CONTENTS CHAPTER-1 1-4 Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 1 Objective of the study………………………………… …………………………… 3 Importance for the study………………………………...………………………….. 4 Methodology…………………………………………….………………………….. !imitations………………………………………………..…………………………." CHAPTER-2 ORI/IN 4-11 #he $epsi%o Origin ………………………………..……………………..……..…. & 'rand factors……………………………………………………………………......1( )alues and philosophy ……………………………………….………….….…...…11 %ompany history……………………………………………………………….…...11 CHAPTER- PROILE 1-21 *uman sustainability ……………………………………………….………….….14 +,- -rives Our *uman ustainability /or0 …………………………….……1 +esponsible Mar0eting…………………………………………………….……....1 #alent ustainability……………………………………………………….……....12 %ompany information……………………………………………………………...1 CHAPTER- PEPSICO IN INDIA 2-26 stablishment………………………………………………………………………3 %ore values and principles………………………………………………………....4 $erformance 5ith purpose………………………………………………….……... Mission vision…………………………………………………………….….……. CHAPTER-5 RECRUITMENT ANDA SLECTION 27- Introduction………………………………………………………… ………….…." Methods…………………………………………………………… ……..…….….2 +ecruitment needs………………………………………………………..………...3( #ypes of jobs………………………………………………………………..……...3( On roll jobs…………………………………………………………………….…...31
$rocess for on roll jobs…………………………………………..………….……...34 Off roll jobs………………………………………………………………………...3 ight steps of the call……………………………………………………………...3 Importance of $+………………………………………………………………....4( Ideal profile………………………………………………………………………...41 $rocess for off roll jobs…………………………………………..………………...4 Important 6uestions………………………………………………………………...43 CHAPTER 6- ANALSIS 5-54 ource of applicant…………………………………………………….……...…...4 %riteria for filtering the candidates………………………………….…….… …....4 Intervie5 techni6ues………………………………………………………… …....4" Attraction to5ards the organi7ation………………………….……………… …....4& +eference chec0s…………………………………………………………….…….42
Induction program…………………………………………………………….…...( +eason for 6uitting the job………………………………………………………...1 /or0 e8perience………………………………………………………………….. upervisor guidance………………………………………………………..……...3 9le8ibility of 5or0 hours……………………………………………..…………....4 :ob satisfaction……………………………………………………………….….... ;ro5th opportunity………………………………………………………..…….... :ob stress……………………………………………………………………….….." #+O-?%#IO> part of the company. #his chapter starts 5ith the introduction= an abstract and over vie5 of the study. #hen a brief note on the objectives of the study@ importance of the study@ the methodology= the primary data and secondary data and the last is limitation of the study. In this part I discussed about the aims@ research techni6ues and methodology of the study. #he chapter= is the srcin of the $$I%O %ompany. #his holds information regarding the company history@ milestones@ and the important dates of the company. #his is an overvie5 of the compan y 5hich sho5s the entir e information regarding the management details.
#he chapter =3 is the profile of the company involving details regarding human sustainability@ + , - -rives@ responsibilities and company information
#he chapter= 4 gives information regarding $epsi%o India. *olding details li0e company values and principles@ mission and vision of the company #he chapter= enables the main objective of the project i.e +ecruitment and election process. #his contains the objective @ need and importance of the topic and the
current process held up by the $epsi%o. #he detailed study of the topic is given under this chapter.
#he chapter= is the actual analysis part that I carried out. #he 5hole analysis part is carried out on the basis of the observation method and direct intervie5 for the data collection. #he data is tabulated and illustrated 5ith the help of pie charts and various other graphs. In this part I have analy7ed the each and every 6uestion that I as0ed the $+s.
#he chapters=" of this report is about major findings I came to 0no5 during the problem. !ast but not the least@ at the end of this report I have given the suggestions and recommendations@ conclusion and details of the boo0s and online portals that I have used to carry out the report.
11 O.JECTIES: +ecruitment and selection plays a vital role in any organi7ation. ince employees are the valuable assets of the company@ they have to be placed in right position at right time. #he main objective of my study is to 0no5 the 0ey stones of recruitment and selection process and the ne8t is to analy7e the process and ma0e the necessary changes if re6uired.
#o study the recruitment process of the $$I%O.
#o study hierarchy level of the process
#o 0no5 the various sources of recruitment and selection adopted by $$I%O.
#o 0no5 the loop holes of the process
#o suggest the suitable 5ays aimed at improving the recruitment process
12 NEED AND IMPORTANCE: ;enerally after finishing of the studies the ne8t step of candidates is to get into the job or business. o in order to get a clear cut idea ho5 organi7ation recruit the candidates and 5hat they prefer the most in a candidate@ I have done my project on recruitment and selection. #his helps me for further steps.
/hen it relates to me I can get the complete picture ho5 the process is being ta0ing place and helps for my career 5hen I go for an intervie5. #his is even useful for organi7ation for vie5ing their present situation 5hether they are processing properly or not and helpful to ma0e the re6uired changes for the future purpose.
#he previe5 of the recruitment and selection process
Acts as guidelines
nables types of process is being used
nables the re6uired changes
Maintains the complete overvie5 of the process
#he methodology adopted aimed at a detailed study and scrutiny of the current recruitment and selection practices including retention ship. #he study is completely based on observation process by maintaining relevant 6uestionnaire.
I used both the primary as 5ell secondary data to gather the data from the mar0et. 11
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econdary data consist of information that already e8ists some5here@ having been collected for another purpose. I have gathered secondary data from 5ebsite of different operators@ ne5spapers and libraries.
12 P'm&'; # &!&: I have collected the data directly from the employees@ since I follo5ed the observation
method I have noted do5n all related informationB even I too0 personal intervie5 of employees. 1
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$epsi%o Indias e8pansive portfolio includes iconic refreshment beverages $epsi@ " ?$@ >imbus@ Miranda and Mountain -e5@ in addition to lo5 calorie options such as -iet $epsi@ hydrating and nutritional beverages such as A6uafina drin0ing 5ater@ isotonic sports drin0s = ;atorade@ #ropicana1((J fruit juices@ and juice based drin0s K #ropicana >ectars@ #ropicana #5ister and lice. !ocal brands K !ehar vervess oda@ -u0es !emonade and Mangola add to the diverse range of brands.
$epsi%os food division@ 9rito=!ay@ is the leader in the branded salty snac0 mar0et and all 9rito !ay products are free of trans=fat and M;. It manufactures !ays $otato %hips@ %heetos e8truded snac0s@ ?ncle %hipps and traditional snac0s under the Lur0ure and !ehar brands. #he companys high fibre brea0fast cereal@ ooyi receives India Abroad a5ard
PROILE O THE COMPAN 1 HUMAN SUSTAINA.ILIT /e 5ill continue to build a portfolio of enjoyable and 5holesome foods and beverages and invest in communities 5here 5e operate by partnering 5ith local farmers and community groups and creating products for local tastes.
Ou' P'*#u! P*'!**
Our products deliver great taste@ nutritional value@ convenience@ affordability and enjoyment. /e continue to ma0e great strides in transforming our portfolio to meet consumersG evolving needs. Our ;oals and %ommitments •
Increase the amount of 5hole grains@ fruits@ vegetables@ nuts@ seeds and lo5=fat dairy in our global product portfolio.
+educe the average amount of sodium per serving in 0ey global food brands@ in 0ey countries@ by percent by (1 5ith a (( baseline.
+educe the average amount of saturated fat per serving in 0ey global food brands@ in 0ey countries@ by 1 percent by (( 5ith a (( baseline.
+educe the average amount of added sugar per serving in 0ey global beverage brands@ in 0ey countries@ by percent by (( 5ith a (( baseline.
Ou' R*" $ !+" M&'@"!%&" /e care about the health of the consumers 5ho enjoy our products and 5ant to ma0e it easier for them to ma0e smart choices. /e are doing this by providing a 5ide variety of healthful food and beverage products that are clearly labeled@ appropriately mar0eted and available in a variety of portion si7es. Our ;oals and %ommitments •
-isplay calorie count and 0ey nutrients on our food and beverage pac0aging by (1.
Advertise to children under 1 only products that meet our global science=based nutrition standards.
liminate the direct sale of full=sugar soft drin0s to primary and secondary schools around the globe by (1.
Increase the range of foods and beverages that offer solutions for managing calories@ li0e portion si7es.
Ou' R*" $ !+" C*mmu$!; /e actively lead and engage in private=public partnerships 5ith 0ey e8ternal e8perts and sta0eholders in the global health policy and sciencenutrition communities to help address global nutrition challenges. /e believe that by joining forces 5ith partners across many sectors@ 5e can ma0e a far greater impact than by 5or0ing alone. Our ;oals and %ommitments
Invest in our business and research and development to e8pand our offerings of more affordable@ nutritionally relevant products for underserved and lo5er= income communities.
8pand $epsi%o 9oundation and $epsi%o corporate contribution initiatives to promote healthier communities@ including enhancing diet and physical activity programs.
Integrate our policies and actions on human health@ agriculture and the environment to ma0e sure that they support each other.
2 R?D D'>"< Ou' Hum&$ Su"'!ooyi %hairman of the 'oard and %hief 8ecutive Officer $epsi%o
9rom the above ;raph it can be inferred that@ out of ( respondents 14 members are strongly agree@ " members are agree@ ( members are neutral@ members are disagree and 3 members are strongly disagree.
68 Su%"'>eutral
;raph E
trongly -isagree 1
9rom the above graph it can be inferred that out of ( respondents members of them are strongly agree@ 11 members of them are agree@ members of them are neutral@ 14 members of them are disagree and the remaining 14 members are strongly disagree
61 J*b S!'""';!+$,”
#his project provides fresh insights on 5hat ma0es employees valuable to the organi7ation and ho5 companies can 0eep productive employees on the job.
I understand ho5 to increase our personal mar0etability by developing specific s0ills@ 0no5ledge@ and attitudes
Among the respondents majority of them posses the 6ualification up to ;raduation.
-uring the project it 5as the study that the process of recruitment in organi7ation includes to get the right person to the right job.
Majority of the companies recruit candidates by their o5n.
Most of the companies are opting for e8perienced candidates
+ecruitment agencies can still find it difficult to obtain specialist salespeople. %onse6uently@ an entrepreneur may opt to place advertisements in trade maga7ines@ ne5spapers@ and on the Internet.
#he dra5bac0 to such ads is the possibility of receiving a pile of time= consuming and unsuitable applications. #o help avoid this@ an entrepreneur should 5ord an ad carefully@ and use a specific description of the sales vacancy. A copy5riter or an ad agency can assist.
In order to control the attrition rate the company should provide #raining , -evelopment sessions at regular intervals
Motivational programs should be conducted in order to e8tract the ma8imum output from the employees.
#he compensation plan should be ade6uate for the employees as it is the most motivating factor for the employees to perform better.
An effective performance appraisal system is necessary to assess the employee performance for a particular period of time.
As per my 0no5ledge I have put my best effort in the process to get the accurate and re6uired data for my project. #he obtained data is completely fresh hand and it is not been manipulated or depleted. My visit to the depots 5as been hectic and gave me much information 5hich helped in doing my project successfully. #he complete study helps the company for their future assistance. I hope the company vie5 my findings and considers my suggestion and recommendations
*uman +esource Management = $.ubba +ao
trategic Management@ concepts and case = #ata Mc;ra5=*ill
trategic ManagementE trategic formulation and implementation = :ohn A.$earceII
trategic Management #heory = %harles /.!.*ill and ;areth +.:ones
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