recovery and healing

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This, the dghth book in a progressive serle b:l.'iCU un the: revdations of consciousn re' :an.h. resl.l Leu from ;1 group uf Ie 'nlfl' giVl"n by the author at the rcqu L of lhe original puhlisher of A Lour.,e in ~1i.~d 'S, along with memb r of sevcml self-hdp groups, induuin~ Akoholic..s Anon) mous. ACL\!. l ttituuinal Healing .cnter. oLher recovery group:.. ,LOU a numh 'I' )f dini jam.

Our sodet) Iin:~s iLh 'on..,Unt .,Ln.;.ss anxiely. fear. pain, suffering, d 'pre. .,ion. and worry. A1cohou m, Lmg addicLion, obe..\it)',


problems. ;U1U COUleeI' :ire constanll} in u1e Ot:\\ 1 lankind in g "ncraJ I'lllit had \'cr)' lilLl . iniormation about· how LO addre . life's dmUenges withe> It

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ISBN 978-097150078-5

9 7B0971 5007B5









Also by David R. Hawkins Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man

Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness:

The Stairway to Enlightenment

Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference

1· Reality and Subjectivity

The Eye of the 1· From Which Nothing Is Hidden

Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants ofHuman Behavior

Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and

Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness

Orthomolecular Psychiatry (with Linus Pauling)




David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.



Copyright © 2009 by David R. Hawkins The material in this book may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any medium (whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise) without the express written authorization of the publisher. To request authorization, please contact Veritas Publishing Company, outlining the specific material involved, the proposed medium, and if applicable, the number of copies, as well as the purpose of the use. This book is not intended to be considered legal, medical, or any other professional service. The information provided is not a substitute for pro­ fessional advice or care. If you require or desire legal, medical, or other expert assistance, you should seek the services of a competent profes­ sional. The author, the publisher, and their employees and agents are not liable for any damages arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information contained in this book. Veritas Publishing

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Hardbound ISBN:978-0-9715007-8-5



Dedicated to the Highest Good:

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual






Introduction Chapter


1 A Map of Consciousness Table: Map of Consciousness

17 16

Table: Consciousness/Societal Problems 30 Diagram: Brain Function and Physiology 42 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

2 3 4

Assisting Healing Stress Health

5 6

Spiritual First Aid Sexuality

7 8

The Aging Process


Handling Major Crises Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

43 75 107 141 173 199 229 263



Pain and Suffering


Chapter Chapter Chapter


Losing Weight



Depression Alcoholism


Chapter Chapter


14 Cancer 15

Death and Dying

395 425 451

Appendices Appendix A Map of the Scale of Consciousness 475 AppendixB How to Calibrate Levels of Consciousness 477 Appendix C References


About the Author

493 vii



These are transcriptions of a series of popular lectures originally presented in a videotape format and now edited and updated for convenience in written form. They originated at the request of the original publisher of A Course in Miracles (The Foundation for Inner Peace), subsequent to a large joint meeting in the 1980s in Detroit, Michigan, of members of several self-help groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), Attitudinal Healing Centers, and a number of clinicians and recovery groups. Although the lectures have been adapted for written format, they remain close to the original pre­ sentations and include references to discoveries in consciousness research as well as clinical and spiritual premises. There is purposeful repetition of basic infor­ mation as each lecture was complete within itself. A benefit of repetition is that the material becomes familiar and absorbed without putting forth mental effort or memorization. It is intrinsically simple, and the inherent truths become obvious and easy to assimilate. The information prOVided is of a general nature and is not meant to displace or replace personal medical advice by one's own health practitioner.




























Information tends to become compartmentalized, especially in academic versus clinical science and practice (Hawkins, 2006, "Paradigm Blindness"). These areas in turn become separated from spiritual principles and realities, which are subsequently also isolated from depth psychology, psychoanalysis, and group dynamics. Psychopharmacology research pro­ ceeds in its own development independently of all the above, as does advanced theoretical physics and the emergence of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory. Each discipline developed within the limita­ tions of its own parameters because there had been no context of sufficient dimension to include all of them until the development of the clinical science of consciousness research. This provided a common context of reference and an all-inclusive paradigm of reality via the now well-known "Map of the Scale of Consciousness" (Hawkins, 1995, Power vs. Force). Traditional sciences were limited to the linear dimensions and primarily to the Newtonian con­ cepts of cause and effect, included in the consciousness level of the 400s (see Map, pg. 16, Chapter 1), whereas experiential reality is nonlinear and subjective (and proceeds from level 500 and up). Phenomena are the consequence of the emer­ gence of potentiality as actuality, a process whereby content is subject to overall context. Thus, healing is the result of not just clinical processes but also of overall biological potentialities that often do not materialize without the unseen power of spiritual alignment. Chemistry is within the predictable xi

Newtonian discipline of scientific (linear content) expectation, but health recovery is greatly facilitated by the unseen power of the spiritual dimensions of intentionality of consciousness itself (nonlinear con­ text). The clinical power and influential impact of spir­ itual context is overwhelmingly displayed by the millions of recoveries from medically hopeless ill­ nesses as exhibited by worldwide membership in faith-based organizations of which Alcoholics Anonymous and A Course in Miracles (ACIM) are prime examples. Since the basic principles of faith­ based recoveries are outside the paradigm of the reality of academic science, their importance was not studied or comprehended because academic sci­ ence was concerned with just content and not context. The emergence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle finally accorded respectability for the recognition of the reality and influence of the effect of consciousness itself. Thus, the power of intention came to be recognized as an important critical factor in catalyzing potentiality into actu­ ality. (See Stapp's MindfUl Universe for correlation of quantum theory, consciousness, and intention.



The lectures on healing and recovery represent the integration and concordance of experience and infor­ mation from multiple fields, including more than fifty years of clinical practice that encompasses diverse fields of healing, such as holistic health, psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychopharmacology, medicine, and the application of spiritual principles as well as concepts and discoveries from the emerging clinical science of consciousness research, The development of consciousness research was reported in multiple lecture series (Hawkins, 2002­ 2008) as well as in a series of books: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness (Bell and Howell, 1995; Veritas Publishing, 1995); Power vs. Force (Veritas, 1995; Hay House, 2002); The Eye of the I (Veritas, 2001);l'Reality and Subjectivity (Veritas, 2003); Truth vs. Falsehood (Axial Publishing, 2005); Transcending the Levels of Consciousness (Veritas, 2007); Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality (Veritas, 2007); and Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man (Axial, 2008). A collection of lecture slides and a comprehensive Index of Calibrations are also in prepa­ ration. All the above give detailed descriptions as well as explanations of theory, along with the application of a simple, calibrated scale of levels of consciousness and Truth as exemplified by the Map of Consciousness on page 16. The fields of suffering calibrate below level 200, and the progressive levels of truth are above 200. Science is in the 400s; spiritual realities begin at 500 xiii

(Love) and progress upward to 540 (Unconditional Love), to 570 (saintly), and then to the levels of joy, the stages of illumination, and, [mally, Enlightenment. The fields below level 200 potentiate illness; those above 200 support healing, including medical science, which calibrates in the 400s.The spiritual power of the consciousness levels of the 500s facilitates further recoveries that are not otherwise possible. All illnesses are physical, mental, and spiritual, and the highest levels of recovery are the consequence of Simultaneously addressing all three levels and seeing them as being of equal importance. Spiritual intention and contextualization increase the percentage of posi­ tive responses to strictly medical treatment. Innate to the human condition, however, are inherent limitations consequent to evolutionary design, some of which can be transcended and some of which cannot be. Therefore, hope and faith need to be accompanied by surrender to and acceptance of a Higher Will. As our research has validated, life cannot be destroyed; it can only change expression from the limited physical linear reality to the unlimited nonlinear spiritual reality.












Enlightenment 700-1,000


Pure Consciousness

















































T Indifferent













Disappointing Desire
















Condemning Hopeless

Apathy, hatred


















A Map of Consciousness We will present the concept of utilizing a conscious­ ness approach to a variety of man's problems, such as stress, alcoholism, various diseases, depression, fear, and major loss, to name a few. In discussing these chal­ lenges, reference will be repeatedly made to the Map of Consciousness. It is referred to frequently to explain the relationship between body, mind, and spirit, which is so important to comprehend in relation to self-healing. To understand the value of the Map of Consciousness itself without reference to a particular problem, we will describe its implications and useful­ ness in its application to all human problems. It is an exponential model (to the base 10) that evolved out of a composite of decades of research in a variety of fields. It documents the ftrst time that these energy fields have ever been calibrated. When referring to consciousness, we are describ­ ing those energy fields. Shown on the Map are general fields of consciousness that have been calibrated as to the power of the field and its direction, as indicated by the arrows. Those below the level of Courage at 200 go downward, and those above Courage go upward.There is significance in the direction of the energy fields. Those that are in a negative direction do not support life and could be called 'anti-life'. Those that are in the positive direction ofTruth support and nurture life.At the top of the Map, we approach an alignment with Truth and see that the energy fields become more powerful as their numerical calibrations increase. The calibration of the fields starts at zero, and what 17



the world calls Enlightenment calibrates from 600 to 1,000. Enlightenment means that one has transcended duality and identification with the small, personal self. Within the Map, these levels are what a person gener­ ally means when they talk about 'me' or 'myself'. They represent the ego, wWch is the self with a small's', in contrast to Self with a capital '5' at the top of the Map. To the right of the list of energy fields are the emo­ tions associated with each specific level. Farther to the right is the process that is going on in consciousness. The left side of the Map shows the view that one has of God and of life at each level of consciousness. The average person (if they calibrate over 200) can verify these numbers by using the simple system of muscle testing (fully described in Appendix B). Someone can test you by pressing down on your arm while they say,"Fear is over 50? Over 60? Over 70? Over 80? Over 90? Over 100?"At 100, the arm will go weak. These calibrations have been verified worldwide by many people for decades and are pragmatically very useful clinically as well as for research. Starting at the bottom of the Map are the energy fields called Shame at 20 and Guilt at 30. The emotion that accompanies these levels is self-hatred, and the process going on in consciousness is one of self-destruction. The view of the world associated with tWs energy field is that of sin and suffering. Therefore, the God of such a world would have to be the potential, ultimate destroyer who is even angry with mankind and would throw their eternal souls into hell forever. With such a perception of God, one does not really need a devil, so there is no devil listed under 'God-view' because that is really the



demonic depiction of God. For many people on the planet, death comes as a matter of passive suicide because of unconscious guilt and self-hatred. {This is mentioned later, especially in relation to addictions.) Suicide can take the forms of not caring for oneself, not getting out of the way of the bus, rolling the car over, an accidental drug overdose, high-risk behaviors, and more. Apathy calibrates at 50 and also has a negative energy field. The emotions ofApathy are hopelessness, despair, despondency; and depression, which are the result of the loss of energy.Apathy leads to viewing the world as hopeless, and the God of a hopeless condition of mankind would be dead or nonexistent. There are many skeptics, atheists, and philosophers who uncon­ sciously justify any particular position that negates Reality and try to rationalize it, defend it, and make it sound sensible (see Truth vs. Falsehood).The ideas that God is dead and that man and the condition of life are hopeless invalidate the value of life and are therefore destructive. Apathy is like an old lady rocking back and forth in her rocking chair, staring hopelessly out the window after receiving an erroneous telegram that her son was killed in the war.A large portion of the world lives in a state of apathy, including whole countries and subcon­ tinents, where the people stare blankly because there is no hope and no chance.About one-third of the world lives at the bottom three states of Fear, Grief, and Apathy.The woman rocking back and forth has also had adverse changes occur in her brain.We could add a col­ umn to the Map that says 'Brain Chemistry' because this



energy field of Apathy results in a shift of neurotrans­ mitters, creating a clinical state called 'hopelessness'. (See Brain Function and Physiology diagram at the end of this chapter.) If the woman in the rocking chair were to start cry­ ing and expressing emotion, then she would be improving and moving up to an energy field called Grief, which is characterized emotionally by regret and feelings of loss and despondence.The process going on in consciousness is dispirited. Grief is the loss of the energy of life, spirit, and the will to live. When the will to live is lost, then the energy from the universe is lost, leading to depression. People in Grief see a sad world and a God who ignores them. Fear is the next energy field, which is also negative, but it calibrates at 100 and therefore contains a lot more energy. One can run a great distance with fear. Fear runs a great part of the world and plays a very important part in everyone's life.The advertising indus­ try plays off our fears to sell us products. Grief has to do with the past, but fear, as we ordinarily experience it, is of the future. Fear is emotionally experienced in everyday life by the average person as worry, anxiety, or panic.The process going on in consciousness is that of deflation. For example, the animal shrinks when it is frightened. Remember in grade school when the teacher called on somebody for an answer, everyone would shrink and hide behind the person in front of them? Fear is a shrinkingness and a fear of the future, yet it has a lot of energy. If we know what to be afraid of, the energy of fear can really be beneficial as caution.



The lower states on the Map actually represent the failure to face the energy field above them.The way out of depression is to look at the fear that is underlying the depression and notice how it usually takes the form of "I have lost the source of my happiness." All these levels below Courage· have a negative energy field stemming from the same thought-that happi­ ness comes from outside oneself. Putting one's survival on something outside oneself therefore results in states of powerlessness, victimhood, and weakness by virtue of having projected the source of one's power outside of oneself. Underlying depression is the fear that one has lost something, because grief has to do with loss. Getting a person to face that fear and handle it rapidly over­ comes the depression. Later, we will look at how con­ sciousness views fear and will present the specific technique of how to let go of resisting the energy field of fear by letting it run out so that depression sUbse­ quently disappears. The energy field above fear is Desire, which cali­ brates at 125. It is still a negative energy field, which one experiences in ordinary life as 'wanting' .There are the general feelings of wantingness and cravingness, which are part of the field of addictions and can become obsessions and compulsions. The process going on in consciousness is entrapment. One is run by what one desires, and the source of happiness is seen as external. Advertising takes advantage of this by cre­ ating a desire via an unconscious connection; it is a symbolization with something archetypal in the uncon­ scious mind that creates a desire.



Desire can run an entire lifetime. It can be the moti­ vation to become successful or famous, to have a lot of money, to be a celebrity, or to acquire whatever one thinks is going to bring happiness, including a special relationship. Wantingness and cravingness are often insatiable as they originate from an energy field that can never really be satisfied. It is an ongoing, contin­ uous energy field that keeps creating more desire. However, the energy field can be used positively as motivation and intention towards fulftllment of poten­ tial and inner goals. Failure to internalize goals leads to frustration and resentment. Anger, which calibrates at 150, is accompanied by a large amount of energy. If the angry person knows how to utilize that anger constructively instead of destruc­ tively, the energy of anger can then lead to progress. 11Irough television, people in the third-world countries began to see what other people had, which fired up their desire, led to frustration and anger, and culmin­ ated in that energy being utilized to create entire social movements, changes in the legislature, and con­ structive changes in SOciety. Thus, anger can be uti­ lized to energize resolve and determination. The anger we witness or experience in daily life is usually in the form of resentment. At a more severe level, it may lead to hatred, grievances, grudges, and eventually even to murder or war.The process going on in consciousness is one of expansion; for example, when an animal is angry, it swells up.When the cat gets angry, its tail swells up to almost twice its normal size, and the cat tries to look imposing. The biological pur­ pose of expansion is to intimidate one's apparent





enemy.The energy of anger can be utilized positively to pursue something better for oneself and thus move up to Pride. Pride calibrates at 175, which denotes far more energy than the levels below it. However, Pride still has a negative direction. We have heard that "pride goeth before a faIt' There are many famous examples in history indicating that pride is a very vulnerable position (e.g., hubris). Pride can be useful in that it has much more energy than the lower levels of consciousness. It expresses itself in daily life as arrogance, contempt, and sarcasm. The downside of it is really denial, and the problem is that the process in consciousness is one of inflation. We say that a person in Pride has a swelled head, is too big for his britches, is unteachable, cannot hear, or has a closed mind. This level of consciousness leads to a polarized position of opinion that puts the person constantly on the defensive for being 'right', so the world must be wrong. The energy is dissipated in end­ less defensiveness. A reason for pride relates to an underlying fear. Once the person faces the fear, they can let go of pride. These negative fields tend to reinforce each other; seldom do they occur alone. One predominates, but all are really feeding into each other so that one has grief over one's anger; one has anger over one's pride; one has fear over one's grief, and so on.They all tend to rein­ force each other, so an emotional upset is usually com­ posed of a combination of all these negative energy fields. The techniques and realizations necessary to overcome the negative energy fields are described in



detail in Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. By being willing to surrender the ego's narcissistic emotional payoffs of the negative energy fields, one then progresses to the first level of true power, called Courage, at calibration level 200. Something crucial now happens at thiS level because it has an enormous amount of power. It is obvious that Courage settled the United States ofAmerica. Courage created all the great industries and was the basis for man's getting to the moon. The Marines start at the level of Pride but really move up to the more stable level of Courage.Why? It is not so much in the increment of the twenty-five-point increase, although that is sizeable.The critical element is that the energy field is now positive because the per­ son values truth rather than falsehood, and integrity instead of temporary gain. Above level 200, one is no longer the victim because the energy field is now positive. One might say that this field is like an antenna, and below the level of Courage, the antenna is tuned to the negative, thus pulling adversity into the energy field. At level 200, energy goes positive, so the field stops pulling negativity from the universe to itself. A person is now in a different condition as well. One is able to face, cope with, and handle things, and, for the first time, able to be appropriate. At the level of Courage, people still experience the lesser negative feelings, but they now have the power to handle those energies.The critical process is one of empowerment. A person becomes re-empowered by telling the truth. This is obviously critical in the recov­ ery from all illnesses. It is very visibly so in the millions



of recoveries of members of Alcoholics Anonymous, where Step 1 and all the basic steps are admissions of the truth. When people admit they are powerless over some­ thing, instead of going weak with the muscle test, they suddenly go strong.When they get rid of the arrogance of pride, they may still have other negative feelings. Persons at the level of Courage who plan to ask their boss for a raise may still have knots in their stomach, be angry, and even feel hopeless about getting one. They might even be arrogant, but now, at the level of Courage, they have enough power to handle all that and be appropriate. They are then able to face it, cope with it, and function in an effective way in the world. The next major level is that of Neutral at 250, where the energy field is positive and even more aligned with .Truth.The emotion of Neutral is self-trust. For example, it is 'okay' if one gets the job and 'okay' if one does not. The process going on in consciousness is detachment. One is not attached to any particular outcome and is no longer a victim. The person now has a great deal more power and is not dominated by aversions or crav­ ings. The upside of this can be the okayness of life; the downside of 'unattached' can· be detached or flat. At Neutral, one is no longer suffering painful emotions and now feels free. One is therefore in a far more pow­ erful state.The way that person sees the world as okay considers God as granting freedom. The advantage of the level of Neutral is that one has let go of resisting things and therefore has a lot more power, but then one has to introduce a new energy to move up to the next level ofWillingness.



Willingness, at 310, is far more powerful. The emo­ tion of it is accompanied by the thoughts of 'yes', say­ ing yes to life, to join, to agree, to commit, and to align with because there is now the introduction of inten­ tion. A person at the level of Neutral, when asked if they would like to go to a movie tonight, would say, "Well, it's okay if we go, and it's okay if we don't."The response lacks enthusiasm and aliveness and is still a long way from abundance, but it is certainly far more comfortable than being attached and in fear, grief, apa­ thy, or anger. The one who becomes willing brings aliveness and intention to say yes, to commit, and to agree. Real power begins with Willingness because one has let go of resistance. The next field above that is called Acceptance, at 350. It is a very powerful energy field, one of being capable, adequate, and confident. There is the begin­ ning of transformation in consciousness. Transformation has to do with the person's re-owning that they are the source of their own happiness, and that the power is within them.A person on this level is the one whom a big corporation depends on because they are realistic and can admit their upside and downside.They are not dominated by pride, which means denial, so they can allow for their weaknesses and shortcomings. An exec­ utive on this level can say, "You know, I don't do very well with that guy in Argentina. It would be better if you send Jake; I'm sure he would get along better." The executive can indicate where he is limited, accept how the world works, avoid getting into 'right and wrong' about it, and therefore deal with it effectively. The transformation comes from re-owning one's power.



A person on this level knows that· no matter where they are, they will create a circumstance that will bring happiness. Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life rep­ resents this level, as do benevolent public-service organizations. The utilization of opportunities occurring at this level can turn lemons into lemonade, which comes from a position or way of being and the re-owning of one's own power. To do so leads to a general way of being easygoing, and the people at this level do not ruffle easily. Constant re-owning of one's power and recy­ cling the energy back into the universe (e.g., through selfless service) moves a person up to the energy field of Reason at 400. Reason, logic, and the intellect are the prime evolu­ tionary characteristics of the human species. They are the product of intelligence that is capable of symbolic thinking and abstraction. This level is also ,representa­ tive of disciplined structure that is in accord with the observable world and its processes. Thus, emotions, including desires and aversions, are subordinated as less relevant in comparison to impersonal facts. The use of reason transcends the limitations of nar­ cissistic/emotional distortion that is characteristic of childishness and the personal emotionality of perva­ sive likes, dislikes, and endless wants. The silencing of the clamor of emotionality allows for cool calculation and dominance of processing by facts and confirmable data. Thus emerges the capacity for assimilation, recog­ nition, classification, and comprehension of the signifi­ cance and meaning of vast amounts of information by virtue of abstract symbols and their interrelationships.



Intellect and reason are necessary to interpret meaning, value, and significance, which are subserved by the term 'philosophy' and its offshoots of meta­ physics, epistemology, ontology, theology, and science. The history of the evolution of the intellect is imparted by The Great Books of the Western World from which we see that the evolution of the intellect reached its zenith during the classical period of ancient Greece. It resurged again much later as the appearance and dom­ inance of an historical Reformation out of which emerged modern science. Philosophical dereliction is termed 'rhetoric', which reflects nonintegrous manipu­ lation of reason as demonstrated by the decline of the level of philosophy in academia of recent decades and the emergence of the theories of relativism (cal. 190) and their consequent social discord (see Chapter 12, Truth vs. Falsehood). At its purest level, reason and the intellect repre­ sent increased reality testing and nonemotional respect for truth and the means of its discernment. This can evolve even more as the love ofTruth for its own sake. This eventually leads to a paradigm jump at conscious­ ness level 500 (Love). Whereas reason is linear and objective, Love is a different dimension as it is nonlin­ ear and subjective. Thus, it is said that reason is of the mind (the brain), whereas Love is of the being (the heart). At its emergence, love is selective and conditional, but as it evolves, it progressively becomes a lifestyle and a way of relating to all life. Love emanates from within the Self and is an expression of happiness. Love nurtures and supports life and is the beginning of a



revelation. Brain neurotransmitters change, beginning with the release of eildorphins, which opens up mil­ lions of banks of neurons that up to this time have been waiting for this energy field to activate them. Scientists are currently researching the whole field of endorphins (e.g., oxytocin is associated with concern for others and socialization). Unconditional Love at calibration level 540 is the energy field of healing and also that of the twelve-step groups. There is a rise in the intensity of the energy field of aliveness, so it is preferable to be around that kind of people because they make us feel more alive by giving out energy to the field itself. At the bottom levels of consciousness are situations of lose-lose. People lose, and those who become associ­ ated with them 10se.This point of view is one oflosing, so the person says,"Everywhere I look, there is a closed door. If I go this way, I'll lose." They see life as a losing proposition.The people in the middle calibration range look at life as win-lose. Their pridefulness and the polarization of angriness cause them to see the world as one of competition, conflict, and win-lose. "If I win, then you 10se."They have endless unconscious fears of retaliation because they look at success as vanqUishing and expect retaliation. "If we beat somebody in this game, we cannot really win because, after all, he has friends that may come looking for us some day, so we can never relax:' The people at 500 conceptualize and hold life as a win-win situation. When they win, everybody wins­ the family, the company-so the more money the com~ pany makes, the better for the employees. Companies



seek people in the 500s; they do not have to look for jobs, invitations, or relationships because employers want to hire them. They call and say,"Wouldn't you like to work for us? Wouldn't you like to be vice president of marketing for our company?" Employers and others seek out those persons at the higher levels. Correlation of Levels of Consciousness and Societal Problems Level of Rate of Consciousness Unemployment

600+ 500-600 400-500 300-400 200-300 100-200 50-100
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