utčč ~afh|hm ~afh|hmč& č& om omaka aka`hm `hmč& č& lh~ lh~fa` fa`c|h c|hmč mč&& }am }amhcf hcfč& č& gut guthlh hlhmč& mč& cl` cl`hkh hkh}|t }|tc|h c|hč č őh `hfh|ctč& ~thk cm|hh|c|oc lo hkeat`cŭhh& mak|tchkeat`cŭhh őh }omuth|c|o őh ~thk jo}|hakctoc oehmhok|č c mthwofat&& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu kat`ofo lo makluh|č cfo ma`ukh|čŭhh lo`amtc|hmo hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ mthwofat ]|c|u|uf lo `o`dtu cf Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo őh cf _khukhh Outa~oko ~o mcto ëf cto Ta`äkhc& cmŭhakäkl ëk|t-uk }~cŭhu lo }omuth|c|o mcto cto fc dcwč cfath& hk|oto}o őh adhom|ho ma`uko& euklc`ok|c|o ~o ~thkmh~hhfo őh kat`ofo lo`amtcŭhoh& }|c|ufuh lo lto~| őh omaka`hoh lo ~hcŭč& aeotč ŭčthh kac}|to maklhŭhh ecatcdhfo lo lowaf|cto omaka`hmč őh }amhcfč lutcdhfo& lo ~ct|hmh~cto cm|hč fc cmŭhukhfo lo `okŭhkoto c ~čmhh őh }|cdhfh|čŭhh ëk ~fck tojhakcf őh jfadcf& fc mak|tcmctctoc oehmhok|č c|ä| c th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat mfc}hmo& mä| őh c mofat c}h`o|thmo+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& mak}|tumŭhc őh lowaf|ctoc clomc|č c mc~cmh|čŭhfat kcŭhakcfo lo tč}~uk} fc   ~taamčthfo mak|o`~atcko& ëk mcltuf }h}|o`ufuh lo c~čtcto ma`ukč őh cf ~afh|hmhh or|otko őh lo }omuth|c|o ma`uko& cf jctckŭhhfat lo }omuth|c|o aeoth|o lo hk}|h|uŭhhfo outa~oko őh outa-c|fck|hmo&  ~tomu` őh |tck}eat`ctoc& `alotkhwctoc }cu clc~|ctoc a~at|ukč c cmo}|at mc~cmh|čŭh ëk eukmŭho lo mothkŭofo kaufuh `olhu lo }omuth|c|o& mak}|h|uho ~hfakhh lo dcwč ch }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo+ ]omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč }o c}hjutč c|ä| ~thk oeat| kcŭhakcf hk|otk& ~thk }|tc|ojhh }h eatŭo ~ta~thh& mä| őh ~thk maa~otctoc mu cfhcŭhh őh ~ct|okothh& ëk mak}akckŭč mu ~toolothfo makmo~|ofat }|tc|ojhmo cfo Cfh Cfhckŭ ckŭoh oh Kat Katl-C l-C|fc |fck|hm k|hmoo őh }h}|o`c|hmo mu }|t }|tc|o c|ojhc jhc lo }omuth }omuth|c|o |c|oloc}omuth|c|o& _kh _khukh ukhhh Outa~o Out a~oko& ko& mcto mcto aeo aeotč tč dcwof dc wofoo a~otcŭhakcfo cfo mafcdatčthh mu atjckhwcŭhhfo c~čtcto őh maa~otcto tojhakcfč őh jfadcfč+ ?


Ucfathfo euklc`ok|cfo ~o |o`ohuf mčtatc ~a~atuf ta`äk ëőh mak}|tuhoő|o lo}|hkuf ” ma`uko mc o}okŭč mu cfathfo ma`ukh|čŭhh outa-c|fck|hmo ” }uk| cmofo ofo`ok|o loehkh|athh cfo ~taehfufuh kcŭhakcf ~thk ~ta|ogctoc& ~ta`actoc őh c~čtctoc mčtatc }o c}hjutč maklhŭhhfo o}okŭhcfo cfo orh}|okŭoh őh lo`kh|čŭhh ta`äkhfat& ëk mcltuf mafom|hh|čŭhfat& }|c|ufuh kcŭhakcf őh cf atjckhwcŭhhfat ~afh|hmo őh lo }omuth|c|o lhk mcto Ta`äkhc ecmo ~ct|o+ Ucfathfo cfathfo kcŭ kcŭhak hakcfo cfo ma mak}| k}|h|uh h|uhoo ~to`h} ~to`h}ofo ofo ~o dcwč dcwč mčtatc mčtatc }|c|uf }|c|uf ta` ta`äk äk ” ëk orotmh orotmh|ct |ctoc oc c|thduŭhhfat euklc`ok|cfo ëkmtolhkŭc|o lo ~a~atuf }uotck őh ëk cmatl mu ~toolothfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf ” ëőh mak}|tuhoő|o }h}|o`uf lo atjckhwcto őh eukmŭhakcto c }amho|čŭhh ~thk hk|ot`olhuf hk}|h|uŭhhfat& atjckhwcŭhhfat lo`amtc|hmo őh cf cmŭhukhh mhhmo+

4+ La`okhh lo lo cdatlcto Mak}|tumŭhc őh hcdhfh|c|oc ukoh }|tc|ojhh lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč& mcto |toduho& ~thk|to cf|ofo& }č eho ~ta}~om|hč& o}|o lc|č lo `aluf lo cdatlcto c lhtomŭhhfat ut`č|actofat la`okhh7 c( la`okhuf ~afh|hma-cl`hkh}|tc|h9  d( la`okhuf omaka`hm omaka`hm99 m( la`okhuf }amhcf9 l( la`okhuf olumcŭhoh& motmo|čthh őh muf|uthh muf|uthh99 o( la`okhuf }hjutckŭoh kcŭhakcfo őh atlhkhh ~udfhmo9 ~udfhmo9 e( la`okhuf c~čtčthh kcŭhakcfo9 kcŭhakcfo9 j( la`okhuf ~afh|hmhh or|otko or|otko++   c+ La`okhuf ~afh|hma-cl`hkh}|tc|h @alotkhwc @alo toc }amho|čŭh }am ho|čŭhh ta`äkoő|h ta`äk oő|h ~to}u ~to}u~uko ~uko cmŭhukh eot`o ëk|čthtoc ëk|čt htocloeukm eukmŭhoh loo tojfo`ok tojfo` ok|ct |ctoo tkhwctoc c }|c|ufu }|c |ufuh h őh c hcu|ath cu| ath|cŭ |cŭhh hh hk}|h|u hk} |h|uŭhh ŭhhfat fat }c }cfo+ fo+ Toc Tocfhw fhwcto ctocc~ok|tu adh adhom| om|ho hofat fat }omuth }omŭhoh uth|c| |c|o kcŭhakcfč }afhmh|č lowaf|ctoc mc~cmh|čŭhh kat`c|ho c }|c|ufuh ta`äk& ~thk `č}uth cla~|c|o ëk `al lo`amtc|hm& mcto }č to}~om|o ~thkmh~huf }o~ctčthh ~u|othfat őh }č c}hjuto toeat`c hk}|h|uŭhakcfč őh cl`hkh}|tc|hč+ ]|c|uf& mc atjckhwc|at cf maowhukhh kcŭhakcfo őh }amhcfo& |toduho }č lohkč a hk}|h|uŭho }u~fč őh oehmhok|č& lodhtamtc|hwc|č& cefc|č ëk }fugdc mo|čŭockufuh+ Ëk|tojuf }h}|o` ~afh|hm }o c ~oteomŭhakc  ~ok|tu c }o lo}mbhlo mč|to mo|čŭock őh ~ok|tu c ma`~fo|c lo`amtcŭhc to~towok|c|hč mu ht|uŭhfo lo`amt lo` amtcŭho cŭhohh ~ct|hm ~ct|hmh~c h~c|h |ho9 o9 ~thk ~thk ut`cto ut`cto&& orotmh| orotmh|cto ctocc ~u|oth ~u|othhh ~a ~afh|h fh|hmo mo c c}hju c}hjutc tc ~ct ~ct|hm |hmh~c h~ctoc toc őh mak|ta mak |tafuf fuf mo mo|čŭ |čŭock ockufu ufuhh c} c}u~t u~tcc hk}|h|u hk}|h|uŭhh ŭhhfat fat őh ~tamo ~tamo}uf }ufuh uh lo fucto fucto c lom lomhwh hwhhfa hfatt& ~thk ~thk to}~om to}~om|cto |ctocc kat`ofat őh tojufhfat lo`amtc|hmo& ëk makmatlckŭč mu ~toolothfo Mak}|h|uŭhoh+ Cm|hh|c|oc lo fojheotcto |toduho }č chdč ëk oloto uk mcltu makmo~|ucf ukh|ct őh maotok|& ~o lo~fhk ma`~c|hdhf mu fojh}fcŭhc outa~ockč& mu ~thkmh~hhfo cmsuh}ufuh ma`ukh|ct& mu }h}|o`uf lo tojfo`ok|čth ~ta~thu _khukhh Outa~oko& ut`čthkl |a|alc|č ~ta`actoc hk|oto}ofat Ta`äkhoh őh mo|čŭokhfat oh+ C~fhmctoc }|thm|č őh }ootč c fojhfat ecŭč lo |aŭh mo|čŭokhh őh ëk |ac|o ë`~togutčthfo& ëk }~hth|uf őh fh|otc Mak}|h|uŭhoh& mak}|h|uho a mothkŭč `cgatč ~ok|tu |ac|o hk}|h|uŭhhfo }|c|ufuh& lo ëklo~fhkhtoc mčtohc lo~hkl lo~ hkl lom lomh}h h}h mao maowhu whuko kocc }amhc }amhcfč& fč& ëkmtol ëkmtoloto otocc mo|čŭo mo|čŭokhf khfat at ëk cu|ath| cu|ath|čŭh čŭhfo fo ~udfhm ~udfhmo& o& }afhlc }afhlcth|c th|c|oc |oc kcŭhakcfč+ Lo cmooc }o h`~uk7 c}hjutctoc matom|h|ulhkhh cm|ufuh cl`hkh}|tc|h őh lo gu}|hŭho& }|cdhfh|c|o fojh fojh}f }fc| c|h hčč őh }h }h`~ `~fhe fhehm hmct ctoc oc mc mclt ltufu ufuhh guth guthlh lhm& m& ce ceht` ht`ct ctoc oc gu gu}|h }|hŭh ŭhoh oh mc hk hk}| }|h| h|uŭ uŭho ho c mhk} mhk}|o |ohh őh  ~taeo}hakcfh}`ufuh+ O}|o komo}ctč& lo c}o`okoc& clc~|ctoc `ch or~fhmh|č c mcltufuh fojh}fc|h fc mothkŭofo lo ma`dc|oto c |otath}`ufuh őh mth`oh atjckhwc|o& ~tomu` őh fc mothkŭofo mcto lomutj lhk komo}h|c|oc ~ct|hmh~čthh eatŭofat lhk }h}|o`uf lo c~čtcto fc a~otcŭhukh őh `h}hukh ma`uko& ë`~toukč mu eatŭofo cf|at }|c|o& ~o |oth|athuf kcŭhakcf őh ëk cectc cmo}|uhc+

d+ La`okhuf omaka`hm Omaka`hc lo ~hcŭč eukmŭhakcfč ~to}u~uko uk oeat| makgujc| őh maatlakc| lo tocfhwcto c adhom|hofat lo Ta`äkhc lamu`ok|ofo cu }|c| mu őh }|cu fc dcwc lookhthh kac}|to mc }|c| `o`dtu c}u`c|o mu lto~|uth lo~fhko cf~thk _khukhh Outa~oko&mcto ëk ~ctcfof `č}uth lo a~|h`hwcto c mcltufuh kat`c|h ëk la`okhu+ 5


Tofck}ct Tofck }ctoc oc omaka` omaka`hoh hoh ma mak}| k}|h|uh h|uhoo a ~thath ~thath|c| |c|oo c }omut }omuth|č h|čŭhh ŭhh kcŭ kcŭhak hakcfo cfo&& to}~om to}~om|h |h ~afh|hm ~afh|hmhh hh omaka`hmo c }|c|ufuh+ Lhtomŭhhfo lo cmŭhuko cu|o ëk oloto ëk cmo}| la`okhu }uk|7 - mak}afhlc mak}afhlctoc toc }|cdh }|cdhfh|čŭhh fh|čŭhh `cmtaomak `cmtaomaka`hmo a`hmo&& cla~|ctoc cla~|ctoc ukat ~afh|hmh ~afh|hmh eh}mc eh}mcfo fo maoto maotok|o& k|o& ~thk tojfo`ok|č tojfo `ok|čth th }h`~fhehmc }h`~fhehmc|o |o őh }|h`ufc|ho }|h`ufc|ho&& toeat`c toeat`c h`~awh|ofat h`~awh|ofat&& tolumotoc tolumotoc mbof mbof|uhofh |uhofhfat fat hk|otko hk|otko őh to}|tum|utctoc `cthfat ma`~ckhh őh }amho|čŭh cfo }|c|ufuh& a ~afh|hmč `ako|ctč őh c mut}ufuh lo }mbh`d clomc|č9 - ë`dukč|čŭhtoc `olhufuh lo cecmoth& lh`hkuctoc dhtamtcŭhoh& tojfo`ok|čth ecathwck|o ~ok|tu hko}|hŭhh őh ~ok|tu `okŭhkotoc mtoő|othh omaka`hmo ~thk ~talumŭho ~oteat`ck|č motu|č lo ~hcŭč9 - }|h`ufctoc }|h`ufctoc&& ~thk tojfo`ok|čth tojfo`ok|čth oehmhok| oehmhok|oo őh }ud lheoth|o eat`o& c ëk|to ëk|to~thklo ~thklothfat thfat `hmh őh `hgfamhh9 - mak|hkuctoc ~thc|hwčthh& to}|tum|utčthh őh `alotkhwčthh& mu cmmok| ~o lhkc`hwctoc la`okhhfat  hklu}|thcfo őh ~talum|ho mcto cu ~a|okŭhcf& ëk maklhŭhhfo ~tajtc`ofat }om|athcfo cfo _khukhh Outa~oko ath makokh|o mu atjckh}`ofo ehkckmhcto hk|otkcŭhakcfo9 - ~ta`a ~ta`acto ctocc ukat ukat ~afh|hm ~afh|hmhh hklu}| hklu}|thc thcfo fo eukmŭha eukmŭhakcf kcfo& o& mato} mato}~uk ~ukwc wc|ac |acto to ko koahf ahfat at }amhcf }amhcfoo őh clc~|cdhfo mothkŭofat ~hoŭoh9 - lowaf|ctoc maa~otčthh omaka`hmo hk|otkcŭhakcfo ~thk eat`o kah& `ch cm|ho őh }|h`ufc|ho& lo ma`otŭ or|othat9 - mak}afhlctoc }om|atufuh dckmct őh lo c}hjutčth9 lh}mh~fhkctoc ~hoŭofat lo mc~h|cf ëk mcto }uk| h`~fhmc|o mc|ojathh fctjh lo ~a~ufcŭho9 - tofck}ctoc cjthmuf|uthh őh lowaf|ctoc }hfhmuf|uthh9 - c`okcgctoc |oth|athufuh őh tocdhfh|ctoc hketc}|tum|uthh lo |tck}~at|9 - ~ta`a ~ta`acto ctocc kahfa kahfatt |obkafajhh |obkafajhh oehm oehmhok|o hok|o őh |tomotoc |tomotoc oeom oeom|hč |hč fc tocfhw tocfhwctoc ctoc eukm eukmŭhakc ŭhakcfh|čŭhf fh|čŭhfat  at  ukoh }amho|čŭh hkeat`cŭhakcfo9 - lowaf|ctoc |uth}`ufuh őh mak}afhlctoc mcltufuh hk}|h|uŭhakcf őh fojh}fc|h toeoth|at fc `olhuf ëkmakgutc|at őh mcfh|c|oc `olhufuh9 - atho athok| k|ct ctoc oc ~ok| ~ok|tu tu c| c|tc tcjo joto tocc lo hko hko}| }|hŭh hŭhhh }|tč }|tčhk hko& o& ëk ëklo loa} a}od odhh lh lhkk }~ }~cŭ cŭhu huff ou outa ta~o ~ock ck őh outac|fck|hm9 - low lowaf|cto af|ctocc cm|hh|čŭhf cm|hh|čŭhfat at lo ma`otŭ ma`otŭ hk|oth hk|othat at&& hkmfu}h hkmfu}h ~thk tojfo`ok| tojfo`ok|čth čth cfo cl`h cl`hkh}|tc kh}|tcŭhoh ŭhoh  ~udfhmo famcfo ~thhkl }|h`ufctoc ~talumŭhoh őh ~hoŭofat famcfo9 - c}hjutctoc ~ta|omŭhoh mak}u`c|athfat9 - jctck|ctoc ukuh }h}|o` makmutokŭhcf fhdot őh ako}|+

m+ La`okhuf }amhcf ^tadfo ^ta dfo`o `ofo fo }o }omut muth|č h|čŭhh ŭhh }am }amhcf hcfoo |toduh |toduhoo }č }o toe toeoto oto&& ëk| ëk|to to cf|ofo cf|ofo&& fc }|ctoc }|ctoc lo hk} hk}om omuth| uth|c|o c|o hklhhlucfč& fc lomfhkuf lo`ajtcehm őh etcjhfhwctoc }|čthh lo }čkč|c|o c ~a~ufcŭhoh& fc o`hjtcŭhc |hkoto|ufuh hk}|tuh| őh }u~otla|c|& fc hk}uehmhok|c mak}cmtc mak}cmtcto& to& ~o |ac|o ma`~akok|ofo& c }amho|čŭhh mhhfo őh fc cd}okŭc ukoh mfc}o lo `hgfam ~u|otkhmo+ ^afh|hmc ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh }amhcfo |toduho }č hwowo |ac|o cmo}|o c}~om|o& mu cmmok| ~o ma`dc|otoc }čtčmhoh& mak}afhlctoc lhcfajufuh őh c }afhlcth|čŭhh }amhcf }am hcfoo őh cfh cfhkho khotoc toc fc kat`o kat`ofo fo outa~o outa~oko ko ëk la`okh la`okhuf uf amu~č amu~čthh thh eat eatŭoh ŭoh lo `ukmč+ `ukmč+ ^th ^thkmh kmh~cf ~cfofo ofo eoka`oko eoka `oko }amhc }amhcfo fo mcto cf|oto cf|otocwc cwc maowhukoc maowhukoc }amho|čŭhh }amho|čŭhh ta`äk ta`äkoő|h oő|h őh cmmo cmmok|uoc k|uocwč wč ufko ufkotcdhfh tcdhfh|c|oc |c|oc cmo}|ohc fc mthwo őh makefhm|o }amhcfo }uk| lo|ot`hkc|o lo oafuŭhh kojc|ho fc khof `cmtaomaka`hm őh lo hkmaotokŭc mcltufuh fojh}fc|h fojh}fc|h++ Ëk cmo}| cmo}| }ok }ok}} }|t }|tc|o c|ojhc jhc |to |toduh duhoo }č }|cdhf }|cdhfoc} oc}mč mč kom komo}h o}h|c| |c|oc oc toc tocfhw fhwčth čthhh uka ukatt `alcfh| `alcfh|čŭh čŭh lo }|h`ufcto c }afhlcth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo őh to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭhh mhhmo& c hk|oto}ufuh ~ok|tu `ukmč& c ojcfh|čŭhh lhk|to dčtdcŭh őh eo`oh& c ojcfh|čŭhh lo őck}o ëk ~thhkŭc cmmo}ufuh fc olumcŭho őh ~tojč|hto& c ~ta|omŭhoh }amhcfo+ Mc ut`cto& oeat|uthfo hk}|h|uŭhhfat mu c|thduŭhh ëk la`okhu |t|oduho }č chdč ëk oloto7 - ~ta`actoc lhcfajufuh őh maowhukhh }amhcfo ~thk h`~fhmctoc }|c|ufuh& mc ecm|at lo ombhfhdtu& ëk mak|tcmctctoc oeom|ofat kojc|ho cfo ~tamo}ufuh lo |tckwhŭho őh oafuŭhhfat omaka`hoh lo ~hcŭč9 - toeat`c }h}|o`ufuh lo }omuth|c|o }amhcfč őh lh`hkuctoc loehmh|ufuh lo ehkckŭcto c ~ta|omŭhoh }amhcfo9- ofcdatctoc& ëk maa~otcto mu ~ct|okothh }amhcfh& c ukuh ~fck kcŭhakcf lo cmŭhuko ëk la`okhuf amu~čthh eatŭoh lo `ukmč& mcto }č c}hjutc maotokŭc cmŭhukhfat ~o ~hcŭc `ukmhh9 - lo}mok|tcfhwctoc lomhwhoh cl`hkh}|tc|ho ëk la`okhuf tc~at|uthfat lo `ukmč9 :


- amu amu~ct ~ctoc oc eatŭo eatŭohh lo `uk `ukmč mč ëk makmat makmatlc lckŭč kŭč mu ath athok ok|čt |čthfo hfo _O& lh`hku lh`hkucto ctocc }a` }a`cg cgufu ufuhh őh c}hjutctoc ukoh ~ta|omŭhh }amhcfo tocfo c őa`othfat& hkmfu}h ~thk c|tcjotoc őh h`~fhmctoc cmo}|atc ëk cm|hh|čŭh lo u|hfh|c|o ~udfhmc& lo}ečőutc|o ëk ~othaclc lh}~akhdhfhwčthh9 - hk}| hk}|h|u h|uht htoc oc ukat ukat ~afh| ~afh|hm hmhh }c }cfc fcth thcf cfoo mato mato}~ }~uk ukwč wč|a |act ctoo ~o ~ote teat at`c `ckŭ kŭof ofat at őh h`~a h`~at| t|ck ckŭo ŭohh la`okhufuh9 - tocfhwctoc toeat`oh ~ok}hhfat& ëk }ma~uf lhot}hehmčthh to}ut}ofat lo c}hjutcto& cf ofh`hkčthh hkombh|čŭhfat őh mtoő|othh ëk |ot`okh tocfh c ~ok}hhfat9 - ~oteomŭhakctoc }h}|o`ufuh lo c}h}|okŭč }amhcfč9 - ë`dukc|čŭhtoc }|čthh lo }čkč|c|o c ~a~ufcŭhoh& ëkmutcgctoc őh tojfo`ok|ctoc ~talumŭhoh hk|otko c `olhmc`ok|ofat lo dcwč9 - c}hj c}hjutcto utctocc ~ta|omŭhoh ~ta|omŭhoh ma~hfufuh& ma~hfufuh& mc ~thath|c|o ~thath|c|o kcŭhakcfč kcŭhakcfč&& őh tojfo tojfo`ok|c `ok|ctoc toc }h}|o }h}|o`ufuh `ufuh lo cla~ŭhh& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu kat`ofo hk|otkcŭhakcfo& h k|otkcŭhakcfo& ëk }~omhcf cfo AK_9 - }~thghkhtoc őh ëk|čthtoc ec`hfhoh mc ok|h|c|o }amhcfč euklc`ok|cfč9 - c`ofha c`ofhatct tctoc oc mak maklhŭ lhŭhhfa hhfatt lo hcŭč hcŭč cfo ~ot}ac ~ot}ackof kofat at őh ec`hfhh ec`hfhhfat fat fh~ fh~}h|o }h|o lo ok okh|u h|uth th }cu }cu mu okh|uth `hmh& ~tookhtoc őh ma`dc|otoc `ctjhkcfhwčthh }amhcfo& lh`hkuctoc }čtčmhoh& ~thk mtoő|otoc jtclufuh lo amu~cto c ~a~ufcŭhoh cm|ho9 - lowaf|ctoc mhh}`ufuh& c }afhlcth|čŭhh }amhcfo őh c lhcfajufuh hk|otmuf|utcf+

l+ La`okhuf olumcŭhoh& motmo|čthh őh muf|uthh ^tadfo ^ta dfo`of `ofoo lo eak eakll cfo cmo}|uh cmo}|uh la`ok la`okhu hu ” mct mctoo ct ~u| ~u|oc oc eh ku`h|o ku`h|o cfo ukoh }om }omuth uth|čŭ |čŭhh muf|utcfo& ëk }ok} fctj ” }uk| ëk `al lhtom| fojc|o f ojc|o lo koahc ceht`čthh ukat kah `ok|cfh|čŭh őh c|h|ulhkh mcto }č mak|thduho fc makehjutctoc lh`ok}hukhh muf|utcfo őh mhhfhwc|athh c toeat`ofat& motu|č ëk `al h`~fhmh| lo kauf ka}|tu }|c|u| outa~ock őh outac|fck|hm+ ]~hth|uf ma`ukh|ct& }afhlcth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč& muf|utc cefč ma`ukhmcŭhakcfč& c|h|ulhkoc ecŭč lo ~oteat`ckŭc& ëkmč to}~om|uf ~ok|tu ofh|o őh ~ta`actoc fat }o ëk }|clhh hk}uehmhok|o lo lowaf|cto+ Lo cmooc ~ukotoc ëk cfacto őh lowaf|ctoc ~a|okŭhcfufuh muf|utcf& ő|hhkŭhehm őh u`ck lo mcto lh}~uk lh} ~ukoo Ta`äkh Ta`äkhcc ma mak}| k}|h|u h|uho ho a ma`~ak ma`~akok| ok|čč őh a to}ut} to}ut}čč o}o o}okŭh kŭhcfč cfč c }om }omuth uth|čŭ |čŭhh hh kcŭhak kcŭhakcfo cfo őh c `alotkhwčthh }amho|čŭhh ta`äkoő|h+ ^thkmh~cfofo lhtomŭhh lo cmŭhuko ëk cmo}| la`okhu }uk|7 - ~ta`actoc }amho|čŭhh olumcŭhakcfo ëk maa~otcto mu }amho|c|oc mhhfč őh ëk makeat`h|c|o mu Mct|c Cfdč c olumcŭhoh őh eat`čthh& ofcdatc|č lo _khukoc Outa~ockč9 - mak|h mak|hkucto kuctocc toea toeat`oh t`oh }h}|o`ufu }h}|o`ufuhh lo ëkčŭ ëkčŭč`äk č`äk|&|& mc eukl euklc`ok c`ok|| cf ~afh|hm ~afh|hmhfat hfat ëk la`okhuf la`okhuf to}ut}ofat u`cko9 - c}hjutctoc olumcŭhoh lo dcwč& mtoő|otoc mcfh|čŭhh ëkčŭč`äk|ufuh ~toukhot}h|ct9 - tcmatlctoc ëkčŭč`äk|ufuh }u~othat fc mothkŭofo }amhcfo őh omaka`hmo9 - ~ta`actoc ëk }h}|o`uf olumcŭhakcf c mothkŭofat }amho|čŭhh hkeat`cŭhakcfo9 - ë`dukč|čŭhtoc mcltufuh fojh}fc|h őh hk}|h|uŭhakcf ~ok|tu motmo|cto-lowaf|cto9 - tohjatctoc& ~o dcwo ma`~o|h|ho& c }h}|o`ufuh kcŭhakcf lo motmo|cto mc~cdhf }č mak|thduho ëk `al tocf fc `alotkhwctoc }amho|čŭhh ta`äkoő|h9 - lowaf|ctoc őh ~ta`actoc |obkafajhoh hkeat`cŭhoh őh mtoő|otoc ku`čtufuh lo }~omhcfhő|h ëk cmo}| la`okhu9 - ~ta|ogctoc& mak}otctoc őh to}|cutctoc ~c|th`akhufuh kcŭhakcf őh ~ta`actoc }c mc ~ct|o c  ~c|th`akhufuh muf|utcf ukhot}cf9 - ~ta`a ~ta`acto ctocc muf|ut muf|uthh hh mc euk euklc` lc`ok ok|| cf lowa lowaf|č f|čthh thh lut lutcdh cdhfo fo c kcŭ kcŭhuk hukhh hh őh mc kum kumfou fou cf hlok|h|cŭhh kcŭhakcfo9 - ~ta| ~ta|og ogct ctoc oc lho lhot} t}h|č h|čŭh ŭhhh muf|u muf|utc tcfo fo őh to tofhj fhjha hac} c}o& o& ~t ~ta` a`a act ctoc oc `u `uf|h f|hmu muf|u f|utc tcfh fh}` }`uf ufuh uh őh `uf|hmakeo}hakcfh}`ufuh&h& c lhcfajufuh mu to~towok|ckŭhh hoŭhh tofhjhac}o9 `uf|hmakeo}hakcfh}`ufu - tohjatctoc ~afh|hmhfat ëk la`okhuf |hkoto|ufuh9 - ë`dukč|čŭhtoc mcltufuh guthlhm őh hk}|h|uŭhakcf ëk la`okhuf tofcŭhhfat hk|oto|khmo& }~thghkhtoc mak}afhlčthh őh lowaf|čthh hlok|h|čŭhh o|khmo9c `alofufuh muf|utcf outa~ock őh outac|fck|hm+ - ~ta`actoc ëk täkluf ~a~ufcŭhoh 2


o+ La`okhuf }hjutckŭoh kcŭhakcfo őh atlhkhh ~udfhmo ^thk }h|uctoc }c fc makefuokŭc c~čtčthh hk|oto}ofat }|c|ufuh őh cfo mo|čŭockufuh cmo}| la`okhu to~towhk|č a ma`~akok|č h`~at|ck|č c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo c Ta`äkhoh+ Cmŭhukhfo }~omhehmo ëk la`okhuf `okŭhkothh atlhkhh ~udfhmo őh }hjutckŭoh kcŭhakcfo at hwc ~tookhtoc őh ma`dc|otoc eoka`okufuh hketcmŭhakcf& ~ta|ogctoc mo|čŭokhfat& c ~ta~tho|čŭhh ~thc|o őh ~udfhmo őh c hketc}|tum|uthh lo hk|oto} }|tc|ojhm+ Lhtomŭhhfo lo cmŭhuko ëk cmo}| la`okhu }uk|7 - ct`a ct`akhwct khwctoc oc fojh}fcŭhoh fojh}fcŭhoh őh c ~tamoluthfa ~tamoluthfatt }~omhehmo }~omhehmo mu tojfo tojfo`ok| `ok|čthfo čthfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo őh mu }|cklctlofo _O ~thhkl eatŭofo őh }othmhhfo lo atlhko ~udfhmč9 - mak}afhlctoc tofcŭhhfat lo ~ct|okothc| mu }|tum|uth }h`hfcto lhk }|c|ofo `o`dto KC KC\A \A őh _O&  ~tomu` őh lowaf|ctoc fojč|uthfat mu mofo c~ctŭhkäkl cf|at }|c|o9 mak|hkuctoc ~ct|hmh~čthh eatŭofat lo atlhko ~udfhmč& mhhfo őh `hfh|cto fc `h}hukh hk|otkcŭhakcfo9 - tojfo` tojfo`ok| ok|cto ctocc tč}~uk tč}~uklot lothh hh @hk @hkh}| h}|otu otufuh fuh Cl`hkh Cl`hkh}|t }|tcŭh cŭhoh oh őh Hk| Hk|otk otkofa ofatt őh c @hk @hkh}| h}|otu otufuh fuh Gu}|hŭhoh ” c }|tum|uthfat cmo}|atc ” ëk otclhmctoc cduwuthfat őh hfojcfh|čŭhfat9 - mak}afhlctoc }h}|o`ufuh hk}|h|uŭhakcf lo cmŭhuko ” }othmhh lo hkeat`cŭhh& ~afhŭho& `hkh}|ot   ~udfhm& gu}|hŭho ” mcto }č ecmč ~a}hdhfč c~fhmctoc eot`č c fojhh9 - ëk|čthtoc cmŭhukhfat lo ~tookhto őh mak|taf ~ok|tu fh`h|ctoc őh }|a~ctoc mth`hkcfh|čŭhh9 - low lowaf|cto af|ctocc ~ot`ckok|č ~ot`ckok|č c mak|tafufu mak|tafufuhh mhhf c}u~tc c}u~tc hk}|h hk}|h|uŭhhfa |uŭhhfatt lhk la`okhuf la`okhuf }hjutckŭoh }hjutckŭoh kcŭhakcfo őh h`~fhmctoc }amho|čŭhh mhhfo ëk c~čtctoc atlhkhh ~udfhmo9 - to}|tum|utctoc }h}|o`ufuh hk}|h|uŭhakcf cf atlhkhh ~udfhmo ~thk lo}mok|tcfhwctoc }othmhhfat lhk la`okhuf atlhkhh ~udfhmo őh lo`hfh|cthwctoc ëk `cto `c}utč c cmo}|atc9 - mak}|h|uhto mak}|h|uhtocc }h}|o`ufu }h}|o`ufuhh kcŭha kcŭhakcf kcf lo jo}|hakcto jo}|hakcto c mthwofat mthwofat ~o ~thkmh~huf ~thkmh~huf `ckcjo`o `ckcjo`ok|ufu k|ufuhh hk|ojtc| cf th}muthfat őh makom|ctoc cmo}|uhc fc atjckh}`ofo orh}|ok|o ëk KC\A KC\A őh _O9 - ma`dc|oto ma`d c|otocctojhakcfč oehmcmo oehmcmo őhc }udtojhakcfč9 |otath}`ufu |otath}`ufuh&h& matu~ŭhoh matu~ŭhoh őh mth`o mth`ohh atjckhwc atjckhwc|o& |o& hkmfu hkmfu}h }h ~thk lhot}o eat`o lo maa~otcto - ë`dukč|čŭhtoc mafcdatčthh lhk|to cu|ath|čŭhfo lhk }h}|o`uf lo c~čtcto őh gu}|hŭho őh c cmo}|atc mu }amho|c|oc mhhfč9 - }omuthwctoc etak|hotoh lo }|c| "ëk }~omhcf c mofoh lhk katl-o}|( ëk makmatlckŭč mu hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo őh orhjokŭofo _khukhh Outa~oko& makma`h|ok| mu `alotkhwctoc ~tamoluthfat lo mak|taf fc etak|hotč9 - mak}|tuhtoc ~ct|okothc|ufuh mu }amho|c|oc mhhfč& hkmfu}h ~thk c}hjutctoc ukuh ombhfhdtu ëk|to lto~|uf fc fhdotc hkeat`cto h keat`cto őh komo}h|c|oc ~ta|ogčthh hkeat`cŭhhfat mfc}hehmc|o9 - ~ta|omŭhc lto~|ufuh fc hk|h`h|c|o& fc ~ta~thc h`cjhko őh fc matom|c hkeat`cto c mo|čŭockufuh9 - c}hjutctoc c}hjutctoc eukmŭha eukmŭhakčthh kčthh fc }|cklctlo }|cklctlo ma`ukh|cto ma`ukh|cto c hk}|h|u hk}|h|uŭhhfat ŭhhfat mcto cu c|thduŭhh ~o fhkhc `hjtcŭhoh őh cwhfufuh+

e+ La`okhuf c~čtčthh kcŭhakcfo Ta`äkhc |toduho }č cmŭhakowo ~ok|tu mak|hkuctoc toeat`oh ct`c|oh& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu }|cklctlofo }|c|ofat `o`dto KC\A őh _O& ~ok|tu lowaf|ctoc ukoh mc~cmh|čŭh lo c~čtcto mtolhdhfo& `alo `a lotko tko őh oe oehm hmho hok| k|o9 o9 }o cu ëk olo oloto to ëk|č ëk|čth thto tocc mak| mak|ta tafu fufu fuhh mhh mhhff c}u~ c}u~tc tc ea eatŭo tŭofa fatt ct`c ct`c|o |o&& ëk makmatlckŭč mu ~thkmh~hhfo őh cfathfo lo`amtcŭhoh& ~tomu` őh mak}afhlctoc }|c|u|ufuh Ta`äkhoh lo jokotc|at lo }omuth|c|o& ~thk mak|hkuctoc őh ë`dukč|čŭhtoc ë `dukč|čŭhtoc mak|thduŭhoh fc }|cdhfh|c|oc tojhakcfč+ ^thkmh~cfofo lhtomŭhh lo cmŭhuko |toduho }č eho7 - ëklo~fhkhtoc adhom|hofat c}u`c|o ëk mcltuf KC\A KC\A őh c}hjutctoc hk|ota~otcdhfh|čŭhh mu eatŭofo Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo9 - lowaf lowaf|ct |ctoc oc ma maa~o a~otčt tčthh hh `hfh|c `hfh|cto to dh- őh `uf `uf|hfc |hfc|ot |otcfo cfo&& ëk oloto olotocc toc tocfhw fhwčth čthhh adhom| adhom|ho hofat  fat  c}u`c|o lo Ta`äkhc& mc `o`dtu mu lto~|uth lo~fhko cf Cfhckŭoh9 - mak} mak}|h|uhto |h|uhtocc őh mak}afhlc mak}afhlctoc toc mc~cdhfh|č mc~cdhfh|čŭhfat ŭhfat komo komo}cto }cto ~ok| ~ok|tu tu ëklo~fhkhto ëklo~fhkhtocc ~otea ~oteat`ck| t`ck|čč c adfhjcŭhhfat c}u`c|o lo Ta`äkhc& lo c ~ct|hmh~c ëk mcltuf ukat a~otcŭhh lo `okŭhkoto c ~čmhh& lo }cfcto& lo tč}~uk} fc mthwo& lo ma`dc|oto c |otath}`ufuh őh lo c}h}|okŭč u`ckh|ctč fc khof }udtojhakcf őh tojhakcf9 - |tck} |tck}eat`c eat`ctoc toc őh `alotkhwct `alotkhwctoc oc Ct`c|oh Ta`äkhoh& Ta`äkhoh& ëkloa}odh ëkloa}odh `alotkhwc `alotkhwctoc toc }|tum }|tum|utcfč |utcfč c eatŭofat őh c }h}|o`ofat lo hk}|tuhto őh mak|hkuctoc ct`akhwčthh mcltufuh fojh}fc|h kcŭhakcf lhk la`okhuf c~čtčthh mu mof orh}|ok| ëk ŭčthfo `o`dto KC\A őh _O9 8


- clc~|ctoc fc maklhŭhhfo mak|o`~atcko c }h}|o`ufuh lo `adhfhwcto őh ~fckhehmcto hk|ojtc|č c c~čtčthh őh c}hjutctoc makmatlckŭoh lhk|to adhom|hofo ~ta~u}o őh to}ut}ofo t o}ut}ofo cfamc|o9 - a~otcŭhakcfhwctoc eatŭofat lo}|hkc|o ~ct|hmh~čthh fc `h}hukh cfo _khukhh Outa~oko& ëk mcltuf  ~afh|hmhh outa~oko lo }omuth|c|o őh c~čtcto& ~tomu` őh cfo KC\A& KC\A& AK_ őh cfo eatu`uthfat!hkhŭhc|hofat  }udtojhakcfo9 - `ck `ckcjo cjo`o `ok|u k|uff oe oehmh hmhok| ok| cf to}ut} to}ut}ofa ofatt u`c u`cko ko őh to}|tu to}|tum|u m|utct tctoc oc ea eatŭo tŭofat fat&& makma` makma`h|o h|ok| k| mu mtoő|otoc mtoő |otoc jtcl jtclufuh ufuh lo ~taeo}hak ~taeo}hakcfhwc cfhwcto to c ~ot}akcfuf ~ot}akcfufuh uh ct`c|oh ct`c|oh őh `alo `alotkhwct tkhwctoc oc ëkčŭ ëkčŭč`äk č`äk|ufuh |ufuh `hfh|ct9 - c}hjutctoc }|amuthfat lo ombh~c`ok|o& |obkhmč lo fu~|č& `ukhŭhh őh `c|othcfo9 - ë`dukč|čŭhtoc mafcdatčthh lhk|to }othmhhfo lo }~omhcfh|c|o ~o fhkhc }mbh`dufuh a~otc|h lo hkeat`cŭhh hwäkl ~a|okŭhcfhh ecm|ath lo th}m fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh őh }|cdhfh|čŭhh hk|otko9 - tolh`o tolh`ok}hak k}hakctoc ctoc mat~ufuh mat~ufuh lo ma`cklč fc khofuf khofuf eatŭofat eatŭofat ëk ~tamo}uf lo |tck}eat` |tck}eat`cto cto őh `alotkhwcto9 - to tojf jfo` o`ok ok|c |cto tocc ~ok} ~ok}ha hakč kčthh thh mc mclt ltof ofat at `h `hfh| fh|ct cto9 o9 c~ c~fhm fhmct ctoc oc ~t ~taj ajtc tc`o `ofa fatt lo toma tomak kot ot}h }hoo  ~taeo}hakcfč c ~ot}akcfufuh lh}~akhdhfhwc| lhk ct`c|č9 - ~fckhehmctoc maotok|č c cm|hh|čŭhh lo ëkwo}|tcto őh cmbhwhŭhh& ~thk maatlakcto mu ~afh|hmhfo ëk la`okhuf omaka`hm& lo ~thc|hwcto őh to}|tum|utcto c hklu}|thoh kcŭhakcfo lo c~čtcto9 lowaf|ctoc őh cmbhwhŭhakctoc lo ombh~c`ok|o kah& hk|ota~otcdhfo mu mofo u|hfhwc|o lo KC KC\A9 \A9 - ëk|čthtoc mak|tafufuh ~ctfc`ok|ct c}u~tc atjckh}`ufuh `hfh|ct9 - }~thghkhtoc cu|ath|čŭhfat ~udfhmo ëk mcw lo utjokŭo mhhfo& lowc}|to }cu mcfc`h|čŭh kc|utčfo+ Mak}hfhuf ]u~to` lo C~čtcto c ŭčthh |toduho }č ëőh ~oteomŭhakowo cm|hh|čŭhfo lo maatlakcto&  ~točwu|o lo Mak}|h|uŭho őh lo fojhfo }~omhcfo& ëk la`okhhfo c~čtčthh kcŭhakcfo& atlhkhh ~udfhmo őh }hjutckŭoh kcŭhakcfo+

j+ La`okhuf ~afh|hmhh or|otko ^afh|hm ^af h|hmcc or|otk or|otkčč c Ta`äkh Ta`äkhoh oh to~tow to~towhk| hk|čč ~th ~thkmh kmh~cf ~cfuf uf `hgfam `hgfam lo ~ta`a ~ta`acto cto c cf cfath athfat fat őh hk|oto}ofat kcŭhakcfo ëk ~fck hk|otkcŭhakcf+ ^afh|hmc or|otkč c eh }u}ŭhku|č ~thk|t-uk oeat| hk|otk lo c}hjutcto c maotokŭoh hk|othk}|h|uŭhakcfo őh c }~thghkufuh a~hkhoh ~udfhmo őh c mak|hkuc }č eho athok|c|č& ők `al ~thath|ct& ~o ut`č|actofo lhtomŭhh7 - h`~fhmctoc ëk ~tamo}uf lo tocfhwcto c ~afh|hmhh outa~oko lo }omuth|c|o őh c~čtcto9 - c~taeu c~taeuklc klctoc toc ^ct ^ct|ok |okoth othc|u c|ufuh fuh }|t }|tc|o c|ojhm jhm hk| hk|ok} ok}heh hehmc| mc| mu ]+_ ]+_+C+ +C+&& lowaf lowaf|ct |ctoc oc tof tofcŭh cŭhhfa hfat  t   dhfc|otcfo mu mofofcf|o ŭčth `o`dto KC\A KC\A őh _O9 - mak}afhlc mak}afhlctoc toc tofcŭhhfat tofcŭhhfat mu mofofcf|o }|c|o `o`dto cfo _khukhh Outa~oko Outa~oko ” ëk ~fck dh- őh `uf|hfc|otcf ”& mu ŭčthfo omhko őh mu }|c|ofo mu mcto Ta`äkhc cto tofcŭhh |tclhŭhakcfo9 - low lowaf|cto af|ctocc maa~ maa~otčthh otčthh mu }|c|ofo }|c|ofo lhk tojhuko& hkmfu}h hkmfu}h ~thk ~ct|hmh~ctoc ~ct|hmh~ctoc fc ~taho ~tahom|o m|o lo maa~otcto tojhakcfč& }udtojhakcfč& |tck}etak|cfhotč |tck}etak|cfhotč őh ëk mcltuf outatojhukhfat9 - lowaf|ctoc& ~o dcwo ~tcj`c|hmo& c tofcŭhhfat ~thhfojhc|o mu To~udfhmc @aflac9 - mak}afhlc mak}afhlctoc toc tafufuh A]MO& mc eatu` lo lhcfa lhcfajj ëk la`okhuf la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh& }omuth|čŭhh& őh low lowaf|cto af|ctocc mc~cmh mc~ cmh|čŭ |čŭhh hh lo cmŭ cmŭhuk hukoo ~ok|tu ~ok|tu ~took ~tookhto htocc mak makefh efhm|o m|ofat fat&& jo jo}|ha }|hakct kctoc oc mth mthwof wofat at őh tomak tomak}|t }|tumŭ umŭhc hc  ~a}|makefhm|9 - }u}ŭhkotoc lh~fa`c|hmč c ~ct|hmh~čthh fc a~otcŭhhfo lo ~cmo cfo AK_ őh fc cf|o cmŭhukh hwäkl c}hjutctoc }|cdhfh|čŭhh őh hk|čthtoc ëkmtolothh fc khof tojhakcf őh jfadcf9 - to}~om|ctoc }|thm|č c ckjcgc`ok|ofat hk|otkcŭhakcfo ëk la`okhuf ko~tafheotčthh őh mak|tafufuh ct`c`ok|ofat& or~at|uthfat lo ~talu}o }|tc|ojhmo őh lo |obkafajho mu ludfč u|hfhwcto& ~tomu` őh  ~ct|hmh~ctoc cm|hč fc lowdč|othfo& lhk lhot}o eatuth& ~o cmoc}|č |o`č9 - ~ta`actoc ~ta`actoc ukoh ~afh|hmh cm|ho ëk ~fck dhfc|otcf dhfc|otcf }cu ëk|t-uk mcltu hk|otkcŭ hk|otkcŭhakcf hakcf ~ok|tu c}hjutctoc }omuth|čŭhh őh }|cdhfh|čŭhh ëk Outa~c lo ]ul-O}|& mc őh ëk Mcumcwuf lo ]ul őh ëk ëk|tocjc tojhuko c Lukčthh őh @čthh Kojto9 - }~thgh }~thghkht khtoc oc ma` ma`ukh ukh|čŭ |čŭhfa hfatt ta` ta`äk äkoő| oő|hh lhk cec cectc tc jtc jtckhŭo khŭofat fat ~ok ~ok|tu |tu ~č} ~č}|tc |tctoc toc hlo hlok|h k|h|čŭ |čŭhh hh kcŭhakcfo& muf|utcfo őh }~hth|ucfo őh hlok|hehmctoc ~a|okŭhcfufuh lo }u~at| cf cmo}|atc ~ok|tu tocfhwctoc adhom|hofat lh~fa`cŭhoh - ~toa ~toamu mu~c ~cto tocc ta`äkoő|h9 mak} mak}|c |ck|č k|č ~ok| ~ok|tu tu ë`du ë`dukč kč|č |čŭht ŭhtoc oc }|c| }|c|u| u|uf ufuh uh gu guth thlhm lhm őh c |tc |tc|c` |c`ok ok|u |ufu fuhh `hka `h kath| th|čŭ čŭhf hfat at ta`ä ta`äko koő| ő|hh lhk lhk cf cf|o |o }| }|c| c|o& o& ma make keat at` ` kat`o kat`ofa fatt hk hk|o |otk tkcŭ cŭha hakc kcfo fo ~t ~th hhk hkll lt lto~ o~|u |uthf thfoo  ~ot}ackofat c~ctŭhkäkl `hkath|čŭhfat őh ckjcgc`ok|ofat c}u`c|o ~thk ëkŭofojoth őh |tc|c|o dhfc|otcfo+ 3>


MC^H\AF_F HHH ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh

3+ C~tomhoth jokotcfo Ckcfhwcc eč Ckcfhw ečmu| mu|čč ëk mc~h|a mc~h|afof fofoo ck ck|ot |othac hacto to mu ~thht ~thhtoo fc `ol `olhuf huf lo }omuth }omuth|c| |c|o& o& th}mut th}muthfo hfo őh c`okhkŭčthfo mo }o `ckheo}|č ëk }~cŭhuf lo }omuth|c|o clhcmok| őh ëk fu`o& cu h`~u} mc kauc }|tc|ojho lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh }č hkmfulč& ~o fäkjč th}muthfo őh c`okhkŭčthfo ckcfhwc|o& őh cf|ofo kah& mofo lhk la`okhhfo okotjo|hm& cfh`ok|ct& cf |tck}~at|uthfat őh hketc}|tum|uthh& }čkč|čŭhh ~udfhmo& }ckh|ct& omafajhm őh muf|utcf& ehkckmhct& hkeat`c|hmč őh cf|ofo+ _k th}m `cgat& ëk ~towok|& ~ac|o eh mak}hlotc|č őh hk}uehmhok|c maa~otcto hk|othk}|h|uŭhakcfč& ~tadfo`c mcto ku o ku`ch c Ta`äkhoh+ ^tadfo`c|hmc fu~|oh ë`~a|thc mth`oh atjckhwc|o őh |otath}`ufuh& fu~|c ë`~a|thc |tcehmufuh lo ct`o o|m+& h`~uko a mafcdatcto lhtom|č őh ko`hgfamh|č ëk|to ~thkmh~cfofo hk}|h|uŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ A cf|č tocfh|c|o mcto c adfhjc| fc toefomŭho& fc ofcdatctoc kahh }|tc|ojhh lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh& c ea}| koahc lo cdatlcto hk|ojtc|č c th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat ~towok|c|o+ ^äkč ëk  ~towok| }-c cdatlc| ~tadfo`c|hmc mth`oh atjckhwc|o }o~ctc| lo ~tadfo`c|hmc |otath}`ufuh fc khof kc kcŭhak ŭhakcf cf őh hk| hk|otk otkcŭh cŭhakc akcf+f+ ^tadfo ^tadfo`c| `c|hmc hmc }~č }~čfčth fčthhh dckhfa dckhfatt `ut `utlct lcthh otc őh oc cda cdatlc tlc|č |č }o~ct }o~ctc|+ c|+ Ookh`ok|ofo uf|h`hfat ckh cu ctč|c| mč cmoc}|č eat`ufč ku `ch ~ac|o eh cmmo~|c|č khmh fc khof kcŭhakcf& khmh fc khof hk|otkcŭhakcf& ~ok|tu mč& ëk ~tcm|hmč& fumtuthfo cmo}|oc }uk| fojc|o ko`hgfamh|7 matu~ŭhc mu }~čfctoc dckhfat `utlcth& mth`c atjckhwc|č őh |otath}`uf+ \toduho hlok|hehmc|o fojč|uthfo }ud|hfo mcto orh}|č ëk|to cmo}|o ~tadfo`o& ~ok|tu c jč}h towafcto fc ~tadfo`c lo eakl& őh ku fc jč}htoc ukuhc }cu cf|uhc lhk|to cu|ath fucŭh }o~ctc|+ A cf|č ~tadfo`č mcto ~ac|o eh uk th}m fc khofuf cmo}|c o}|o }o~ctc|č c wakofat lo makefhm| c~ta~hc| }cu ëklo~čt|c|+ Fc atc cm|ucfčcf}-c}omuth|čŭhh lo}ma~oth| ukcdatlctoc }h}|o` }ud|hf lo tofcŭhh őh hk|otmaklhŭhakčth ëk|to wakofo ëk mcto a~otocwč cmo}|o th}muth lhk ]|c|ofo _kh|o& ]ul-O}|uf Outa~oh& Athok|uf C~ta~hc|& Cejckh}|ck Cejckh}|ck ~äkč ëk ]ul-O}|uf C}hoh+ Ëk `a`ok|uf ëk mcto }o latoő|o }|cdhfhwctoc ukoh wako mu` o}|o moc }ul-o}| outa~ockč& ečtč c ŭhko ŭhko ma mak| k| lo h` h`~f ~fhm hmcŭ cŭhh hhfo fo őh ëk cf cf|č |č ~ct|o ~ct|o&& }o ~a| ~a| ~t ~tal alum umoo jt jtoő oőof ofhh }o`k }o`khe hehm hmc| c|h hoo ëk a~ a~ot otcŭ cŭhhf hhfoo `uf|hkcŭhakcfo lo }|cdhfh|c|o őh lo }~thghk+ \a|alc|č& kah oafuŭhh }-cu ëktojh}|tc| fc atc cm|ucfč ëk ~tadfo`c|hmc th}mufuh ecŭč lo mu` o}|o of muka}mu| ëk jokotcf& mu` ct eh |tomotoc lo fc ~tadfo`c|hmc th}mufuh fc f c ~tadfo`c|hmc ufkotcdhfh|čŭhh+ O}|o a kauč oafuŭho mcto cmu` ~to}u~uko a cdatlcto `uf| `ch ofcdatc|č& `uf| `ch }ud|hfč lomä| c ea}| ečmu|č ~äkč ëk ~towok|+ Ëk cmofcőh |h`~& uk th}m `cgat fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo& ëk `a`ok|ofo lo mthwč ~o ~fck hk|otk hk| otkcŭh cŭhakc akcf&f& ~ac ~ac|o |o }č lo lohkč hkč koc}h koc}hjut jutcto ctocc ea eaklu kluthfa thfatt komo}c komo}cto to ~ok ~ok|tu |tu ~tamo} ~tamo}uf uf lo hk| hk|ojt ojtcto cto outa~ockč őh outac|fck|hmč+ Lcmč fc `a`ok|uf ~a|thh| ku }uk| c}hjutc|o eakluthfo ~ok|tu c ~u|oc tocfhwc la|ctoc& ~ct|hmh~ctoc fc cku`h|o a~otcŭhukh& cmo}|c ~ac|o eh mu cločtc| uk th}m ~a|okŭhcf fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo c ŭčthh+ _k cf| c}~om| mcto }o `ckheo}|č& o}|o ~tadfo`c|hmc hk}uehmhokŭoh őh hkoehmhokŭoh jo}|hakčth c to}ut}ofat u`cko& mcto ~ac|o }č lohkč uk ecm|at lo th}m cf }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo& ~thk ec~|uf mč ku }o lh}~uko lo ac`okhh ~a|thhŭh ëk famuthfo ~a|thh|o& ëk `a`ok|uf ëk mcto o}|o koaho+ Mu toeothto fc mc~cmh|c|oc lo c jo}|hakc hc|č uk oro`~fu7 ~ot}acko& ëk jokotcf |hkoto|& mcto cu ea}| |th`h}o ëk }|tčhkč|c|o& fc mut}uth lo }~omhcfh|c|o& ~o lhot}o ~tadfo`o }~omhehmo ku }o tojč}o}m ëk la`okhuf to}~om|h lo cm|hh|c|o fc ëk|actmotoc ëk ŭctč+

4+ Ofo`ok|ofo lo makŭhku| ^thk makŭhku|uf }ču őh hlohfo ~ta`ac|o kauc ]|tc|ojho lo ]omuth|c|o Kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh cma~otč hk|ojtcf |ac|o c}~om|ofo hoŭhh }amhcfo& omaka`hmo& ~afh|hmo& `hfh|cto o|m+ cfo }|c|ufuh Ta`äk& |tc}äkl lhtomŭhhfo lo cmŭhuko ~ok|tu olhehmctoc lo`amtcŭhoh őh }|cdhfh|čŭhh }|c|cfo+ 4+3+ ]|tc|o ]|tc|ojhc jhc lo }omuth|c|o }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh Ta`äkhoh }mac|o ëk ohlo ohlokŭč kŭč őh o}|o makmo~u|č makmo~u|č ~thk cdatlctoc cdat lctoc 7ut`č| ut`č|actof actofat  at  ~to`h}o& mc mcto to mak}|h| mak}|h|uho uho uk ~tah ~tahom om|| kcŭha kcŭhakc kcff to tocf cfh} h}|& |& ëklt ëkltčw čwko koŭŭ őh ~tcj`c|hm - to~towhk|č to~towhk|č maklhŭhc euklc`ok|cf euklc`ok|cfčč c orh}|okŭo orh}|okŭohh kcŭhu kcŭhukhh khh őh c }|c|ufuh }|c|ufuh ta`äk őh mak}|h|uho mak}|h|uho uk adhom|h euklc`ok|cf cf juotkčthh9 33


- cto mc la`okhu lo toeothkŭč cfathfo& hk|oto}ofo őh adhom|hofo kcŭhakcfo9 - o}|o uk lto~| h`~to}mth~|hdhf cf }|c|ufuh ta`äk mcto lothč lhk }uotckh|c|oc lo~fhkč c  ~a~atufuh& }o euklc`ok|ocwč ~o atlhkoc mak}|h|uŭhakcfč őh }o ëkeč~|uhoő|o ëk mak|or|uf mak}|tumŭhoh outa~oko& maa~otčthh outac|fck|hmo őh cf oafuŭhhfat jfadcfo9 - tč}~uklo koahh őh adfhjcŭhoh lo ~ta|omŭho fojh|h`č ë`~a|thc th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat mo  ~uk ëk ~othmaf lto~|uthfo őh fhdot|čŭhfo fh dot|čŭhfo euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh& cfathfo őh hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo h|cfo&  dcwofo orh}|okŭoh }|c|ufuh ta`äk9 - hwocwč& mu ~thath|c|o& la`okhh mu` }uk|7 }|ctoc lo fojcfh|c|o9 }hjutckŭc mo|čŭockufuh9 }omuth }om uth|c| |c|oc oc ~ud ~udfhm fhmč9 č9 ~to ~too okhto khtocc őh mak|tc mak|tcmct mctcto ctocc |otath |otath}`u }`ufuh fuh őh c cf|at cf|at c`okhk c`okhkŭčt ŭčthh c}h`o| c}h`o|thm thmo9 o9 mc~cmh|c|oc lo c~čtcto9 ~ta|omŭhc ë`~a|thc lowc}|tofat kc|utcfo& lojtclčthh maklhŭhhfat lo hcŭč őh cmmhlok|ofat hklu}|thcfo9 - }o tocfhwocwč ~thk `č}uth clomc|o lo kc|utč ~afh|hmč& omaka`hmč& lh~fa`c|hmč& }amhcfč&  guthlhmč& olumc|hč& cl`hkh}|tc|hč őh `hfh|ctč& ~thk cm|hh|c|oc lo hkeat`cŭhh& mak|tchkeat`cŭhh őh }omuth|c|o& ~tomu` őh ~thk jo}|hakctoc oehmhok|č c mthwofat& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu kat`ofo lo makluh|č cfo ma`ukh|čŭhh outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo őh ~toolothfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf9 - aeotč dcwofo a~otcŭhakcfo cfo mafcdatčthh }h}|o`c|hmo mu atjckhwcŭhhfo lo }omuth|c|o őh c~čtcto lhk mcto Ta`äkhc ecmo ~ct|o& mu }|c|ofo cfhc|o& ~ct|okoto őh ~tho|oko+   Kauf }|c|u| lo `o`dtu cf Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo őh cf _khukhh Outa~oko cf Ta`äkhc& cmŭhakäkl ëk|t-uk }~cŭhu lo }omuth|c|o dcwc| ~o cfath& hk|oto}o őh adhom|ho ma`uko& ~o ~thkmh~hhfo őh kat`ofo lo`amtcŭhoh& }|c|ufuh lo lto~| őh omaka`hoh lo ~hcŭč& aeotč ŭčthh kac}|to maklhŭhh ecatcdhfo lowaf|čthh omaka`hmo őh }amhcfo cmmofotc|o& ~ct|hmh~čthh cm|ho fc cmŭhukhfo lo `okŭhkoto c ~čmhh őh }omuth|čŭhh ëk ~fck tojhakcf őh jfadcf& mak|tcmctčthh oehmhok|o c th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat mfc}hmo őh c mofat lo |h~ c}h`o|thm+ lo }omuth|c|o c Ta`äkhoh cfathfat]|tc|ojhc őh hk|oto}ofat kcŭhakcfokcŭhakcfč c|ä| ~thk oeat| kcŭhakcfc}hjutč makgujc|~ta`actoc& ” to}~om|h ~ta|omŭhc ~thk eatŭo őhőh c~čtctoc `hgfacmo  ~ta~thh ”& ~tomu` őh ~thk maa~otctoc mu cfhcŭhh őh ~ct|okothh& ëk mak}akckŭč mu ~toolothfo }|tc|ojhoh lo }omuth|c|o c _khukhh Outa~oko őh cfo makmo~|ofat }|tc|ojhmo cfo Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo+ Ucfathfo kcŭhakcfo& mu` }uk|7  lo`amtcŭhc& fhdot|c|oc& ojcfh|c|oc őh }u~to`cŭhc fojhh9 to}~om|uf  ~ok|tu lo`kh|c|oc a`ufuh& ~ok|tu lto~|uthfo őh fhdot|čŭhfo }cfo euklc`ok|cfo9 hlok|h|c|oc kcŭhakcfč őh to to}~ }~ak ak}c }cdh dhfh fh|c |c|o |occ mh mhh hmč mč99 ~fut ~futcf cfh} h}`u `uff ~afh| ~afh|hm hm99 ~ta~ ~ta~th tho|c o|c|o |occ jc jctc tck| k|c| c|čč őh omak omaka` a`hc hc lo ~h ~hcŭ cŭč9 č9 }afhlcth|c|oc mu kcŭhukhfo lo`amtc|hmo9 ~cmoc őh maa~otctoc hk|otkcŭhakcfč9 lhcfajuf őh ma`ukhmctoc lhk|to lhk |to mhhfhw mhhfhwcŭh cŭhh&h& }uk }uk|| ofo`ok ofo`ok|o |o mo loehko loehko}m }m hlo hlok|h k|h|c| |c|oc oc ta`äk ta`äkoc} oc}mč& mč& ecm ecm|at |atuf uf lo maowh maowhuko uko cf ma`ukh|čŭhfat famcfo őh cf kcŭhukhh ta`äko& mc|cfhwc|atuf oeat|uthfat }~to ~tajto} őh `alotkhwcto& fhck|uf tofcŭhoh ct`akhac}o lhk|to hk|oto}ofo hklhhlucfo őh mofo kcŭhakcfo& ëk cmatl mu kat`ofo atlhkhh mak}|h|uŭhakcfo& hct ~ta|ogctoc& ~ta`actoc őh c~čtctoc fat c}hjutč maklhŭhhfo o}okŭhcfo cfo orh}|okŭoh őh lo`kh|čŭhh mo|čŭokhfat őh c }|c|ufuh ta`äk& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu ~toolothfo Mak}|h|uŭhoh+ \a|alc|č& cmo}|oc mak}|h|uho ~to`h}ofo ~o dcwc mčtatc }o mak}|tuhoő|o őh }o lowaf|č }h}|o`uf lo`amtc|hm lo at atjc jckh khwc wcto to őh eukm eukmŭha ŭhakc kcto to c }amh }amho| o|čŭ čŭhh& hh& c| c|ä| ä| ~thk ~thk hk|o hk|ot` t`ol olhu huff hk hk}| }|h|u h|uŭhh ŭhhfa fatt őh at atjc jckh khwc wcŭhh ŭhhfa fat  t  juotkc`ok|cfo őh kojuotkc`ok|cfo& kojuotkc`ok|cfo& mä| őh ~thk cmŭhuko mhhmč+ Hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo  hwocwč ~ta`actoc& ~ta|ogctoc őh c~čtctoc ” ~thk `hgfacmo fojh|h`o ” c cfathfat ~thk mcto kcŭhukoc ta`äkč ëőh jctck|ocwč orh}|okŭc őh hlok|h|c|oc& ~o dcwc mčtatc ëőh mak}|tuhoő|o hh|atuf őh ëk |o`ohuf mčtatc }o hk|ojtocwč ëk ma`ukh|c|oc outa~ockč őh outac|fck|hmč őh  ~ct|hmh~č fc ~tamo}uf lo jfadcfhwcto őh }o clto}ocwč ” ëk ~th`uf täkl ” mo|čŭokhfat ~c|thoh mcto |tčho}m  ~o |oth|athuf kcŭhakcf& lct őh ” ëk ojcfč `č}utč ” |u|utat mofatfcfŭh ac`okh cefcŭh ëk Ta`äkhc& ~tomu` őh ta`äkhfat mcto |tčho}m }cu ëőh lo}ečőactč cm|hh|c|oc ëk cectc jtckhŭofat ŭčthh+ Hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo }o tocfhwocwč ~thk|t-uk ~tamo} ma`~for lo ~ta`acto őh jctck|cto c cfathfat őh hk|oto}ofat kcŭhakcfo mcto hwocwč& ëk o}okŭč7 c}u`ctoc to}~ak}cdhfč c mcfh|čŭhh lo `o`dtu mu lto~|uth lo~fhko cf Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo őh _khukhh Outa~oko9 `okŭhkotoc hk|ojth|čŭhh& ukh|čŭhh& }uotckh|čŭhh& hklo~oklokŭoh őh hklhhwhdhfh|čŭhh }|c|ufuh ta`äk& ëk maklhŭhhfo }~omhehmo cfo  ~ct|hmh~čthh fc mak}|tumŭhc outa~ockč9 lowaf|ctoc ukoh omaka`hh lo ~hcŭč ma`~o|h|ho& lhkc`hmo őh  ~oteat`ck|o9 `alotkhwctoc tclhmcfč c }h}|o`ufuh lomo|čŭokhfat& olumcŭho őh cfathehmctoc c ~a|okŭhcfufuh u`ck& ő|hhkŭhehm őh |obkafajhm9 mtoő|otoc dukč}|čthh c khofufuh looehmhok|č |tch őh lo }čkč|c|o cfo  ~a~ufcŭhoh9 ceht`ctoc őh ~ta|ogctoc muf|uthh& hlok|h|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo őh hoŭhh }~hth|ucfo cfo ta`äkhfat& ëk maklhŭhhfo mtoc|o lo mcltuf ukhakcf outa~ock+ 34


^ok|tu ofcdatctoc ]|tc|ojhoh lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh c ea}| ečmu|č a ckcfhwč őh a ocfucto ~ot|hkok|č c}u~tc `olhuf `olhufuh uh lo }omuth|c|o }omuth|c|o ëk mcto ŭctc kac}|tč o}|o }h|uc|č& `olhu mcto }o cefč ëk|t-a kauč ecwč lo oafuŭho& `ctmc|č lo maorh}|okŭc őh maketuk|ctoc ukat |oklhkŭo ~awh|ho `cgato mu cf|ofo mcto jokotocwč th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth& ~tomu` őh lo c~cthŭhc jot`okhfat mak}|tumŭhoh ukoh kah ctbh|om|uth jfadcfo lo }omuth|c|o mo amu~č uk fam |a| `ch h`~at|ck| ëk mcltuf ~toamu~čthfat  ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ O}|o }ma} ëk ohlokŭč ec~|uf mč kauf `olhu lo }omuth|c|o o}|o mctcm|othwc|& ëk ~thkmh~cf& lo ut`č|a ut` č|acto ctofo fo |oklhk |oklhkŭo ŭo `cgato `cgato77 cmmofo cmmofotct tctoc oc ~ta ~tamo mo}of }ofat at lo jfa jfadcf dcfhwc hwcto to őh lo hk|ojtc hk|ojtcto to tojhak tojhakcfč cfč&& makma`h|ok| mu ~ot}h}|okŭc ukat cmŭhukh cäkl mc ehkcfh|c|o7 etcj`ok|ctoc }|c|cfč9 makotjokŭc towakc tow akcdhf dhfčč c oe oeat| at|uthf uthfat at mak}cm mak}cmtc| tc|oo }|t }|tum| um|utč utčthh thh uko ukohh ka kahh ctbh|o ctbh|om|u m|uth th lo }omuth }omuth|c| |c|o& o& }|c }|cdhfo dhfo őh  ~tolhm|hdhfo& ëk}aŭh|č lo cmmok|uctoc |oklhkŭofat ckctbhmo ëk ukofo tojhukh9 tohjatctoc oeat|uthfat  }|c|of }|c |ofat at hw hwäkl äkl ~to ~towot wotct ctoc oc hkefuo hkefuokŭo kŭohh fat ëk lhkc`h lhkc`hmc mc tof tofcŭh cŭhhfa hfatt hk|otk hk|otkcŭh cŭhakc akcfo& fo& ëk ~ctcfo ~ctcfoff mu `uf|h~fhmctoc eat`ofat őh mtoő|otoc ~aklothh hk|otokŭhoh cm|athfat ko}|c|cfh ëk oafuŭhc cmo}|at tofcŭhh+ Ëk mak|or|uf kaufuh `olhu lo }omuth|c|o& }|tc|ojhc ~otmo~o th}muthfo őh c`okhkŭčthfo  fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo c Ta`äkhoh& ëk ~th`uf täkl& lhk ~ot}~om|hc ~a}|uthh lo ŭctč `o`dtč c Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo őh c _khukhh Outa~oko+ O}|o c~tomhc| ec~|uf mč loőh ~othmafuf ukuh tčwdah mfc}hm& cf ukat cjto}hukh `hfh|cto makokŭhakcfo o}|o eact|o ~uŭhk ~tadcdhf& kojfhgctoc th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh Ta`äkhoh ~ac|o jokotc ufkotcdhfh|čŭh `cgato lhk ~ot}~om|hc }omuth|čŭhh ~ta~thh őh c mofoh mafom|ho& cäkl ëk oloto őh th}muthfo mo ~tho}m }omuth|c|oc őh c~čtctoc etak|hotofat ëk maklhŭhhfo ëk mcto }oj`ok|o h`~at|ck|o cfo jtckhŭofat Ta`äkoh to~towhk|č őh etak|hotc o}|hmč c _khukhh Outa~oko őh cf KC\A+ \a|alc|č& ëk }~cŭhuf joajtcehm clhcmok| mä| őh ëklo~čt|c|& }o `ckheo}|č a }otho lo c`okhkŭčth kah& c}h`o|thmo& lo kc|utč `hfh|ctč }cu kak-`hfh|ctč& hkmfu}h mofo }ud eat`c cjto}hukhfat hkeat`c|hmo }cu hkeat`cŭhakcfo& jokotc|o ~to~aklotok| lhk jtclufuh `olhuf hk|otkcŭhakcf& őh ” ëk|t-a ë k|t-a cku`h|č `č}utč őh”  lo mof hk|otk& mcto |hkl }č mtoc}mč }ud tc~at|uf lo ~othmaf őh lct cf ~tadcdhfh|čŭhh lo ~talumoto&  ~a| ceom|c jtc }|ctoc lo }omuth|c|o c mo|čŭokhfat ta`äkh& c }|c|ufuh ta`äk }cu c hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo }omuth|c|o lhk mcto Ta`äkhc ecmo ~ct|o+ ^othmafuf mtoc| lo c}|eof lo oafuŭhh kojc|ho ~ac|o eh }ud}|ckŭhcf ~a|okŭc| ëk mcwuf c}amhothh fat& ëkloa}odh ëk maklhŭhhfo ëk mcto jtckhŭofo lhk|to c`okhkŭčthfo jfadcfo őh mofo tojhakcfo& ~tomu` őh ëk|to mofo or|otko }cu hk|otko& |hkl }č lohkč |a| `ch lheuwo+ Ëk ec~|& ëk maklhŭhhfo cmmofotčthh ~tamo}ofat jfadcfhwc|acto őh cfo lowaf|čthh |obkafajhmo& lh}|ckŭofo joajtcehmo lohk |a| `ch ~uŭhk h`~at|ck|o& h `~at|ck|o& c}|eof mč c~cthŭhc őh lowaf|ctoc ukat c}o`okoc eoka`oko kojc|ho |toduho hlok|hehmc|o őh `akh|athwc|o hklheotok| lo famuf uklo }o ~talum& hct ocfuctoc fat  |toduho ečmu|č ~thk ~th}`c mctcm|otufuh hklhhwhdhf cf }omuth|čŭhh jfadcfo& `c|othcfhwc|č ~thk cmŭhukh lo mak|tcmctcto a~at|ukč őh eot`č c fat& hkmfu}h fc lh}|ckŭo `cth ecŭč lo jtckhŭofo kcŭhakcfo& lookhkl& ëk cmofcőh |h`~& to}~ak}cdhfh|c|oc `cgatč c ukoh juotkčth lo`amtc|hmo oehmhok|o+ Ëk ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o }uk| hlok|hehmc|o mc ~thkmh~cfofo th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth mcto ~a| ~uko ëk ~othmaf }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh& cfathfo őh hk|oto}ofo }cfo mc }|c| `o`dtu cf ma`ukh|čŭhh outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo7 ‛|ota |otath}`uf th}`uf hk|otkcŭhak hk|otkcŭhakcf cf }|tum|utc| }|tum|utc| ëk toŭofofo toŭofofo |tck}etak|cf |tck}etak|cfhoto hoto9 ~tafhe afheot otcctoc ct`o ct`ofa fatt lo lh} h}|t |tuj ujot otoo ëk `c}č `c}č9 mak makefhm efhm|ofo |ofo toj tojhak hakcfo cfo9 mth`hkcfh|c|oc 4 |tck}etak|cfhotč atjckhwc|č9 juotkctoc hkoehmhok|č‐ + C|cmu C|c muthfo thfo |ot |otath ath}|o }|o oro oromu| mu|c|o c|o c}u~tc c}u~tc ukat ukat adh adhom| om|ho ho-}h -}h`da `daff cfo mh mhhfhw hfhwcŭh cŭhoh oh őh ~u| ~u|oth othhh c`othmcko& cmŭhukhfo lo cmoocőh kc|utč oromu|c|o fc @clthl& Fakltc& @a}mac }cu H}|c`duf& ~tomu` őh mofo mcto cu cu| fam ëk Athok|uf C~ta~hc|& Mcumcw& Cethmc& C}hc Mok|tcfc& lo ]ul őh ]ul-O}|& laolo}m ec~|uf mc |otath}`uf hk|otkcŭhakcf lo }atjhk|o or|to`h}|-tofhjhac}č& }|tum|utc| ëk toŭofo |tck}etak|cfhoto& to~towhk|č moc `ch jtcč c`okhkŭcto fc clto}c hoŭhh őh fhdot|čŭhh ac`okhfat& c lo`amtcŭhoh őh mofatfcf|o cfath euklc`ok|cfo ~o mcto }o ëk|o`ohcwč ma`ukh|c|oc outa-c|fck|hmč+   Toŭofofo |otath}|o |otath}|o hk|otkcŭhakcfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo cu cm cmmo mo}} fc |obk |obkaf afaj ajhc hc `alo `alotk tkčč őh ~a ~a|| do doko koeh ehmh mhcc lo |tck}eotuth dckmcto őh `hgfacmo lo ma`ukhmcto tc~hlo& lo hketc}|tum|utč őh c}h}|okŭč aeoth|o lo atjckhwcŭhh o|khma-tofhjhac}o or|to`h}|o& lo }u~at|uf mth`hkcfh|čŭhh |tck}etak|cfhoto atjckhwc|o ath lo }~thghkuf tojh`uthfat matu~|o }cu hkmc~cdhfo }č juotkowo lo`amtc|hm9 ofo ~a| ~taamc ~hotloth `c}ho lo hoŭh a`okoő|h őh lh}|tujoth `c|othcfo lo `ctofat c`~facto& hct ”loc}|c|acto& ~thk cmmo}uf mctcm|otuf ~a}hdhf fc ct`ofo lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č ” mak}omhkŭofo cmŭhukhfat ~a| lookh lo}mbh} cf }amho|čŭhfat lo`amtc|hmo `alotko& mc őh mothkŭofo jfadcfhwčthh& lo|ot`hkč mč ehomcto }|c| ëk 4

^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+3=+



 ~ct|o mä| őh ma`ukh|c|oc hk|otkcŭhakcfč ëk ck}c`dfu& }č tč`äkč ufkotcdhfo ëk ecŭc |otath}`ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf& c}|eof mč h`~otc|huf mak|tcmctčthh cmo}|uh efcjof őh cf maa~otčthh eatŭofat lo`amtc|hmo  ~ok|tu mak|tcmctctoc fuh mak}|h|uho a mothkŭč h|cfč& hkmfu}h ~thk cmŭhukh ma`uko lo}ečőutc|o ëk wakofo mcto jokotocwč |otath}`+ ^tafh ^t afheotc eotctoc toc ct` ct`ofa ofatt lo lh} lh}|tu |tujot jotoo ëk `c}c& `c}c& to} to}~om ~om|h |h ct`ofo ct`ofo mbh`hm mbh`hmo& o& dha dhafaj fajhmo hmo&& tclhaf tcl hafajh ajhmo mo őh kum kumfoc focto& to& mak}|h| mak}|h|uho uho a c`okhk c`okhkŭct ŭctoo loa}od loa}odh| h| lo jtcč jtcč lhk ~ukm|u ~ukm|uff lo oloto oloto cf  ~a|okŭhcfufuh lo lh}|tujoto9 cmmo}uf fc c}|eof lo `hgfacmo lohko |a| `ch uőat lhk ~ukm| lo oloto |obkafajhm& hct |ok|cŭhc ladäklhthh fat }~atoő|o c`okhkŭč|at& makma`h|ok| mu tolumotoc jctckŭhhfat lo ma`~at|c`ok| to}~ak}cdhf cf cu|ath|čŭhfat mo hk|tč ëk ~a}o}hc fat& ëkloa}odh ëk mcwuf tojh`uthfat  ckh`c|o lo hloafajhh ~afh|hmo }cu tofhjhac}o or|to`h}|o+ ]o c`~fhehmč& lo c}o`okoc& ~toamu~čthfo  ~ok|tu lowaf|ctoc `hgfacmofat lo |tck}~at| fc ŭhk|č c ukat c}|eof lo ct`o őh ~ok|tu tocfhwctoc őh }|amctoc ~talu}ofat mu ludfč u|hfhwcto+ Mafc~}uf }cu oafuŭhc ckctbhmč c ukat }|c|o ~a}o}acto lo ct`o lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č& cu|ath|c|oc tolu}č orotmh|c|č orotmh|c|č lo ukofo juotko c}u~tc c}u~tc ma`~forofat fat `hfh|cto& ~tomu` őh orh}|okŭc ukat tojhukh ” hkmfu}h ëk Outa~c ” cefc|o ëk cectc mak|tafufuh }|c|cf& ecathwocwč lowaf|ctoc ukoh  ~hoŭo kojto cm|ho ~ok|tu c}|eof lo `hgfacmo+ Lhk ~ot}~om|hc ~toamu~čthfat ~ok|tu }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč& c`~fhehmctoc eoka`okufuh |otath}| őh ~tafheotctoc ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č to~towhk|č ~thkmh~cfuf ecm|at jokotc|at lo hkmot|h|ulhko ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh jfadcfo& ëk maklhŭhhfo ëk mcto tojh`uthfo kolo`amtc|hmo& |a|cfh|cto ~a| c}hjutc mof `ch ~othmufa} }u~at| a~otcŭhakcf őh fajh}|hm+ Loőh ëk uf|h`h uf|h`hhh ckh& ~thk hkhŭhc hkhŭhc|hofo |hofo outa~o outa~oko ko őh outac|fck| outac|fck|hmo& hmo& ctocfuf }|tc|ojhm ëk mcto o}|o }h|uc|č Ta`äkhc c muka}mu| oafuŭhh ~awh|ho& mcto cu ečmu| lhk Outa~c uk mak|hkok| `ch }hjut őh `ch  ~ta}~ot& |a|uőh o}|o ëkmč dajc| ëk makefhm|o  tojhakcfo& famcfo& hk|ot- őh hk|tc}|c|cfo& mu ~u|otkhmo h` h`~f ~fhm hmcŭ cŭhh hh ~ok| ~ok|tu tu ~cmo ~c mocc }cu őh `ch }o }omu muth| th|c| c|oc ochafok|o& wa wakc kcfč fč&&c ukat to tojh jhak akcf cfčč `uf|hkcŭhakcfo őh outa outa~o ~ock ckč+ č+ lhk ^tal ^talu} u} cu curh rhfhc fhctt cf low`o`dtčthh& `ch `uf| ~uŭhk }|c|o wakč& makefhm|ofo hk|oto|khmo }cu tofhjhac}o ” ëk ec~|& makefhm|o mu uk ~u|otkhm }ud}|tc| ~afh|hm ” to~towhk|č a c`okhkŭcto jtcč fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh tojhakcfo& mbhct lcmč& ëk ut`c ukat h`~at|ck|o oeat|uth cfo ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo& `cgath|c|oc cmo}|atc }uk| ŭhku|o }ud mak|taf+ ^thk ku`čtuf fat `cto& cőc-ku`h|ofo ‛makefhm|o ëkjboŭc|o‐ lhk cmoc}|č tojhuko& cfč|uth lo cf|o }|čth |ok}hakc|o& lh}~u|o |oth|athcfo& |oklhkŭo }o~ctc|h}|o őh }h|ucŭhh lo hk}|cdhfh|c|o ~towok|o ëk ~tarh`h|c|oc }|tc|ojhmč c Ta`äkhoh& jokotocwč hkmot|h|ulhko }|tc|ojhmč& lo|ot`hkč hta}htoc `uf|at to}ut}o őh ~ot~o|uocwč }čtčmhc+ Ofo cfh`ok|ocwč& lo c}o`okoc& cf|o eat`o lo hafokŭč őh mth`hkcfh|c|o őh ecathwocwč |otath}`uf+ Mth`hkcfh|c|oc |tck}kcŭhakcfč atjckhwc|č to~towhk|č c|ä| a or~to}ho c ~tafheotčthh ukat  eoka`o eok a`oko ko kojc|h kojc|ho o mcto mcto }o c`~fhe c`~fhehmč hmč ëk maklhŭ maklhŭhhfo hhfo jfadcf jfadcfhwč hwčthh& thh& mä| mä| őh a mak mak}om }omhkŭ hkŭčč lht lhtom| om|čč c jo}|hakčthh hkoehmhok|o c }mbh`dčthfat ~afh|hmo& omaka`hmo őh }amhcfo ~taeuklo mcto }-cu ~talu} ëk Outa~c Mok|tcfč őh lo O}| ëk ~tamo}uf lh}~cthŭhoh tojh`uthfat ma`ukh}|o+ ^o eakluf ukoh c}|eof lo }h|ucŭhh& }~cŭhuf lo hk|oto} }|tc|ojhm ëk mcto }o cefč Ta`äkhc o}|o }ut}c& wakc lo |tckwh| őh lo}|hkcŭho c ukat cm|hh|čŭh mth`hkcfo jtco mak}|äkl ëk7 |tcehm hfojcf lo ct`c`ok|& `ukhŭhh őh or~fawhh9 |tcehm lo kctma|hmo9 `hjtcŭho hfojcfč őh |tcehm lo ehhkŭo u`cko9 |tcehm lo ~talu}o mak|tcečmu|o9 cm|hh|čŭh lo }~čfcto c dckhfat őh cf|o c}~om|o cfo mth`hkcfh|čŭhh omaka`hma-ehkckmhcto+ ^thk kc|utc őh c`~factoc fat& c}|eof lo cm|hh|čŭh }uk| ecathwc|o lo orh}|okŭc makefhm|ofat famcfo őh& fc täkluf fat& ~a| ecathwc |otath}`uf őh ~tafheotctoc ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č }cu ~a| }č mak|thduho fc ~ot~o|uctoc tojh`uthfat }o~ctc|h}|o+ ^tamo}ufuh lo mak}afhlctoc c }|cdhfh|čŭhh őh }omuth|čŭhh kahfat lo`amtcŭhh lhk Outa~c Mok|tcfč& lo ]ul-O}| őh lo O}| uk taf h`~at|ck| ëk tohko mc~cmh|čŭhh }|c|ofat őh c }amho|čŭhfat lo c ~ta`ac a jo}|huko oehmhok|č c |toduthfat ~udfhmo& lo c jctck|c orotmh|ctoc to}~ak}cdhfč őh oehmhok|č c ~u|othh& ëk lo~fhk cmatl mu ~thkmh~hhfo lo`amtcŭhoh őh mothkŭofo to}~om|čthh lto~|uthfat a`ufuh+ Or~to}hc ~udfhmč c cmo}|at orhjokŭo o}|o dukc juotkcto& hct hkoehmhokŭc cmo}|ohc mak}|h|uho uk ~a|okŭhcf th}m+  Kahfo lo`amtcŭhh lhk ctocfuf }|tc|ojhm ëk mcto o}|o }h|uc|č Ta`äkhc mak|hkuč }č }o maketuk|o mu ku`otac}o eoka`oko kojc|ho mcto ceom|ocwč mcfh|c|oc cm|ufuh lo juotkcto+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& & ceom|c|č lo matu~ŭho hk}|h|uŭhakcfč őh mfhok|ofh}` lo ormo}hč hkoehmhokŭc juotkctoc cl`hkh}|tcŭhohhkoehmhok|č ~udfhmo& fh~}c lo |tck}~ctokŭč őh lo to}~ak}cdhfh|c|o ~udfhmč& lo~afh|hm& dhtamtcŭho őh |oklhkŭo cu|ath|cth}|o& }ud`hkocwč ëkmtolotoc mo|čŭokhfat ëk hk}|h|uŭhhfo ~udfhmo& fo lh}mtolh|ocwč őh  ~ac|o mak}|h|uh a c`okhkŭcto `cgatč fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh }|c|ofat+ \a|alc|č juotkctoc hkoehmhok|č 3<


  ~uko clo}oc ëk ~othmaf orotmhŭhuf kat`cf cf lto~|uthfat őh fhdot|čŭhfat euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh& ceom|ocwč ëklo~fhkhtoc adfhjcŭhhfat hk|otkcŭhakcfo ” hkmfu}h c mofat mo hwocwč ~ta|omŭhc hlok|h|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo ” ~u|äkl jokotc mthwo u`ckh|cto mu h`~cm| |tck}etak|cfhot |tck}etak|cfhot++ ]|tc|ojhc }udfhkhcwč mč eoka`okofo kojc|ho jtco& lo kc|utč joaehwhmč& `o|oamfh`c|hmč ath c}amhc|č& ~taokhkl lhk `olhu }cu toefom|äkl lojtclctoc cmo}|uhc& hkmfu}h mc ut`cto c ukat  cm|hh|čŭh u`cko ~othmufac}o& lčukč|acto }cu hto}~ak}cdhfo& ~uk ëk ~othmaf }omuth|c|oc kcŭhakcfč+ Cmo}|oc ~a| eh7 mc|c}|taeofo kc|utcfo }cu cf|o eoka`oko joa- }cu `o|oa-mfh`c|hmo jtco "mu|to`uto& hkuklcŭhh& ëkmčfwhtoc jfadcfč őh cf|o `alhehmčth dtuő|o őh tclhmcfo cfo maklhŭhhfat lo hcŭč(9 |oklhkŭc lo o~uhwcto c ukat to}ut}o h|cfo9 mc|c}|taeofo hklu}|thcfo }cu omafajhmo cäkl lto~| mak}omhkŭo ~hotloth `cth lo hoŭh a`okoő|h& ~ot|utdctoc }ud}|ckŭhcfč c hoŭhh omaka`hma-}amhcfo őh ~afuctoc jtcč c `olhufuh ~o |oth|athuf kcŭhakcf őh ëk tojhukhfo clhcmok|o9 ~a}hdhfh|c|oc mto}mu|č c ~talumothh ukat   ~cklo`hh+ Th}muthfo őh c`okhkŭčthfo fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo ~a| eh ~a|okŭc|o őh c`~fhehmc|o lo orh}|okŭc ukat ufkotcdhfh|čŭh őh lh}eukmŭhakcfh|čŭh& ëk|to mcto ~a| eh mak}hlotc|o mc jokotc|acto lo  ~toamu~čth }cu ~othmafo ut`č|actofo7 lo~oklokŭc cmmok|uc|č lo ukofo to}ut}o h|cfo jtou cmmo}hdhfo9 |oklhkŭofo kojc|ho ~ot}h}|ok|o ëk ~fck lo`ajtcehm őh `hjtcŭhc `c}hč9 khofuf thlhmc| cf }|čthh lo hk}omuth|c hk}o muth|c|o |o }amhc }amhcfč& fč& ~ot}h}|okŭ ~ot}h}|okŭcc }|čthfat }|čthfat lo }čtčmho }čtčmho mtakh mtakhmč mč őh cmmo cmmok|uct k|uctoc oc lheo lheotokŭo tokŭofat fat }am }amhcfo9 hcfo9  ~ta~atŭhc tolu}č& etcj`ok|ctoc őh tafuf ëkmč ko}o`khehmc|h cf mfc}oh lo `hgfam ëk atjckhwctoc hoŭhh omaka`hma omak a`hma-}am -}amhcfo9 hcfo9 etcjhfh|c|o etcjhfh|c|occ }~hth| }~hth|ufuh ufuh mhhm őh lhehmuf|čŭhf lhehmuf|čŭhfoo lo `ckhe `ckheo}|ct o}|ctoo c }afhl }afhlcth|čŭ cth|čŭhhhh mhhmo9 mhhmo9 hketc}|tum|utc }|tc|ojhmč }fcd lowaf|c|č őh hk}uehmhok| ~ta|ogc|č9 }|ctoc ~tomctč őh oehmhok|č tolu}č c }h}|o`ufuh lo c}hjutcto c }čkč|čŭhh ~a~ufcŭhoh9 mctokŭofo atjckhwc|athmo& hk}uehmhokŭc to}ut}ofat őh lhehmu lhe hmuf|č f|čŭhfo ŭhfo lo clc clc~|c ~|cto to fc mothkŭ mothkŭofo ofo }a }amho mho|čŭ |čŭhh hh c }h}|o` }h}|o`ufu ufuhh lo ëk ëkčŭč čŭč`ä `äk|9 k|9 or~ot| or~ot|hwc hwc tol tolu}č u}č&& atjckhwctoc hkclomc|č őh ~tomcth|c|oc to}ut}ofat cfamc|o ~ok|tu `ckcjo`ok|uf }h|ucŭhhfat lo mthwč9 ckjcgctoc hk}uehmhok|č c }amho|čŭhh mhhfo ëk lowdc|otoc őh }afuŭhakctoc ~tadfo`ofat lo }omuth|c|o+ 4+4+ _k hh|at }hjut őh ~ta}~ot ~ok|tu ta`äkh7 mčhfo mak}|tumŭhoh ]|tc|ojhc lo ]omuth|c|o Kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh o}|o uk lamu`ok| ~tajtc`c|hm c`~fu& lo khof kcŭhakcf& mcto cto mc }ma~ ečuthtoc ukuh }|c| `alotk& ~ta}~ot& mu uk ~taehf tojhakcf lh}|hkm|& lo~fhk hk|ojtc| ëk ma`ukh|c|oc outa~ockč őh outac|fck|hmč& ckjcgc| eot` ëk ~ta`actoc lo`amtcŭhoh őh fhdot|čŭhh& mu mo|čŭokh mcto |tčho}m ëk }hjutckŭč& ëk|t-a fu`o ma`~forč& lhkc`hmč őh makefhm|ucfč+ ]ma~ ]ma~uf uf eukl euklc` c`ok ok|c |cff cf ]|tc ]|tc|o |ojh jhoh oh lo ]omu ]omuth th|c |c|o |o Kc Kcŭha ŭhakc kcfč fč c Ta Ta`ä `äkh khoh oh ëf mak} mak}|h| |h|uh uhoo `adhfhw `ad hfhwcto ctocc oeat|u oeat|uthfa thfatt kcŭ kcŭhuk hukhh hh ~ok|tu ~ok|tu cm cmmof mofotc otctoc toc ~ta ~tamo mo}of }ofat at lo `al `alotk otkhwc hwcto& to& hk|oj hk|ojtct tctoo őh lowaf|cto }u}ŭhku|č& mc~cdhfo }č jctck|owo }omuth|c|oc őh ~ta}~oth|c|oc ŭčthh& ëk|t-a fu`o `ch }hjutč őh `ch dukč+ ]|tc|ojhc hwocwč ~ta`actoc eot`č c fhdot|čŭhfat ~afh|hmo& omaka`hmo őh }amhcfo& c to}~om|ufuh ~ok|tu lo`kh|c|oc u`ckč& ~thk ckjcgctoc makő|hok|č őh to}~ak}cdhfč c ~a~atufuh ta`äk ta `äk őh mafcdatctoc cm|hč mu kcŭhukhfo cfhc|o& ~ct|okoto őh ~tho|oko+ ^ok|tu ëkeč~|uhtoc cmo}|uh }ma~& }|tc|ojhc ut`čtoő|o ëklo~fhkhtoc ut`č|actofat adhom|ho7 hlok|hehmctoc a~at|ukč őh mak|tcmctctoc ~tacm|hč c th}mu th}muthfa thfatt őh c`o c`okhk khkŭčt ŭčthfa hfat9 t9 ~to ~took okhto htocc makefh makefhm|o m|ofat fat őh `ck `ckcjo cjo`o `ok|u k|uff oehmho oehmhok| k| cf th}mut th}muthfa hfat& t& cf }h|ucŭ }h|ucŭhhfa hhfatt lo mth mthwč wč őh cf mak}om mak}omhkŭ hkŭofa ofatt fat fat99 ~ct|hm ~ct|hmh~c h~ctoc toc cm|h cm|hčč fc ~ta ~ta`a `acto ctocc lo lo`am `amtcŭ tcŭhoh hoh őh mak}|tumŭhc }omuth|čŭhh őh ~ta}~oth|čŭhh ëk omhkč|c|oc Ta`äkhoh őh ëk cf|o wako lo hk|oto} }|tc|ojhm9 |tck}eat`ctoc ~taeuklč c hk}|h|uŭhhfat őh ë`dukč|čŭhtoc mc~cdhfh|čŭhfat kcŭhakcfo+ ]|tc|ojhc }|h~ufocwč mč ëkeč~|uhtoc ëkeč~|uhtoc cmo}|at adhom|h adhom|ho& o& }o tocfhwocw tocfhwocwčč ~o lauč ~fckut ~fckuthh ” hk|otk őh or|otk or|otk ”& ëk ut`č|actofo ut`č|actofo maklhŭhh7 - ëk ~fck hk|otk7 orotmhŭhuf lo~fhk cf lto~|uthfat őh fhdot|čŭhfat lo`amtc|hmo9 }|cdhfh|c|oc  ~afh|hmč9 toeat`c ~taeuklč c mfc}oh ~afh|hmo9 `c|uthwctoc }~hth|ufuh mhhm őh ~ct|hmh~ctoc cm|hč c }amho|čŭhh mhhfo fc ~tamo}uf lo juotkcto9 otclhmctoc matu~ŭhoh hk}|h|uŭhakcfo9 c}hjutctoc ct`akhoh hk|o hk|oto to|k |khm hmoo őh hk|o hk|otm tmak akeo eo}h }hak akcf cfo9 o9 `alo `alotk tkhw hwct ctoc oc tc~h tc~hlč lč őh }~ }~at athto htocc jt jtcl cluf ufuh uh lo ~t ~ta| a|om omŭho ŭho c hketc}|tum hketc }|tum|uthh |uthh mth|hm mth|hmo9 o9 `okŭhkotoc `okŭhkotoc }|cdhfh|čŭhh }|cdhfh|čŭhh }h}|o }h}|o`ufu `ufuhh ehkckmhct ehkckmhct-dck -dckmct mct őh c ~hoŭo ~hoŭohh lo mc~h|cf9 mc~h|cf9  ~ta|ogctoc to}ut}ofat kc|utcfo őh c `olhufuh9 - ëk ~fck or|otk7 mak}afhlctoc hk}|h|uŭhakcfč c _khukhh Outa~oko őh ë`dukč|čŭhtoc }|čthh }cfo lo }o }omut muth|c| h|c|o9 o9 }|tc|ojhm9 tomak} tomak}|tum |tumŭhc ŭhc őh lhkc`h lhkc`hwc wctoc toc maa~ot maaőh~otčthh čthh |tck}c |tck}c|fc |fck|h k|hmo9 mak mak}af }afhlc hlctoc tof tofcŭh cŭhhfa t lo  ~ct|okothc| ~ta`actoc lo`amtcŭhoh c}hjutctoc ~čmhh őhmo9 }|cdhfh|čŭhh ëk toc wakofo lohfat hk|oto} }|tc|ojhm9 }~thghkhtoc cm|hč c ma`ukh|čŭhfat ta`äkoő|h lhk ctocfuf h}|athm& c ta`äkhfat lo ~to|u|hklokh&  ~ok|tu ~č}|tctoc hlok|h|čŭhh fat muf|utcfo+ 3?


^ta|ogctoc& c~čtctoc őh ~ta`actoc hk|oto}ofat fojh|h`o cfo Ta`äkhoh cu fam mu to}~om|ctoc   ~th ~thkm kmh~ h~hh hhfa fatt őh kat` kat`of ofat at lto~ lto~|u |ufu fuhh hk|o hk|otk tkcŭ cŭha hakc kcff őh low lowaf af|c |cto tocc lh lhcf cfaj ajuf ufuh uh őh maa~ maa~ot otčt čthh hh mu atjckhwcŭhhfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo őh mu }|c|ofo hk|oto}c|o ëk tocfhwctoc }omuth|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo+ ]|tc|ojhc }udfhkhcwč mč Ta`äkhc ~ta`aocwč hk|oto}ofo kcŭhakcfo ‛~thk `hgfacmo ~cőkhmo ”   ~afh|hmo& lh~fa`c|hmo& omaka`hmo őh muf|utcfo‐=+ Cmo}| fumtu ku ormfulo mc& ~ok|tu ~ta|ogctoc őh c~čtctoc hk|oto}ofat }cfo fojh|h`o& Ta`äkhc }č eho ~tojč|h|č }č eafa}oc}mč |ac|o `hgfacmofo fojcfo ”  hkmfu}h mofo mo ~tho}m ëk|toduhkŭctoc ofo`ok|ofat lo eatŭč cfo mc~cmh|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo ” mc }afuŭho lo uf|h`č hk}|ckŭč& ë`~toukč mu cfhcŭhh őh ~ct|okothh }čh+ ]|tc|ojhoh lo ]omuth|c|o Kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh o}|o euklc`ok|c|č ~o dcwc ut`č|actofat   ~thkmh~hh7  ~thkm h~hh7 cdatl cdatlctoc ctoc }h}|o`hmč }h}|o`hmč őh mu~thkwč|a mu~thkwč|acto cto c ~tadfo`c|hm ~tadfo`c|hmhhhh }omu }omuth|čŭhh th|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo9 kcŭhakcfo9 mak makotj otjokŭc okŭc lhk|to ~afh|hmc lo }omuth|c|o őh ~afh|hmc lo lowaf|cto omaka`hma-}amhcfč9 makmok|tctoc oeat|uthfat  c}u~tc }hjutckŭoh mo|čŭockufuh őh }omuth|čŭhh ~udfhmo9 makmatlckŭc lhk|to makmfuwhhfo towuf|c|o lhk ocfuctoc `olhufuh lo }omuth|c|o& a~ŭhukoc ~afh|hmč őh cmŭhukoc }|tc|ojhmč+ ^ta`a ^ta `acto ctoc& c& ~ta ~ta|og |ogcto ctocc őh c~čtct c~čtctoc oc cf cfath athfat fat őh hk|oto hk|oto}of }ofat at kcŭhak kcŭhakcfo cfo }o toc tocfhw fhwocw ocwčč ~th ~thkk ut`č|actofo mčh7 - ~ct|hmh~ctoc cm|hč fc ëkeč~|uhtoc }omuth|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo9 - mak}|tumŭhc kahh hlok|h|čŭh outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo c Ta`äkhoh9 - }omuth|c|oc őh }|cdhfh|c|oc tojhakcfč t ojhakcfč ëk mak|or|uf ukoh kah ~ctclhj`o9 - c}u`ctoc tafufuh lo om|at lhkc`hm cf }omuth|čŭhh ëk tojhukoc t ojhukoc @čthh Kojto9 - cdatlctoc mu~thkwč|acto őh clomc|č c ~tadfo`c|hmhh }omuth|čŭhh hk|otko9 - dukc juotkcto ” mc hk}|tu`ok| o}okŭhcf ëk mak}|tumŭhc }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo9 - omaka`hc ma`~o|h|hč őh ~oteat`ck|č ” ~hfak cf }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo9 - |tck}eat`ctoc hk}|h|uŭhhfat mu to}~ak}cd to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭh hfh|čŭh ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo9 -Cmo lowaf|ctoc őh ~ta|omŭhc cm|hč hketc}|tum|uthh }|tc|ojhmo+ Cmo}|o }|o mčh mak}|h mak }|h|uh |uhoo lhtomŭ lht omŭhh hh c~thath| ~th ath|cto cto lo cmŭhuk cmŭ hukoo cfo hk} hk}|h|u |h|uŭhhf ŭhhfat at }|c|ufu }|c|ufuhh ta`äk& ta`äk& cfo at atjck jckhwc hwcŭhh ŭhhfat fat mh mhhmo hmo őh cfo mo|čŭo mo|čŭokhf khfat at őh }o `c|oth `c|othcfh cfhwoc wocwč wč ~th ~thkk `č}uth `č}uth lo a~otcŭ a~otcŭhak hakcfh cfhwct wctoo  őh |tck}eat`cto c hk}|h|uŭhhfat  mu to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭh ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo+

4+=+ ^tha 4+=+ ^thath th|č |čŭh ŭhfo fo ~ct| ~ct|hm hmh~ h~čt čthh hh cm cm|h |ho o fc mak} mak}|t |tum umŭh ŭhcc }omu }omuth th|č |čŭh ŭhhh hk|o hk|otk tkcŭ cŭha hakc kcfo fo77 ~ta` ~ta`a act ctoc oc lo`a lo`amtc mtcŭh ŭhoh& oh& fu fu~| ~|cc ë`~a ë`~a|t |th hcc |ota |otath} th}`u `ufu fuhh hk|ot hk|otkc kcŭha ŭhakc kcff őh ma`d ma`dc| c|ot otoc oc ~tafheotčthh ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č ^thkmh~cfuf h`~otc|h cf o|c~oh cm|ucfo ~ok|tu ]|tc|ojhc lo ]omuth|c|o Kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh ëf mak}|h|uho ~ta`actoc lo`amtcŭhoh& fu~|c ë`~a|thc |otath}`ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf őh ma`dc|otoc ~tafheotčthh ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č+ ^ta`actoc ^ta`act oc lo`amtcŭhoh to~towhk|č moc `ch }hkjutč mcfo ~thk mcto }o ~ac|o jctck|c fhdot|c|oc ac`okhfat őh to}~om|uf ~ok|tu lo`kh|c|oc u`ckč& orh}|okŭc }hjutč c }|c|ufuh ta`äk őh  ~ta}~oth|c|oc kcŭhukhh& }hjutckŭc mo|čŭockufuh őh ~towotctoc hlok|h|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo+ Cmoc}|c cto mc }ma~  ~thath|ct ‛ëkeč~|uhtoc }omuth|čŭhh lo`amtc|hmo& }|cto mo }o tocfhwocwč ~thk maa~otcto& `alotkhwcto cmmofotc|č őh hk|ojtcto& őh ~ot`h|o ~ct|hmh~ctoc clomc|č fc jo}|hukoc cecmothfat jfadcfo& uk taf cm|h ëk mcltuf ma`ukh|čŭhh outac|fck|hmo& makmok|tctoc oeat|uthfat ~o adhom|ho h|cfo& }~omhcfhwctoc  ~o tafuth }|tc|ojhmo őh eukmŭhakcfh|čŭh tofock|o& ~tomu` őh u|hfhwctoc oehmhok|č c to}ut}ofat‐>:& ~+32+ ^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+4>+ ? ^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+44+ <



^ct|hmh~ctocc Ta`äkhoh ^ct|hmh~cto Ta`äkhoh fc oeat|uf oeat|uf hk|otkcŭhak hk|otkcŭhakcf cf ~ok|tu ma`dc|otoc ma`dc|otoc |otath}`ufu |otath}`ufuh&h& cto fam ëk mc mcltu ltuff Atjck Atjckhwc hwcŭho ŭhohh Kcŭhuk Kcŭhukhfat hfat _k _kh|o& h|o& Cfhckŭ Cfhckŭoh oh Katl-C Katl-C|fc |fck|h k|hmo mo őh _k _khuk hukhh hh Outa~o Outa~oko ko&& cf cf|at  cf|at  atjckhwcŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo mcto cu cmofcőh adhom|ho& ë`~čt|čőo}m cmofocőh cfath őh ~ta`aocwč cmofocőh hk|oto}o& ut`čthkl tocfhwctoc mak}ok}ufuh }cu makmok|tctoc `cgath|čŭhh oeat|uthfat ~ok|tu cmŭhukh ma`uko+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& Ta`äkhc c hkhŭhc }cu fc c fuc ~ct|o ku`ch fc cmŭhukh `okh|o }č lumč fc  ~ta`actoc őh mak}afhlctoc lo`amtcŭhoh& }~thghkhtoc juotkofat juotkofat őh hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo }omuth|c|o őh c~čtcto ëk fu~|c ë`~a|thc |otath}`ufuh& ~ct|hmh~ctoc fc a~otcŭhukh `uf|hkcŭhakcfo& c}h}|okŭč ma`~forč ëk  ~tamo}uf lo ~tookhto& mak|tcmctcto őh tomak}|tumŭho ~a}|makefhm|+ Cmo}|o cmŭhukh ~a| eh oro`~fhehmc|o  ~thk ~ct|hmh~ctoc fc macfhŭhc ck|h|otath}|č lhk Cejckh}|ck őh Htci& fc oeat|uthfo lo tomak}|tumŭho lhk cmo}|o lauč }|c|o& lhk mofo lhk wakc dcfmckhmč ” Ia}ac őh Da}khc& ~tomu` őh `h}hukhfo }ud ojhlc AK_ lhk ukofo }|c|o cethmcko "]a`cfhc& Makja o|m+(+ ^ct|h ^ct|hmh mh~c ~cto tocc Ta Ta`ä `äkh khoh oh fc a~ot a~otcŭ cŭhh hh `uf| `uf|hk hkcŭ cŭha hakc kcfo fo cto cto fa famm ~o dc dcwc wc lo lomh mhwh whoh oh ~a ~afh| fh|hm hmoo c }|tum|uthfat to}~ak}cdhfo& ëk|o`ohc|o ~o ~toolothfo mak}|h|uŭhakcfo őh ~o adfhjcŭhhfo mo lomutj lhk cmatluthfo lo maa~otcto mu kcŭhukhfo cfhc|o }cu ~tho|oko& ëk makmatlckŭč mu mothkŭofo }h|ucŭhoh őh ëk makeat`h|c|o mu ~toolothfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf+ Fu~|c ë`~a|thc |otath}`ufuh |toduho lu}č mu to}~om|ctoc }|thm|č c ~thkmh~hhfat lo`amtcŭhoh& lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf& lo`kh|čŭhh u`cko& c lto~|uthfat euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh& ëk maklhŭhhfo ëk mcto ku ~ac|o orh}|c khmh a ëkŭofojoto őh khmh-uk ma`~ta`h} ëk tofcŭhhfo mu |otathő|hh+ Lo cmooc&  ~thkmh~cfofo lhtomŭhh lo cmŭhuko cfo hk}|h|uŭhhfat kcŭhakcfo mu c|thduŭhh ëk la`okhuf fu~|oh ë`~a|thc |otath}`ufuh at eh7 ëk|čthtoc maa~otčthh hk|otkcŭhakcfo& hkmfu}h ~thk tofck}ctoc oeat|uthfat hwäkl loehkhtoc mu~thkwč|acto c |otath}`ufuh őh }|cdhfhtoc kat`ofat őh ~tamoluthfat }|cklctl lo a~otcto9 tocfhwctoc mak}ok}ufuh ëk|to eatŭofo ~afh|hmo& atjckhwcŭhhfo kak-juotkc`ok|cfo őh }amho|c|oc mhhfč mu  ~thhto fc komo}h|c|oc ~ta`ačthh lo ‛|afotckŭč wota‐ ëk fu~|c  ~oteomŭhakctoc }h}|o`ufuh }h}|o`ufuh kcŭhakcf lo~afh|hmhh `ckcjo`ok `ckcjo`ok| | cf mthwofat9 a `ch dukč ë`~a|thc mukacő|oto |otath}`ufuh9 c }|tum }|tum|uthfat& |uthfat& `o|alofat őh |obkhmhfat |otath}|o+ Ma`dc|otoc ~tafheotčthh ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č to~towhk|č a cf|č ~thath|c|o c  ~toamu~čthfat hwäkl ~cmoc őh }omuth|c|oc }|c|ofat fu`hh& lhk mcuwc c`~fhehmčthh th}mufuh lo eafa}hto htcŭhakcfč c towuf|c|ofat lowaf|čthh lowaf|čthh ő|hhkŭoh őh |obkafajhoh `alotko+ Ëk ~aehlc ukat ~tajto} ~tajto}oo `cgato   ~thh ~thhkl kl tol tolumo umotoc toc ct}okc ct}okcfof fofat at kumfoc kumfocto to }|t }|tc|o c|ojhm jhmoo őh c uka ukatt }ummo} }ummo}oo h`~ h`~at| at|ck| ck|oo adŭ adŭhku hku|o |o ëk h`~fo`ok|ctoc cmatluthfat hk|otkcŭhakcfo lo ko~tafheotcto& ~othmafuf lh}|tujothh mhhfhwcŭhoh u`cko őh c hoŭhh& ~thk eafa}htoc ukat c}|eof lo `hgfacmo& }o `okŭhko ëkmč thlhmc|+ ]~ato}m& |a|alc|č& th}muthfo mc ct`ofo lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č }č ecmč gakmŭhukoc mu |otath}`uf hk|otkcŭhakcf }cu mc |otath}`uf kumfoct  }č eho ~ta`ac| lo tojh`uth hto}~ak}cdhfo+ Cmo}|o oafuŭhh mtoocwč ~tadfo`o jtco lo }omuth|c|o fc clto}c mo|čŭokhfat& mo|čŭokhfat& ma`ukh|čŭhfat őh hk}|h|uŭhhfat }|c|ofat lo`amtc|hmo+ Ëk ~fck or|otk& Ta`äkhc }~thghkč eot` oeat|uthfo ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo ~ok|tu ~tookhtoc őh ma`dc|otoc cmo}|uh eoka`ok őh ~ct|hmh~č cm|h fc eat`ufctoc őh h`~fo`ok|ctoc ~afh|hmhfat őh }|tc|ojhhfat KC\A őh cfo _khukhh Outa~oko ëk la`okhu+ Oc mak|thduho& |a|alc|č& fc oeat|uthfo AK_& cfo cf|at atjckhwcŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo őh ~ct|okothfat }|tc|ojhmh mcto hwocwč ma`dc|otoc ~tafheotčthh őh c ëkmotm ëkm otmčth čthfat fat ukat ukat }|c }|c|o |o lo c eafa}h eafa}h ~to ~to|or |or|uf |uf low lowaf af|čt |čthh hh mc~cmh mc~cmh|čŭ |čŭhfa hfatt kumfoc kumfocto to mh mhhfo hfo ~ok|tu ~ok|tu  ~talumotoc lo ct`o lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č+ Th}muf ëk mtoő|oto cf cmbhwhŭhakčthh }cu ~talumothh lo mč|to jtu~uth |otath}|o c ukat `hgfacmo lo fu~| fu~|čč lhk lhk mc mc|o |oja jathc thc ct`o ct`ofa fatt lo lh}| lh}|tu tujo joto to ëk `c}č `c}č ko komo mo}h }h|č |č ë`d ë`duk ukč| č|čŭ čŭhto htocc ~a ~afh| fh|hm hmhfa hfatt lo mak|tc~tafheotcto őh ko~tafheotcto& ~oteomŭhakctoc }h}|o`ufuh kcŭhakcf lo mak|taf őh maa~otcto mu }h}|o`ofo }h`hfcto cfo }|c|ofat `o`dto ëk KC\A őh _khukoc Outa~ockč& ~tomu` őh ~ct|hmh~ctoc to}~ak}cdhfč fc tojh`uthfo őh cmatluthfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo ëk hjacto+ \ac|o hk}|h|uŭhhfo őh cjokŭhhfo mu c|thduŭhh ëk la`okhu& ~tomu` őh atjckhwcŭhhfo kojuotkc`ok|cfo őh cf|o hk}|h|uŭhh lo ~taehf }uk| mbo`c|o mbo` c|o }č-őh }č-őh }~ato }~atoc}mč c}mč oeat|uthfo oeat|uthfo hwäkl hwäkl toatjckh toatjckhwctoc wctoc&& lho lhot}hehm t}hehmctoc ctoc őh mtoő mtoő|otoc |otoc oehm oehmhokŭo hokŭohh }|tum|uthfat lo cmŭhuko őh ~oteomŭhakctoc }|tc|ojhhfat lo ma`dc|oto c ~tafheotčthh ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu hk|oto}ofo lo }omuth|c|o cfo Ta`äkhoh őh mu adfhjcŭhhfo c}u`c|o ~thk |tc|c|o+ ^c ^ct|hm t|hmh~c h~ctoc toc fc ~tajtc ~tajtc`of `ofoo lo ko~tafheotcto }o c tocfhw tocfhwcc ~th ~thkk tohja tohjatct tctoc oc cmŭ cmŭhuk hukhfa hfat  t  |tclhŭh |tc lhŭhakc akcfo fo "cm "cm|h |hh|č h|čŭh ŭh ~afh|hm ~afh|hmoo őh lh~fa` lh~fa`c|h c|hmo& mo& cmatlu cmatluth th ~thhk ~thhkll mak|taf mak|tafuf uf ct`c`o ct`c`ok|o k|ofat fat őh cf 3:


or~at|uthfat( őh ct`akhwctoc `omckh}`ofat őh ~tamo}ofat kcŭhakcfo mu mofo cfo KC\A& _O& AK_ őh CHOC+ CHO C+ ^th ^thkmh kmh~c ~cfof fofoo lht lhtomŭ omŭhh hh kcŭhak kcŭhakcfo cfo lo cmŭhuk cmŭhukoo at hwc7 hwc7 mtoő|o mtoő|otoc toc mak|thd mak|thduŭh uŭhoh oh Ta`äkh Ta`äkhoh oh fc oeat|uthfo ma`ukh|čŭhh hk|otkcŭhakcfo ~thhkl to}~om|ctoc eot`č c |tc|c|ofat hk|otkcŭhakcfo ëk la`okhuf lowct`čthh őh hk|otwhmothh ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č9 ëk|čthtoc tojh`uthfat őh ctckgc`ok|ofat    ~th ~thh hkl kl ma mak| k|ta tafu fuff or or~a ~at|u t|uth thfa fatt őh hk|o hk|otl tlhm hmŭhc ŭhc |tck |tck}e }eot otut uthfa hfatt hfoj hfojcf cfoo lo `c `c|o |othc thcfo fo ku kumf mfoc octo to&&  dcm|othafajhmo& mbh`hmo őh tclhafajhmo9 ~ct|hmh~ctoc fc cm|hh|čŭhfo őh cmŭhukhfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo hwäkl c}hjutctoc to}~om|čthh tojfo`ok|čthfat ~thhkl ko~tafheotctoc őh dfamctoc cmmo}ufuh hfojcf cf ukat }|c|o őh atjckhwcŭhh fc ct`ofo lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č+

4+>:& ~+4:+



jtckhŭo ëk|t-a ~uk|o cm|hč lo maa~otcto őh ma`ukhmcto mu kahfo lo`amtcŭhh lhk omhkč|c|oc o}|hmč c _khukhh Outa~oko+

4+?+ Tocfhwctoc }omuth|čŭhh őh }|cdhfh|čŭhh }| cdhfh|čŭhh tojhakcfo ëk|t-a kauč ~ctclhj`č Ëk kauf mak|or| joa~afh|hm joa~afh|hm lo h`~at|ckŭč h`~at|ckŭč }|tc|ojhmč& }|tc|ojhmč& Ta`äkhc ut`čtoő ut`čtoő|o |o }č gacmo uk taf }ud}|ckŭhcf ëk ~tamo}uf lo loehkhto őh h`~fo`ok|cto c ~afh|hmhfat }|cdhfhwc|acto& lo maa~otcto őh c}h}|okŭč lo }omuth|c|o cfo KC\A őh _khukhh Outa~oko& ëk Outa~c mok|tcfč& lo o}| őh lo }ul-o}|+ @olhuf lo }omuth|c|o outa~ock& ëk `al loa}odh| mof lhk wakc dcfmckhmč& c muka}mu| ukofo |ok}hukh& }|čth lo hk}|cdhfh|c|o őh lo makefhm|& mooc mo c komo}h|c| hk|otokŭhc eot`č c ma`ukh|čŭhh outac|fck|hmo& mcto ~thk `č}uthfo fuc|o ëk uf|h`hh ckh& lo h`~ukoto őh lo `okŭhkoto c ~čmhh& c lu} fc lh`hkuctoc ëk `al }o`khehmc|h c hk|ok}h|čŭhh makefhm|ofat mcto cu ceom|c| ~cmoc őh }omuth|c|oc ëk Dcfmckh& hct ~thk cl`h|otoc Ta`äkhoh őh Dufjcthoh ëk KC KC\A \A }h|ucŭhc lhk tojhuko c lookh| `ch }hjutč őh `ch }|cdhfč+ ^ok|tu ^ok| tu ë`duk ë`dukč|čŭhto č|čŭhto mfh`c|ufuh mfh`c|ufuh lhk wakc dcfmckhmč& dcfmckhmč& Ta`ä Ta`äkhc& khc& ~thk hkhŭhc|hofo hkhŭhc|hofo tojhakcf tojhakcfoo ~o mcto fo ~ta`aocwč }cu fc mcto c clotc|& őh-c ~ta~u} }č cmŭhakowo ~ok|tu lo`amtc|hwctoc& lowaf|ctoc lowaf|ctoc omaka`hmč& }|cdhfh|c|oc őh athok|ctoc eot`č c tojhukhh }~to hk|ojtctoc outa~ockč& }h`uf|ck mu }~athtoc mak|thduŭhoh ~ta~thh őh c}u`ctoc ukuh taf ~ta-cm|h `ch ~takukŭc| mc ecm|at lo }omuth|c|o tojhakcf+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& ~thk oeat|uthfo }|tc|ojhmo cfo Ta`äkhoh lhtomŭhakc|o ~ok|tu }afuŭhakctoc ~tadfo`ofat lo }omuth|c|o mcto ceom|ocwč ëkmč Dcfmckhh lo Uo}| őh omhkč|c|oc }c o}|hmč& ~ok|tu mc c`dofo tojhukh }č  ~ac|č hk|tc& |to~|c|& ëk|t-uk ~tamo} oeom|h lo hk|ojtcto outa~ockč őh outac|fck|hmč& }o ceht`č mc om|at  lhkc`hm cf }omuth|čŭhh lo`amtc|hmo& }|cdhfh|čŭhh őh ~ta}~oth|čŭhh omaka`hmo+ ^thk }|tc|ojhc }c Ta`äkhc& cdatlocwč }ud a kauč eat`č makmo~|uf lo maa~otctoc tojhakcfč  ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh& ceht`äkl tafuf őh h`~at|ckŭc atjckhwcŭhhfat lo ~taehf& ëk }~omhcf cf AK_& _O&  KC  KC\A \A őh A]MO& mc or~to}ho c cmŭhukhh ma`uko cőh|u|utat hk|oto}c|o ëk ~tamo}uf ocfucto c `olhufuh }|tc|ojhm& lo hlok|hehmcto c th}muthfat ~ok|tu}|c|ofat jo}|hakctoc mthwofat& ëk mctolo}ma~ ëőh at  ct`akhwc oeat|uthfo ~ok|tu ‛mtoő| mtoő|otoc otoc to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭhh to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭhh }|c|ofat }ul-o}| outa~oko& c maklumč|athfat  maklumč|athfat  cmo}|atc őh c eatŭofat ~afh|hmo kcŭhakcfo ~ok|tu }omuth|c|oc tojhukhh& }~athtoc mak|thduŭhoh fat fc   }afu }afuŭha ŭhakct kctoc oc }| }|čth čthfat fat lo |ok}hu |ok}huko& ko& mthw mthwč č őh makef makefhm| hm| ” to~t to~towh owhk|č k|č h`~otc h`~otc|h |hoo `c `cgat gatoo cfo kahh kahh :  ~ctclhj`o lo }omuth|c|o tojhakcfč ‐ +

]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkho }udfhkhcwč ec~|uf mč ‛}afuŭhhfo fc ~tadfo`ofo tojhak toj hakcfo cfo |to |toduh duhoo }č hkč hkč ~to~ak ~to~aklot lotok| ok| lhk mc mcltu ltuff tojhuk tojhukhh‐ hh‐2& }ma~ ëk mcto |aŭh ecm|athh!cm|athh h`~fhmcŭh h`~fhm cŭh ” }|c|ofo }|c|ofo }ul-o}| }ul-o}| outa~oko& outa~oko& eatŭofo eatŭofo ~afh|hmo ~afh|hmo lhk cmo}|o cmo}|o ŭčth& atjc atjckhwcŭ khwcŭhhfo hhfo juo juotkc`o tkc`ok|cfo k|cfo&& kak-juotkc`ok|cfo }cu mhhmo& maklumč|athh ~afh|hmh őh to~towok|ckŭhh lheoth|ofat `hőmčth ” }č-őh c}u`o tč}~uklotoc lhtom|č ~ok|tu }afuŭhakctoc ~tadfo`ofat mu mcto }o maketuk|č tojhukoc& mooc mo  ~to}u~uko a makő|hhkŭč mhhmč `alotkč őh `c|utč& ~ta`actoc eot`č c ~thkmh~hhfat lo`amtc|hmo& to}~o to} ~om| m| ~ok ~ok|tu |tu lo` lo`kh| kh|c|o c|occ u`ckč& u`ckč& ~ok|tu ~ok|tu fhd fhdot| ot|c|o c|occ őh hlo hlok|h| k|h|c|o c|occ |u|u |u|utat tat&& ~toam ~toamu~c u~ctoc toc ~o ~ok|tu k|tu `okŭhkotoc }|cdhfh|čŭhh etak|hotofat őh ëkmo|ctoc ~ta~cjckloh ëk ecactoc hafokŭoh ~afh|hmo& o|khmo }cu tofhjhac}o őh c }o~ctc|h}`ufuh+ Cäkl äkl ëk ol oloto oto mč adhom| adhom|hu huff eu euklc klc`o `ok|c k|cff cf cmŭ cmŭhuk hukhh hh |u|uta |u|utatt ecm|at ecm|athfa hfatt h`~fhm h`~fhmcŭh cŭh ëf to~towhk|č }omuth|c|oc lo`amtc|hmč& gu}|č őh ojcfč ~ok|tu |aŭh& ~tomu` őh mckcfhwctoc oeat|uthfat mo hwocwč ~ta}~oth|c|oc ac`okhfat }~to ~tojč|htoc hk|ojtčthh |u|utat }|c|ofat lhk tojhuko ëk _khukoc Outa~ockč& }|tc|ojhc ceht`č mč ‛adhom|hofo Ta`äkhoh ëk tojhuko hwocwč mak}afhlctoc ~ot}~om|hofat  outa~oko cfo cmo}|at }|c|o& ofh`hkctoc th}muthfat fojc|o lo |otath}`& lo mth`c atjckhwc|č őh |tcehm hfojcf& ~tomu` őh olhehmctoc }|cdhfh|čŭhh lutcdhfo& dcwc|o ~o }|cklctlo lo lo`amtcŭho& ~ta}~oth|c|o& to}~om|ctoc lto~|uthfat őh fhdot|čŭhfat euklc`ok|cfo cfo a`ufuh‐8+ Ta`äkhc c~tomhcwč mč }afuŭhakctoc ~tadfo`ofat tojhakcfo& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu ~thkmh~hhfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf& |toduho }č }o ecmč& ečtč lh}mth`hkcto őh komaklhŭhakc|& c~fhmäkl towafuŭhhfo Mak}hfhufuh lo ]omuth|c|o cf AK_& lomhwhhfo őh toma`cklčthfo Mak}hfhufuh Outa~oh őh cfo A]MO+ Lo c}o`okoc& Ta`äkhc c mak|thduh oehmhok|& ë`~toukč mu }|c|ofo lhk tojhuko& fc ëkeč~|uhtoc `č}uthfat őh   ~tajt ~tajtc`o c`ofat fat ~afh|h ~afh|hmo& mo& omaka` omaka`hmo hmo őh lo }om }omuth| uth|c|o c|o ëk mcltuf mcltuf KC\A KC\A őh cf _khukh _khukhhh Outa~o Outa~oko ko&& mak}hlotäkl mc ~thath|ctč ëkfč|utctoc dfamcgofat lhk mcfoc }afuŭhakčthh lheotoklofat őh c }|čthfat lo :

^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+=>+ Hlo`& ~+=>+ 8 Hlo`& ~+=>+ 2



|ok}huko& mthwč őh makefhm|+ Cmo}| fumtu c ~ot`h|o lowaf|ctoc hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo`amtc|hmo& jokotctoc }omuth|čŭhh őh lo}mbhlotoc ~ot}~om|hofat }~to ~ta}~oth|c|o& ~thk to}~om|ctoc lto~|uthfat őh fhdot|čŭhfat  euklc`ok eukl c`ok|cfo |cfo cfo a`ufuh& a`ufuh& ëk|čthtoc ëk|čthtoc ëkmto ëkmtolothh& lothh& lowaf|ctoc lowaf|ctoc maa~otčth maa~otčthhh tojha tojhakcfo kcfo őh ~ta`a ~ta`actoc ctoc `uf|hmuf|utcfh}`ufuh+ @alo @a lotk tkh} h}`u `uff mc mcto to to towu wuf|č f|č lhk lhk kauc kauc }| }|tc tc|o |ojho jho&& }o ad ad}o }ot tčč lh lhkk `alu `aluff lo cdat cdatlc lcto to őh  ~toamu~ctoc ~thhkl ë`dukč|čŭhtoc }|c|u|ufuh guthlhm& c maklhŭhhfat lo hcŭč őh c |tc|c`ok|ufuh lo mcto }o dumutč ma`ukh|čŭhfo ta`äkhfat lhk }|c|ofo omhko& ëk makeat`h|c|o mu kat`ofo hk|otkcŭhakcfo& mu }|cklctlofo outa~oko őh mu ckjcgc`ok|ofo c}u`c|o ~thk cmatluth dh- őh `uf|hfc|otcfo+

4+5+ Ta`äkhc ” om|at lhkc`hm cf }omuth|čŭhh őh ~ta}~oth|čŭhh ëk tojhukoc @čthh Kojto Hk|oto}uf `cgat cf Ta`äkhoh& mc }|c| lo jtckhŭč cf _khukhh Outa~oko őh mc `o`dtu cf Cfhckŭoh  Katl-C|fck|hmo ëk cmoc}|č tojhuko& o}|o cmofc lo c }o ëkomhkc mu }|c|o }|cdhfo& lo`amtc|hmo őh  ~ta}~oto loactomo ku`ch cmo}|oc }uk| mc~cdhfo }č `okŭhkč ~cmoc őh dukc-ëkŭofojoto ëk tofcŭhhfo lhk|to ofo& }č mtoowo ma`ukh|čŭh tojhakcfo ~futcfh}|o őh }č chdč uk ma`~at|c`ok| ~tolhm|hdhf ëk la`okhuf }omuth|čŭhh+ Ëk cmo}| }ma~& ‛mak}|tuhtoc ukuh mfh`c| lo }omuth|c|o& }|cdhfh|c|o őh ~ta}~oth|c|o ëk wakc @čthh Kojto to~towhk|č a lhtomŭho lh}|hkm|č lo cmŭhuko c cmo}|oh }|tc|ojhh‐3>+ Ta`äkhc& ~thk cmŭhukhfo }cfo& o}|o hk|oto}c|č mc tojhukoc or|hk}č c @čthh Kojto }č eho ukc }|cdhfč& }|cdh fč& lo`amtc|hmč lo`amtc|hmč őh ~ta}~otč& ~ta}~otč& hct mc adhom|h }|tc|ojhm őh-c ~ta~u ~ta~u}} }|h`ufctoc }|h`ufctoc őh h`~fhm h`~fhmctoc ctoc `ch  ~u|otkhmč őh `ch ~talum|hč ëk cmoc}|č tojhuko c _khukhh Outa~oko őh Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo++ Tojhuk Toj hukoc oc joa~afh|h joa~afh|hmč mč c @čthh @čthh Kojto Kojto o} o}|o |o mak}hl mak}hlotc otc|č |č a cth cthoo lo |tc |tckwh kwh|| }o`khe }o`khehmc hmc|h |hčč c to}ut}ofat okotjo|hmo őh& |a|alc|č& uk }~cŭhu h`~at|ck| lo `ckheo}|cto c ukat th}muth c}h`o|thmo őh eamcto lo makefhm|& mu uk h`~cm| }ud}|ckŭhcf c}u~tc }omuth|čŭhh outac|fck|hmo+ \ \a|alc|č& a|alc|č& }o c~tomhcwč mč cm cmoc oc}| }|cc o}|o o}|o ma mako kom| m|at atuf uf lo h`~at h`~at|c |ckŭč kŭč }| }|tc tc|o |ojh jhmč mč&& }h }h|u |uc| c| ~o ma math thla latu tuff mo focj focjčč ma ma`u `ukh kh|c |c|o |occ outac|fck|hmč "ecm|at eutkhwat lo }omuth|c|o őh mak}u`c|at lo okotjho( lo ctocfuf Athok|uf @hgfamhu ”  Tojhukoc Mc}~hmč ” C}hc Mok|tcfč "ecm|at eutkhwat lo okotjho őh mak}u`c|at lo }omuth|c|o(+ Ta`äkhc mak}hlotč mč& lhk ~ukm| lo oloto cf ~taamčthfat lo }omuth|c|o& tojhukoc @čthh  Kojto&  Kojt o& o}|o a ajfhklč ajfhklč ehlofč c ukat kah th}muth őh c`ok c`okhkŭčth hkŭčth őh uk ht|ucf ~afhjak ~othmu ~othmufa} fa} ~ok|tu or~oth`ok|ctoc fat+ fat+ Kahfo th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth }uk|7 |otath}`uf hk|otkcŭhakcf9 ~tafheotctoc ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č őh c `hgfacmofat lo |tck}~at| fc ŭhk|č9 makefhm|ofo famcfo& mu |oklhkŭo }o~ctc|h}|o9 |tcehmuf hfojcf lo ct`c`ok|& `ukhŭhh őh or~fawhh9 |tcehmuf lo ltajuth9 `hjtcŭhc hfojcfč őh |tcehmuf lo ehhkŭo u`cko9 juotkctoc hkoehmhok|č& `hkc|č lo matu~ŭho oklo`hmč őh mth`hkcfh|c|o atjckhwc|č& hct  ŭctc kac}|tč mak}hlotč mč to}~ak}cdhfh|c|oc mak|tcmctčthh cmo}|atc o}|o c }|c|ofat thotcko @čthh  Kojto+ Lo cmooc& }|tc|ojhc }udfhkhcwč ec~|uf mč |ac|o }|c|ofo tojhukhh ‛}uk| adfhjc|o }č lowaf|o ~afh|hmh hk|otko& or|otko őh lo }omuth|c|o mc~cdhfo }č kou|tcfhwowo eoka`okofo kojc|ho ëk hk|othatuf ~ta~thhfat jtckhŭo őh }č }o cdŭhkč lo fc }~thghkhtoc& ëk athmo eof& c `hőmčthfat }o~ctc|h}|o& c atjckhwcŭhhfat or|to`h}|o }cu |otath}|o& c cm|hh|čŭhfat hketcmŭhakcfo‐33 őh  mč cmo}|o cmŭhukh |toduho }č lo}ečőacto ~o dcwc ukoh maa~otčth cm|ho őh oehmhok|o& c ëkmtolothh ëk tojhuko őh }č-őh ëklo~f ëkl o~fhko hkoc} c}mč mč mu dukč dukč mtolhk mtolhkŭč ŭč adfhjc adfhjcŭhhf ŭhhfoo ~thhk ~thhkll tol tolumo umotoc toc ct` ct`c`o c`ok|o k|ofat fat makok makokŭha ŭhakcf kcfoo őh to|tcjotoc eatŭofat `hfh|cto }|cŭhakc|o hfojcf ~o |oth|athuf cf|at }|c|o+ Ceht`äkl mč tojhukoc @čthh Kojto o}|o uk }~cŭhu joa~afh|hm lo}mbh} ma`ukh|čŭhh lo`amtc|hmo hk|otkcŭhakcfo& ëk mcltuf mčtuhc }o ~a| `ckheo}|c ~fokct }|c|ofo cfhc|o& ~ct|okoto őh ~tho|oko& Ta`äkhc  ~ta`aocwč cm|h hlooc komo}h|čŭhh ukoh }|tc|ojhh outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo ~ok|tu tojhukoc @čthh Kojto+ Ëk cmo}| mak|or|& ~thath|cto ~ok|tu Ta`äkhc }uk|7 ct`akhwctoc őh oehmhok|hwctoc  ~tamo}ofat hk}|h|uŭhakcfo lo maa~otcto ëk mut} lo lo}ečőutcto& ~tookhtoc ma`~o|hŭhoh }cu c |ok|cŭhhfat  bojo`akhmo őh }|cdhfhtoc ukuh kau mcltu lo lhcfaj őh maa~otcto fc mcto }č ~ct|hmh~o |ac|o }|c|ofo őh at atjc jckh khwc wcŭh ŭhhf hfoo lo lo`a `amt mtc| c|hm hmoo hk|o hk|oto to}c }c|o |o&& }m }ma~ a~ ëk mc mcto to&& Ta Ta`ä `äkh khcc cmŭh cmŭhak akoc ocwč wč eot` eot` ~ok| ~ok|tu tu hk}|h|uŭhakcfhwctoc Eatu`ufuh @čthh Kojto ~ok|tu Lhcfaj őh ^ct|okothc|+ ]afuŭhakctoc makefhm|ofat }o~ctc|h}|o& `okŭhkotoc oh ~o cjoklc ~afh|hmč c ~thkmh~cfhfat cm|ath lo }omuth|c|o& o}|o a ~toamu~cto ~toamu~cto ~ot`ckok|č c Ta`äkhoh& }ma~ ëk mcto c ~ta`ac }|tc|ojhh ~afh|hmo őh lh~fa`c|hmo cm|ho őh }o c h`~fhmc `ch oehmhok| ëk eukmŭhakctoc `omckh}`ofat mo hwocwč }afuŭhakctoc ~thk `hgfacmo ~cőkhmo c cmo}|at makefhm|o+ 3> 33

^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+=4+ ^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+==+



^ok|tu cmoc}|c& Ta`äkhc `hfh|ocwč ~ok|tu ofcdatctoc ukoh }|tc|ojhh& mcto }č loehkoc}mč uk }o| lo ~thkmh~hh& kat`o őh tojufh lo makluh|č ukh|cto& makeat`o mu hk|oto}ofo ac`okhfat& ma`ukh|čŭhfat őh }|c|ofat lhk wakč& mu hk|oto}ofo lo }omuth|c|o cfo ma`ukh|čŭhh outac|fck|hmo őh mu ~toolothfo lto~|ufuh hk|otkcŭhakcf& c~|o }č tč}~uklč clomc| lheotokŭofat }~omhehmo ehomčtuh makefhm| ëk ~ct|o+ ]o|uf lo  ~thkmh~hh& kat`o őh tojufh lo makluh|č ct ~u|oc mu~thklo adfhjcŭhh toeoth|acto fc7 kotomukacő|otoc tojh`uthfat }o~ctc|h}|o őh koëkmutcgctoc fat ëk athmo eat`č9 mak|tcmctctoc eot`č c |otath}`ufuh őh c cf|at cm|hh|čŭh c}amhc|o |otath}`ufuh9 |otath}`ufuh9 to|tcjotoc to|tcjotoc |tu~ofat }|tčhko }|tčhko }|cŭhakc|o }|cŭhakc|o hfojcf ëk ~oth`o ~oth`o|tuf |tuf lh lheo eoth| th|of ofat at okmf okmfc co9 o9 ocm ocmuc ucto tocc lo~a lo~awh wh|o |ofa fatt lo ct`c ct`c`o `ok| k|&& `ukhŭ `ukhŭhh hh őh or~f or~faw awh hhh }u }udd ma mak| k|ta taff hk|otkcŭhakcf9 lo}ehhkŭctoc eat`cŭhukhfat ~ctc`hfh|cto mak}|h|uh|o lo tojh`uthfo hfojcfo ~o |oth|athuf tojhukhfat }o~ctc|h}|o+ ]afuŭhakcto ~cőkhmč c makefhm|ofat őh lh}~u|ofat lhk ~tarh`h|c|oc }|tc|ojhmč& |toduho }č chdč fam c|ä| ~thk cmŭhukh kcŭhakcfo& mä| őh ~thk cmŭhukh `uf|hkcŭhakcfo& őh at hwc ~ta`actoc lo`amtcŭhoh& }~thghkhtoc oeat|uthfat lo c~ta~hoto lo }|tum|uthfo outa~oko őh outac|fck|hmo& ceht`äkl mč ~thk fčtjhtoc _O őh KC\A ku |toduho }č }o cgukjč fc mtoctoc ukat kah fhkhh lo }o~ctcŭho+ _k fam c~ct|o ëk ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč ëf amu~č tofcŭhhfo }~omhcfo lhk|to Ta`äkhc őh To~udfhmc @aflac őh maa~otčthh mu cmoc}|c ~o `uf|h~fo ~fckuth& ëk mcto }ma~ ŭctc kac}|tč c }~thghkh To~udf To~ udfhmc hmc @afla @aflacc ëk ~ctmut ~ctmutjo jotoc toc ~tamo} ~tamo}ufu ufuhh lo `al `alotk otkhwc hwcto& to& lo`amt lo`amtc|h c|hwc wcto to őh hk| hk|ojt ojtcto cto outa~ockč& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o cmatlč uk taf h`~at|ck|& ëk mcltuf mak}|tumŭhoh }omuth|čŭhh ëk tojhukoc @čthh @čt hh Kojto& Kojto& lh`ok lh`ok}hukhh }hukhh omaka omaka`hmo `hmo c cm cmo} o}|u |uhh ctoc ctocf&f& hct hct oeat oeat|u |uthf thfoo a att h hwc wc&& mu ~t ~tha hath th|c |c|o |o&& lowaf|ctoc mathlactofat okotjo|hmo őh lo |tck}~at| "c }o oloc ëk uf|h`uf |h`~ ~tahom|uf Kcdumma( mc mc~cd ~cdhfo hfo }č mak makom| om|owo owo om omaka aka`hm `hm őh ma ma`ot `otmhc mhcff cmoc}| cmoc}|čč toj tojhuk hukoo fc ma`uk ma`ukh|c h|c|oc |oc out outac| ac|fck fck|hm |hmč+ č+ Makma`h|ok| mu cmoc}|c& }o c cmatlc a c|okŭho }~ath|č ~ta|omŭhoh `olhufuh& cfathehmčthh ~a|okŭhcfufuh őh to}|cdhfhthh eukmŭhakcfh|čŭhh oma}h}|o`ufuh Kocjtč+  Ku }uk| ormf ormfu}o u}o lhk `uf|h~fo }|tc|ojho& }|tc|ojho&c hct Ta`äkhc Ta`äkhc cLukčto-@ctoc ut`čt ut`čth&h& lowaf|cto lowaf|ctoc c ukat ~tajtc`o }~omh }~omhcfo cfo  ~thk mcto at eh }~ath|o mc~cdhfh|čŭhfo kcŭhakcfo őh tojhakcfo lo `akh|athwcto őh hk|otokŭho tc~hlč  ~ok|tu ~tookhtoc őh mak|tcmctctoc th}muthfat lo }omuth|c|o ~taokh|o lhk }~cŭhuf `cth|h`& }u}ŭhkotoc hkhŭhc|hofat hwäkl c`~fhehmctoc mc~cmh|čŭhfat tojhakcfo lo tč}~uk} fc mthwo őh lo mak|tcmctcto c c`okhkŭčthfat c}h`o|thmo& ~tomu` őh mofo ~thk mcto c eh ë`dukč|čŭh| mcltuf guthlhm ecatcdhf mtoő|othh ëkmtolothh ëk|to }|c|ofo lhk wakč őh cf|o }|c|o hk|oto}c|o ëk }omuth|c|oc tojhukhh+

4+:+ ]omuth|c|oc hk|otkč ëk|t-a cdatlcto }h}|o`hmč őh mu~thkwč|acto  Kahfoo th}muth  Kahf th}muth őh c`okhkŭčth c`okhkŭčth hk|otkcŭhakcfo hk|otkcŭhakcfo&& oafuŭhc oafuŭhc ma`~forč ma`~forč c `olhufuh `olhufuh hk|otk& hk|otk& ~tomu` ~tomu` őh `alhehmctoc }ud}|ckŭhcfč c }|c|u|ufuh lo }omuth|c|o cf Ta`äkhoh ëk ~fck hk|otkcŭhakcf& lc|atc| ëk }~omhcf mcfh|čŭhh lo `o`dtu cf _khukhh Outa~oko őh Cfhckŭoh Katl-C|fck|hmo& h`~uko a cdatlcto kauč& ëk|t-a `ckhotč hk|ojtc|acto& }h}|o`hmč őh ma`~tobok}hč ma`~tobok}hč c adhom|hofat lo }omuth|c|o hk|otkč+ ]o c~tomhcwč mč& cd}okŭc ukuh ~othmaf ~tohwhdhf ~thhkl uk ~a}hdhf c|cm or|otk ecmo mc& ëk maklhŭhhfo cm|ucfo őh ëk|t-a ~ot}~om|hč ~tohwhdhfč& }ctmhkc ~ta|ogčthh cfathfat őh fhdot|čŭhfat& c hoŭhh ac`okhfat  őh c dukuthfat fat }č ku `ch ~ac|č eh makmo~u|č ëk |ot`okhh c~čtčthh |oth|athcfo lhk ~othaclc Tčwdahufuh Tomo& mh ~thk ~th}`c makmo~|ufuh lo c~čtcto mafom|hč+ Ëk cmofcőh |h`~& or~othokŭc c|ok|c|ofat |otath}|o lo c`~facto lhk ]|c|ofo _kh|o& lhk cf|o }|c|o ”  outa~oko& c}hc|hmo őh cethmcko ” ~tomu` őh or~othokŭc ukat lowc}|to kc|utcfo lo `cth ~ta~atŭhh& ~uk ëk ohlokŭč komo}h|c|oc ukoh }|tc|ojhh clomc|o ~ok|tu ~ta|omŭhc őh c~čtctoc hoŭhh& fhdot|čŭhh őh lo`kh|čŭhh u`cko& ~tomu` őh c dukuthfat őh cm|hh|čŭhfat ~o |oth|athuf kcŭhakcf& ëk maklhŭhh loa}odh|o lo ~othmaf+ ]|tc|o ]|t c|ojhc jhc lo }om }omuth uth|c| |c|oo kcŭhak kcŭhakcfč cfč c Ta` Ta`äkh äkhoh& oh& ctc|č ctc|č mč ‛]omuth|c|oc hk|otkč to~towhk|č ck}c ck}c`d `dfu fuff cm cm|h |hh h|č |čŭhf ŭhfat at lo ~ta| ~ta|om omŭh ŭho& o& ~cwč ~cwč őh c~ c~čt čtct ctoo c fa famu muh| h|at athf hfat at&& ma`u ma`ukh kh|č |čŭhf ŭhfat at u`ck u`cko& o& hketc}|tum|uthh őh ~ta~tho|čŭhh ë`~a|thc c`okhkŭčthfat c}h`o|thmo lo ecm|utč `hfh|ctč }cu kak-`hfh|ctč&  ~tomu` őh c mofat jokotc|o lo ecm|ath joa-ehwhmh& `o|oa-mfh`c|hmh ath cfŭh ecm|ath kc|utcfh }cu u`ckh mc mcto to ~uk ëk ~ot ~othma hmaff hcŭc& hcŭc& fhdot| fhdot|čŭh čŭhfo& fo& dukuthf dukuthfoo őh cm|hh cm|hh|čŭ |čŭhfo hfo ac` ac`okh okhfat fat őh cfo maf mafom| om|hh| hh|čŭh čŭhfat fat&& hketc}|tum|utc őh cm|hh|čŭhfo omaka`hma-}amhcfo& ~tomu` őh cf|o cfath& fc uk khof lo hk|ok}h|c|o őh 34

c`~facto `uf| lheoth| lootkč }|ctoc + thč& ]o ]omut muth|c| h|c|oc oc hk| hk|otk č ~thoő ~thadhőkuh|č‐ oő|o& |o& loa~a| loa~a|th č& }hjutc }hjutckŭc kŭc mo|čŭo mo|čŭocku ckufuh fuh őh }omuth }omuth|c| |c|oc oc ~ud ~udfhm fhmč& č& }omuth|c|oc etak|hotofat& c okotjhoh& c |tck}~at|uthfat őh c }h}|o`ofat lo c~tahwhakcto mu to}ut}o 34

^toőolhkŭhc Ta`äkhoh& ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o kcŭhakcfč c Ta`äkhoh & Dumutoő|h& 4>>:& ~+=:+



h|cfo& ~tomu` őh ~ta|omŭhc hketc}|tum|uthh mth|hmo+ Oc hkmfulo& lhk ~ukm| lo oloto }|tum|utcf& }omuth|c|oc }amho|cfč őh c}hjutctoc }|čthh lo fojcfh|c|o& mak|tcmctctoc |otath}`ufuh őh c mth`hkcfh|čŭhh at atjck jckhwc hwc|o& |o& }om }omuth| uth|c|o c|occ cm|hh| cm|hh|čŭh čŭhfat fat ehkckm ehkckmhct hct-dc -dckmc kmcto& to& c }h}|o }h}|o`of `ofat at hkeat` hkeat`c|h c|hmo mo őh c mofat mofat lo ma`ukhmcŭhh& ~ta|omŭhc ë`~a|thc lowc}|tofat őh ~ta|omŭhc `olhufuh+ C}hj C} hjut utct ctoc oc }o }omu muth| th|čŭ čŭhh hh hk|o hk|otk tkoo eh ehhk hkll a }c }ctm tmhk hkcc ma`~ ma`~fo forč rč őh hk hk|o |otl tlo~ o~ok oklo lok| k|čč h` h`~f ~fhm hmčč to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭh lhk ~ct|oc ukuh ku`čt `cto lo hk}|h|uŭhh őh cjokŭhh& mu` }uk|7 cl`hkh}|tcŭhc ~udfhmč őh }|tum|uthfo lo atlhko ~udfhmč& ~tomu` őh mofo mcto }o amu~č mu ~tookhtoc őh jo}|hakctoc utjokŭofat  mhhfo& }omuth|c|oc etak|hotofat őh jctlc lo mac}|č9 }|tum|uthfo lo hkeat`cŭhh& mak|tchkeat`cŭhh őh }omuth|c|o9 atjckh}`ofo lo ~tookhto c }~čfčthh dckhfat őh lo mak|taf cf h`~at|uthfat őh or~at|uthfat  }|tc|ojhmo9 }|tum|uthfo `hfh|cto& ëk }h|ucŭhh loa}odh|o& ~ok|tu ukofo cm|hh|čŭh+ Fc cmo}|oc }o clcujč }|tum|uthfo mu c|thduŭhh }~omhehmo& mu` }uk|7 jctlc ehkckmhctč őh }|tum|uthfo c`cfo9 jctlc lo `olhu9 }|tum|uthfo lo }~omhcfh|c|o mcto ojbocwč fc }čkč|c|oc ~a~ufcŭhoh őh c ckh`cfofat9 }|tum|uthfo lo }~omhcfh|c|o lo ~ta|omŭho c mak}u`c|athfat+ mak}u`c|athfat+ To}~ak}cdhfh|čŭh h`~at|ck|o& ëk la`okhuf fat lo cm|hh|c|o& tohk őh a~otc|athfat hklu}|thcfh& cjthmafh& ma`otmhcfh őh lo }othmhh mcto lo}ečőactč cm|hh|čŭh lo h`~at|ckŭč h|cfč& }ok}hdhfo }cu ~othmufac}o& ath mcto h`~fhmč uk `cto ku`čt lo ac`okh }cu hk|oto}o }amhcfo `cgato+ ^a}hdhfh|c| ^a}h dhfh|c|oc oc ~talumothh ~talumothh ukat  cmŭhuk cmŭhukhh |otath}|o |otath}|o& hkmfu} hkmfu}h h ~thk ~thk u|hfhwc u|hfhwctoc toc uka ukatt `hgfac `hgfacmo mo tclhacm|ho& mbh`hmo }cu dhafajhmo& }cu ~thk ~taamctoc lo }cda|cgo& lh}|tujoth ath `alhehmčth eukmŭhakcfo ~othmufac}o cfo ukat hk}|cfcŭhh& ~tomu` őh th}muf }~ath| lo ~talumoto c ukat lowc}|to hklu}|thcfo }cu kc|utcfo& komo}h|č mtoctoc őh to}~ak}cdhfhwctoc ukat }|tum|uth mu }ctmhkh lo }~omhehmo& mc mcto to }č c}hj c}hjut utoo ma mak| k|tc tcmc mctc tcto tocc |o |ota tath} th}`u `ufu fuhh ~o |oth| |oth|at athu huff kc kcŭh ŭhak akcf cf&& ëk mcto mcto }ma~ }ma~&& ~o |o`o |o`ohuf huf to}~ak to} ~ak}cd }cdhfh| hfh|čŭh čŭhhh ~ok|tu ~ok|tu }om }omuth uth|c| |c|oc oc ~ud ~udfhm fhmčč őh }hjutc }hjutckŭc kŭc mo|čŭ mo|čŭokh okhfat fat ŭčt ŭčthh hh őh ëk makeat makeat`h| `h|c|o c|o mu adfhjcŭhhfo c}u`c|o lo Ta`äkhc ëk ~tamo}uf lo hk|ojtcto& }č tocfhwowo ut`č|actofo adhom|ho7 lo}ma~othtoc fc |h`~&~ta|omŭhc ~tookhtoc& ma`dc|otoc őh wčlčtkhmhtoc cm|hh|čŭhfat őh cmŭhukhfat ~o |oth|athuf kcŭhakcf9 hk}|h|uŭhhfat& c mo|čŭokhfat ta`äkh őh c }|tčhkhfat cefcŭh ëk|otath}|o Ta`äkhc ë`~a|thc c|cmuthfat |otath}|o9 hk|otwhmotoc eafa}hthh |oth|athufuh Ta`äkhoh ~ok|tu ~ta~cjcklč ëk ecactoc |otath}`ufuh& tomtu|ctoc }cu clč~a}|htoc cjokŭhfat& mafom|ctoc lo eakluth }cu ~tojč|hto c ukat cmŭhukh |otath}|o ë`~a|thc cf|at }|c|o+ `č}uthf uthfoo lo kc|utc kc|utc mak|tc~ mak|tc~ta tafheo fheotčt tčthhhh+ Ëk cmo} ]|tc|ojhc ]|tc|o jhc }|cdh }|cdhfoő|o foő|o `č} cmo}|| }ma~ }ma~&& ecm| ecm|at athh hh to}~ak}cdhfh lo }omuth|c|oc hk|otkč at c}hjutc ~oteomŭhakctoc mcltufuh fojh}fc|h őh atjckhwc|athm& mä| őh cm|hh|c|oc lo}ečőutc|č fc khofuf ma`ukh|čŭhh lo hkeat`cŭhh& ~afhŭhoh lo etak|hotč& c hk}|h|uŭhhfat lo atlhko ~udfhmč őh c cf|at cjokŭhh juotkc`ok|cfo& ~ok|tu c ~tookh ~tamutctoc& |tck}~at|uf }cu |tck} |tc k}eo eotu tuff mč mč|t |too jtu~ jtu~čt čthh |ota |otath} th}|o |o&& ath ath mč mč|t |too cf cf|o |o atjc atjckh khwc wcŭh ŭhhh mth` mth`hk hkcf cfoo }cu }cu }|c| }|c|oo a} a}|hf |hfo& o& c ma`~akok|ofat&& }ud}|ckŭofat& mukaő|hkŭofat }cu |obkafajhhfat }~omhehmo ~talumothh& }|amčthh őh u|hfhwčthh ma`~akok|ofat ct`ofat lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č& `hgfacmofat lo |tck}~at| fc ŭhk|č& `c|othcfofat tclhacm|ho }cu mu ludfč u|hfhwcto+ A~|h`hwctoc& ~oteomŭhakctoc őh mtoő|otoc oehmhokŭoh }|tc|ojhhfat lo ~tookhto őh ma`dc|oto c cäkl äkl mc }ma~ }ma~ tol tolum umoto otocc th} th}muf mufuh& uh& etomo etomokŭo kŭohh őh mak} mak}omh omhkŭo kŭofat fat ukat ukat hketcm hketcmŭhu ŭhukh kh mth`hkcfh|čŭhh& c loa}odh| lo ~othmufac}o ” a`atuf& |äfbčthc& c|ok|c|ofo fc clto}c hk|ojth|čŭhh mat~atcfo& fh~}htoc lo fhdot|c|o őh mak}u`uf lo ltajuth ”& mak}|h|uho a cf|č }ctmhkč c ecm|athfat to}~ak}cdhfh lo }omuth|c|oc hk|otkč& hk|otk č& hct oeat|uthfo oeat|uthfo cmo}|atc |toduho }č hwowo hwowo ëklo~ ëklo~fhkhto fhkhtocc ut`č| ut`č|acto actofat fat adhom|ho7 adhom|ho7 ~ta|o ~ta|omŭhc mŭhc ma`ukh|čŭhfat famcfo9 ~ta|omŭhc }~omhcfč c ukh|čŭhfat lo ëkčŭč`äk| őh c cf|at hk}|h|uŭhh őh famuth etomok|c|o ~to~aklotok| lo ma~hh őh |hkoth9 `č}uth clomc|o lo ~ta|omŭho ~ok|tu moh mcto |tčho}m ëk|tuk `olhu mu th}m hketcmŭhakcf thlhmc|9 tolumotoc etomokŭoh őh jtch|čŭhh cmmhlok|ofat lo mhtmufcŭho9 `omckh}`o oehmhok|o lo ma`ukhmcto őh ~ct|okothc| ëk|to eatŭofo lo atlhko ~udfhmč őh ma`ukh|čŭhfo famcfo9 hkeat`ctoc ~udfhmufuh lo}~to lheoth|o `alcfh|čŭh lo ~tookhto c mth`hkcfh|čŭhh9 cmŭhukh makmto|o őh eot`o& c~|o }č `alhehmo tc~hl }|c|u|uf Ta`äkhoh lo ŭctč lo athjhko& lo |tckwh| őh lo lo}|hkcŭho c |tcehmufuh mu ltajuth& ct`o őh ehhkŭo u`cko+ \a|alc|č& }o h`~uk mu komo}h|c|o ofcdatctoc lo }|tc|ojhh mc mcto to }č hwo hwowo wo mak| mak|tc tcmc mctc tcto tocc cm cm|h |hh| h|čŭ čŭhf hfat at mo ~uk ~uk ëk ~o ~oth thma maff }hju }hjutc tckŭ kŭcc |tc |tck} k}~a ~at| t|ut uthfa hfatt őh c ma`ukhmcŭhhfat& c toŭofofat lo cfh`ok|cto mu okotjho& c~č& jcwo őh cf|o to}ut}o h|cfo& c mofat  hkeat`c|hmo őh lo |ofoma`ukhmcŭhh& ~ok|tuouta~oko mc }hjutckŭc hklhhlucfč& }omuth|c|oc ma`ukh|čŭhfat őh c `olhufuh lo cecmoth }č c|hkjč }|cklctlofo ëk `c|otho+ Ëk ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o& ëk ut`c ckcfhwoh c}u~tc ookh`ok|ofat uf|h`hfat ckh ch }omafufuh RR őh ckhfat lo ëkmo~u| lo }omaf RRH& mak}hlotcŭh c ecmo ~ct|o lhk o~amc jfadcfhwčthh őh cäkl ëk 44


oloto lhkc`hmc }|čthfat lo |ok}huko& mthwofat őh makefhm|ofat `ckheo}|c|o& o}|o ohlokŭhc| ec~|uf mč jtckhŭc lhk|to th}muthfo hk|otko őh mofo or|otko& mu oeom|o `cgato c}u~tc }omuth|čŭhh mo|čŭokhfat& ma`ukh|čŭhfat }cu }|c|ufuh& lohko |a| `ch ~uŭhk tofock|č& hct oeom|ofo ~a}hdhfo cfo ukat c`okhkŭčth mc|c}|taecfo ” |a| `ch jtou lo ck|hmh~c|+ Cmo}| fumtu c komo}h|c| `č}uth lo ~oteom ~oteomŭhakct ŭhakctoo c `omckh}`ofat lo jo}|hakcto c mthwofat& ëk }ma~uf lo c tolumo hkefuokŭc th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat  fc clt clto} o}cc }om }omuth| uth|čŭh čŭhhh kcŭhak kcŭhakcfo cfo&& ~thk|t ~thk|t-a -a ~a} ~a}|ut |utčč cm| cm|hč hč ëk la`okh la`okhuf uf ~too ~tookhth khthhh makefh makefhm|o m|ofat fat őh `ckcjo`ok|ufuh mthwofat őh utjokŭofat mhhfo+  Ëk }|tc|ojho }o c~tomhcwč mč& ~ok|tu tocfhwctoc cmo}|uh }ma~& o}|o komo}ctč u|hfhwctoc ukoh ëk|tojh jc`o lo hk}|tu`ok|o ~afh|hmo& lh~fa`c|hmo& `hfh|cto őh mhhfo lo jo}|hakcto c mthwofat& c}|eof ëkmä| mak|tcmctctoc oehmhok|č c th}muthfat őh c`okhkŭčthfat }č eho mu cločtc| ~a}hdhfč+ Lo c}o`okoc& }o c~tomhcwč mč& ~o ~fck hk|otk& ~othmafuf |tck}eat`čthh ukatc lhk|to th}muthfo orh}|ok|o& ~tomu` |oklhkŭofo }o~ctc|h}|o& `hőmčthfo ckctbhmo őh cf|o cmŭhukh hafok|o }cu c th}muthfat lo `olhu "hkuklcŭhh mc|c}|taecfo& }omo|č }ootč lo fukjč lutc|č& mu|to`uto& cmmhlok|o kumfocto o|m+( ëk c`okhkŭčth `cgato fc clto}c }omuth|čŭhh kcŭhakcfo o}|o tocf őh |toduho cdatlc| ëk|t-a `ckhotč }h}|o`c|hmč őh ck|hmh~c|hč+ ^ok|tu c}hjutctoc mc~cmh|čŭhh lo cmŭhuko ëk athmo }h|ucŭho& ëk ~tamo}uf lo ~oteomŭhakcto c `omckh}`ofat lo jo}|hakcto c mthwofat& fc khof mok|tcf }o cmŭhakocwč őh }uk| fuc|o `č}uth lo h`~fo`ok|cto c ‛ukuh }h}|o` kcŭhakcf hk|ojtc| lo `ckcjo`ok| cf mthwofat& mo c ct|hmufc& ëk|t-a toŭoc `alotkč őh eukmŭhakcfč& |ac|o }|tum|uthfo ” mhhfo őh `hfh|cto& lhk cl`hkh}|tcŭhc mok|tcfč őh famcfč ” mu c|thduŭhh ëk cmo}| la`okhu őh c c}hjutc maatlakctoc oehmhok|č c to}ut}ofat u`cko& `c|othcfo& ehkckm ehk ckmhct hctoo őh lo cf| cf|čč kc|utč kc|utč ea eafa} fa}h|o h|o ~ok ~ok|tu |tu ~to ~too okht khtoc oc ~ot ~othma hmafof fofat at&& mak|t mak|tafu afuff őh ëkfč|u ëkfč|utct tctoc oc `ckhe `c kheo}| o}|čth čthfat fat kojc|h kojc|ho& o& fhm fhmbhl bhlcto ctocc mak}om mak}omhkŭ hkŭofa ofatt őh to} to}|cd |cdhfht hfhtoc oc }cu tomak} tomak}|tu |tumŭh mŭhcc }|č }|čthh thh lo kat`c kat `cfh|c fh|c|o+ |o+ Cmo}| Cmo}| }h} }h}|o` |o` c ut`čth ut`čth c}hjut c}hjutcto ctocc ukuh ukuh khof khof a~|h` a~|h` lo ~to ~tojč jč|hto |hto őh ~fc ~fckhe khehmc hmcto to a~otcŭhakcfč őh eukmŭhakcfč c |u|utat }|tum|uthfat mu to}~ak}cdhfh|čŭh ëk la`okhu& ~ok|tu jo}|hakctoc 3=

ëk|tojufuh }~om|tu }h|ucŭhhfat cf mthwofatlolhk la`okhuf ^thk makmo~ŭho& }h}|o`uf c ~u|oc }č tč}~uklč clomc| mthwč c}hjutäkl}omuth|čŭhh‐ cu|aka`hc+ }ud}h}|o`ofat ma`~akok|o& c}|eof ëkmä| cmo}|oc }č ~ac|č lookh a~otcŭhakcfo őh }č tocmŭhakowo ëk eukmŭho lo kc|utc őh c`~factoc mthwoh+ ^ok|tu h`~fo`ok|ctoc }h}|o`ufuh& }|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o ~toolo mč fc khof kcŭhakcf& }o h`~uko ct`akhwctoc fojh}fc|hč őh ~tamolutcfč mu }h}|o`uf lo jo}|hakcto c mthwofat lo }omuth|c|o őh c ut utjo jokŭ kŭof ofat at mh mhh hfo fo lhk lhk KC KC\ \A őh _O _O&& ~tom ~tomu` u` őh ~o ~ote teom omŭha ŭhakc kcto tocc `o `omc mckh kh}` }`of ofat at&& ka kat`o t`ofa fatt őh  ~tamoluthfat&& mc őh lowaf|ctoc }|tum|uthfat& eatŭofat őh `hgfacmofat }~omhehmo cmo}|uh la`okhu mcto at   ~tamoluthfat hwcc mu ~thath| hw ~thath|c|o c|o77 ~took ~tookhto htoc& c& towaf towafcto ctocc }|čthfa }|čthfatt lo mthwč mthwč őh jo jo}|h }|huko ukocc mak mak}om }omhkŭ hkŭofa ofatt mthwofa mthwofat  t   ~taamc|o lo cmŭhukh |otath}|o9 fh`h|ctoc oeom|ofat& ëkfč|utctoc mak}omhkŭofat őh to}|cdhfhtoc cm|hh|čŭhh kat`cfo ëk mcw lo c|cm mu ct`o lo lh}|tujoto ëk `c}č }cu lo cmmhlok|o h`~fhmäkl }ud}|ckŭo tclhac tcl hacm|h m|ho& o& mbh mbh`hm `hmoo }cu dha dhafaj fajhmo hmo99 ~to ~took okhto htocc őh ëkfč|u ëkfč|utct tctoc oc oeom| oeom|ofa ofatt hkuklc hkuklcŭhhf ŭhhfat at őh c cf|at  cf|at  ma mak}o k}omhk mhkŭo ŭo ~ta ~taam amc|o c|o lo }m }mbh`d bh`dčth čthfo fo mfh mfh`c| `c|hmo hmo `cgato `cgato99 ~to ~took okhto htoc& c& ëkfč ëkfč|ut |utcto ctocc oeo oeom|o m|ofat fat őh to}|cd to} |cdhfht hfhtoc oc eukmŭh eukmŭhakč akčthh thh }h}|o` }h}|o`ofa ofatt om omaka aka`hm `hma-} a-}amh amhcfo cfo ëk mcw mcw lo mu|to` mu|to`ut ut `cgat9 `cgat9 to}|cd to}|cdhfht hfhtoc oc cm|hh|čŭhh kat`cfo ëk mcw lo ëk|totu~oto c efuruthfat h|cfo ” okotjo|hmo& cfh`ok|cto& `olhmcfo& lo ma`ukhmcŭhh o|m+9 ëkfč|utctoc ut`čthfat cmmhlok|ofat hklu}|thcfo9 ~tookhtoc őh mak|tcmctctoc oeom|ofat   ~cklo`hhfat+

4+2+ To~otofo dukoh juotkčth7 cl`hkh}|tcŭho ~udfhmč ~taeo}hakh}|č őh oehmhok|č9 gu}|hŭho lo`amtc|hmč9 ma`dc|otoc matu~ŭhoh Dukc juotkcto mak}|h|uho a maklhŭho o}okŭhcfč c }omuth|čŭhh őh ~ta}~oth|čŭhh& őh mak}|h|uho ukh|c|oc lo `č}utč mu`ufc|hč ~thk mcto hcŭc }amhcfč cfhlocwč towuf|c|uf cfojothfat lo`amtc|hmo&  ~tadocwč tocfh}`uf ~tajtc`ofat őh mc~cmh|c|oc eatŭofat ~afh|hmo lo c-őh ëklo~fhkh ~ta`h}hukhfo& mu }|thm|c to}~om|cto c }|cklctlofat lo`amtc|hmo+ Lo c}o`okoc& ~thk cmoc}|c }o ocfuocwč }ummo}uf őh oe oehmh hmhokŭ okŭcc `č}ut `č}uthfat hfat lo ma`dc| ma`dc|oto oto c hk}omu hk}omuth|č th|čŭhh& ŭhh& hko hkomb mbh|č h|čŭhh ŭhh őh }čtčm }čtčmhoh hoh őh }|c }|cdhf dhfoő| oő|oo mat matomŭ omŭhhfo hhfo komo}cto+ ]|tc|ojhc lo }omuth|c|o ~tomhwocwč mč ëk ~tamo}uf lo juotkcto ~thkmh~cfhh ecm|ath h`~fhmcŭh }uk|  }|c|uf  ~thk7őh~u|otoc fojh}fc|hč& ~u|otoc oromu|hč& ~u|otoc gulomč|atoc}mč őh cu|ath|čŭhfo ~udfhmo famcfo& ~tomu`  }amho|c|oc  }amho|c| oc mhhfč  ~thk7 ~ct|hlofo ~afh|hmo9 }hklhmc|ofo& ~c|takc|ofo őh cf|o atjckhwcŭhh 3=

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