Recognizing Profitable Trend

April 13, 2017 | Author: eliasguitar | Category: N/A
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** By Forex Trading **



Exclusively For Valuable Subscribers Only



“ Many People STRUGGLE MISERABLY with their Live Trading Because they simply have NO CLUE about :

“ How To Recognize That A Healthy + Profitable + Juicy Trend Is About To Start…” Like This :

Dear Valuable Subscribers,

Majority of the “ inspiring “ traders who ventured into this forex trading game……...only FAILED Terribly end of the day..

…because most of the time, they are merely following a “ Trading System “

…WITHOUT knowing if :

“…….that particular system is being designed to take advantage of the “ Most PROFITABLE PORTIONs “ of the forex market…..….or not !! “

To put it in another “ more direct ( ugly ) “ way..…..

…..They simply have NO CLUE about the “ Characteristic of the Financial Market “ at all …...namely :

1) How the financial market actually WORKS ….day in …day out….. ( which is what most known as the MARKET MECHANIC )

2) How does a TRENDING Market Structure “ BEHAVES “….

……so that WE ( as traders ) can KNOW which ( 2 ) PORTIONs of that TREND are MOST PROFITABLE to take-advantage of….

…. in order to achieve


on our side

…in the long run !

Having been through that stage whereby……..=> I am “ merely following any trading systems “….. ( whether free or paid ones )

….. BUT just have NO CLUE on how the Market’s Mechanic / Trending Market’s Structure works…..”

…I have to emphasize ( strongly ) to You guys that “ Knowledge in this area “ is a MUST-KNOW…

IF ……..You’re one SERIOUS trader wanting to succeed with this ( tricky & confusing ) trading game in the long run…

…then You really have to know this certain Fact about the MARKET :

It’s that :

Most of the market’s movements You SEE out there…….. are just plain “ USELESS “ to trade at all……

…..this is one “ hidden UGLY Truth “ that most struggling traders would NOT know of…..sad to say..

…..Why do I say so ?

Because by wasting Your time on those “ USELESS “ market movements ….( those that most struggling traders would go for )

…Your Odd of WINNING is ( very ) VERY LOW…

..almost near to “ ZERO “… the long run.

It makes sense that…….

=> “ when You DON”T KNOW “ that they are actually USELESS market movements…

…inevitably……..You would continue trading them…….right ?

But once You “ know about this HIDDEN UGLY Truth “ after reading this education report I have written for You….

…would You still “ do the SAME WRONG THINGS “ ….as previously ?

…and ONLY to suffer MORE LOSSES…..& Disappointments ….as a result ?

Obviously You WON”T be bothered with those USELESS Market MOVEMENTS anymore ….right ?

…BUT focus Your energy and time on the “ 2 Particular Profitable PORTIONs “ of the Trending Market Structure…..instead…

Right….right ??

Alright…….in what I am sharing and teaching below next..

…that’s what I want to help You understand on…… as to enable Your trading mind to start “ SEEING “ that 2 Profitable PORTIONs ( in the TRENDING market ) too………… in the days to come….

When You start Your learning journey in the right direction…….( along the way )……the entire journey would almost be “ SMOOTH & NICE ride “..


….when started in the WRONG direction totally ( right from the beginning )

……You would only get LOST eventually….( not to mention the many sufferings along the way which would occur )

So here I am…….…..setting You up for the “ Right Direction “ as of today…

…in order for You to ride Your learning journey ahead in a smooth and effective manner ! !!

* smile *

Let’s get started now ….shall we ?


( Important )

Market’s Mechanic

+ Trending Market’s Structure You SHOULD Really Know About !! --------------------------------------------

Alright….….I KNOW !

Most traders already knew about the fact that => “…The market does NOT move in a straight line…! “

…but rather in a “ random…..zig-zag manner “ like the above.

In an Up-Trend……..the Price would move in a typical :

“ Move Up……..Pull-Back……..Move Up HIGHER…….Pull-Back…..” manner. ( just like the illustration above )

…..perhaps for any human being => with a “ normal & functional brain “……..would be able to conclude that too !…..

….I agree so on that …

Since that’s the case…

Let me asks the ( usual ) question I like to know ( very much ) then……. It’s about :

“ ….Then how come at least 95% of the traders out there

would bound to

Struggle and only to FAIL miserably

….both during…& at the end of their learning process ? “

…..With such an “ easily “ understandable ZIG-ZAG manner showing => “……How an Up-Trend moves in the market…”


….It shouldn’t be HARD – AT – ALL to get the “ RIGHT Market Direction “ with High-Accuracy ……am sure !

After all… long as one can get on the “ Right Market Direction “…..


…” Exit with Profits “….

You would have WON on that trade…..( and have made REAL Profits ….which could be turned into cold hard cash ! )

SO what’s the “ Obstacle “ here actually ?

Why can’t 95% of the traders out there “ just follow “…… this so called Simple To UNDERSTAND :

…… “ Move……..Pull-back…….MOVE HIGHER …….Pull-back “ characteristic of an UP-Trend……( or vice-versa for a Down-Trend )

….and profit from it with High-Winning Accuracy…… in ….…day out..?

( My Answer on this ) :

That’s because even if one knows that :

An Up-Trending market would move in this typical……

“ Move up……..Pull-back…....Move UP HIGHER……..Pull-back again “ manner..

It is literally NOT enough at all to help them get the “ RIGHT market direction “…..with HIGH-Accuracy….( most of the time ! )

“ ….WITHOUT First Knowing About Which 2 PORTIONs Of That Up-Trending Market are the Most ( Reliable & ) Profitable !!! “

( ONE Common Question From Fellow Traders ) :

“ But Aaron……why CAN’T we just trade the



Trending Market since we already know they move in a Zig-ZAG manner ? “

…” Why bother to SPECIFICALLY capture that ( certain ) PROFITABLE PORTION/s of the market to trade only ? “

Now……….look at the illustration above…..( showing a PERFECT UpTrend…..right ?? )

Next…….…look at a “ ( REAL ) Up-TREND “ in the reality ( world )….…..the LIVE market conditions…

So looking at the “ REAL Up-Trend “ in the LIVE market……..The REALITY ….

…why is it that it’s NOT NICE & PERFECT as shown in the books that we read about ?

( My Answer for You ) :

Because what we normally read on those forex related textbooks……...those are just Illustrations…..( to help newbies learn in an easy manner )

…and unfortunately…… also caused most traders to develop a mindset that the actual LIVE market would also be as NICE & PERFECT too..

…hence they PRESUMED…… it is “ easy “ to catch any TRENDS prevailing in the market…

...After all…… is just “ Buying “ at the lows..

…” Selling “ at the highs….

…and with the help of the NICE & PERFECT Trending Market Structure …( as taught in those textbooks..)

How NOT to make money from the market “ easily “ ……...right ??

That is exactly the “ fatal mindset “ of MOST Newbies who just ventured into this trading game.

Sad truth to know of……….but it is also an absolute ( cruel ) fact with most inspiring traders…..( that bound to FAIL eventually )

Perhaps You are also one of them too…….previously…..or even till NOW…??

BUT………..that’s going to be “ the PAST “ soon ..

…after You understand and absorb what I am revealing in this ( Exclusive ) Educational Report today..

You are going to discard the “ Unreliable & Lousy WAY “…….once and for all.

……to the newly learnt …=> “ Time-tested & PROVEN WAY of LOOkING at the LIVE market ! “…..

RIGHT !! * smile *

So since the market is NOT Nice & Perfect “ as shown in those textbooks at all…..

But rather…….it is ( “ Constantly “ Confusing & Messy ) like this :

Hence…… to enable You to look at the market with “ UNFAIR Advantage “…….each time You ( intend ) to trade..

You need to have this kind of “ Mindset “ instead :


“…..The Market is HAVE to be

jumping into any Conclusion/s!

( even if it is based on the More Powerful Price Actions’ WAY ) “

Alright…...having read the above ( warning )..

…do make sure You INSTILL that sentence DEEP into Your trading brain ya…..( and stick to it from this moment onwards !! )

…DON’T be like most traders…..=> Who just don’t give a

heck about such “ Critical Trading Mindset “…

….which eventually ONLY lead them down to even MORE Miseries & SUFFERINGS……… while trying to achieve the kind of trading success they truly desire.


…..Let me share with You another element of the TRENDING Market Structure to ( greatly ) enhance Your understandings in this area…

…and this time round…….it’s about :

“ Why am I ONLY KEEN on Capturing That 2


of the Trending Market Structure

? …( and simply ignore others ) “

“ 1st Profitable PORTION “

Like This :

Saw that “ Pink Portion “ I have indicated on the picture above ?

YES……..that is the “ 1st Profitable PORTION ( out of 2 ) “…. I am ( Very ) KEEN on within the TRENDING Market Structure …

….and “ 2ND Profitable PORTION “ Like This :

Again……saw that “ Pink Portion “ I have indicated on the picture above ?

YES……..that is the “ 2nd Profitable PORTION “…. I am ( Very ) KEEN on within the TRENDING Market Structure …

BUT THE CRUEL FACT IS THAT….. ….Whenever “ inspiring traders “ look at those illustrations I shown above…

…it would somehow caused them to PRESUME that “ making the PIPS “ from that 2 Profitable PORTIONS ( within the Trending Market Structure ) …….are EASY ….

What makes them PRESUME that way then ?

Well……….like I always WARN You guys so….

In any ( textbook ) illustrations……...the “ Trend Movements “ in the market would always LOOK VERY NICE + PERFECT !!

…Remember that WARNING ?

Again……Nice & Perfect Like This :

…and this :

Looking at them…

…am sure even “ Kindergarten KIDS “ could easily succeed with trading the market too….right ?

Just catch them accordingly….” As shown in the ( NICE & PERFECT ) Picture “……found in most textbooks…

…just ride onto the TREND….and make those PIPS !!

What’s so hard about that ….right ?

Or RATHER……..why is it that only 5% can succeed in trading the market…?

..the other 95% simply FAIL and perhaps NEVER Return to it anymore……( due to the HUGE DAMAGE done to their pocket + morale !! )

Can’t possibly be that :

“…they don’t know about such illustrations I shown You right ?

…they could be found everywhere online…...for FREE ! “

TRUTH Is THAT : Profitable PORTIONS “ are actually very MESSY & CHAOTIC LOOKING…..

These “ 2

in the REALITY……

=> The LIVE-Financial-Market…….that is !!

Let me prove it to You again on the above ( belief of mine ) :

This is the “ Nice + Perfect “ 1st Profitable PORTION You get to see in most textbooks :

This is

HOW ( Messy + Chaotic )……

the Reality world :

it actually looks like in

Now …...

……compare between the “ Illustration found in most textbooks “ …VS…… “ Real World Up-Trend “ ….Yourself

Does the “ REAL WORLD Up-Trend “ looks even NEAR / Close to the “ NICE + PERFECT “ kind of illustration/s shown in most textbooks ?

Obviously NO……… right !

Most “ Inspiring “ traders would PRESUME that the TREND Waves would move in a very “ Proportional & Easy to Identify WAY “….( as illustrated in most books ! )

…but when face with the “ LIVE “ Market Conditions……their world literally TURNs UP-SIDE down (

almost instantly and Smashing all the High-Hopes they had previously )……

…because the TREND WAVES are

NOT “ Proportional “ at


…and the TREND WAVES are

NOT “ Easy to Identify “ at

all too !

So they start to get “ really demoralized “ at that stage..…

On one hand……. they would also like to “ make an additional income “ from trading the SUPER-LUCRATIVE Forex market…..( as marketed by the Hype-Up & dishonest merchants )

….but on the other hand, they DON’T KNOW HOW ( or simply DON”T WANT ) to go about attaining the Proper Trading Skills in order to help them SUCCEED with their trading.

…which 99% of the time…… would lead them onto the “ Holy-Grail / Magical Systems SEEKING “ journey…….

….looking for the “ Best MAGICAL Trading System/s “….to help make them ( VERY ) RICh…..( VERY ) QUICK……WITHOUT having to learn anything at all !!

And the end result ?

Only Disappointments ….and Lots Of DEVASTATION!.....that’s it !!

Before I side-track into that…

Let me show You another “ similar “ example next ….& it’s about the “ 2nd Profitable PORTION “ this time round.

This is the “ Nice + Perfect “ 2nd Profitable PORTION You see in most textbooks :

This is HOW

( Messy + Chaotic )……

……the many “ Such 2nd Profitable Portions “ look like in the REAL-WORLD :

Yes ….I am using the same chart as earlier => Because it is the ONE Whole ( Complete ) TRENDING Market Structure …..we would be taking advantage of…..

In this same chart, we can also capture many waves of such “ 2nd Profitable PORTION “ in the TRENDING Market Structure..

( provided You know HOW….of course ! )

Here comes the “ interesting part “ that some of You guys might be thinking at this very moment as well..

“ Aaron……...since You are ONLY KEEN on these

Profitable PORTIONS


within the TRENDING Market


…but the thing is that in the REAL-WORLD, the market movements are


in most textbooks…

at all……as shown

…instead, they’re appearing




….So since You can


“ Almost without fail “……months

after months…

It obviously means You can READ into these



market movements..

…and then capture the kind of set-up that would allow You to


in the long run…..

…right ?? “

( My Answer on the above ) :

I know some of You guys would also be having such “ questions “ as stated above…… at the back of Your brain too …..

……upon reading what I shared earlier on the fact about => “ NOT NICE + NOT PERFECT market in the REAL World…”…that is.

…because I have been receiving emails from fellow readers asking on this same “ question “ too… ( after I told them to COMPARE between the “ Illustrations VS REAL WORLD Market Movements “….and get REAL about them !! )

Hence, I know some of You guys would most probably be “ wondering about the same issues “ too.

…after all……….You guys are here to


my Price

Actions’ Trading Approach too………right ! * smile *

And it definitely pays to be more “ analytic “ while on this Price Actions’ learning journey………as that would enable You to absorb even more ( NEW ) knowledge…….at an even faster rate !! * smile *

Yes ! ….Indeed

my - PROVEN - Approach “ of identifying the kind of “ High-Probability Set-up/s “ in such MESSY + CHAOTIC market movements in the REAL-

I definitely have “


Fact is that……..If I DID NOT rely on MINE “ Proven WAY of identifying set-up/s in the market “ …( all these years throughout )

…I would be a STRUGGLING trAder still…..obviously…….

The reason why I

can be

a “ Consistently WINNING +

Profitable Trader “….

…whereas the other 95% just could NOT achieve it…..

…the ONLY logical reason is that I KNOW…..and am DOING something in which they’re NOT doing……( or just DON”T know HOW to do it )

Agree on that too ?

As I have already emphasized many times before…..( even on those super-useful articles I wrote to share in my forex trading empire blog )

The key to being a TRUE Price Actions’ Trader is to be able to CONFIDENTLY

gather “ hints “

from the RAW (

Not so Nice ) Price Actions in the market..

…and then “ GATHER as many such HINTS “ as possible… help AFFIRM our trading bias we wish to take-on in the market..

…also known as the =>

ART of “ Confluence Trading “…

Remember on this “ Confluence Trading “ still right ?

That also explain why in my FOREX TRADING EMPIRE BLOG

I have actually wrote a lot of articles covering many “ different scenarios & Set-ups “ in which I trade on

…and more CRITICALLY…..

I even purposely shared my “ Decision Making Process “ in there too

By doing so, it is as good as reading into what my brain is thinking then ….while trying to derive the BUY / SELL bias !! ( And of course, I shared those articles FREE for all ! )

….because it is only after I slowly UNDERSTAND this ART-OF-CONFLUENCE-READING that I began to smell the Trading Success that I always desire

…and of course began to achieve very HIGH ACCURACY for my trades…….week after week

Hence, I definitely ( strongly ) encourage You to start Mastering This ART-OF-CONFLUENCE READING SKILL from today onwards..

….so that You can eventually PIECE THEM TOGETHER…..

……and form a “

SOLID Confluence

“ to re-inforce

whatever buy / see bias You wish to take on..

..and progressively……..week after week…..

Your PRICE ACTION KNOWLEDGE would improve significantly !

……and Your Trading ACCURACY would be Supercharged many folds as well…… doubt about it

A “ Down-To-Earth & Super Effective “ learning approach as I called it…

Just Plain Price Action in the Live market

…NO ( Bull-shit ) HOLY_GRAIL / MAGICAL INDICATORS needed !

( They are created by vicious merchants to SCAM innocent newbies …that’s all ! *frown * )

Alright….without further ado..

Let’s get started with :

“ Recognizing That A Healthy + Profitable + Juicy Trend Is About To Start…” ( This is ONE ASPECT in which 99.9% of the newbies simply DO NOT BOTHER TO UNDERSTAND ON &.while trying to master the trading skill needed to help them succeed in the LONG RUN )


Fact is that…

Before You can COMMIT into any Buy / Sell position..

You need the “ Market To SHOW You “ that it is also having that Certain ( SAME ) Sentiment PREVAILING in there first…..

…that’s only being LOGICALLY RIGHT …..( and prove that

You’re NOT Wild-Guessing on Your trading bias



And in the case of an “ Up-Trend “….

How do we CONFIRM that it is about to START ( or already in ) an Up-Trend …. ?

Here’s how You CAN know about the “ TRUE Market Sentiment “ Prevailing then…. :

Based on the PROVEN “ Market Mechanic “ of an UPTREND :


…..“ The Price would BREAK the PREVIOUS HIGH ( also know as Resistance ) “

….and Formed a NEW HIGH !

Like this :

Having seen the above..……it is showing the “ 1st HINT “ that the market is “ Probably “ going to be in an UPTREND… we suspected….

( that is also the “ 1st Profitable PORTION “ of the Trending Market Structure I am KEEN on ……in the REAL market conditions )

…but that alone is NOT enough…

We still need MORE of “ such HINTS from the actual MARKET MECHANIC “ to help derive a more Reliable + Accurate bias…

So based on the ( Proven ) Market’s Mechanic……again…

In order for an “ Up-Trend “ to be considered VALID…

It has to show YOU this situation as well :


….The Price has to RETRACE to the PREVIOUS RESISTANCE ( which is that blue line shown in the chart )….

Like This :

Having seen the above ( 2nd hint )…..

…it is STILL NOT enough to prove that a VALID UPTREND is in place….

Because You DON”T KNOW whether would the Price HOLD at that level or not…

…it could just BREAK that…..and goes into a REAL – DOWN-TREND……instead….

Agree ?

Hence, You need ONE MORE “ hint “ to prove that the Up-Trend is indeed VALID..

….which also means You need to “ SEE “ that there are BUYERS in the market WILLING to PUSH THE PRICE UP FURTHER !!

Here it is :


“ ….The Price has to BOUNCE UP from that ( Previous Resistance )


…and FORMED a NEW HIGH again ! => ( Buying Force is STRONG…and this is a DIRECT RESULT of it !! )

Like THIS :

Only by witnessing these “ 3 hints “ from the LIVE Market’s Price Actions…

…then You can conclude that “ An Up-Trend is


In Place “……at that level……

( also what traders know as the

Having said the above..

1-2-3 set-up

…in place )

Let me shares something that most “ Inspiring Price Actions’ Traders “ do NOT know of..

…and ONLY to make them FAIL entirely…..despite all effort, sweat & time throw in.

Simply by learning and mastering the Technique To Determine :…=> “ If A Trend Is Starting In the DIRECTION You Suspected “…

Like this : “ Price Break Previous Resistance…..

….Formed a NEW HIGH….

…Retraced to Previous Resistance..

…and BOUNCED up from there…….BREAKING the Current HIGH..

…eventually FORMING another NEW HIGH…

This is the “ most Basic Movement “….majority of the traders out there know of…….( as the

1-2-3 set-up


…no doubt on that.

But the CRUEL TRUTH is that….

“…..The market WOULD NOT TREND that ( nicely ) ….MOST OF THE TIME !! “


….it would be Trending like this…. (

Messy & Chaotic

! ) :

Messy & Chaotic Situation #1 :

Although the over-all trend is UP generally……( as can be seen above )..

…but in Situation #1……...the Price just DID NOT RETRACE to the Previous Resistance at all ( blue line )…

….when this happens, most traders “ with Limited Price Actions’ Knowledge “…

…they would start to get confused …..and only to trade against their rules…..impulsively ….

Messy & Chaotic Situation #2 :

…in the “ Messy & Chaotic Situation #2 “ above..

The price did Bounce from the previous resistance ( blue line as marked )…

…BUT FAIL to make a NEW HIGH……( can see that above too ? )

INSTEAD…..the price PLUNGED BEYOND that Blue Line……..this time round…

…definitely “ totally DIFFERENT “ from the Nice & Perfect illustration that I shown You just now ……..agree ?

Here’s the ( Nice & Perfect ) illustration to help You recall again :

If ONLY the Trending Market is “ ALWAYS Nice & PERFECT “ as shown above…

…how Wonderful the TRADING WORLD would be like…… right ?

Everybody would be making “ easy & HUGE Profits “ from trading the market then……( even kindergarten kids too perhaps ! )

However back to the REALITY…….…..You and me know for sure……that is ONLY an illustration..

The REALITY is always “ Cruel & Brutal “……..!!

Perhaps at this point….

Some of You guys might NOT be convinced that “ NORMALLY “….the market would behave in such MESSY & CHAOTIC manner..

If so..

…allow me to prove with another examples below then..

Like This :

In this 2nd example above…

Take a look at the “ Messy Chaotic Situation #1 “…

……can You also see that the Price has indeed retrace back to the Previous Resistance ( blue line ) too ?

…but ( weirdly )…..this time round the Price actually WENT DOWN FAR TOO MUCH….

….definitely a situation which would make “ those traders with LIMITED Price Actions’ Knowledge FROWN upon “….

..and just DON”T KNOW whether to go in to BUY ….or not..

As such, they would be affected by a “ Bad & UnHealthy Trading Dilemma “…..when that situation arises…

…Some of the “ relatively careful “ ones…….would probably step-aside first…

…BUT….MAJORITY would simply choose to GO AHEAD ( stubbornly )……because they just DON”T WANT TO MISS THE PROFITS !!!

….and never give a single heck about whether is that a “ good set-up “ at all…..

…can it even gives them the “ HIGH-WINNING ODDS “ …….they need to succeed in the long run..

Sadly…..they just DON”T CARE about those “ Critical Considerations “ !

End results ?

You knew it too by now…….am sure !! * frown *

Messy Chaotic Situation #2 :

Look at the same scenario above again…

This time round….it’s “ Messy & Chaotic Situation #2 “ ..

Again……..the Price has broke the PREVIOUS HIGH……and then made a NEW HIGH

…Price then retrace “ WAY BEYOND the Previous Resistance ( blue line “ as well….. just like in situation #1 )

So those traders who are “ wise enough to step-aside “ while facing the Messy & Chaotic Situation #1 …..earlier…

…upon seeing that the Price has already SHOWN a “ Valid UP-TREND ( Basic 1-2-3 set-up ) “ in the market now….

…they decided to go in and BUY then….( although the Price has Broke WAY BEYOND the previous resistance..….they CHOOSE to ignore that )

Because like I mentioned just now…….a “ valid 1-2-3 Up-Trend “ has already SHOWN PREVIOUSLY..

…most of these “ Struggling ( Ignorant ) Traders “ would get OVERLY-CONFIDENT…

…thinking that this time round………they should be able to NAIL Those PIPS for sure…

…perhaps even choose to go into the LIVE BRUTAL market ….WITHOUT USING A STOP-LOSS at all !!

Unfortunately……this is what happened after :

….When one PRESUMES ( Confidently ) …that this time round….they WOULD WIN for sure…

…and when market GOES AGAINST their position “ Abruptly “ as above..

How would one feel then ?

“ FEAR “… the word…!

AND when he / she choose to RISK MORE……...

… trading



that this time round, their trading bias would end up WINNING….for sure ! )

…when that happens….

…then “ Fear “ is NOT the word definitely..

Instead… should be “ EXTREME FEAR “ …..this time round.

Especially when their account is “ FLASHING RED “ at the very same moment…..

….signalling “


“ approaching soon….!!

Not the kind of “ Situation “ any ( sane ) human beings would like to put himself / herself into….right ?


……this is the “ MOST common “ DISASTER occurring in the trading world…..every single minute to these ignorant traders…

What’s the “ main culprit “ then ?

It’s that :

NOT even possessing the RIGHT Trading Skills to succeed with “….Right at the very beginning……...they are

this NORMALLY ( 99.9% ) MESSY + CHAOTIC Situations in the LIVE market conditions…


“……PRESUMING the best outcome just to come out with an EXCUSE for oneself ENTER into the market……….when in actual fact : =>…..the Market Price Actions are NOT even showing

them that at all !! “

When these 2 “ SURE-FAIL “ kind of thoughts combined…

…the end result is only => “ Margin Call….and More MARGIN CALLS “ !

…achieving NOTHING at all…....having thrown in a lot of Energy, Time & Money…..….

…..but just a total waste of one’s time and


it !

Hence, since You guys already joined my “ Forex Tips & Newletters “ for awhile now ( for most )

…then it is NOT NEW anymore that I have been EMPHASIZING to You guys what is the “


Proper Trading

“ ….You NEED TO cultivate right from the

very beginning…

…so that You would NOT fall VICTIM to the “

KILLING ) Problems

Common (

“ that make most traders

STRUGGLE terrible along the learning journey..

….Yes….You would BOUND to encounter some..

…that’s for sure …

…but at least by equipping with the “ Proper Mindset “….( from now onwards…)

You would be able to ( realistically ) eliminate the “ Avoidable “ ones……to a BARE-MINIMUM… ….and path for Yourself…=> A

Smooth, Enjoyable &

Effective Price Actions Learning Journey…

“ One PROVEN Learning Journey …..that would BRING You to the “ EXACT ( Winning ) Destination “…

that You’re aiming for NOW ! “ * smile *

Cool on that……right ?

Alright……...having emphasize about the “ Proper Trading Mindset “ that You NEED to cultivate from this moment onwards..

Let me share more details on WHY is such Proper Trading Mindset so CRITICAL here…..

…especially when You’re in the process of MASTERING

More Powerful Price Actions’ WAY


to ACE the market !!

Since by merely relying on the “ Basic 1-2-3 “ set-up is NOT enough to help You Secure HIGH-WINNING ODDS in the long run..

Like this :

…what else do You need to learn and MASTER then ?

Remember the term => “ Art-Of -Confluence “ trading I mentioned earlier above ?

Or some actually called it the ART- OF- HINTS GATHERING !

…so that You can make “ Better & More Accurate “ trading decision….

.....BEFORE finally “ committing “ into any trade.

Because as a TRUE Price Actions’ Trader……the moment I decide to COMMIT into any trading position ….( whether buy / sell )

…it also means that the “ WINNING ODD “ is really ( Very ) HIGH then…

…..else I WOULD NOT even bother taking that “ FINAL commitment “ … all.

So for YOU too…

If You have been following my Weekly Forex Tips

….as well as have gone through ( carefully ) on the many articles I wrote personally on my Forex Trading Empire blog

BUT still can’t see much improvements for more than 12 months

Then it is definitely TIME for you to “ refresh “ Yourself once again by going over them and recap on the strategies I shared

By refreshing Your knowledge on Price Action that I wrote to shared

You would START to “ SEE THINGS “ in the market………...

….=> that


of the “ Dead Rules “ trading systems /

Forex ROBOTS / Special Indicators ….would help You achieve..

…that is also why……NONE of the so called “ Forex Robot “ can survive trading any financial market in the long run..

…because they just could NOT derive “ GOOD trading bias “ … all……..due to the

Price Actions


in the LIVE market…..

…now You understand why too on that …….right !! ( if You’re also one such Forex Robot worshipper previously….but only being HIT with utterly Disappointing trading results….over and over again …)

Earlier above…

I have shared on “ Trending Market Structure of an UPTREND “..

…and for the Vice-versa counterpart……the “ DownTrend “..

I would Not need to share anymore..

…because it is just “ Vice-Versa “… So no point in repeating the same thing ……..

Just find a “ down-trend “ in any of the currency pair later…

As I have already emphasized ( many…many ) times before already..

The most effective way to master anything COMPLEX…

…is to BREAK-THEM-DOWN….into “ Simple to understand ( little ) Step/s “…

I am sure there is no way You guys would oppose to that belief of mine …right ?

* smile *

So likewise for Your Price Actions’ Learning Journey now….

You would also “ learn one SIMPLE thing… A TIME “….

…and when You start to piece together “ what You learn previously :…..

…You would have NO problem => “ TRULY UNDERSTANDING “ the concept fully…. …( instead of being just HALF-WAY there… most LOSING traders suffer from )

So after reading this report..

I want to start training Your ( beautiful ) EYES + Alert BRAIN to scan for this particular “ characteristic “ in the LIVE market..

That is :

( For An UP-TREND )

Train Your Eyes + Brain to capture this “ certain set-up “ from the market :

“ ….Price moves UP forming a NEW HIGH

….Retrace to Previous Resistance…..

…..& BOUNCE Up again to form another NEW HIGH

Like This :

At the sametime………train Yourself to get familiar with the 2 ( CRITICAL ) aspects on :

1) “ ( Optimum ) Entry into the market “…..

2) “ Placing the Stop-Loss ( Strategically ) “

Like This :

Just like above….

…after reading this today……fire up Your trading platform…

….set-up the chart/s to exactly like the above…

…and start training Your Eyes + Brain to spot :

1) The 1-2-3 set-up/s in the market

2) Each time You found a “ valid “ one…. i) Enter to BUY ( when the price starts turning up ) ii ) Place the Stop-Loss at the “ strategic “ location as shown

( NOTE : ….I can’t squeeze too many details into this report else it would stretch for 200 – 300 pages !! Please go to my Forex Trading Empire blog and read up the many articles I shared in there. There are many good explanations on both ENTRY & STOPLOSS Placement )

Repeat that for an “ UP-TREND…”

For the Down-Trend……..just do the same thing…( but vice-versa …that’s all )

You can choose any currency pair/s You would like to train this aspect on..

Whether Is it the majors such as USDJPY, GBPUSD, EURUSD or USDCHF

Or Exotics such as GBPSEK

Or major indices such as DJ30, DE30, AUS200….etc

Or perhaps GOLD or SILVER ?

You can use them to TRAIN Your eyes on recognizing whether a “ Healthy + Juicy TREND is in place or not “ ( according to what I have shared earlier above )

Trust me…

Once the aspect on :

“ RECOGNIZING A HEALTHY + JUICY TREND “ has been taken of….

..You would start to SEE the market much more CLEARLY then…

Most importantly…..

You would almost instantly know which bias or set-up is good to take-on…

…which one is simply a waste of time after all…

A trading skill that is NOT POSSIBLE to achieve at all when You rely on the ( LAGGING ) Technical Indicator/s.. OR….those “ Dead-Rules “ Trading Systems………selling around..


That’s why I have to EMPHASIZE that :

“ ….You really have to DISCARD whatever You know about Trading The Market previously…….as long as it is NOT Price Actions’ Way to trade !! “

In this way, Your mind would be “ Totally Fresh & Clear “ & all ready to absorb all the PROVEN stuff..

….SOLID Price Actions’ Knowledge that You would NEVER heard of before……most likely…… * smile *

Very Powerful…..Very Profitable to trade the Price Actions’ WAY……indeed…

….and with those articles shared on my Forex Trading Empire blog….

I have made it “ Simple “ for You to understand and absorb……as well

Is that best of both world ….or what ? * LOL *

Alright…..I shall NOT drag on any longer…

Let You have more time to go read up and refresh

Before I sign off for this Educational Report..

Allow me to WRAP-UP the entire Price Actions’ Trading Approach of mine once again… help You understand on :

( Firstly ) :

You would need to CAPTURE either :

i) A BREAKOUT ( Bullish / Bearish ) Zone


11) A Critical TURNING Point

…..from the market..

Example of a BREAKOUT Zone Like This : ( GBP/CAD captured on 17th OCT that I sent to You )

Why bother capturing them ?

=> So that You would get the “ RIGHT Market DIRECTION “…..most of the time !

Still remember the above fact right ?

( Secondly ) : You then simply need to gather AS MANY of the “ Individual Critical Elements “ as possible …..

…the main objective of gathering such “ HINTS “ from the market is to help You FORM a “ SOLID Confluence “ for the trading bias You intend to take – on….

Again……..why even bother to GATHER “ Hints ( from the Price Actions in the market ) “ ?

So that You can also achieve :

“….A LOW RISK……..MAXIMUM REWARDS ( Buy / Sell ) Position ….. ….=> That Would Enable You To SECURE-HIGHWINNING-ODDS …in the long run too !! “ * smile *

When You “ trade the market a certain way “…

And You’re always WINNING MORE….than You Lose………

How do You CONTINUE WINNING ( even MORE ) Then ?

Just keep using that “ Same Approach “…….

…and CONTINUE trading…WINNING……

……..& WINNING EVEN MORE….from the market…….right ??

Simple ( & Proven ) Logic……..definitely !

* smile *

Just Remember to Be Patience……..

It is NOT an Over-night thingy to master this skill..

BUT as long as You have the desire to succeed…

I believe SOON…..

You would be achieving the kind of “ Solid Success “…..that most STRUGGLING Traders are dying to ACHIEVE too !!

Because now You’re learning the More Powerful PRICE ACTION WAY to trade instead !

Which You can then “ CONFIDENTLY “ COMMIT into a

BUY Decision for the ( GBP/CAD BREAKOUT Zone ) like this too….( just like I DID ! ) :

Like This :

Highly Reliable & Highly Accurate……..=> “ LOW RISK…..yet HIGH REWARDS “ kind of TRADING APPROACH …...that could be Repeated & executed…..…again & again !!

Oh one more special message for You ….before I forgot..

Do make sure You REALLY go into the market and PRACTICE ….after you read any article on my Forex Trading Empire blog

( while the strategy & mine DECISION-MAKINGPROCESS are still fresh in your brain ! )

Because I always believe in one thing..

That is :

“ When You can SEE for Yourself that the market is INDEED…..behaving a CERTAIN WAY……Most of the TIME…

AND…..this Certain WAY that it behaves could be USED TO YOUR TRADING ADVANTAGE….

….You would be able to CONVINCE Yourself…..and get REALLY MOTIVATED to learn the new concept reveal to You too ….right ? “ YES…..!

For all the strategies I wrote to share in my Forex Trading Empire blog

You would be able to witness for Yourself that :

“….They have been PROVEN to REPEAT…..again & again in the financial market….

Hence, for anyone who knows about HOW to TAKEADVANTAGE of that…..

…it would indeed ENHANCE our TRADING ACCURACY….end of the day ! “

So for You…..

Please DO make sure You read and scan for them on the LIVE market and WITNESS for Yourself ya ?

Don’t do it…….because I am a WINNING trader……and I task You so…

Do it because YOU NEED TO CONVINCE YOURSELF …..that’s more IMPORTANT !!!

* smile *

I like to CONVINCE myself that a certain “ market movement “ is PROVEN to be REPEATING ….again & again…..over time.

ONLY then….I would choose to BELIEVE…….and explore further…

So I hope You also “ cultivate this kind of Mindset “……while on this Price Action’s Learning Journey..

…this way….You would learn MORE EFFICIENTLY…….for sure !

Because You’re CONVINCED & MOTIVATED……every single time……You WITNESSED the REAL Movements in the market…

Hence…… it is only LOGICAL that there would NOT be anything that’s holding You back then !!!

…Perfect Learning Environment…..that is….NO DOUBT!

Right !!


Till then.

Happy Training for now…

To Your FOREX SUCCESS, - Aaron


( your trading friend + mentor )


Risk Disclosure Statement & Earnings Disclaimer

The contents of this page are for informational purposes only. No part of this publication is a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial market. Examples are provided for illustration purposes only and should not be constructed as investment advice or strategy. All trade examples are hypothetical. No representation is made that any account or trader will or likely to achieve profits or loses similar to those discussed in this page. The information found in this page is not intended for distribution to, or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to the law or regulation of which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. All the story, pictures, earnings, name used in this website might not be accurate. Do read at your own risk. CFTC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, IMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAYBE HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINGSIGHT. NO REPRESENTAION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.

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