Marek’s Disease To prevent Marek’s Disease Vaccine Reload Plus Anti stress Ambroxitil Antibiotic for flushing Inmunair Immune Booster Plain water Viteral Multivitamins + Amino acids Inmunair Immune Booster NCD B1 B1 + IB Avian Pest + IB Plain water TMPS 48% (Tepox 48) Prevent bacterial infection IBD vaccine Against Gumboro Excelite Multivit + Electrolytes Inmunair Immune Booster Plain water Ornistat Against Avian Malaria Plain water Viteral Multivitamins + Amino acids Inmunair Immune Booster NCD La Sota + IB Avian Pest + IB Plain water Ambroxitil Antibiotic for flushing Plain water Fowl Pox Vaccine Prevent fowl pox Excelite Multivit + Electrolytes Inmunair Immune Booster Plain water Astig powder Dewormer Plain water Ornistat Against Avian Malaria Plain water Excelite Multivit + Electrolytes Viteral Multivit + Amino Acids Inmunair Immune Booster Coryza bacterin Against Coryza Plain water Excelite Multivit + Electrolytes Plain water
DOSAGE SC injection 1ml/10ml of water first 2 hrs 5grms/gal of H2O for 1-3day 1ml / Gallon halfday 5grms/3gallon of H2O 1ml / Gallon halfday Ocular 5grms/5gallon of H2O Ocular 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml/ gallon half day 1tsp/2.5gallon of H2O 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml / Gallon halfday Ocular/ 5grms/gallon of H2O Wing web 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml / gallon half day 5grms/gallon of H2O 5grms/2.5gallon of H2O 5grms/5gallon of H2O 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml / gallon half day 0.5 ml SC 5grms/5gallon of H2O
49 - 51 TMPS 48% (Tepox 48) Prevent bacterial infection 52 - 53 Plain water 54 - 56 Excelite Multivit + Electrolytes Inmunair Inmmune Booster 55 IBD Against Gumboro disease 57 - 58 Plain water 59 Astig powder Dewormer 60 Plain water 61 - 63 Viteral Multivit + Amino Acids Inmunair Immune Booster 63 NCD L a Sota + Against Avian Pest at Infectious Bronchitis Infectious Bronchitis vaccines 64 - 66 Ambroxitil Antibiotic for flushing
5grms/5gallon of H2O 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml / gallon Half day ocular 5grms/gallon of H2O 5grms/5gallon of H2O 1ml / gallon half day Ocular
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