Records Management
August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Records Management The term management refers to the administrative function in any organization organization conc concer erne ned d wi with th th the e crea creati tion on,, or orga gani niza zati tion on,, main mainte tena nanc nce, e, us use e ret etri riev eval al,, and and disposition of records. By assuring that valuable records are preserved and made availa ava ilable ble,, while while needle needless ss recor records ds ar are e dispos disposed ed of in a timely timely fashio fashion, n, recor records ds management promotes economy and eciency within an organization. Records are basi ba sica call lly y rec ecor orde ded d in info form rmat atio ion; n; th ther eref efor ore, e, rec ecor ords ds mana manage geme ment nt is ac actu tual ally ly information management. As we move into the !nformation Age", where information is increasingly being seen as commodity, its proper management becomes more important.
Records Include #. Tradition raditional al documenta documentation tion $. %inutes &. 'i 'irrecti ective ves" s" (. )orms *. +orr +orres espo pond nden ence ce . -rg -rganiz anized ed into into case case and and sube subect ct /les /les 0. Audiovisual records, records, including including posters, posters, dealing dealing with with oce functions and activities 1. +artographic, +artographic, architectural, architectural, and engineering engineering records records produced produced by by an organization and all related inde2es 3. !nd !ndivi ividua duall personn personnel el folder folders s #4.5or6ing papers7/les that contain information ##.Accounts paid7received paid7received #$.Research #$.Resear ch and 'evelopment #&.'atabase that contain informatio information n on socioeconomic topics #(.+omputer output %icro/lm 8+-%9 documenting transactions, transactions, such as trade, education, health, or behavior. #*.:mail and attachments transmitted in conducting business Non-records include #. :2tra copies copies of documentary materials maintained solely for for convenience convenience or reference $. ust >usti/ i/ca cati tion on $. ?eri/ eri/ca cati tion on &. +l +las assi si/c /cat atio ion n (. Availabili vailability ty on informa information tion Essentials of Record Management #. =imp =impli lic cit ity y $. Accuracy &. :conomy (. @s @sef efu ulnes lness s FILING
)iling is one of the main functions of a concern and the /led records must be readily available whenever reuired. There is no hard and fast rule by which the documents are to be /led. )iling is the systematic arrangement of 6eeping business correspondence and records which enable uic6 reference when needed in the future. Objectives of Filing #. !t 6ee 6eeps ps the recor records, ds, protec protects ts letters letters and documen documents ts $. !t ma6 ma6es es past past record records s easily easily accessi accessible ble &. !t pr provide ovides s suitab suitable le storag storage e functio function n (. r roper oper /ling /ling leads leads econo economy my in space space *. !t enh enhance ances s the image image of of the oce oce conside considerabl rably y . !t is less less e2pensive e2pensive and consumes consumes less time to ta6e ta6e out the records records Principles of Filing #. =imp =impli lic cit ity y $. =uit =uitab abil ilit ity y &. Adapt daptab abil ilit ity y (. :conomy *. r rot otec ecti tion on .
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