Recent Master Plumber Board Exam Problems PDF

July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Your Report Wrong  Q.1)

Of the four board subjects given for Master Master Plumbers Plumbers examination, which of this subject was originally split into two subjects?   A. Plumbing Code B. Design and Installations

C. (Your Answer) D. Plumbing Practical Arithmetic Problems (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.2)

Copper tube and fittings used for drainage drainage and v vent ent piping installed aboveground aboveground shall be at least ____.  

A. B. C. D. Correct  Q.3)

A domestic dishwasher drain shall first connect connect to ____.  

A. B. C. D. Correct  Q.4)

36 inches 12 inches (Your Answer) 24 inches 48 inches

A branch line se serving rving a trap in a combination waste and vent vent system is required to be separ separately ately vented when the length of the branch exceeds ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong  Q.6)

an approved approved airgap fitting (Your Answer) a double-check valve a triple-check valve an approved valve

Unions shall be installed in a water supply supply system within ____ to a water heater  

A. B. C. D. Correct  Q.5)

Type DWV  (Correct Answer) Type L Type K Type M (Yo (Your ur Answer)

15 (Your Answer) 10 5 25

Three-inch horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical alignment and at a uniform slope of not less than ____.   A. 1/4 inch per foot (Correct Answer) B. 1/16 inch per foot C. 1/2 inch per foot (Your Answer) D. 1/8 inch per foot


Correct  Q.7)

The minimum requirement for the slope of horizontal drainage pipes between manholes is  

A. 4% B. 2-1/2 % C. 2% (Y (Your our Answer) WrongD.   3% Q.8)

A drain connecting the compartments o off a set of fixtures to its trap is called a(an) ____.  

A. continuous waste (Correct Answer) B. special waste C. indirect waste (Your Answer) D. combination waste and vent Unanswered  Q.9)

The maximum number of lavatories on a 2-1/2 inch horizontal waste line is ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

10 14 (Correct Answer) 20 6

Q.10) The maximum distance a gas shutoff valve may be fro from m a gas appliance (except for range and dryer connectors) is ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

6 feet (Correct Answer) 10feet 3 feet (Your Answer) 2 feet

Q.11) An ejector di discharge scharge line shall be provided with a ____    A. B. C. D. Correct 

gate valve only backwater valve a and nd gate valve (Correct Answer)  backwater valve only swing check valve and a globe valve (Your Answer)

Q.12) In the water test of the entire plumbing system all openings should be tightly closed except except at   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

 protruding cleanouts  bleeders stack vent highest opening (Your Answer)

Q.13) Because of structural conditions, a 4-inch hous housee drain is installed with a slope of 1/8 inch per foot. This installation will result in a(an) ____.


  increased scouring and cleansing action reduction in fixture unit loading allowance (Correct Answer) separation of solids and liquid (Your Answer) increased allowance in fixture unit loading

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.14) A ____ may be installed with iindirect ndirect waste  

water closet domestic kitchen sink drinking fountain (Your Answer) lavatory

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.15) A ____ trap is not self-cleaning   A. B. C. D. Correct 

 plaster cast-iron  bell grease (Y (Your our Answer)

Q.16) Chemical or industrial liquid wastes that ar aree likely to damage the public sanitary sewer system shall ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

be pretre pretreated ated to re render nder them innocuous innocuous (Your Answer) not be used under any condition  be drained into a holding tank  be drained into a storm drain

Q.17) A seamless drawn-brass fixture tailpiece shall be ____.  

24 B&S gauge (Your Answer) 20 B&S gauge (Correct Answer) 22 B&S gauge 26 B&S gauge

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.18) Hub and spigot cast-iron piping in 10-foot lengths, installed horizontally, horizontally, shall be supported at intervals of not more than ____.   10 feet (Your Answer) 12 feet 5 feet 15 feet

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

Q.19) Water heater vents terminate above a roof roof surface at least ____ from a vertical vertical wall.  





12 inches (Correct Answer) 6 inches (Your Answer) 8 feet 3 feet

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.20) The distance from the center of a water closet to any side wall or partition shall not be closer than ____.   15 inches (Your Answer) 12 inches 24 inches 30 inches

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.21) Drinking fountains m may ay be installed with ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

steel pipe indirect wastes (Your Answer) yoke venting  bell traps

Q.22) Joints at the ro roof of around pipes sshall hall be made watertight by the use of ____.  

epoxy glue flashings (Yo (Your ur Answer) waterproof paint tar and paper

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.23) A device to prevent backflow into the potable water system is called a ____.  


A. B. C. D. Correct 

 backflow connection siphon leg backflow preventer (Your Answer)  back-siphonage

Q.24) Building sewers shall be tested by ccompletely ompletely filling the sewer with water fr from om the ____.   *  

A. lowest to the highest point (Your Answer)



B. lowest to at least ground level C. lowest to at least a 5-foot head D. lowest to at least a 10-foot head Wrong  Q.25) A plumbing vent shall terminate not less than ____.   A. 3 feet from an air intake B. 10 feet from an air intake (Corr (Correct ect Answer) Answer) C. 1 foot above the roof (Your Answer) D. 5 feet above a window Wrong  Q.26) Cleanouts may be om omitted itted on a horizontal drain line less than 5 feet feet except for ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

 bathtubs water closets (Your Answer) sinks (Correct Answer) showers

Q.27) Except for plastic piping system systems, s, hot and cold water piping may be tested with ____.   A. 100 psi air for at least 10 minutes (Your Answer) B. 35 psi air for at least 15 minutes 50 psi air or the working pressure of the water in the system for at least 15 minutes ( Correct C. Answer) D. 40 psi air or 150 psi water for 10 minutes Wrong  Q.28) The depth of the finished dam of threshold for any shower, measured from the top of the drain, shall not be less than ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

4 inches (Your Answer) 12 inches 2 inches (Correct Answer) 9 inches

Q.29) The vent for a kitchen sink serve servess as a drain for a laundry tub. The size of the wet-vented section is ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

1-1/2 inches (Your Answer) 3 inches 2-1/2 inches 2 inches (Correct Answer)

Q.30) Gas piping with pressure less than 1/4-inch water column shall stan stand d an air test of ____.   A. 50 psi B. 30 psi C. 15 psi (Your Answer) D. not less than 3 psi (Correct Answer)


Wrong  Q.31) Under no circ circumstances umstances may gas appliance press pressure ure regulators be vented vented ____.   A. B. C. D.

to the gas utilization equipment flue or exhaust system (Correct Answer) Answer) using black iron pipe (Your Answer) to the combustion chamber near the pilot to the atmosphere

Wrong  Q.32) A water heater vent may have one offset of not more than 60 degrees from the ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

heater horizontal (Your Answer) roof vertical (Correct Answer)

Q.33) The aggregate cross cross-sectional -sectional area of all vents for a system with a required 4-inch sewer shall be at least ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

12.56 square inches inches (Correct Answer) 4 square inches 7.06 square inches (Your Answer) 18 square inches

Q.34) That portion of a venting system that connects a water heater to a vent is a ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

chimney connector vent connector (Correct Answer) Type B vent (Your Answer) vent

Q.35) The minimum size of gas piping supply to a mobile home is ____. ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

3/4 inch (Your Answer) 1/2 inch 2 inches 1 inch

Q.36) Pilots and burners of gas-fired water heaters (except sealed combustion chambers) in residential garages shall be ____ above the floor level.   A. 24 inches B. 12 inches C. 18 inches (Correct Answer) D. 6 inches (Your Answer) Wrong 


  Q.37) PEX piping installed horizontally must be supported every ____ inches.  

A. B. C. D.

48 24 36 (Your Answer) 32 (Correct Answer)

Wrong  Q.38) One trap may ser serve ve a set of not more than ____.  

A. three single-compartment sinks (Correct Answer) B. two double-compartment sinks C. two lavatories (Your Answer) D. three lavatories Unanswered  Q.39) The exit terminals of mechanical draft systems shall be ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

in the same story not over 10 feet from the vent not less than 7 feet above grade (Correct Ans Answer) wer) not over 20 feet from the vent

Q.40) The minimum size waste pipe for a residential kitchen sink is ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

3 inches 2-1/2 inches 2 inches (Correct Answer) 1-1/2 inches (Your Answer)

Q.41) Each drainage stack that extends 10 or more stories above the building drain shall be served by ____.  

A. B. C. D. Correct 

cleanouts at each floor a parallel vent stack (Your Answer) extra-heavy fittings straps every 5 feet

Q.42) All trenches deeper than the footing of any building or structure and paralleling the same must be at least ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong  Q.43)

2 feet deep 45 degrees therefrom (Your Answer) 4 feet thereon 2 feet wide

Above ground schedule 40 PVC and ABS DWV plas plastic tic piping installed horizontally shall be


supported at intervals of no to exceed ____.  

A. 10 feet B. 6 feet C. 2 feet (Your Answer) D. 4 feet (Correct Answer) Unanswered 

int ervals not to Q.44) Three-quarter inch or 1-inch gas piping installed horizontally shall be supported at intervals exceed ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

6 feet 4 feet 8 feet (Correct Answer) 5 feet

Q.45) The terminal end of the drain for a pressure-re pressure-relief lief valve shall not be ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

 painted reamed threaded (Correct Answer) open (Your Answer)

Q.46) One material not approved for the instal installation lation of an external trap for a urinal is ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

ABS cast brass drawn-brass tubing traps (Correct Answer) cast iron (Your Answer)

Q.47) The minimum common horizontal waste pipe serving a bathtub, a lavatory, and a kitchen sink shall be at least ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

3 inches 1 -1/2 inches (Your Answer) 2 - 1/2 inches 2 inches (Correct Answer)

Q.48) What kind of joint is not allowed in cast iron pipe?   A. welded B.  bell and spigot C. threaded (Your Answer)


  D. soldered Correct  Q.49) Wall-mounted Wall-mounted water closet fixtures shall be securely bolted to ____.   A. the vent piping B. the drain piping C. a closet bend D. metal supporting members (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.50) The tailpiece for a lavatory shall not be less than ____.  

1-1/4 inch (Correct Answer) 1-1/2 inch (Your Answer) 1 inch 1-3/8 inch

A. B. C. D. Correct 

Q.51) Unless serving sinks or urinals, cleanouts may be omitted on a horizontal drain line that is   A. greater than 2.0 meters B. than 1.5meters meters (Your Answer) equal to 2.0 C. less D. none of these Correct  Q.52) What kind of concealed connections on fixtures tthat hat it is required to prov provide ide an access panel or utility at least 0.3 meter in its least dimension for easy inspection and repair?  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

slip joint (Your Answer) hubless  ball and socket flanged

Q.53) The sizing of gas vents for category II, III and IV shall be in accordance with ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

the manufacturers guide (Your Answer) the manufacturers instructions (Correct Answer) the gas company the vent connector company

Q.54) For a vertical drainage line that is installed to be truly in vertical position, what is the allowed degree of the branch to be used?  


A. 15 B. 60 (Your Answer)



C. 45 D. 22.5 Wrong  Q.55) The developed length between the trap of a water closet and its vent shall not exceed ____.   A. 4 feet B. 12 inches (Your Answer) C. 30 inches D. 6 feet (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.56) Single-wall metal pipe shall terminate at least 5 feet in vertical height above the highest connected equipment ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

within a horizontal distance of 10 feet (Your Answer) draft hood draft hood outlet or flue collar (Correct Answer) or approved cap on the roof

Q.57) When sizing a copper fuel-gas piping system that has an inlet pressure of less than 2 psi with a  pressure drop of 0.3 inch w.c., w.c., the maximum cubic cubic feet per hour of gas gas flow allowed thr through ough a 5/8-

inch O.D. ACR ACR tube 75 feet in developed length is ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

13 48 (Your Answer) 27 (Correct Answer) 68

Q.58)  No trap for any clothes clothes washer standpipe standpipe shall be installed ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

18 inches above the floor in a partition 6 inches above the floor  below the floor (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer)

Q.59) The total number of closets on a 3-inch stack is ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

four (Correct Answer) three two six (Yo (Your ur Answer)

Q.60) The maximum length for a 1-1/2-inch vent pipe is ____.   A. 50 feet B. 60 feet (Correct Answer) C. 20 feet (Your Answer) D. 30 feet Correct 


  Q.61) What is the minimum age requirement for an appointee to become a member of the Board of Master Plumbers?   A. B. C. D.

Thirty five years old Thirty two years old Thirty years old (Your Answer) Twenty eight years old

Correct  Q.62) The minimum horizontal distance between a water supply well and the building sewer is ____.  

A. B. C. D. Correct 

50 feet (Your Answer) 100 feet 10 feet 15 feet

Q.63) Fixture traps sshall hall have a water seal of not less than ____.  

A. B. C. D. Wrong 

12 inches 2 inches (Yo (Your ur Answer) 6 inches 4 inches

Q.64) Cast-iron soil pipe stacks shall be supported supported at ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

their base a and nd each floor (Corr (Correct ect A Answer) nswer) intervals of 10 feet (Your Answer) intervals of 5 feet every other story

Q.65) A rrefrigerator efrigerator used to stor storee food and that requires drainage drainage shall be drained by means of ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

an indirect waste pipe (Correct Answer)  both A and B a direct connection (Your Answer) no drain required

Q.66) No water heater (except direct vent water heaters and fuel burning water heaters installed in a closet with a listed, gasketed door assembly and listed self-closing device) that depends on the combustion of fuel for heat shall be installed in any ____.  _    A. garage B. kitchen C.  basement (Your (Your Answer) Answer) D. bedroom (Correct Answer)


Wrong  Q.67)

The building sewer shall be determined on the basis of the total number of fixture units drained by by such sewer in accordance with ____.   A. none of the above B. the maximum fixture load only C. the same table(s) as the building drain (Your Answer)

D. Table 7-8 fixture unit loading (Correct Answer) Unanswered  Q.68) Soil and drain pipes llocated ocated above food-handling establishments establishments shall be subjected to a standing water test of not less than ____ feet.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

12 25 10 (Correct Answer) 15

Q.69) A vent in a combination waste and vent system shall be approximately equal in area to one-half the  ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

area of the house sewer cross-sectional of the drain pipe served (Your Answer) area of the public sewer diameter of the drain pipe served

Q.70) Concealed slip joint connection require require a (an) ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

8 x 12 access panel 10 x 12 access panel 12 x 12 access panel (Y (Your our Answer) 18 x 18 access panel

Q.71) Water Water service pipes, or any underground water pipes, shall not be run or laid in the same trench with  ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

 piping for a lawn sprinkler sprinkler asbestos cement building sewer piping (Your Answer) cast-iron building sewer piping any other water pipe

Q.72) Sewer or other drainage piping that shall no be installed under or within 2 feet of any an y building or structure is ____.   A. ABS B. cast iron C. asbestos cement (Correct Answer) D. copper (Your Answer) Wrong 


  Q.73) In each run of horizontal drain piping, the distance between cleanouts shall not exceed ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

50 feet (Your Answer) 300 feet 75 feet 100 feet (Correct Answer)

Q.74) A type B-W gas vent shall terminate at least ____ feet in vertical height above the bottom of the wall furnace   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

6 (Your Answer) 12 (Correct Answer) 8 4

Q.75) The minimum size trap and trap arm for a kitchen sink is ____. ____.   A. 1-1/2 inches (Correct Answer) B. 2 inches (Your Answer) C. inches 2-1/2 inches D. 3 Correct  Q.76) Sleeves shall be provided to pro protect tect all piping through ____ and ____ walls.   A. concrete, masonry (Y (Your our Answer) B. ceiling, wooden C. wood, concrete D. floor, concrete Unanswered  Q.77) Cast-iron ssoil oil pipe shall not be ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

used belowground  painted used for drain lines threaded (Correct Answer)

Q.78) Single-wall metal pipe shall be constructed of ____ not less than 0.0304 inch thick.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

PVC Sch 40 (Your Answer) galvanized, sheet steel (Correct Answer) copper sheet metal cast ironcast iron

Q.79) The maximum horizontal distance of a trap arm is measured from the inner edge of the vent to the  ____.  



A. B. C. D. Wrong 

outlet weir of the trap (Your Answer) dip inlet

Q.80) The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap weir shall not exceed ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

18 inches 36 inches 12 inches (Correct Answer) 24 inches (Your Answer)

Q.81) Nonmetallic shower sub-pans or linings may be built up on the job site of not less than ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

three layers of 15 pound felt (Corre (Correct ct Answer) Answer) two layers of 15 pound felt four layers of 15 pound felt one layer of 15 pound felt (Your Answer)

Q.82) The developed length of 1-1/2-inch trap arms shall not exceed ____.

  A. B. C. D. Wrong 

2 feet, 8 inches 5 feet 6 feet 3 feet, 6 inches (Your Answer)

Q.83) A water system containing storage water-heating water-heating equipment will require a ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

listed combination temperature and pressure relief valve (Correct Answer) check valve (Your Answer) hot water return line mixing valve

Q.84) An indirect was waste te pipe 12 feet long requires ____ ____..   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

a trap only (Correct Answer) a trap and vent (Your Answer) no trap or vent a vent only

Q.85) Water closet tank ballcocks shall be installed with the vacuum bre breaker aker critical level at least ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

1 inch above the flush valve opening (Your Answer) 6 inches above the full opening of the overflow tube 1 inch above the full opening of the overflow tube (Correct Answer) 6 inches above the flush valve opening


Q.86) The require required d clearance in fro front nt of a 3-inch cleanout is ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

6 inches (Your Answer) 18 inches (Correct Answer) 12 inches 24 inches

Q.87) Ferrous gas piping installed under underground ground in exterior locations sshall hall have at least ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

one double swing joint two condensation drip leg 1 foot of earth cover (Your Answer) four 90-degree elbows

Q.88) Minimum clearance of lis listed ted appliances to any combustible combustible wall or partition is ____.   A. B. C. D.

8 inches 1 inch specified in listing or rating plate and NFP NFPA A 211 Standard (Your Answer) 3 inches

Correct  Q.89) Leaks in gas piping shall be located by applying ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

fire or acid to the pipe joints  potable water to the interior interior of the piping tubing soapy water to the exterior of the piping (Your Answer) a noncorrosive leak detection fluid

Q.90) A fixture vent pipe increased one pipe size its eentire ntire length ____.   A. B. C. D. Wrong 

may exceed the maximum horizontal length limited by code (Your Answer) will be a better workmanship job will increase the venting efficiency will reduce the cost of installation

Q.91) Vitrified cclay lay building sewer pipe and fittings are ____.   A. B. C. D. Correct 

unrestricted in use for drain lines unrestricted in use for vent lines (Your Answer) approved for use inside of buildings and aboveground approved for use at least 12 iinches nches belowground (Correct Answer)

Q.92) Sheet metal, constituting a part of any vent connector, connector, shall be at least ____.   A. 0.0304 inches (Your Your Answer) B. 0.0505 inches C. 0.0500 inches



D. 0.0450 inches


Your Report Correct  Q.1) When supporting supporting horizontal piping 5-inches 5-inches in diameter with with hangers, a __ inch diameter rod shall be used. A. 1 B. 1/2 (Your Answer) C. 5/8 D. 3/8 Correct  Q.2) The diameter of of waste and overflow overflow for a bathtub shall no nott be less tahn ___ A. 1-1/4 inches OD B. 1-3/8 inches OD C. 1-1/2 inches OD (Your Answer) D. 1-1/4 inches OD Wrong  Q.3) Any pressure pressure less than that that exerted by atmospheric atmospheric is a(an) __ A. vacuum (Correct Answer) B. negative pressure (Your (Your Answer) C. atmospheric pressure D. positive pressure Wrong 

Q.4) An unconfined space is a room or space having a volume equal to at least ___ of the aggregate input rating of all the fuel-burning appliances in the space. space. * A. 10 cu. ft per Btu/hr (Your Answer) B. 25 cu. ft per 1,000 Btu/hr (Your C. 50 cu. ft per 1,000 Btu/hr (Correct Answer) D. 100 cu. ft per Btu/hr Wrong  Q.5) With two two noted exceptions, all shower compartment compartmentss and receptors shall be capable of encompassing a ___ diameter circle. A. 24-inch (Your Answer) B. 33-inch C. 30-inch (Correct Answer) D. 36-inch Wrong  Q.6) The curb or threshold of a shower compartment may be eliminated ___. A. to comply with accessibility standards (Correct Answer) B. for gang showers



C. in hospitals only (Your Answer) D. not permitted Correct  Q.7) Copper tubing installed vertically shall be supported at each storey or at maximum intervals of ___. A. 4 ft B. 10 ft (Your Answer) C. 8 ft D. 6 ft Wrong  Q.8) No plumbing system, drainage system, building sewer, private sewage disposal system, or parts thereof, shall be located in ___

any lot other than the lot that is the site of the building served by such facilities (Correct Answer) B. the walls, floors, or underground in any building C.  pipe access spaces where accessible for repair (Your Answer) D. any garage, or equipment or locker room (Your A.

Wrong  Q.9) Solder and fluxes used in piping system conveying potable water are prohibited when the lead content exceeds.. A. 0.2 of 1 percent (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) B. 1 percent (Your C. 0.5 of 1 percent D. less than 10 percent Wrong  Q.10) Trough Trough urinals shall be ___. ___.

A. permissible if constructed of concrete B. prohibited (Correct Answer) C. allowed in bus stations (Your ur Answer) D. required in large associations (Yo Correct  Q.11) Wiped joints are permitted with ___.



A. le lead ad (Your Answer) B. steel C. plastic D. cast iron Wrong  Q.12) Wall-mounted Wall-mounted water closets closets shall be securely bolted bolted to ___.

A. the wall (Your Answer) B. double two by six studs C. a carrier carrier fitting fitting (Correct Answer) D. a closet bend Correct  Q.13) Joints in copper shower pan liner linerss shall be ___. A. burned B. swaged C. sealed with epoxy cement D. soldered soldered or brazed (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.14) A joint obtained obtained by joining of metal parts with metallic mixture mixturess of alloys that melt at a temperature up to and including 840 degree F is a ___ * A. brazed joint B. soldered joint (Correct Answer) C. metallic joint D. flared joint (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.15) Horizontal hubless pipe shall be braced at not mor moree than 40-foot interva intervals ls to prevent ___. A. noise B. leaking C. vertical movement (Your (Your Answer) D. horizont horizontal al movement (Correct Answer)


Correct  Q.16) All materials, fixtures, fixtures, or devices used or entering entering into the construction of plumbing and drainage systems shall ___. * A. conform to approved approved applicable standards standards (Your Answer) B. conform to the job specifications C. conform to price job D. conform to materials availability Correct  Q.17) Shower pan linings may may be constructed constructed with ___ A. 26 B&S gauge copper B. zinc-coated steel C. 15 pounds pounds asphalt asphalt felt (Your Answer) D. 3 pounds per square foot lead Wrong  Q.18) Joints at the roof, around around pipes, shall be made watertight by the use of ___. A. a sealing compound B. flashing material (Correct Answer) C. 15 pound felt D. oakum (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.19) The provisions of the code allow allow an alternate material or method of constr construction uction provided it is ___.  *

(Your Answer) A. approved by the architect as an alternate (Your B. accepted by the owner as analternate C. approved approved by the Authority Authority Having Jurisdiction as alterna alternate te (Correct Answer) D. manufactured by a reputable organization Wrong  Q.20) Piping in the ground ground shall be laid on __-. A. a fir firm m bed (Correct Answer) Answer) B. concrete blocks (Your Answer) C. redwood stakes D. common bricks Correct  Q.21) Piping, fixtures, or equipment equipment that are installed installed so that they interfere with normal operation and use of windows or doors shall be ___ A. identified for restricted use B. protected from damage C. approved if acceptable by the owner


  D. relocated relocated to avoid interfere interference nce (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.22) The combination of fittings that may be used to make an offse offsett and is considered a vertical pipe are: A. 1-45 degree degree and 1-45 1-45 degree degree (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) B. 1-60 degree and 1-45 degree (Your C. 1-90 degree and 1-45 degree D. 2-90 degree and 1-45 degree Wrong  Q.23) I.P.S. I.P.S. is the abbreviation for ___ ___ A. iron pipe standard (Your Answer) B. iron pipe size (Correct Answer) C. inside pipe standard D. inside pipe size Wrong  Q.24) Burred ends ends of all pipe and tubing shall be ___. A. painted to reduce friction B. reamed to the full bore of the pipe of tube  (Correct Answer) Answer) C. avoided by use of special cutting tools (Your Answer) D. confined to exposed and readily accesible locations Wrong  Q.25) To provide provide watertight joint in the floor, shower drains and floor drains are required to be ___ A. extra-heavy cast iron B. suitably flanged (Correct Answer) C. coated with asphalt wate rproof cement (Yo ( Your ur Answer) D. set in waterproof Correct  Q.26) A mixing valve that senses outlet temperature temperature and compensates for fluc fluctuations tuations in incoming hot or cold water temperature is a ___ * A. combination thermostatic/pressure-balancing valve B. thermostatic (temperature control) valve (Your Answer) C. pressure-balancing valve D. none of the above Wrong  Q.27) Mechanical devices devices may be used to complete backfilling where cove covering ring above any piping is at least ___ inches A. 6 (Your Answer)



B. 12 (Correct Answer) C. 30 D. 36 Correct  Q.28) Screws or bolts bolts for securing floor_mounted floor_mounted fixtures fixtures shall be ___.

A. brass (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. aluminum C. galvanized steel D. die-cast zinc Correct  Q.29) The organization, office, or individual responsible responsible for enforc enforcing ing the * requirements of a code or standard is the ___ A. Authority Having Jurisdiction Jurisdiction (Your Answer) B. plumbing inspector or department C. building department D. administrative authority Wrong  Q.30) All piping fixtures, and equipment shall shall be adequately supported in accor accordance dance with the ___. A. contractor B. code (Correct Answer) C. owner D. engineer (Your Answer) Correct  Q.31) That portion of a drainage system system that does not drain by gravity into the building sewer is known as a__ A. storm sewer B. building subdrain (Your Answer) C. sewer ejector D. building supply Wrong  Q.32) The type of acceptable acceptable joints joints for PEX shall shall be ___ A. metal insert or metal compression compression (Correct Answer) B. solvent cemented c oupling (Your (Your Answer) C. sheilded coupling D. mechanical Wrong  Q.33) The distance between the wall to the center of water closet shall not be less than __-



A. 12" B. 15" (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. 24" (Your Answer) D. 30" Correct  Q.34) Manually controlled controlled flushometer v valves alves shall be used to flush more than A. one urinal (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. two urinals C. three urinals D. four urinals Wrong  Q.35) An outlet on a boiler to permit emptying or discharging discharging of sediment is called a(an) ___ *

(Yourr Answer) Answer) A. boiler blowoff (You B. aspirator C. relief relief valve (Correct Answer) D. atmospheric check valve Correct  Q.36) A permanently permanently installed mechanical device, other than an ejector, ejector, for removing sewage or liquid waste from a sump is called a sewage pump. A. true true (Your Answer) B. false C. maybe Wrong  Q.37) Pipe joint material shall be insoluble inwater, inwater, nontoxic, nontoxic, and applied ____. A. on male threads threads only only (Correct Answer) fitt ings (Your (Your Answer) B. on pipe threads and inside fittings C. on inside fitting threads only D. in warm weather only Correct  Q.38) gutters in public shower rooms rooms shall be sloped not less than ___ A. 5% B. 10% C. 2% (Your (Your Answer) Answer) D. 3% Correct  Q.39) The vertical depth depth of a trap seal is measured measured from from __ A. the outlet of the trap to the bottom of the trap



B. the inlet of the trap to the outlet of the trap C. the crown crown weir to the top of the the dip of the trap (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer ) D. the inlet of the trap to the bottom of the trap Wrong  Q.40) Static pressure pressure is pressure existing without any flow.

A. true true (Correct Answer) B. false (Your Answer) C. maybe Wrong  Q.41) Roofs, inner courts, vents shafts, shafts, light wells, or similar areas having rainwater drains shall discharge to a ___ A. outside of the building building or to the gutter gutter (Correct Answer) B. sanitary sewage system (Your (Your Answer) C. private sewage disposal system D. sump with pump discharge into the house drain Correct  Q.42) Automatically controlled controlled flushometer valves may be substituted for ___ A. flush tanks (Yo (Your Answer) Answer) B. flow control C. gate valves D. lever valves Wrong  Q.43) A horizontal horizontal drain that is sized to provide free free movement of air above the flow line of the drain is called a __ A. solvent waste and vent system B. combination waste and vent system  (Correct Answer) C. continuous waste system Answer) D. durham waste and vent system (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.44) A drinking drinking fountain installed outside shall be connect connected ed to an approved drainage system. A. true (Correct (Correct Answer) B. false (Your Answer) C. maybe Wrong  Q.45) The discharge from from clinical sinks and conveyed to the building drain is defined as a waste pipe. A. true (Your Answer)



B. false (Correct Answer) C. maybe Wrong  Q.46) When brazing, the alloys shall have a melting tempera temperature ture of at least __ degrees degrees F.

A. B. 800 840 C. 10 1000 00 (Correct Answer) D. 1200 (Your Answer) Correct  Q.47) It is permitted to drill and tap a vent pipe to connect an indirect waste pipe. A. true B. false fal se (Your (Your Answer) C. maybe Correct  Q.48) By code definition, definition, a stack is always __ A. straight B. vertical (Your Answer) C. horizontal D. exposed Wrong  Q.49) A device installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse flow is a ___   A. sewage ejector B. check valve (Your Answer) C. backflow preventor (Your D. backflow backflow valve valve (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.50) A connection connection to the public sewer, or private private sewage disposal system, is required for ___ A. buildings with with plumbing fixtures fixtures (Correct Answer) drain systems B. buildings with emergency drain C. buildings with storm drain systems plumbing fixtures (Your (Your Answer) D. buildings with or without plumbing Correct  Q.51) The building drain from the front front building may be extended to the rear b building uilding when both buildings are located ___. A. on an ineterior (when (when driveway cannot be u used) sed) (Your Answer) B. 300 ft from the public sewer



C. 200 ft from the public sewer D. on a corner lot Wrong  Q.52) Water Water closet set side by side shall be no closer than ___ A. 15 inches center to center (Your (Your Answer)

B. centerto tocenter center  (Correct Answer) C. 30 24 inches inches center D. 18 inches center to center Wrong  Q.53) Surfaces to be joined by soldering or brazed brazed shall be cleaned bright by ___.

A. mechanical or manual means means (Correct Answer) B. a self-cleaning flux (Your Answer) C. a corrossive flux (Your D. sulfuric acid Correct  Q.54) Water Water that is safe for people people to drink is referred to by this code as ___ * A. industrial water B. potable water (Your Answer) C. soft water D. hard water Correct  Q.55) Drinking fountains fountains shall not be installed in ___. A. public public toilet rooms rooms (Your Answer) B. schoolyards C. bars D. restaurants Wrong  Q.56) Threaded Threaded pipe (I.P.S.) (I.P.S.) 3/4 inch, except for gas piping, installed horizontally shall be supported at appproximately ___. A. 5-foot intervals B. 10-foot intervals (Correct Answer) C. 12-foot intervals D. 15-foot intervals (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.57) A standard standard that is an extensive compilation of provision provision covering broad subject matter is the dedfinition for ___ A. listed



B. legal document C. code code (Correct Answer) D. standards (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.58) The restroom restroom facilities in a private day care center are classified as public use.

A. true true (Correct Answer) B. false (Your Answer) C. maybe Correct  Q.59) A pipe inside a building that conveys conveys storm water from from the roof to a strom drain is called a(an) ___

(Your ur Answer) Answe r) A. conducto conductorr (Yo B. building storm drain C. rain leader D. adductor Wrong  Q.60) In seismec zone 1 and 2, hubless cast iron piping 5 inches or larger suspended in exposed locations over high traffic areas, and over four feet in length, shall be provided with support on both sides of the coupling A. true (Your Answer) B. false (Correct Answer) C. maybe Wrong  Q.61) All design, construction, construction, and workmanship shall be in conformity with ___

A. practices of the contractor

 (Correct Answer) B. engineering practices standard shop procedures C. accepted D. job plan and specifications (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.62) The minimum distance from from a side wall or partition to the center of a urinal shall be ___ inches A. 6 B. 12 (Correct Answer) C. 18 D. 24 (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.63) Galvanized sheet steel steel of not less than 16 U.S. U.S. gauge may be used to mak makee dishwashing sinks for ___-


  A. restau restaurant rantss (Correct Answer) B. lunch counters (Your Answer) C. commercial buildings D. residential buildings Correct  Q.64) The principal artery of the venting system system to which branches may be connecte connected d is called the ___ A. branch vent B. vertical vent C. vent D. main vent (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.65) Tub Tub waste openings in framed construction shall be protected by ___. A. completely covering the opening with plywood pl ywood collars B. metal collars or screens (Correct Answer) materia l (Your (Your Answer) C. filling the annular space with approved fiber material D. flasings Correct  Q.66) A pressure pressure surge-absorbing surge-absorbing device operating through the compressibilty of air is called a(an) ___ * A. flushometer valve B. hammer arrestor (Your ur Answer) Answer ) C. air chamber chamber (Yo D. backflow preventor Correct  Q.67)) Test Q.67 Test gauges shall not have a pressure range more than __ the test pressure.   A. equal B. twice (Yo (Your ur Answer) C. 15 psi D. 60 psi Correct  Q.68) The overflow pipe from a fixture fixture shall be connected on the ___- * A. house or inlet side side of the fixture fixture trap (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer ) B. operation side of the fixture trap C. sewer or outlet side of the fixture trap Correct  Q.69) Fixture connections connections between drainage drainage pipes and water closets shall be made with__-


  A. expansion joints B. unions C. fla flange ngess (Your Answer) D. hot poured compound Correct  Q.70) Two-inch Two-inch horizontal horizontal copper tubing drain pipe shall be supported at ___ A. 4 foot intervals B. 6 foot intervals C. 10 foot interv intervals als (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer ) D. 12-foot intervals Wrong  Q.71) PEX piping may be coupled together together with shielded shielded couplings. A. true (Your Answer) B. false (Correct Answer) C. maybe Correct  Q.72) PEX is the definition for for ___ A. polyethylene B. polybutylene X C. cross-linked cross-linked polyethylene (Your Answer) D. none of the above Correct  Q.73) Sleeves shall shall be provided to protect protect all piping through ___ and ___ walls. A. floors, concrete B. wood, concrete C. concre (Your ur Answer) none ofte, themasonry above (Yo D. concrete, Wrong  Q.74) Disposal of sewage, sewage, or other liquid liquid waste, shall be by means of __ __ A. the drainage system system of the building or premises (Correct Answer) B. sewage retaining tanks (Your (Your Answer) C. subsurface leaching pits D. chemical toilets Wrong  Q.75) The distance between between the center of urinal shall not be less than ___ A. 12" B. 15"



C. 24" 24" (Correct Answer) D. 30" (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.76) A document, document, the main text of which contains only mandatory mandatory provisions using * the word "shall" to indicate requirements, is best described as a __   A. code (Your(Correct Answer)Answer) B. standard C. law D. legal document Correct  Q.77) gutters in public shower rooms rooms shall be sloped not less than ___ A. 2% (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 3% C. 5% D. 10% Wrong  Q.78) All trenches deeper deeper than the footing of any building or stru structure cture and paralleling the same shall be at least ___. A. 5-foot intervals (Your Answer) B. every other story (Your C. each floor not to exceed exceed 15 ft (Correct Answer) D. 10-foot intervals Wrong  Q.79) A device and system system of piping that maintains a water seal in a remote tra trap p is called a trap primer. A. true true (Correct Answer) B. (Your Answer) maybe C. false Correct  Q.80) When installing ___, the Authority Authority Having Jurisdiction shall require evidence of  the competency of the installers. A. potable water piping B. fuel-gas piping C. medical medical gas piping piping (Your Answer) D. plumbing appurtenance Wrong  Q.81) All pipe, pipe fittings, tyraps, fixtures, fixtures, materials, and devices used in plumbing system shall be ___



A. listed or labaled by a listing agency B. approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (Your (Your Answer) C. free from defects D. all of the above above (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.82) No dry or chemical closet (toilet) shall shall be installed in any building used for human habitation unless first approved by the ___ A. owner (Yourr Answer) Answer) B. plumbing inspector (You C. city clerk D. health health officer officer (Correct Answer) CHO, MHO Correct  Q.83) A pipe that makes an angle of not more than 45 degree with the vertical is considered ___ A. verti vertical cal (Your Answer) B. horizontal C. crooked pipe D. diagonal pipe Wrong  Q.84) The minimum wall thickness for threaded threaded plastic pipe shall be ___


A. Schedule 40 B. Schedule 80 (Correct Answer) C. 1/8 inch (Your Answer) D. 1/16 inch Wrong  Q.85) Unsanitary and insanitary insanitary share the same meaning A. true true (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) B. false C. maybe Correct  Q.86) A device integrated integrated within an ai accumalator vessel vessel that is designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of water to fixtures for flushing purposes is a (an) __   * A. surge tank B. day tank C. expansion tank D. flushometer tank (Yo (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.87) Fixtures Fixtures having concealed slip-joint connections connections shall be provided with _--


  A. a utility space space or access access panel (Correct Answer) B. a ladder and a light fixture C. red brass fittings D. rubber gasket (Your Answer) Correct  Q.88) ___ The joint of a wall-hung lavatory, lavatory, where it is in contact with the wall, shall be A. smooth B. painted C. concealed D. watertig watertight ht (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.89) Every water supply supply to a urinal shall be protected by an approved __A. relief valve (Your (Your Answer) B. vacuum breaker (Correct Answer) C. metering valve D. automatic switch Correct  Q.90) Tanks Tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be ___ A. *automatic in operation operation (Your Answer) B. acid-resistant C. enamel D. manual in operation Correct  Q.91) Closet bends or stubs stubs shall be cut off so as to present a smooth surface, even with the ___. A. top of the rough floor B. top of the closet ring  (Your Answer) C. top of the finish floor D. bottom of the closet ring Correct  Q.92) The length along the centerline centerline of the pipe and and fittings is the ___ A. diameter length B. circumferential length C. developed developed length length (Your Answer) D. diagonal length Correct  Q.93) A combination combination building sewer is (a)___



combination of all sewer and drainage piping from inside and outside of the A.  building B. building sewer that conveys industrial waste and domestic domestic sewage C. building drains that convey waste and storm water D. building sewer that conveys conveys both sewage and storm storm water (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.94) When a backflow prevention prevention device does not bear a critical level marking marking,, the part of the device that shall constitute the critical level is the ___   * A. top B. center C. bottom (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) D. outlet invert (Your Answer) Unanswered   Q.95) Voids Voids around piping passing through concrete concrete floors on the ground shall be ___    A. flanged B. protected C. se seale aled d (Correct Answer) D. packed Correct  Q.96) The lowest portion of of the inside of a horizontal horizontal pipe is called the ___ A. invert mass (Your ur Answer) Answer ) B. invert (Yo C. flat vent D. bottom Wrong  Q.97) Drain pipes subject to ___. condensation condensation over food storage storage in food-handling establishment shall be A. installed with a spill pan B. thermally insulated (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) C. remouled out of the area (Your D. tested with 5 psi of air


Your Report Correct  Q.1) Which of the following following is NOT a basic component component to a plumbing system? system?   A. The drainage and vent system B. Wa Water ter service pipe and distributing pipes C. D. Pollution Plumbing Control fixtures  (Your Answer) Correct  Q.2) What do you call the installation installation of all pipes in the plumbing ssystem ystem that is in partitions and under floors?>   A. Tempering B. Roughing-in (Your Answer) C. Concealed plumbing D. Fixturing Correct  Q.3) What will be the basis in the design design of waer piping sy sytem tem in localities where the water pressure is fluctuating all throughout the day?   A. Time of the day when the maximum pressure is available B.  Number of households in the area using water C. Minimum pressure available (Your Answer) D. Maximum pressure available Correct  Q.4) What do you call a hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or tar to make it waterproof?   A. Sisal B. Abaca C. Manila D. Oakum (Yo (Your ur Answer) Wrong  Q.5) Through what means must waste of food handling equipment discharge?   A. Vertical gap (Your Answer) B. Grease interceptor (Your C. Indirect Waste pipe (Correct Answer) D. Direct connection Correct  Q.6) What is a group vent pipe?  

A. Circuit vent (Your Answer)



B. Drain C. Continuous vent D. Cross connection Correct  Q.7) When was NAMPAP registered with the Securities and Exchage Commission?   A. B. 1925 1942 C. 1937 (Your ur Answer) D. 1935 (Yo Wrong  Q.8) A horizntal drain that is sized to provide free movement of air above the flow line of the drain is called a ___    A. continuous waste system (Your Answer) Answer) B. durham waste and vent system C. combination waste and vent system  (Correct Answer) D. solvent waste and vent system Correct  Q.9) What should be made of connections between a potable water supply and an automatic fire sprinkling machine?   A. With vacuum breaker B. With relief valves C. With check valve (Your Answer) D. With valve regulator Correct  Q.10) What type of concealed connections on fixtures shall be provided with access panel or utility at least 0.3m in its least dimension for easy inspection and repair?

  A. Hubless B. Flanged C. Slip joint joint (Your Answer) D. Ball and socket Wrong  Q.11) Fixture connections that require the removal of an access panel for servicing are considered ____.   A. accessible (Correct Answer) B. readily accessible ac cessible (Your (Your Answer) Answer) C. not accessible D. exposed Correct 


  Q.12) What is the minimum elapsed time required that the pressurized water be kept in the pipe system for the water test?   (Your ur Answer) Answer ) A. 15 min (Yo B. 10 min C. min D. 30 1 hour Correct  Q.13) What is that portion of rainfall or other precipitation which runs off over the surface of the ground called?   A. Surface Surface water water (Your Answer) B. Rain water C. Run-off water D. Ground water Correct  Q.14) How many pipes that discharge into a drainage system but which are not connected directly to the drainage system clasiffied?   A. Complex wastes B. Indirec Indirectt wastes wastes (Your Answer) C. Special wastes D. Direct wastes Wrong  Q.15) Which of the following types of work required required a plumbing permit?   A. The replacement of a faulty gate valve B. The relpacement relpacement of an electric water water heater (Correct Answer) C. The clearance of the drain stoppage (Your (Your Answer)

  The replacement of the faucet stem WrongD. Q.16) What is a liquid waste that contains animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution?   A. Sewer B. Sewag Sewagee (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) C. Domestic waste (Your D. Culinary waste Correct  Q.17) What tank is integral with water closet, urinal, or similar fixtures for flushing or removing excrements in the fixture?  

A. Flush Flush (Your Answer)



B. Septic C. Drain D. Cistern Wrong  Q.18) What must the interceptors used in bottling establishment be capable of seperating from the other solids before discharging he waste into the drainage  


A. Oil (Your Answer) B. Flammable materials C. Bottled fluids D. Broken glass glass or other solids solids (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.19) What must be fitted on a fixture that is equipped with threads for a garden hose?   A. Check valve B. Backflow preventer C. Air gap (Your Answer) D. Vacuum Vacuum breaker breaker (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.20) What do you call the downward fall of a pipe?   A. Grade Grade (Your Answer) B. Inclined C. Slope D. Slant Wrong  Q.21) What are intended to be protected by vents?   A. (Your Answer) Drains outlets (Your B. Fixture C. Traps D. Trap Trap seals (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.22) Which of the following also serves as drains?   A. Relief vents B. Common vents C. Wet Wet vents vents (Your Answer) D. Dry vents Wrong  Q.23) What tube is made of plastic material and colored black whose cross-sectional shape is normally oval and is denoted by its outside diameter and is normally


used as water service connection from the main to the meter .   A. ABS pipe (Your Answer) B. Polyethylene pipe C. UPVC pipe D. Polybutyle Polybutylene ne pipe (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.24) What is the minimum height of raised letters on an iron or bronze sign that will read "Connection to Dry Standpipe"   A. 25 mm (Your Answer) B. 3/4 inch C. 20 mm D. 30mm Correct  Q.25) Unless prohited by structural conditions, what is the reference of each vertical vent pipes before offsetting horizontally to join the stack vent or vent stack?   A. Invert of trap B. Highest flood flood level rim of fixture fixture (Your Answer) Water ter level inside the trap C. Wa D. Air gap of fixture Correct  Q.26) Which of the following types of traps allowed?   A. Traps which depend upon moving parts to maintain a seal B. PP-tra traps ps (Your Answer) C. Crown-vented trap D. Bell traps Correct  Q.27) What doconnection you call a drainage piping thatpipe? extends from the trap of a fixture to appoint with another drain   A. Horizontal stack B. Branch supply C. Trap Trap Arm Arm (Your Answer) D. Fixture drain Wrong  Q.28) Who was the President of the Republic of the Philippines who signed the "Plumbing Law of the Philippines"?   A. Joseph Estrada B. Diosdado Macapagal C. Ramon Ramon Magsaysay Magsaysay (Correct Answer) D. Ferdinand Marcos (Your Answer)


Correct  Q.29) What pipe conveys potable water from a building supply to a plumbing fixture?   A. Water Water Distribution Distribution (Your Answer) Water ter riser B. Wa C. Water line D.  Water stack Correct Q.30) What do you call the pipe or tubing that connects the oultlet of a plumbing fixture to the trap?   A. Outflow B. Tailpiece ilpiece (Your Answer) C. Head Tubing D. Connector Correct  Q.31) What do you call a combination of elbows or bends which brings one section of pipe out of line but into a line parallel with the other section of the pipe?   (Your ur Answer) Answer ) A. Offse Offsett (Yo B. Crown vent C. Drainage turn D. Picth Wrong  Q.32) What is the standard working pressure for a water heater?   A. 140 psi B. 12 125 5 psi psi (Correct Answer) C. 100 psi D. 75 psi (Your Answer) Correct  Q.33) What do you call a water supply pipe connecting the fixtures with the fixture branch?   A. Corporation B. Service C. Fixture Fixture supply supply (Your Answer) D. Special Wrong  Q.34) What delivers water under pressure?   A. Ejector B. Sump pump (Your Answer) C. Pressure controller (Your


  D. Centrifug Centrifugal al pump (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.35) What is the receptacle wherein liquids are retained for a sufficient period of time to allow settleable materials to deposit?   A. basin (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. Catch Rainwater tank C. Cistern tank D. Weir Wrong  Q.36) What device is used to prevent backflow into a potable water supply?   (Your Answer) drainage A. Backflow valve (Your   B. Backwater valve C. Backwater preventer D. Backflow preventer preventer (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.37) What screened vent shall be used to vent the covers of gravity storage tank of potable water supply?   A. Return-b Return-bend end pipe (Correct Answer) B. Upright pipe (Your Answer) C. Horizontal nipple D. Circuit vent Wrong  Q.38) What is represented by a solid line broken with a single dot or dash in piping diagrams?   A. water water (Correct Answer) Hot water B. Cold C. Ve Vent nt pipe D. Drainage pipe (Your Answer) Correct  Q.39) What interior pipes are used to convey storm water from a roof drain to appoint of disposal?   A. Leaders B. Conducto Conductors rs (Your Answer) C. Wet stacks D. Stacks Correct  Q.40) Connections between drain and floor outlet plumbing fixtures must be made


with which of the following?   A. Mechanical joints B. Electromeric seal C. Schedule-40 joints D. Floor Floor flanges flanges (Your Answer) Correct  Q.41) What is a recession in a wall for holding pipes and conduits passing from floor to floor?   A. Vent B. Court (Your ur Answer) Answer ) C. Chase Chase (Yo D. Yard Correct  Q.42) In water supply and distribution, what type of fillway valve should be used to control or more openings?   A. Ball valve B. Butterfly valve C. Globe valve D. Gate valve valve (Your Answer) Correct  Q.43) What system describes soil or waste system where all pipings are of threaded pipe, tubing or other such rigid construction using recessed drainage fittings to correspond to the types of piping?   A. Durham (Your (Your Answer) B. Schultz C. Smith

  Drake WrongD. Q.44) After how many days shall a plumbing permit expire and become null and void if the plumbing works authorized therein have not been started?   A. 365 (Your Answer) B. 60 C. 30 D. 120 (Correct (Correct Answer) ? Wrong  Q.45) What is the minimum number of water closet for 16 to 35 permanent female emplyees in assembly places such as the theaters, auditoruims and convention halls?  



A. 2 B. 4 (Your Answer) C. 5 D. 3 (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.46) How many threads per inch has a cleanout having a size of 76 mm had?  

A. 8 (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) B. 10 C. 5 D. 6 (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.47) How do you call an auxillary vent which w hich provides additional additional circulation of air in or between a drainage system classified?   A. Common vent B. Relief Relief vent (Correct Answer) C. Island vent (Your Answer) D. Branch vent (Your Wrong  Q.48) what device is present in a water heater that allows the emptying or discharge of  excessive pressure   A. Thermostat B. Relief Relief valve valve (Correct Answer) C. Aquastat (Your Answer) D. Boiler blowoff Correct  Q.49) Valve up to and including 51 mm in size should be made of what materials?   A. Cast iron iron B. Galvanized C. Brass Brass (Your Answer) D. Copper Wrong  Q.50) What type of valve in a water system combines to protect agaainst excessive temperature and pressure build-ups?   A. Temperature Temperature and pressure pressure relief valve (Correct Answer) B. Stop valve C. Tempering valve D. Temperature Temperature relief valve (Yo ( Your ur Answer) Correct  Q.51) Grease interceptors must be equipped with devices to control the rate of which


of the following?   A. Heat Transference B. Air flow C. Waste flow D. Water Water flow (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.52) What is the ideal inside diameter of cesspools?   A. 10 ft B. 3 meters C. Not more than 5 meters (You (Yourr Answer) Answer) D. Not more than 6 ft (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.53) For a discharge capacity in the excreta drainage system of 1.0 to 1.89 per second, what is its assigned equivalent fixture unit when there is an intermittent flow in the system?   A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 (Correct Answer) D. 6 (Your Answer) Correct  Q.54) What type of valve that will be used for all the outlets in a stand pipe   A. Ball B. Check C. Gate (Your (Your Answer) Answer) D. Globe Wrong  Q.55) The trap of a kitchen sink may NOT accept the waste of which of the following?   A. Clothes Clothes wahser wahser (Correct Answer) B. Garbage disposer C. Diswasher (Your Answer) D. Continuous waste Correct  Q.56) what sewage includes the wastes from metal and chemical plants, oil refineries, refineries, laudries. diary plants and breweries?   A. Residential B. Commercial Your ur Answer) Answer ) C. Industri Industrial al (Yo


  D. Institutional Correct  Q.57) What part of the trap of trapped fixture being served, must individual vents be connected?   A. Fixture Fixture drain drain (Your Answer) B. Top C. Bottom D. Fixture branch Correct  Q.58) From where can liquid waste be disposed off directly into the ground?   A. chemical laboratory B. church church sacarui sacaruim m (Your Answer) C. toilet D. restaurant sink Wrong  Q.59) How many equvalent water supply fixture unit has the flush tank type of water closet that is for private use?   A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) D. 5 (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.60) What feature in water supply is NOT advisable to plumbing fixtures, devices and opportunities? opportunities?   A. Bacterial Bacterial quality quality (Correct Answer) B. Sufficient pressure volume C. Adequate D. Without undue noise (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.61) What is the least diameter (in mm) of building water service pipe that is allowed by the plumbing Code?   A. 19 (Correct Answer) B. 12.5 (Your Answer) C. 10 D. 25 Correct  Q.62) What type of surface must plumbing fixtures should NOT have?  



A. Concealed fouling surface (Your Answer) B. Smooth, impervous purposes C. China surfaces D. Stainless steel surfaces Wrong  Q.63) What do you call the vertical vent pipe installed primarily to provide circulation


of air to and from any part of the drainage system?

A. Common vent B. Relief vent C. Vent Vent Stack  Stack  (Correct  (Correct Answer) D. Stack vent (Your Answer) Correct  Q.64) What pipe carries potable water from the water meter or other source of water supply to a building or other point of use or distribution on the lot   A. Building Building supply supply (Your Answer) B. Liquifier Water ter distributor C. Wa D. Water regular Correct  Q.65) What pressure exist without any flow motion?   A. Static (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. Stagnate C. Adiabatic D. Pore Water Correct  Q.66) What is the term used which implies siphonage in piping system?   A. Deoxygenation B. Carbonation C. Vac acuum uum (Your Answer) D. Flushing Correct  Q.67) When a trench is backfilled, at what intervals must the fill material be compacted?   A. Every 4 inches B. Every 12 inches C. Every Every 6 inches inches (Your Answer) D. Every 8 inches Wrong  Q.68) What type of sewage has not recieved any treatment?


  A. Crude (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) B. Oxidized (Your Answer) C. Clarified D. Carbonized Correct  Q.69) A room equipped with a shower or bathtub is a ___.   A. toilet room B. bathroom bathroom (Your (Your Answer) Answer) C. shower room D. washroom Wrong  Q.70) What is the process whereby steel and iron pipes rust?   A. Decay B. Deoxidation (Your Answer) C. Ferrule D. Tuberculatio Tuberculation n (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.71) If the potable water supply is being connected to a non-potable water source, with what reduced pressure device should connections be made?   A. Back flow flow preventer preventer (Correct Answer) B. Air gap (Your Answer) C. Vacuum breaker D. Double check valves Correct  Q.72) Which of the following vents does NOT carry liquid or water-borne wastes?   A. Dual B. Dry (Your Answer) C. Unit D. Wet Correct  Q.73) What do you call an approved tank or pit which recieves sewage or wastewater below the normal grade and is emtied by mechanical meands?   A. Lateral (Your ur Answer) B. Sump Sump (Yo C. Damp D. Dumping Wrong  Q.74) Which of the follwing is a common form of protection from corrosion for pipes


passing through concrete?   A. Protective concreting B. Protective coating (Your Answer) C. Protective handling D. Protective Protective wrapping (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.75) what do you call the main water w ater pipe which delivers potable water to a building.   Water ter connector A. Wa B. Water Water service service (Correct Answer) C. Water supply (Your Answer) D. Wa Water ter distributor Wrong  Q.76) Which of the follwing is NOT allowed in the construction of a storm water drainage system?   A. Schedule-40 plastic fittings B. Cast-iron fittings (Your (Your Answer) C. Drainage fittings that are commonly used for sanitary drainage D. Fittings that retard retard the flow flow of storm water (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.77) What do you call the water that stands in or passes through the ground?   A. Artesian B. Surface C. Deep well D. Grou Ground nd (Your Answer) Correct  Q.78) Which of the following does NOT constitute a clean out?   A. Removable fixture trap B. Removable plug or cap C. Water Water faucet (Your Answer) D. Water closet Correct  Q.79) What is the combination of elbows or bends in aline of piping, which bring one section of the pipe out of line l ine parallel with the original section?   A. Sanitary piping B. Piping system (Your ur Answer) Answer ) C. Offse Offsett (Yo D. Circuit piping Correct 


  Q.80) What device is often used to connect an appliance to a gas source?   A. Flexible Flexible connector connector (Your Answer) B. Iron pipes C. PVC pipe D. Gas hose Correct  Q.81) What is the process by which suspended matter in sewage subsidies and is deposited by gravity?   A. Clarification B. Filtration C. Dilution (Your ur Answer) D. Sediment Sedimentation ation (Yo Correct  Q.82) What valve of faucet closes automatically when released manually?   A. Timed shut-off B. Slope valve C. Supply valve D. Quick Quick closing closing valve (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.83) What do you call a waste arrangement that connects multiple compart compartments ments of a set of fixtures, such as double-bowl kitchen sink, to a single trap?   A. A series waste B. An island waste C. A continuous waste waste (Correct Answer) ( Your ur Answer) D. A collecticve waste (Yo Correct  Q.84) What building drains conveys storm water but not sewage?   A. Combined drain B. Storm Storm drain drain (Your Answer) C. Sanitary drain D. Surface drain Correct  Q.85) What portion of an underground drainage system CANNOT drain by gravity into the building sewer?   A. Building Building subdrain subdrain (Your Answer) B. Building drain C. Building supply D. Building sewer


Correct  Q.86) What is represented by a solid line broken with two dots or dashes in piping diagrams?   A. Drainage pipe B. Ve Vent nt pipe C. Cold water D. How water water (Your Answer) Correct  Q.87) The length along the centerline of the pipe and fittings is the ___    A. diagonal length B. diameter length C. circumferential length D. developed developed length length (Your Answer) Correct  Q.88) What do you call a pipe with a adjacent reverse reverse bends and shaped like the letter "S"?   A. Double Double bend bend (Your Answer) B. Double hub C. Increaser D. Sanitary cross Correct  Q.89) What type of water closet is installed in such a way that it does not touch the floor?   A. Hanger B. Wall-hu Wall-hung ng (Your Answer) C. Carrier D. Handy Correct  Q.90) If ever it is impractical to install the horizontal drainage piping following the required minimum slope due to some reasonable constraints, what is the least required slope that is allowed?   A. 0.5% B. 1.5% C. 2.0% D. 1.0% 1.0% (Your Answer) Correct  Q.91) What does NAMPAP mean   Association of the Philippines A. National Master Plumbing Association



B. National Agency Agency of Master Plumbing in the Philippines C. National Master Plumbers Plumbers Association Association of the Philippines (Your Answer) Association of Masters Plumber of the Philippines D. National Association Wrong  Q.92) What valve is similar to a compression cock but has a screw outside for a connection of water hose?


A. Tap B. Key cock (Your Answer) C. Hose bibb (Correct Answer) D. Faucet Wrong  Q.93) what is the minimum allowed uniform gauge pressure in the piping system if an air test shall be made?   A. 34.5 kPa (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) B. 20 psi C. 17.7 psi (Your Answer) D. 120 psi Wrong  Q.94) which of the follwong is NOT an NOT an element in the computation of the size of grease interceptors?   A.   B. Diameter Diameter of of inlet pipe pipe (Correct Answer) C. Waste flow rate D. Storage factor (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.95) Which of the following is required in the installation of a storm drainage  


A. 90 degrees bends B. 45 degrees bends C. Blind plugs (Your Answer) D. Cleanouts Cleanouts (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.96) Which of the following commonly carries both storm water or sewage?   A. Mixed drain B. Subsoil drain C. Combined Combined sewer sewer (Your Answer) D. Sanitary sewer Correct 


Q.97) Which of the following is an impairment of the quality of potable water which creates a hazard to public health through poisoning or the spread of disease?   A. Imbalance B. Risk dange C. Backflow D. Contamina Contamination tion r (Your Answer) Correct  Q.98) What do you call a receptacle installed to collect and drain store water from an open area?   A. Combination Sewer B. Split drain C. Area Area drain drain (Your Answer) D. Floor drain Correct  Q.99) What do you call the vertical distance between the crown weir and the top of the dip of a trap?   A. Airbreak B. Airgap C. Trap Trap seal (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer ) D. Critical level Correct  Q.100) A device integrated within an air accumulator vessel that is desgned to discharge a predetermined quantity of water to fixtures for flushing purposes is a(an) ___  A. expansion tank B. surge tank C. flushomet flushometer er tank  (Your  (Your Answer) D. day tank Correct  Q.101) Which is NOT a plastic pipe?   A. Polybutylene B. Polyvinyl chloride C. Polyethylene D. Black steel steel (Your Answer) Correct  Q.102) A vertical vent that is a continuation of the drain to which it connects is a ___    A. circuit vent B. relief vent C. continuou continuouss vent (Your Answer)


  D. branch vent Correct  Q.103) That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that recieves the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to a point 2 ft. outside the building wall is a ___    A. building building drain drain (Your Answer) B. building sewer C. waste pipe D. soil stack Correct  Q.104) If there are five or more branch intervals located above a horizontal offset of a  drainage stack, what must be made of the offsets?   A. No more than 22 1/2 degrees B. Eliminated C. No more than 22 1/2 degrees D. Vented Vented (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Unanswered   Q.105) When plastic pipe is joined with cast-iron pipe, which of the following types of  joints is acceptable? acceptable?   A. Caulked B. Solvent weld C. Threaded D. Mechanic Mechanical al (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.106) Which of the following does NOT belong to sump pump system?  

A. Sump pit B. Sump pump C. Discharge piping D. Hinged Hinged covers covers (Your Answer) Correct  Q.107) What is the allowable distance between the trap arm and the vent if the fixture has a trap arm diameter of 32mm?   A. 1.52m B. 0.76 0.76 m (Your Answer) C. 0.51m D. 1.07m


Your Report Correct  Q.1) What is the minimum minimum dimension for a turning turning space in a water closet closet stall intended for disabled persons? A. 2.00 m B. 1.20 m C. 1.00 m D. 1.50 m (Your (Your Answer) Correct  Q.2) Who is empowered to administer adminis ter the provision of Rep. Act 1378? A. Office of the President B. Congress of the Philippines C. The Board of Examiners for Master Plumbers  (Your Answer) D. Professional Regulation Commision Wrong  Q.3) What is the PRC Resolution Resolution Number is issued issued by the Board of M Master aster Plumbing for the adoption and promulgation of the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines? A. Res. No. 2 (Your Answer) B. Res. No. 1378 C. Res. No. 4 (Correct Answer) D. Res. No. 962 Correct  Q.4) A kind kind of cleanout plugs that that will be installed in case where rraised aised heads may cause hazards to passing personnel or vehicles. A. depressed B. countersunk  (Your  (Your Answer) C. embedded D. recessed Correct  Q.5) The following are grounds grounds for non-issuance of the certificate of registration by the Board of Master Plumbers EXCEPT A. convicted by court for any criminal offense B. of unsound mind C. guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct D. failure to pay the required fees  (Your Answer) Correct  Q.6) Who shall set the criteria criteria for the quality quality of drinking water from meteoric, meteoric, surface or underground sources?


  A.  National Water Water Resources Board B. Department of Health C. National Standards for Drinking Water (Yo (Your ur Answer) Answer ) D. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wrong  Q.7) If a septic tank has a compartment that exceed 3.7 m in length, what should be the additional requirement? A. An additional manhole (Correct Answer) B. Increase the size of the leaching chamber (Your Answer) C. Increase the number of compartments (Your D. Baffle wall is added Wrong  Q.8) Where the number of water closets in a floor level exceeds 20, how many of these shall be provided to the disabled persons? A. 1 B. 2 (Correct Answer) C. 3 D. 4 (Your Answer) Correct  Q.9) What kind of concealed connections connectio ns on fixtures that that it is required required to provide an access panel or utility at least 0.30 meter in its least dimension for easy inspection and repair? A. slip joint (Your Answer) B.  ball and socket C. hubless D. flanged Correct  Q.10) Which of the following could be omitted if the trap arm changes direction that does not exceed 90 degrees? A. Wye (Your ur Answer) Answer ) B. Cleano Cleanout ut (Yo C. Long sweep D. Combination of 1/8 bend and wye Correct  Q.11) According to the Building Code of the Philippines what is the range in height above grade should the Siamese fire department conncetion be installed? A. 30 cm to 1.2 m (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 60 cm to 1.5 m C. 80 cm to 1.8 m


  D. 50 cm to 1.0 m Wrong  Q.12) What installation standard is followed in joining plastic pipe and fittings by solvent cement? A. ISO (Your Answer) B. ANSI C. IAPMO IAPMO (Correct Answer) D. ASHRAE Wrong  Q.13) The appropriate sealant that will be used to cover void spaces between pipes and sleeves through concrete floors in the ground A. bitume bitumen n (Correct Answer) B. epoxy (Your Answer) C. grease D. putty Wrong  Q.14) In accordance to the Building Code, what must be provided in addition to septic tanks by building located in areas where there is no sanitary sewerage system whenever they will dispose their waste?   A. Baffle plate B. Subsurface Subsurface absorption absorption filed (Correct Answer) C. Imhoff tank D. Settling chamber (Your Answer) Correct  Q.15) Under the Accessibilty Law, what is the minimum area of water closet stalls? A. 1.7 x 1.8 meters (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 2.0 x 2.0 meters C. 1.5 x 1.8 meters D. 1.2 x 2.0 meters Correct  Q.16) When shall the installation of plumbing equipment to supply building or structures from existing water supply system only be allowed to? A. If the water demand is inadequate B. Whenever the water supply is scantity availbale C. When there there is always water in the the main (Your Answer) D. When water is not available in the vicinity Wrong  Q.17) Under what law did plumbing became a duly recognized profession by the Philppine government?


  A. Nat'l Plumbing Code of the Phil of 1959 1959 B. Tydings McDuffie Act of 1905 C. Jones Jones Law of 1907 1907 (Correct Answer) D. Republic Act 1378 (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.18) Who is authorized to issue rules and regulations to carry into effect the objectives of Rep. Act 1378?

(Your Answer) Answer) A. Board of Master Plumbers (Your B. Congress of the Philippines C. President President of the the Philippines (Correct Answer) D. Professional Regulation Commision Correct  Q.19) What should be done whenever a partition contains some piping and runs parallel to the floor joist underneath? A. Notching should be introduced into the joist B. Adjust the joist to make it perpendicular with the direction of pipe C. Space the joist wider to accommodate the pipe D. Double the joist (Your Answer) Correct  Q.20) What is the minimum height of raised letters on an iron or bronze sign that will read "CONNECTION TO DRY STANDPIPE"? A. 20mm B. 1/4inch C. 25mm (Your Answer) D. 30mm Correct  Q.21) What is the minimum pipe size of the standpipe if the highest outlet is located more than 23 meters above the Fire Service connection? A. 3 inches B. 6 inches (Your Answer) C. 5 inches D. 4 inches Correct  Q.22) The Building Code stated that all dry standpipe outlets shall be equipped with valves having substantial chains. What kind of valve is this? A. Check valve B. Globe valve C. Gate valve (Your Answer) D. Ball valve


Wrong  Q.23) What is the maximum distance as where supports of vertical cast iron soil pipes are made? A. every 3.0 m (Your Answer) B. every meter C. every every storey storey (Correct Answer) D. every joint Correct  Q.24) Which of the following plumbing code in USA does the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines was being patterned for? A. Standard Plumbing Code B. ASPE Code C. Uniform Plumbing Code (Your Answer) D. International Plumbing Code Correct  Q.25) In the water test of the entire plumbing system system all openings should be tightly closed except at A. producing cleanouts B. highest highest openin opening g (Your Answer) C. stack vent D. bleeders Correct  Q.26) A stack, as defined in the code, is ___ A. the main vent B. any vertical vent C. the horizontal main of soil, waste, or vent stack D. the vertical main of soil, waste, or vent piping that extends one or more stories (Your Answer) Correct  Q.27) What is the minimum diameter of vent pipe is allowed in the revised Code? A. 1 inch B. 1 1/4 inch (Your (Your Answer) Answer) C. 2 inch D. 1 1/2 inch Wrong  Q.28) Except for plastic piping system, hot and cold water w ater piping may be tested wtih  ___ A. 50 psi of the working pressure pressure of the water in the syste system m for at least 15 


minutes (Correct Answer) B. 100 psi air for at least 10 minutes (Your Answer) C. 35 psi air for at least 15 minutes (Your D. 40 psi air or 150 psi water for 10 minutes Wrong  Q.29) If the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or semisolids heavier than

water that would be harmful to the drainage system or cause stopaage within the system, where the discharge must pass first? A. Sand interceptor (Correct Answer) B. Screen wire mesh (Your (Your Answer) C. Wooden baffle Correct  Q.30) A plumbing permit shall expire and become null and void if the plumbing work authorized therein if not started for how many days? A. 30 days B. 45 days C. 100 days D. 365 days days (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.31) What institution standart used as a reference for joining pipes? A. ASSE B. ASPE (Your Answer) C. ANSI D. IAPMO IAPMO (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.32) Within how many days upon the approval of Rep. Act No. 1378 does it require to have a Board Examiners for Master Plumbers formed? A. Thirty Thirty days days (Correct Answer) B. Fortyfive days C. Sixty days D. Fifteen days (Your Answer) Correct  Q.33) In what year did NAMPAP was incorporated as a professional organization? A. 1935 (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 1956 C. 1946 D. 1968 Correct  Q.34) PD No. 1185 is another law that Master Plumbers used as their guide in the


practice of the plumbing profession.What is PD No. 1185? A. Accessibilty Law B. Fire Code of the Philippines Philippines (Your Answer) Water ter Code of the Philippines C. Wa D. Code of Sanitation Wrong  Q.35) Which of the following is not considered as suds-producing fixture? A. kitchen sink B. bath tub C. washing machine (Your Answer) D. bidet bidet (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.36) How does a pneumatic tank be designed to supply adequate water pressure in all floors of a building that will be in accordance with the Building Code?

Twice ice the maximum total dynamic pressure required (Correct (Correc t Answer) A. Tw B. Equal to the total water supply fixture units C. Tw Twice ice the total demand per capita (Your (Your Answer) D. Equal to the total dynamic head and minus all the head losses Correct  Q.37) When can a vertical piping be considered to be wet vented? A. between openings of vent pipes B. between any two consecutive inlet levels (You (Yourr Answer) Answer) C. on stack vent D. when serving two water closets at different levels Wrong  Q.38) In sizing the grease interceptors, four elements are being used. Two of these elements

are number of meals per peak hour and the waste flow rate. Whta are the other two elemets? re tention time (Your (Your Answer) A. Slope and retention B. Storage factor and time of concentration C. Retention time and storage factor (Correct Answer) D. Percolation rate and time of concentration Wrong  Q.39)

Of the four board subjects given for Master Plumbers examination, which of this subject was originally split into two subject? A. B. C. D.

Practical Problems (Correct Answer) Design And Installations Installa tions (Yo ( Your ur Answer) Plumbing Code Plumbing Arithmetic


Unanswered   Q.40) How many units do the controversial Article of PD 1096 otherwise known as the National Building Code limits the practice of Master Plumber? A. 20 (Correct Answer) B. 10 C. 5 D. 50 Correct  Q.41) Building sewers shall be tested by completely filling the sewer with water from the  ___

(Your A Answer) nswer) A. lowest to the highest point (Your B. lowest to at least ground level C. lowest to at least a 10-foot head D. lowest to at least a 5-foot head Wrong  Q.42) Aside from galvanized steel, what is the other material for dry standpipe that the Building Code allows? A. PVC pipe Wrought ht iron (Correct Answer) B. Wroug C. PE pipe D. Brass (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.43) For new, additional or altered plumbing installation not exceeding 20 units, the Building Code stated that a Licensed Master Plumber could sign and affix his seal on the follwing engineering documents except A. Plumbing plan and layout B. Design analysis and plans of the original installation (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) C. Isometric drawing (Your D. Guide specifications and bill of materials Correct  Q.44) Unless prohibited by structural conditions, what is the reference of each vertical vent  pipes before offsetting horizontally to join the stack vent or vent vent stack? A. invert of trap B. air gap of fixture C. water level inside the trap (Your Answer) D. highest flood level rim of fixture (Your Correct  Q.45) What is the masimum length of the fire hose that shall be equipped on wet standpipes?


  A. 12 meters B. 23 meters (Your Answer) C. 17 meters D. 25 meters Correct  Q.46) What shape of signage is shown for mens showroom? A. SQUARE B. CIRCLE C. TRIANGLE (Your Answer) D. RECTANGLE Wrong 

Year ear Q.47) Who was awarded as the most outstanding Registered Master Plumber for the Y 2011? A. Dave Vela (Correct Answer) B. Alberto Azarcon C. Alberto Cabael (Your Answer) D. Thelma Cardente Correct  Q.48) What is the minimum horizontal clear dsitance from the septic tank to the property line of the adjoining private property? A. 1.0 m B. 1.2 m C. 1.5 m (Your Answer) D. 1.8 m Wrong  Q.49) What is the minimum total net inlet area of roof deck drains on roof deck used as sun

decks and parking decks? A. equal to the area are a of outlet pipe (Your (Your Answer) B. equal to 4 times the area of outlet pipe C. equal to 2 times the area of outlet pipe (Correct Answer) D. equal to 1 1/2 times the area of outlet pipe Wrong  Q.50) The cover of gravity tanks shall be vented using a screened A. return bend pipe (Correct Answer) B. upright pipe C. horizontal nipple D. all of these (Your Answer) Correct 


Q.51) A type of drainage and venting system with universal branch line that is prohibited A. single (Your Answer) B. dual C. dependent D. alternate Correct  Q.52) Except on what fixture does the vent pipe opening from the soil or waste pipe must not be below the weir of the trap? A. lavatory B. kitchen sink C. bath tub close t (Your Answer) Answer) D. water closet Wrong  Q.53) A fitting for lead-caulked joint that is prohibited when in vertical position A. single hub B. double hub (Correct Answer) C. double tapped tee (Your Answer) D. all of these (Your Wrong  Q.54) What is the shape for the signage for women's comfort room in order to aid visually impaired women readilty determine whether a washroom is for men or women? A. CIRCLE (Correct Answer) B. RECTANGLE C. TRIANGLE (Your Answer) D. SQUARE Correct  Q.55) Which of the following is a prohibited fixture inside a public toilet room? A. faucet B. drinking fountain (Your Answer) C. slop sink D. bidet Wrong  Q.56) In the excreta drainage system, which of the following pipe materials should not be used underground? A. vitrified clay pipe B. hubless cast iron C. galvanized wrought iron (Correct Answer) D. none of the above (Your Answer) Wrong 


  Q.57) According to the Fire Code of the Philippines what is the required slope of all horizontal runs of dry standpipes system for purpose of drawing? A. 10% B. 20% (Correct Answer) C. 5% D. 2% (Your Answer) Correct  Q.58) What portion of the trap should the vent pipe opening will not go below from a soil or waste pipe? A. slip joint B. weir (Your Answer) C. sleeve D. seal Correct  Q.59) According to Rep. Act 1378 for at leasrt how many years must the appointee to the Board of Master Plumbers must have been actively engaged in the trade of  plumbing? A. Ten years B. Eight years C. Two years D. Five years (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.60) What is not needed to be installed when a combination standpipe system is installed in accordance with the Fire Code? A. dry standpipe (Correct Answer) B. wet standpipe C. sprinkler system Answer) D. siamese connection (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.61) Who has the power to remove any member of the Board of Master Plumbers for neglect of duty, incompetence, malpratice and unprofessional or dishonorable conduct? A. President of the Philippines (Correct Answer) B. Civil Service Commisioner Answer) C. Chairman of PRC Commisioners (Your Answer) D. Commision on Appointments Wrong  Q.62) Aside from Bell and Spigot, B & S in the code means



A. Ball and Socket (Your Answer) B. Browning and Smith C. Butt and Soldered D. Brown and Sharp (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.63) Article of PD 1096 actually allows a Registered Master Plumber to sign and

seal plans for new sanitary installations of more than twenty (20) plumbing units. Aside from being a Registered Master Plumber what is the other requirement that you must have before you can sign and seal it? A. A registered engineer (Correct Answer) B. An engineering graduate C. Having a minimum experience of 5 years D. A member of NAMPAP (Your Answer) Wrong 

Wett venting is applied whenever Q.64) We a t every level (Your (Your Answer) A. there are 1 or 2 fixtures at B. fixtures are of the same level (Correct Answer) C. fixtures are not vented individually D. none of these Wrong  Q.65) According to Art of PD 1096 what scope of work in plan preparation for new sanitary installations with more than 20 units does a sanitary engineer differs with a Registered Master Plumber? A. Det. all drawings of septic tanks in the absence of disposal field (Correct Answer) la yout and details (Your (Your Answer) B. Sanitary plan, layout C. Cost estimate D. Isometric drawings of roughing in. Wrong  Q.66) What is the name of the professional orginazation for the Registered Master Plumbers here in the Philippines? A. National Association Association of Master Plumbing of the Philippines Association of Master Plumbers of the Phillipines (Y (Your our Answer) B. National Association Association of the Philippines (Correct A Answer) nswer) C. National Master Plumbers Association D. National Master Plumbing Association Association of the Philippines Wrong  Q.67) What kind of joint is not allowed in cast iron pipe? A. Welded B. Threaded (Correct Answer) C. Soldered D. Ball and Spigot (Your Answer)


Correct  Q.68) Whenever the piping is pressurized by a pump or ejector, what kind of pipe should not be used in the excreta drainage system?

cla y pipe (Your (Your Answer) A. vitrified clay B. hubless cast iron C. galvanized wrought iron D. none of these Wrong  Q.69) For at least how many working days shall a required for inspection of the plumbing works be filed before such inspection be intended? A. 7 working days B. 5 working days (Your Answer) C. 3 working days (Correct Answer) D. 10 working days Wrong  Q.70) What is the maximum allowable lead content of pipe and fitting for potable piping system? A. 0% B. 2% (Your Answer) C. 5% D. 8% (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.71) To what provision does the design, construction and operation of deep wells for the abstraction of ground water will have to follow?

Philippines A. National Plumbing Code of the Philippines B. National Standards for Drinking Water Water C. Water Code of the Philippines (Your Answer) D. Code of Sanitation Correct  Q.72) Which of the following is the primary basics for sizing vertical rainwater piping in the Revised National Plumbing Code? A. intensity of rainfall (Your Answer) Answer) B. wind direction C. slope of roof D. roof area Wrong  Q.73) What is the minimum age requirement for an appointee to become a member of the Board of Master Plumbers?



A. Thirty years old (Correct Answer) B. Tw Twenty enty eight years old C. Thirty two years old D. Thirty five years old (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.74) Drainage piping serving fixtures located below the crown level of the main sewer

shall discharge into an approved water tight ( Your ur Answer) A. septic tank (Yo B. sump (Correct Answer) C. cesspool D. leaching tank Wrong  Q.75) To allow cleaning of the soil and waste line each cleanout should be installed A. in the direction of flow (Correct Answer) B. opening upward C. vertically above flow line (Your Answer) D. all of these (Your Correct  Q.76) What is the minimum number of approved slip joints fittings may be used on the  putlet side of the trap? A. three B. two C. none D. one (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.77) According to the Code, the desgign of roof gutters is based on the maximum roof area. What is the shape of the gutter does the desgn table for storm sewer is being

 based to? A. Circular B. Restangular (Your Answer) C. Ovate D. Semi-circular (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.78) One of the Code of Ethics for Master Plumber states "Take advantage of a salaried  ____ position to complete complete unfairly with a practicing Master Plumber." What is the missing word? A. HIGHER B. GOVERNMENT (Correct Answer) C. PRIVATE D. COMPETENT (Your Answer)


Wrong  Q.79) If ever pipes are to pass through masonry by using pipe sleeves, how far must each  pipe be from each other? A. Minimum of three diameters, center to center (Correct Answer) B. Minimum of three diameters flushed from each hole (Your (Your Answer) C. Minimum of 0.15 m on centers D. Maximum of two diameters flushed from each hole Correct  Q.80) What is the nimimum floor area in every storey which is used for habitation, recreation, dining, study of work and which has an occupiped load of not more than 20, wherein a standard automatic extinguishing system is a A. 300 sq.m B. 200 sq.m (Your Answer) C. 400 sq.m D. 500 sq.m Wrong  Q.81) Who was the first Charter President of NAMPAP? A. Antonio Mansueto Sr. B. Comelio G. Odvina C. Jesus Tanghal Dera (Your Answer) D. Catalino C. Casupanan Casupanan (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.82) Which of the following is not included in a plumbing unit? A. Water Meter (Your Answer) B. Floor Drain C. Urinal (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) D. Laundry Tray Correct  Q.83) For the hot and cold water distribution system, on what side should the hot water supply be placed in combination fittings? A. left (Your Answer) B. right C. center D. none of these Correct  Q.84) What is the maximum height should a water closet have if it is intended for a disabled person. A. 0.40m



B. 0.50m * C. 0.45m (Your (Your Answer)   D. 0.35m Correct  Q.85) What Congress of the Republic of the Philippines approved after the third reading Rep. Act Act 1378 otherwise known as the Plumbing Law of the Philippines? A. Third Congress (Your (Your Answer) B. Sixth Congress C. Second Congress D. Fifth Congress Wrong  Q.86) What is the minimum number of years of experience must a Registered Master Plumber be before he can be a technical staff of a Building Office? A. one year B. three three years years (Correct Answer) C. two years D. five years (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.87) NAMPAP is a professional organization of Registered Master Plumber under PRC. What is the PRC accreditation number of NAMPAP? A. 10 B. 14 (Correct Answer) C. 18 (Your Answer) D. 12 Correct  Q.88) What is the minimum number of water closet in a floor level wherein you have to

 provide 1 water closet for disabled persons as provided by Batas Batas Pambansa Blg. 344? in excess of this number you have to provide 2. A. 12 B. 15 C. 20 (Your Answer) D. 10 Correct  Q.89) The following are the data required whenever a Registered Master Plumber sign the  blueprint of the building plan EXCEPT EXCEPT A. Date of PRC registration B. PTR date C. Registration expiry date (Your (Your Answer) D. none of these


Correct  Q.90) In order as not to impede the movement of a person in wheel chair and to have a convenient access on the lavatory, what is the allowable knee recess vertical clearance that will be provided? A. 0.50 m to 0.80 m B. 0.60 m to 0.80 m C. 0.40 m to 0.70 m D. 0.60 m to 0.70 m (Your Answer) Correct  Q.91) The minimum requirement for the slope of horizontal drainage pipes between manholes is A. 2% (Your Answer) B. 2 1/2% C. 3% D. 4% Wrong  Q.92) What is the type of Siamese connection that all 125-millimeter dry standpipes shall  be equipped with? A. three-way (Correct Answer) B. two-way (Your Answer) C. four-way D. one-way Wrong  Q.93) For how many days shall the REvised National Plumbing Code will take effect following its complete publication in the Official Gazette? A. 100 days (Correct Answer) B. 60 days C. 50 days D. 30 days (Your Answer) Correct  Q.94) What kind of septic tank is prohibited? A. CONCRETE B. STEEL C. PLASTIC (Your ur Answer) D. WOODE WOODEN N (Yo Correct  Q.95) When permitted by DENR, which of the following below is NOT used as a basis in determining the type of the private sewage disposal system to be used?



A. SOIL POROSITY B. GROUND WATER LEVEL C. NUMBER OF OCCUPA OCCUPANTS NTS (Your Answer) D. LOCATION Correct  Q.96) Aside from the number of fixture units connected to it, the size of the vent piping is determined by its A. number of inlets B. length (Yo (Your Answer) Answer) C. discharge D. loading Wrong  Q.97) For a vertical drainage line that is installed to be truly in vertical position, what is the allowed degeree of the branch to be used? A. 10 B. 45 (Your Answer) C. 30 D. 60 (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.98) In 1966- 1969, the Board of Master Plumbers and NAMPAP prepared a curriculum for Plumbing Engineering and approved by the Department of Education. What was the first school that introduced the Plumbing Engineering curriculum? A. Feati University (Correct Answer) B. University of the Philippines C. Mapua Institute of Technology Technology (Your Answer) D. National University Wrong 


With what standard specification must all pipe materials must conform to?

A. Product Strandard of the Philippines Philip pines (Correct Answer) B. Interational Producers Standard C. Philippine Standard Council (Your Answer) D. Department of Trade and Industry (Your Unanswered   Q.100) What type of PVC female screws for water piping is prohibited under the code? A. Tapped B. Job fabricated fabricated (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. Seamless D. Schedule 20 screws


Unanswered   Q.101) What is the minimum m inimum allowable interval for the support of plastic pipes when installed vertically A. 2ft B. 5ft C. 1 meter meter (Correct Answer) D. 1.5 meter Correct  Q.102) Where should the overflow pipe lead for overhead tank installed on buildings? A. Soil stack B. Scuppers C. Storm Storm drain drain (Your Answer) D. Gutter Wrong  Q.103) Within how many meters away shall unions be installed from regulating equipment, water heater, conditioning tank and similar equipment which require removal for servicing or replacement? A. 2 ft (Your Answer) B. 1 m C. 5 ft D. 0.3 m (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.104) Who is the current chairman of the Board of Examiners for Master Plumber? A. Fortunato Amosco B. Virgilio Simbulan Simbulan (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. Jessie Mariano (Your Answer) Answer) D. Valerin Maogila Wrong 

Authority for the construction of a part Q.105) What shall be issued by the Administrative Authority of a large and/or complicated plumbing system before the entire plans and specifications for the whole system have been submitted or approved? A. restraining order (Your (Your Answer) B. partial permit (Correct Answer) C. summon D. evaluation sheet Correct  Q.106) What is the minimum pipe size of the standpipe if the highest outlet is located 23 meters or less above the Fire Service connection?



A. 3 inches B. 6 inches C. 5 inches D. 4 inches (Your Answer) Correct  Q.107) What government agency is tasked to set the criteria in the discharge of sanitary

sewage from buildings or pretreated industrial wastewater directly into the nearest sanitary sewer main? A. National Pollution Control Commission B. Dept of Environment and Natural Resources (Your (Your Answer) C. Department of Health D. Department of Public Works Works Correct  Q.108) What is the fee if an expired plumbing permit is renewed? A. P 150.00 B. Equal to the original fee C. Double of the original fee D. 1/2 of the original fee (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.109) Who among the Board Examiners is not a signatory to PRC Resolution 04 that request for the adoption and promulgation of the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines in 1999? A. Imelda Imelda Perez Perez (Correct Answer) B. Aida Emely Luz C. Fortunato Amosco (Your Answer) D. Jesus Pacheco Wrong  Q.110) What is the maximum water pressure must standpipe fittings and connections must withstand to when ready for service? A. 21 kg/cm² (Correct Answer) B. 34 kg/cm² C. 15 kg/cm² (Your Answer) D. 8 kg/cm² Correct  Q.111)) Where practical, all pipes from fixtures shall be run in what direction with Q.111 respect to the nearest wall or building line? A. offset B. parall parallel el (Your Answer) C. across D. perpendicular


Correct  Q.112) Unless serving sinks or urinals, cleanouts may be omitted on a horizontal drain line that is A. equal to 2.0 meters B. greater than 2.0 meters C. less than than 1.5 meters meters (Your Answer) D. none of these Wrong  Q.113) Accordingto Batas Pambansa Blg. 344, what type of urinal should be provided for disabled persons? A. WALL-HUNG TYPE (Your Answer) B. PEDESTAL TYPE C. TROUGH TROUGH TYPE TYPE (Correct Answer) THESE D. NONE OF THESE


Your Report

d n = 0.005 mm x 25.4 x 92


Wrong  Q.1) Unions shall be installed installed in a water supply system system within 12 inches of ___ ___ A. a control valve B. house valve C. aregulating equipment (Correct Answer) D. transition fittings (Your (Your Answer) Correct  Q.2) Vent Vent pipes protect fixture traps against ___ A. evaporation B. siphonage (Your Answer) -pressure   C. clogging D. cross-connections Correct  Q.3) Parallel vent stacks are required for drainage stacks that extend above the building drain ___ A. five stories or more B. 10 stories or more (Your Answer) C. 50 ft D. 100 ft Correct  Q.4) The maximum fixture fixture unit loading allowed on a 2-inches 2-inches waste stack is __ ___ _ A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D.  16 (Your (Your Answer) Correct Q.5) All malleable iron iron water fittings shall shall be ___ A. 2 inch or smaller B. galvanized (Your Answer) zinc coated   C. flanged D. removed Wrong  Q.6) the color stripe on type "K" hard-drawn copper tubing is ___ A. green (Correct Answer) B.  blue C. red (Your Answer) D. yellow


Wrong  Q.7) Stills, sterilizers sterilizers and similar equipment equipment that produce waste shall shall be __

(Your Answer) A. connceted directly to the building drains (Your B. indirectly connected to a lavatory taolpiece C. indirectly connected by means of an airgap  (Correct Answer) D. directly connected to the building drain using an airbreak Correct  Q.8) The size of the yoke vent vent that making the yoke yoke vent intersects intersects with the drainage stack is __ not less in diameter than either the drainage or the vent stack, whichever is smaller (Your (Your Answer) B. a minimum of 4 inches C. two pipes sizes larger than the drain line D. two pipes sizes smaller than the drain line Correct  A.

Q.9) Each vent pipe or stack shall extend extend through its flashing flashing and shall terminate terminate vertically above the roof at least ___ A. 6 inches (Your Answer) B. 12 inches C. 18 inches D. 24 inches Wrong  Q.10) A standpipe for a clothes washer shall have a minimum and maximum length of  _ A. 4in. and 12in. B. 18in. and 30in. 30in. (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. 18in. and 24 in. D. 12in. and 36in. (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.11) ABS or PVC-DWV piping installations exposed within ducts or plenums shall be limited to a flame-spread index of not more than 25 or a smoke index of 50 except for __ A. two-storey buildings B. structures not over three floors above grade (Your (Your Answer) C. the restriction found in IS 5 and 9 D. single single family homes homes (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.12) Sheet lead used for flashins of vents terminals shall be not less than __



A. 2 lbs per sq. ft B. 3 lbs per sq. ft ft (Correct Answer) C. 4 lbs per sq. ft (Your Answer) D. 5 lbs per sq. ft Correct  Q.13) With few exceptions, all horizontal drainage piping shall be provided with a cleanout at ___ A. each 45-degree fitting B. its upper upper terminal terminal (Your Answer) C. each offset Correct  Q.14) The addition of leak-sealing additives to joint packing shall be __ A. legal B. by approval of the engineer C. by approval of the architect (Your ur Answer) Answer ) D. prohibit prohibited ed (Yo Wrong  Q.15) A horizontal drain pipe has an existing load 30 fixture units, after connecting the discharge pipe from an ejector rated rated 60 gpm, the total load on the horizontal drain pipe will be ___ A. 90 fixtures B. 120 fixture fixturess (Your Answer) C. 130 fixtures D. 150 fixtures (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.16) Fittings on screwed pipe shall be of (the) __ A. cailk-drainage pipe (Your Answer) B. galvanized steel (Your C. recessed recessed drainage drainage type (Correct Answer) D. duro iron Wrong  Q.17) Ballcocks in water closet tanks shall be installed so that the critical level of the water inlet is above the full opening of the overflow pipe at least ___ A. 1/2 inch (Your Answer) B. 1inc 1inch h (Correct Answer) C. 3inches D. 6inches Wrong  Q.18) Condensate or wastewaster shall not drain over __


  A. dry wells B. a public way (Correct (Correct Answer) C. leach pits (Your Answer) D. the tailpiece of plumbing fixtures (Your Wrong  Q.19) Horizontal termination of vents from any openable window, door opening, air intake or vent shaft shaft shall be not less than ___ 3 FEET   A. 1 ft B. 2 ft (Your Answer) C. 10 ft (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) D. 12 ft Wrong  Q.20) An indirect waste receptor shall not be installed in a ___ A. toilet toilet room room (Correct Answer) B. boiler room commercial kitchen C. D. air compressor compress or equipment (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.21) PEX tubing shall not be installed within the first ___ of piping connected too a water heater (in inches) A. 12 (Your Answer) B. 18 (Correct Answer) C. 24 D. 36 Correct  Q.22) Backflow prevention devices installed in the water supply line to steam boilers shall be installed __A. 6 inhes above the floor B. 6 inches above the boiler C. 12 inches above the floor (Your Answer) D. 12 inches above the boiler Correct  Q.23) All melleable iron vent or water fitting shall be __ A. concealed B. exposed C. galvanized (Your (Your Answer) D. painted Correct 


Q.24) One factor for determining the size of a vent pipe is ___ A. its accessibility B. its length length (Your Answer) C. the type of building D. the price of material Correct  Q.25) The piping material no approved in the code for water piping located inside a building is ___ A. brass B. CPVC C. asbestos cement (Your (Your Ans Answer) wer) D. PEX Correct  Q.26) The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than ___ A. 1-1/4 1-1/4 inches inches (Your Answer) B. C. 1-1/2inches 2 inches D. 3 inches Wrong  Q.27) No drain, overflow, or relief vent from a water supply system. or any other discharges under pressure shall be discharge to the drainage system A. by means of indirect waste through through an airgap or airbre airbreak  ak  (Your  (Your Answer) Answer) B. by direct connection (Correct Answer) C. through the garbage disposal D. with a branch wye tailpiece Wrong  Q.28) Galvanized steel piping installed under a concrete floor slab within a building shall _ A. have a machine-applied coating (Correct Answer) or wrapping   B. have a spiral wrap (Yourr Answer) Answer) C. be installed without joints (You D. be installed with brazed joints Wrong  Q.29) __ are considered suds-producing fixtures A. kitchen sinks (Your Answer) B. bathtubs C. washing machine standpipes D. all of the the above above (Correct Answer) Correct 


  Q.30) The combination of vent pipes that will provide sufficient aggregate crosssectional vent area for required a 4-inch house sewer is ___ A. 1-2 inch and 4 - 1-1/2 inch B. 3-2 inch and 1 - 1-1/2 inch C. 2-2 inch and 1 - 1-1/2 inch D. 4 - 2 inch (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.31) Cleanouts shall be designed to be __ A. threaded (Your Answer) B. gastight gastight and watertight watertight (Correct Answer) C. easy opening D. concealed Wrong  Q.32) The primary reason for installing backflow prevention assemblies is to ___

A. prevent preventscalding pollution and contamination of the potable water supply  (Correct B. Answer) C. prevent mixing of hot and cold cold water (Your Answer) Answer) D. prevent excessive pressure (Your Wrong  Q.33) A straight run of building sewer will require cleanout at intervals not to exceed  __ A. 50 ft (Your Answer) B. 75 ft C. 100 ft (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) D. 300 ft Wrong  Q.34) The type of valve required on a building supply to any building is a ___ A. fullway fullway valve valve (Correct Answer) B. butterfly valve C. globe valve D. corporation valve (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.35) No chemical waste shall be discharged into the ground, local sewer, or other means without __ A. being properly vented B. approved of the local local Authority Authority Having Jurisdiction (Correct Answer) chemica l waste separator (Your (Your Answer) C. first going through a chemical


  D. being properly trapped Wrong  Q.36) Drains, overflows, or relief pipes from a water distribution system shall be connected to the building drain by _ A. indirect waste piping through a vented trap B. indirect watse watse by means means of an airgap airgap (Correct Answer) C. direct connection to the building drain (Your Answer) D. direct conncetion to the building drain through a trap (Your Correct  Q.37) The maximum discharge capacity capacity (for intermittent flow only), in gallons per minute, for one fixture unit is equal to ___ A. 7-1/2 7-1/2 gpm gpm (Your Answer) B. 15 gom C. 30 gpm D. 50 gpm Correct  Q.38) Copper water tube Type "M" may be installed within a building ___ A. below slab only B. above above ground ground only only (Your Answer) C. for cold water only D. if it is wrapped Correct  Q.39) Combination temperature and pressure relief valve shall be installed ___

A. on all nonstorage-type water heaters  (Your Answer) B. based on thier listing requirements and the manufacturer's instruction C. within 3 inches to 6 inches of the water heater D. in lieu of pressure-relief valves Wrong  Q.40) All indirect waste piping that requires requires an airgap shall discharge into the building drainage system through ___ A. an automatic vent B. a drainage airgap of 1 inch minimum (Correct Answer) C. a trap (Your Answer) D. an airgap of two pipe diameters Correct  Q.41) The acceptable fitting for connecting a horizontal drain line with another horizontal drain line is a __



A. sanitary tee B. cross tee C. combination Y and 1/8 bend (Your Answer) D. side inlet 1/4 bend Wrong  Q.42) The code requirement for "and adequate supply of potable running water" is for A. cleansing and sanitation sanitation (Correct Answer) B. protection of trap seals C. water-cooled equipment (Your ur Answer) D. hydronic systems (Yo Wrong  Q.43) The available pressure at the water meter is 80 psi. At the highest supply outlet, 36 feet above the water meter, the pressure would be __ psi A. 62 (Correct Answer) B. 44 C. D. 116 80 (Your Answer) Correct  Q.44) Vents terminals in locations having minimum design temperatures below 0 deg F shall be a minimum of ___ A. A - 2 inches inches (Your Answer) B. B - 4 inches C. C - one pipe size larger than the required D. A and C apply Wrong  Q.45) Building sewers 8 inches or larger may have a slope of not less than ___

A. 1/16 inch per foot (Correct Answer) B. 1/2 inch per foot C. 1/4 inch per foot (Your Answer) D. 1/8 inch per foot Wrong  Q.46) All backflow devices or assemblies assemblies shall be tested by a ___ A. licensed agent f rom the Authority Having Jurisdiction (Yo (Your ur Answer) B. representative from C. certified backflow tester tester (Correct Answer) D. third-party certified agency   Correct Q.47) The clearance required in front of a 2-inch cleanout shall not be less than __


  A. 6 inches B. 12 inc inches hes (Your Answer) C. 18 inches D. 24 inches Wrong  Q.48) Except for plastic pipe, in lieu of water test, drainage piping may be tested with__ A. ai airr (Correct Answer) B. ether C. smoke (Your Answer) D. gas Wrong  Q.49) Water piping may be installed in the same trench with sewer piping made of ___    A. cast iron iron (Correct Answer) B. clay (Your Answer) C. asbestos cement D. bituminized fiber Correct  Q.50) The minimum size drain line for wall-hung urinal is __ inches A. 2 (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 1-1/4 C. 1-1/2 D. 3 Wrong  Q.51) Each pressure relief valve installed inside of the building shall have a ___ A. full sized drain extended to outlet (Correct Answer) (Your ur Answer) B. check valve to prevent backflow (Yo C. trapped drain line D. drain that terminates 30 inches or more above grade Wrong  Q.52) CPVC water pipe may be used for hot and cold water distribution systems ___

A. in residences only (Your (Your Answer) B. within within a buildi building ng (Correct Answer) C. below ground only D. aboveground only Correct  Q.53) Joints at the roof around vent pipes shall be made watertight by the use of ___


  A. waterproof epoxy sealer B. three layers 15 pound felt C. hot tar compound D. flashings (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.54) Vents terminating in roof areas used for sunbathing shall be extended above the roof at least ___ A. 7 ft (Correct Answer) B. 10 ft (Your Answer) C. 12 ft D. 15 ft Wrong  Q.55) Copper tube shall not be used for ___ A. chemical waste (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) B. aboveground drainage piping C. piping (Your Answer) D. water underground drainage piping Wrong  Q.56) Building supplies shall be no smaller than that required for installation installation and, in no case, smaller than ___ A. 1/2 inch (Your Answer) B. 3/4 inch (Correc (Correctt Answer) Answer) C. 1 inch D. 2 inches Correct  Q.57) If, due to structural conditions, horizontal vents are less than 6 inches above the

overflow rim of the fixture, the horizontal portion shall be installed with __ A. venting material and fittings (Your Answer) B. drainage material and fittings and grade to drain (Your C. smaller diameter piping D. larger diameter piping Wrong  Q.58) Flaring tools are used to make joints for ___ A. hard Type K copper tubing (Your Answer) B. soft copper water tubing (Correct Answer) C. yellow brass water piping WrongD.   aluminum water piping


Q.59) The maximum distance between manholes shall not exceed __ A. 50 ft B. 100 ft (Your Answer) C. 200 ft D. 300 ft (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.60) A water piping system with a pressure of 110 psi will require a(an) ___ A. reduced pressure backflow device B. extra-heavy pipe and fittingS C. pressure pressure regulator regulator and strainer (Correct Answer) D. pressure-relief valve (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.61) Above all downstream piping for lawn sprinker system atmospheric vacuum breakers (in inches) A. 1 B. (Corr Answer) Answer) C. 6 12(Correct (Yourect Answer) D. 24 Wrong  Q.62) No chemical waste vent shall ___ A. terminate outside the building B. connected to any vent from water service lines C. intersect vents vents for other other services (Correct Answer) (Your Answer) D. connect to any waste line (Your Wrong  Q.63) Threads in drainage fittings shall be tapped to allow for __ A. adjustment (Your Answer) B. grade (Correct (Correct Answer) C. expansion D. economy Wrong  Q.64) A drainage stack extends 14 stories above the building drain and is served by a  parallel vent stack. A relief yoke vent connection between the vent stack and the drainage stack is required at ___ A. floors 5 and 10 (Your Answer) B. floors 4 and 9 (Correct Answer) C. D. floors floors 4 5 and and 10 9 Wrong 


  Q.65) The distance between a water heater and the union on the water lines shall not be more than ___ A. 6 inches B. 12 inches (Correct Answer) C. 18 inches (Your Answer) D. 24 inches Wrong  Q.66) above the highest part of a urinal equipped with a flushometer valve (in inches) A. 1 (Your Answer) B. 6 (Correct Answer) C. 3 D. 12 Wrong  Q.67) The minimum size condensate waste pipe from a 12-ton refrigeration unit is ___ A. inch (Correct Answer) B. 3/4 1 inch (Your Answer) C. 1-1/4 inches D. 1-1/2 inches Correct  Q.68) The minimum sizes of vertical and horizontal drainage shall be determined from the __    A. location of fixturtes B. type of building C. total fixture units (Your (Your Answer) Answer) D. total bathrooms Wrong  Q.69) The owner shall make and keep a __

(Your Answer) A. blueprint of the construction (Your B. log of all chemicals used  permanentrecord of all piping and venting carrying chemical chemical waste (Correct C. Answer) D. record of materials used for all chemical waste Wrong  Q.70) If the trap from a sink located in a bar cannot be vented ___ A.

the drain shall discharge through an airgap or airbreak into an approved receptor

is vented B. that the fixture must be relocated (Your (Your Answer) C. the discharge may be pumped to an approved receptor (Correct Answer)


  D. a drum trap shall be used Correct  Q.71) An approved material for closet screws or bolts is __ A. steel B. aluminum C. lead D. brass (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.72) Floor drains in walk-in coolers shall discharge __ A. to a grease greas e interceptor (Your (Your Answer) B. directly to the exterior of the building C. directly to tha main building drain to a separate drainage line discharging into an outside receptor through an D.  (Correct Answer) airgap or airbreak  (Correct Wrong  Q.73) Water shall not temperature of be __ discharged or more under pressure directly to the waste system if it has a A. 212 deg F B. 180 deg F (Your Answer) C. 140 deg F (Correct Answer) D. 232 deg F Wrong  Q.74) Every indirect waste interceptor recieving discharge containing particles that would clog the receptor drain shall __ A. A - have a readily removable beehive strainer (Correct Answer) B. B - drain into a funnel connected to the floor sink C. C - be connected directly into the drainage system (Yourr Answer) Answer) D. both A and B (You Unanswered   Q.75) The maximum fixture units allowed on a 4-inch horizontal drain with a 1/8 inch per foot slope is A. 173 (Correct Answer) B. 225 C. 215 D. 256 Correct  Q.76) Condensate from fuel-burning condensing appliances shall be collected and discharged ____



A. to a planter box to a public way B. to an approved approved plumbing fixture fixture or disposal area area (Yo Your ur Answer) Answe r) C. directly connected to the building sewer Correct  Q.77) Wall-hung lavatories shall be supported by ___ A. their connections B. metal metal hanger hangerss (Your Answer) C. rigid traps D. wooden legs Wrong  Q.78) A solidly formed subbase is required as to pitch shower pan linings to weep holes in the subdrain with a fall of ___ A. 1/8 inch per foot (Your Answer) B. 1/4 inch inch per foot (Correct Answer) C. 1/16 inch per foot D. 1/32 inch per foot Wrong 

size d by the use of Table Table 6-6, the maximum velocity of a cold Q.79) Other than system sized water system containing copper and copper alloy tube and fittings shall be limited to  ___ A. 5 ft per second (Your Answer) s econd (Correct Answer) B. 8 ft per second C. 10 ft per second D. 15 ft per second Wrong  Q.80) No plumbing fixtures that is receiving discharge from indirect waste pipes shall be installed until fordt approved by the __ A. Architect B. local health department (Your (Your Answer) C. Authority Having Jurisdiction Jurisdiction (Correct Answer) D. mechanical engineer Unanswered   Q.81) Under certain conditions, traps serving sinks that are part of the equipment of bars, soda fountains, and counters __ A. need not to be vented (Correct Answer) B. need relief vents C. may be wet vented WrongD.   shall be vented


Q.82) Immediately ahead of each water-supplied water-supplied appliance and each slip joint or nonmetallic water supply connection required a _ A. control control valve valve (Correct Answer) B. check valve (Your Answer) Answer) C. backwater valve (Your D. solenoid valve Wrong  Q.83) Pipes carrying wastewater from swimming or wadding pools, including pool drainage, backwash from filters, and discharge from pumps, shall be ___ A. installed as an indirect waste (Correct Answer) B. connected to a holding tank (Your (Your Answer) C. connected to an interceptor D. directly connected to the building drain and properly trapped and vented Wrong  Q.84) Water valves 2-1/2 inches and larger may have bodies that are ___ A. (Your Answer) B. galvanized die-cast C. aluminim core D. cast iron (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) Wrong  Q.85)

A 2-inch vent pipe will serve a total of __

A. 14 bathtubs B. 16 showers (Your Answer) C. 24 lavatories (Correct Answer) D. 15 water closet Unanswered   Q.86) Condensate waste shall discharge to the drainage system by means of a(an) __

A. indirect waste pipe (Correct Answer) B. direct waste pipe C. Johnson Tee D. backflow preventer Wrong  Q.87)

Drinking fountain may be installed with _

(Your Answer) A. a hose connection (Your B. a condensate pump C. a Hartford loop D.  indirect waste (Correct Answer) Unanswered


Q.88) Macerating toilet system shall be restricted to single bathrooms for ___ A. private use B. public use C. no restriction (Correct Answer) D. not allowed Unanswered   Q.89) ___ tube shall not be used for chemical or industrial waste, as defined in Section 811.1 A. glass B. PVC C. cast iron D. copper (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) Correct  Q.90) The tailpiece diameter for lavatories and drinking fountains shall no be less than ___ A. 1-1/4 inches (Your Answer) B. C. 1-3/8 1-1/2 inches inches D. 1-3/4 inches Wrong  Q.91) Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers shall not be subjected to ___ A. back pressure (Correct Answer) B. hot water C. use in a laboratory Answer) D. intermittent use (Your Answer) Correct  Q.92) Each outlet in a nonpotable waterline that may be used for drinking purposes shall be

 posted ___ A. DANGER-PRO DANGER-PROCESSED CESSED WATER WATER B. DANGER-CONTAMINATED WATER C. DANGER-PO DANGER-POLLUTED LLUTED WATER CAUTION-NONPOTABLE NONPOTABLE WATER WATER DO NOT DRINK (Your (Your Answer) D. CAUTIONCorrect  Q.93) The maximum horizontal length permitted for a required 2-inch vent pipe is ___ A. 20 ft B. 40 ft (Your Answer) C. 60 ft D.  120 ft Correct


Q.94) Changes in direction of copper tubings may be made with ___ A. bending equipment (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. plastic fittings C. metallic fittings D. heat annealing Wrong  Q.95)

All receptors recieving the discharge from indirect waste piping shall be ___

A. approved for the proposed use plashing or flooding (Your (Your Answer) B. shaped and sized to prevent ssplashing C. located where they are readily accessible for inspection and cleaning D. all of the above (Correct Answer) Unanswered   Q.96) Lead waste pipe that may recieve discharge containing acid or corrsive chemicals, and each vent pipe connected to it, shall be not less than ___ wall thickness A. inch B. 1/16 3/32inch C. 1/8inch (Correct Answer) D. 5/32inch Correct  Q.97) The minimum size vent that may serve a 4-inch trap is __ A. 1-1/4 inches B. 1-1/2 inches C. 2 inches inch es (Your (Your Answer) D. 4 inches Wrong  Q.98) Water piping pressure shall be for a period of not less than ___ A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes (Correct (Correct A Answer) nswer) D. 30 minutes minutes (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.99) Horizontal vent pipes shall be level l evel or so graded as to drip back by gravity to  ___

(Your Answer) A. the main vent pipe (Your B. the drainage drainage pipe they serve serve (Correct Answer) C. D. the the loop mainvent soil stack Correct 


  Q.100) Sumps for macerating toilets shall be __ A. above ground B. a minimum of 10 gallons C. watertight and gastight (Your Answer) D. in the same room as the toilet Correct  Q.101) The maximum trap loading for a 3-inch trap is A. 1 unit B. 3 units C. 4 units D. 6 units (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Correct 

 __ Q.102) ABS and PVC DWV piping installation shall be limited to structures of  __ * A. B. noncombustible unlimited heightconstruction (Yo (Your Answer) Answer) C. two stories in height D. combustible construction Wrong  Q.103) Hard-drawn copper tubing, marked with a blue stripe, is referred to as ___ A. Type "K" (Your Answer) B. Type Type "L" (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. Type "M" D. Type "DWV" Correct  Q.104) A domestic dishwasher, with independent drain, has a drainage fixture unit value of __ * A. 2 (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 3 C. 4 D. 1 Correct  Q.105) The fitting that is required for making the yoke vent intersection with the drainage stack is a ___ A. sanitary tee B. C. tapped double tee tee branch D. wye branch (Your (Your Answer) Answer)


Wrong  Q.106) The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall be represented by ___

(Your Answer) A. gallons per minute (Your B. fixture units units (Correct Answer) C. feet per second D. available head pressure Correct  Q.107) Joints between steel and cast-iron pipe shall be __ A. threaded only B. caulked caulked or threaded threaded (Your Answer) C. caulked only D. brazed Wrong  Q.108) Showers in all buildings shall be provided with individual contrrol valves of the ___ A. A- pressure balance type B. B- thermostatic mixing valve type Answer) C. C- 140 degree F limit control type (Your Answer) D. A and and B apply apply (Correct Answer) Correct  Q.109) Approved strainers having an approved waterway area are not required for  ___ A. kitchen sinks B. lavatories C. urinal urinalss (Your Answer) D. bathtubs Wrong  Q.110) The clear space in front of any water closet or bidet shall not be less than ___. A. 12 inches B. 18 inches (Your Answer) C. 24 inches inches (Correct Answer) D. 30 inches Wrong  Q.111)) Increasing vents one pipe size will __ Q.111 A. increased drainage (Yo B. provide allow a uniform installation (Your ur Answer) C. allow vents of longer vents vents (Correct Answer)


  D. allow vents to be shorter Wrong  Q.112) The drainage line from an ejector shall be provided with a ___

Answer) A. backwater or swing check valve, and gate valve (Correct Answer) B. backwater valve or double check valve and globe valve C. backwater valve, gate valve and flange (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Correct  Q.113) Water lifts, expansion tanks, cooling jackets, sprinkler system, drip or overflow  pans, and other similar devices that discharge clear wastewater into the building drainage system shall ___ A. be directly trapped B. be discharged into an interceptor C. discharged into an indirect waste receptor (Your (Your Answer) D. be individually vented Correct  Q.114) Q.11 4)  ___ 3 inch horizontal drainage piping shall have a grade of slope of not less than A. 1/4 inch per foot (Your (Your Answer) Answer) B. 1/8 inch per foot C. 1/2 inch per foot D. 1 inch per foot Wrong  Q.115) Water piping system shall be designed on the basis of the ___ A. maximum pressure (Your Answer) B. average service pressure C. average residual pressure D. minimum minimum pressur pressuree (Correct Answer) Wrong  Q.116) The drainage fixture unit value assigned to a bathtub or combination bath/shower is __ A. 1.5 (Your Answer) B. 2.0 (Correct (Correct Answer) C. 2.5 D. 3.0 Correct  Q.117) After allowing for friction and other pressure losses, the residual water pressure

shall be at least ___. A. 0.433 psi



B. 7.5 psi C. 15 psi (Your Answer) D. 29 psi Correct  Q.118) Cast-iron fittings, up to and including two inches in size, when used in connection with potable water piping, shall be ___ A. extra heavy B. flanged C. disallowed D. galvanized (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.119) Except for alleys and streets, vent termination from property lines shall not be less than __ A. 1 ft (Your Answer) B. 2 ft C. 3 ft (Correct Answer) Wrong D. 4 ft Q.120) The distance from the vent pipe opening to any vertical surface shall be at least __ A. 6 inches B. 12 inches (Correct Answer) C. 18 inches D. 24 inches (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.121) Whenever fixtures and/or fixture fittings are installed that require a residual water  pressure higher than 15 pounds per square inch (103.5 (103.5 kPa)__ A. A- that minimum pressure shall be provided (Correct Answer) B- provision shall be made to use fixtures that do not require higher residual B.  pressure s ytem shall be not less than copper tubing Type Type L C. C- the piping sytem D. A and C apply (Your Answer) Correct  Q.122) The minimum size trap and trap arm for a bathtub is __ A. 1-1/2 inches (Your (Your Answer) B. 2 inches C. 2-1/2 inches D. 3 inches Wrong  Q.123) Copper tubing used for water piping under concrete slab within a building shall be


 ___ A. installed with brazed joints with cast brass fittings (Correct Answer) B. protected with a factory applied coating C. installed without joints where possible Type K copper tube with brazed joints (Your (Your Answer) D. installed with Type Correct  Q.124) Every abandoned building sewer shall be plugged or capped __ A. at the sidewalk or curb B. within 5 ft of the property line (Your (Your Answer) C. at the street tap D. where convenient Wrong  Q.125) Whenever practicable, practicable, all piping recieving chemical chemical waste shall be ___ A. concealed B. readily accessible accessible (Correct (Correct Answer) Answer) C. covered (Your Answer) D. in clear view Correct  Q.126) A domestic dishwashing machine shall be connected to the drainage system by using __

(Your Answer) A. an approved airgap fitting (Your B. a Hartford loop C. a double check valve D. a direct connection Correct  Q.127) The pipe size for the common vent serving lavatories installed back-to-back shall not be less than __ inch(es)  A. 1 B. 1-1/4 C. 1-1/2 (Your (Your Answer) Answer) D. 2 Correct  Q.128) Above the overflow rim of a vat (in inches) A. 1 B. 2 C. 6 (Your (Your Answer) Answer) CorrectD.   12


Q.129) Sewer and water piping may be installed in the same trench ((with with the proper clearances)) if the sewer piping is __ clearances A. cast iron B. PVC C. extra strength vitrified clay D. any of the above (Your (Your Answer) Answer) Correct  Q.130) Changes in direction of vent piping shall be made by __ A. heating the pipe and bending B. welded joints where possible C. threaded fittings of caulked joints D. appropriate appropriate use of fittings (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.131) The developed length from the fixture outlet of a bar sink to a receptor shall not exceed __ ft? A. 6 (Your Answer) B. 5 (Correct Answer) C. 3 D. 15 Wrong  Q.132) Devices that are not regularly classified as plumbing fixtures, but which have a drip or drainage outlets, shall be drained by __ A. a connection directly to the building indirect waste pipes discharging into an open receptor through an airgap or B. airbreak (Correct Answer) C. direct connection to a storm sewer D. indirect waste piping connected to the building drain (Your (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.133) Except for plastic piping, water piping systems may be tested with ___ A. 10 psi air pressure B. 50 psi air press pressure ure (Correct Answer) C. 10 psi Carbon dioxide D. 60 psi Carbon dioxide (Your Answer) Wrong  Q.134) Flexible corrugated connectors of copper or stainless steel for water heater connectorss shall be limited to ___ connector A. B. 12 18 inches inches (Your Answer) C. 24 inches inches (Correct Answer)



D. 36 inches

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