Recruitment and Selection Process of FMCG Sector
Short Description
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Human Resource Management Human resource management (HRM) is that part of management process which makes, enhances, manages and develops the human element of the enterprise measuring their resourcefulness in terms of talents, abilities, total skills, creative, knowledge, and potentialities for effectively contributing to the organiational ob!ectives" Human resources are precious and a source of competitive advantage" Human resources may be tapped most effective by mutually standard policies which promote promise and foster an inclination in employees to act fle#ibly in the interests of the adaptive organiation$s pursuit of e#cellence" Huma Hu man n re reso sour urce ce po poli lici cies es ca can n be !o !oin ined ed wi with th pl plann anned ed bu busi sine ness ss an and d us used ed to reinfo rei nforce rce app approp ropria riate te cul cultur ture" e" Hum Human an res resour ources ces pla play y a cri criti tical cal rol rolee in ena enabli bling ng the organiation to effectively deal with the e#ternal environment challenges" %he human resource management has been accepted as a strategic partner in the formulation of organiation$s strategies and in the implementation of such strategies through human resource planning, employment, training, appraisal and rewarding the personnel" &trategic &trat egic manage management ment of human resources facilitates facilitates creat creation ion of compet competitive itive advantage for the organiation over its rival by building uni'ue human resource based competence" n organiation$s recruitment, selection, training, performance management process and compensation practices can have a strong influence on employee competence" ompany output increase if the management can hire more e#perience well 'ualified candidate" Performance appraisal takes in account the past performance of the emplo em ploye yees es and fo focus cuses es on th thei eirr im impr prov ovem ement ent fo forr th thee fu futu ture re pe perf rfor orma mance nce of th thee employees through counselling, coaching or training" * | P a g e
%hee hum %h human an re reso sour urce ce st stra rate tegy gy of a bu busi sine ness ss sh shoul ould d re refl flec ectt and su supp ppor ortt th thee corporate corpor ate stra strategy tegy"" n effe effective ctive human resour resource ce stra strategy tegy includes the way in which the organiation plans to develop its employees and provide them with suitable opportunities and better working conditions so that their optional contribution is ensured" %his implies selecting the best available personnel, ensuring a +fit$ between the employee and the !ob and retaining, empowering and motivating employees to perform well in the direction of corporate ob!ectives"
Meaning and Definition of HRM HRM is conc concern erned ed wit with h man managi aging ng peop people le to im impro prove ve ind indivi ividual dual,, gro group up and organiational effectiveness" Human resources need to be managed as organisations can prosper and progress only through the committed and creative efforts and competencies of their human resources"
Edwin Edwi n Flip Flippo po de defi fine ness th thee te term rm Personn Personnel/HR el/HR Manageme Management nt , Planning, Orga Or gani nisi sing ng,,
Dire Di rect ctin ing g
and an d
Cont Co ntro roll llin ing g
of th thee
Proc Pr ocur urem emen ent, t,
Dee De elo lopm pmen ent, t,
Compensation, !ntegration, Maintenance and "eparation of human resources to the end that indiidual, organisational and social o#$ecties are accomplished%&
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!ntroduction to Recruitment and "election .inding and keeping the right people is one of the biggest and most important business challenges this decade" /ut it$s a challenge organiations really need to get to grips with" n organiation$s real advantages over its competitors lie not so much in its products, services or technology, technology, but in its people" &o, to achieve goals, an organiation needs to pinpoint what people, skills and abilities abilities it needs now and in the future" 0t wants the right person person for the right !ob every time it recruits" n the human resources front, productivity can be improved by ensuring that the organiation attracts the best talent at the lowest possible cost" %his ob!ective translates into the adoption of the best recruitment and selection methods and instituting measures to retain and develop them"
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Recruitment Recruitment is defined as, a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the re'uirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in ade'uate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce3"
O#$ecties of Recruitment Recruitment •
%o attract people with multi4dimensional skills and e#periences that suits the present and future organiational strategies"
%o induct outsiders with a new perspective p erspective to lead the company"
%o infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organiation"
%o develop an organiational culture that attracts competent people to the company"
%o search for talent globally and not !ust within the company"
%o design design entry pay that competes on 'uality but not on 'uantum"
%o anticipate and find people for positions that does not e#ist yet"
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"u#'"(stem of Recruitment %he recruitment consist of following sub functions64 •
.inding out and developing the sources where the re'uired number and kind of employees will be available"
7eveloping suitable techni'ues to attract the desirable candidates"
8mploying the techni'ues to attract attract candidates"
&timul &timulati ating ng as many many candid candidate atess as pos possi sible ble and asking asking them to apply apply for !obs irrespective of number of candidates re'uired"
Factors )ffecting Recruitment %he first first activity activity of recruitme recruitment nt i"e" searching for prospective prospective employees employees is affected by many factors like64 •
rganiational policy regarding filling up of certain percentage of vacancies by internal candidates"
9ocal candidates (sons of soil)"
0nfluence of trade unions"
:overnment regulations regarding reservations of certain numbers of vacancies to candidates based on community;region;caste;se# 0nfluence 0nfluence of recommendati recommendations, ons, nepotism etc" s such, the management is not
free to find out or develop the source of desirable candidates and alternatively it has to diver its energies for developing the sources within the limits of those factors through it cannot find suitable candidates for the !obs" hite goods in .M: refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators, %Bs, Music &ystems, etc"
0n *CC5, the Rs" 2@,CCC4crore .M: segment was one of the fast growing industries in 0ndia" ccording to the Eielsen 0ndia study, the industry grew 5"-F in value between *CC2 and *CC5
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!ndian FMC? "ector %he 0ndian .M: sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market sie sie of ?&G1-" ?&G1-"1 1 billi billion" on" >ell4e ell4esta stabli blishe shed d distri distribut bution ion networ networks, ks, as well well as intens intensee competition between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of this sector" .M: in 0ndia has a strong and competitive ME presence across the entire value chain" 0t has been predicted that the .M: market will reach to ?&G --"2 billion in *C15 from ?& G billion 11"< in *CC-" %he middle class and the rural segments of the 0ndian population are the most promising market for .M:, and give brand makers the opportunity to convert them to branded products" Most of the product categories like !ams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in 0ndia, have low per capita consumption as well as low penetration level, but the potential for growth is huge"
%he 0ndian 8conomy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid urbaniation, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income"
%he big firms are growing bigger and small4time companies are catching up as well" ccording to the study conducted by Eielsen, orld
adbury 0ndia is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a =CF market share and is ranked number two in the total food drinks market" 0ts popular brands include adburyJs 7airy Milk, 5 &tar, 8clairs, and :ems" %he Rs"15"< billion (?&7 -@C Million) Million) Marico is a leading 0ndian group in consumer consumer products and services services in the :lobal /eauty and >ellness space"
Outloo9 %here is a huge growth potential for all the .M: companies as the per capita consumption of almost all products in the country is amongst the lowest in the world" gain the demand or prospect prospect could be increased increased further if these companies can change the consumerJs mindset and offer new generation products" 8arlier, 0ndian consumers were using non4branded apparel, but today, clothes of different brands are available and the same consumers are willing to pay more for branded 'uality clothes" 0tJs the 'uality, promotion and innovation of products, which can drive many sectors" *= | P a g e
?nilever was formed through the 1A-C merger of 7utch 7u tch margarine company Margarine ?nie and /ritish soap maker 9ever /rothers" %he combination of the two companies made good sense44they both bo th used the same raw materials, had similar distribution channels and participated in large4scale marketing of household products" 0n the beginning, ?nilever had operations in 2C countries, but soon e#panded its reach" %he 1A5Cs saw the company focusing on growth by investing in research and new technologies, while it began e#panding through ac'uisitions in the 1A=Cs and 1A@Cs"
%hese days, ?nilever has diversified its product offerings far beyond margarine and soap soap"" %h %hee comp compan any y cont contro rols ls a supe superm rmar arket ketJs Js wort worth h of bran brands ds66 Hell Hellma mann nnJs Js mayonna mayonnaise ise,, .lora .lora and /ecel /ecel spread spreadss and yog yogurt urt drinks drinks,, /reyer /reyerss ice cream/ cream/our oursin sin cheese, 7ove soap, shampoo, body wash, deodorant and more, PondJs face products, >ish4/one salad dressings, Knorr soup mi#es, seasonings and sauces, /ertolli sauces, oliv olivee oil oil and and fro froen en prep prepar ared ed meal meals, s, Ragu Ragu sauc sauces es,, L4ti L4tips ps,, 9ipt 9ipton on teas teas,, soups soups and and seasonings (9iptonJs ellow 9abel is one of the most popular teas in the world) and44 phewN44Karo syrup"
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Recruitment and selection polic( of 4nilier pplications and Recruitment ontinuous throughout the year
ompetency /ased Recruitment3 to ensure outstanding performance
Eew recruits O < F of management strength
Eo specific ?niversity or 7epartment preference
Eo minimum :P
nly fully completed forms go through assessment
%rack our &tatus3 online
Bacancies Bacancies are not announced
0nterviews among approved3 forms submitted or modified within the last < months
Ma# * more stages after the approved3 form
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!nte !n tern rnss
utsta utstandi nding, ng, proact proactive ive students students can gain an insigh insightt into into how we work work and contribute to pro!ects of real importance to our business through internships"
0nternships provide a chance to learn about the challenges in your chosen career area while getting a taste of what itJs like to be part of our team" ouJll also benefit from training, one4to4one mentoring and appraisals with your line manager"
?nilever %urkey Pro!ect 0nternship Program is designed for undergraduates who have completed -rd year or master students in their 1st year .
0tJs how many of our directors started out and if youJre a final year student or have graduated within the last two years, youJre eligible to apply"
8arly 8arly 7evelo 7evelopme pment nt Progra Program m develop developss profes professio sional nal skills skills and compet competenci encies es through through struct structure ured d traini training ng and on4the on4the4!o 4!ob b learni learning, ng, gained gained in real real !obs !obs with with real real responsibility" >e also encourage graduates to complete an international assignment in their early years"
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First #ounce indiiduals
?nilever %urkey$s recruitment consists mostly of fresh graduates and people who have at most * years of full time work e#perience" However we sometimes look for people who have e#perience more than * years but not yet reached a mid4career manager level"
Mid'career managers
?nilever %urkey$s recruitment consists mostly of fresh graduates and people who have at most * years of full time work e#perience" However we sometimes look for people who have e#perience more than 5 years for some specific mid4career manager roles"
0n line with this strategy, ?nilever prefers;has preferred promotion within its own employees who were developed and prepared into higher levels, however, there has been a plenty of mid4career recruitment in the past 5 years"
>e recr recrui uitt Mid4 Mid4ca care reer er mana manage gers rs into into seni senior or posi positi tion onss and and have have care career er management management processes processes that ensure ensure your need for challenge, challenge, stimulati stimulation on and both career and personal development are met"
variety of learning opportunities support your ongoing development, as well as regular feedback, development and career plans
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!ntroduction to Procter ?am#le !ndia
Procter I :amble o" (PI:) is an merican company based in incinnati, hio that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods" 0n 0ndia Proctor I :amble has two subsidiaries6 PI: Hygiene and Health are 9td" and PI: Home Products 9td" PI: Hygi Hygiene ene and Heal Health th are are 9imi 9imite ted d is one one of 0ndi 0ndiaJ aJss fast fastes estt grow growin ing g .ast .ast Mo Movi ving ng onsumer :oods ompanies with a turnover of more than Rs" 5CC crores" 0t has in its portfolio famous brands like Bicks Bicks I >hisper" PI: Home Products 9imited deals in .abric are segment and Hair are segment" 0t has in its kitty global brands such as riel and %ide in the .abric are segment, and Head I &houlders, Pantene, and Re!oice in the Hair are segment" Procter I :ambleJs relationship with 0ndia started in 1A51 when Bicks Product 0nc" 0ndia, a branch of Bicks Bicks Product 0nc" ?& entered 0ndian market" market" 0n 1Ahisper 4 the breakthrough technology sanitary napkin" 0n 1AA1, PI: 0ndia launched riel detergent" 0n 1AA*, %he Procter I :amble ompany, ?& increased its stake in Procter I :amble 0ndia to 51F and then to e therefore ask you to review our Personal 7ata Privacy &tatement" 0f you decide you are not ready to submit your application to PI: after viewing our !ob listings, simply e#it the page before logging in" Eo record will be kept on your acceptance of the Personal 7ata Privacy &tatement in such a case"
Complete the Online )pplication %o best secure and manage your personal record, it is important you set u p and maintain one ?ser Eame and ne 8mail ddress uni'ue only to you" our our email address allows us us to communicate with you throughout the recruitment process" ou ou will also be asked for your personal and educational data, your resume;B and any attachments you feel important to share" Please have your resume;B available electronically so it is easy for you to copy I paste into the online application form" 7epending on the !ob, you may also be asked to answer 'uestions relevant to the posting" ?pon submission of your application, you will receive a notification of receipt"
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Complete the On'Bine )ssessment fter completing the online application you may be asked to complete an online assessment with multiple choice 'uestions" 'u estions" our our replies to our online assessment tell us about your skills and interests and begin to create a better picture of who you are and how you might contribute within our company" /ased on the information you provide both in your online application and via the online assessment, we can make an informed decision on whether your skills meet the re'uirements of the !ob you chose, and whether PI: is the best environment to utilie your talents and achieve your goals" 0f your skills and interests are a good fit at this stage of our recruitment process, we will invite you to take our Problem &olving %est" %est"
a9e a9e the Reasoning Rea soning e est st %he Reasoning %est %est is the ne#t step along the way for those going forward" o ou u will be invited to complete the test at a specified location" >e would like to offer you a Practice %est %e st that will help you get used to the kind of problems on the test and the speed at which you will need to work
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