Red Tara Kuru Kulle Sadhana

April 15, 2017 | Author: David Moerler | Category: N/A
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The Arya Tara Kurukulla Kalpa Red Tara & Kurukulle Sadhana

Om Namas Tarayai! Om Namo Bhagavatyai Arya Kurukullayai! REFUGE AND BODHICITTA In the most holy guru who is the quintessence of the qualities and deeds of the body, speech and mind of all the tathagatas abiding in the ten directions and the three times, the source of the eighty four thousand articles of the doctrine and Master of the Noble Assemblies, I and all living beings, equal to the bounds of space, from this time forth until the essence of enlightenment is reach, steadfastly take refuge in that venerable root guru and in the holy masters of the lineage; take refuge in the blessed Accomplished Buddhas, take refuge in the Holy teachings; take refuge in the noble Assembly; take refuge in the blessed Yidams: and take refuge in the Dharmapalas. (recite three times) “The three jewels are my refuge; I confess all my wrongdoings; I rejoice in the virtues of wandering beings; I set my mind on the enlightenment of a buddha (the refuge field dissolves into light which is absorbed into you) (recite three times) May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes, May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes, May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering, May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger. OFFERINGS I instantly manifest as Arya Tara. In my heart from the letter Ram arises a sun disc. On top of this is the red letter Tam. From it light rays issue , invoking the Red Tara with the guru in the form of Amitabha adorning the head of the goddess. OM VAJRA SAMAJAH NAMO GURU BYAH NAMO TARA BHYAH



From the depths of bliss emptiness arises an open red lotus with eight petals and in its center a sun disc. Upon the sun disk arises a brilliant red Tam syllable of blazing light. From the red tam syllable, the luminous form of Arya Red Tara arises. She has one face and three eyes. She sits upon the sun disk in the posture of royal ease and her back is supported by a full moon. Her right foot rest upon a smaller red lotus.Her hair is half bound at her crown in a jewelled tiara and the rest of her raven black hair cascades freely over her shoulders and back.Her right hand in the posture of supreme generosity holds a long life vase Her left hand holds the stem of a red lotus which blooms at her ear with a fully drawn lotus bow and arrow in its center. she is adorned in silken garments adorned with gold. she has golden tiara inlaid with rubies, garnets and pearls, golden earrings, ankles, bracelets and necklaces. as we gaze upon Red Tara we ask her to shower us with her blessings. Tara’s rainbow light radiance enters our crown, throat and heart center. Her healing light purifies the six realms. like morning dew dried by the rising sun taras light evaporates the poisonous fruits of negative karma,sickness, obstacles and demonic afflictions. wisdom, joy, merit, wealth, and longevity increase beyond measure. the perception of all appearances are realized.

Out of shunyata , in the center surrounded by the eight cemeteries from the letter PAM appears a a red lotus with eight petals. In the center from the letter RAM appears the form of a sundisc. Upon this letter HRIH appears and from this many light rays in the form of ropes and hooks issue forth to make offerings to the Noble ones. All sentient beings become the goddess. Light rays return absorb into the letter HRIH. THen I become the Goddess KURUKULLE, red on color, with one face and four hands. The first two hands hold stretched from right ear a bow and arrow made from utpala flowers. The second right hand, holding a hook, hooks all three world and the second left hand holds a lasso made of utpala flowers. My mouth , with short fangs, is both smiling and wrathful. With three eyes and adorned with two beautiful breasts I have the youthful form of a sixteen year old. ; smoky colored hair standing straight up and adorned with the five skulls in the nature of the five races. I am adorned with a necklace fifty fresh heads and the five ornaments of bone. I am wearing a tigerskin skirt and stand , facing left, on an orange colored dead body. My left leg is stretched downward, while on the thigh the toes of the curved right leg is pressing in the half lotus position in the midst of a beautiful circle of sun rays. Visible , but not solid, like the form of Maya, on my forehead is the letter OM, on the throat AH, and on the heart HUNG. In the center of the heart on top of a sun disc is a red utpala flower. In its center is another sun disc with the red letter HRIH. From this many lights rays issue forth from the cave of Kurukulle invoking the goddess Kurukulle surrounded by an unimaginable number of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. OM VAJRA SAMAJAH OM KURUKULLE SAPARIVARA OM VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM ETC, ( The deities are absorbed non dually into yourself when you say;) JAH HUM BAM HOH CONSECRATION Again, rays of light shine forth from the syllable HRIH within my heart to invite the five deities of Consecration, together with their retinues. (say:) OM VAJRA SAMAJAH OM PANCA-KULA SAPARIVARA OM VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM etc/ (then seek their consecration)

I request the All the Tathagatas to bestow upon me their consecration. OM VAJRIBHAVA ABHISHINCA HUNG ( and as the speak , the Deities consecrate one by pouring upon ones head water from a vase. One's body becomes filled and all impurities cleansed , as the water overflows, Amitabha Buddha appears to adorn the crown of ones head.) Gauri holds the 'sign of gentle creatures' (lotus turning mudra); Cauri holds a 'victory over Maras' (subjugating mudra); Vetali holds 'water' in hand (vase); Ghasmari carries 'medicine'(vase); Pukkasi holds a 'vajra' in hand; Shavari holds 'tonic' (vase); Candali beats a 'Damaru' . They make offerings to the Goddess. They makes offerings to the goddess while, impassioned by great passion, Her consort Dombini embraces her body. Away from all mantras and letters there is not even a sound, circle, or mind. This itself is the greatest bliss, where there is no self and no others. OM VAJRA AMRITA KUNDALI HANA HANA HUM HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDO HAM INNER OFFERING Out of the state of emptiness appears a YAM from which arises a blue air mandala in the shape of a bow-marked with banners. ON top of this from RAM arises a red fire mandala , triangular in shape, and marked with burning flames. ON top of this from A arises a white skull cup with three segment lines, places within the forehead one. Upon this from A arises a moon disc, and upon this in the east GO arises cow flesh; in the south from KU arises dogs flesh; in the west from DA arises horse flesh; in the north from HA arises elephants flesh; in the center from NA arises human flesh. Again , on top of each of these flesh, are ; in the east from BHRUM arises excrement, ; in the south from AM arises the red element; in the west from from JRIM arises the while element ; in the north from KHAM arises the clear part of the 'great meat'; in the center from HUM arises urine. On top of each of these are : in the east arises BHRUM which represents the Mirror like wisdom; in the south arises am; THE wisdom of equality; in the west arises JRIM ,

the wisdom of discrimination; in the north arises KHAM, the wisdom of accomplishment; in the center arises HRUM, the wisdom of dharmadhatu IN an anti clockwise direction around ( half ) the perimeter of the moon disc are : A AH I IH U U UH RI RIH LI LIH E AI O AU AM AH; while in the clockwise direction ( around the other half) KA KHA GA GHA NGA CA CHA JA JHA NYA TA THA DA DHA TA THA DA DHA NA PA PHA BA BHA MA YA RA LA VA SHA SHHA SA HA KSJA In the space above this is the white OM. seen in an inverted position. On top of this from RAM arises a sun disc. On top of this from HUM arises a white, five pronged vajra, marked in the center with a HUM. From the HUM in the vajras center, light rays issue downwards and touch the banners of the air mandala. This air is stirred causing the fire to blaze up. The five fleshes and five nectars boil and dissolve into light. Steam rises touching the OM and the HUM in the vajras center, which causes nectar to fall. Again, from the HUM light rays issue in the ten directions. From the heart of all the Tathagatas, the nectar of pure Transcendental Knowledge , in the form of Herukas with two hands , gathers and is absorbed into the HUM in the vajras center. As a result of this , the vajra becomes heavy. Then the vajra, along with the sun disc and OM fall into the skull cup. Having dissolved into light , the become inseparable, from the former nectar. It becomes a great ocean of nectar the color, smell, taste, and potency of which is as one desires. OM AH HUM HA HO HRIH ( thus , as one says this three times, the nectar is blessed. Having taken the nectar with the ring finger of the left hand , taste it. Imagine that the the deities drink it through the hollow tubes of their vajra tongues, and are satisfied with bliss. ) ( when taking the nectar say;) OM SARVA TATHAGATA AMRITA SVADANA VAJRA SVABHAVA ATMAKO HAM MANTRA RECITATION On the sun in ones heart the letter HRIH is surrounded by the mantra rosary, which is the butter lamp rosary. From that many light rays issue out and bring back all the power,etc. all the qualities of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and the meritorious

beings life, merits, and all powers come in the form of red light and absorb into oneself Red Tara Essence Mantra Om Tare Tam Svaha Red Tara Heart Mantra Om Tare Tuttare Samtara Hrih Svaha Kurukulle Activity Mantra Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha Kurukulle wrathful Activity mantra Om Kurukulle Hrih Hung Svaha DEDICATION BHAGAVATI, may you bestow on me and all sentient beings all the common and excellent siddhis. From ones heart light comes forth-the lotus and sun disc dissolve into light and absorb into oneself During all my lifetimes , may I not be separated from the perfect Lama , and may I enjoy the glory of the dharma. Having completed the stages, path, and wisdom, may I quickly attain the stage of Red Tara, Kurukulle.

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