Recycling Your English With Removable Key Fourth Edition Cambridge Education Cambridge Univers Samples

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Fourth Edition

(With Removable Key)

Fourth Edition

9780521140751 ISBN Clare West Recycling Your English. Cover. C M Y K

Clare West This book for upper-intermediate students provides extensive guidance and practice in five crucial areas: •


Phrasal verbs.


Word study.


Recycling Your English

Recycling Your English

Recycling Your English

It can be used to supplement any upper-intermediate coursebook and is suitable for students preparing for the Cambridge FCE or IGCSE in English as a Second Language examinations. Key features include:

With Removable Key

77 user-friendly units and eight tests.

Wide variety of challenging exercises.

Regular recycling of grammar and vocabulary.

Model compositions for writing tasks.

Practice in all task types for FCE Papers 2 and 3.

Recommended by Cambridge International Examinations for IGCSE English as a Second Language preparation.

Ideal material for classroom use or self-study.

Removable answer key.

Fourth Edition

Clare West has taught in the UK and overseas for many years and is an established author.

Recycling Your English, with removable Key Recycling Elementary English Recycling Elementary English, with Key Recycling Intermediate English, with removable Key Recycling Advanced English, with removable Key

978-0-521-14075-1 978-0-521-14078-2 978-0-521-14079-9 978-0-521-14076-8 978-0-521-14073-7

For more information on IGCSE titles from Cambridge, visit

ISBN 978-0-521-14075-1

Clare West

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14075-1 - Recycling Your English, Fourth Edition (With Removable Key) Clare West Table of Contents More information




Present simple and present continuous Past simple and present perfect Past simple and past continuous Past simple and past perfect RECYCLING

8 10 12 13 14

6 7 8 9 10

Conditionals Passives Supposition Question tags RECYCLING

16 18 20 21 22

11 12 13 14 15

Reported speech I wish and If only The future Future continuous and future perfect RECYCLING

24 26 28 29

16 17 18 19 20

Prepositions Comparatives and superlatives Have something done Definite and indefinite articles RECYCLING

32 34 36 37 38

21 22 23 24 25

Difficult verbs Relative pronouns Quantifiers Gerund and infinitive RECYCLING

40 42 44 46 48

26 27 28 29 30

Linking words Modal verbs Adjectives Adverbs RECYCLING

50 52 54 55 56




31 Phrasal verbs with look 32 Phrasal verbs with take 33 Phrasal verbs with put

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

58 59 60

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14075-1 - Recycling Your English, Fourth Edition (With Removable Key) Clare West Table of Contents More information

34 Phrasal verbs with bring 35 Phrasal verbs with set, stand and run 36 RECYCLING

61 62 63

37 38 39 40 41 42

65 66 67 68 69 70

Phrasal verbs with come Phrasal verbs with go Phrasal verbs with get Phrasal verbs with turn Phrasal verbs with see, give and break RECYCLING



43 44 45 46 47 48

Computers and the internet Sport Books and reading Work Education RECYCLING

72 74 75 76 77 78

49 50 51 52 53 54

The environment Crime and punishment Health and fitness Travel and holidays Science and technology RECYCLING

80 81 82 83 84 85

55 56 57 58 59 60

Food and drink People and lifestyles Relationships Entertainment and the media Money and shopping RECYCLING

87 88 89 90 91 92

SECTION 4 61 62 63 64 65 66


Word building Headline language Idioms Collocations Colloquial language RECYCLING

94 96 98 100 102 104


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14075-1 - Recycling Your English, Fourth Edition (With Removable Key) Clare West Table of Contents More information

SECTION 5 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77


Informal letters and emails Formal letters Replying to emails and letters Articles Reports Reviews Short stories Essays Set texts Spelling Editing and checking

106 108 110 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128

TESTS Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8

130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144



KEY (removable)



© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14075-1 - Recycling Your English, Fourth Edition (With Removable Key) Clare West Excerpt More information

UNIT 1 Present simple and present continuous The present simple is used to talk about a actions done regularly or frequently, often with adverbs like never, seldom, occasionally, sometimes, often, usually and always: s $AVIDUSUALLYPLAYSFOOTBALLON3ATURDAY s 7HATDOYOUDOINTHEEVENINGS b facts that are always or usually true: s %LEPHANTSDONTEATMEAT s 3HECOMESFROM#AIRO The present continuous is used to talk about things that are happening now, at the moment of speaking, often with adverbs like now, at the moment, at present, today, this week, etc: s %LENAISWRITINGALETTERATTHEMOMENT3HESWRITINGTO-ARIA

A Complete the sentences, using the present simple or the present continuous.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

He always _________ chocolate after lunch. (eat) I can’t come. I _________ my mother. (help) They _________ hard enough at present. (not / study) They often _________ coffee in the evenings. (drink) Clara occasionally _________ to the theatre. (go) Yukiko _________ a bath now. (have) We _________ a cake at the moment. (make) I never _________ cigarettes. (smoke) She _________ her hair twice a week. (wash) Lisa _________ her sister’s car today. (drive) The Amazon _________ into the Atlantic. (flow) Many birds _________ south for the winter. (fly)

B Write full sentences using the information given. EXAMPLE: You / enjoy / the party? Are you enjoying the party?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

You / speak / Greek? ____________________________________________ Bill / know / Mr Jameson? _______________________________________ We / not live / in a large house. __________________________________ Alexander / not go / to the beach very often. ______________________ I / have to / attend the ceremony? ________________________________ Jane / watch / television at the moment? __________________________ Costas / not work / in a bank. ___________________________________ The children / not listen / to their mother now. ____________________ Theo / live / in New York? ________________________________________ William / study / at the moment?__________________________________ Where / you / usually spend / your holidays? _______________________ I / not earn much money at present. ______________________________


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14075-1 - Recycling Your English, Fourth Edition (With Removable Key) Clare West Excerpt More information


The following verbs do not normally take the continuous form: s BELIEVE BELONG CONTAIN DISLIKE DOUBT HATE IMPRESS KNOW LIKE LOVE MEAN NEED OWE OWN PREFER RESEMBLE SEEM SUPPOSE SURPRISE UNDERSTAND WANT WISH The following verbs can be used in the simple or continuous form but with different meanings: s APPEAR FEEL SEE SMELL TASTE THINK

C Complete the sentences, using the correct present tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

D Complete the sentences, using the correct present tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 He usually _________ very hard, but he _________ at all today because it’s a holiday. (work, not / work) 2 Look! That man _________ out of the bank! And he _________ a large bag full of money! (run, carry) 3 I don’t mind babysitting for you. Your baby never _________. (cry) 4 Every time he _________ a photo, his hand _________, and his photos never _________ good. (take, shake, look) 5 ‘Can you come out for a drink with us later?’ ‘Sorry, I _________ Liza with her work, and it’ll take us hours to finish it.’ (help) 6 She usually _________ a BMW, but today she _________ her husband’s Volvo. (drive) 7 ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Normally I _________ in Paris with my parents, but at the moment I _________ in London, so I _________ with an English family.’ (live, study, live) 8 I know you _________ because you _________ out of the window! (not / listen, look) 9 Julia _________ five languages fluently, and at the moment she _________ as a translator. (speak, work) 10 I _________ three pullovers in winter because I always _________ cold. (wear, feel) 11 Wood _________ on water. (float) 12 ‘Why _________ you _________?’ ‘Because nobody _________ me, that’s why!’ (cry, love)

A famous actress _________ in a play at the local theatre. (appear) I’m sure she _________ tea to coffee. (prefer) His story _________ to be true. (appear) George _________ of visiting Turkey this summer. (think) Rupert says the book _________ to him. (belong) The director _________ that would be a mistake. (believe) Louisa _________ having supper late. (hate) This pasta _________ simply delicious. (taste) There _________ to be something wrong with the photocopier. (seem) Now I _________ what the teacher _________ . (understand, mean) You’d better not drink that milk. It _________ bad. (smell) Frank _________ me a lot of money! (owe)


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