Recommended Books f

August 9, 2018 | Author: TimSamuel | Category: N/A
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Recommended Books for Music Study Writing Writing Skills and Arranging Music Notation by Mark McGrain Berklee Arranging 1 and 2 Workbooks Workbooks by Bob Doezema

Ear Training Berklee Ear Training 1-2 Workbooks by Scott McCormick & Rick Peckham Berklee Ear Training 3 Workbook by Greg Badolato, Steve Prosser, and Scott MCormick Berklee Ear Training 4 Workbook by Larry Monroe Jazz Ear Ea r Training Training by Jamey Ja mey Aebersold Training the Ear by Armen Donelian Contemporary Contemporary Ear Training by Mark Harrison Rhythmic Training by Robert Starer Intervallic Ear Training for Musicians by Steve Prosser 1st Steps to Ear Training by William Curtis

Contemporary Theory and Harmony Summer Summe r Performance Performance Program Theory Handbook, Ha ndbook, by Bob Doezema Practical Theory Complete by Sandy Feldstein How to Master Music by William Fowler Basic Materials in Music Theory by Paul Harder Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine Berklee Music Application and Theory Workbook by Joe Mulholland and a nd Tom Tom Hojnacki Hojna cki Berklee Harmony Ha rmony 2, 3 Workbooks Workbooks by Barrie Ba rrie Nettles Nettles Berklee Harmony Harm ony 4 Workbook by Steve Rochinski Study Supplemental for Music Application on and Theory by the Harmony Department Study Supplement for Harmony 2 by Barbara London Study Supplement for Harmony 3 and 4 by Barbara Ba rbara London

Traditional Theory and Counterpoint Tonal Harmony by Stefan Kostka Harmony by Walter Piston Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads ... by John and Joyce Clough Basic Harmonic Progressions by John and Joyce Clough Tonal Counterpoint Workbook by Rick Applin Sensible Counterpoint by David Fuentes

Theory Topics for Review Prepare to demonstrate the following topics in every key, verbally, written on manuscript paper (in both clefs), and on your instrument. Major Scales Key Signatures

Intervals and their inversions perfect, major, minor, augmented, diminished, double augmented, double diminished, Triads major, minor, augmented, diminished,

For intermediate-level study, all of the above, plus the following: Seventh Chords and their inversions major 7, minor 7, minor 7 (b5), dominant 7, dominant 7 (sus 4), dominant 7 (b5), major 6, minor 6, augmented 7, diminished 7, minor major 7, Minor Scales natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor, Modes Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian Locrian

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